Sample Question Paper Social Science (Code 087) Class X - Session 2022-23 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions
Sample Question Paper Social Science (Code 087) Class X - Session 2022-23 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions
Sample Question Paper Social Science (Code 087) Class X - Session 2022-23 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions
General Instructions :
i. Question paper comprises Six Sections – A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37 questions in
the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Section A – From questions 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
iii. Section B – Questions no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2
marks each. The answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
iv. Section C contains Q.25to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks
each. The answer to each question should not exceed 60 words
v. Section D – Questions no. 30 to 33 are long answer-type questions, carrying 5 marks
each. Answers to each question should not exceed 120 words.
vi. Section-E - Questions no from 34 to 36 are case-based questions with three
sub-questions and are of 4 marks each
vii. Section F – Question no. 37 is map-based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 37a from
History (2 marks) and 37b from Geography (3 marks).
viii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been
provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions has to be attempted.
ix. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question,
wherever necessary.
MCQs (1X20=20)
2. Reason for decline of cotton textile export from India to Britain in the early 19th century:
(a) imposition of tariffs on cotton imports into Britain.
(b) quality of cotton textile was poor.
(c) shortage of raw cotton in India.
(d) cotton producers had found other buyers.
3. In which century Chinese paper reached Europe through the silk route.
(A) Nineteenth
(B) Eleventh
(C) Fourteenth
(D) None of these
4. The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes:
(a) Bad land
(b) Gullies
(c) Deltas
(d) None of these
5. Who said this? “'Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one”
(A) Martin Luther King
(B) Louis Sabastian Mercier
(C) James Augustus
(D) None of these
11. Assertion (A): The main aim of the Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Act 2005 is
to generate employment in urban areas.
Reasoning (R): According to its provision a minimum of 100 days of employment per year is
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is wrong
(d) A is wrong but R is correct
17. An assertion (A) and its reason (R) are given below. Read the following statements and
choose the right answer from the options given below.
Assertion (A): India has a federal system. Reasoning
(R): There are three levels of government.
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is incorrect
(d) A is incorrect but R is correct
21. Write a short note on globalisation.
22. What is Rat Hole Mining?
What is Kudremukh?
23. What is Universal Adult Franchise?
24. What is the problem of Double Counting?
33. Explain the difference between formal and informal sources of credit.
34. The idea of power-sharing has emerged in opposition to the notions of undivided political
power. For a long time, it was believed that all power of a government must reside in one
person or group of persons located in one place. It was felt that if the power to decide is
dispersed, it would not be possible to take quick decisions and to enforce them. But these
notions have changed with the emergence of democracy. One basic principle of democracy is
that people are the source of all political power. In a democracy, people rule themselves
through institutions of self-government. In a good democratic government, due respect is
given to diverse groups and views that exist in a society.
(a) What is the basic principle of Democracy?
(b) Why did the idea of power-sharing emerge?
(c) ‘It would not be possible to take quick decisions and to enforce them in Democracy.’ Do
you agree with the statement? Give an argument in favour of your answer.
(d) Write a brief gist of the above-given paragraph in your own words.
35. The famous Chipko movement in the Himalayas has not only successfully resisted
deforestation in several areas but has also shown that community afforestation with
indigenous species can be enormously successful. Attempts to revive the traditional
conservation methods or develop new methods of ecological farming are now widespread.
Farmers and citizen groups like the Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri and Navdanya have shown
that adequate levels of diversified crop production without the use of synthetic chemicals are
possible and economically viable.
1:- Option A
2:- Option A
3:- Option B
4:- Option B
5:- Option A
6:- Option D
7:- Option C
8:- Option A
9:- Option C
10:-Option C
11:-Option D
12:-Option C
13:-Option C
14:-Option B
15:-Option B
16:-Option B
17:-Option A
18:- Option A
19:-Option A
20:-Option C
21:- Worldwide integration of economic, cultural, political, religious, and social systems.
This means that goods and services, capital, and labour are traded on a worldwide basis, and
information and the results of research flow readily between countries.
22. In Jowai and Cherapunji of North-Eastern India mining is done by family members in the
form of a long narrow tunnel, known as rat hole mining. National Green Tribunal had
declared it Illegal.
In Kannada 'kudre' means horse. The highest peak in the western ghats of Karnataka
resembles the face of a horse Similarly the Bailadila hills look like the hump of an ox and
hence its name.
23. After attaining a certain age, all people are given the right to vote without discrimination
of caste, class, colour, religion or gender.
24. The problem of double counting arises when the production value of all the products is
added to calculate the National Income as raw material value is also added to it. Hence only
the value of the final product should be calculated for the solution.
25. Nationalism refers to the feeling of oneness and common consciousness that emerges
when people living in a common territory share the same historical, political and cultural
backgrounds. People may be speaking different languages (as in the case of India) but the
love for their nation keeps them together.
26. • A Six lane Super Highway which connects Delhi-Kolkata-ChennaiMumbai-and Delhi. •
The North-South corridors linking Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) and Kanyakumari (Tamil
Nadu). • The East-West corridor connecting Silcher (Assam) and Porbander (Gujrat). • The
major objective of these Super Highways is to reduce the time and distance between the
megacities of India. • These highway projects are being implemented by the National
Highway Authority of India (NHAI).
27. The contribution of the primary sector over the years has decreased but still around half
of the workers are working in Primary Sector, mainly in agriculture. It means that there are
more people in agriculture than is necessary. It is others words, workers in the agricultural
sector are underemployed. This kind of underemployment is hidden.
The value of final goods and services produced in each sector during a particular year
provides the total production of the sector for that year and the sum of production in the three
sectors gives what is called the GDP.
28. Globalisation: Globalisation is a process of international integration arising from the
interchange of world views, product ideas and other aspects of a culture.
Privatization: Privatization is the transfer of a business, industry, or service from public to
private ownership and control.
Liberalization: Liberalization refers to the reduction or elimination of government regulation
or restrictions on private business and trade.
Multinational Corporation (MNC): MNC is an enterprise operating in several countries but
managed by one country or group that derives a quarter of its revenue from operations
outside of its home country.
29. Print technology was introduced in Japan around AD 768-770. Buddhist missionaries
from China introduced hand-printing technology into Japan . The oldest Japanese book, the
Buddhist Diamond Sutra was printed in AD 868. It contained six sheets of text and woodcut
30. In 1848, Frederic Sorrieu, a French artist, prepared a series of prints visualizing his dream
of a world made up of 'Democratic and Social Republics; as he called them. The first print
shows the people of Europe and America- men and women of all ages and social classes
-marching in a long train, and offering homage to the statue of Liberty as they pass by it. The
statue bears the torch of Enlightenment in one hand and the charter of the Right of Man in the
other. On the earth in the foreground of the image lie the shattered remains of the symbols of
the Absolutist institutions.
The first clear expression of nationalism came with the French Revolution in 1789. The
political and constitutional changes that came in the wake of the French Revolution led to the
transfer of sovereignty from the monarch to a body of French citizens. The revolution
proclaimed that it was the people who would henceforth constitute the nation and shape its
destiny. During the nineteenth century, nationalism emerged as a force which brought about
sweeping changes in the political and mental world of Europe. The end result of these
changes was the emergence of the nation-state in place of the multi-national dynastic empires
of Europe. A nation- State was one in which the majority of its citizens came to develop a
sense of identity and shared history or descent.
31. First successful cotton textile mill was established in Mumbai in 1854. • Mahatma
Gandhi laid emphasis on the spinning of yarn and wearing khadi so that weavers could get
employment. • In the early years, the cotton textile industry was concentrated in the
cotton-growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujrat. Availability of raw materials, market,
transport facilities (port), labour and moist climate contributed to its localisation. • While
spinning continues to be centralized in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamilnadu, weaving is
highly decentralized to provide scope for incorporating traditional skills and design of
weaving in cotton, silk, zari, embroidery, etc.
32. The demand for hand-written books slowly diminished. Copying by hand was expensive,
laborious and time-consuming. These handwritten manuscripts were fragile, awkward to
handle, and could not be carried around or read easily. Woodblock printing gradually became
more and more popular as the demand for books increased.
33. (A) The formal sources of loans that the government registers are followed by laws and
regulations. Whereas The informal sources include all small and scattered units that are
generally beyond the government’s control, they must obey its laws and regulations.
(B) Social welfare is the primary motive for formal sources Whereas profit-making is the
primary motive for informal sources.
(C) The RBI regulates the activities of formal credit sources. Whereas There is no
organisation that controls credit activities in informal sources.
(D) Formal sources typically charge lower interest rates. Whereas They charge much higher
interest rates for informal sources.
(E) Examples: Banks and cooperatives for formal sources Whereas Examples: Moneylenders,
merchants, workers, relatives and friends etc. for informal sources.
36. (A) Jobber was often an old and trusted worker of the factory.
(B) To get jobs in factories.
(C) Jobber was a very influential person in society.
(D) Workers came from nearby villages.