Arc Welding

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Obiechive To ztudy toods and

opeaadtiomsofanG 40eldinf
Theoy Flctaitanc welding z a welding pancoAz
heat n ahih
ginesattd anelecta . aac Clectsis asc unedisng
18_dome thout he atplicakiom of paszne and wh and
withoutilles metal
ss_AC and DC 4owesSousce a Ktaikng the ahc
beweanthe electaodes and the aak pëce

lyhesof eldng-
x Fosge o taxue or Plazhic Llelding n this taocess the Womk
prece ane headed o plas ttate and then the womk.pice
ase gontd tgethe by abphying batsuhe_on hem

Example-Reziktance aeldin9 aichion_taelding, Fonge clding ckc

% Fugion 0 mon-sneazUe) welding0, In thik paoceB, the_edge, of
Lonk. pieces o be. qoned and the flles mateaid anthtated
to a ttmpcrakuse above the melking pont of ite mesal_and them
allowed to 2olidig.
Exanpe Anc weldsog Cnax welding ckc
nincible of Electic Ana lleldng T h e asc column is pencsated
bekweenan anodezof DC poeh uphy and the Cathodeblhem
theae tudacomductas of an eltctais chcuit ame haought tgether.
and epasade faa a small diadance (to4 n) &uch that cubntnt
continues t flaus tsagha tath of_ a sanitedpasdialssgaoud
mtchim),called plasma am eleztate asc fonned
Dops of mtlal
bin depasiAcd

AanC Chadsu


SAdestd Weld Gaxe melal

Elecsuic Ac Welding
Page: 1

Ecupmend amd Toolg The eauipmtnd Conaisis 0f

a AC0 DC machine A sepdoam Aana foames ia uscdak

AC poweSou.ce lt ha paimasy md secomdaay Lndinga A0
dhat he susbly voltage fom20o 440) vlt may be ktepptdl
down do 50o g0 volda.
he C pose 3ou9C comal&Az of 1powes tantfmime=
-Cushet aequlatos and3-a full wave Kect7fita to comvet ACzubbly
Jo DC2upply

6Clectode Thefllea. ods uaed in ane weldng are caled

electshodek thecanay Cus-aent. The electaode ase made of
mekallitLwbe ubith iz umiformly Coaked ush flue

Electode halden It ka device fa holding the electsade. 1t

Comducz the Cushent do the electaode

Gnound clamt I t iz a clanp which ía ued togaoumd h e

Lable Coming cmhepotes R0uHce to the uioak. piece
When the elciaode ouchex the wosk pece the electaic
ciacuilis completed.

Cable and Comta.taso Cable vase.gtneralynade. of Cobe0

hame 13a 3Aaike toala amd 1 `k Luged fa
Chitpg neld metal
»eaovinslag aftes Solidifitadion of the

Ka Join

Plakes TJaid

Buts ToinG

Cosnes Jo
Page: 13

i n bauzh I is made of z4iff aieel uihex i a uded o

ub_aut an cleam he mall panclek 0fslbg

h) face shield A face shield uzed do paotec the eyes and

ace of a weldes
f o m ultavialet amd nfared sadiakion of

i halecAive clathingHandglovest Apaon

ypex of Welded Jointa
a p JointThe Jap goint ís ohtatned by oveslossing the ploter
And hen the edgas of the plate.

Butt Joitnt The butt foint is obtaéoned by placing the platas

edge. o tdae
Conne Jomt The. coaneh doit Íz ohtained by foinng the edge
of tuwaplates whoxe kunfacsz_qre at a n angle of g0 o
Loch othe9.
&dge Joink Thía jost ia obfainedby foining do tarallel plates
09 inclined plates
-Toint l4 ia ohtanedby sonnguwo plats ahake. uface
a R e apphox:)atght angle to each athex
Edge Jode

Squast But
Sinyle-V Dousle-V

Double-U Stingle Beleved

Page: 14

Edge Pnepasaditrn T6 obdoain 3oumd aeldk, good tdge aepanadion

i s paaticudasly e2sexdial
DIGGaent edge paeponakion uhich ahe uaed in fuan elding
poocesafa welding buttainté aae
Squant (b Strgle V Dauble Vcda Double U_e) Sgle U

Bul deld
dge Enehaaakion fau lelding
Thicknex of metal Diameta of cleziande
Lezz han 2 mm 15
13 m 15-3
3-5 mm 3-4 mm_
4-8 mm 3-4 mm
-16 m 3-6-5 mm
Mcae shan i6 m 65 mm

Selecafonof lectaocei Thekze of an elechaode iz shteifed hy

ita díameteu mddength. _mo be quoted axgauge
homme 0 unbs of milimetae._
The engtn ollecihode vasíouk betueen 250 m to 450 mm
cmd the dicmttes o 6mm ko g-00mm
Page: 15

one and loecauron of Ant ulelding

1 The machine ahould be adjiused 4aopeu -Cuht
Eloon should be. day amd electaode bolde shauld he inzulaked.
3 f9ammable mateal khauldbe rgemoved fom the gite of
4 Uze helmet amd face. ahield in 0adea. So peateet faam
Shadiohion from she asc fumes, Syngsha ekc
bThe machre sbould be n t v e r b e zatusaded with the elehrode
baze metal because 4closes the
holde Oxn the table, or

A A2elding ciacui
6 Afse e
aunming a beadit ls neceszayo make ine
adfushmtat_o oktasn m 0 a e pexfet weld.

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