Materi Pertemuan 3

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Asia’s New Brand of Leadership:

A New Asia Requires a New Philosophy?

Prof Dr Din Syamsuddin

Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Indonesia

• To begin the discussion on a new leadership in Asia I would like to remind that we are

currently in an era of an unpredicted situation of tectonic shift of transition in our life

from analog generation to complex digital features –human emancipation and

intellectual progress such as revolution of information and technology that challenge to

the classical leadership in any government and business.

• Leadership transition in term of (1) inter-generational –the coming of younger

generation and (2) in term of landscape (socio-technological, social progress) that

requires a new type of leadership –require honesty, clear mind, moral, knowledge


• Here, I call the RICT (Revolution in Information and Communications Technologies)

which give great impact to leadership and future generation of leaders. With the digital

communication, we have to cope and pay attention to what Tom Friedman says as

“flattening the world”. The role of social media is just an example how a group of

virtually concern people could mobilize people power.

• Leaders need to be aware that we are entering era of instant access, speed and mobility,

and technological challenge to gain of business system and e-government to Cloud

Computing, the BigData and even the coming of 3D printing. The shrinking (if not)

disappearance of distance is fact of life –everybody rush for speed. But the doom-side

we see the “fastest vs. the slowest” as a new gap in era of “broadband networked”


• Within this landscape, there is almost no secrecy, and everything could available on

public domain. The online data access (such as the e-library) certainly closing the gap

of information as any information could be access almost in real-time. And, our

younger generation, are born as “digital natives”.

• Leaders, consequently has to face with more complexity of our systems of

environment –local to global –socially, politically, economically etc. Asia in the

process of leadership transition in term of (1) (inter-generational –the coming of

younger generation), and (2) in term of landscape (socio-technological, social

progress) that certainly, requires a new type of leadership.

• Also, the challenge of leadership will be coming from (1) Globalization (2). Growing

Educated population, (3) Rise of social media, ICT revolution and “Information


• Yet, Asia is very diverse culture, and far from being monolithic. To mention, Asian

character are generally recognized of characterized with: (1). Cultural diversity, (2).

Inclusiveness, (3). Informality. Good and bad have recorded in Asian history; where in

the past (and partly still) dictatorship has produce fierce regimes, while civil-war has

caused a lot of human disaster.

• Current modern history of Asia is currently referred as the most dynamics region with

high economic growth. While Europe is facing recession and the “relative decline of

the U.S., Asian economy continues to grow and even, it play more roles in global

economy (compare to other regions). Asian also contributes more to global GDP

comparing to US and Western Europe.

• However, Asian leaders need to be aware the success of Asian economy (and

development) needs to cope with rising number of population, depletion of natural

resources due to over-exploitation for industrialization and risk of environmental


• The so-called of “dominant narratives” is come to an end. Leaders cannot create

dominant narrative except in the continued authoritarians’ regimes, but, it will

certainly finish in matter of time. Leaders cannot dictate, but what can be done is

branding as generally practice in business and industry.

• Transparency and openness in information/knowledge challenge the hierarchy

leadership, even in the military. The equal access to information has broken the barrier

of knowledge and authority.

• In leadership context, the trait and strategy is not totally change, rather

adapting/revolutionizing our philosophy on how do we think such things, and how

intrinsically embed in our cognitive consciousness as a leader.

• If in the past, Asia were colonies systematically by colonial power, it is time for Asia

to decolonize our way of thinking to move into more transparent and open mind,

embrace the speed of change, and continue to innovate while engage with our

community. New realities that leadership though the pursuit of knowledge in the

complex systems dynamic of our era.

• Since the legitimacy of leader is challenged by speed of information, any leader need

also to literate to the growing complexity of systems across local-international


• We need also to develop more honest and cooperative approach, collaboration among

Asian leaders to continue pioneering or better, saver and justice of our future

generation and planet.

• Based on my experience and engagement in a big societal organization of

Muhammadiyah, as the oldest and one of the largest community organizations in

Indonesia, which is basically a cultural movement, I found what is still lacking in our

current leadership is the Ethic of Philanthropy and humanitarian that could make our

existence in this planet more useful for other. Business and leadership both suppose to

be a vehicle to contribute best to our society, which is beyond border as "One

humanity, One destiny, One responsibility.

• We need also to pay attention to prepare Asia to consolidate our future multicultural

democracy. I also would like to emphasize that a new type of leadership –requires

honesty and morality that comply with corporate good governance.

• In bringing progress to Asia, leaders need to see the West as a partner that could

develop a win-win solution as a responsible human being. By advancing multicultural

approach that relay on the rich of culture, promoting of Asian values must reside with

the liberated principles of mankind and the West is a partner for progress.

• Finally, allow me to consider the relevannce of philosophy and thinking of Ki Hadjar

Dewantara, an educator and philosopher of education in Indonesia. By referring to his

thought, I would like to emphasis on the importannce of wisdom, simplicity, and

clarity in Asian leadership and provide philosophical necessity of modesty and justice.

In Asian context of leader, no matter of how their advance, I think it is importance to

be modest in richness of our multi-cultural based which naturally inclusive.

• Ki Hajar Dewantara (d.1959). He lays foundation of the three principles of –In Ngarso

Sung Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani. Meaning: Ing Ngarso

Sung Tulodo (“in front by examples”). This means that someone who are in the front

line or a leader, it should provide a good example/manner to its members. A leader will

be seen by followers as a role model. Therefore, a leader should have characteristics

that can be an example of role image to the follower –be an active leader. Meaning a

leader is a person who inspire, lead, initiate, illuminate, and exemplify his/her

followers, community or organization according to ideal norms, values or principle

through knowledge, wisdom, and personality. Here, a leader is a pioneer, inspirator,

mentor and living example of his/her people.

• Ing Madyo Mangun Karso (“in the middle builds up the spirit/and will”). This means

that a leader must be able to put themselves in the middle of follower as

encouragement, motivation, stimuli of innovation to the follower to be able to achieve

better performance. It is clear that a leader must care and able to identify the needs

follower. In current flat world, this type of leaders is terribly needed as hierarchical

distance is getting less relevant. And –those three principles are interrelated and cannot

be separated. Meaning a leader is a member or a part of a society, organization or

team. He/she integrates and works with other members in order to empower,

orchestrate, and organize goal achievement.

• Finally, Tut Wuri Handayani (“from behind to support”). Leader should not only

encourage, but also provide support and direction for the organization's progress –

leader needs to be able to exert efforts followers in line with the vision, mission and

strategy of the organization. Meaning a leader is a follower or a student. He/she is a

person who has commitment, obedience and belongingness of values, norms or

principle of a respective society or organization. Here, a leader has openness,

willingness and motivation to learn, accept, accommodates constructive ideas,

criticism and valuable input for betterment, improvement and development. And –

those three principles are interrelated and cannot be separated.

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