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This text is for question number 1 to 8.

The song alive as night draws in. Beneath the blanket, between the fold of cradling arms, in rooms across the
world, a hidden chorus of caregivers fills the night with song to an audience of children. They're singing lullabies. Across
cultures, lullabies echo the histories of those who sing them.
There is a growing body of research about how lullabies help soothe both caregiver and child. Laura Cirelli,
professor of developmental psychology at the University of Toronto, studies the science of maternal song. She found
that when mothers sang lullabies, stress levels dropped not just for the baby but for mothers as well. In her most recent
work, she found that familiar songs soothed babies the most-more than speaking or hearing unfamiliar songs. However,
lullabies tend to have collections of features across cultures. The Harvard University's Music Lab project found that
people can hear universal traits in music--even when they are listening to songs from other cultures. The project asked
29,000 participants to listen to 118 songs and identify whether it was a healing song, a dance song, a love song, or a
lullaby, with the findings statistically showing that people are most consisten in identifying lullabies.

Adapted from: https://www.nationalgeographic.com

1. According to the passage, singing lullabies 2. The word soothed in paraghraf 2 in the
can... the stress level of both mothers and passage is closest in meaning to ....
children. A. Aided
A. Remove B. Calmed
B. Recover C. Cheered
C. Replace D. Satisfied
D. Realease E. Entertained
E. Reduce

This following text for question number 3 to 6

A doctor in pediatric respiratory medicine reported that with the rising popularity of vaping the hospitals are
treating many life-threatening cases. The doctor is concermed that e-cigarettes are advertised in the UK,given the severe
reaction they can cause in children and a lack of scientific studies on their safety.
E-cigarettes are promoted in the UK as a way to quit smeking because they let people inhale nicotine in vapor
rather than breathing in smoke. The Director of Publie Health England said vaping is 95% safer than smoking but is not
without risks. He asserted that smoking kills half of lifelong smokers and accounts for almost 220 death in England every
day. While it is not completely risk free, UK regulated e-cigarettes carry a fraction of the risk of smoked tobacco.
This is supported by Dr. Hopkinson, the Medical Director or the British Lung Foundation. He stated that if people
switch completely from smoking to vaping, they will substantially reduce their health risk as e-cigarettes do not contain
tobacco and any harmful components are present at a much lower level. He advises people who switch to vaping to try
to quit vaping in the long term too but not at the expense or relapsing to smoking.
But there are arguments about how safe vaping really is. The World Health Organization says e-cigarettes are
undoubtedly harmful and should therefore be subject to regulation. It also raises concerns about vaping being
aggressively marketed at young people. It is also concerned about the possibility of e-smoking leading to the re-
normalizing of smoking.
A researcher studying the effects of vaping said the findings show that vaping is not safe, especially for the lungs
or young people. He believes that it is dangerous to announce that ecigarettes are much safer than tobacco. In
conclusion, the best advice that can be given is: "if you smoke, switch to vaping: if you don't smoke, don't vape."

3. From the passage it can be concluded that the more ....

A. People start e-smoking, the less possible it is for them to completely stop smoking
B. E-cigarettes are marketed, the more young people will be buying tobacco based cigarettes
C. E-cigarettes are advertised in the UK, the more young people will be attracted to start vaping
D. People know about the risks of vaping. The less important it is to do research on its effects on its users
E. Research is done on the effects or vaping in the UK, the more evidence will be gained about the dangers of
4. Which of the following is the best summary of the passage?
A. Vaping is being aggressively advertised as an effective means to help smokers stop this habit. As a result,
both smokers and non-smoker are turning to e-cigarettes. This might reduce the number of deaths caused
by smoking.
B. Severe lung diseases caused by vaping have caused a lot of concern among health authorities in the UK. This
is mainly caused by the successful marketing strategies of e-cigarettes wh re targeting the most vulnerable
sector, the youth.
C. A heated argument is going on about the benefits and safety of vaping. The parties against vaping say that
there is no scientific evidence that it is safe. However, opposing parties claim that vaping is 95 percent safer
than smoking which causes the deaths of hundreds of people daily.
D. It is argued that vaping is much safer than smoking and can be used as a method to stop smoking.
Nevertheless, arguments are being raised about its safety. There is evidence that it can cause severe
reactions, particularly in teenagers. Therefore, people who are non-smokers are advised to avoid vaping.
E. Although vaping has already caused some deaths among young people, nothing has been done to prohibit
the marketing of e-cigarettes. This is because health authorities believe that it is still better to vape than to
smoke regular tobacco cigarettes. The latter takes the live of approximately 200 people a day.

5. What is the author's attitude toward the topic of the passage?

A. Anxious
B. Neutral
C. Ambiguous
D. Doubtful
E. Concerned

6. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely concerns....

A. A severe lung disease triggered by vaping that nearly caused the death or a young patient
B. Statistics on diseases that inflict young people who are smoking e-cigarettes
C. Pediatric respiratory medicine and its role in keeping young people healthy
D. A national campaign to ban vaping and e-cigarettes among students
E. The growing popularity of vaping and e-cigarettes

This text is for question number 7 to 9

I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution, Pitzer College, the same question, "What do you
look forward to the most in college?". 2I was stunned and delighted recently when a student sat across from meat a
Starbucks In New York City and replied, "I look forward to the possibility of failure". 3Of course, this is not how most
student respond to the question when sitting before the person who makes decisions about their academic
futures. 4However, this young man took a risk. 5They do silly things, mess up, fall down, and lack confidence.
"My parents have never let me fail," he said. "When I want to take a chance at something, they remind me it's not
a safe route to take. Taking a more rigorous course or trying an activity I may not succeed in, they tell me, will ruin my
chances at college admission.
I wish I could tell you this is an uncommon story, but kids all over the world admit they are under tremendous
pressure to be perfect. When I was traveling in China last fall and asked a student what she did for fun, he replied: "I
thought I wasn't supposed to tell you that? I wouldn't want you to think I am not serious about my work!"
Student are usually in hock when I chuckle and tell them I never expect perfection. 2In fact, I prefer they not
project it in their college applications. 3Of course, this goes against everything they ye been told and makes young
people uncomfortable. 4How could a dean of admission at one of America's most selective institutions not want the best
and the brightest? 5The reality is, perfection does not exist, and we do not expect to see it in a college application. 6In
fact, admission officers tend to be skeptical of students who present themselves as individuals without flaws.
These days, finding imperfections in a college application is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Students try
their best to hide factor they perceive to be negative and only tell us things they believe we will find impressive.
7. How are ideas in sentences 1 and 2 in paragraph 4 related?
A. Sentence 1 indicates the students are fine to be imperfect,and sentence 2 provides the reason.
B. Sentence 1 explains that the student should show perfection, and sentence 2 agrees with it.
C. Sentence 1 states that the students are allowed to be imperfect, and sentence 2 confirms it.
D. Sentence 1 argues what students should do, and sentence 2 counters the argument.
E. Sentence 2 shows that the students are surprised with what is stated in sentence 1.

8. Which paragraph illustrates that college admission accept imperfectness?

A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4
E. Paragraph 5

9. Which sentence is NOT relevant in paragraph 1?

1. Sentence 1
2. Sentence 2
3. Sentence 3
4. Sentence 4
5. Sentence 5

The thrift store business has gone big-time. What used to be a local, mom-and-pop business has been tech.
enabled. The technology inclusion allows what were local inventories of unique items to be available worldwide. The
resale business, as it is now known, has sealed up. All are facilitated by venture capital and private equity. This business
type handles thousands of items and hundreds of millions of dollars of product. The appeal is manifold Consumers save
money on brands they love and help the environment by giving old products new life.Consumers can turn their old stuff
into money to buy replacement or other products. The impact goes well beyond resale and has potential to further chip
away at the performance of department stores and off price retailers like Burlington Comt, TJX.

10. ....plays an important role in the rise and E. Reasoning

success of resale business.
A. Consumption 12. The underlined word 'can' in the passage
B. Environment means....
C. Application A. Possibility
D. Technology B. Request
E. Performance C. Recommendation
D. Ability
11. The underlined word 'appeal' In the passage E. Certainty
A. Bargaining
B. Attractiveness
C. Request
D. Preparedness

The following text for number 13 - 16

The use of modem chemical drugs and herbal medicines, including herbs, simultaneously to treat certain diseases
must be exercised carefully. Random combined use can lead to health worsening. Clinical trials showed the use of
simvastatin as anti-cholesterol drugs or a mixture of guava leaves, Javanese turmeric (temulawak) roots, and Dutch teak
leaves as traditional medicine gave good results if they are used separately. But, if combined, the results are harmful.
Similar harms happen in the combined use of metformin and black tea to treat diabetes. If both are used individually,
they can reduce blood sugar levels in large quantities. However, if combined, the decrease in blood sugar content is
actually very small.
As for herbal medicines, besides being absorbed more slowly by the body, sometimes they are binding substances
from chemical drugs. As a result, the effect of chemical drug is not optimal. Ginseng should not be combined with heart
drugs because it will worsen the heart condition. In addition, garlic, which is also an anticoagulant herbal medicine,
should not be combined with chemical drugs such as acetasol or clopidopril because it will cause bleeding.
Indonesians know and realize the benefits of medicinal plants for a long time. However, the traditional Indonesian
medicine industry has not developed. Currently there are 6 phytopharmacologically based medicines and 31
standardized herbal medicines. The herbs in Indonesia are thousands in number. Jamu is the lowest level in the grouping
of the Indonesian traditional medicines, followed by standardized herbal medicines and phytopharmacologically based
medicines as the highest level. To improve the status of herbal medicines to standardized herbal medicines, there must
be a non-clinical test. To be phytopharmacologically based medicines, clinical trials and non-clinical trials must be carried
out on these medicines. Because of this, many herbal producers are reluctant to improve the status or their products
because even without such complicated procedures, the herbal has already sold well. Manufacturers will only increase
the status of their products to standardized herbal medicines or phytopharmacologically based medicines to ensure the
safety of their products to consumers and export interests.
(Adapted from https://lifestyle.kompas.com/)

13. Who needs to read the passage? A. Ineffective reduction of blood sugar in the
A. Patients use of metformin and black tea
B. Doctors simultaneously
C. Nurses B. Increase in blood sugar in the use of garlic
D. Pharmacists and chemical drugs in the category of
E. Researchers acetasol
C. Worsening heart conditions in the
14. Which is the most appropriate and general consumption of ginseng that combines with
conclusion of the passage? other chemical drugs
A. Indonesia has already standardized herbal D. The onset of bleeding in the consumption of
medicines pharmacologically garlic together with chemical drugs
B. Consuming herbs and chemical drugs categorized as acctasol or clopidopril
together bas the potential to improve one's E. Cholesterol treatment in the simultancous
health use of simvastatin anticholesterol drugs and
C. Use of herbal and chemical drugs in a mixture of guava leaves, Javanese
combination must be strictly based on the turmeric (temulawak) roots, and Dutch teak
prescription. leaves
D. The process of standardizing herbal
medicines is complicated and costly and it 16. The writer emphasizes the importance of
takes a long time. sparating the consumption of chemical
E. Herbal medicines that bind substances to medicines from that of the herbal medicines in
chemical drugs are the cause of the reduced paragraph (s) ....
effect of chemical drugs A. 1
B. 2
15. Based on the passage, health risks of combining C. 3
chemical drugs and herbs arc observed in the D. 1 and 2
incidents as follows, EXCEPT .... E. 2 and 3

The text for question number 17- 20

The word gambut (peat) is taken from the name of a village, Desa Gambut (now Gambut subdistrict),
which is located about 10 km cast of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. It is at this place that for the first time, rice
has been successfully cultivated in peat soiled rice fields. In the soil taxonomy system, peat soils are grouped
into a separate soil order called histosols, which means that the land is predominantly composed of organic soil
materials in the form of the remains of plant tissues. The nature and the characteristics of peat soils can be
determined based on their physical and chemical properties.
Gambut has dark brown to blackish colors. Although its basic materials are gray, brown or reddish, after
decomposition, the dark humie compounds will appear. Furthermore, based on the weight of the contents, peat
soil or gambut, which has undergone further decomposition, has a content weight ranging from 0.2 to 0.3
g/cm³. Due to the low content weight, peat has a large capacity as water storage, about 2-4 times its dry weight.
In fact, moss peat that has not been decomposed can store up to 12 or 15 even 20 times more water than its
own weight. In addition, peat soil has a large absorption area, which is up to 4 times greater than
montmorillonite clay.
Next, peal soil has acidic reaction properties. Decomposition of organic matters will produce organic acids
that accumulate in the body of the soil hence increasing the acidity of the peat soil. Generally, peat soil shows
real resistance to changes in pH when compared to mineral soils. As a result, peat soil requires more limestone
to increase the pH at the same level of the value of mineral soil. Thus, peat soil requires a higher dose of
fertilizers than mineral soil.
Furthermore, based on the nutrients contained in it, peat soil is a type of nutrient-poor soil. High levels of
N and organic matters in peat soils are also accompanied by a high N nitrification process so that the activity of
heterotrophic organisms is not well stimulated and the organisms active in the nitrification process can carry out
their activities. Therefore, the levels of P (phosphorus) and K (potassium) of peat soils are generally lower than
that of the mineral soils. Also, the plants cultivated on the peat soil are very responsive to the fertilization using P
and K.
(Adapted from https://freelearningji.wordpress.com/)
17. What most likely motivates the writer to write the passage?
A. Growing plants on peat soil is considered ineffective to provide maximum yields.
B. People think peal soil can only be found on the banks of rivers or seas.
C. People's knowledge about planting crops on peat soil is still limited.
D. The society needs information about peat soils as agricultural lands.
E. Not many people know the acidity of peat soil in nature.

18. The purpose of the writer in writing the sentence 'Therefore, the levels of P (phosphorus) and K (potassium) of
peat soils are generally lower than that of the mineral soils. Also, the plants cultivated on the peat soil are very
responsive to the fertilization using P and K' in paragraph 4 is to....
A. Identify mineral soil to be given fertilizers p and k
B. Support the increased production of fertilizers p and k
C. Confirm that the best type of fertilizers for peat soil is p and k
D. Exemplify the method of administering p and k fertilizers on peat soil
E. Explain that p and k fertilizers are produced only for plants on peat soil

19. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Peat soil has good properties as fertilizers.
B. Peat soil is physically and chemically different.
C. Peat soil has certain physical and chemical properties.
D. Peat soil has chemical properties that are quite different from clay.
E. Peat soil is brown because of its physical and chemical properties.

20. The phrase 'large capacity as water storage' in paragraph 2 can be replaced by ....
A. Power to withstand heavy water currents
B. Capacity to keep water flowing stable
C. High quality and quantity of water
D. Potential to make large water storage
E. Ability to deposit a large amount of water

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