Term II Notes - Computer Networks and Network Topologies
Term II Notes - Computer Networks and Network Topologies
Term II Notes - Computer Networks and Network Topologies
Revision Notes
Computer Science
Year 08
Computer Networks:
LAN (Local Area Network) is a network that connects devices in a small geographical area like a
home, school or office building. Examples of LAN include computer labs, Wi-Fi networks at home, and
office networks.
• High data transfer rates: With LANs, data can be transferred at very high speeds such as video
conferencing, file sharing, and online gaming.
• Cost-effective: Compared to other types of networks, LANs are relatively inexpensive to set up and
• Easy to manage: small and contained, are relatively easy to manage and troubleshoot.
• Limited coverage area: LANs are limited to a small geographical area.
• Limited scalability: the network can become congested and slow down, limiting its scalability.
• Security risks: confined to a small area, more vulnerable to security threats such as viruses, hacking,
and unauthorized access.
WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network that connects devices over a large geographical area, such
as cities or countries. The internet is an example of a WAN.
• Wide coverage area: suitable for businesses that have multiple offices or locations.
• Scalable: easily to accommodate additional users and devices.
• Security: more secure than LANs, as they are designed to handle larger volumes of traffic and have
strong security protocols in place.
• Cost: WANs can be expensive to set up and maintain, as they require specialized hardware and
• Slow transfer rates: WANs can have slower transfer rates than LANs due to the larger distances
that data has to travel.
• Complex to manage: WANs can be complex to manage and troubleshoot, especially if they span
multiple countries or continents.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is a network that covers a larger area than LAN but smaller than
WAN. MANs are used to connect networks in a city or a town.
• Greater coverage area: MANs are ideal for connecting computers that are located in different parts
of a city or region.
• High data transfer rates: MANs can offer high data transfer rates, making them ideal for applications
that require fast data transfer.
• Cost-effective: Compared to WANs, MANs are typically less expensive to set up and maintain.
• Limited coverage area: MANs are limited to a specific geographic area, which means that they are
not suitable for connecting computers that are located far apart.
• Limited scalability: As more computers are added to a MAN, the network can become congested
and slow down, limiting its scalability.
• Security risks: Like LANs, MANs are vulnerable to security threats such as viruses, hacking, and
unauthorized access.
Bus Topology is a network topology in which all devices are connected to a single cable or backbone.
Data is transmitted through the cable, and all devices receive the data. Bus topology is commonly used
in small networks.
Advantages of Bus Topology
• Easy to connect a computer or peripheral to a linear bus.
• Requires less cable length than a star topology.
Disadvantages of Bus Topology
• Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable.
• Terminators are required at both ends of the backbone cable.
• Difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
• Not meant to be used as a stand-alone solution.
Ring Topology is a network topology in which all devices are connected in a circular ring. Data is
transmitted in one direction around the ring, and each device receives and then forwards the data to
the next device until it reaches its destination. Ring topology is used in small networks, but it can be
difficult to manage if one device fails.
Advantages of Ring Topology
• Low Cost
• Easy to Expand
• Easy to Troubleshoot
Disadvantages of Ring Topology
• Addition and removal of any node during a network is difficult
and may cause issue in network activity.
• Difficult to troubleshoot the ring.
• In order for all the computer to communicate with each other, all computer must be turned on.