19bgi35s U3
19bgi35s U3
19bgi35s U3
Unit 3
Photo interpretation element
Image interpretation (in this case aerial photo interpretation) is the most basic
form of analysis, consisting of manual identification of features in a remote
sensing image through visual interpretation. Image interpretation is based on
elements that are inherent in imagery.
Shape is the general form or outline of objects. The shape of objects or features
can provide information that can aid in identification. Regular geometric shapes
and straight edges are usually signs of human presence.
Tone (the variation from white to black) or color is the relative brightness or
color of elements in a photograph. May factors influence the tone or color of
features, include the spectral properties of objects as well as the direction of
illumination. For example, tone or color can be used to distinguish deciduous
from coniferous tree in infrared photography.
The size of objects depends on the scale of the photograph, may need to use
surrounding objects or known objects to help determine scale. The relative sizes
among objects in an image can be considered.
Context can often can help identify objects. Features can often be identified by
associating the presence of one object with another, or relating it to its
environment. How objects are arranged with respect to one another; or with
respect to various terrain features, can also aid in interpretation.
One hundred fifty ground farmland remote sensing images collected by UAV are
used as experimental splicing objects, and the image splicing is completed by
the global stitching strategy optimized by Levenberg-Marquardt (L-M).
Experiments show that the strategy can effectively reduce the influence of
cumulative errors and achieve automatic panoramic mosaic of the survey area.
What was needed was a solution that delivered more objective results and could
speed up the 3D model building process.
Data Mosaic allows a geologist to model rock types on a broad scale and then
zero down to finer scale details in areas of interest.
These remote sensing satellites are equipped with sensors looking down to the
earth. They are the "eyes in the sky" constantly observing the earth as they go
round in predictable orbits. In satellite remote sensing of the earth, the sensors
are looking through a layer of atmosphere separating the sensors from the
Earth's surface being observed. Hence, it is essential to understand the effects
of atmosphere on the electromagnetic radiation travelling from the Earth to the
sensor through the atmosphere. The atmospheric constituents cause
wavelength dependent absorption and scattering of radiation.
These effects degrade the quality of images. Some of the atmospheric effects
can be corrected before the images are subjected to further analysis and
Optical remote sensing
The Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) sensors were line scanning devices
observing the Earth perpendicular to the orbital track. The cross-track scanning
was accomplished by an oscillating mirror; six lines were scanned
simultaneously in each of the four spectral bands for each mirror sweep. The
forward motion of the satellite provided the along-track scan line progression.
The first five Landsats carried the MSS sensor which responded to Earth-
reflected sunlight in four spectral bands. Landsat 3 carried an MSS sensor with
an additional band, designated band 8, that responded to thermal (heat)
infrared radiation.
The scan monitor sensor ensures that the cross-track optical scan is 185 km at
nominal altitude regardless of mirror scan nonlinearity or other perturbations of
mirror velocity.
Cross- track image velocity was nominally 6.82 meters per microsecond. After
9.958 microseconds, the 83 by 83 meter image has moved 67.9 meters. The
sample taken at this instant represented 15 meters of previous information and
68 meters of new information.
Across-track scanners scan the Earth in a series of lines. The lines are oriented
perpendicular to the direction of motion of the sensor platform (i.e. across the
swath). Each line is scanned from one side of the sensor to the other, using
a rotating mirror (A). As the platform moves forward over the Earth, successive
scans build up a two-dimensional image of the Earth´s surface. The incoming
reflected or emitted radiation is separated into several spectral components
that are detected independently. The UV, visible, near-infrared, and thermal
radiation are dispersed into their constituent wavelengths. A bank of
internal detectors (B), each sensitive to a specific range of wavelengths, detects
and measures the energy for each spectral band and then, as an electrical signal,
they are converted to digital data and recorded for subsequent computer
Along-track scanners also use the forward motion of the platform to record
successive scan lines and build up a two-dimensional image, perpendicular to
the flight direction. However, instead of a scanning mirror, they use a linear
array of detectors (A) located at the focal plane of the image (B) formed by lens
systems (C), which are "pushed" along in the flight track direction (i.e. along
track). These systems are also referred to as pushbroom scanners, as the motion
of the detector array is analogous to the bristles of a broom being pushed along
a floor. Each individual detector measures the energy for a single ground
resolution cell (D) and thus the size and IFOV of the detectors determines the
spatial resolution of the system. A separate linear array is required to measure
each spectral band or channel. For each scan line, the energy detected by each
detector of each linear array is sampled electronically and digitally recorded.
Types of resolution
There are 3 types of resolutions available to limited company shareholders:
Data acquisition
Data acquisition is the process of sampling signals that measure real world
physical conditions and converting the resulting samples into digital numeric
values that can be manipulated by a computer. Data acquisition systems,
abbreviated by the initialisms DAS, DAQ, or DAU, typically convert analog
waveforms into digital values for processing. The components of data
acquisition systems include:
Data interpretation
Therefore, before one can talk about interpreting data, they need to be analyzed
first. What then, is data analysis?
It is evident that the interpretation of data is very important, and as such needs
to be done properly. Therefore, researchers have identified some data
interpretation methods to aid this process.