Candidate Satisfaction Feedback Form
Candidate Satisfaction Feedback Form
Candidate Satisfaction Feedback Form
We are committed to ensuring that all candidates have a positive hiring experience at the DepEd Schools
Division Office – Davao City. The feedback you will give us will help us continually improve our recruitment
programs and procedures. We encourage you to be open with your comments and suggestions, and, in turn, we will
respect your confidentiality.
From where did you get the information regarding this job hiring? Please check all applicable areas.
Please indicate your level of agreement on the following statements by checking the appropriate space.
Strongly Strongly
Indicators Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
A. During the interview…
the schedule set was strictly followed
C. Over-all Impression
How would you rate your experience with the Recruitment Process of the DepEd Davao City Division? Please
check your choice.