CONCEPT PAPER For Survey or Social Research
CONCEPT PAPER For Survey or Social Research
CONCEPT PAPER For Survey or Social Research
Covid-19 have change so many
things in the daily lives of people around
the world. Then, the so called “New
Normal” have gradually become ordinary
to the eyes and practices of the people.
In this situation, safety protocols are
implemented to safeguard the health of
the individuals such as: social distancing
and limited capacity transactions in
Schools and colleges play an important
role in supporting young people with their
mental health. As well as providing
stability, routine and consistency to many
young people, schools provide protective
factors for young people’s mental health
and notably a connection with trusted
adults such as teachers and pastoral
Objective can;
1. test existing theory to the
identified problem
2. derive new theory/ies
3. discover new find ings when
previous study is conducted in
another setting
4. establish a new data
Be sure to observe SMARTER objectives
S – simple
M- measurable
A – attainable
R- realistic
T – Time bound/attainable in specific
time limit
E – economical
R – Resources are available
Generally, this study determines the level
of responses of the students in senior
high school with the use of radio based
instruction as learning modality in
Specifically, this study aims to answer the
following questions;
1. What is the level of responses of
Senior high school on the newly
implemented learning modality in
2. What is the level of Readiness of
the agency and accredited schools
in terms of; Conducting the Radio
Based Instruction Learning
D. Research Guide:
hypothesis Wise guess or possible answers to Place your answers here:
research questions. Only those questions
with inferential statistical treatment
requires hypothesis/es
b. Example of a continuous
theoretical statement
Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework on the other
hand, the researcher may opt that his/her
research problem can be fully guided by
a concept in reference to the field from a
Connectivism Theory
for Digital Learning
*Network Learning
*Complexity Outcome
*Nebulous environment *
Self –Organization Theory *
*Self –control
*Technology Connectivity
1.Be sure that the variables you mention
in the SOP and framework were
mentioned in the cited theoretical.
2.The arrow connecting each frame (box)
MOOC Pedagogy
* Teacher’s Initial Input Learning
* Contextual Seed Outcome
* Modeling *
* Demonstration *
Learning Practices
*Autonomy (Openness)
*Connectivity (Social Media)
*Personal Learning Environment
Connectivism theory state that learning is a
process of connecting specialized nodes or
information sources and may reside in non-
human appliances
1.Learning takes place in the absence of
formal institution support
Example of ConceptualFramework
This study is anchored on the concept of
Covid-19 Interactive radio & audio
instruction implementation (2020) for
learning which addresses the factors
needed for successful implementation of
learning and information for the class…..
Details can be well presented on Figure
Operational Definition
Breadwinner in this study is a person
F. Review of Guide:
Related Literature Group your sources by theme based on
and Studies the variables appeared in the title and in
the statement of the problem (First to
appear in the title is first paragraph to
appear in rrl) in the
1.Do not copy-paste, nor compile
It should be in essay time interrelating
those in favor (positive) and those not in
favor (negative) about the field under
2. Group or related ideas, do not
individually state each.
3. In group all similar ideas or findings,
recent then the later.
4.Write all the names not for more
than one author of the single idea or
5. In connecting the pearls (best idea),
contradictory statement, use some terms
as, Whereas, on the other hand, in
contrary etc. For those positively
affecting your assumption, do not
individual state but use uniting clause like
similarly, also, likewise and the like.
6.When the same year of publication,
authors appear in alphabetical order.
Example 1:
Radio Based Instruction as
Alternative Modality in the
Pandemic and the English Language
Learning Responses of Senior High
School in Selected Public Schools
Example 2
Mother tongue expressions usually comes
out in emergency or extreme feeling
according to De Juan (2018), San Carlos
(2006) and Tianzon (2004) as it is the
language of the soul similar with the
findings of San Jose K. and Lapus L
(2003) and Castro (2001). On the other
hand, Davis (2005) and Singson (2005)
emphasized that English language as
expression is more light to hear, thus
easy expressions of shocking feelings are
in English.
Not this!!!
It is a challenge to everybody to be free
from CoVID19 infection (Duterte,2021)
G. Research Describe the research design to be used Place your answers here:
Design in the conduct of the study in terms of
1. Definition
2. Suitability in the study
Example 1
Example 2:
This study will utilized the survey,
descriptive, evaluative and correlational
research design which is best to identify
the responses in English of senior high
school students of President Quirino
National High School
Example 1
This study will be conducted in the
selected municipalities of Sultan Kudarat
and South Cotabato which were
considered hot spots according to DOH
Report (2020) for having several
occurrence of lockdowns and longer
General Community Quarantine (GCQ) for
the last seven months.
Example 2
This study will be conducted in an
identified public secondary school in
Sultan Kudarat which is having low active
cases in covid-19 by DOH datadrop,2021
I. Respondents Guide: Place your answers here:
/Participants Describe the respondents /participants of
the study and why they are identified.
Example 1:
The participants are the selected senior
high school students of a Public
Secondary School, who are currently
having an Radio Based Instruction in
English. They are considered participants
(Accad and Accad,2016) because they
will perform series of showmanship and
not just filling out survey forms.
Example 2
The respondents of the study are the
K. Methods of Guide:
gathering data 1.Description of the methods you intend Place your answers here:
to follow
This study will utilize structured and
Semi Structured survey questionnaires
Kendall’s Tau-a,
Kendall’s Tau-b
Kendall’s Tau –c
Cramer;s V
Contingency Coefficient,
Gamma Coefficient,
Sommer’s d,
Odds ratio
Example 1.
In the analysis of data, simple mathematical
applications will be used to determine the
mean of the responses on the ratings, Return
of Investment (ROI) formula will be used to
calculate the ROI when it is commercialized,
percentage will be used to annualize the
responses on the level of understanding of
senior high students in English. The Pearson
Product-Moment will be used to determine
the significant association between…