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DAILY LESSON LOG FOR School: Grade and Section: V-

Teacher: Subject: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates: MARCH 13 – 17, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


a. Content
b. Performance
c. Most Essential Distinguish text-types according Distinguish text-types according Distinguish text-types according Distinguish text-types Distinguish
Learning to purpose and features: to purpose and features: to purpose and features: according to purpose and text-types
Competencies classification, explanation, classification, explanation, classification, explanation, features: classification, according to
(MELCs) enumeration and time order enumeration and time order enumeration and time order explanation, enumeration and purpose and
(EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) time order (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) features:
and time
d. Learning a. distinguish text types such as classification, explanation, enumeration, and recount;
Objectives b. determine the purpose of the text types; and
c. write a paragraph using a particular text type
Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types
According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and
(Subject TEST
Features Features Features Features
a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b. Learner’s
Material Pages
c. Textbook
d. LRMDS Ignacio,M. (2020). Quarter 3 – Ignacio,M. (2020). Quarter 3 – Ignacio,M. (2020). Quarter 3 – Ignacio,M. (2020). Quarter 3 –
Materials Module 1: Distinguishing Text Module 1: Distinguishing Text Module 1: Distinguishing Text Module 1: Distinguishing Text
(SLMs/LASs) Types According to Purpose Types According to Purpose Types According to Purpose Types According to Purpose
and Features [Self-Learning and Features [Self-Learning and Features [Self-Learning and Features [Self-Learning
Modules]. Department of Modules]. Department of Modules]. Department of Modules]. Department of
Education Education Education Education
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity Presentation,
Sheets, pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook paper, quiz
notebook or
test paper
A. a. Greetings
PRELIMINARY b. Checking of Attendance
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the Directions: Match Column A Directions: Give the four text Directions: Read the passage Directions: Read the text and
previous with Column B. types. and answer the following answer the following questions
lesson/Drill questions below. below.
A (Text B 2. Rainbow is caused by sunlight Have you ever made macaroni
Type) (Purpose) 3. and atmospheric conditions. and cheese? It is simple! First,
1. a. shows Light enters a water droplet, boil some water and make
Classificati how things slowing down and bending as it some macaroni. Then, make
on work and goes from air to dense water. your cheese sauce. After the
why things The light reflects off the inside of cheese sauce is ready, mix it
happen the droplet, separating into its with macaroni. Bake the entire
2. b. presents component wavelengths – or thing in the oven. Finally, it’s
Explanatio ideas by colors. When light exits the time to eat.
n listing or droplet, it makes a rainbow.
enumeratin 1. What is the text about? 1. What text type is presented
g the ___________ above? ___________
2. How are the details
ways, 2. What does the text present? arranged?
types, and ____________ ___________
other 3. What type of text is this? 3. What transitional/signal
information ____________ words used?
3. c. shows ___________
Enumerati groupings
on and
4. Recount d. retells
events in
time order
C. Establishing a Unscramble the letter to form
purpose for the words connected to text.
Motivation _________________________
D. Presenting Text types are any pieces of Text types are any pieces of Text types are any pieces of Text types are any pieces of
examples/instanc writing that you read or create. writing that you read or create. writing that you read or create. writing that you read or create.
es of the new These can be anything from These can be anything from These can be anything from These can be anything from
lesson/Motivation novels, newspaper reports, and novels, newspaper reports, and novels, newspaper reports, and novels, newspaper reports, and
textbooks to recipes, movie textbooks to recipes, movie textbooks to recipes, movie textbooks to recipes, movie
reviews, and game instructions. reviews, and game instructions. reviews, and game instructions. reviews, and game
When you read an When you read an When you read an instructions. When you read an
advertisement, an email from a advertisement, an email from a advertisement, an email from a advertisement, an email from a
friend, or a research article, for friend, or a research article, for friend, or a research article, for friend, or a research article, for
example, the kinds of words, example, the kinds of words, example, the kinds of words, example, the kinds of words,
phrases, grammatical patterns, phrases, grammatical patterns, phrases, grammatical patterns, phrases, grammatical patterns,
writing styles, and structures writing styles, and structures you writing styles, and structures writing styles, and structures
you encounter differ. In other encounter differ. In other words, you encounter differ. In other you encounter differ. In other
words, text types differ in text types differ in features and words, text types differ in words, text types differ in
features and purpose. purpose. features and purpose. features and purpose.
E. Discussing There are different text types There are different text types There are different text types There are different text types
new concepts that you usually encounter or that you usually encounter or that you usually encounter or that you usually encounter or
and practicing use. Each one has its own use. Each one has its own use. Each one has its own use. Each one has its own
new skills No. 1 purpose and specific language purpose and specific language purpose and specific language purpose and specific language
features. In this module, we will features. In this module, we will features. In this module, we will features. In this module, we will
discuss only the four most- discuss only the four most- discuss only the four most- discuss only the four most-
commonly used text types: commonly used text types: commonly used text types: commonly used text types:
classification, explanation, classification, explanation, classification, explanation, classification, explanation,
enumeration, and time order or enumeration, and time order or enumeration, and time order or enumeration, and time order or
recount. recount. recount. recount.
new concepts
and practicing Classification text, also known Classification text, also known Classification text, also known Classification text, also known
new skills No. 2 as text tagging or text as text tagging or text as text tagging or text as text tagging or text
categorization, is the process of categorization, is the process of categorization, is the process of categorization, is the process
categorizing text into organized categorizing text into organized categorizing text into organized of categorizing text into
groups. In this type of text, items groups. In this type of text, items groups. In this type of text, items organized groups. In this type
or ideas are sorted according to or ideas are sorted according to or ideas are sorted according to of text, items or ideas are
commonalities. Also, in this type commonalities. Also, in this type commonalities. Also, in this type sorted according to
of text, the writer presents the of text, the writer presents the of text, the writer presents the commonalities. Also, in this
overall idea then splits it into overall idea then splits it into overall idea then splits it into type of text, the writer presents
parts to provide clarity and parts to provide clarity and parts to provide clarity and the overall idea then splits it
description. Readers can description. Readers can description. Readers can into parts to provide clarity and
recognize classification text recognize classification text recognize classification text description. Readers can
through signal words such as: through signal words such as: through signal words such as: recognize classification text
first, finally, to begin, next, in first, finally, to begin, next, in first, finally, to begin, next, in through signal words such as:
addition, on the other hand, for addition, on the other hand, for addition, on the other hand, for first, finally, to begin, next, in
example, or then. example, or then. example, or then. addition, on the other hand, for
example, or then.
Study the example: Study the example: Study the example:
Study the example:

The text presented above is a The text presented above is a The text presented above is a
classification text type. classification text type. classification text type. The text presented above is a
The details are classified into The details are classified into The details are classified into classification text type.
categories of dogs such as categories of dogs such as categories of dogs such as The details are classified into
being wild or domesticated, being wild or domesticated, being wild or domesticated, categories of dogs such as
having a particular breed, and having a particular breed, and having a particular breed, and being wild or domesticated,
serving a specific purpose. serving a specific purpose. serving a specific purpose. having a particular breed, and
serving a specific purpose.
The signal words used are on The signal words used are on The signal words used are on
the other hand, categorized, and the other hand, categorized, and the other hand, categorized, and The signal words used are on
classified. classified. classified. the other hand, categorized,
and classified.
Explanation text provides Explanation text provides Explanation text provides B. EXPLANATION TEXT
descriptions to looking at things descriptions to looking at things descriptions to looking at things Explanation text provides
like causes and reasons. They like causes and reasons. They like causes and reasons. They descriptions to looking at things
move beyond retelling of what move beyond retelling of what move beyond retelling of what like causes and reasons. They
happened, such as in a simple happened, such as in a simple happened, such as in a simple move beyond retelling of what
report, to address the why and report, to address the why and report, to address the why and happened, such as in a simple
how of what happened. how of what happened. how of what happened. report, to address the why and
Explanatory texts usually tell Explanatory texts usually tell Explanatory texts usually tell how of what happened.
how or why things occur with a how or why things occur with a how or why things occur with a Explanatory texts usually tell
general statement that general statement that general statement that how or why things occur with a
introduces the topic to be introduces the topic to be introduces the topic to be general statement that
explored Time connectives used explored Time connectives used explored Time connectives used introduces the topic to be
such as first, after, then, next, such as first, after, then, next, such as first, after, then, next, explored Time connectives
and finally. and finally. and finally. used such as first, after, then,
next, and finally.
Study the example below. Study the example below. Study the example below.
Study the example below.

The details are presented in a The details are presented in a The details are presented in a
series of sentences that series of sentences that series of sentences that The details are presented in a
explains why and how the rain explains why and how the rain explains why and how the rain series of sentences that
forms. forms. forms. explains why and how the rain
Enumeration text is one which Enumeration text is one which Enumeration text is one which C. ENUMERATION TEXT
presents ideas by listing the presents ideas by listing the presents ideas by listing the Enumeration text is one which
kinds, characteristics, classes, kinds, characteristics, classes, kinds, characteristics, classes, presents ideas by listing the
types, parts, ways, groups, and types, parts, ways, groups, and types, parts, ways, groups, and kinds, characteristics, classes,
other information of a certain other information of a certain other information of a certain types, parts, ways, groups, and
thing. It usually starts with the thing. It usually starts with the thing. It usually starts with the other information of a certain
statement of the general subject statement of the general subject statement of the general subject thing. It usually starts with the
that is broken down into parts, that is broken down into parts, that is broken down into parts, statement of the general
classes, etc. These parts are classes, etc. These parts are classes, etc. These parts are subject that is broken down
introduced by signal words such introduced by signal words such introduced by signal words such into parts, classes, etc. These
as the following, first, next, and as the following, first, next, and as the following, first, next, and parts are introduced by signal
so on; or they may be listed so on; or they may be listed so on; or they may be listed words such as the following,
using commas or enumerated using commas or enumerated using commas or enumerated first, next, and so on; or they
one by one like what is shown in one by one like what is shown in one by one like what is shown in may be listed using commas or
the example below. the example below. the example below. enumerated one by one like
what is shown in the example


When the text presents events When the text presents events When the text presents events
that are arranged in their order that are arranged in their order that are arranged in their order D. RECOUNT TEXT
of occurrence in time, this text is of occurrence in time, this text is of occurrence in time, this text is When the text presents events
called recount. A recount retells called recount. A recount retells called recount. A recount retells that are arranged in their order
an experience or an event that an experience or an event that an experience or an event that of occurrence in time, this text
happened in the past. A recount happened in the past. A recount happened in the past. A recount is called recount. A recount
may inform, entertain, reflect, or may inform, entertain, reflect, or may inform, entertain, reflect, or retells an experience or an
evaluate. A recount may focus evaluate. A recount may focus evaluate. A recount may focus event that happened in the
on a specific section of an event on a specific section of an event on a specific section of an event past. A recount may inform,
or retell the entire story. A or retell the entire story. A or retell the entire story. A entertain, reflect, or evaluate. A
recount should always be told in recount should always be told in recount should always be told in recount may focus on a
the order that things happened. the order that things happened. the order that things happened. specific section of an event or
retell the entire story. A recount
Study the example below. Study the example below. Study the example below. should always be told in the
order that things happened.
Study the example below.

The text type presented above The text type presented above The text type presented above
is a recount text. is a recount text. is a recount text.
The details are arranged in The details are arranged in The details are arranged in The text type presented above
chronological order. chronological order. chronological order. is a recount text.
The transitional/signal words The transitional/signal words The transitional/signal words The details are arranged in
used are then and after. used are then and after. used are then and after. chronological order.
The transitional/signal words
used are then and after.
G. Developing Directions: Identify what text Directions: Read the text and Directions: Match the text types Directions: Identify the text-
Mastery (Leads types are the given in the texts complete the table that follows. in Column A to its appropriate type whether it is classification,
to Formative below by completing the puzzle examples in Column B. explanation, enumeration,
Assessment) below each item. time/order.
The first thing I do when I Column A Column B
1. My first experience in cooking walk my dog is put on its (Text Type) Example 1. The last
rice was funny. I remember comfortable leash. Then, we Column A group is called “For Keeps”.
putting four cups of rice in a walk out the door after 1. a. postcard These are my things that can
cauldron or “kaldero” and settling down all the Classification still be used and are valuable
completely filling it in with a necessary things that we
2. b. Article to me.
water. Then I left to play need. Next, I decide the route
Enumeration discussing
outside. When I remember to take from one place to
issue 2.
about what I was cooking about another. Finally, we spend
3. c. shopping Seashores mate differently
an hour later, I was shocked to time walking together.
Explanation list from other animals.
see and smell something 4. d. Dewey
strange in the kitchen. Type of text
How the Recount/Tim Decimal 3. Finally,
details are e-Order System of she does not feel sad anymore
arranged books because she now got the
Transitional/ chance to play with the other
What signal word is used? puppies.
signal words
4. First,
2. Batibot was a very popular measure 3 cups of rice and
children TV show in the 80’s. rinse it with water.
Children loved it especially
because of its unforgettable 5. Faith
characters which include Pong
Pagong, Kikong Matsing, Kuya like everything about the KPOP
Derms, Noli De Casio, Irma group BTS – their personality,
Daldal, Manang Bola, and the music, and dance moves.
curious aliens named Sitsiritsit
and Alibangbang.

What signal word is used?

3. Why is vitamin C important to

the body? People have seen
that those who eat a lot of fruits
that are rich in Vitamin C are
healthier and seldom get sick
than those who do not eat them.
This is because Vitamin C
makes the immune system
stronger and protects the body
against many diseases.

What signal words are used?

4. Foods can be classified into

three groups based on how they
function in the body. These are
“Go Foods, Grow Foods, and
Glow Foods.” Go Foods provide
our body with energy so we can
move and work. An example of
this is rice. Grow Foods, on the
other hand, allow our bodies to
build muscles and fats and
repair tissues. Eggs and meat
are good examples in this type.
The third type, Glow Foods,
help protect the body against
diseases and keep it health.
Fruits and vegetables, which are
rich in nutrients, belong to Glow

What are the signal words


H. Finding Do you agree in this statement Do you agree in this statement Do you agree in this statement Do you agree in this statement
Practical and why? and why? and why? and why?
Application of When receiving, retelling, or When receiving, retelling, or When receiving, retelling, or When receiving, retelling, or
Concepts and reporting on a specific reading, reporting on a specific reading, reporting on a specific reading, reporting on a specific reading,
Skills in Daily text type knowledge aids text type knowledge aids text type knowledge aids text type knowledge aids
Lives children in organizing their children in organizing their children in organizing their children in organizing their
thoughts. Children who are not thoughts. Children who are not thoughts. Children who are not thoughts. Children who are not
familiar with different text types familiar with different text types familiar with different text types familiar with different text types
might make mistakes or add might make mistakes or add might make mistakes or add might make mistakes or add
extraneous details to reports or extraneous details to reports or extraneous details to reports or extraneous details to reports or
retellings of read-aloud stories. retellings of read-aloud stories. retellings of read-aloud stories. retellings of read-aloud stories.
I. Making What are the four kinds of text- What are the four kinds of text- What are the four kinds of text- What are the four kinds of text-
Generalization types? How do we determine a types? How do we determine a types? How do we determine a types? How do we determine a
and Abstraction text according to its purpose text according to its purpose and text according to its purpose and text according to its purpose
and features? features? features? and features?
J. Evaluating Directions: Complete the table Directions: Read each passage Directions: Read the text and Directions: Write your reflection
Learning below by writing in the and identify its text type. complete the table that follows. about the four text types.
appropriate column the texts ___________________
listed in the box. 1. There are two types of Alipin. ___________________
Aliping Namamahay was a ___________________
servant that lived in their own ___________________
little house on the property of ___________________
their master, and Aliping
Sagigilid was a servant that lived
around the house of their
Text Type: _________________
How climate affects the The water cycle describes how
environment 2. The ocean is blue because water moves through Earth's
Kinds of musical land, oceans,
water absorbs colors in the red
instrument and atmosphere. For example,
An unforgettable part of the light spectrum. Like a water always exists in all three
experience filter, this leaves behind colors in places in different
Parts of the digestive the blue part of the light forms. It is found in lakes and
system spectrum for us to see. rivers, glaciers and ice sheets,
Types of orchids oceans, and seas.
My first day in school Text Type: _________________ It is also present underground. It
The importance of values is a gas in the air and clouds.
education 3. Listening has been one of the
Ingredients for baking a key methods in learning. Going a. What is the text all about?
cake beyond education, it helps
people understand other better.
TEXT TYPES It also build trust, and makes
Clas Expl Enu Reco b. What type of text is the
others feel important. It is one of paragraph?
sifica anati mera unt the key skills that can make or
tion on tion break a situation.

4. Text Type: _______________ c. How the details are arranged

d. What are the signal words


K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery
expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose of instruction
and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson and
because the learners because the learners because the learners because the learners expectations
meet the
purpose and
objectives of
the lesson
because the

VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process engaged in
incorporating incorporating incorporating when incorporating the teaching-
process when

A. No. of learner
who earned 80%
B .No. of learner
who scored
below 80%
( needs
C. No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No of learner
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other

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