Ultimate - B1 - Model Answers
Ultimate - B1 - Model Answers
Ultimate - B1 - Model Answers
Model answer: Model essay:
Opening: Hi Jason, I have been playing World of Warcraft for one year. Here
is my review of the game.
Paragraph 1: Thanks for your email.
World of Warcraft is set in a dungeon-themed fantasy
Paragraph 2: My best friend’s name is Leo. He is in my world with many different kingdoms and characters.
class. He is very tall and handsome. He has beautiful The game has lots of action and the beautiful
blue eyes and an attractive smile. landscapes change as your character travels. It is an
adventure game and the main goal is the evolution of
Paragraph 3: Leo is quiet and serious most of the time, your character. It is a fun and engaging game.
but he can sometimes be very funny too. What I love
most about him is that he is caring and generous. A positive feature of the game is its easy-to-use
He is a tennis player and an avid football fan, so we interface, especially for beginners. It is very easy to
often watch matches together or play tennis on the navigate. Another advantage is that the dungeon
fantasy theme has been well designed and is exciting
to play.
Closing: I’d love to hear about your best friend.
A negative aspect of the game is that the graphics are
Love, Sarah not as good as some of the more recent games. In fact,
I find them unimpressive. Also, the screen is slow when
the background changes and the first few levels are too
easy, even for a beginner like me.
UNIT 2 Overall, I think World of Warcraft is suitable for
Model answer:
beginners. If you are new to gaming, I would
It was the first night in our new home. It was a recommend this game.
beautiful cottage in Windermere, in the Lake District.
My new bedroom was much bigger than the one I had
in our flat in London, with blue and green walls that
totally matched my bedroom furniture. My sister and I
Model answer:
loved our new home and were excited to be here, but
There is no doubt that the role of technology in
we were also quite sad to leave London and all our
education is increasing. According to some people,
this means that robots will replace teachers in the
We were all exhausted from the move and went to bed classroom of the future.
quite early that night. We were sleeping peacefully I believe this will help tackle the problem of large
when suddenly we heard a noise coming from outside. class sizes and will standardise teaching over regions,
Our father got up quickly and grabbed the torch. We countries and continents. This can be a good solution in
followed him outside. those countries which struggle to fill teaching vacancies
and it can help to reach students who live in remote
By the garage was a tiny puppy! He was hurt and was parts of the world.
howling in pain. We took him inside and looked after
him. Now he is a part of our family and he plays in the In my opinion, another advantage is that robots won’t
garden every day. have favourite students. All students will be treated
the same, which is not always the case with human
English B1
On the other hand, this will change the very essence of Spending a day together sounds wonderful. We could
teaching. Teachers are not only people who share their go to the museum and a little cafe I know nearby.
knowledge, they are also mentors. We look up to some
Looking forward to seeing you in my town!
teachers and try to be like them. We learn a lot from
our discussions with them in class. In my mind, with See you soon,
teacher-robots all this will be lost.
In conclusion, everything will depend on how effective
robots are at teaching. Only time will tell if this idea will
work or not. UNIT 7
Model answer:
If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in
UNIT 5 Paris. It is the capital city of France and is one of the
Model answer: most visited places in the world.
Paragraph 1: Eating in restaurants has become very The magnificent Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It is 300 metres
popular. Nowadays, people go to restaurants not only tall and was built 130 years ago.
to celebrate events, but also for casual meals with
friends and family. The Louvre Museum in Paris is the world’s largest art
Paragraph 2: The biggest advantage is convenience. museum. It is also one of the most famous museums in
A person no longer has to think about stocking up on the world.
ingredients or the washing up that follows. Another
Life in Paris would be exciting with so many places for
benefit is that you can try dishes that you might not be
entertainment, and so many museums and galleries to visit.
able to make at home.
Paragraph 3: However, one argument against eating in I would love to live in Paris because of its wonderful
restaurants is that we can’t always trust the quality of culture and delicious food.
the ingredients being used. Eating in restaurants every
day can be expensive too.
Paragraph 4: Still, I am in favour of eating in restaurants UNIT 8
because they have become more affordable and there Model answer:
are so many food options available. For students, it can
Jackson had never been in such a terrifying situation
save a lot of time and effort, so they are freed up to do
before. It was a weekend trip and Jackson wanted to camp
other activities.
in the forest. He had set up his tent in a clearing in order
to enjoy the solitude and peace the forest had to offer.
Now he was stuck inside his tent and he could hear a bear
UNIT 6 walking around it. He could hear it sniffing the tent.
Model answer:
His heart was beating really fast and he was terrified.
Hi Tim,
Despite being told by the villagers not to camp so deep
Thanks for your email. I’m really glad you want to take in the forest, he hadn’t listened.
part in my survey!
He could still hear the noises of the bear growling and
About the survey questions… don’t worry, they’re not walking around. He tried to stay calm but he couldn’t
difficult at all! They’re quite straightforward and you stop trembling.
only need about 15 minutes to complete them.
Minutes later, he heard the bear slowly walking away.
A video call sounds good. Would Tuesday at 11 am work He felt slightly relieved, but he was still too scared to
for you? venture outside the tent. He could hear the rustling of
By the way, thanks for thinking about how to help me leaves in the nearby bushes.
build my robot. The truth is, I don’t really have time to After some time, the forest fell silent again. Jackson
search online. I’d like to get some immediate help, and came out and quickly gathered some wood to light a
with precise instructions. fire. He needed it to spend the night safely.
English B1
Model answer: Model answer:
First-aid course for students It’s in the stars!
The aim of this report is to give feedback on the first- When was the last time you looked up at the night sky
aid course that the school organised for students this and thought that it was amazing?
year. It will provide information on how successful the
Most of us take the sky with its stars and moon for
course was and will recommend improvements for
granted because we can see it every night. But every
future courses. There is no doubt that the course was
now and then, something happens to make you see
necessary. Knowing first aid is vital because it can help
something in a completely different way. For me, it was
save people’s lives.
when I saw a painting of a night sky.
In the survey that was carried out after the course,
The painting happened to be my favourite kind of
95% of students said that they were able to give first
art – post-impressionist art. There is nothing more
aid during the course. Furthermore, the majority of
beautiful than the way artists of that time used bright
students found the course was extremely useful.
colours and distinctive brushstrokes to portray real-life
Judging by the survey results, the first-aid course was subjects.
a great success. The majority of students said that
they enjoyed the course. In addition, almost everyone Can you guess which painting it was? Yes, it’s none
said that they wouldn’t make any improvements to the other than Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night. This
course. In fact, only 5% of students said that they would painting of a night sky can be seen at the Museum of
Modern Art in New York City. Spend a few moments
like it to be more practical.
looking at this picture and it won’t be hard to see why I
I highly recommend that the course is organised again like it so much. Van Gogh’s use of contrasting blue and
next year as it provides necessary life-saving skills. I yellow colours and the way he portrays the stars and
would suggest that future courses provide students moon in the sky fascinate me.
with more opportunities to practice to make them more
confident about helping someone in need. Although van Gogh seems to have lived a difficult
life, he created so many beautiful paintings for many
generations to enjoy. I, for one, will think of him and my
favourite painting every time I look up at the night sky.