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Pasia Math 120 March 5

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Pasia, John Lester R.

BSED 3 Math

1. Discuss each step of Polya ‘s process in problem-solving.

Polya's process of problem-solving is a systematic approach to problem-solving that can be

applied to any scenerio. It involves four main steps:

a) Understand the Problem: The first step is to carefully read the problem and
determine the key aim or question that must be answered. Before attempting to
solve an issue, it is critical to ask clarifying questions and ensure that you grasp the
nature and parameters of the problem.
b) Devise a Plan: The next stage is to create a plan of action to fix the problem. This
entails outlining the measures that will be done to achieve the intended result as
well as analyzing any potential hazards or issues that may develop.
c) Carry Out the Plan: The third stage is to put the strategy into action. This includes
taking the required measures to achieve the intended result as well as making any
necessary modifications if an issue develops.
d) Check and Extend: The final step is to double-check the findings to ensure that the
intended outcome was achieved before extending the solution. This involves looking
for methods to improve the solution or discovering other solutions to the same

2. Prepare at least two (2) simple word problems. Use Polya ‘s 4-steps to come up with the

 The farmer has 24 Cows. He gives away a quarter of the cows. How many sheep
does the farmer still have?
A. Understand the Problem: The farmer owns 24 cows and must give away one-quarter of
B. Devise a Plan: To determine how many sheep the farmer still has, divide the total
number of animals (24) by 4.
C. Carry Out the Plan: 24 divided by 4 equals 6, thus the farmer has 6 sheep remaining.
D. Check and Extend: Multiply 6 and 4 to obtain 24, confirming that the farmer still owns
24 sheep in total.

 A man has 200PHP and spends 1/5 of it. How much money does the man still have?
A. Understand the Problem: The man has PHP200 and must spend one-fifth of it.
B. Devise a Plan: To determine how much money the guy has left, deduct 1/5 of the total
amount (PHP200) from the total amount.
C. Carry Out the Plan: To deduct 1/5 from PHP200, divide the total amount by 5 and
subtract the result from the entire amount. PHP200 divided by 5 equals PHP40, thus
PHP200 minus PHP40 is PHP160.
D. Check and Extend: To check the answer, take PHP160 and add 1/5 of it back to the total
sum. PHP160 + 1/5 of PHP160 is PHP192, confirming that the individual has PHP192

3. Explain the 4 aspects of Schoenfeld ‘s framework for the analysis of complex problem-
solving behavior.

o Domain-specific knowledge- refers to a problem-understanding solvers of facts and

concepts in a certain area.
o Heuristics- A generic strategy used by a problem solver to address an issue. These
techniques might be domain-specific or more generic.
o Control and monitoring- The capacity of a problem solver to monitor and alter their
problem-solving tactics as they work through a challenge.
o Motivation and affect- The amount of motivation and emotional condition of the issue-
solver as they work through a difficulty. These elements can have an impact on the
problem-perseverance solvers and desire to participate in challenging problem-solving

4. Create your own sample of scoring rubrics on grading word mathematical problems
based on the following. A) scoring rubric based on Polya’s model and Schoenfeld‘s framework,

Category Excellent Satisfactory Needs

3 2 Improvement
Understanding the The student The student The learner
problem properly recognizes the struggles to find
recognizes the majority of the important facts,
required facts, important material restate the problem
restates the and restates the in their own terms,
problem in their problem in their and identify the
own terms, and own terms, but mathematical
identifies the they may struggle procedures
necessary to identify the required to solve
mathematical mathematical the problem.
procedures to operations required
solve the problem. to solve the
Devise a plan The student The student devises The learner is
develops a clear a solution to the unable to develop a
solution strategy, problem but fails to clear plan for issue
articulating their properly explain solving and may fail
rationale and their thinking or to articulate their
demonstrating demonstrate how thinking or
how they will use they will use the demonstrate how
the essential essential they will use the
mathematical mathematical ideas required
ideas and and processes. mathematical ideas
processes. and processes.
Carryout the plan The learner follows The learner made The learner makes
the plan exactly, some mistakes in substantial errors in
demonstrating all carrying out the carrying out the
essential processes plan, may have plan, overlooks key
and computations, missed some stages or
and successfully important steps or computations, or
arrives at the computations, or fails to reach the
result. may not have proper result.
arrived at the
proper result.
Evaluating the The student The student The student fails to
solution double-checks and evaluates their examine their
rationalizes their solution for solution for
solution, describing correctness and accuracy or
their logic and reasonableness, reasonableness, or
spotting any but they may fail to does so in a
potential flaws or adequately explain confusing or
difficulties. their rationale or incomplete manner.
detect any faults or
difficulties with
their solution.
B.) Analytic rubric

Category Excellent-4 Good-3 Fair-2 Poor-1

Problem The student The student The student The student

solving was able to was able to was able to was unable to
identify the recognize the recognize the identify the
problem, assess problem, assess problem, problem,
the material the provided assess the facts assess the
provided, information, supplied, and provided
develop and develop and develop and facts, develop
implement a implement a implement a and
strategy, and strategy, and plan, but he implement a
present an present a gave an strategy, or
appropriate generally right inaccurate present a
solution. solution with solution. solution.
minimal flaws.
Mathematical The student The student The student The student
accuracy demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
thorough a knowledge of comprehension a lack of
comprehension most of certain knowledge of
of all mathematical mathematical mathematical
mathematical principles and principles but principles and
principles and correctly made made multiple
correctly used applied them substantial mistakes while
them to solve to solve the mistakes when applying them
the issue. issue. applying them to solve the
to the issue. problem.
Presentation The student The student The student's The student's
presented their presented their response was response was
answer in a answer in a presented in a not presented
straightforward straightforward confused or in a clear or
and succinct and succinct unorganized ordered
manner, manner; way, making it manner,
demonstrating however, they difficult to making it
all relevant may have follow their tough to
processes and omitted any thought follow their
computations. crucial stages process. thought
or process.

C.) Holistic rubric

Criteria Excellent-4 Good-3 Fair-2 Poor-1

Accuracy All answers Virtually all of Some All of the
are accurate, the answers responses are answers are
and all are right, and valid, and wrong, or no
processes are the majority of certain stages work is
clearly the methods are well displayed.
presented. are illustrated illustrated.
Logic Problem Problem Problem Problem
solving shows solving solving shows solution
a deep demonstrates a some demonstrates
understandin thorough understandin a lack of
g of the comprehension g of the knowledge of
concepts of the issues concepts the topics
involved and involved and is involved but involved and
is logically often rational. may have is illogical.
sound. some logical
Communication Solutions are The majority of The solutions The solutions
written clearly solutions are are a little are hazy and
and are easy straightforward hazy and difficult to
to follow. All and simple to difficult to understand.
work is implement. follow. Part of The work has
labeled and The majority of the work has not been
organized. the work is been identified or
labeled and identified and structured.
arranged. categorized.

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