Radar Arpha

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1. To carry out a trial maneuver, which of these input information is not required?

a. A delay

b. The proposed speed

c. The proposed course

d. The proposed position of the target

e. Saya tidak tahu

2. Why should ground stabilised true motion display mode be avoided when using
the arpa for anti-collision purposes

a. The true vector can never give an indication of collision risk with another ship

b. The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water

c. True motion does not provide the collision risk of other ships

d. The relative motion display and relative vectors is the only display to use for
anti-collision purposes

e. Saya tidak tahu

3. The critical time while anchoring in a strong current and narrow chanel is?

a. When the ship is brought-up to the anchor

b. When the speed drops below steerage way

c. When the anchor has been dropped

d. When the ship stops in the water before the anchor is dropped

e. Saya tidak tahu

4. Acronym of EBL ?

a. Electric bearing liner

b. Electric bearing line

c. Electronic bearing liner
d. Electronic bearing line

e. Saya tidak tahu

5. To warn the observer if any distinguishable target closes to a range or transits a

zone chosen by the observer, it is used?

a. Cpa warnings

b. Target lost warning

c. Collision course warning

d. Guard ring and zones

e. Saya tidak tahu

6. Which of these glues only a bearing and not a range?

a. Racon

b. Lt vessel

c. Ramark

d. Buoy

e. Saya tidak tahu

7. What is used to warn the observer if any distinguishable target closes to a range
or transits a zone chosen by the observer?

a. Cpa warnings

b. Target lost warning

c. Collision course warning

d. Guard ring and zones

e. Saya tidak tahu

8. Where shall the warning signals be placed if a work is perfomed on the radar
a. Warning notes on all the doors to the
b. Warning plate attached to the mast

c. Warning plates fastened to the mast and each radar

d. Warning notes on all doors to the bridge

e. Saya tidak tahu

9. The quantity s, in the equation d = (t x s) r2. Is

a. The range scale in use

b. The width of the scanner

c. The speed of the radar waves

d. The diameter of the radar screen

e. Saya tidak tahu

10. Which of these factors does bearing resolution depend on?

a. VBW

b. PRF

c. HBW

d. Peak power of the set

e. Saya tidak tahu

11. What is the vertical beam must be wide enough to allow for

a. Rolling and pitching of the ship

b. Reduction of sea clutter

c. The size of large targets
d. Elimination of shadow sectors

e. Saya tidak tahu

12. The international nautical mile is

a. 185 meters

b. 1,852 meters

c. 1,853 meters

d. 1852 meters

e. Saya tidak tahu

13. What is the requirements for using radar for collision advance are describe in

a. Marine orders part 21

b. International regulations for prevention of collision at sea

c. Radar manual vol. 2

d. Admiralty list of radio signals

e. Saya tidak tahu

14. The best land target to use for a radar bearing is

a. A coastal indentation

b. A sloping foreshore

c. A small isolated feature

d. A large headland

e. Saya tidak tahu

15. Control the amplification of echoes received is used to?

a. Gain

b. Briliance
c. Differentiation
d. Focus

e. Saya tidak tahu

16. What is function of the waveguide

a. Conduct pulses to and from the scanner

b. Shape the beam in vertical plane

c. Block the transmitter during reception

d. Generate the R.F pulses

e. Saya tidak tahu

17. Which of these is a result of true motion display?

a. All objects move relatively on the PPI

b. CPA and time directly obtained

c. Course, speed and aspect of any target obtained only by plotting of triangle of
relative velocities

d. CPA and time obtained only by plotting triangle of relative velocities

e. Saya tidak tahu

18. Where will you find the number of the chart?

a. Always outside the right hand margin

b. Below the chart title

c. Always outside the left hand margin

d. At the bottom right hand corner and top left hand corner outside the margin

e. Saya tidak tahu

19. Unwanted radial lines that sometimes appear on the radar screen, the name
given is
a. Racking
b. Ranging

c. Spoking

d. Starring

e. Saya tidak tahu

20. The advantages of a GPS satellite system compared to other navigational aids is?

a. The GPS system gives information about weather and waveconditions in the

b. The GPS system gives information about position, speed and time
continuosly world wide

c. The GPS system is based on hyperbola navigation

d. The GPS system has a built-in group of six radio-beacons called a decca

e. Saya tidak tahu

21. What is the two of most important input information required to operate the
ARPA accurately?

a. GMT time and speed

b. Speed and heading

c. Heading and GMT time

d. Position and GMT time

e. Saya tidak tahu

22. What would be the most probable cause of the error,when using the echo
sounder in a river the soundings indicated may be incorrect?

a. There should be no error with a properly working echo sounder

b. The strength of the tide and current in the river
c. Shallow water effects

d. The density of the water

e. Saya tidak tahu

23. What is the called of a reference for target bearings is provided by a line on the
radar screen?

a. Scanner line

b. Timebase

c. Centre line

d. Heading marker

e. Saya tidak tahu

24. What are such areas known as target detection ranges are considerably reduced
due to shipboard structure like the samson posts etc.?

a. Shadow sectors

b. Blind sectors

c. Shadow areas

d. Blind areas

e. Saya tdiak tahu

25. Which affects the strength rather than the direction of the reflected radar energy,
what the factor is

a. Target shape

b. Target aspect

c. Target surface texture

d. Target size

e. Saya tidak tahu

26. Where shall the warning signals be placed if a work is performed on the radar
a. Warning notes on all the doors to the bridge

b. Warning plate attached to the mast

c. Warning notes on all the doors to the

d. Warning plates fastened to the mast and each other

e. Saya tidak tahu

27. What is the signal from a racon

a. Only provides range data

b. Only provides bearing data

c. Enables the beacon to be identified

d. Does not provide identification

e. Saya tidak tahu

28. What is the vector mode selected on the arpa when the ship is navigating in
dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The arpa radar is set on a
range 12 miles on a course of 314 degrees and own ship has a vector as shown?

a. Relative vectors, ground stabilized

b. True vectors

c. Relative vectors, sea stabilized

d. Relative vectors

e. Saya tidak tahu

29. How can an arpa assist the ship to steer a suitable course to make good the
entrance to a chanel?

a. Select true ground stabilized vectors and make the vectors from both buoys
at the entrance to the channel pass either side of the centre of the screen

b. Select ground stabilized true motion display and after course so that own
ships true vector passes through the middle of the entrance to the channel
c. Select relative motion display and make own ship vector pass through the
middle of the entrance to the channel

d. Acquire the buoy at the entrance to the channel and on relative vector display
alter course to make the vector of the buoy pass directly through the centre of
the screen

e. Saya tidak tahu

30. The PPI known as the ability of a radar set to clearly distinguish two targets, on
the same range and slightly different bearings, as two separate targets on?

a. Maximum range

b. Range discrimination

c. Bearing discrimination

d. Minimum range

e. Saya tidak tahu

31. Uses pulse in radar transmission in order to

a. Avoid interference

b. Counteract bad weather

c. Detect close range targets

d. Conserve energy

e. Saya tidak tahu

32. If possible, when choosing objects for position fixing by radar ranges you should,
to avoid

a. Small isolated features

b. Large prominent features

c. Sloping land features

d. Steep faced feactures

e. Saya tdiak tahu
33. The targets echoes appear along a line called

a. Scanner

b. Heading marker

c. Timebase

d. Centre line

e. Saya tidak tahu

34. The officer in charge of a navigational watch must?

a. Be physically present on the bridge

b. To attend the bridge or always be available for the call

c. To be on the bridge when necessary

d. always be available for the call

e. saya tidak tahu

35. what is the meaning closest point of approach?

a. Located at the bottom which take place within radar terminology

b. Two basic parameters needed to assess the risk of collision in meeting

situation at sea are passing

c. Range between three ships will pass each other if both ships maintain soyrse

d. The closest two ships will pass each other if both ships maintain course and

e. Saya tidak tahu

36. Radars 10 cm also called ?

a. L band

b. X band

c. S band

d. M band

e. Saya tidak tahu

37. What is the suggested navigational systems is a “Hyperbolic” navigational

system and has hyperbolae as position lines?

a. Radio direction finder

b. GPS

c. All of the suggested systems

d. Loran C

e. Saya tidak tahu

38. Target ranges are obtained from

a. The range marker

b. The pulse repetition frequency

c. The heading marker

d. The bearing marker

e. Saya tidak tahu

39. What is the anme of rate at which two moving objects approach or separate from
each other called?

a. Relative movement

b. Relative bearing

c. Relative distance
d. Relative speed
e. Saya tidak tahu

40. What is the function of a corner reflector

a. Increase the detectability of small targets

b. Increase the radar power output

c. Detect targets below the radar horizon

d. Enable the radar to examine shadow areas

e. Saya tidak tahu

41. The transmitter is have a main component, ehat is the

a. power supply

b. magnetron

c. cathode ray tube

d. antenna

e. saya tidak tahu

42. the echo presentation have factors govern, what is the factors?

a. Characteristic of the receiver

b. Characteristic of the display

c. Characteristics of the transmitter

d. All of these

e. Saya tidak tahu

43. What is the main component in the display unit?

a. Cathode ray unit
b. Scanner

c. Waveguide

d. T/R cell

e. Saya tidak tahu

44. How often should anchor bearings be taken, while as vesselis at anchorage?

a. In accordance with local port state rules

b. They are only required if the weather is bad

c. At least every hour

d. At least every four hour

e. Saya tidak tahu

45. What is the acronym PPI?

a. Plan positioning indicator

b. Plan position indicating

c. Plan position indicator

d. Plan positioning indicating

e. Saya tidak tahu

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