CONCEPT PAPER For Survey or Social Research

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By Dr. Mildred F. Accad



& SUB HEADINGS introductory statement
A. Research Guide: Title of the  proposed study (10-
Title/Working 15 words) Place your answers here
Radio Based Instruction as
Alternative Modality in the
Pandemic and the English Language
Learning Responses of Senior High
School in Selected Public Schools
Survival Strategies of Retrenched
Breadwinners and Its Relation to
Educational Demands of Children during

Content Analysis and Usability of the

developed Worktext in Indigenous

Level of Understanding on Road signs

among Motorcycle Drivers; Basis in the
Development of basic Driving handbook

(articles a, the, not included in word count)

B. Background of Guide: example

the Study 1. Describe the situation that needs to be Pandemic knocks the world
addressed in a deductive way  in 2020…..
( International, National, Local)
2. State the  intensity of the scenario , Preservation of local
relevance, and urgency in the field knowledge is a call of every
3. Cite the opposing issues in the current country ..
releases (latest studies, laws, ideas and
other readings)
        3.1. What has been and not been Global road accidents are
explored that can Help address the issues happening generally
        3.2. What are the downsides of the between and by juvenile
current situation drivers of motorcycle.
4. State the gap or missing knowledge/
technology which motivates the
researcher to conduct such ;
Last paragraph is the gap to
be addressed

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 1

The 8 gaps that can trigger in the pursuit
of the study (CRAPILIP Gaps) Ex. The lack of written
1. Contextual gap - Are the solutions documents on the
not yet tested in the local setting? traditional way of preserving
2. Research – based Gap – Do the food motivates the
researches available do not researcher to conduct this
clearly pin points the existing study.
3. Antithetical Gap -Are the solutions
……hence, this study will be
or answers to the
4. problems still factually conducted.
5. Publication Gap - Do the articles Place your answers here
online do not clearly specify
6. Information Gap -Does the
question have no answer yet? 
7. Logical Gap - Are this existing
occurrence or incidence requires
8. Innovative gap – Are the
registered discoveries or
knowledge needs updates  for
improvements or remodeling and
redesigning for better results?
9. Preventive Gap – Do the
anticipated situation not yet acted
upon and there are possibilities to
project future actions to address
possible problem?.

         Covid-19 have change so many
things in the daily lives of people around
the world. Then, the so called “New
Normal” have gradually become ordinary
to the eyes and practices of the people.
In this situation, safety protocols are
implemented to safeguard the health of
the individuals such as: social distancing
and limited capacity transactions in
Schools and colleges play an important
role in supporting young people with their
mental health. As well as providing
stability, routine and consistency to many
young people, schools provide protective
factors for young people’s mental health
and notably a connection with trusted
adults such as teachers and pastoral

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 2

support. As the country continues to
confront different issues brought about
by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
19) pandemic, the Department of
Education (DepEd) is addressing the
challenges in the basic education for the
school year 2020-2021 through its Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-
LCP) under DepEd Order No. 012, s.
2020. In the implementation of the
various learning delivery modalities, the
challenge will be in dealing with learners
under any of the modes of distance
learning or blended learning who are not
capable of learning independently, or
who are not periodically supported by
their parents or guardians. Also critical
for the implementation will be the mass
production of the needed teachers and
learners’ learning materials, as well as
the support of media institutions like TV
and radio stations.
C. Research Guide:
Question/Focus 1.State the main focus of the Place your answers here:
investigation (restate the title) 3.
2. State at least three (3) specific focus
or objectives (what do you hope to

Objective can;
1. test existing theory to the
identified problem
2. derive new theory/ies
3. discover new find ings when
previous study is conducted in
another setting
4. establish a new data 
Be sure to observe SMARTER objectives
S – simple
M- measurable
A – attainable
R- realistic
T – Time bound/attainable in specific 
         time limit
E – economical
R – Resources are available


Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 3

Generally, this study (restate the title)
deals with the survival strategies of
retrenched breadwinners and examine its
relation to educational demands of
children during pandemic 

Specifically, this study aims to answer the

following questions;
1. What is the profile of the
retrenched breadwinners in terms
1. Age;
2. ….
2. To what extent is the survival …

Generally, this study determines the level
of responses of the students in senior
high school with the use of radio based
instruction as learning modality in
Specifically, this study aims to answer the
following questions;
1. What is the level of responses of
Senior high school on the newly
implemented learning modality in
2. What is the level of Readiness of
the agency and accredited schools
in terms of; Conducting the Radio
Based Instruction Learning

To extent the level of responses of senior

high school students in English 

D. Research Guide:
hypothesis Wise guess or possible answers to Place your answers here:
research questions. Only those questions
with inferential statistical treatment
requires hypothesis/es

Questions that do not need hypothesis/es

1. To what extent is the educational
demands of children such as;
1. Gadget
2. Internet Connectivity

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 4

Questions that needs hypothesis
2. Is the extent of educational
demands of children significantly
related to the monthly income of
the breadwinners?
Ho: 1. Is the extent of educational
demands of children is not
significantly related to the
monthly income of the

Example (No Hypothesis)

What kind of preparation did the school
administration did in organizing the
school’s newly implemented learning

If the School is ready in the new

memorandum, did the teachers and staff
is also ready in this radio based
instruction modality for education?

What are the changes made by the

school administration to implement the
new memorandum?

E. Conceptual or Guide: Another example

Theoretical A concept or theory to which the study is
Lens/Framework anchored.  This study is anchored on
the Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Research Theory and Concept needs (1943) in his Theory
of Human Motivation as
Wa-Mbaleka (2018) mentioned that cited by Accad (2016) that
research concept is generally used in basic needs …
quantitative while research theory is -----expound your focus or
popular in qualitative research, objectives with citation
Accad and Accad (2016) stated that both
research concept and theories are used Figure 1 reveals a clearer
in either qualitative or quantitative picture of the study.
research depending upon the intensity of
the objective in generalizing a theory or a
Place your answers here

A theory is as such explaining and

making prediction are among the most
common definition of theory. Fox and
Baya (2009:29) define theory as a “set of

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 5

interrelated proposition, concepts and
definitions that presents a systematic
point of view of specifying the relationship
between variables with a view in
predicting and explaining phenomena”.
How to formulate a theoretical statement

A theory is a mental activity and a

process of developing ideas that can
allow scientists to explain why events
should occur (Turner, 1978). There are
two kinds of theory according to Gerald
Hage (1972). These are the “either or”
connection and continuous theoretical
statements as cited by Accad and Accad

a. Example of “either or” connections

…Organizations employing long –

linked technologies seek to
expand their domains through
vertical integration (Thompson,

…all revolutionary parties are


…if person dislike other and other

likes X, person will tend to dislike
X (Davis,1963)

b. Example of a continuous
theoretical statement

…the greater the capital investment,

the greater the emphasis on the
purchasing of the suppliers and

…the greater the division of labor, the

greater the degree of effectiveness

…as complexity increase,

centralization decreases

Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework on the other
hand, the researcher may opt that his/her
research problem can be fully guided by
a concept in reference to the field from a

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 6

theory. In such a ways, he/he can
synergize the existing ideas, views in the
literature both theoretical and empirical
concerning the given problem. The
overall presentation can be called
Conceptual model or conceptual
framework or paradigm.

Example of Theoretical Framework

(Initial Statement)

This study is anchored on the Theory of

Connectivism: A Learning theory for
digital age by George Siemens (2005),
(2004) that Learning and knowledge rests
in diversity of opinions. Learning is a
process of connecting specialized nodes
or information sources. Learning may
reside in non-human appliances. Siemens
(2017) emphasized the integration of
principles explored by chaos, network,
and complexity and self-organization
theories which is also cited by Bates
(2021). For Siemens (2005), it is the
connections and the way information
flows that result in knowledge existing
beyond the individual. Learning
becomes the ability to tap into
significant flows of information, and to
follow those flows that are significant. 

Connectivism Theory
for Digital Learning
*Network Learning
*Complexity Outcome
*Nebulous environment *
Self –Organization Theory *
*Self –control
*Technology Connectivity

1.Be sure that the variables you mention
in the SOP and framework were
mentioned in the cited theoretical.
2.The arrow connecting each frame (box)

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 7

should be simple, medium thick and can
be one directional or two-way depending
upon the test you wanted to address.
Example of Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the concept of

Siemens, Downes and Cormier (2011) on the
first massive open online course
(MOOC), Connectivism and Connective
Knowledge 2011, partly to explain and partly
to model a connectivist approach to learning.
Downes (2007) states that the main purpose
of a teacher appears to be to provide the
initial learning environment and context that
brings learners together, thus ‘successful’
networks, diversity, autonomy, (openness,
and connectivity), and modelling and
demonstration (on the part of a teacher) –
and practice and reflection (on the part of a

MOOC Pedagogy
* Teacher’s Initial Input Learning
* Contextual Seed Outcome
* Modeling *
* Demonstration *

Learning Practices
*Autonomy (Openness)
*Connectivity (Social Media)
*Personal Learning Environment

Connectivism theory state that learning is a
process of connecting specialized nodes or
information sources and may reside in non-
human appliances

1.Learning takes place in the absence of
formal institution support

2. Learning often depends heavily on social

media readily available to all participants

3. Learning will automatically occur as a

result, through exposure to the flow of
information and the individual’s autonomous
reflection on its meaning.

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 8

4. Learning takes place using the Internet and
the explosion of new communications
5. Learning in the digital era improves
organizing co-operative and collaborative
work with massive numbers and more
experience is gained

Example of ConceptualFramework
This study is anchored on the concept of
Covid-19 Interactive radio & audio
instruction implementation (2020) for
learning which addresses the factors
needed for successful implementation of
learning and information for the class…..
Details can be well presented on Figure

Theoretical / Conceptual Framework can

be illustrated in several ways such as;

1. General system Theory or IPO –

The Input – Process – Output
2. Causal Design of Dependent and
Independent Variables
3. Co-relational design with other
4. Venn Diagram
5. Fish Bone Diagram
6. Waterfall diagram
7. Webb or cluster diagram
8. Concentric Model

F. Operational Define in your own words the meaning of

Definition the variable in your study in alphabetical Place your answers here:
order. Only those terms used in the title,
problem and methods The following variables are
defined operationally
Conceptual Definition 

Breadwinner – a person who earns

money to support their family,
typically the sole one,

Operational Definition
Breadwinner in this study is a person

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 9

who solely provides the needs of
the family regardless of the position
such as mother, father, son,
daughter or grandparent.

Student-Driver – a person who is

receiving formal instruction in how
to drive a motor vehicle and has not
yet passed a driving test

F. Review of Guide:
Related Literature Group your sources by theme based on
and Studies the variables appeared in the title and in
the statement of the problem (First to
appear in the title is first paragraph to
appear in rrl) in the

1.Do not copy-paste, nor compile
It should be in essay time interrelating
those in favor (positive) and those not in
favor (negative) about the field under
2. Group or related ideas, do not
individually state each.
3. In group all similar ideas or findings,
recent then the later.
4.Write all the names not for more
than one author of the single idea or
5. In connecting the pearls (best idea),
contradictory statement, use some terms
as, Whereas, on the other hand, in
contrary etc. For those positively
affecting your assumption, do not
individual state but use uniting clause like
similarly, also, likewise and the like.
6.When the same year of publication,
authors appear in alphabetical order.

7.When the source of information is

somebody like the state President, Hero
always cite him/her at the start of the
sentence. Ex/According to the President,

8.When lifting a graph, image, equation,

chart, artworks, map, logo etc, always
indicate the source in smaller fonts, italics

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 10

below the lifted inforgraphics. Use
courtesy (if personally permitted), grabbed
(I taken from social media) or Source:

Example 1:
Radio Based Instruction as
Alternative Modality in the
Pandemic and the English Language
Learning Responses of Senior High
School in Selected Public Schools

Review of Related Literature

The following literature and studies are
the bases in the conduct of the study

Radio –Based Instruction

----- (Positive and negative)
Alternative Modalities
---(Positive and negative)
Language Learning Responses
---(Positive and negative)

Example 2
Mother tongue expressions usually comes
out in emergency or extreme feeling
according to De Juan (2018), San Carlos
(2006) and Tianzon (2004) as it is the
language of the soul similar with the
findings of San Jose K. and Lapus L
(2003) and Castro (2001). On the other
hand, Davis (2005) and Singson (2005)
emphasized that English language as
expression is more light to hear, thus
easy expressions of shocking feelings are
in English.

According to President Duterte (2021),

CoVID 19 is…

Not this!!!
It is a challenge to everybody to be free
from CoVID19 infection (Duterte,2021)

You may not take all the contents, use three

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 11

dots (…) to express that there are still
continuations but you omitted

G. Research Describe the research design to be used Place your answers here:
Design in the conduct of the study in terms of
1. Definition
2. Suitability in the study

Common research designs that you have

to choose the best one are; descriptive
(comparative, evaluative, correlational),
historical (oral history, narratives),
experimental (true experiment, quasi
experiment), library research design to
elicit quantitative data.

Research design to elicit qualitative data,

you can combine two or more of the
following; Archival, anecdotal, qualitative
content analysis, oral history, narrative,
case study (phenomenology,
hermeneutics) , Ethnography, ethno
linguistics, musico – linguistico,
netnography, portrayal, photovoice.

Example 1

This study will utilize the descriptive

evaluative and correlational research
design which is best fitted to describe the
responses of the breadwinners in terms
of profile, strategies and extent of
educational demands (Calmoren,2003)
since this can clearly magnify…

Example 2:
This study will utilized the survey,
descriptive, evaluative and correlational
research design which is best to identify
the responses in English of senior high
school students of President Quirino
National High School    

H. Locale Guide: Place your answers here:

Describe the place or location where you
want to conduct the study. Specify the
county, village or community location and

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 12

why the place was identified. Be scientific
in identifying. 
Note: Choosing the place because it is
near and convenient in your part is not
scientific reason and not acceptable in
You may include map (recognize the
source) to show the direction or transit
situation of the place

Example 1
This study will be conducted in the
selected municipalities of Sultan Kudarat
and South Cotabato which were
considered hot spots according to DOH
Report (2020) for having several
occurrence of lockdowns and longer
General Community Quarantine (GCQ) for
the last seven months.

Example 2
This study will be conducted in an
identified public secondary school in
Sultan Kudarat which is having low active
cases in covid-19 by DOH datadrop,2021
I. Respondents Guide: Place your answers here:
/Participants Describe the respondents /participants of
the study and why they are identified.

Use respondents for quantitative research

and participants for qualitative research
(when they do not only respond to
questionnaire but have deeper role like
interviewee, role player, disguise ,
participants observer, agent and the like)

Example 1:
The participants are the selected senior
high school students of a Public
Secondary School, who are currently
having an Radio Based Instruction in
English. They are considered participants
(Accad and Accad,2016) because they
will perform series of showmanship and
not just filling out survey forms.

Example 2
The respondents of the study are the

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 13

breadwinners who are solely supplying
the needs of the family specifically
regardless of their role as mother; father,
brother, sister or grandparent. They were
identified as best source of information
considering that they are individuals who
personally experience the situations
outside home during the pandemic based
on the task force CoVID,2021 report.
J. Sampling Guide: Place your answers here:
Technique and 1. Describe the sampling technique to This study will make use of
Methods elicit valid and reliable number of convenience sampling
representatives from the population techniques…
called respondents.

In qualitative research, respondents are

called participants. 

2. Identify the formula you are going to

use in computing the number of
respondents/ participants which could
warrant a conclusive result or a
generalizable results. In qualitative
research, there is no pressure for
conclusiveness. It is not necessary to
have conclusion or generalization.

3. There are available formulas to get the

desired number of sample size before you
proceed to the best sampling technique
other than Slovens’ Formula. Yamane’s
Formula (1969) is the original formula
adopted by Sloven. There are free
calculator and statistical apps to help you
calculate the sample size online.

In qualitative research, no need to

calculate because the sample size is non-
probability like convenience, snowball
and purposive sampling.

4. Some sampling techniques ; 

A. Probability (have equal chance) are

Simple Random Sampling, systematic
Sampling, stratified Random Sampling,
clustered sampling,

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 14

B. Non-probability (no-equal chance)
sampling are convenience sampling,
judgmental (purposive) sampling,
snowball sampling.


This study will make use of stratified

sampling techniques (explain how and why, cite
author to support your choice of a sampling technique

K. Methods of Guide:
gathering data 1.Description of the methods you intend Place your answers here:
to follow

(Survey, development and evaluation,

preparation and observation etc?

2.Please view the recorded lecture sent in

your Google Class about research design

This study will utilize structured and
Semi Structured survey questionnaires

This study will make use of Rubrics on

Organoleptic Sensory Evaluation during

This study will utilize technology assisted

retrieval such as online responses in the
Google form survey and emails including
social media messenger and skype.

L. Data Analysis Guide: Place your answers here:

Plan 1.The following are the Mathematical and
Statistical tools;

1.1.Measures of Central tendency

a. Arithmetic Mean (average),mean of group
or ungrouped data, weighted mean,
b. Median of grouped or ungrouped data
c. Mode of grouped or ungrouped data
d. Percentage

1.2. Measures of variance

e. Range

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 15

f. Mean Deviation
g. Variance (by deviation or by raw
h. Standard Deviation (SD)
i. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

1.3. Test of comparison

j. T - test, (test of two variables)
k. F - test (More than 2 variables
are compared)
l. Z –Test (When unknown or not
defined) etc…..

1.4. Statistical relationship of variables

m. Pearson Product-Moment
n. Correlation Coefficient
o. Spearman Rho correlation
p. Chi Square relation with

1.5. Bivariate Statistical techniques for

Correlation Research statistical tools

Kendall’s Tau-a,
Kendall’s Tau-b
Kendall’s Tau –c
Cramer;s V
Contingency Coefficient,
Gamma Coefficient,
Sommer’s d,
Odds ratio

Example 1.
In the analysis of data, simple mathematical
applications will be used to determine the
mean of the responses on the ratings, Return
of Investment (ROI) formula will be used to
calculate the ROI when it is commercialized,
percentage will be used to annualize the
responses on the level of understanding of
senior high students in English. The Pearson
Product-Moment will be used to determine
the significant association between…

2. Never state that; To answer problems 1

and 2, descriptive…You should state the
specific problem and the appropriate
statistical tool to be used

(provide a short justification why it is the

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 16

best and suited tool and techniques)
M. Reference APA format referencing
Accad, M. F. and AS. Accad. (2016). Qualitative
Research Methods. Kampana Publishing. 

At least 7 out of 10 listed reference is traceable online

Concept paper guide by Dr. Mildred F. Accad, SKSU,2021 Page 17

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