To Workbook: Answers Exercises

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Answers to Workbook exercises

5 What is her sister doing?

She's practising the piano.
Vocabulary 5 1 She knew the answer.
1 1 funny, insensitive, moody, nice, quite, sensitive 2 I didn't feel nervous before the exam.
2 carpet, exit, library 3 He got up early this morning.
3 pick up, take off, turn on 4 You gave your sister a birthday presento
4 collecting things, fashion, magazines, music, 5 He didn 't sit at the front of the class.
roadbikes 6 They chatted on the phone.
2 1 roadbikes 6 1 How many lessons did you have yesterday?
2 turn on 2 When did you go to school this morning?
3 quiet 3 Who did you phone yesterday?
4 Takeoff 4 Which subjects did you enjoy last year?
5 funny 5 What did you eat last night?
6 insensitive
7 fashion Translation
3 Students'ownanswers. 1 Están sentados cerca de la salida.
2 Es muy gracioso, pero tiene muchos cambios de
Grammar humor.
1 1 3 Suele ir a la biblioteca todos los fines de semana.
Joanna watches police dramas on TV.
2 Does she live in a flat or a house? 4 Conocí a una chica muy maja en el tren.
3 We don't have the same interests. 5 ¿De quién es el ordenador que estás utilizando?
4 He goes swimming on Sundays. 6 ¿Con qué frecuencia lees revistas?
5 He has piano lessons at school.
Do they prefer rap or heavy metal?
7 I don't wear tracksuits. Mandy is my best friendo We met at primary school. We've
8 She worries about everything. got similar interests. We both like fashion and films and
we're both learning the guitar. Why do llike her? Because
2 1 Does she wear trendy clothes?
she's very friendly and generous, and she often helps me
No, she doesn't.
with my homework.
2 Do they collect stamps?
Yes, they do.
Everyday English
3 Does he tell a lot of jokes?
Yes, he does. 1 1 new 4 for
4 Do they go to the library? 2 meet 5 home
No, they don't. 3 from 6 if
5 Does her boyfriend look nice? 2 1 She's from Scotland.
Yes, he does. 2 She moved in August.
3 1 'm sending
3 She moved beca use her mum lost her job and is
2 'm trying looking for a new one.
3 isn't raining 4 She misses the mountains and the countryside.
4 staying 5 He invites her to go for a bike ride.
5 is chatting 3 Students' own answers.
6 are watching
7 aren't laughing
8 is practising
9 isn't getting
4 1 What is Julie trying to do?
She's trying to do her homework.
2 Is it raining?
No, it isn't raining.
3 Who is her brother chatting to?
He's chatting to his girlfriend.
4 What are her parents watching?
They're watching a comedy on TV.

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