Stein1935 PDF
Stein1935 PDF
Stein1935 PDF
S Jill
Cam.p: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u, Gynak. 10: 3i56, 1884. Cottt, M. G.: Lyon Chir.
28: 520, 1931. de Gery, Chastenet, and Perrot, Maur·ic.e: Ann. rl 'Anat. Path. 9:
317, 1932. Ehrendorfer: Arch. f. Gyniik. 42: 255, 1892. Frankl: An•h.
Gynak. 95:: 269, 1910. Gutmann, M.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. 89:
309, 1931. Jansen, H.: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. 39: 207, 1914.
Moeller, Ellis S.: Surg. Gynec. Obst. 46: 187, 1928. Munroe Ken', .1. Ji. ·
Brit. M. J. 1: 6!l, 1910. Newel, Q. U.: AM. ~f. 0BS'r. & GYNEC. 17: ll!l,
1929. Piquand, G.: La Trib. Med. p. 213, 1905. Piquand, a.:
Ann. de Gynec. 10:
393, 485, 565, 1905. Roberts, Hubert: Lancet 1: 454, 1917. Su.tton, Bland: J.
Obst. & Gynec. Brit. Emp. 10: 1, 1906. Undstroemer, Martin: Acta. obst. et gynee.
Scandinav. 8: 112, 1929. Winter, G.: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. 57: 8, Hl06.
eration of the ovary," and is usually bilateral. The exact cause of this
formation is still in doubt; formerly, it was regarded as the result of
inflammatory change due to either local infection or that from some
distant focus. More recent observations and experiments point to an
endocrine causal relationship of the polycystic changes in the ovaries.
Furthermore, there are usually no adhesions or other gross or micro-
scopic evidences of inflammation in the ovaries found in these cases.
In the series of patients which we observed with bilateral polycystic
ovaries and amenorrhea, the ovaries were found to be from two to
four times the normal size and while they often maintained their
original shape, they were sometimes distinctly globular. In one case,
they were flat and soft, the so-called "oyster ovaries.'' 'l'he ovarian
cortex was found to be hypertrophied in all of the cases and the
tunica thickened, tough, and fibrotic .
The cysts were follicle cysts, near the surface, and almost entirely
confined to th e cortex, and they contained clear fluid. There were
Fig. 1.
from twenty to one hundred cysts in each ovary, varying in size from
1 mm. to about 1.5 em., but rarely larg·er. The color of the ovary was
oyster gray with bluish areas where the cysts were superficial and
appeared on the surface as sago-like bodies. On section, the variation
in size of the cysts and the clear fluid contents were revealed. Corpora
lutea were sometimes absent and when found, they were very small
and deeply placed.
The uteri in these patients were either normal in size or smaller and
firmer than normal. The remaining changes observed were those in-
volving the secondary sex characteristics. The breasts presented no
characteristic changes except in cases of long-standing amenorrhea
when they were small, firm. and pale.
In some patients, there was observed a distinct tendency toward
masculinizing changes. A typical rhomboid hairy escutcheon, hair
on the face, arms, and legs, and coarse skin was noted. No voice
changes have been observed by us. The external genitals in most
patients were normal, but in ~orne, the labia minora and clitoris were
markedly hypertrophied. I1ibido is apparently not affect ed by the
changes noted in the ovaries.
CASE J..- M. G., aged twenty-two, manied ont• and OJW·half years, gravida o, waH
first seen Oet. 3, 19~8. Her chief complaints were st<•rilit.y antl amenorrhea.
Menses began at age of thirteen, irregular, two to seven lllonths, five·t1ay durn·
tion, moderate, no pain. She was treatetl with estrogenie preparations, intramu~·
cularly; she then menstruated irregularly Pvery six or eight wet>ks; ~mall •lo~es pf
thyroid extract and calcium were given.
November, 1929: Menstruated about every seven weeks. Examination revealed
moderate obesity and slight struma. Bimanual examination: Uterus was 2° retro·
verted, normal size; right ovary palpable and eystie. January, 1930: Transabdomin:tl
pneumoperitoneum (:Pig. 2), revealed bilateral rystic ovaries, l':teh ovary appearing
as large as the uterine fundus. Opt>ration: l\fny 2, Hlc:O, laparotomy. Uterus was
small and both ovaries were polyrystic and enlarged, the right more so than tlw
F'ig. 2.
left. The left also contained a small fib1·oma. Wedge-resection of both ovaries. Un
eventful recovery; discharged from the hospital on the twelfth postoperative day.
Forty·eight hours after operation, slight uterine bleeding oecurred, and normal
menstrual periods occurred monthly thereafter. Patient became pregnant in October,
1930, and again in February, 1933; both pregnancies were carried to full term and
delivered normally. Menstruation since confinement is entirely normal, every tw<:nty·
eight days. August, 1934: Follow-up examination showe·i the uti'rus and hoth
ovarif's to he normal.
Pathologic- Rep-ort.-Gross: Sections from both ovaries ilhowed numerous c.v ~tit:
cavities varying from 1 mm. to 1 em . in size. Ovarian tuni<: was thickened and
fibrous. Microscopic: Thick tunic, many cysts varying in silc, lined by theca cells:
one normally developing graafian follicle ; co rpus albi<"an:;: old t•orpus lut~ nm;
tortuous and dilated blood vessels.
CASE 2.-B. K., aged twenty-nine, married five years, gravida o, was admitted
to the hospital Aug. 10, 1931. Her chief complaints were sterility and amenorrhea.
Menses began at the age of fifteen, were irregular for several months; no menses
for eight years prior to first examination. MPnstruated twice last year (under
our observation) after treatment with estrogenic hormone, intramuscularly. Ph.vH·
li:l4 AMERICAN JOURNAL 01<' Ol:ll:;'l''"'l'HW8 AND GYNI!:COLOGY
ical examination: Rigid type; tight coarse skin, hairy face, arms, and legs;
masculine escutcheon. Transabdominal pneumoperitoneum; bilateral cystic ovaries
almost as large as uterine fundus (Fig. 3). Operation: Wedge-resection of two-
thirds to three-fourths of each ovary. Uneventful recovery. Discharged from hos-
pital on thirteenth postoperative day.
Patient has menstruated regularly every twenty-eight days since operation. Fol·
low-up examination in May, 1933: uterus and both ovaries normal; secondary sex
characters evidence little improvement; no pregnancy to date.*
Pathologic Report.-Gross: Thie.k tunic, numerous cystic cavities up to 1 em. in
diameter near surface of ovary (Fig. 4). Microscopic: Tunic thick and fibrous;
numerous cysts varying in size, lined by hypertrophied theca layer. Granulosa cells
were scarce. Small (old) corpora albicantia. No corpora lutea.
CASE 3.-L. C., aged twenty-one, married two years, gravida o, was first seen
April 24, 1929. Her chief complaints were amenorrhea and sterility. Menses
began at the age of thirteen, were always irregular, one- to nine-month inter-
vals, usually six months_. lasting for five or six days, scant; no pain. Treatment was
given over a period of four years with estrogenic hormone preparations, intra ·
muscularly, and thyroid extract by mouth. In December, 1929, patient had x-ray
stimulation of ovaries with no results. In October, 1931, she became pregnant, and
was delivered of a normal child at term, August, 1932. Following this, she had
four normal periods at regular intervals followed by amenorrhea of one year and
nine months. During this time, she was treated with estrogenic hormone preparations
without benefit. Examination r evealed a short, well-proportioned young woman;
breasts normal, masculine escutcheon, long labia minora and hypertrophied clitoris.
Bimanual examination showed normal sized uterus, both ovaries enlarged, globular
and tender.
July 6, 1933: Transabdominal pneumoperitoneum and intrauterine lipiodol in -
stillation showed both ovaries enlarged and elongated; tubes patent. Uterine contour
was normal (Fig. 5). Oct. 14, 1933: Operation: Bilateral wedge-resection of
about three-fourths of both ovaries, each of which was 5 by 7 em. in diameter; the
capsule was very thick and leathery. Uneventful postoperative course; discharged
from hospital on twelfth day. Patient menstruated forty-eight hours after opera-
*This patient is now (Jan. 30, 1935) three months pregnAnt.
tion anu has had regular monthly periods :for the past. year. Check-up examination
in September, 1934, showed the uterus and both ovaries normal to palpation .
Patholog·ic Rep01·t.-Gross: Thick tunic; numerous cysts up to 1 em. in diameter.
Microscopic: Moderately thick tunic; numerous eysts, some lined with granulosa
cells, others with theca cells; some corpora a.lbieantia; no corpora lutf'a; tortuous,
Jargt> and thi ckened blood vessels.
CAst: 4..-H. V•i., aged twenty-three, married tln·ee years, gravida o, was first
examined J an. 3, 1933. Her chief eomplaints were sterility and amenorrhea,
Menses began at the age of fifteen, were irregular, one to ~ix months, usually three
to four months; three- to fom-day duration; pr ofuse with clots and cramps. Last
menstruation occurred 8ix months previous to admission. l\' o contraception for two
years. Treated with estrogenic hormone intramuscularly and orally. Examination :
Patient was large, obese with feminine escutcheo n and largE flabby breasts. UteruR
normal; palpable left ovary was enlarged and eyHtie. Pt>h. 15, 193:l: Transuterine
pneumoperitoneum and lipiodol instillation showrd the ut.-rus to be normal in size;
both ovaries were enlarged and rysti c ; fallopian tulws were patent (Fig. ti ). Mar.
11 . l!l33 : Operation: Bilateral wrdge-reseetion of ova riPs whi(·h werp ~o Jargr that
F'ig- , (i.
more than three-fourths of each was removed, leaving the hilus approximately th•·
size of a normal ovary.
The patient made an uneventful recovery and was discharged on the tenth post-
operative day. She menstruated on the sixth day and regularly every twenty-eight
days thereafter for the past year and one-half. Bimanual examination in March,
1934, revealed a normal genital status.
Pathologic Repm·t,...._....{1ross: Each section showed several cysts up to 1.5 em. in
diameter. Microscopic: The ovary appeared normal; tuniea moderately thickened
and below were multiple small cysts; some lined with granulosa cells, others with
theca cells. Normal cystic follicles; small corpora albicantia; cluster of granulosa
cells evidently the edge of a normal follicle. No corpora lutea. In one portion w a~
a small papillary cystadenoma. Tortuous and thickened blood vessels.
CASE 5.~0. B., aged twenty·five, married on e and one-half years, gravida o, was
first seen in the clinic Jan. 9, 1933. Her chief complaints were irregular menses
and sterility. Menses began at the age of fift een, t.wo- to three-month intervals,
painful, duration three days. Last menstruation Dec. 29, l93iL Examination: M.alP
escutcheon, hairy thighs, breasts normal. Bimanual: Cystic swelling of right ovary
palpable, but not left. Uterus was small. Transuterine pneumoperitoneum and
lipiodol instillation: Both ovaries cystic; right larger than lE'ft; tubes patent to ga~
and filled with lipiodol (Fig. 7). Operation: We,lge-reseetion of one-half to two-
thirds of both ovaries which were polycystie; the uterus was fountl to l>e small, firm,
and slightly bicornuate.
Uneventful postoperative t·ourse; patient was discharged on the tenth day. Men-
struation occurred on the fourth postoperative day, and regularly each month there-
after. Follow-up examination in 'leptemher, 1!134; uterus and ovaries found normal
on palpation.
P(/Jthologio Repo·rt.-Gross: Thick tmvic; numerous cysts varying in size up to
l.i) em. Hemonhagic stroma. Microscopie: Moderately thickened tunic; recent
eorpus luteum with hemorrhagic corpus luteum qst; many cysts lined by theca cells.
Lurge corpus albicans; edematous vascular stroma with hemorrhage.
CAS!<: 6.- K A., aged thirty-three, married fifteen years, gravida ii, was admitted
to the hospital Oct. 23, 1933. Her ehief complaints were irregular menses for nine
years, abnormal hairy growth for three years, and pain in groin for three years.
Menses began at the age of twelve, regular until ten years ago, since then, five- to
nine-month intervals, becoming longer. Menses were seant, lasting three or four days
with no pain. Hairy growth on faf·t>, back, arms, and legs for past three y<>ars.
Fig. 7. Fig.~.
becoming more noticeable. Pain in both lowt>r quadrants for three years, with lower
abdominal pain accompanying the menstrual moliminia even in the absence of bleed-
ing. Gained 15 pounds in past year; weight, 175. Examination: short, obese, male
escutcheon, hair on body and face; pendulous breasts. Uterus normal in size; both
ovaries enlarged, cystic, tender. Transuterine pneumoperitoneum and lipiodol in-
stillation: Both ovaries were enlarged, uterus was normal, and fallopian tubes were
patent (Fig. 8). Operation: Bilateral wedge-resection of about one·half of each
ovary, which contained multiple cortical l'ysts.
Uneventful recovery, discharged on thirteenth postoperative day. Uterine bleeding
occurred on fifth postoperative day and menstruation recurred monthly thereafter
(eleven months). Follow-up examination in June, 1934: No evidence of reformation
of cysts, genital status normal.
Pathologio Report_-Gross: Thick tunic; numerous cystic cavities varying in size
up to 1.5 em. Microscopic: Tunic thickened in some sections and normal in others.
Normal follicle with maturating ovum nt>ar surface. Large theca cyst with corpus
albicans; recent corpus luteum.
CASE 7.-M. B., aged twenty, single, was admitted to the hospital Aug. 29, 1933.
Her chief complaints were amenorrhea and pain in both lower quadrants for one
year. Menses began at fourteen years of age, always irregular, six weeks to !'our
months, usually two m«:'nths, seven-day duration, moderate, occasional clots, no
dysm enorrhea. Physical examination revealed a tall, thin girl, with muddy nHH
plexion; facial acne; scant breast deYelopm<'nt. Rertal P-xamination show ~ d the
ntl•rus to he e rect, and of normal size. The lt•ft oYary wa> •·ystie a nd from 7 to ~
tm. in length. The right ovary was cysti•· and ;) em. long. Transabdominal pn••un1o
peritoneum on Aug. 30, 1933. Bilateral pol~· rys tie ovariPs, I'!H:lJ a~ large as th l' 111Jr ·
mal uterin e fundus (Fig. 9). Operation: "'edg·p-re ~N·tion of thl-' •?ystie portit.>ll of
erw h ovary. Patient made an un eve ntful reeovt,ry and was tlis<·h arg<•d fr om tiu' lu" -
pital on the ninth postoperative day. Menstruation lws bt'l' n rt•gular since O)Jl' ratinn ,
and pain has been reli!'ved. Patien t was manird a ft>w mo::tthH aft t<r operatio11 nnd
ha~ remainE'd in good health. She has JnO\'Cd to a distant •·ity and J'eport.·d i"
O~toher, 1!);)4, t.hat she was in good IH'n lth aJHl t.k1t nwnstruation had n·<·uned
Patholopi~· Rilport.- Gross : Sed ions of oraries showed n umt•rous l'. yst~; :- nHl
hemorrhngie a nd edematous 9troma. Microscopil' : :\1.ode ra t e ly thi•·keJH' d tunk; hug<·
corpu s lnteum t>yst; numerous cysts lin<'d hy th••:·: t !'Plls: folli<'l<' 1·ysts with gr;wnloH: I
!'Pll lining. Corpora albicantia; <liltttt>tl blood Y!'Hst'ls and ''<•ry l'fl.s<·nlnr st 1'/.Jill a.
--·---- ------- -----
I - - - ---- -- --- -----·---- ~i t:"'
-1-l'rhiek ~--------- !Tortuous 1
J<'ew Many IRecent Many, old
Distended ~
2 Many ~ew: old, ,small I 0
l!?~c~ I~ lvfan~y Fe\Y i;!;j
I IllCK ~-Lortuous jl'·ew, small
I Ul
Thick I I 8
4 Normal to moder-1 Tortuous
10I ne . .
In section Many :Manv. small !Early papillary ~
ately thick i Distended . cystadenoma ::0
5 !Moderately thick Edematous Hyperplasia Man~· Few [Recent with e.L 1 Lar~e, recent 0Ul
Vascular I cyst
6 ]Normal to moder- FC'W Many Few One, recent Many >
atelv thick
7 [Mode;~tely thick [Vascular [Dilated I Many I-c.l. cyst [Many 0
Zondek, B.: A.rch. f. Gyniik. 144: 131, 19:10. Mt!!ndelsta.m-m and T.~olWJik<YWsk!i:
A.rch. f. Gynak. 151: 686, 1932. KrattM, B .•J.: Areh. f. Gynak. 153: 383, Hl38.
Geillt, S. H.: AM. J. OBST. & GYNEC. 26: 588, 1933. Pluhmann, C. F.: AM .•J.
0BST. & GYNEC. 27: 588, 1933. Ge·rtel: Outlines of Pathology, Montreal, 192i,
Renouf Publ. Co. Stein, I. F.: Med. Clin. N. A.m. "Sterility," September, 1924.
Stein, I. F.: Surg. Gynec. Obst. 42: 83, 19:!6. Stein, I. F.: Surg. Gynec. Obst. 55:
207, 1932. Goodall, .J.: Curtis' Obstetrics and Gynecology 3: 1933, W. B. Saunderd
Company. Gr·aves, FVm. P.: Gynecology, Philadelphia, 1916, W. R. Saunders Com·
pany. Crossen, H. S.: Diseases of Women, St. Louis, 1930, The C. V. Mosby Co.
AUen., Edgar: Sex and Internal Secretions, Baltimore, 1932, Williams and Wilkin~
Co. Mooer IJJnd Goldste~n: Cliniral Jo;ndoerinology in the Femalr, Philadelphia, 1 !l:ll,
W. B. Saunders Co.
•we are gTeatly indebted to Dr. Otto Saphir for· \'aiuable assistanee in the stu•lY anti
Interpretation of the ovarian tissue changes.