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Social Media Branding PDF

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Learning Progress Review &

Personal Branding - Week 4

Digicorp team

(Ade Fitriyani R, Angelina Pradnya P, Dhaffa Amadeus F, Kirana Kalyanakretya.R.G, Sheila Amanda T)
Socmed Organic
Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing provides companies with

a way to engage with existing customers and
reach new ones while allowing them to promote
their desired culture, mission, or tone.
Objectives of Social Media Marketing
Organic vs Paid-Ads

Pros of Organic Social Media Pros of Paid Social Media

❖ Direct Engagement with Your Customers ❖ Targeting to Expand Reach
❖ Brand Identity ❖ More Immediate Results
❖ Cons of Organic Social Media
❖ Time Consuming Cons of Paid Social Media
❖ Less Flexibility for Immediate Reach

Cons of Organic Social Media ❖ Social Media Marketing is a Competitive Landscape

❖ Requires Time and Attention
❖ Time Consuming
❖ Less Flexibility for Immediate Reach
Types of Content
Social Media Branding

How to Build your Social Media There are Seven Social Media with its Branding
Branding? Roles..

Visual BRanding with Interactive

Build the Digital Asset
Informative Content
Be an Expert of your product or
service Entertainment and Education

VIsualize the content Web series and Video Content

Customer Service and Direct

Create an interactive content which Information
for your audience
Infographic and Artsy

Career Development and

Professional Branding
To Build Social Media Branding, A Marketer There are FIve Steps of Social Media
Should Know What Product or Service’s Branding
Brand Value Proposition
Basic Functional: Logo Profile, Profile
Picture, Bio, and more

VIsual Branding: Tone Color and Brand


Audience Persona: Target Audience

Should matched with the brand

Brand Tone of Voice: Tone of Voice of

Brand’s Content

Socmed for Different Objectives: Divided

Social Media Account for Different Purposes
Brand Archetypes Brand Personality

Brand Archetypes is how the brand presenting Brand Personality is the characteristics of
its product or service certain brand that attached with the brand
Brand Personality Canvas Brand Tone of Voice

The Brand Personality Canvas is the most crucial Brand Tone of Voice is defined as how the
elements when build social media branding. company communicate with its audience. This
includes such as the writing style, emotional
toner, and more. Below is the example of brand
tone of voice.
Branding Elements for Social
Media The Example of Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines

Logo and Mascot


Brand Color
Content Strategy To Build a Content Strategy, a Marketer
Should know the Content Pillar of the Brand,
Determine Target Audience and Content Calendar, Editor Plan, and Key
Tone of Voice Visual

Content Pillar
Do Keyword Research
The Content Pillar is the foundation of posting a
Find the RIght Platform of Social content that aims to look proportion when posted
Media in social media.

Do a Content Journey

Find the RIght Timing to Post

the Content

Measure on How Often Post a

Content Strategy

Content Calendar Editor Plan

The Content Calendar aims to provide a With the Editor Plan, the digital marketing team
schedule for a marketer on when to post, what will know what content to post, the strategy that
content to post, and more, therefore, the will boost the content visibility toward its targeted
marketer stays consistent. Below is the example audience, and more. Below is the example of
of Content Calendar. Editor Plan.
Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization How to Optimize Social Media Platform?

How to optimize social media platform, therefore,

the content will be accessed broadly toward its Determine the Identity of Social
targeted audience. The social media optimization Media
aims to increase brand awareness, gain a broad
target audience, gain direct sales, and the
algorithm of certain social media platform. Below Optimize SEO on Social Media
is the example of certain social media platform
Optimize the Content

Use the Paid Ads

Optimize the Hashtag

Key Opinion Leader (KOL)
Influencers Marketing

Digital marketing strategy to work with influential people

in a particular field or industry. Influencers to promote
our products or services to a wider reach.
Different between KOL and Influencers

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Influencers

Someone who is an expert in a Someone who has the power to

particular industry or field so that his influence others in making decisions to
opinion is heard buy a product.

Ex: Ex:
Chef Juna, Ivan Gunawan, Dr. Adam Awkarin, Rachel Venya, Tasya Farasya
Prabata, Dr. Reisa , etc etc
Influencers Marketing

Why we should using influencers?

● The Best Storytellers

● It’s Person Whom you trust
● Excellent ROI if you’re strategy great
● Emotional Connection with brand
● Deliver the brand message directly to the
● Spread the massive awareness and reach
Type of Influencers

Followers : > 500.000 or > 1.000.000

Somehow, overlaps with Macro Influencers
Objective: Good for Massive awareness and huge reach Mega Influencers (Celebrity)
Audience trust : <10%
Have a boundaries between the influencers and audience
Using mega influencers (Celebrity) still good if you want to reach
secondarily cities.
Followers : 100.000 - 500.000
They have their own market and niche (fashion, gadget, beauty
Macro Influencers cooking, etc
More professional and personal branding
Objective: Good to maximize reach
Audience trust: < 25%
Type of Influencers

Followers : 10.000 - 100.000

They have their own market and loyalist.
Micro Influencers
Objective: Good to optimize in lower funner (engagement & conversion)
Audience trust : 25% - 50%

Followers : 1000 -10.000

They have their own loyalist
Easy to communicate with audience and spreading the news
Use many nano influencers for campaign to boost awareness Nano Influencers
Objective: Good to optimize in lower funnel (engagement & conversion)
and awareness
Audience trust: 50 -70 %
Celebrity Endorsment vs Influencers Marketing

Celebrity Endorsement Influencers Marketing

A strategy that uses a celebrity's fame Promote by using influencers / KOL or

to attract consumers to a brand or commonly known as content creators.

It's definitely an artist or celebrity

Paid Promote vs Influencer Marketing

Paid Promote Influencers Marketing

Promote products, services, brand Promote by using influencers / KOL or

giveaways by using the promotion commonly known as content creators.
services of influencers (provided
material by the brand)
Paid Promote vs Influencer Marketing

Public Account Influencers Marketing

An anonymous account that usually Promote by using influencers / KOL or

aims as a community with a fairly large commonly known as content creators.
number of followers with a specific
Type Media Influencer

Emerging Publisher Niche Publisher

The media is relatively new but the New or old media with a specific target
popularity and exposure for the target market
market is very good.

Established Publisher

Media group that is widely known and

has its own positioning in the target
What should you highlight before determine
How to deal with influencer? which influencer to work with??

1. Quality of content
1. Research their track record & brand value 2. Target audience
2. Reach out by third party or yourself 3. Engagement rate
3. Ensure content authority 4. On-brand messaging
4. Prepare MoU 5. Budget
6. Location
7. Follower count
8. Previous sponsorship performance
How to create influencer marketing

1.Define Campaign Objective 2. Define Campaign Objective 5. Develop Brief Guidelines

Product launching Product Variants & Product knowledge

Campaign Objective

Awareness Campaign Objective

Conversion by tracking Campaign audience Talking points & deliverabless


What influencer dont’s

3. Campaign & influencer budget

4. Choose the right influencer 6. Develop Brief Guidelines

Social engagement based on their track record
Total pendapatan-total biaya
X 100%
Performance number, gaining followers
growth, ROI, coordination, communication total biaya
How to create influencer marketing

1.Define Campaign Objective 2. Define Campaign Objective 5. Develop Brief Guidelines

Product launching Product Variants & Product knowledge

Campaign Objective

Awareness Campaign Objective

Conversion by tracking Campaign audience Talking points & deliverabless


What influencer dont’s

3. Campaign & influencer budget

4. Choose the right influencer 6. Develop Brief Guidelines

Social engagement based on their track record
Total pendapatan-total biaya
X 100%
Performance number, gaining followers
growth, ROI, coordination, communication total biaya
Influencer VS Social Ads

- Social proof paired with Ads
word-of-mouth marketing - Hard selling
- High conversion rates - Outreach to new audience
- Outreach to new audience - Increase brand awareness
- Increase brand awareness
Copy Writing Meaning

Copywriting is the creation of text content to persuade readers to

take some type of action
(subscribe, follow, buy, regist, donate)
Content Writing Meaning

Content writing is the creation of text content to educated or

entertain readers. It may drive conversion as well but that’s not
its primary purpose
Copy Writing Vs Content Writing

CopyWriting Content Writing

● The main goal is to selling product ● The main goal is to give information

● The writing style is short ● The writing style is long and full

● Using for advertisement, tagline, etc ● Using for articles, blog, newsletter,
● Should to know about SEO
● Must to understand about SEO
● Can be measured effectively in the
short term ● Can be measured effectively in the
long term
Scope of Copywriting

Marketing Copywriting Direct Response Copywriting

Scope of Copywriting

Brand Copywriting Email Copywriting

Scope of Copywriting

Public Relation Copywriting SEO

Scope of Copywriting

Technical Copywriting Social Media Copywriting

Types of Platforms


Based on
To exchange Is the platform to Datareportal report,
To promote blog, Is the platform to
information and share many kinds of tiktok is the most
report, or video. share photo and
trending topic. Don’t article more than downloaded
Don’t posting video. A picture is
forget to using another platform. application during
anything without worth a thousand
hashtag and simple And the main topic 2020, and don’t
description word
word for professional using over
Know Your Customer


Personal and
Professional Values and Fears Goals and Challenge Where Are They Negative Info
● What do
they value in ● What are
● Age there their ● How do they
● Gender ● Too expensive
personal and personal/ get
● Marital to support?
professional career information?
● Not enough
status life? goals? ● How do they
● Job Title ● What is ● How do they communicate
● Wrong
● Career path important to prioritize ● What media
● Company them when those goals? do they
● etc
size considering ● How could consume?
● etc a product you help ● etc
like yours ● etc
● etc
Brand Voice

Brand Voice is the unique personality that a brand

projects through its written content and different
communication channels

Identify your brand character. The example :

Describe your brand bold, helpful, serious, neat, friendly, etc

Identify your current Specify your brand voice and tone of voice
voice based on brand personality

It’s also possible that you have a different voice on each platform

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