Research 2

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Phytochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Antibacterial Property of Makahiya

(Mimosa Pudica Linn) and Bugnay (Antidesma Bunius) Leaves Ethanolic extract
against Staphylococcus Aureus

Chapter I

I. Introduction

Nowadays, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tract infections continue to

be major causes of morbidity in the Philippines due to bacterial infections.

Therefore, the treatment with alternative treatment became an innovation to the

researcher with no side effects, derived from different medicinal plants. For
instances. As the research of Pasaoa, 2018 he exhibited the present of
Phytochemicals in Makahiya leave extract and proved the antibacterial activity of
Makahiya leaves extract against Staphylococcus Aureus. Moreover, Bugnay can also
be a antibacterial agent and can be used as a natural ingredient with significant
biological function due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties as the research
of Lizardo, et al., 2015 suggested.

Since bacterial infections are so alarming, the formulation of this alternative treatment
for Staphylococcus Aureus is significant most especially in the field of health because
this study will make people healthier and help solve health issues. The beneficial
properties of Makahiya and Bugnay leaves may pave the way for new ideas in the
industry, both agriculturally and pharmaceutically. These are the reasons why the
researcher decided to conduct this study which aims to produce an alternative
treatment against Staphylococcus Aureus and to determine the presence of
Phytochemicals and evaluate its antibacterial ativity.
II. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the Phytochemicals present Makahiya and Bugnay
Leaves Ethanolic extract and evaluate its antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus
Aureus More specifically, it aims to answer the following research question:
1. Will there be a significant difference between the commercial product and
Makahiya and Bugnay leaves ethanolic extract as an antibacterial agent against
Staphylococcus aureus in terms of:
A. Zone of Inhibitation; and

III. Hypotheses
This study will be directed by the following hypothesis:
Ha: There will be a significant difference between the commercial product and the
Makahiya and Bugnay’s Leaves ethanolic extract
Ho: There will be no significant difference between the commercial product and the
Makahiya and Bugnay’s Leaves ethanolic extract
IV. Objectives

This study seeks to achieve the following goals:

1. To determine the antibacterial activity of Makahiya and Bugnay leaves Ethanolic

extract against Staphylococcus Aureus
2. To identify the phytochemial consitutents present in Makahiya and Bugnay leaves
ethanolic extract.
3. To Produce a less expensive and safer alternative in the treatment of
Staphylococcus Aureus

V. Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

Health. Despite being frequently found on even healthy people's bodies, germs can
cause relatively minor skin illnesses that can become fatal if they get deeper into the
body. The study's goal was to identify Makahiya and Bugnay’s antibacterial
properties, this will add in giving security to the health of many people.
Availability. Given that Makahiya ang Bugnay plants are widely available, this study
will offer a potentially effective and significantly less expensive alternative for
treating Staphylococcus Aureus.
Economy and Industry. This study will discover the pharmaceutical potentials of the
variables that can be produced commercially at a lower cost; it can help with local
production of the product and also increase job opportunities. This study will also
demonstrate that other beneficial properties of Makahiya and Bugnay leaves may
pave the way for new ideas in the industry, both agriculturally and pharmaceutically.
Environment. Makahiya and Bugnay plants are considered invasive in certain areas,
particularly croplands and orchard gardens. They are commonly disposed of and even
burned on a large scale, contributing to air pollution. This study will rather encourage
people to use Makahiya and Bugnay for a good purpose.
Lifestyle. Bacterial infections can range from mild to severe, nevertheless, they all
have an impact on an individual's quality of life. This study will help to solve these
Future research. This study will also serve as reserence for future researchers. They
may adapt the findings and consider the recommendations provided by this study to
guide them in writing their own research paper.

VI. Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of this study is to determine the phytochemicals present in the
Makahiya and Bugnay’s leaves ethanolic extract and to evaluate its Antibacterial
activity against Staphylococcus Aureus. The researcher decided to use Makahiya and
Bugnay since these are widely used in medicinal purposes and has abundant
availability. The leaves of these plants are gathered in nearby areas in the community.
The experimentation was mainly conducted on the researcher’s residence and MMSU
Laboratory Highschool for Phytochemical analysis, bacterial culture and testing. The
duration of the study was conducted from November 2022-January 2023.

VII. Definition of Terms:

The following terms were defined according to how they are being used in the study:

A. Phytochemicals- refers to chemical compounds present in plants. It serves as

preventive and curative agent for Staphylococcus Aureus.

B. Staphylococcus Aureus- a Gram-positive, round-shaped bacterium that is a

member of the Firmicutes and a usual member of the micriobiota of the body, usually

found in the upper respiratory tract and on the skin.

C. Makahiya- this refers to a plant that has antibacterial and antimicrobial

properties and this will be used in formulating new alternative treatment for

Staphylococcus Aureus.

B. Bugnay- this refers to a plant that has antibacterial and antioxidant properties

and this will also be used in the production of alternative treatment against

Staphylococcus Aureus.

C. Inhibition Zone- area where antibiotic stops the bacteria from growing or

killing it.

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