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Life Is To Live

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This is a work of fiction. All the Names, characters, places, and incidents
are products of the author’s imagination or used factiously and are not to
be constructed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locals,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Author’s Note

It was about 11 o’clock at night I was on my way from Vila Madalena

to Santo Amaro in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was just like the
other day that I casually took the staircase in the metro to get to the
other side of the road. There I saw a Gringo; looking terrified and was
a man standing behind her. At that moment, I didn’t have anything in
my mind, I just thought that she was lost and trying to figure out a
way. So, I casually walked toward her and asked if she needs any
help. Because, being a foreigner, I was able to understand how it feels
to be lost in a place where we can’t speak the local language and
having a fear of getting mobbed would be even worse. As I
approached her in English, she immediately recognized that I’m a
foreigner too. She engaged in a conversation with me and asked if I
can go with her to the nearest shopping Center. I lived just half a
kilometer away from that place and I could also sense fear and
tension in her voice, so I told her ‘Okay’. As we got out of the station,
she started crying and I had no clue what was going on. I tried to calm
her down and assured that she’s safe. After a long pause, she started
sharing what had happened to her in the metro; she was followed by a
man who was standing behind her, tried pulling her jacket and used
some abusive words too. She was terrified and badly in need of help.
In the same conversation she also shared similar stories which had
happened to her and some of her friends back in Houston, Texas. She
told me that none of the counties are safe for women neither Sweden
nor Denmark ‘women are always an easy target for men’. I told her
that in the first week of my stay in Sao Paulo I was also afraid to go to
certain places and travel alone, especially at night time, it was
petrifying, eventually, I got used to it and now I’m on my own. She
asked me ‘what were you afraid of?’ I said that I was afraid of losing
my cellphone and some cash on me. She laughed at me and said
‘well, that clearly distinguished the fear of men and women. More than
losing personal belongings, women are afraid of being touched,
molested or even raped’. I could neither deny nor did I disagree with
her, and what she said had made sense to me. Just a few minutes of
conversation with her have had a huge impact on me, and my concern
towards domestic violence and sexual harassment had augmented;
so, I started paying attention to it, talked to both men and women to
know their views, and read more articles about it.

Two weeks later in one evening, I met the same girl and had a cup of
coffee at the nearby cafe. She was constantly exposing her aversion
towards all men including her stepfather. 'If you don't like any men,
then why do you spend time with me here.' 'I'm not a disloyal person,
you helped me when I was in need, so I wanted to thank you that's
why I invited you for coffee.' Gender-based hypocrisy is on the rise in
our society; it's perfectly portrayed that women are equally given
opportunities, female president, women on the space and voting
rights etc., but in reality, those are just a brainwashing' she added.
She is a Christian feminist who believed that Jesus was the first
person who raised his voice for women and fought against gender-
based violence. She also stated that the world is infested by men, and
women are just prey for them by all means.

Sometimes as human beings we don’t understand the fact that we are

the byproduct of what we see, hear and experience in our lives. We all
are a stack of accumulation; be it food or emotion; our actions and
opinions are based on the accretion of our past life, because we
consciously or unconsciously built a one-way container in our mind
with a strong base, so whatever that life throws at us, either good or
bad gets stuck in it. And, it plays a major role to control the rest of our
journey in this world. We can't keep our container empty which is
practically not possible, because as human beings we have the power
of evocation as it’s our inborn nature. It's just that we need to have a
baseless container that will not let anything to stay permanently, so
there will be no impact over the future events, yet acquiring the
wisdom from the bitter experience in our past becomes very essential
so as to avoid the same mistake all over again. She was sexually
abused by her stepfather, and the similar stories of her friends and
other bitter experiences of harassment and abuse in her life have
turned her against all the men in the world.

I didn’t involve in any sort of arguments proving that there’re good

men too. Rather, I simply listened to her. I also told her that I’d been
doing some research on domestic violence, and sexual harassment
and talked to quite a few victims who had been harassed. She asked
me what was I going to do about it and I replied ‘no idea’. She laughed
at me and said ‘Can I suggest you something if you don’t mind’. I said
‘of course’ and she told me to write a book. It was really weird that we
didn’t share our contact information with each other, she didn’t ask
me either, and so did I.

I never had a thought of being an ‘Author’ but what she said made
sense to me. I took that into consideration and started working on my
thought process and did my research for two years to know the
mindset of both men and women so that I can give an authentic
product to the world. After setting down successfully, and half way
through the book, I had to write some important scenes of the story
which needed the opinions of both victims and the common people. It
was really fascinating to know that most of the victims had no
intention to take revenge, but they still hold the grudge and brood
over it. On the other hand, when I narrated the story to the non-
victims to ask their opinion on how they wanted it to proceed. They
reacted a lot in the sense of retaliation. With great respect for both
their opinions and an Author’s interpretation, I completed the story
with the help of many wonderful people. I believe this book can be a
duster to clean the painful past and an eye-opener for people who
wants to start a new life of their dreams.
Chapter - One

The sky turns grey as the clouds gather, and the day becomes dark as
it gets older. The kisses of drizzles on the land of Rockville bring out
a beautiful earthly smell. The gentle blow of winds has swooped the
northern cardinals, blue jays, and American robins; witnessing the
murmuration of them is a gift for one's eyes. But, the mood of the
situation changes gradually when precipitation picks up and the
unwelcomed guest from the sky has gotten people indoors in town.
Yet the heavily expectant mother on the porch forgets all her pain,
anguish, and torments of her past in the acrobatic behavior of mother
nature. Gently holds her 9-month-old baby bump on one hand,
closing her eyes with chin up in ecstasy, and extends the other to
catch water sliding from the roof of her house; playing with the water
like a five-year-old child, but couldn’t decipher the message it carries.
Suddenly, a lightning strike has brought her back to the real world,
the wind becomes stronger and the downpour becomes heavier; the
wet and slippery corridor has made her swollen feet difficult to get
into the house. Her heart beats louder than the shattering windows,
the continuous thunder and lightning frighten her to the core. Sandra
Jones; a gorgeous woman has experienced things that most of the
women wouldn’t even have dreamt in their lives, but her
determination has helped her paddle across the strong waves yet her
battle still continues. She’s in her early 20’s, tall, blond, and in the
parturient. Manages to do the daily chores all by herself. Being alone
by choice is a gift of solitude that one can accord to oneself; it's the
greatest feeling that only a few people can experience, whereas
undesired loneliness and imposition of isolation from the world is a
curse of the cross that most people endure. Sandra's life may deem
like a malison, but her attitude towards adversity is different because
is a very positive woman.

It's about 9 o’clock at night, and it still rains. Sandra senses the signs
of an accouchement. “Oh my god it's going to happen” she's
panicking and tries to find her cellphone to get some help.
Unfortunately, A sudden roar of thunder has got her water broke and
increased the fear of dropping the baby on the floor. She lies down on
the carpet as the pain is unbearable and screams loudly due to
contractions. Distance between the houses is quite far as it is situated
on an outskirt so her scream goes unheard. She is a strong and brave
woman who can even dare to take on a grown lion. But, the Lashes of
labor pangs are intolerable for every woman and Sandra is not an
exception, as the pain rises, she’s trying to fight back her tears, but
still can’t bear the acute stings, so she decides to divert her mind. To
be able to divert one’s mind during labor is practically impossible
however, Sandra’s managed to wade through it, because she is so
strong in her spirit.

After hours of struggle, and in one instant she takes a deep breath,
pushes down the baby with her own willpower and the bundle of joy
has come sliding out of her. Finally, she could hear the cry of her
baby. Reviving from the fatigue of her body, she manages to see the
face of the cute little baby girl and calls her, ‘Merlin’, my little

On one hand, Sandra is amazed by the gorgeous 7-pound beauty that

God has sent into her life but is also worried at the same time, that
she’s a girl child and has to live in this merciless society. The soft
tender hands, the pale skin, the fragile body, and the smile of her
baby have strengthened her to sit by herself and take the infant in
hand. Her Joy is so immense that she’s forgotten her pain.

According to Sandra, the entire planet is extremely patriarchal, she

was afraid of the throttles that Merlin may have to face in her life. In
her eyes, the world is so cruel to women and to bring her own child to
this terrible place gives her nightmares.

The days pass by and the nature around her such as the beautiful
mornings, clear skies and the smell of fresh dew drops, magnificent
landscape surrounded by water bodies, bumpy hills, skyscraping
trees, and the humungous greenery have helped Sandra to recover
faster. The amazing scenery around her has become a glue to her
broken heart, and healing of her wounds both internally as well as

In a few months; Sandra is back on her feet and traveled back to

Baltimore, Maryland to join her work after the maternity leave. Being a
single mom, her life has become even more challenging as she’s got
to do all the work by herself. She leaves her daughter in the daycare
center and goes to work. To her surprise, she’s been replaced by
other women at her designation without any prior notice. She’s
already expected something like this is going to happen, but still, it
was a bolt from the blue. Sandra is unable to leave her job as it’s the
only bread and butter for her family. Being upset, confused, and
uncertain had got her to spend time in the cafeteria with a cup of
coffee and start thinking about how to handle this sudden demotion.
She’s unexpectedly interrupted by a phone call from the daycare

“Hi, Ms. Sandra, I wanna tell you something, it’s very urgent?” Said

“Yes, please” Said Sandra.

“Mam, your daughter had a seizure and is at the Nurse’s station,

please come immediately,” Said Nanny.

“Oh my God! What happened! Is she okay? I’m coming there right
now” Said Sandra.

Sandra doesn’t have time to think about anything else but wonders
how to get permission from her boss Michael. She has to go to see
her daughter immediately. As there’s no other option left, she makes
up her mind and goes to him and explains her situation, but he
doesn’t seem to understand it. Michael gives her two choices.
“You can either go to your daughter and never come back or just
carry on with your work and leave after office hours”

Sandra is aware of his intention and knows that he wouldn't let her
work in peace, so without uttering a word she goes straight to her
cabin, picks up all her personal stuff, and drops her office keys at his
desk with a fierce look to let him know that she’s burnt her bridge.
She boards a bus that heads towards the daycare center and sits next
to a window seat. Being jobless and broke, and the news that she
received from the daycare center has knocked her over; Sandra is
very upset about the unconscionable action that Michel had taken against
her in spite of knowing her brilliance and loyalty. She closes her eyes and
starts thinking about what happened during her maternity leave; after she
was discharged from the hospital with her baby; Michael came to pay her a
visit in Rockville. Despite the fact that she had just recovered from cramps,
he tried to take advantage of her. While she was nursing the baby, he got
closer to kiss the child, but she immediately pushed him away.

“Are you crazy, do you want to die as an assistant? If you cooperate with
me just for tonight, you will get your promotion.” Said Michael.

“What do you want to do with me now? Do you have any idea, what had I
gone through to get this baby out of my womb? Listen! I don’t want to trade
my body to get any preferment. You can’t bribe all the women to fulfill your
needs. I’m warning you now, just get away from my sight otherwise I will rip
your skin off from your body,” said Sandra.

Michael didn’t try to ravish her because he knew what she was capable of.
With great frustration of not being able to do what he’d intended for, he
uttered “You will face the consequences” and walked away livid.

Now Sandra opens her eyes and the bus arrived at the daycare center.
As soon as the bus stops, she runs with anxiety to the Nurse’s station
and spots the nanny who is waiting for her at the reception.

“How is my child? where is she?” asked Sandra nervously.

“Please don’t panic mam, it was an emergency, there was no time to even
think of what to do, so we rushed her to the hospital” replied the Nanny.

Sandra feels numb below her waist, her heart pounds very fast and tears
roll down her cheek. She goes to the hospital which is just a few blocks
away, and sits beside her daughter’s bed, slowly running her hand into her
child’s curly hair. As she gets closer, her tears drop on the soft cheek of her
baby, which awakens Merlin from sleep. Merlin opens her eyes and feels
excited to see her mom sitting next to her. She hugs and kisses her all over
the face. Sandra loves her daughter so much as she’s everything to her.
Every day she prays to God to make this world a better place not only for
Merlin but for all the women too.

Days passed into weeks and weeks passed into months. She has
exhausted almost all the money that she’d squirreled away.

The doorbell rings at 6 o’clock in the morning….

Sandra jumps out of the bed to see who’s out there so early in the morning.
She gently opens the door only to be pushed back into the room by her
landlady’s husband. The door is left wide open and Sandra walks backward
while that man forces himself on her before Sandra could react; To her
luck, the landlady walks in only to discover them standing too close to each
other. Immediately he withdraws himself as he had seen his wife through a
mirror reflection and says, “I’ve just come here to ask for rent as it’s been
due for months, she’s trying to entice me with sex-for-rent because she
cannot afford to pay us anymore”. Without even analyzing the situation nor
verifying the truth from both of them, the owner blurts out saying, “This is
why I don’t rent my houses to single women”. When Sandra tries to justify
herself, she’s overruled by the landlady “I had been patient with you even
though the rent is due for the past six months but to keep a woman of no
character would ruin my marriage life, I want to evict you right away but I’m
not ruthless, hence a week time notice, nothing more for you to find another
house and vacate my place”.
Sandra’s been kicked out not because she was accused of seducing a man
to rule out the rent but to save the lives of two women from a man of no
morals. Sometimes the mist of insecurity will blur out the wisdom of
unprejudiced, the landlord clearly knew what would’ve happened in the first
place, but her precariousness in life has pushed her to do injustice.

Just as eating a lot of junk food, most of us are consuming the indignity that
people throw at us. Both are not good for health, one will get you fatter and
the other one will get you depressed, they could kill you eventually. Some
people are meant to throw trash at you, just avoid them, and delete them
from your contact list. When you're on a diet, you're very conscious of what
you eat; similarly, you should be very conscious of the people you let into
your life. Because the people you associate with have the power to make
or break your life. Unhealthy food and hostile people are both a piece of
garbage and a waste of time.

The words of the landlord are swarming in her head, Church is the only
place where Sandra can find peace and happiness; so she goes to a
nearby chapel. Holding Merlin in arms and kneeling to pray; unable to
express her thoughts as words, but more than that, her tears express her
grief. With nowhere to go, no one to trust and no shoulder to lean upon;
she puts her trust in God. Prayer is her only strength; it empowers her to
endure the unjust things that have happened as well as it motivates her to
live each day. Almost, after an hour of Prayer, she gets up; walks through
the wooden door where she sees a notice board and learns that there is a
job vacancy at Yorkshrine church. Sandra feels her prayers are answered;
quickly makes a note of the address and the phone number. Life has taught
her to stoop down to any extent as long as there is integrity; even if she has
to live off the roads yet she can’t imagine the sight of her baby being raised
on the pavements and so she goes on. She could've removed the entire
poster from the notice board so that other people can't apply for that job,
but she doesn't do that. Because, she belives that if it's yours it's yours not
body can grab it from you and if you don't get it then it's not meant for you.
Sandra is constantly reminding herself that they are practically homeless
and are desperately in search of food as well as shelter. Without any delay,
she starts to walk as she can’t afford to hail a cab. By foot, it takes her 2
hours to get to Jackson Town where the church is located, and carrying the
baby in her arm is quite a challenge. Persistence and mindfulness are her
key characteristics, so the journey continues . . .

Upon reaching her destination and without any further ado, she sits with
her daughter and waits for the opportunity to talk to the Father in person.
Sandra is the kind of woman who’d never scrounge up regardless of the
situation she’s into. It’s her inborn nature; a woman of true moral value.
She believes in getting things out of integrity and merit.

“Father, may I have a word with you?” said Sandrah.

“Of course, my child! What is it about?” said Father.

She tells Father that she’s seen a job vacancy posted on the church notice
board and would like to apply for it; ‘I’ve two years of experience
volunteering in Faith Baptist church at Swinburne when I was a teenager
and I also studied in a bible school. I’m wondering if I could get a job here’
asked Sandra.

“The church actually needs a person who can manage the directory of all
the homeless people, if you are interested to take this job, you will be paid
$ 750 for the first 6 months. After your probation period, based on your
dedication and attitude you will get a raise of $250 in addition,” said Pastor.

Even though it’s a meager amount, she doesn’t consider it a pittance. It

means a lot to her and she accepts it with gratitude.

“Thank you so much Father, you've not only given me a job but confidence
to live my life and I’m really grateful to take this wonderful opportunity.
Thank you once again for considering me a right match for this position,”
said Sandra

“If you want to thank somebody, thank our Almighty,” said Father Williams.
Luckily, Sandra gets the offer and is asked to take up the position the very
next day. With a thankful heart, she walks enthusiastically not feeling the
tiredness that she had walked miles back and forth, and is still gleaming
with Joy.

Being strapped for cash, and can only afford to buy food for her child;
she just drinks water to elude her starvation. She would rather go
hungry for days than counting on someone’s sympathy. As happy
and thrilled to start the first day of work the very next day in the most
beautiful place, Sandra feels like she’s had everything from soup to
nuts, but in reality, she just had plain water. With loads of
excitements; she hits the bed on time as tomorrow will be a big day
for her. The next morning, she’s all set and heads to the Chapple on
foot. At the Church office, she’s marveled by her work the very first
day. She walks up and down on the staircase, gets her station
cleaned, has attended more than 50 phone calls, and booked 10
appointments for the Presbyter.

Although she's up in her spirit of having found a job in a gracious place, the
deadline that her landlord had given to move out of the house is haunting
her, constantly. Ravenous and enervated; having not eaten many meals
and ambulated to and fro for quite a lot of kilometers and being assiduous
at work have exerted herself way too much. Trudging the last few steps on
the staircase to get to the registry room had suddenly made her collapse.
With the phone ringing off the hook, Father and the Presbyter walk in to
check why no one answered the phone and wonder what Sandra was
doing? They are alarmed to see her in an unconscious state lying on the
floor and try to revive her but she doesn’t have the strength to even open
her eyes.

One of them quickly dials 911 and asks for an ambulance. The Para
Medics arrive and diagnose that she’s dehydrated and must not have eaten
for days. She’s put on an IV drip and her condition stabilizes. She clearly
knows that a slice of bread and a glass of milk would bring her back on foot
so a recommended hospital stay was refused. She is now being
interrogated by Father as to why hasn’t she eaten and where does she live.
Sandra was a bit reluctant initially but upon insistence, she told
Father about the fact that she was jobless, broke, and the deadline
that her landlord has given to move out, and walking for miles with no
food have conked her out. She's given a glass of milk and some toast

Why didn't you tell me all these beforehand; did you think that I'd turn
my back? Said Father.

"No, no. Certainly not Father. When I came out of the church with a
heavy heart, I was in a dire need of a job and I didn't even know
whether or not I would get it. But being honest with a faithful heart,
God has answered my prayers instantly; I believe in him and I was
sure he'd get us a place to stay and food to eat"

"You are so right; God has just gotten you a roof over your head and
a meal on your plate. You may stay here with us, the church will
provide you with food and shelter as long as your service continues.
I’ve been watching you since morning, your unpretentiousness at
work despite everything that you have faced, is quite remarkable. You
hadn't just availed this free bed and board as you're in an dire
situation, but it's a reward for your dedication and integrity."

Sandra loves her current job; now she doesn’t have to put Merlin in the day
care as there’re lots of people to look after her. York Shrine is one of the
oldest and historical churches in the town; it accommodates thousands of
people every month and serves free food for the homeless. Everyone in the
church loves Merlin and she enjoys being there too. Sandra gets busy with
her day-to-day work, but her bitterness towards men has never faded away
so does her detestation towards them.
The Chase

The Phone rings… “ York Shrine Church, how may I help you? ” said

Hello, my child, this is Father Williams, “I’d like to have a word with you.
Please come to my office”.
‘Of course, father,’ said Sandra.

She immediately goes to Father William’s office room.

“Please have a seat my child,” said the pastor and continued…

It’s been almost 6 months since you started working here as a register
maintenance officer in our church. I like your work and we are so fortunate
to have a blessed person like you with us. To be honest with you Sandra;
before you got here nothing was organized and there was no track of who
was coming in and going out. It concerned me a lot but now everything is in
the right order in God’s house. May you be blessed, my child!

Sandra becomes emotional and says, “Father I still can’t forget those days I
used to walk for hours without food to get here. Both my child and I were in
a state of complete destitution and was no one to harbor us. If you hadn’t
given me an opportunity to work as a register officer in this most gracious
place; I wonder where I’d have ended up with my daughter. I’m really
indebted to you and the church for providing us with food and shelter”.

You’re in safe hands my dear child, don’t worry about anything, said Father

Sandra had to go to her desk to complete some pending work, as soon as

she leaves Father's office room a man just walked in. He enters into
Father’s room without his permission and shows him a picture.

Have you seen this woman? asked the man.

‘Who are you and what you want?’ asked Father Williams with a fearful

‘I need this woman; I heard she lives in this town. Does she visit this
church?’ said the man with a loud and firm voice.

‘I don’t know what are you talking about gentleman and I’ve never seen her
before’ said Father with a shivering voice.
He holds Father Williams by the collar; pushes him against the wall, points
a gun at him. With a fear and trembling voice, Father tells him that ‘the lady
you are looking for is not here, if I happen to see her I’ll let you know’. ‘You
better inform me if you know anything about her, otherwise I will never
spare anyone in this church’. The man reluctantly let goes of his collar and
walks out on him in an impertinent manner as he did not get an appealing

A great sigh of relief! Father Williams can’t believe what had just happened
and it took him a while to revive from the shock. He looks at the main gate
of the church to make sure that the man leaves; immediately calls the
security guard and says ‘Don’t allow anybody inside without my permission
and keep the gates closed.

He couldn’t wait to enquire Sandra about the man who had just scared him
to death. So, he phones her right away, but the call reaches voicemail
‘Sandra, I need to talk to you, please come to my room it’s an emergency.
Father Williams becomes restless and calls Sandra multiple times but it
reaches voicemail. He also texts her a message.


Sandra calls the pastor’s cellphone as soon as she reads the message.

“Hello Father, sorry I missed your call. Please tell me,” said Sandra.

“That’s fine, please come to my office immediately,” asked Father Williams

“Okay Father”, said Sandra.

Alright, I want to ask you something very important. After you spoke with
me, a man came to my office with your photo and enquired about you. I
pretended that I have never seen you before because he didn’t look like a
man of honor. I didn’t want to put your life at stake.
Did he tell you his name father? Said, Sandra.

Although it's been just six months since she joined, her integrity has been
greatly admired by father Williams. She has changed the total structure of
the church and made it well organized. If at all he blindly trusts anybody it'd
only be Sandra. So, he politely answered her question rather than
interrogating her.

“No, he didn’t and I didn’t dare to ask him either, but he gave me a small
piece of paper with his phone number, to inform him about your
whereabouts, I can vividly remember his physical appearance and I’m sure
that I can perfectly effable him as well. He’s about 6-foot tall, thin, long hair
like a hippie, had a heavy accent and he should be in his mid-60’s”

Sandra starts muddling and says to herself ‘how come he found me? He’s
come so far searching for me. Does he know about Merlin? Oh my God’,
Her mind races over thoughts, and gets nervous.

She looks stressed and breaks out in a sweat as if she struggled up the hill.
Father surmised that there’s something terribly wrong and continued, ‘I
have got a very important meeting to address, people are waiting for me in
the conference room, I can’t cancel it now. Don’t worry about anything
we’re by your side, and don’t run any personal errands at least for the next
few days. I’m afraid he’d be around looking for you. I will talk to you right
after I finish up with that, please be available I need to talk to you in detail.”
Sandra didn’t utter a word, but goes straight to see her daughter to make
sure she’s alright. But to her surprise, Merlin is not there in her crib. She
thoroughly checks the entire building and asked everyone in the church if
they have seen her daughter around but no one has. Without wasting a
moment, she dials Father’s cell phone ‘Merlin is missing, I can’t find her
anywhere; did you see him leaving the premises; was he alone or did he
have Merlin in his hand? asked Sandra

‘No, I saw him leaving our premises all by himself,’ said Pastor.

In York Shrine Church, there’s a woman called Maria who became a close
friend to Sandra during their stay. Merlin spends most of her time with
Maria, especially when her mom is busy registering new entries. She
usually takes the child to the park which is less than half a kilometer away
from the church. It’s one of the biggest parks in town, but only a few people
visit there, because it’s a place for conducting illegal activities, people also
call it a crack house, and there had been a police riot recently four men
were shot dead during the clash between two gangs. So the park was
closed temporarily and has just been opened. Although Maria was advised
not to take the child to the park, she continues spending time there with the
kid in mere negligence. Sandra thinks that she must be at the park with her
daughter, so she runs fast to see if she has got Merlin there. As she enters,
the big old trees at the park border the fields and act like guards, muffling
the sound of the busy street around them and this makes this place calm,
peaceful and also suitable for doing unlawful acts. This is the reason Maria
spends most of her time here as it’s very quiet and isolated from the rest of
the world. Sandra’s calling out their names and searches everywhere,
there’s an old couple walking by on the pathway opposite to Sandra. She
promptly sprints to them to ask if they have seen both Maria and her
daughter Merlin. They said that there was a woman in her 30s, wearing a
brown top, dark green skirt with a child in her arm; and it looked like she
was scuttling from someone, after some time, a man lunged in to us and
enquired about the same woman and the child, but he sounded more
horrendous so we didn’t respond to his questions. Sandra asked if they
have seen them going out of the park, and they haven’t.

“Is there a way out on the other side of the park? Because they might have
exited that way” asked Sandra.

“Yes, there is, but that’s an abandoned gate, nobody uses it,” said the duo.

Sandra is suffocating in fear as if someone is chocking her to death.

Without uttering another word, she rushes into the park to save both her
daughter and her friend. As she goes farther into the park it turns out to be
a forest were many copse, thicket and bushland, it gets darker as the trees
on the either sides are covered up and the sunlight hardly reaches the
ground through the dapples of leaves. She gasps hard to catch a breath,
yet continues to walk without a halt and calls out their names loudly. The
path gets narrow and there’s no sign of anybody. The only sound she can
hear is the rustling leaves and birds fluttering among them. At the far end,
there is a dilapidated abode. Sandra is neither worried about her own life,
nor does she think of going back to the church. All she has on her mind
right now is to save her daughter and friend and take them back to the
church safely. There she sees a forsaken house, and walks towards it
without a single thought to check if they’re hiding inside; nobody can ever
imagine spending even a minute in that terrible place. The derelict
appearance would frighten anybody who wants to get in.

She stands in front of the rotted wooden door with rusted metal handle.
With great trepidation; she twists the knob of the door; it creaks, the sound
that echoes fill in the room that would cause any heart to skip a beat. She
silently pads into the living room and carefully investigates if someone is
there. But this time, they are not been preconized by her as it would alert
the man who might be at the same house looking for them. There’s a flight
of old warped stairs ahead of her which leads to another room. It’s quite
risky to take those steps as they might give way, but it doesn’t sway her
determination either to make it to the second floor. She can hear the creak
from underneath as she gets on the staircase, the creaking sound gets
louder to the further steps, her hands are wrapped up the old wooden
bannister. Alas, somehow, she manages to get there, but the door is locked
from inside. Her intuition says they must be hiding in there, now she gets a
ray of hope and remembers the wonderful lines that her mom used to say.
“Your prayers are your strength; you may not know how powerful it is, but
it’ll certainly give you a wisdom of light which would brighten your path
when you are surrounded by darkness” Keeping those lines in mind she
breaks open the door, there they are sitting at the corner of the room
shivering & shaking.

Sandra forgets all her anguish and fear, the moment she sees her
daughter’s face. They couldn’t wait any longer to hug each other; Maria
couldn’t stop crying and barely says a word.
‘What happened to Merlin, why doesn’t she open her eyes’ she pats her
cheeks gently to help her gain consciousness. Merlin slowly opens her
eyes and cries mumma! Maria closes her mouth and says honey please
don’t make a noise; we need to leave this place as fast as we can.
Otherwise, none of us will survive, I know the shortest way so please follow
me. Although Maria knew all the nooks and corners of the park, she
couldn't get away as she was closely chased by him and somehow, she
managed to lose him and ended up in the abandoned house. To their luck,
he was misled in the maze of confusion and headed to the other side of the
park. The noise of Sandra's footsteps had speculated Maria to think it could
be him, which forced her to be locked up into the closet with the child. Both
Sandra and Maria have a lot of questions to be asked to each other but all
they want now is to get to the church safely. The serenity in the aftermath
of the horrible hunt was remarkable for all three of them.

Pastor Williams is impatiently waiting at the gate and looking at the far end
of the road to see if there is any sign of their arrival. There they come;
Sandra carries her daughter and holds Maria by her hand. He’s so happy to
see them coming and goes to the prayer hall to thank God for bringing
them back safely. Their panics have been temporarily arrested.

“What happened? where had you been? How did you meet Maria? Is
Merlin alright?” asked father nervously. Sandra and Maria look exhausted
while Merlin's fast asleep. Sandra told him that she found Maria and Merin
in Benedict Park. Father got mad at Maria as soon as he heard the name of
the park. "That's literally a crack house, I warned you many times but
despite that, you took the child. We are here to protect the people who are
in our shelter and not to put their lives in danger." Sandra jumped in
immediately and told Father Williams. 'I'm sorry Father, there's a
misunderstanding. She actually saved Merlin's life. I'm sorry Maria, I didn't
mean to...' apologized Sandra. 'That's okay, it was my fault. I shouldn't
have created that impression' "Since it's a pressing problem; a question of
life and death that disturbs our harmonious lives here, I need an elaborate
explanation from each one of you, after which I need to talk to the
Presbyter and take necessary precautions, and we also have to get help
from the cops. I already instructed the security guard not to allow anybody
into the premises ". Suddenly, Maria faints on the floor; both Father
Williams and Sandra are shocked and fetch a glass of water and sprinkled
it over her face. Sandra fed her some water and she revived instantly. 'Are
you alright? Shall I call the doctor?' 'No need of that Father, it's just that I'm
starving and worn out of the incident.' 'Oh my god, You have not had
anything. It was my bad. I was worried about you all, so I totally forgot

"Have your dinner and go to sleep, it’s quite late to discuss about anything.
We shall talk tomorrow morning. Thank God for the blessings that you have
had" Father looks into Sandra's eyes and said "We need to talk tomorrow "

The next morning, Father Williams calls them to his room and they all sit
together; first Father asks Maria what happened how did you guys end up
in the park and how did he get to you?

‘Merlin and I were feeding the pigeons; suddenly a guy appeared out of the
blue. I’d never seen him before in our neighborhood, he was very tall, and
was wearing a long black coat, a hat; and he looked very suspicious” said
Maria and continued . . . He got closer to us pulled a picture of Sandra from
his jacket and asked me with a brutal voice if I’d seen her around here. I
hastily said ‘no’, unfortunately Merlin saw the picture and cried mumma that
rang the bell in his mind. He immediately got hold of us, and took out a gun
from his jacket and said ‘I’ve been hunting for this woman for a long time,
give me the child, now’. He tried to drag Merlin from me. I pushed him away
and ran into the park. As I had been there many times and explored all the
places, I could easily get rid of him. I was totally devastated and despaired
before I saw Sandra in that room. Luckily, he doesn’t know that I work with
this church, otherwise having Merlin in my hand would have definitely
brought him back to the church. Sandra came at the right time to save our
skin, and when she was trying to open the door, I thought it was him. I can’t
forget that horrible moment, it was such a nightmare.
Father Williams looks into Sandra’s eyes which indicates that she has to
tell him who the man is and why he’s looking for her. ‘Sandra, you need to
tell us everything so that we can help you out. I’m responsible for all the
lives in The York Shrine Church, hope you can understan0d,’ said Father.

Sandra looked down and after a long pause, she said ‘yes’ with tears rolling
down her cheeks.

Chapter – 3
The flashback - Sandra speaks

Well, it’s quite a horrible story, I want to be candid and tell you everything in
detail, I want to talk about the things that had been buried in my heart for
many years. I had neither attempted to share, nor did I forget. Witnessing
or experiencing an abusive relationship is one of the cruel things for any
child to endure during their childhood days. I spent days seeing my mom’s
pain, I was actually a bystander of both physical and emotional events. My
mom was a fundamentalist so she believed everything will turn out to be
good one day. Nobody knew about the abuse because my father would
portray as if he loved us from the bottom of his heart and we were the
perfect family that lived on the earth. My mom-Sarah never used to
complain about him to anyone other than to God. My mom and I always
appreciated our time together; I had grown up listening to bible stories. She
was an excellent story teller, I can still hear her voice when I sleep as if
she’s lying down next to me and narrating the stories. I admired my mom a
lot. She worked in a bible school; she was an organized and dedicated

My dad-Daniel often got home drunk, I used to be scared to death to see

him that way. I never wanted my mom to get hurt. I always told her to be
quiet no matter what happened. Especially at the dinner table, whenever
we had dinner together; he’d start an unwanted argument and my mom’s
eyes would turn red and wide with fear – sometimes it’d end up with just as
an argument, but often she would get beaten up, it was hard for her to talk
to others about what she was going through in her life. She lived with hope
that eventually he’d be a good man.

On a bitterly cold Monday, it was about 8.15 in the morning; my mom

dropped me at school and left for work. Usually, she used to pick me up
from school, but when she was busy, her friend Ms. Barbara who’s also a
parent of my classmate would drop me home. Unexpectedly on that day
the school got cancelled, The Principal announced all the children to go
home. My mom couldn’t come so she asked Ms. Barbara to drop me by.
She was one of my mom’s good friends those days. At 11.30 in the
morning, I was dropped by her at home. I invited her, but she had some
other work to take care of, so we waved hands at each other. Just like
every other day I casually went into my house, but I saw a pair of cowboy
boots in our shoe rack which I hadn’t seen before, and my dad never used
to wear them either. The room was filled with smoke, it smelled wired and I
didn't know it was marijuana. My own nearly infallible instincts that alerted
me something was terribly wrong.

I was really afraid to get into my own house. As I tip-toed to enter the room,
my dad could barely recognize me, because he was high on drugs, rested
himself on the couch didn't know what was happening around him. There
was another man in his early forties sitting opposite to my dad had a bottle
of whiskey in his hand, looked at me in a glace from my head to toe. I had
never seen him before with my dad and I was sure that he wasn’t his friend
and wondered how did he end up bringing him home. I was afraid of
standing there, he got up, threw the bottle away and came towards me. I
was shivering, didn't know what to do. He unbuttoned his shirt and pant,
and as he was approaching me he got completely naked, I felt cold chills
run down my spine, I cried 'daddy, daddy' many times out loud,
unfortunately he couldn't hear me, so I ran in to the bed room the door was
wide open and he was thread on the wheels of me, grabbed my hair, 'Just
do what I say, it won't take that long, you won't get hurt' he whispered it into
my ears. I cried and begged him to leave me alone but nothing had gone
into that demon’s ear. Providentially, there was a baseball bat to my reach I
took it with no time and bludgeoned him badly. He became infuriated,
clenched both of his fists tightly and gnashed his teeth wildly. I thought,
that's it. ‘He's going to kill me' but to my favor I saw a pistol in my dad's
jacket, I sprinted to the gun promptly, grabbed and held it against him and
said 'If you move an inch towards me, you will be dead'. That was the first
time I saw a man's fear, he was frightened and didn't dare to take any steps

*Defeat is not a result of failure, but a state of being dastard. One's

ineptitude can easily get them trapped in any adversity, but it takes a lot of
courage to deal with it. Remember you've already lost if you don't try but
the satisfaction of your battle will be a reward, whether or not you succeed.

Well, I’m not the kind of person who’d get stuck in a situation, but I’m rather
a person who’d give it my best shot and try to come out of it. He got his
hands up in the air, walked out of the room, grabbed his cloths and
disappeared. Right after that my dad got up, astonished to see me standing
pointing the gun at him, he was scared too. I dropped the gun immediately
on the floor and said 'no dad, I used it to protect myself that man tried to-'
He gave me a tight slap twice on my face and asked 'where's my friend,
what did you do, did you kill him?' I replied 'no dad, I didn't kill him, he ran
away' my dad didn't have any patience to listen to me.
He was under the influence of drugs and staggered as he walked to me. I
was petrified to look at him and wanted to go to my room but he grabbed
my hand, slapped me again and asked, ‘Why didn't you go to school today?
Where were you roaming about? I didn't expect you home’. He was so mad
at me and took a baseball bat to swing on my face, he was not in his
control. I was stunned, had no clue what to do, there was a glass of water
next to me I splashed it in to his face and pushed him onto the couch, and
hence he dropped the bat and fell down.

The situation had worsened and my action had added more fuel to the fire.
I actually wanted to run away from the house but I stayed there because I
didn’t want to leave my mom alone with my father. I was the only person
she could trust and depend on in the entire world. He slowly got up on his
foot, came closer to me, held me by my hair and said ‘You dare not say
anything to your mother, if you make an attempt to tell anyone that I
brought a stranger home and had marijuana; I wouldn’t hesitate to burn
both of you alive’.

I was absolutely terrified and my cheek had an impression of his five

fingers. I could barely speak a word; I just nodded my head promptly and
went straight to my room. My mom got home late that day and I had gone
to bed a little early. Usually, I’d wait for her and we would have dinner
together, but that day I had to cover up everything.

Although, my mom tried to wake me up I just told her that ‘I’d dinner
already, ‘You please eat and go to sleep, mom’. I said ‘good night and love
you mom’ with tears sliding out of my eyes. My mom had walked in, had
seen my leg and quietly patched me up believing that I was in sound
asleep. I physically felt better the next day but still avoided to have a face-
to-face conversation with my mom to unveil my dad’s finger prints on my
Days passed, I noticed a lot of changes in my dad’s behavior, there were
no arguments, no abusive words and he was rarely drunk. But, he was
always on his cellphone and there were nights when he never came home.
Neither of us had the guts to ask what was going on with him, but I was so
inquisitive to know about it.

I often saw him with a black suitcase and wanted to see what was in it. I
waited for the right opportunity to check it out, but was not dare to even
think of touching it. One day, accidently, it was left open on the table in his
bedroom while he was having a conversation with someone on the porch.

I casually got in as if I was going to tidy up his bed. It was right next to me
on the table, suddenly I heard a rough voice ‘what are you doing here?’ ‘oh,
sorry dad I just wanted to clean your room’, I said.

I didn’t even look at his face, got out of his room as fast as I could. If I don’t
do what I wanted to do I’ll become restless and so I was. My mom noticed it
and asked me ‘What are you wandering about?’ I said nothing mom and
sank down the couch next to her quietly.

He came down the stairs in a suit and a tie. It was a vivid red Hermes tie
which my mom had bought him on a trip to Berlin. He looked terrific, both
my mom and I were so glad to see him in a tuxedo after a very long time.
He came straight to me and blew me a kiss on my forehead. He held my
mom in his hand and kissed her gently. ‘I apologize for everything I did; I
know that both of you had gone through a lot of pain and it’s not fair to
expect your forgiveness in an instance. But let me tell you something,
things are gonna get better for us’.

We were absolutely speechless to hear him saying those words. I

remember how my Dad used to tuck me into bed and read me my bed time
stories. He used to pick me up from school every day and took me to the
park. I had a great time with him when I was very young.

He told my mom ‘I’m heading north for a business trip; hope everything
would turn out well as I expect; please pack the things up, we’re moving to
Rockville which is about 1400 miles away from here and we are going to
start a new life there.’ We neither denied the idea, nor did we accept it.

My mom and I couldn’t believe what was happening around us, but we
were certainly happier than ever before. She was right, she always told me
‘Hold on to your faith and never let it go; things would turn out to be good
one day’. God had answered all of her prayers; my mom immediately took
me to the Alter and thanked for having changed my father to be a better
person again, she was always grateful to God. As my dad said, we packed
our luggage and were ready to leave as soon as he comes.

While Sarah and Sandra were waiting; Daniel was on his way up north;
listening to loud music in his car; was thinking about his father and how he
had got into the diamond business. His father Antonio had direct contacts
with people in Kimberly, South Africa. He was mostly into illegal business,
doing shady dealing and made money out of smuggled diamonds.

Daniel had got a pretty good hand over his dad-Antonio’s underground
business. His father was born in Rome where Carnevala di Venezia was
very famous and he was fascinated about it, had never missed a single
year participating in it. While Daniel was in his late 20’s his dad took him
there, but he didn’t show any interest, because he was not comfortable in
that elaborated costume. Somehow, he tried to indulge himself voluntarily
to make his father happy, and dressed up as ‘Medico Della Peste’ with its
long beak; it’s one of the strange and recognizable of the Venetian masks.
The mask is often white, consisting of a hollow beak and round eyeholes
and crystal discs, creating a bespectacled effect.
That event was exclusively for big shots and rich diamond merchants
around the world, Antonio was certainly not convinced to see him dressed
up like that, and he wanted him to wear Louis XV costume which was much
more a decorative one. People were having fun as the celebration had
started. There was a woman dancing next to Daniel, “Wow, what a
wonderful move! There must be a beautiful face hidden behind the mask.”
he said.

She turned and looked at him sharply. ‘Oh, I mean your dancing moves are
great.’ She was wearing ‘Moretta’; a small strapless black velvet oval mask
with wide eyeholes; it was large enough to conceal a woman’s identity.
Both of them were not interested to take part in that event which clearly
showed the type of costume they chose. She got a pass to this event from
one of her friends who was a tycoon; she was inexorable, and obligated to
take part in the event. At times, accidental incidents or an uncertain
decision will decide the rest of the journey of our lives. Although she was
unable to speak with the mask on, she managed to answer his question.
Daniel was a brave, smart and a handsome man who can easily attract any
woman in a matter of seconds; he called her for a date right away at ‘La

He couldn’t wait any longer to meet her, reserved a perfect table just for
two of them by the window and holding a red rose in his hand to impress
her. He turned and found himself gazing at a most gorgeous woman who
looked very fashionable in her Petite Ruffled High-Low Gown dress. They
had more common thoughts, ideas and interest and had a great time. The
first date had gone well and it stayed fresh in their mind. After many dates
they both had fallen in love with each other.

Daniel revealed his intention to his father about getting married to her.
‘What’s her name?’ his dad asked. ‘Her name is Sarah and she is the most
beautiful and clever woman I’ve ever met in my life’ he added. Sarah was
indeed an intelligent and gorgeous woman that Antonio couldn’t find any
reason to deny her. They got married and started their life with lots of love;
Sarah didn’t like Daniel doing business with his father as it was illegal and
dangerous. She told him not to get involved and stay away from it.
She was a dedicated and most profound Christian in town, was always
regular to church. He trusted her in everything and never had a difference
of opinion with her. He started to gradually detach himself from his father’s
business. After a year, they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, and
named her ‘Sandra Jones’.

They rarely visited Antonio, Sarah didn’t like what he was doing and often
avowed Daniel to be dropped out completely not just for himself but for the
goodness of the family too. Sarah's constant pursuit and the responsibility
of being a father have superseded his interest and involvement in the illegal
business, he promised his wife that he won’t get involved in it anymore.
And as said, he got totally disconnected himself from the gray market; act
that was his dad’s intention too, so he didn’t disturb him.

Daniel loved his family and would do anything for them; he took care of
both Sarah and Sandra well. Antonio got older and he knew that without
his son’s help it’d be difficult to survive in this business because it was not
easy to trust anybody. He had many foes in the industry and all of them
were waiting for the right time to take him down.

One day, Antonio was severely attacked in an ambush for the possession
of six valuable diamonds, but he managed to absquatulate them and
reached the backyard of Daniel’s house. He had a shot in his right chest,
bleeding through his nose and blood all over his head, holding his breath to
see his beloved son. Daniel was totally shattered to see his father dying,
and wanted to take him to the hospital, but Antonio refused and said ‘it’s all
over, please don’t try to save me, I got to go’. He handed Daniel a small
velvet sack with six first-quality diamonds worth about half a billion dollars.
‘I know Sarah doesn’t like it and I don’t want this to go to anybody other
than you. Please don’t say no, keep it’ He stuffed the diamonds in his
hands and closed his eyes forever. After acquiring such valuable paragons
in hand, Daniel thought it was not a good idea to be here, not because he
was afraid of Ricardo but for the promise he made to his wife Sarah and for
the sake of his family too, so he moved to Huntington.
Antonio had raised Daniel on his own as his wife had passed away at an
early age. He taught Daniel how to swim, drive a car and the tricks of the
diamond trade. He was like a friend to him, more than a father figure.
Daniel became an alcoholic to forget the loss of his beloved father and
started hating everyone including Sarah and his daughter. He blamed
himself for his father’s death. Sarah strongly believed that her husband
was not a born perpetrator and there were a lot of good qualities in him
which she believed will come out again, so she constantly prayed about it.

Daniel realized how cruel it was to hurt his own family, he wanted to sell all
the diamonds that he got from his father, move to a new place and start a

He turned the music down in the car to answer a phone call from one of his
partners. ‘Hey Martin, I’ll be there in an hour,’ said Daniel.

“Hold on, the meeting spot has changed and you need to come to the
Mellbury Island which is roughly about 75 miles from Thermopolis,” said

Daniel and Martin were friends from high school and were into the same
business with Antonio but they hadn’t been in touch for more than a
decade, so he didn’t know whether he was still his friend or working for
someone else. He was not happy about the sudden change of plan,
because it has been many years since he had left the business; so he
couldn’t guess what exactly was happening and had no idea about the new
people who emerged into the market. He wasn’t even in the position to
withdraw now as he needed Martin’s help to sell the diamonds, so, he had
to take a chance; Daniel was a very confident and tough man who took
calculated risks and that was one of the reasons why his father Antonio had
always taken him to all the important business deals.

The change of location of the rendezvous at the last minute is iterating in

Daniel's mind. Finally, he reached the destination, an island was seen in a
far off which was about two and a half kilometers away from the shore. He
could barely see anything as it was dark and foggy. There was another car
parked far from the shore, it was a 4 seated white Ford-Mondeo Fusion.

Daniel had distinct enthrallment on the spot, and closely paying attention to
everything around him. He clearly knew the atmosphere of the business
and there was no way that it could change over the decade and his instinct
was alerting him that something is fishy. Bravely walked to the 15 foot long
jetty and a small sized motorboat was docked at the very end of it. He
called Martin as he got on the wooden passage, and said the location
seemed more suspicious, but he convinced him as it was too risky to
handle such a lot of money in a common place, ‘if the cops get hold of us
then nobody can even see a penny and will spend the rest of our lives in
prison’. said Martin. But Daniel was not fully convinced that it was the right
location to do such a big transaction, he checked his gun to make sure if it
was fully loaded, carefully undocked the boat and headed towards the
island, he could see some lights were lit in the lonely cottage. His
uncertainty had increased exponentially as he got closer and closer, at the
same time his attitude didn’t allow him to back off either.

As he reached the shore, two men were standing there to receive him at
gunpoint. Daniel was not shocked, because he already expected that; he
asked ‘why are you pointing the gun at me, I have just come by myself as
you can see’ ‘we know what we are doing; now give me the suite case
otherwise I will blow your head off,’ said Ron. They took him to the cottage;
there he was; Ricardo in his tuxedo; sitting on the armchair with his legs
crossed holding a Cuban cigar and Martin was standing next to him with a
MK 18 mod 1.

Antonio and Ricardo were business partners for many years; both of them
got separated due to some misunderstandings. Daniel knew him very well;
he was the one who killed his father in the reprisals of business adversary;
but he didn’t expect Ricardo to be there in this place.

Ricardo knew that the diamonds are in Daniels’s custody, he had known
him since the beginning of his carrier in the industry. Daniel has contributed
a lot for the success and achievement of his father Antonio. No one ever
dared to mess up with him, Ricardo was quite aware that it’s impossible to
seize the diamond from Danial’s hand, so he tricked him by using Martin as
a bait.

Daniel was very calm and composed in spite of the situation around
him; ‘why am I at the gun point; what do you intend to do’. ‘Where are
those diamonds, hand them over to me and get lost’ said Ricardo with
a cigar in his mouth. ‘You know very well that I quit before my father’s
death. I got no diamonds, no money, and no nothing just let me go’
cried Daniel. Ricardo glanced at Shawn one of the body guards and
he suddenly hit Daniel at the back of his head; he instantly collapsed
and became unconscious. Meanwhile, they broke open the suite case,
took the diamond which was carefully kept in a small red velvet sack.
After a while, Daniel slowly regained his consciousness tried to get
on his foot and vigilantly inspected if there was anyone around, but
there was no sign of anybody. He took the boat immediately to leave
the spot as soon as possible.

Sandra continues…..,

Mom had concocted a big dinner likely to appeal to my dad; she cooked all
of my dad’s favorite food, Cobb salad, pot roast, chicken fried steak, baked
beans, a full turkey and raspberry tart for dessert. That was the first time;
I’d ever seen my mom was literally beaming in happiness. We were waiting
for my dad at the dinner table, phoned him many times; no answer, mom
spent the entire night waiting for him on the porch despite the freezing cold.

She was worried about him and didn’t have dinner, it was about 3o’clock in
the early morning; I called her to go to bed; she kept staring at the gate
waiting for him badly. I turned off all the lights and went to bed with mom,
she never slept a wink; suddenly I heard my dad’s car sound ‘mommy
dad’s home’ I cried. We jumped out of the bed expeditiously; I ran to open
the door.
I couldn’t believe what I saw, we were totally devastated; he fell down on
the floor from the car as I opened the door, his white shirt under the coat
was fully red, and the tie that mom had gifted was dripping in blood. I took
the phone to call 911, but he snatched it from me and said ‘Don’t call
anybody’. He asked me to take a small sack from his jacket and said ‘those
are all the most expensive diamonds in the entire world; I inherited them
from my dad and now I’m giving it to you, I was tricked by my ex-friend
Martin; they trapped me into a bogus business deal to steal the gems from
me but I anticipated everything beforehand, so I made six fake diamonds
and kept them in my suite case. They thought those were real and missed
the original ones which were hidden in my jacket; if they would ever find
them fake; they would track you down and kill you all,’ said Daniel.

With heavy heart and stammering to even utter a word; my mom asked him
‘Who shot you? What happened?’

‘After I tricked them with the duplicate diamonds, I thought everything was
over. I checked the room nobody was there, I believed that they took the
stones and left. I took the motor boat to leave the place but suddenly there
were four-gun shots echoing the entire island; two were missed but one of
them had got through my right shoulder and the other one had hit my back.
I knew that Ricardo wouldn’t leave me alive, and I sensed that they were
far behind me looking through the binocular to make sure I’m down. I
pretended to be dead and somehow managed to reach the shore. My
upper part of the body was fully drenched in blood, but I didn’t die and I
didn’t want to die. I wanted to see you and my princess, I wanted to see my
family before I die. I gathered my strength and hobbled to the car and drove
very fast; was unable to breathe, eyes were blurry, and pulse was
dropping, yet I drove continuously without a halt. Luckily, I’m here with you,
my love,’ said Daniel

Dad gave us a piece of paper with the address of the house in Rockville
and told mom ‘I’m sorry for leaving you so early my dear, stay safe, take
care of our daughter; love you’, he succumbed his last breath and died.
Death is a natural and inevitable part of everyone’s life but to be killed for
mere possession is a grievance, and the pain of seeing a loved one dying
in our arms is increasingly hurtful. Although, he failed to show his real love
for us when he lived, his parting moments portrayed that he wanted to
protect us by not rubbing it in, similarly it was difficult to deny the reality,
while denial had to turn to acceptance that my father had finally gone to be
with the Lord.

The memory of a person will only reverberate when there is an absence of

the physical body of who we have the reminiscence with, the nostalgic
agony would be severe when the consciousness witnesses the fact that
loved one is in extinct. Probability of getting retarded is high if one doesn’t
let the time to do its business as it’s the best medicine in this case. The
most loveable memories that Sandra carried with him had become a
torment to her present moment as she loved Daniel even after he tarnished
in character.

Shocking and surrounded in a pool of blood; my mom couldn’t stop

crying and her face was swollen very badly. We felt like our entire
world had shattered into pieces, and we didn’t want to waste even a
minute; managed to put my dad in the car; headed to Bowersville
which was 120 miles away from where we were located, mom wanted
to interment him there as it was his most favorite place. In her entire
marriage life; she went there only twice with my dad as it was a most
secret place for my grandpa and him.

My mom drove the car and the only way that connected the house was a
narrow bridge; it would admit just one car at a time. We reached there at
6’o clock in the early morning, the place was so quiet and there was
nobody lived other than us; completely isolated from the rest of the people
in the village. We buried him in the backyard, I placed freshly plucked wild
flowers, a roughly made cross, mom recited a Psalm, everything was done
perfectly and my dad rested in peace in his untold place. Scrub and tall
weeds covered almost all the places around the house, which clearly
showed that no one had been there for years hence there was no path and
it was unkempt.
My mom didn’t show any interest to get inside the house, but I wanted to
see how it would look like. Luckily she had the keys, unlocked the rusty
knob and slammed opened the door. She told me how she spent her day
with my dad in that house; there were many secret rooms which nobody
can find. Mom didn’t want to keep the diamond with her and didn’t even
want to sell it in the market, so she decided to hide it in the secret house
which made sense to me too.

Chapter 4

At Rockville

After the sepulture, mom didn’t want to spend any more time at
Bowersville, so we immediately continued our journey, and arrived at the
most beautiful place on earth, the Rockville. The morning stars peeped
down at us like silver asters, glinting and shimmering. Everything looked so
wonderful; unfortunately, we were not in the mood to admire Mother Nature
as we just lost our beloved family member. There we saw our new house
with a name board ‘Sarah’s Ville’, the kind of house which I always wanted
to grow up. It is situated in the outskirt of the beautiful village. It’s cosy and
a comfortable place for just 2 people. There was a spacious living room on
the ground floor with a large window with a spectacular view of the field. On
the same floor there were two bedrooms, a modern kitchen room and two
bathrooms. On the second floor; there were 3 rooms and one of them had
a large snooker board which we never used and on top there was an attic
which was really magnificent to be with friends but I never had friends there
except the kids Simon and Cathy. There was a patio with a wooden table
and four chairs which was perfect for having coffee and breakfast. I
realized how much my father loved us, but I was not lucky enough to spend
time with him neither my mom. The house was located on the outskirts and
there were other few neighboring houses which were separated by a long
pathways, shrubs and bushes.

Sarah didn’t expect her daughter getting freshened up so early and kept
the breakfast ready on the table; they sat together, held their hands and
prayed for the peace of Daniel. Then, she handed the newspaper to her
mom and poured coffee into the cup, also pancakes and maple syrup were
served on the table. After breakfast they went out to explore the village; it
was a small village with just a few people and old horse chariots, but there
was a decently developed town situated about 5kms from Sarah’s Ville.
Everything was there; hospitals, schools, restaurants, supermarkets and
malls. They bought some stuffs which was necessary for them to start a
new life.

Sarah got a job in The Faith Baptist Bible School where Sandra continued
her high school too. It was more convenient for them to be together in the
same place. They used to go and come together in the morning as well as
in the evening. She was a clever girl in high school and was always off
charts. Sarah wanted her to matriculate into Harvard, but it was far away
from Rockville; Sandra never liked to leave her mom alone. Both of them
had purposely avoided their neighbors in Rockville because they didn’t
want to harbor any inquisitive people. So just to stay away from
unnecessary problems, they had also avoided community gatherings,
weddings, Christmas and New Year celebration. The only place they went;
other than their work; is the Church on Sundays. But there was one woman
called Debbie who worked with Sarah in the same School. She had been
inviting them for lunch for a very long time; alas, they accepted her
invitation and decided to go as she was a single mom too.

Debbie was a kind woman who lived just 15 minutes away from school in
town; had two kids Cathy and Simon, her husband passed away when her
second child was just two years old. Sarah inspired her a lot, having raised
the children as a single mom was not easy and she did that very well. They
were all having lunch at the dining table; Debbie asked Sandra ‘What
would you like to do after graduating from high school?’ ‘I want to do
economics in New Mission University here in Rockville, because I don’t
want to leave my mom,’ said Sandra. Debbie was so proud of her and
appreciated her decision. They all spent their evening together and had a
nice time.

Usually Sarah & Sandra used to go shopping on alternate Sundays of

every month. Likewise, on one Sunday, they went to a small shopping mall
where Sarah saw one of Daniel’s old friends; she was shocked, clung
Sandra’s hand and dragged her to the car. ‘Mom, what are you doing? We
haven’t bought anything yet,’ said Sandra. ‘Be quiet, we got to go I’ll tell
you everything in the car’ she didn’t want to be identified by anyone of her
husband’s friends. It’s been three years since they moved to Rockville and
that was the first time, she encountered a person who was associated with
her husband back in Huntington.

Sandra successfully graduated from high school and got her admission in
the college of her choice in the exact stream as she was one of the school
toppers in the academic year. In the honor of her daughter’s success a
small party was thrown at Sarah’s Ville, only a few people were invited
including Debbie’s family and some of Sandra’s high school friends. Even
though; there were people around wishing and celebrating Sandra
success, still she missed her father’s presence in the graduation ceremony
as well as the party as a Father figure is irreplaceable.

She didn’t show her sadness as she thought it would bring a dominos
effect on her mom’s smile and Sarah felt the same, she kept it together for
her child’s sake. Life was smooth and everything went on well.

‘Mom, do you think we need to go to Bowersville to check if those

diamonds are safe?’ asked Sandra.

‘No, we are not going anywhere. You don’t worry about them’ said Sarah

Sandra also wanted to see her old house and to know if someone had
checked-in, in search of the diamonds, but her mom never encouraged that
kind of thoughts.
During the summer vacation of her final year at the university, she was
hunting for a part time job to help her mom with some extra money. She
finally found one in The Daily Mail newspaper, jotted down the phone
number and dialed it immediately.

Phone rings……

‘Hello, May I speak with Mr. Phil Harrison?’ said Sandra

‘Yes, speaking,’ said Phil

‘I saw your advertisement in The Daily Mail newspaper and I’m sure that I’d
be the most suitable candidate you’re looking for.’ said Sandra.

‘Why don’t you meet me in person, hope you got my address as well,’ said
Phil. Sandra said that she’s very much interested in meeting him and hung
up the call.

Sandra was very happy to meet Phil and couldn’t wait to tell Sarah
about her part-time job idea. "Mom, there's an opening for part-time
job in Stans avenue, I just spoke with a person called Phil and he
asked me to meet him tomorrow. I guess I almost got the job" Said
Sandra excitingly. But, Sarah didn't look delightful "I know what's
going on in your mind, mom. It's okay, lets be positive."

Phil’s house was about 5 kilometers away from Sandra’s Ville. She took her
bicycle to get there and stood in front of the big iron gate. With a security
check on the left; the man in the livery enquired her politely ‘Hello miss,
who are you looking for’. ‘I’ve come here for a job interview and would like
to meet Mr. Phil’. He called Phil to get a confirmation and sent her in.

Sandra was awestruck to see such a beautiful and luxurious house looked
palatial; it was the biggest house she had ever seen in her life. It has a
dark brown roof, beige walls and a huge corridor with yellow and blue focus
lights on the ceiling. There were three expensive cars parked in the
garage, she thought he must be the richest man in town. The house was
surrounded by spectacular greenery and there were many rose plants on
both sides of the patio. She was so happy to be there.

Doorbell rings….,

A man in his late fifties had a long and lush salt pepper hair tint and had
crow’s feet under his eyes. He stood 6.2 feet tall, his eyes were sparkling
blue; came out of the house and escorted her to the sit out in the garden.
They both sat opposite to each other; Phil asked some personal questions
to get to know more about her, but she dodged most of them wisely to
avoid revealing any of the information about her father and her previous life
back in Huntington.

‘This job involves a lot of physical work, such as watering the plants,
mowing the lawn and maintaining the garden. Do you think you’ll be able to
do all that?’ asked Phil.

‘Of course, I can’ said Sandra enthusiastically.

‘Alright, the working hours are from Monday to Saturday 9 am to 1 pm or

from 2 pm to 6 pm, you may choose either one of the slots which suits as
per your convenience. You will be paid $ 25.00 per hour for the first three
weeks, upon finishing your probation period you will get $ 35.00 per hour. If
you agree, meet me here at 9 am sharply tomorrow.’ said Phil.

Sandra went home very happily and told her mom that she got through the
interview, and what would she be paid for, and when would she be starting
her work. The next day, she was there at Phil’s house sharply at 9 am
waiting for him to give instructions, he didn’t come out; after a while, she
phoned him, but it was switched off. There was a speaker and a calling bell
on the door, she pressed it gently; there was a voice ‘Hey, Sandra I’m busy
right now you may water the plants and hangout in the garden and leave
sharply at 1 o’clock’. She did what was instructed, and left exactly at 1 pm.

‘How was your first day at work?’ asked Sarah.

‘Fantastic mom, in fact, I expected a lot of work but I just watered the plants
and watched birds’ said Sandra joyfully but as a doting mother, Sarah’s
fear and suspicion grew stronger as she’s paid $ 25 dollar which is a lot of
money for just menial work. However, she’s did not let her daughter know
the thought that was lingering in her mind, as it would pull her down,
Sandra takes after her dad in taking risks and that’s one of the reasons why
Sarah was worried the most.

Sandra was so punctual and regular to work; watering the garden, trimming
the trees, the shrubs, fertilizing and moving the lawn were her daily routine
at work. On the last day of her probation period, she was called into the
house where Phil was comfortably sitting on a couch, offered a seat to
Sandra and asked her if she wanted to have a tour in his house. She
accepted it politely and also asked him if she was the only person he hired,
he said that she’s the only person for now but there’ll be more down the
line. The hallway flows into a large, wide staircase; he took her to the
second floor of the house where there were many types of wallpapers and
pictures of nude girls and women. She felt so embarrassed to be in that
place; ‘I’m a photographer; please don’t judge me on this’ said Phil
jubilantly. Sandra looked puzzled and asked, ‘Are you the only one who
lives in this such a big house?’ He said yes, didn’t give any more details for
that question and took a few snaps of Sandra in his camera without getting
her permission.

Everyone has the right to question the person if the pictures or videos are
taken without their consent, because it can be misused easily in this digital
world. Sandra got so mad at what he had just done; he immediately took
his laptop and transferred the picture. ‘Don’t worry I just take pictures of
whoever I meet, because that’s what my profession is’ said Phil. She
looked around the house, there were some magazines and albums with a
lot of obscene pictures, and there was a pen drive on the table next to his
laptop. Initially she wanted to purloin his laptop, but changed her mind and
stole the pen drive. She already knew that there was no CCTV installed in
that room, which gave her more confidence.
As soon as she got home, without even changing her dress and having
lunch; she immediately connected the pen drive to her laptop and found a
lot of pornographic videos, those were definitely not common videos which
usually people download from the internet, but they looked like the videos
which were directed and shot live. Because all of them were long and not
edited, what was really heartbreaking to Sandra was that, most of the them
were children. She was also worried whether he had targeted her and had
decided to push her into the smut industry.

She browsed the interned to get more idea about these sex traffickers and
found a shocking information, ‘The FBI estimates sex trafficking in the U.S.
involves 100,000 children, 60 % of child sex trafficking victims recovered
through FBI raids across the U.S. in 2013 were from foster care or group
homes.’ source National Foster Youth Institute.

Sandra was more like her father in character, a very brave and a confident
girl, who never bothered about the consequences. She wanted to gather
more evidence to catch him red-handed.

Phone rings…..

‘Hey Sandra, Good Morning from today onwards you won’t be working
outside the garden, I need your help to set things up inside the house’ said
Phil. Sandra already anticipated it. She wanted to gather some documents
to get him prosecuted, so she accepted his request. She didn’t tell anything
to her mom, but wanted to handle it all by herself, because she clearly
knew that her mom would never let her get involved in this. She was well
prepared and reached his house sharply at 9 am. Usually underprivileged
or children of single parents, foster children and homeless women are the
most vulnerable targets for sex traffickers. Phil clearly knew that Sandra
was a child of a single mom, who was in economic constrain, so he had
taken advantage of her situation. He gave her a stack of photographs with
nude children, some of them were pornographic; he tried to make her to
get used to it.
‘Why are you handing them over to me? what am I supposed to do with
them?’ asked Sandra defiantly.

‘You are young and a beautiful kid; you’ll have the most sophisticated life
that you can ever imagine if you just do what I say,’ said Phil.

She neither refused, nor did she accede; all she wanted was to gather as
much as evidence so that she can get him arraigned. ‘You may take your
own time, but remember one thing; this is the most unprecedented
opportunity to make fortune out of your beauty’ said Phil. Accidently, she
overheard his conversation with his partners as, ‘if she doesn’t agree with
the proposal, give her chloroform and transport her to another state. She
would never be able to figure out where she is.’ But she had never gotten
daunted by any of these either. There was a file in his reading room, it
seemed more important and she got her eyes on it. She was waiting for the
right opportunity to check that out or if possible, she was even ready to
steal it.

‘Can I arrange your living room; it looks messed up,’ said Sandra.

‘Please go ahead, but make sure you’re not misplacing anything’ said Phil

Sandra wanted to utilize the chance; she quickly went through the
documents; was astounded to know that the group which he was
associated with had exploited thousands of children and forced them into
prostitution. More than 50% of child victims have histories in the child
welfare system. [mention the source of the above line]

There was no way; she could take the file out of the house, so she planned
to take pictures of them on her cellphone. Suddenly she heard an indistinct
sound of footsteps; she didn’t want to take any risks, so she immediately
put everything back in place.
The next day she brought a bag with her to take the albums and all the
other important hard discs, files and documents. He noticed her bringing a
bag which she had never brought before and this arose his suspicion. He
had been having an eye on her throughout the day.

‘I have arranged your room completely, I’ll take leave now, see ya
tomorrow’ said Sandra hesitantly.

She was grabbed by her hand and pulled towards him, put his arm
around her and asked ‘Are you ready today?’ she was trembling with
fear and said ‘I can’t do it today, please give me sometime.’ She took
more than fifty pictures of the children, a hard disc and the file too in
her bag. She became anxious, and restless and wanted to leave the
place before getting caught.

‘Phil, I just got a phone call from my mom; she is not well I got to
leave now. I will extend my work till 3 pm tomorrow’ said Sandra

‘Of course, you can, but before you leave, I want to know something.
How come your bag is so heavy all of a sudden, as if you got a hippo
in it’ said Phil sarcastically.

The ticking sound of seconds in the clock was so audible as there

were only two of them in such a big house, his face had turned red in
anger; as he got closer; she was shaking from head to toe and
dropped her bag in mere fright. He took her bag; tore opened it and
found many of his documents, his laptop and the porny pictures of
the children. He was gasping for his breath in anger and slapped her
face, pushed her away to the corner of the room and took a whip to
whack her off. She started telling his name, address with landmarks
and cried ‘don’t kill me, don’t kill’ so loudly. He stood perplexed,
looked at the whip and her face and getting puzzled to her reaction;
the cops arrived within a fraction of seconds. Sandra had cleverly
dialed 911, while the caller was on line, she gave her all the
information. The police shackled and dragged him to the van; later
the FBI had traced the entire network of sex traffickers and saved
thousands of children and women from them.

Sandra became the headline in all the newspapers and the news got
sensational across the nation. Few reporters had come to Sarah’s
Ville to interview her, but Sarah didn’t allow anybody. She wanted to
protect her daughter’s identity not only from the smugglers who had
killed her husband brutally but also the sex traffickers too, if there’s
any clue of their whereabouts would definitely bring the killers home.
Everyone in town had appreciated Sandra for her braveness. Day by
day, Sarah was receiving more phone calls from all the news
channels across the country; she explained to them very clearly, not
to reveal her identity at any cost as it would become a threat to her
life. Unfortunately, some of her photos with her current location were
already leaked on the social media and had gone viral; millions of
people had watched it, and so did Martin back in Huntington.
Chapter – 5

From Huntington to Rockville

After Daniel was shot on the motor boat, he looked defuncted through
the binocular of Ricardo, but he still wanted to make sure he's no
more. Because, Daniel had been in the business with both his Dad
and Ric for years, he knew that his revenge could annihilate
everybody. They had checked the Island but his corpse was not
found. The ceded boat by the jetty and missing car and the trace of
blood stains on the shore had speculated them that he wasn't dead.
Though it’s not a good idea to let him go, yet the priority of taking the
gems in to the market was high. So, they didn’t want to hunt for him
as the diamonds were already seized.

The despoiled diamonds were immediately taken to the market in New

York city for cutting and polishing; but it was found to be worthless
duplicate stones. Ricardo became furious, so did everyone; they
never imagined that he would play a trick on them. Actually, a couple
of months before the incident, Martin found Daniel on Facebook and
told him that he wanted to meet him in person. Daniel believed him a
lot as they both were good friends in high school, having gained his
trust Martin was invited home to have lunch with his family members.
Daniel told him about his father's demise and how heartbroken he
was and the fact that he quite everything. Martin was never involved
when Daniel was with his dad in the business but he was aware of
everything. Martin told him that he got top reliable contacts in the
market and tricked him into confessing that he possessed his father's
precious germs and got him inveigled in his plot. He pretended as if
he was in favor of him, but schemed out a vicious plan, and
recommended him to sell his diamonds in the international market to
make a huge amount of money. He professed to be a very nice guy,
liked Daniel and his family a lot. He bought nice gifts for Sandra and
talked with Sarah to know where she worked and who were her
friends; basically, he gathered as much information as possible.
Everything was a part of Ricardo’s plan.

‘I’d been to his house and know where exactly it’s located. I know his
wife, daughter, friends and work place, I know everything about them.
If he was dead his family would be there; let’s hit the road and get the
diamonds back’ said Martin coldly to Ricardo.

The door was locked, the garage was empty; they shot open the lock
of the front door and ransacked the entire house, but nothing was
found. They immediately went to the school were Sarah worked, but it
was closed. ‘Do you know if they have any close contacts in this
neighborhood’? asked Ricardo ‘Sarah has a friend called Barbara
who lives by the Buckeye lake which is just 7 kilometers away from
here, perhaps she might have a clue about where they are’. After a
long search, they found her house; and enquired ‘Where is Daniel,
Sarah and Sandra?’. The woman was terrified to see all the four men
and one of them had a revolver. She said ‘I’ve no idea about where
they are, my daughter said that Sandra hasn’t been coming to school
since August, I swear to God I don’t’ know anything about them’. Ron
gave her his phone number to send a message if she happened to
know anything. They searched everywhere and traced all of their
contacts but couldn’t find them until that morning.

Martin was having his cup of coffee and casually browsing his
cellphone, there was a notification that popped up ‘Sandra Jones, A
19 years old girl from Rockville, had caught a 57-year sex trafficker
red-handed.’ He immediately recognized her, and shared the link to
the others. They were so happy to know their location after so many
years. ‘We need to handle this very carefully, first we have to find out
where they are, what they do and whether Daniel is still alive,’ said
Ricardo. Nobody knew what happened to Daniel or where did they
go? R-O-C-K-V-I-L-L-E uttered Ricardo.

Sarah got a call from Debbie, ‘Hey Sarah, why don’t you stay with us
for a while, because it’s not a good idea to be all by yourselves at this
moment. They are a huge network of international sex traffickers;
they might take vengeance on Sandra. What if she was targeted, your
lives are in jeopardy. Please come and stay with us here in my house
just for a month or two. Once everything becomes normal then you
guys may go back home.’

‘You are so kind to be concerned of us and I’m glad that I got such a
wonderful friend. I’m worried about your safety as well, and I don’t’
want you guys to walk into any sort of trouble just because you’re
helping us.’ said Sarah.

Debbie convinced her to stay with them for quite a while. Her younger
son Simon was autistic, ‘We couldn’t realize that there’s something
wrong with him until he was five years old, then the symptoms are
very obvious’. The first thing they noticed was that he had a lack of
eye contact, repetitive behavior, didn’t eat nor slept properly;
eventually, he was showing more symptoms of autism such as
delayed speech and usage of language skills, gave unrelated answers
to the questions asked. His name was on the waiting list of early
development pediatrician in and around Ohio. She was told that there
would be a minimum 6 months of waiting time and he wasn’t even
eligible for the ‘babies can’t wait program’. Luckily, he got an
appointment with a developmental pediatrician in just 3 months; the
doctor diagnosed him with autism spectrum disorder. ‘I took him for
counseling, consulted psychologists, but didn’t find any remarkable
improvement. The only thing that I could believe was my prayers; I’ve
been praying every single day for the betterment of my son’s mental
health and also been taking him to the Church of Hope covenant ever
since he was diagnosed with ASD. Trust me; there is an excellent
improvement in his behavior now. My son is still an autistic child, but
not as bad as how he used to be; I genuinely believe that it’s all
because of God’s grace and I’m so grateful for that.’ said Debbie.

Debbie took them to the same church on Sunday in the morning; it

was a pretty big congregation in that locality where many people
gather for a single service. Sandra became very popular after the
incident, so every person in the church was able to recognize her,
they treated her as a real hero and appreciated her braveness as a
young girl. She got so many invitations from a lot of people in church
for lunch and dinner; it was obviously not possible to accept all, so
she politely said okay to everyone.

Sandra grew fond of Simon; she used to take care of him as how she
would’ve taken care of her own brother if she had one. He never used
to mingle with people so easily, because one of his conditions was
difficulty in socializing. Her inborn nature of kindness and being
loveable had attracted him, he started liking her and there was an
excellent bond created between them. Sarah was getting nightmares
and often worried about the safety of her daughter; in today’s world
nothing can be hidden for long time because social media would
definitely bring things to the lime light. She wanted to talk to her old
friend Barbara to find out what is going on in Huntington, and also
desired to know if someone had visited her old house in search of the
diamonds, nothing gave her courage but remained concealed.

At another instant, when they were at the park, Cathy and Simon were
playing with Sandra, suddenly Sarah grabbed her daughter’s hand
and dragged her to the car and said ‘We need to move from this place
right now, I saw someone look like Martin, behind the tree.’ She
shook her mom’s hand and said ‘you are always thinking about them
and that’s the reason whoever you see and whatever you see;
everything looks like them. How long do you think we can run away
from them, then when can we live our lives normally like everyone
else? Just forget it mom, relax,’ said Sandra. She took her mom to the
tree and proved nobody was there.

Debbie bought a nice dress for Sandra; she was surprised and said ‘why
are you doing this, it looks so expensive’. It was a gift for her braveness,
and she deserved it. They were asked to get dressed and be ready at 6
pm. Sarah and her daughter didn’t have a clue of what was happening.

Meanwhile, Ricardo planned to go to Rochville with the boys but Martin

refrained him. “You don’t need to come Ric, we can handle this. We’ll get
the diamonds and send you a message.” All three men loaded their guns,
and started to Rockville. ‘Have you ever been there? Do you know where
they live?’ asked Shawn and Ron. Martin was driving the car and said,
‘Guys listen, we don’t know if Daniel is still alive, what they are doing there
and where their exact location is, is still a question? I just saw them once,
but I can vividly remember their faces. We’ll have to search every nook and
corner of the Rockville to get hold of them.’ They stopped their car at a
restaurant on the high way to have dinner; there was a driver getting off
from his vehicle that had the name ‘Rockville Village’ written on his truck
which grabbed Martin’s attention. He stopped the driver and asked if he
was going to Rockville. The driver said ‘yes’, he was heading back home.

‘We are going to Rockville to see our cousin Sarah and her daughter
Sandra; it’s been more than five years since they moved there, and
unfortunately we’ve lost their contact information. Do you know anybody by
those names who live there?’ asked Martin.

The Driver asked ‘If they’re your relatives you should be able to know
where they are, it’s so wired that you don’t even have their contact
numbers. Where are you guys from and how did you start your journey to
find their whereabouts without having a single clue’. The driver refused to
give any information but he certainly knew them as Sandra was the
sensation of both local and national news. He suspected foul play and that
they could be the sex traders tracking down Sandra to take revenge on
ruining their flesh market empire.
Having no patience, Ron suddenly pointed his gun at the driver’s back,
pressed it so hard as if it could break his spine, and whispered into his
ears, ‘Do you wanna say where they are or die here right nonw’. With an
extreme trepidation, he said yes, ‘I heard about the girl Sandra and she
helped the cops to catch a large network of sex traffickers and became the
talk of the town, to be honest with you guys, I don’t know where they live,
but I heard that her mom works in the Faith Baptist church and that’s where
Sandra finished her high school. Maybe you can go there and check them
out.’ They were glad that they could gather at least some vital details about
them. As soon as they got the information, Martin snatched the gun from
Ron and shot the driver right on his forehead as he was impertinent to
him initially.

Debbie took everybody in her car and never told anyone where she
was taking them; Cathy was sitting in the front seat while the others
were sitting at the back. Sarah asked her, ‘for pete’s sake, could you
please tell us where we are going, because I don’t like suspense’.
Everyone in the car joined together with her, ‘yes, we need to know
where we are going’ they were shouting and singing in the car.

‘Guys, I want everyone to be quite and stop asking me anymore

questions. You all will know when we get there in another 15 mins’
said Debbie.

As they reached the spot, Sandra was the first to get down. She
looked ravishing in the red lace dress that Debbie had bought for her.
That day, the moon had shone brightly only to put her on the spotlight
that showcased her natural beauty, her hairdo added more grace and
she looked so beautiful as if a princess had arrived from the castle.

People were waiting at the reception with bouquets. Sarah and Sandra
were amazed to see the crowd and there was a big welcome board:
that read ‘We proudly welcome the bravest girl of Ohio Miss. Sandra
Jones’. They looked at Debbie and asked, ‘why didn’t you tell us
anything about all this party’. She said, ‘Initially, I wanted to tell you
everything, but I was afraid that you’d reject the whole idea in the
name of safety and I didn’t want to get it sabotaged, being a single
mom, I can understand your concern that safety always comes first,
but Sandra risked her life and saved thousands of children and
women; what she did was truly remarkable. So, I spoke with the
Father of this church; they organized a ceremony and invited the
governor to preside over it’. The Chief Guest appreciated and
awarded her, and told everyone to be as vigilant and responsible as

After a long search, Martin, Shawn and Ron had arrived at Schedel
garden where Sarah and Sandra were standing next to the governor
with some cops around them. They were caught under the eagle eye
of Martin, he discerned them in a matter of glimpse, immediately
identified that those two women standing far-off were Sarah and
Sandra. There was no way they could get closer as there were cops
around them. All the three men had got back to their car, to conspire a
perfect stratagem as to how they can hook them and retrieve the
diamonds back. Amongst all three of them Shawn was the youngest,
handsome and charming. He had a touch of Brad Pitt about him; he
could easily make any girl fall for him as he had a dashing personality
with a cosmic smile. Martin had chosen him to allure her; he said
‘take a beautiful red rose from the garden, give it to her and call her
for a date’. He waited for a good chance to propose to her, to his favor
she stepped away from the crowd to get some fresh air. He utilized
this chance wisely, stood right behind her, touched her ears with the
rose petal, and as she turned, he stood on one knee and extended the
two-leafed rose and said ‘a flower for a Flower’. She was astounded
and took a few moments to realize that she was not in the dreamland,
there he was still on his knee with the rose ‘I will not get up until you
take it’. She immediately took it from him, didn’t ask ‘who he was?
Where was he from? And what did he want?’. He drew closer to her,
looked into her eyes; gave her a piece of paper with his phone
number and the address as to where he wanted to meet her the next
time. She took the paper in her hand but didn’t want to read it, nor did
she throw it away.
Despite her slender outlook and a cheerful character; nobody
proposed to her even in high school and the university, because she
had never given anyone such opportunities. Her mom had nurtured
her religiously; she never wasted her time hanging out with boys or
other girls. She would mostly spend her time with Sarah in the church
and her mom would always be around to make sure she is safe. That
was the first time she had ever experienced that kind of a feeling in
her whole life; it was weird but unique and she liked it. On the way
back home, everyone in the car was listening to music and talking to
each other about the party, but Sandra didn’t say a word. She couldn’t
pay heed although Simon was trying to grab her attention, she was
completely lost. Debbie saw her through the rear-view mirror and
asked, ‘hey honey, is everything alright’. She pretended as if nothing
had happened, but still couldn’t resist thinking about him.

They reached home, it was about 11.30 at night everyone was fast
asleep except Sandra; she reached her pochette and drew out that
small piece of paper which Shawn had given to her. She was in
quandary whether or not to open the paper; a series of thought had
conflicted within herself, but her fondness had won. Finally, she took
out the paper very carefully and opened it with curiosity: ‘I’d like to
meet you tomorrow at the same spot and same time where I gave you
the rose, with love Shawn Taylor’ he had also mentioned his
WhatsApp number. She was not only nervous to meet the handsome
man again, but afraid of falling in love with him too.

The next morning, she picked one of her favorite clothes from her
closet; it was a plain blue bell-sleeve dress that gave the perfect
contrast. He was sitting on the bonnet of his car, looking at the clear
sky while hoping that she would come, hopped off as she arrived and
glad that she showed up. He looked stunning to her and couldn’t take
her eyes off of him. His appearance was merely deceptive and her age
had failed to see the beast behind his charisma. Just like any other
girl in their early twenties, she didn’t ask anything about his personal
life. They only had a general conversation of their likes and dislikes.
She was completely swept of her feet and was head over heels for
him. Having being mesmerized by his sweet talk; she agreed to meet
him again at one of the finest restaurants in town for a early dinner.
Martin wants to handle it in a different manner; he instructed shawn
not to ask any information about her past or personal life but to win
her trust. Because he knows that Sandra is a clever girl if he creates
any room for speculation then she would be alerted and won't meet
him again. To make her falling in love, get into her family and become
one of them, sounds like a priority for Martin. Even though she likes
him and went on a couple of secret dates with him, still she's a closed
book to him. Her mom's paranoid about outsiders or any strangers so
she's scared of bringing him home and introducing to her.

‘This is not gonna work, we can’t wait anymore. Just make a plan, go
to her house and ask her at gun point.’ said Ron.

A new message popped up in her cellphone, ‘hey, sweet heart, wacha

doin’. She responded ‘hey there, nothin much’. During the chat, he
casually asked her, if she’d invite him to her house. ‘I’d love to,
actually I wanna introduce you to my mom’ said Sandra cheerfully.
That was exactly what he wanted to hear. She didn’t want to take him
to Debbie’s house so she decided to go back to Sandra’s Ville with
her mom. Simon was so attached to her, he didn’t allow them to leave
but she promised to visit him on every alternate day and take him to
the park. ‘Why are you in such a hurry, honey? You still have another
two weeks for your university. Is there anything that you wanna do at
home’ asked Sarah. ‘Let’s go home mom I’ll tell you when we get
there’. She told her everything; right from the day she had met him
and also the fact that he wanted to meet her mom. Sarah doesn't want
her daughter to get hooked up with any random person, because her
intention was to find an orthodox and nice gentleman with Christian
values for her daughter through the church association. Initially she
didn't show any interest to meet Shawn, but eventually Sandra
convinced her mom and got her permission to invite him for lunch.
A new message received, ‘hey Shawn, I just told my mom about you
and she’s really excited to meet you’.

In reality, Sarah agreed to meet him not because her daughter liked
him a lot, but she wants to see if he liked her from the bottom of his
heart and would never ever cheat on her and on top of all that he's
not after the diamonds. According to Sarah; Sandra may be a clever
girl but not good enough to choose the right partner for herself.

‘If you could come over for lunch, it would be much appreciated’.
Martin is so happy that she had taken the bait; this is the moment
he’d been waiting for, he had given him a clear instruction to Shawn
as no matter what happens, you need to get in to their house, point
the gun right on their forehead and ask where the diamonds are? He’s
happy and confident as everything is happening as per the plan. As
the existence of Daniel was still remain a question, Shawn was
insisted to check if there were just Sandra and her mom, because
Martin was afeared to face Daniel, also her influence among the local
people and the officials had cautioned him too. ‘No, just my mom and
I’ replied Sandra. The car arrived at the Sarah’s vile, Martin reiterated
the plan to Shawn to make sure he executes it well. ‘You go in first,
have a chat with them, and ask where the diamonds are? If there is no
response; send us a message, we’ll be waiting in the car with the

Lunch was ready to be served; only three of them were at the table.
Sarah was sick, but despite the fact; she took her time and effort to
prepare varieties of delicious dishes for him.

Shawn was all set, got his gun in his right sock to handle it at any
time while Sandra was waiting for him with lots of love and
excitement to introduce him to her mom. Food is placed neatly on the
dining table, and the chairs for three are perfectly set around it. Sarah,
Sandra and Shawn had sat triangularly. A sip of the soup had gotten
him chocked and suffocated in his wind pipe. Sarah had immediately
handed him a glass of water; her facial expression, kind words, love
and care had obliviated his intention. Having not met such gracious
people in his life and the sudden caress of motherliness had
confused him. He looked at her and said 'thank you' My mom is so
sweet; she'll take care of everybody as how she'd take care of her
own child; don't worry you'll get to know more about her' said Sandra
gently. Deep down, Shawn is a wolf in sheep's clothing, ready to tear
down and devour his prey; even though that's his real nature, Sarah’s
kindness and biblical conditioning of showing love even to her
enemies and the concern with hospitality that she showed, had
pacified him temporarily. He was speechless; stood up and said, ‘well,
I gotta go now, thanks for the lunch’. He came out of the door, as he
was opening the main gate Sandra pulled his hand and hugged him.
The front window of the red Toyota right across the house was sliding
down; Martin was sitting in the car and watching everything.

Shawn got in to the car; no one had spoken a word with him. Upon
arriving at their motel; Martin had alighted from the car before
everyone could, and slammed the door behind. He literally pulled
Shawn through the window and thrown him out. Browbeaten him
harshly; drew the gun from his back and had almost blown his head.
Shawn begged him for life, 'Stop it, stop it, please let me explain. I
didn't do anything intentionally’

‘I had taken a lot of effort to get that diamond which you could ever
imagine. Do you remember why are we here and what we promised to
Ric? The next time, you kill them and get the diamonds, if anything
goes wrong, I'll never be reluctant to pull the trigger’ said Martin

Sarah phoned Debbie and told her about Shawn; she was very much
interested to meet him and asked her to invite him to her house for
lunch. Sandra phoned him immediately, 'My mom likes you a lot. She
usually doesn't trust anybody, and you're the first person that my
mom wants to meet again. You're not a stranger anymore, you're a
part of our family. Actually, she told her friend about us, and she
invited you for a lunch in her house tomorrow. She's a very sweet
person, you must meet her' ‘Sorry honey, I wish I could, but I have to
go to New York for a business trip, so I thought of meeting you and
your mom before I leave.’ said Shawn empathetically. Sandra agreed
with him too.

There was no change of plan, all three of them had headed to Sarah's ville
and parked the car at the same spot, Shawn got alighted looked at the
house, but this time he was well prepared and the daemon in himself is
wide awake. As it was a bright sunny day in the morning, they had set a
table outside the house for coffee with cookies. But Shawn refused the idea
and called them inside to have a little chat before he could leave. Sarah led
him to the house while Sandra carried the tray with kettles, cups, and
cookies inside. She kept the tray on the table and asked him to have a seat
with a wide smile. He smashed the tray off the table and threw the chairs
away and asked "Where are the diamonds?" Sarah felt those words were
claps of thunderstorm echoing across the room, the fear that she was
dreading had come to reality. Shawn had shown his true colors, and
unleashed the vampire which had been hiding for the right moment. Sarah
and Sandra were struck with fear and looked at him in consternation. He
asked them about the diamonds again. 'We don't have any diamonds?
You'd come to the wrong place, leave us alone. I'm gonna call the police,
right now.' Said Sarah and before she could take her cellphone to dial 911,
he drew the gun out and shot twice at the ceiling which had made her stand
still on the floor in fear. Whilst the gun fire had signaled Martin and Ron to
jump into the picture.

Sandra continued…….

My mom was dismayed to see Martin, ‘you’re a betrayer! You’re a

murderer, you killed my husband.’ she cried. ‘If you tell us where the
diamonds are, no one would get hurt, otherwise you’d see a river of blood
in your house before you die’ said Martin evilly. Shawn held my hair and
dragged me, while Ron put the gun into my mouth and said 'I will count to
three, and I want you to say where the diamonds are, otherwise I'll blow
your head in front of your mom' My mom was terrified to see me with a gun
struck in my mouth, she took the kettle and threw the hot coffee onto Ron's
face. He dropped the gun and covered his face with his two hands and
screamed in pain. Martin was aggravated and held my mom by her throat
and literally carried her off the ground and thrusted her forcedly against the
wall. She banged her head so hard and slid down to the floor, there were
streaks of blood flowing from the back of her head and matted onto the
floor; her eyes were stunned without any reaction. 'if you don’t give the
diamonds, your daughter will be raped in front of your eyes' there was
no response from my mom and I was scared to death.

Sandra takes a pause, her eyes turned red and tears rolling down
uncontrollably, Maria tires to comfort her; gives her a tissue paper and
hands a glass of water. 'If you're not comfortable, that's fine my dear, you
may take some rest now' said Pastor Williams. 'No Father, that's fine, I'm
alright' said Sandra and continued...

I wasn't bound and gagged but controlled at the gunpoint by Ron, my mom
was breathless, sitting leaned against the wall without a blink of her eyes. I
begged them to save my mom but they abstained me even to touch her. I
also told them the truth that the diamonds were not there with us and
promised that I'll take them to where it is, 'Do I look like an idiot, don't try to
trick me like your dad. I know the diamonds are here with you' said Martin. I
told them the truth many times but they didn't believe me at all. The house
was ransacked, they broke the closet, drawer, wardrobe tore the pillows
and matrasses but found nothing. They crushed everything in the house
and got nothing left; all of them became very furious; as the diamonds are
not found anywhere in the house, their attention turned towards me; Ron
went to my mom and pushed her cheek by his foot, she fell down like a wet
log, they laughed at each other, Ron slapped me many times, tore my
dress off and got me naked. Shawn was holding my hands while Martin
raped me brutally, and they took turns and molested me without any mercy.
Ron had scavenged cigarette butts on my body, but my mom's silence was
more painful than the extinguish of the cigarette. It was like three hyaenas
were feasting up on the live gazelle. I was bleeding through my
reproductive organ but nothing stopped them to crush me off.

On the spur of the moment, a car honked and the doorbell rang. They
got terrified; Martin asked me who was that which I had no clue. I had
no strength to say a word, didn’t know who were standing behind the
door, but I decided to turn the situation to my favor. So I said ‘Could
be police officers, they check in on an alternate day to make sure we
are safe’ Immediately, they looked at each other panicky, signaled
with their eyes and scooted through the backdoor. With an immense
pain, I gathered myself up from the floor with the dripping blood
through my reproductive organ, and crawled to reach my mom. I had
no courage to see her face, her eyes were still and remained open, her
silence was tearing my ears. I immediately checked her pulse and
heart beat but it was nothing and she was very cold. I tried to
resuscitate her but it was too late. The doorbell was still ringing, I
teetered to the door and looked through the peep hole, there were Debbie
and Simon standing outside. The things in the house were shattered and a
pool of blood all over the floor, I got back to my mom and laid down next to
her without being able to move my body an inch. I knew Simon was
desperately wanting to see me, he would have given Debbie a lot of trouble
that’s why she had brought him home, but I couldn't help it. Because it
would be a trauma for an autistic kid to witness such an incident. After
hours of crying, I decided to take a step forward and at the same time,
didn't want to extinguish the conflagration that was burning inside me. We
tried protecting the diamonds not because it's worth a fortune, but it was
souvenir from my dad as he gave them in his last breath. If he had given
me 6 pebbles from the seashore, I'd treat them the same way as how I treat
these diamonds. If I really had those gems in my hand, I would have
definitely thrown them on their face, because my mom's life is more
important for me than the diamonds. I told them the truth countless number
of times but they didn't trust me, even if I'd ever given the diamonds, they
would've done the same thing exactly.
They'd already caused enough of damage both physically and mentally,
killed three of my important family members, the lives that are very
important to me. I had never thought of going to police, because it didn't
make any sense to me. Whenever the police is involved, the media will be
involved too and blow things beyond proportion; they would dig everything
up, the past life of my father, grandfather and would accuse us for the
possession of these precious diamonds. Moreover, now I at least want to
fulfill my dad's wish and keep the diamonds safely. The love that I have for
my dad is unconditional even those times when he was totally vituperative,
because the good days I spent with him is still fresh in my heart.
Chapter – 6

At Bowersville

‘Why am I supposed to go through all this, why don’t I deserve to live a

normal life just like everyone else’. Although these questions pop up into
her mind often; she clearly knows that it’s wise to accept the fact of the
current situation rather than dwelling on the cause, so she made up her
mind to focus on the solution and go forward in life. Rolled up her mom in a
blanket and put her in the back seat of her car. If there was a better place
on the earth for Sarah; it would be Bowersville where her husband Daniel
had rested in peace. She was on her way with her mom’s body, driving fast
with a lot of pain in her body, mind and soul. Those trees, roads and the
narrow bridge reminded her of the last time when she went there along with
her mom. Now, she was going all alone to the place where nobody lived
except some birds and animals. As she was in anguish, her hands
trembled; it was extremely difficult for her to dig the gravel pit even though
the soil was loose and wet, but she managed to do it. Alas, she mustered
all her courage and did the exact same thing that her mom had done for
her dad. For her father Daniel’s peace; her mom had read the bible while
Sandra stood bowing her head down for prayers, now she was doing
everything all alone by herself.

Sandra was exhausted and sat on the ground next to her parents’ garden
of burial; She pensively looked at the key in her hand and the door of the
house. Decided to spend the night in there., it was so lonesome, the lights
were flickering, the bats were shattering and spider webs were all over the
ceilings and walls. she used to go there with her mom once a year on
the Memorial Day of her father and now she’s stranded all alone to fend for
herself. Betrayed, brutally raped, her only guarding angel-mom was
ruthlessly killed, and the thought of being an orphan had brought
inconsolable sorrows and everlasting tears to Sandra.
Sandra is an optimistic person who always looks on the brighter side of
every situation. She didn't want to be a pond to be contained, but
started to flow like a river. A spirit that has a quality of water which
will never be collapsed no matter how hard it gets banged by
anything, it would easily regain its position and keep going. And, not
only can it be undisruptive but also would flourish all the ways it sets
its presence.

Her thoughts presided as to what has to be done. She had never checked
the diamonds ever since her mom had hidden them in a secret locker. The
rooms in the house were not like the rooms in the usual American houses,
it was specially designed to store valuable gems and important documents.
Her mom had always forbidden her to explore the entire house, it seems to
be a complex maze to her even with a complete plan of the house. Antonio
gave the map of the adobe to Daniel; he handed it to Sarah and now
Sandra’s got that map in her hand and looking at it scrupulously. The
narrow passage led to a stairwell to the basement. The sound of her heavy
steps increases her heartbeat as it echoes. Hadn't been afraid when she
went there with Sarah the last time, always felt protected and confident
under her mom's wings. There she was, with the most precious, valuable
and glittering diamonds in her hands; three important people that she
cherished the most had lost their lives for it. The voice of her father was still
echoing in her ears ‘Never loose these diamonds, it’s ours, your
grandfather had lost his life for it. Keep it safe and leave this place forever’.
Even, Sarah would’ve revealed where the diamonds were hidden if Martin
hadn’t pushed her against the wall. She wouldn’t have taken any chances
with her daughter’s life, Matin knew her integrity as she was a religious
woman so he would’ve believed her right away without any reservations.

Contemplating the horrific death of her mother, besides trying to cope with
her aching body and furthermore trying to synchronize it with her weary
mind; was really a challenge for her. In the perception of failure, the
fight always lies between the heart and the mind, whilst her heart
drools in self-pity that the rapists had betrayed her; yet her mind
demands justice. The reconciliation is hard as the harmony has lost
its natural realm, unable to avoid the ragging war between the heart
and mind.

The night seemed long and gloomy as Sandra had never spent even a
few hours there without her mom. With the speculation of wanting to
take revenge, kill everyone had surpassed, but she had no clue how
to do it. She wanted to take a revenge and decided to purge them
where her parents were buried. Restless and wandering inside the
house the whole night, but it already dawned before she could get
some ideas.

As a wounded soul with no family nor friends to turn to, the only
shoulder to cry on was Debbie; but couldn't reach her, even though
she badly wanted to, because she looked like a stamped on rose
which could raise many questions, so she had to avoid her. Moreover,
she didn't want them to get involved in any of this. She spent a long
night in Bowersville and headed back to her house especially to clean
up the mess. There was nobody waiting for her back home, she
couldn't find any difference between the grave yard in Bowersville
and her house in Rockville, it looked the same to her, gloomy and
silent. The blood stains are all over the floor, almost all the items were
broken and the cry of her mom were echoing into her ears like a sting
of thousand bees. Mopped the floor three times, packed all the
smashed-up items and dumped them in the store room in the

The house was almost empty but clean, she was hungry and tired
hadn't eaten anything since that incident. There were some bread and
butter left in the kitchen room. She got a glimpse of her cellphone
while making a toast. Many missed calls and messages from Martin,
one of them was a video message of her getting raped, their faces
were blurred but not hers. Another message of him stated, 'We want
to meet you at 7pm tonight at square park, if you don't show up your
video will be circulated across your college and on the internet, if you
try anything stupid the repercussions will be more severe than you
can ever imagine' Sandra was exasperated and shocked to see the
video, the blood stains, the scream, her mom, everything was edited,
and created as if she did that in her own consent. 'I want to kill them,
I want to kill them, I want to kill them' her voice trembled with outrage.
She looked up the meeting spot that Martin proposed on the internet
before she could agree, it's an open bar where people were around.
'Okay, will meet you there'

Sandra arrived at the spot a little earlier, she wore a brown fringe
jacket, ripped jeans, sunglasses, zipper calf high winter boot and a
hat, sitting on a chair with her legs crossed. Although there were
bruises all over her body; one of her eyes was marked blue; with the
blood shots on her pale wrists and the rawness of the cigarette butts
revealed that she had been under trauma lately but still she appeared
more confident than ever before and was determined to get things
even. The Three men arrived and looking for her; she was calm,
composed, just starred at them standing in front of her, she snapped
her fingers to grab their attention, one of them turned back, she
leaned her back on the chair with her left elbow rested on the arm of
the chair and gestured them to come to the table. She removed the
hat; wiggled the hair a bit, and pointed her hand at the chairs in front
of her and gesticulated them to sit; they took their seats; Ron opened
one side of his jacket and showed her the gun.

She gave him a sardonic smile and said ‘I’m not scared of anything
now, I lost everybody, and I got nothing to lose, you wanna blow my
head; be my guest; do it right now, but guess what, those diamonds
will be lost forever. If you do what I say, you can get what you want
and I will find my way out of this.’ Martin pressed Ron’s thigh;
signaled him to be quiet, and asked her ‘alright, tell us what you got
to say, if you have any intentions to deceive us, your video will be
published and we won’t let you live your life.’ She said I don't have
them here in Rockville, Ron got angry and took the gun out. Sandra
was fumed, her eyes behind the glasses turned red, she stood up,
banged her hand on the table and screamed 'shoot me, come on
shoot me, I'm standing in front of you, come on go ahead' people
around them started paying attention. Martin clinched Ron's wrist to
be quite and asked her to sit down. 'Look, if I had an intention to go to
the police, I wouldn't have come here alone, do you think I would get a
better chance than this to get you all apprehended, that's not my
intention. This is the fact whether you trust me or not'. She told them
to come to her house on this Sunday which gave her four days of
breathing space, and Martin agreed with her.

There was just four days’ time, and everything had to be planned for a
perfect execution. She read many books, watched many movies and
ruminated for a long time, but nothing worked out. She went to bed
with a despondent, but the dream that she had in her sleep had
brought her a new aspiration, it was a perfect blue print. The next
morning, she visualized the whole thing and realized that was the
perfect stratagem. She searched on the internet for the best pet shop
and found one, but it was really far. She phoned the shop owner and
confirmed if she could get the most ferocious dog breads in the
States. The store owner had assured her that they have all types of
dogs from the tamest to the most dangerous breads. Sandra went to
the shop by a rented minivan to be able to take 5 grown dogs; two
American pit bulls, two Rottweilers, and a Presa Canarios. ‘They can
get very aggressive and even kill anybody who stands in their way, so
beware of them’ said the shop owner. She was so happy to hear him
saying ‘can kill anybody’ and took them in her van to Bowersville. All
the flowers on the burial ground were still fresh; she stood in front of
her mom and dad for some time; with her tears filled eyes and took
the warriors into the house. She also got the required tools to alter
the room; such as ripping bars, oscillating multitool, sledgehammer,
short iron doors, five long iron chains, pipes, tanks, powerful hand
driller, sprinklers and sensors. All the rooms in the house were sound
and light proof; it took more than fifteen hours for her to set the trap.
The dogs were fed and also got a sack full of bones, water and dry
food for another few days. Sandra clearly knew that these types of
dogs don’t have to be hungry to attack anybody. It was all set; she
checked them multiple times to make sure that they work perfectly,
they were as accurate as she expected. A cctv cam was installed in
the dog’s room to have an eye on them, and also brought a network
booster to be able to connect the cam to her cellphone directly, as
that area had a very week signal.

Sandra got a voice message from Debbie in a panic-stricken voice,

‘Simon’s met with an accident, and we are at the seven hills hospital.
He’s in the ICU, I called Sarah but her number was not reachable, I
wish you were here with us. He would feel better if he sees you.’ She
locked the house and immediately went there at breakneck speed;
rushed to the hospital. Debbie and Cathy were sitting at the
emergency ward. ‘What happened? How is he now?’ asked Sandra
quaveringly. ‘I just stopped by the supermarket to get some
groceries; he suddenly opened the door, got out and was hit by a car
fortuitously. He’s got AB negative which is a very rare blood group,
unfortunately the hospital is out of stock now, they asked me to find a
donor, I contacted everyone I know but no one is AB -ve.’ said Debbie
in a brittle manner. Sandra held Debbie’s hands and said ‘Did you say
AB negative? I’m AB negative too; I can be his donor.’ She thanked
God and hugged her warmly for the timely help.

Missed calls, text and voice messages were piled up in her inbox. She
purposely left those messages unchecked, because she knew who
the sender was. Fortunately, Simon gained consciousness; and was
declared by the doctor that he’s out of danger but he will be in the ICU
for the next 24 hours for observation.

Debbie, Sandra and Cathy were sitting outside the ER lobby and
praying for Simon’s speedy recovery. As a thunderbolt; Sandra
noticed Martin, Ron and Shawn at the Nurse’s station. Panicked to
see them in just a few meters away. She thought they had been
following her, so left Debbie and Cathy while they were praying. She
phoned Debbie 'I gotta go now, please do me a favor, if anybody asks
anything about me just tell them that you don't know anyone called
Sandra and please message me if there’s anything important' 'You
saved my son's life; I will never forget it. Don't worry sweetheart, God
is with you. I'll take care of it. You please carry on' said Debbie. She
left the place in a state of bewilderment and hastens into the changing
room; she peeped through the window to see if the coast was clear
and yes it certainly was. Martin as well as his buddies had only come
there to visit their friend and it was mere coincidence that she had
spotted them.

After arriving home, she called Debbie to check if anyone had asked
for her at the hospital, but none. Sandra didn’t want them to know that
she’s closely associated with Debbie’s family. She again went back to
Bowersville with 5 kilograms of pepper powder, 3 gallons of petrol
and ten giant rolls of aluminum foil to insulate the walls and ceiling,
also bought a speaker to be installed in the room.

Tired body, aching feet, weary soul but the rage in her heart had
fueled her to continue without taking rest. It’s been several days since
she had slept well as her heart was permeated with revenge. The only
thing that echoes in her mind was, ‘I will never take rest until I bring
them to ashes.’ Messages were pouring in into her inbox and again a
new message popped up, Sandra got irritated and opened the
WhatsApp ‘Where are you?’ She did not reply. He sent her another
message, ‘I’m repeating you again, don’t ever think of doing anything
stupid, you know me very well.’ ‘I think I made my point clear in our
last meeting. You will get the diamonds, and you need to trust me on
this. All I want is to get evaded from this once and for all. Let me tell
you something, I don't want to receive any more messages from you,
come tomorrow at 6 pm. I will take you there.'

Sandra took all three of them to Bowersville. She was well prepared;
ready with a night vision glasses and a remote control in her pocket.
The door to hell had opened; she went in first followed by the other
three men. After a moment all the lights were off and the room was
filled with darkness, there was no way that they could see each other.
They panicked and were ready to pull the trigger; she wore her night
vision glasses and took the iron rod which was readily kept in the
corner of the room, she grabbed the rod and smashed their hands,
and got out of the room with their guns and closed the automatic

The speaker was on; Sandra spoke ‘Hey Martin, Shawn and Ron,
please don’t panic. I’m going to introduce you to five of my new
friends. Just be nice with them’. The small iron doors were opened
from each corner of the room; it was placed in such way that the
dog’s chain wouldn’t get entangled with each other. All the five
murderous predators were set out in the dark room, waiting to taste
the blood; a small incandescent red-light bulb was switched on. The
whole room was filled with the color of the blood which agitated the
dogs deftly; they attacked them dreadfully, ripped their skins and bit
them all over their body. She didn’t want them to get killed by the
dogs, because they deserved much more than that; so, the dogs were
pulled back to their cage and closed the door by the remote control.
Now she turned on the sprinklers which sprinkled the hot pepper oil
in the entire room. They were mindlessly leaping and crying in pain.
Continuously bangling the door for help, nothing could be seen inside
the room except the dark. The loud wailing in extreme anguish was
stopped when the speaker was turned on again. Sandra spoke ‘This is
how I felt when you all rapped me, I had pain and you had pleasure,
now you all are in pain and I’m having the pleasure of watching you
suffering’. Pepper oil sprinklers were turned off, and the second
sprinkler which was connected to the petrol tank, ‘I’m going to turn on
the fuel nozzle, have fun.’ The fuel nozzle was turned on and it
sprayed petrol in the entire room, the walls and ceiling were perfectly
sealed by high fire resistance aluminum foil. They got drenched in
blood, pepper oil and petrol. Finally, she switched on the ignition
spark plug which was fixed in the corner of the celling. The entire
room was set on fire and all three of them; Martin, Shawn and Ron
were burned down to ashes.
She was startled by the nightmare and woke up sweating profusely;
sitting on the bed and looking at her own room in anxiety couldn't
recognize where she was; gasping for breath, feeling cold chills run
down her spine; it took her a few moments to realize it was a horrific
dream. Everything she saw, spoke and did were as if it had happened
for real but it was just a dream.

Sharply at 6 pm, a loud honk was heard in front of Sarah’s Ville but
there was no sign of anybody coming out of that house. Martin got
agitated pressed the horn twice and took a cellphone to call her.
There was another car ahead of them, a hand popped out of the
window and gave a signal to follow.

All three of them had got their guns ready; Martin forbore his anger
and asked Ron to follow her car. They were amazed with her driving
skill on the highway; the destination was arrived after a long drive.
Martin asked Shawn and Ron to check if there’s anyone else in that
place, but no one was there other than the four of them. They got their
guns out; Shawn pointed the gun at her to go ahead. She proceeded,
opened the wooden gate with the keys, looked at them in an
unflinching manner and everyone followed her into the house. It
looked so mysterious; their level of suspicion had increased as she
took them to the basement.

She vividly remembered everything she’d done in her dreams and

well prepared to do exactly the same way; got the night glasses and
the remote control ready in her pocket. The door to the hell had
opened; she went in first followed by the three of them. Suddenly, the
lights were off and the room was filled with darkness, they were
panicking as they couldn’t see anything. ‘Hey, where are you? What
are you doing? Switch on the lights we can’t see anything’ all three of
them cried in fear. They took the pistols and tried to pull the trigger in
dread; she could see things clearly as she was wearing the night
vision glasses. Sandra grabbed the iron rod which was kept at the
corner of the room, smashed their hands and got out of the room with
their guns and closed the automatic door.

Sitting outside the room on a small wooden chair with the remote
control for the small iron gate, pepper oil tank, fuel tank and the spark
plug. Although she was determined to execute the plan; her
conscience pricked her; she was sweating blood from her head to toe,
and got cold feet as the teachings of the bible and her mother’s words
didn’t permit her to take revenge nor to kill them. Unable to do what
she had intended to, she was crying, holding her head down in shame
as she hears her mom’s voice and all that she’d taught her was
echoing in her ears.

The dogs were constantly barking and hitting the grilled gate. They
were scared, anxious and didn’t know what was going to happen next,
it was pitch dark, the room was completely sealed and they couldn’t
escape. Submerged with the long thought she held with herself; she
turned on the speaker inside the room with the wireless mike, her
inconsolable cry filled the room, the dogs became silent. The loud
speakers amplifies her weeps in the concealed room, the trio were
shivering had no clue what was going on. The cry faded and she
spoke; ‘With just a click of a button I can release all the dogs; you will
be bitten mercilessly and your bones will be crushed by their
powerful jaws. Another click of a button will open the pepper oil and
the fuel tank that would burn you all down to ashes, but I’m not gonna
do that, because I’m a God’s child. I was loved by my dad, I was loved
by my mom and I was taught to love others regardless of their faults
and I’m not a monster or predators like you all. I don’t wanna make
the same mistake as you all have made, otherwise there won’t be any
difference between you and I. I forgive you all. I got the gun in my
hand and I’m gonna open the door now, just run away and get out of
my life’ said Sandra quaveringly.

She opened the door without counting on the costly repercussion of

setting them free; they mindlessly staggered out of the room by
pushing each other to save their own lives. She held the gun straight
and escorted them to the exit. It was dark and a stormy night; there
was no sign of any pathway; the land was wet and slippery as it was
raining, in spite of that they plodded fast into the woods. The rain
picked up; lightning flashed and pushed its inverted limb down to the
woods, within a few seconds a loud boom of the thunder struck the
place, the trees were wobbling by a strong wind and the wheezing
sound haunted across the area. Their hands were injured and
bleeding as she had hit them with an iron rod to fling the guns away.
Martin took the lead on the downhill followed by Shawn and Ron.
Accidentally, Ron slipped and pushed the others; all three of them
had tumbled down the slope and ended up into a quicksand. ‘Help!
Help! Help!’ cried everyone.

Sandra continues…….

I heard a dreadful voice of help; I immediately went there despite the

downpour as the surroundings were pretty familiar to me. I was
shocked to see them stuck in the quicksand, almost sucked in up to
their neck. But by the time I rushed to them; they were completely
swallowed by it. I trudged to my parent’s grave stone and hunkered
down there; wailing out my pain in the rain.

Pastor Williams was stunned and awestruck, Maria stood up and

applauded her being proud and honored her act.

I cleared up everything and moved back to Rockville to start a new

life. I spent most of my time in Debbie’s house with Simon; one day
when I was playing on the seesaw with Simon in a nearby park; I
fainted on the ground all of a sudden, he panicked and luckily there
was another guy playing with his kids too; he rushed me to the
nearby hospital.

I was shocked to hear the news from the doctor; I’d been pregnant for
three months. The doctor handed over my results but I couldn’t even
hold it and it slipped through my fingers as I was in a great shock. I
was young, too young to have a kid, dreaded to even imagine raising
a baby on my own. The doctor smelled that something was wrong;
she thought that I would go for an abortion, but I didn’t do that. I
didn’t want to be the woman who’d abandon or throw the child into
the system, rather I wanted to take responsibility and raise my baby
by myself.

Debbie used to come once in a while to check how I was coping. One
day she asked me about my mom and how I ended up getting
pregnant. I was not ready to tell her anything about my what
happened, I told her that I can’t say anything now but when I want to, I
will definitely share everything with you, so please don’t’ ask me
anything now. From then on, she never asked me anything and that
was one of the reasons I liked her the most.

After the tragedy; I spent most of my time with Simon and Cathy in
Debbie’s house to forget the horrendous incident as well as to get
away from the depression. Sarah’s Ville seemed to be a pain and
sorrow in my eyes; every corner of the house had reminded me the
time that I spent with my mom, her scream had reverberated all the
time in my mind when I was in that house. After I came to know that I
have another life inside me, I decided to relocate and destroy all of my
past contacts. I couldn’t continue my studies as I was pregnant and
broke. I also didn’t want to get help from Debbie or to use my Dad’s
and mom’s influence to find work. With great persistence, I was able
to find a job at Stan’s Inc. in Baltimore; far and behold I relocated
there leaving everything behind both in thought and deed. The
ambience, work, co-staff kept me on my toes; however, it also helped
me to procure new things and to move on in life.

As my due date was nearing, I found a lot of changes in my body; I

couldn’t walk as how I used to, I couldn’t eat or breathe as how I used
to, feeling of overwrought and fatigue was ineluctable. I was really
anxious, as I never had such experience in my life, though I managed
to do things by myself.
There were nine missed calls in my cellphone. It was Debbie, lots of
messages and voicemails.

I called her back and she said, ‘Hey sweetheart, how are you? The due
date is approaching, I’m worried about you honey, please come to
Rockville for your confinement. I know there won’t be anybody to look
after you. Please don’t say no. love you’

I had never dreamed of going back to Rockville, but I had to say ‘yes’ to
Debbie as I didn’t want to offend her and also for the safe delivery of my
daughter. I strictly told her not to tell Simon about my arrival, because I
didn’t want to break his heart again; it was not easy for me too. Also
requested her not to pay me a visit often. I stayed all the time in Sara’s Ville
except for the doctor’s visit. Debbie planned to send her children to her
aunt’s house to be with me at the time of parturition, but that didn’t happen.
It was about 10 o’clock at night; I had the cramps and increased back pain,
urinated constantly, walked across the house; was in a fear of delivery
complications, searched for my cellphone to call Debbie. But my water
broke and I was having severe pain, with the contractions becoming
stronger as it had started to occur every 2 minutes. The significant pressure
in the abdomen and pelvic region, I knew the baby was descending. My
energy levels were deteriorating and I was unable to rest or relax between
my contractions. As the intensity of the sharp pain rose together with the
stinging sensation on my uterus, I felt a strong urge to push with my last
intake of breath and behold my princess wailed out her first cry before
Debbie arrived.
Chapter 7

At York Shrine.

The room is quiet, they can’t find a better word to console her and she
doesn’t expect that either. Sandra feels much better now as if she had
gotten rid of tones of loads that she had been carrying for so many years.
‘Thank you so much for patiently listening to me father, and Maria you’re
such a kind woman,’ said Sandra. ‘I’ve served the Lord and been a “Father”
in many congregations for more than a couple of decades now. I’ve
listened to many stories of people from all walks of life; relentless
murderers, ruthless molesters, remorseless deceivers still I receive an
account of their sins and undertake to give them absolution, but you my
child, have deliberately chosen to forgive them regardless of the serious
offense they did against you and this will empower you to be able to lose
your corrosive anger so as to walk as per our Doctrine. May the Lord bless
you and your daughter, and may his guarding Angels guard and guide you
all. Let your Light so shine before men that people may see your good
works and glorify your God who is in Heaven, I ask all this in the name of
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen’ said Father.

(Forgiveness does not entail forgetting, it just means excusing one’s

offense, you are not obligated to reconcile with the person who harmed
you, need to explain more). Sandra is now pondering about the fact that
she has to deal with another one now; she knows that the guy who’s in
search of her must be Ricardo.

She says to herself as ‘I’m ready to meet you at any time Ricardo, May the
Lord give me the wisdom to handle it wisely and strengthen me to fight my
battle. I’ll do anything it takes to give my daughter a safer life.
‘I feel so sorry for what you had gone through; you are the most
courageous woman I’ve ever met in my life, and I’m really proud of you.
Actually, I was talking to Father Williams, and it looks like he’s more
concerned about the safety of the people in our church, and he’s indeed
worried about you as well. He told me to ask you that, if you could consider
handing over those diamonds to the cops, all the problems will be solved.
The person who’s hunting for you won’t have any reason to find you, and
please don’t ever think that we would disseminate whatever you shared
with us. Everything will be absolutely confidential.’ said Maria. ‘I’m glad that
you brought that to me, and I will surely think about it’ replied Sandra.

They live in a very small room which can just occupy a single cot and a
small crib for Merlin, and there’s hardly a place for her daughter to play
around, but she’s always been grateful to what she has, and that’s what
shaped her as who she’s now. Sandra begins to think like a mom, a mom
who always gives priority for the safety and the security of her child. Being
a single mom it’s an added responsibility to take care of her daughter. So,
she wants to use a different strategy to handle this situation.

She remembers the paper that father Williams had handed her, it has his
phone number. She called the number; reached voicemail, ‘Hey Ricardo,
it’s me, the one you are looking for; call me back’. He calls her right after he
checked the message, but Sandra purposely diverted his call to the voice
mail to read what’s on his mind. ‘I’m surprised that you’ve recognized me
without having seen my face, I know you’re a clever woman. I have no
intension to hurt you, nor your child. Return my call at the earliest.’ said
Ricardo. Sandra learned about him from her father Daniel, but hasn’t seen
him in person. Now that she’s got Merlin with her, she has to take every
step more cautiously. Everyone in her family was murdered mercilessly,
and now she’s only got her daughter, a person who she can call as a

Afraid of losing any more precious lives; she intends to meet him at a
common place where many people would gather often. Ricardo is at his
early seventies with gray hair, but looks athletic. She sits opposite to him
and appears valorously. ‘I’m glad you came, I’m just gonna ask you two
questions, and I expect a genuine answer from you.’ ‘Please, go ahead’
replied Sandra. ‘Where are the diamonds? Where are my three men?’
asked Ricardo gravelly. Sandra stands up on her feet and looks
astonished, ‘What are you talking about? You sent your men to take the
diamonds, and they killed my mom, molested me mercilessly and took all
the six diamonds that I got from my father. I lost my dad; my mom and I
was raped by them inhumanly. As a result of which I’m raising a child who
doesn’t know who her father is, and I don’t either. They are not kids to be
lost forever, and I heard Martin saying many times as ‘those are my
diamonds’ I think they betrayed you.’ said Sandra. He takes his hat and
flings it on the table and screams ‘I knew it, I knew it, I had a doubt when
he avoided me to accompany them when they left for Rockville. Do you
know where they possibly are, did they talk anything about that?’ asked
Ricardo. ‘Honestly, I have no idea where they are, and I’m lucky that they
spared my life. After the fact that I surrendered the diamonds to Martin, I
thought everything was over, and didn’t expect that you’d come for it. If you
still don’t trust me then you’re searching it in the wrong place.’ said Sandra.

Ricardo trusted the utterance of each and every single word by Sandra,
because she matched things perfectly and gave no room for him to suspect
her. After he leaves the place; she breathes a sigh of relief and starts to
break down. Curtailing her loud sobs from within to avoid getting noticed by
the people around her; she hurries off with a mixture of emotions and the
anxiety of what would happen next. Having managed to give him hope that
he will be able to find them and get his diamonds back; he pursues his
search. She hasn’t told anybody that she was going to meet the man who
was hunting for her with a gun, so no one was expecting her at church
other than Merlin. She tiptoed on her soft feet onto her mom and hugs her
firmly; Sandra’s overwhelmed with happiness to see her child walking as
that was her first time.
Life has been a run around in circles for Sandra; she’s been relocating from
one place to another since her childhood, but never broods over it. Having
her child in her hand she thinks that, Even though it was just less than a
year at York Shrine church; she met many wonderful people who showed
true love and care. But she decides to find a new place of shelter, not only
because of the fact that the so-called smuggler under the wrinkled skin
chased her daughter in an abandoned park, but considering the safety of
people at the church and to give her daughter a sophisticated life too. She
always wanted to move to an individual house or an apartment where her
child find it more comfortable and live like the every other little one. York
shrine church had been a gift for Sandra; she had never underestimated it
and would truly remember the people, the church, especially father
Williams and Maria as long as she’s alive.

Chapter 8

A Sunrise in Texas

More than half a decade has passed since they moved to Houston
Texas, one of the beautiful cities in south central part of the USA.
Sandra could find a job as a kindergarten teacher in a private school
in the city where her child is studying there too. Life has never been
easier for single parents especially the ones who have no support
from their parents, relatives or even friends. She’s been facing all the
good and bad days just by herself. She hasn't made any friends ever
since she moved to Texas, not even in touch with Maria back in Yorkshrine,
nor with Debbie in Rockville. She's always stayed on the fringe of all the
relationships except with her daughter. None of her colleagues were invited
to her house be it Thanksgiving, Christmas or even New year. Even though
she's more concerned about safety just like her mom Sarah, but still, she
couldn't completely isolate her daughter from her friends. Merlin wanted to
celebrate her birthday with all of her friends, she didn't give an opportunity
to Sandra to deny that; Sandra knows how it feels to be away from
everything because she'd been through the same situation in her
childhood. So, she threw a party at home and invited only a few close
friends of Merlin who are very familiar with Sandra too. Although life has
been so cruel to Sandra, she finds happiness in her daughter’s eyes, every
little thing about Merlin, brings immense joy to her more than anything else.
She always relishes seeing every step that her daughter takes to go to the
next level in her life.

The best thing about having her daughter studying in the same place where
she works is that, she doesn’t have to look out for anyone to take care of
her during school holidays. She takes her to the school and leaves in the
library or at the playground where she could spend time playing or reading
some comics. Merlin is one of the most active and fun-loving kid in the
classroom and has a tit for tat attitude like her grandfather. While doing an
activity which involves team work, she unexpectedly bites her peer on his
thigh. She nibbled him so hard and made him cry out loud which could
even be heard by his father who works at the restaurant. The bitten area
becomes red so does his face, the tiny teeth impression on his white skin
makes it more obvious for anyone who could easily figure it out. ‘I told you
many times not to play with the pet animals, see now you got bitten by a
puppy,’ said George. ‘No dad, I wasn’t bitten by any puppies, but a stupid
little girl called Merlin. She thinks that she’s the most beautiful and a clever
girl in the school, but she’s not and I hate her dad, I don’t know for some
reason I get so scared to talk to her some times’ said Billy. George
promised his son that he would go to school with him, talk to Merlin and
warn her mom to discipline her child and get it straighten up.

The next day George takes Billy to the school to talk to the principal and
the class teacher. As they enter the school premises ‘There she is! Dad,
that’s Merlin, in the blue car, pull over, pull over, let them go in first.’ said
Billy ducking down in a low voice. ‘Don’t be scared Billy, I’ll take care of it’.
As he reached the school early before the bell rings, he could meet Sandra
at the office room and asked if he could meet the principal and also told her
the reason not knowing that the girl who had bitten Billy is her daughter. I’m
Billy’s class teacher you may talk to me. ‘My son didn’t sleep the whole
night; he was getting nightmare after nightmare; he was too disturbed,
terribly bitten by a kid called Merlin in your class. Is there any way that I can
talk to the child’s mom, could you arrange it please.’ asked George. ‘You
can talk to me, I’m her mom too,’ said Sandra.

‘Oh is it, so you failed both as a teacher as well as a mom to teach

your kid manners. Merlin stands next to Sandra which grabs George’s
attention. ‘Alright, Is she the one who’d bitten my son?’ Merlin started
crying in fear and said ‘No, he was the one who started first, he broke
my paper can and made fun of it’ ‘I see, my son is capable of doing
that stuff. Now I understood who the culprit is.’ Said George but she
didn’t stop crying. George tries to calm her down and said ‘Honey,
listen. Why are you crying now? That’s alright, it happens sweet heart
I can totally understand that. He shouldn’t have broken your paper
can in the first place and you shouldn’t have bitten him too, anyways
we all make mistake but let’s not repeat it. I’ll talk to my son and
guess what he will be good to you, you can trust me on that. She
doesn’t seem to be convinced but weeping very badly. Sandra stands
next to her daughter with folded hands and looks at him angrily.
Alright, I’m going to tell you a real story which happened in my life.
Have you ever experienced a real pain; I mean the pain of getting
bitten by a dog? I have. On a random Friday I was on a couch,
watching Star Wars, having a giant pizza with molten cheese and too
much mayonnaise. In spite of watching an interesting movie, I fell
asleep with the mayonnaise and cheese all over my mouth. I had two
dogs Ruuney and Tuuney, unfortunately they both were unchained
first Runney came over started licking my mouth then the greedy
Tuuney pushed Runney away and wanted to have one big portion of
mayonnaise, but apparently it got away with my mouth.’ said George
dramatically. Both Sandra and Merlin broke out into laughter. Sandra
couldn’t control herself, and he continued ‘I know about my son and
the kids these days, but as a teacher it’s your duty to have an eye on
them to make sure they don’t hurt each other’ ‘First of all, let me
apologize for what my daughter did to your son, secondly you better
learn to take care of yourself of not letting any dogs to lick or bite
your mouth before advising someone else. Now, I guarantee you that
your son will not have any problems with my daughter,’ said Sandra.

Later, in the classroom she calls both the kids and tells them to be
friendly with one another. ‘Good kids will always share love and joy,
but the bad apples are the ones who’d fight with each other. Which
ones would you guys like to be, good apples or bad apples?’ They
both shouted ‘good apple, good apple. The words ‘you failed as a
teacher and as a mom’ stuck in her head, ‘how can someone to be so
mean to who they barely know or just met them for the first time. I just
hate that guy and I don’t want to see him again’. But Sandra doesn’t
discriminate his son; she treats everyone equally and takes good care
of them. Merlin and Billy become good friends; they spend more time
together playing at the school’s play ground after class hours,
because she has to wait for her mom for about an hour to finish her
work and so does Billy. His dad works at a restaurant as well as a part
time real estate agent, so he usually comes late to pick him up. Billy
always gets angry with his dad especially when he comes too late in
the evening to receive him from the school, but nowadays he doesn’t
care as he enjoys spending time with Merlin. ‘How come you aren’t
mad at me; I’m very very late than usual.’ asked George. ‘It’s alright
dad, you’re cool. You can come whenever you want, take your own
time dad, I have a good companion at school and I have a nice time
with her.’ said Billy enthusiastically. ‘Oh yeah, is that it? look at you,
when did that happen. Alright, who is she, you never told me anything
about her.’ said George. ‘Come on dad, you know her, she was the
one who bit me. Now she’s my great pal. We don’t fight anymore,
because Ms. Sandra said good kids will always share love and joy and
we are good kids. She is a best teacher dad; I love her so much.’ said

The next day, It’s almost five in the evening; Sandra finishes her work
and calls Merlin who’s playing so far on the seesaw with Billy. She
couldn’t hear her mom calling, so Sandra walks fast to take her home
as it’s getting colder in Houston. ‘Merlin, we gottta get home, don’t be
dawdling, hurry up. Hey buddy, where’s your dad, they’re gonna close
the school in another 30 minutes. Do you have his phone number?’
He doesn’t know when would his dad show up. ‘Yes Ms. Sandra’ She
dials his number and gives it to him, ‘Hey Dad, it’s me Billy where are
you? I’m waiting for you. Ms.Sandra and Merlin are gonna leave and
they are gonna close the school soon, its freezing cold out here
please come soon daddy.’ said Billy. ‘Oh, my little pumpkin I’m so
sorry buddy, I’m stuck in here in a meeting, just a few miles away
from your school. I rang your school’s phone number many times, but
no one answered. What were your Ms. Stupid Sandra doing, was she
taking a nap at work. Why didn’t she answer the call?’ yelled George.
‘Hold on, hold on dad, the phone is on speaker. She’s standing next
to me.’ ‘Hey wait, what? Why didn’t you tell me that before? Oh… I
apologize Ms. Sandra I didn’t mean any….’ She snatched the phone
from Billy’s hand and said ‘listen, I’m not paid to attend the phone
calls and that’s not my duty either. I’m a responsible woman and a
mom; I didn’t want to leave your son all alone in the campus, so as a
courtesy I gave him my phone to call you. Now you figure out a way to
get your son home.’ said Sandra. ‘Jesus, how stupid I am. Please
forgive me, I’m totally insane. Please do me a favor, can you take my
son home with you, I’ll come to your house in two hours and pick him
up.’ begged George. ‘You don’t know anybody on this earth, who are
you? I can’t baby sit any irresponsible man’s child’ He is convincing
her and at the meantime Billy is crying in the fear of being alone in the
campus. Alright, I’m not doing it for you, but for your son. Please
don’t come home to pick him up I’ll bring him back to school
tomorrow morning with my daughter.’ ‘Oh, thank you so much Ms.
Sandra I will….’ She disconnected the call abruptly.

Billy was so happy to go with Sandra and Merlin to their house. ‘Your
house looks so beautiful Ms. Sandra, thanks for taking me with you.
Am I gonna sleep over here?’ asked Billy ‘Yes, you are’ said Merlin.
Sandra gives each one of them a glass of milk shakes and some
cookies; they play board games and watch cartoon show on
television for sometimes. ‘Children, play time is over, let’s take your
books and do your homework.’ said Sandra from the kitchen room,
also asked Billy if he likes anything specific for dinner. ‘Well, my dad
works at a restaurant; he usually brings food for both of us, and he
hardly ever cooks at home. It’s so nice of you asking my preference,
you may prepare anything you’d like to and I’m okay with it.’ She pats
him gently on his back. Three of them join hands together, Merlin
says the prayer “Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are
about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen”
after dinner she tucked both the kids into bed and told them a bed
time story. George has never told him any bed time stories all they do
is, eat out and watch movies, so Billy finds everything new and likes it
very much.

The next day at school George tries to meet Sandra to thank her for
accommodating his son, but she purposely refuses to see him to
avoid any unnecessary conversation. After waiting for a long time, he
understands that she has no interest in meeting him, so he writes a
short thank you note on a paper and gave it to her daughter. Sandra
doesn’t care to even open that paper. ‘Ma, why didn’t you come to
meet Mr. George, he seems to be a nice person, he waited at the
hallway for more than 45minutes for you,’ said Merlin. ‘I know whom
to meet and who not to, now close your eyes and go to sleep’. said
Sandra, kissed her daughter on the forehead and said ‘good night

While coming back home from shopping. Merlin's dozed off in the car,
'why does dad hate me so much?, Am I ugly? Mommy, can you please
tell dad that I love him' Sandra overheard Merlin’s somniloquy, and
feels her throat closing up and tears welled up in her eyes. Sandra
feels that Merlin is not old enough to either understand or handle the
truth, and there is no way that she can tell her anything at this
moment. But, when the time is ripe, she'll spill the beans. A new life
can never be formed out of sin or a curse or a disgust. It's a life, it's
new and pure, but to be virtuous throughout the journey of life is
entirely in control of oneself. Sandra has never seen her daughter as
an upshot of the wrenght of her past, but a gift to rewrite her future.

At school, during the annual day celebration most of the parents will
come together with their kids, and some parents would pick or drop
their children at school and wave hands together, or even at the
hospitals, kids would be sitting in between their mums and dads. So,
every time when Merlin sees such things, she asks her mom as ‘Mom,
why doesn’t dad ever show up, does he hate me?’ Mostly she diverts
her to something else or gives a false hope which would seal her
mouth temporarily from talking about it for some times. Sandra tries
her best to fill the space of a father in Merlin's life but it's practically
not possible, so she always tries to avoid the situation that would
provoke her thoughts of missing her dad.

‘Oh wait dad! Put your chop sticks down, I know you’re hungry and
you like Chinese food, but Ms. Sandra told me that we need to be
grateful to God for what he has given us. She said that we need to
pray before every meal we have. So, let’s pray daddy!’ said Billy.
‘That’s interesting buddy, your teacher has taught you some good
stuff, I’m so proud of you, my boy.’ ‘Yes daddy she’s a great teacher’
‘I bet she is’ said George

George hasn’t fixed his mechanically sabotaged car yet; he has a

hard time paying rent for his apartment, school fees and other stuffs,
but he doesn’t impose anything on his son. He always tries his best to
give what his son likes, but still most of the time he ends up failing to
meet his wishes. Whenever Billy asks about his mom, he’d say ‘she’s
in the heaven with the God, and will only come down to earth if you
don’t throw tantrums.’ He uses it as his magical weapon to control
him. Billy loves his mom so much; he always sleeps with her photo
and talks to the big picture of her whenever he misses her. George
doesn’t tell him about the tragedy of his mom, hoping that he will get
to know the truth eventually as he grows up. He’s a gourmet that
might have been a reason why he chose to work at the restaurant, it
gets him some good cash, and food for most of the days. Even
though his real estate business doesn’t get him any fortune, he
doesn’t give up, but tirelessly running after the money. George
doesn’t have any friends in the city, he only has a sister who he loves
so much and she lives in Wisconsin, and they often talk to each other
over the phone. He spends all his free time with his son Billy, and he
loves to hang out with his dad too, because he never says no to food
be it junk or any.

‘Dad, please come! Let’s go out, it’s so boring sittin in here and
watchin tv all the time.’ said Billy. ‘Well, that’s sounds like a great
idea, but we don’t have the car now. If you don’t mind taking the bus
and walking a bit, then I’m in and we’ll go downtown’. said George.
They take the bus, and metro, having nice time together; both of them
are so fond of the street food. They buy extra-large ice-cream cones
for each one of them and hear a big clap of thunder as they hold them
in their hands. ‘Daddy look up in the sky the clouds are so dark, it’s
gonna rain and we don’t even have an umbrella.’ exclaimed Billy. He’s
too certain, in a few minutes it starts raining-heavily, they stand under
one of the sunshades of the shops on the street, but it doesn’t help.
‘Please be prepared Billy, we are gonna get drenched, but don’t’
worry you’ll be alright.’ said George. ‘Don’t worry dad, Ms. Sandra’s
apartment is just a few blocks away from here, and I know where she
lives. Please call her right now’ said Billy in a shivering voice. ‘Oh
please buddy, don't give me tough jobs like this. You know your
daddy very well, I'm not good at it’ said George politely. ‘Dad, then
when are you going to learn all this,? Come on daddy, Call her right
now please’. He calls her cell phone immediately, it drops after a long
ring and can’t even reach the voicemail, he tries a couple of times but
no response. ‘I told ya, it’s not gonna work’ Billy stares at him with
frowned brows, snatches the phone and typed a message 'Hey, Ms.
Sandra, Please call me... it's urgent, by Billy' ‘You will receive a call at
any time, be prepared to take it’ said Billy. She calls him back right
away, George’s freaking out and giving the phone back to Billy, but
Billy can’t speak either as his teeth’s chattering very badly. So, the
phone goes back to George’s hand. ‘Hey, hi, what’s up… just
checking in, if you guys are alright, it’s raining cats and dogs! And
deluge everywhere. Please stay safe’ Billy stamps George’s feet very
hard with extreme rage. ‘Alright, we are nearby your house, Billy’s got
drenched and shivering. If you could allow us into your house, I’d get
him dried up and we’d leave as soon as it stops raining.’ said George.
‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, I wish I could help you, but unfortunately
we’re not in town. Maybe you can get help from someone else, I’m
sorry again’. The doorbell rings, Sandra goes to see who's there while
she's on the phone with him. There, they’re, standing in front of her;
George’s got Billy on his shoulder, they both have half molten ice
cream in their hands. He sits comfortably by locking his legs around
his neck, holding his hair by his left hand and got the ice cream in his
right which drips all over on his dad’s head and face. George has an
innocent and unimpeachable look; his two of the buttons were off
hooked as his shirt isn’t big enough to cover his big fat belly. Sandra
tries to control her laughter at the same time pretends as if she was
going to send them out, but they got in by themselves without getting
her permission. There are apples, plums, grapes and strawberries on
the dining table, both of them sit comfortably at the table and eat the
fruits. She doesn’t say anything because she doesn’t want to hurt
Billy. ‘Hey Sandra, you got something for us to eat, we only had ice
cream and Billy is hungry.’ said George. ‘Yes daddy, I’m hungry.’ Billy
exclaimed. Sandra looks at him and sighs; Merlin gives each one of
them a towel and said, ‘First get yourselves dried up, my mom will
make delicious pasta for all of us.’

Later she brings two plates of pasta and two pieces of cream cake for
dessert. She keeps looking at the window, but it still rains, they can
actually hear the torrential from inside the house. ‘Mr. George, why
don’t you and Billy sleep over, because I don’t think it’s gonna stop
raining.’ said Merlin. ‘That sounds like a great idea.’ Said George
happily. Sandra got mad at everyone, folded her hands and said it will
stop raining for sure.

It’s 10pm and it still rains, Billy is fast asleep on the couch with his
dad. Merlin sleeps in her room. Sandra lies in her bed, turns round
and round, getting a nightmare of Ricardo comes after her, she
screams loudly and goes to her daughter’s room to check if she’s
safe, but George and Billy are scared to death, they both run and hide
under the dining table. ‘What happened, is that a serial killer or
psychopath. Please call 911.’ cried George in a trembling voice.
Sandra has Merlin in her hand, and searching for them ‘where are you
George, Billy?’. ‘Mom, look over there, they are hiding under the
dining table. Mr. George and Billy please come out, you guys are safe
here, there’s no psycho or serial killer, you may come out. My mom
usually does this at least once a month and I’m used to it.’ said
Merlin. They both come out, ‘I was about to jump out of the window
with my son,’ said George. Sandra and Merlin burst out with laughter.
Chapter 9

A mind with retaliation can never be in peace, whether or not it could

take a revenge on a perpetrator, and it has already started destroying
the one who is holding it. Forgiving someone is the greatest freedom
that you can give to yourself, it can certainly furbish the life which has
been immersed in the grudge of darkness. Sandra had forgiven
everyone who had ruined her life, but the fear of protecting her
daughter keeps her to be vigilant, so the antipathy of men is still
fresh. She’s young and beautiful but no men would dare to go after
her, because she’s never given them a chance and always being rude
to all of them. George likes her in spite of her impertinent manner. He
only spent his time with one woman Lilly- his wife who passed away
six years ago, since then he hasn’t been in relationship with anybody.
Billy was just five months old when he lost his mom, his sister
Catherin helped George taking care of his son. She’s his only relative
who he can always count on but she doesn’t live nearby. Catherine is
a great mom, her husband – Laurie is in the military, so she lives with
her two sons – Ernie and Garry in her in-laws’ house in Wisconsin.
Despite the fact that she told him many times to find a woman and get
into a relationship, he didn’t show any interest nor could he find any
woman as good as his wife. Before he met Sandra, he never used to
wear nice clothes, all he’d been doing after his wife’s death was
working at the restaurant, doing real estate and finding clients, and
eating a lot. Now that he met Sandra, his attitude and approach
towards his life have totally changed, he wears nice clothes especially
when he picks or drops his son in school. But Sandra doesn’t show
any interest in him, because she was badly hurt and not ready to trust
anybody and through the same pain all over again.

Billy loves his mom very much; he believes that she’s in heaven and
will come down to earth one day to celebrate his birthday with him.
During recess, he says the same thing to one of his classmates. ‘Billy
you are so dumb, dead people can’t come back. Your mum is dead
and she’ll never come back ever.’ said Brian. Billy’s face turns red; he
punches him in his face. They fight with each other in the corridor;
Merlin witnesses it, and in an instance, she runs to her mum and
reports what’s happening. It’s too evident that both of them are badly
hurt, so their parents were called. After meeting the principal, George
meets Billy’s class teacher Ms. Sandra. 'I don't think I'm the right
person to give you advice on this, but I know it's hard to tell the truth
and break his little heart to expose him to the real world. But, Billy is a
smart kid, just sit and talk to him, I'm sure he'll be able to understand.'
said Sandra. George’s so glad to hear those kinds words from her.

'Billy, come here kiddo' he sits next to his dad on the couch, and got
himself under his dad’s arms. 'First of all, let me apologize for
whatever happened between you and Brian, and you shouldn't have
hit him, well that's a different story we shall deal with that later. I want
you to understand the reality, your mom passed away and she's with
God. She can't come to your birthday and you can never see her at all.
It was my fault, if I'd told you this before, you wouldn't have involved
in that flight in the first place. I'm sorry son, just forget what had
happened in school.' said George. ‘I know dad, Brian was right, dead
people can’t come back alive. I just understood everything today in
school,’ He hugs his dad tightly and after sometime he looks up in his
face and asks ‘Dad, can Ms. Sandra be my mom? I like her a lot, and
she takes care of me well.’ said Billy. He’s glad that his son likes her
too. He strongly believes that she can be the right companion for him
and a great mom for his son too, but he doesn’t have an answer for
Billy’s question now.
Sandra is a great teacher; she understands her students well, especially
when they don’t pay attention or show lack of interest; she wouldn’t shout
at them rather she’d talk to them and find out the cause. In one such
instance, there’s a girl called Angela; she’s an active and highly
enthusiastic girl but for the past few days there have been some changes in
her activities and behavior which caught Sandra’s attention. At lunch, when
everyone eats their food, Angela sits at the corner folds her hands and
rests her head on the chair’s writing pad. Sandra goes to her and touches
her forehead to check if she runs a temperature. ‘Are you alright Angela?
Why didn’t you have lunch?’ ‘No Ms. Sandra, I don’t feel like eating, I just
wanna be alone for some time,’ said Angela. Sandra can sense that there’s
something wrong with her, so she takes her to the student’s counseling
room where no one’s around, so she might feel comfortable and open up.
There they sit in the room just two of them, ‘I know you are a strong and
brave girl, if there’s anything that you wanna talk to me, I’m always there for
you.’ ‘But I’m too scared to talk about it,’ said Angela. She gives her more
confidence and an assurance that nobody can hurt her. All the kids love
Sandra including Angela, so she believes her words. ‘I don’t like my music
teacher – Paul Fernandez, he often makes me to sit on his lap to teach
violin. He said that if I wear underwear, I can’t learn fast, and the next class
I should take them off, if I tell this to anybody, I’ll be locked-in a dark room
forever and he’d kill my mom too. I’m too small to fight with him’ said
Angela dishearteningly. Sandra froze and her heart skipped a beat.

She holds her hands and says ‘look into my eyes, I’m gonna do something
now, you ready?’ ‘Yes Ms. Sandra’. She closes all the windows and covers
them with the blinders, locks the doors, now the room becomes completely
dark. Sandra asks her to stand by facing the wall, then she throws her
mobile phone flashlight behind Angela. ‘Now, what do you see on the wall’
asked Sandra. ‘I see a big shadow of myself Ms. Sandra,’ said Angela.
‘That’s actually the reflection of who you are now, and you are bigger than
who you think you really are, the light that you have behind you is the lord
the almighty; he gives you courage, strength and confidence. When you
are in a fear or sorrow of darkness have the God right behind you just like
this flashlight as a faith, you will be greater than your enemies, wiser than
your problems, braver than your fears, stronger than your worries. And, you
can face everything with your chin up’. Said Sandra motivationally. Angela
looks more confident than she used to; Sandra tells her a plan to catch the
perverted music teacher red handed and to get the taste of his own
medicine. Now she is ready to face him fearlessly.

“500,000 to 1.2 million children are involved in child prostitution. One million
women and girls work as prostitutes. Most prostitutes have been sexually
abused as children. Finkelhor and Browne state that child sexual abuse
leads to feelings by the victim of betrayal, powerlessness, stigmatization,
and the sense that sex is a commodity. These feelings often make children
vulnerable to re-victimization, including child prostitution. 2/3 of prostitutes
were sexually abused from the ages of 3-16. 2/3 of prostitutes abused in
childhood were molested by natural, step-, or foster fathers. 10% were
sexually abused by strangers.”

Birthday is an important and a favorite day for all the children; Billy
always counts the days to his birthday and starts reminding his father
two months ahead of time to arrange for a grand party. ‘Hey kiddo,
what do you like for your birthday, please let me know, who are all
you’d like to invite and where’d you like to celebrate.’ asked George.

‘Just keep it low daddy, I don’t feel like celebrating it and I don’t think
that I can enjoy my birthday without mommy.’ said Billy, sitting in the
chair with his elbow rested on the table and got his hands on his
cheek’s melancholy. ‘That’s not right son, I can understand how you
feel right now, but how about Ms. Sandra and Merlin, we can invite
them to your birthday. They like you and you like them and I’m sure,
they’ll be glad to attend the party.’ said George excitingly. ‘I know
they like me dad, but Ms. Sandra doesn’t like you. I’m sure she won’t
come to the party.’ George promised his wife Lilly that he'd take care
of Billy well, before she died. He may not be perfect, but works really
hard to give the best life for his son and never let him down at any
cost. He doesn’t want his son to miss his birthday because he knows
how much he likes to celebrate it. Somehow, he persuaded Billy to
have a party on his birthday and also assured him that Merlin and
Sandra will be there without fail. Billy doesn’t like to invite anybody,
except Sandra, Merlin and his aunt Catherin as well as his cousins.
George agreed with Billy’s request, and loves the idea of celebrating
his son’s birthday only with the dearest ones, but he quite hesitates
to talk to Sandra, so he’s planning to asks Billy to invite her by
himself. He firmly believes that she won’t say no to him.

He phones his sister Catherin and tells her how excited Billy is, to see
his aunt and his cousins, and also invites her to the birthday party. ‘I
want to introduce you to someone who’s very close to my heart. I
think she is the one who you’ve been asking me to find for myself and
Billy. He also loves her a lot; actually, he was the one who gave me
the idea of having the party just among ourselves. He didn’t even
invite any of his friends.’ said George. ‘Wow, that’s a great news after
a long time, I’m glad that you found one. I can’t wait to meet her. I’m
gonna book the tickets to Houstan right away’ said Catherine
gleefully. She is so happy now, thinking that her brother is going to
get engaged soon, not aware of the fact that it’s only him who’s
interested, but not her. George goes out for shopping with his son to
buy some nice clothes for the party. It’s been years since he spent
time or money to buy good attires, but off late or after meeting Sandra
everything changed. Fortuitously, he got a glimpse of Sandra and
Merlin on the opposite side in women’s section in the same shopping
mall. George becomes overstrung and holds his son in one hand and
carries the shopping bag on the other, stands behind the grand beam
and slightly peeps out to make sure that he really saw Sandra and
Merlin. He is right; he indeed saw them; being afraid of confronting
Sandra, he wants to leave the place before she could see him. He
strides fast to go somewhere else; he’s got the bag in his one hand
but the other hand is hanging free. Billy is missing, ‘where is Billy?’
he’s searching for him everywhere, to his surprise he shouts back
‘Daddy, I’m here. See who I found. Come here daddy’ he’s with Merlin
and Sandra. ‘Oh my God, Billy, you did exactly what I didn’t want to
happen’ said George under his breath. He walks casually to them and
says ‘oh Billy, you’re here, Hey Sandra, Hey sweetie pie’ and high-
five’s Merlin jubilantly.’ 'I'm celebrating my birthday this Sunday so
my dad and I are doing shopping now. Ms. Sandra and Merlin, I'm
officially inviting you to come to my party, your presence is very
much appreciated.' said Billy. Merlin is excited to know his birthday
‘cool, we’ll be there before everyone arrives and I’ll get you a nice gift
Billy’. Merlin likes George a lot and he likes her too. She has stopped
asking about her dad ever since she’s met George which Sandra
noticed. Sandra doesn’t like to attend any parties; so she says ‘no
sweet heart, we can’t go. Mamma has an important work to do on this
Sunday.’ Billy’s face becomes as long as a fiddle, ‘I won’t cut the
cake, if you guys don’t’ show up’ said Billy downheartedly. George
tries to convince her; ‘there won’t be much crowd; we’re just inviting
a few people who are close to our heart.’ But she doesn’t seem to pay
attention to him; Billy looks dejected folding his hands and facing his
head down. Sandra is a kind hearted person; she doesn’t hurt
anybody, and always benignant with kids. She stands on her knees by
holding Billy’s arms and looks into his eyes ‘Don’t worry Billy, Merlin
and I will be there when you cut the cake. I promise.’ He hugged her
promptly and so does Merlin from behind. As a matter of fact, George
is happier than both the kids.

All of them head together to the parking lot, but the ice cream parlor
at the corner grabs the heeds of the children, both of them shouts for
ice cream. Sandra drags Merlin trying to pass the shop, but she holds
Billy’s hand and he holds George’s. All three of them drag Sandra into
the parlor; she sits straight opposite to George while the kids sit right
next to their parents. Merlin takes the menu and says ‘Today I wanna
have my mom’s favorite flavor strawberry, so two strawberries
please.’ ‘Oh, is it, strawberry! It’s my favorite too,’ said George. Billy
interrupted ‘come on dad, don’t be a liar, you don’t have any favorites
in specific, you eat everything on your plate.’ ‘Thanks for telling them
the truth my son. Alright, let me tell you all something, I’m taking an
oath here, from today onwards strawberry is going to be my favorite
fruit. I’ll only eat strawberry ice cream and drink strawberry juice’.
Georges got the ice cream all over his hands and beards, the kids eat
much better than him. Sandra looks at him and pushes the tissue
paper to his side. He wipes his hands and throws it into the bin and
said ‘Thank you’, She gives him another one and says ‘please wipe
your mouth clean, I bet your dogs like ice cream too and smiled at
him’ George is on cloud nine, because this is the first time, she ever
smiled at him.

On the way back home in the car, Billy asked ‘Dad, what do you think
about Ms. Sandra?’ ‘What do you think, what?’ exclaimed George. ‘If
you marry Ms. Sandra, she’ll be my mom and I can stay with her,
right?’ asked Billy. ‘Oh my God, where do you learn all this? We can't
decide anything by our own before getting to know what's there in the
opposite person's mind. Don’t dream about anything son.’ But he
likes what Billy said though.

Billy and George are waiting at the arrivals of George Bush

International Airport to meet Catherin and her kids; they haven’t met
each other for more than a year. Billy is excited to see his aunt and
cousins. He spotted them and runs to her aunt; she hugs and kisses
him, and goes straight to her brother and asks him, ‘where’s she?
Why didn’t you bring her’ ‘Hold on, hold on, She’s not here now but
don’t worry, you’re gonna meet her on Billy’s birthday’.

After a thorough research about Angela’s family background, Sandra

found that, her mom is on the run after killing her husband who was
an alcoholic and a drug dealer. Angela’s been taken care by her aunt
ever since she had been abandoned by her parents. Angela’s aunt -
Patricia is an alcoholic too, she has an affair with the same music
teacher, so she wouldn’t trust any allegations on him, that’s the
reason the child feels helpless and broken.

It’s Monday at 4 o’clock in the evening, as per the plan Angela goes to
the music class believing that God stands right behind her and gives
her all the strength to face the demon. She’s got the automatic secret
recording device and a pen camera that Sandra gave. As she enters
the room, Paul is sitting at the piano waiting for her, pulls his specs to
the tip of his nose and having a glance at her from head to toe. Angela
cleverly fixed the pen on the side pouch of the bag facing the camera
outside and places it on the table focusing perfectly to the piano. He
grabs her by hand and guides her to the chair next to him. As she sits
on the chair playing the piano, his hand slid down the side of her neck
in a warm caress, while she continues playing the percussion
instrument, his fingers are unzipping her dress in the back slowly.
She’s trembling in fear while bringing all the courage together and
swats his hand away and pushes the chair on him. Sandra is waiting
outside the house connected the pen camera virtually to the laptop
and watching it with the cops in the minivan. ‘It’s time to go,’ said
Sandra. They arrive at the scene spontaneously; Angela is so happy
to see her teacher; she runs fast to Sandra and hugs her. Paul is
arrested by the cops, and Sandra intends to release the video on
social media by covering Angela’s identity, her intention is to create
an awareness to all people to protect their children from the predators
like Paul. She referred Angela to the state where the government can
take care of her.

Merlin is impatiently looking at the clock and waiting for her mom at
home; ‘Mamma today’s Billy’s birthday, you forgot. It’s getting late,
we gotta go now, I promised that I’d get him a nice gift but we didn’t
even buy anything for him yet,’ cried Merlin. ‘Don’t worry sweetheart,
we shall get a beautiful present for him’. They arrive sharply at 5 pm
to attend the party where George’s family is already waiting at the
entrance to invite them. As they open the door to let them in, there is
a small decorated white board with a bunch of roses placed next to it,
says “We welcome Ms. Sandra and Merlin, with love Billy and
George.” Sandra’s impressed to see that and it’s just them in the
house; no other people are invited. She finds it so weird to see the
house empty during the party, ‘Billy, why didn’t you call any of your
friends?’ ‘No Ms. Sandra, as my dad already told you earlier in the
shopping mall, we only invited a few people who we love the most.’
Garry is almost three years old and he reminds Sandra of Simon who
is back in Rockville, he looks more like him. She takes him in her
hand and hugs him tightly; she behaves as if she knows him before.
Catherine is happy to see the love she has for her son. The lights are
off, except those six candles that are lit on the cake; everybody sings
the birthday song ‘happy birthday to you...’ Billy stands in front of the
cake, before he blows off the candle lights; Sandra says ‘May a wish

‘I want Ms. Sandra and Merlin to be with us forever.’ said Billy and
blows them off. She’s dumbstruck, and joins in clapping hands with
everyone else in the room. He cuts the cake, takes a small piece in his
hand, skips his father and aunt, goes around the table and feeds it to
Sandra; she in turn blows him a kiss on his forehead. Catherine takes
a piece of cake and hands it to George, she was about to say ‘feed it
to Sandra’ but he pressed her shoulder to stop and whispered into
her ear ‘I forgot to tell you something, I’m the one who loves her, but
she’s not. She hates me as much as she hates the roaches.’ She’s
chagrined with a long stare. ‘You never change’ uttered Catherine and
pulled him aside. 'You kidding me, you got me imagined about all
your wedding, now you're telling me she has no feeling for you. Okay
look, She's a good one, you can't leave this woman. See how happy
Billy is' said Catherine

'It's not a plant to pour some water, show some sunlight and let it
grow big. It's love sis, it's love. What can I do if she doesn't give a
damn about me. She doesn't even like to see my face. Alright, she
smiled at me once in the ice cream parlor, and it was the only time
she’d ever been nice with me. It will happen Cathy, she’ll fall for me,
but you gotta give it a time'

'Oh come on George, you can't hope for things to happen, but you
need to make it happen. You're a good man, just shown her that.' She
doesn’t believe her brother, so she decided to help him out.
With a great disappointment, Catherine’s waiting for the right time to
talk to Sandra to create a good opinion about her brother. He indeed
is a nice gentleman, but her past horrible experience in life doesn’t
allow her to see the good qualities of him.

There’re pictures of Lilly everywhere on the wall, Sandra is amazed to

see them. ‘She looks so pretty, it’s sad that she had to leave so
young.’ said Sandra. Catherine was actually waiting for the right
moment to talk about it, now she’s glad that Sandra has initiated a
conversation about George’s past life. They are sitting in a chair in
the balcony, having coffee and some snacks.

Catherine speaks…….

Lilly was a clever and beautiful girl; she had been in love with George
for over 10 years; they didn’t know that their fairy tale romance would
end as soon as they got married. Lilly’s mother died in cancer when
she was fifty-nine years old, her father was devastated couldn’t bear
the loss of his wife, few years later he died too. After her parent’s
demise; she went into depression, so we took her with us and we all
lived together like a family even before she got married to my brother.
Finally, they both tied the knot, but after a few weeks of their marriage
life; Lilly experienced some health complications; she had chest pain
when she took a deep breath, coughed and even laughed, and also
found blood in the mucus. She had decided herself it was cancer even
before getting it diagnosed by a medical practitioner. But still her fear
did not allow her to go for the biopsy as what if it’s really a cancer.
Never told us anything in the beginning, whenever we asked, she'd
say that just feeling under the weather but inside she was suffering a
lot. It got worse at one point so she had to go to a nearby hospital to
take a mammogram to find if her fear was really true. The doctor
diagnosed that she had a lung and bronchus cancer, as he explained
the condition, she felt that the whole world instantly came to
screeching halt. She couldn’t hear a word the doctor was saying, both
of her ears were blocked in fear. All she knew was, she had cancer
which is in a critical condition. She went home with the report and
chose not to tell anything to her husband, because she wanted to
spend her remaining life happily with him. It doesn’t matter how hard
one can try to hide the smoke, it will always try to find the way out
and so does the truth. Her health started deteriorating, she looked
very weak and dull, exactly how she used to look when she lost her
parents. At last, George read her medical report, he felt like a ton of
bricks had fallen on his head. She wanted to carry George’s baby but
unfortunately, the doctor said it’d pose risk to both mom and the
infant’s life. She always wanted to have babies with George, at least two
for each one of them, she was so unlucky that she couldn’t even make one.
George knew her deep desire so he decided to adopt a child, Lilly was very
excited when he told her about his idea. He wanted to adopt either a
toddler or a preschooler but she chose an infant. 'I'm not lucky enough to
carry my baby in my body, at least I'll carry him in my hands' said Lilly. The
process for adopting an infant was too long and complicated especially if
the parents are diagnosed with cancer, but with the help of an agency they
were able to find one.

'What happened honey? you look upset, Are you alright? asked George.

'Honey, can we think it over?' said Lilly.

'Think it over, what?'

'The whole thing'

‘What happened? I don’t understand’

'Look honey, I'm already dying in fear of leaving you and I can't add another
one to it. He deserves a healthy mom, not a defective carp like me. He
needs to have both mom and dad. He deserves to have a moms love not
just for few months, but for decades. so please call it off, I can't do this to

'What are you talking about? we took a lot of effort to come this far and we
almost got him and he's already our child, not technically but yes, he will
'No George, please listen to me, I don't think I can make it' she coughed so
hard and threw up blood all over him. George panicked and gave
medication and tucked her to bed, 'Okay sweetheart, don't think about
anything. We'll talk tomorrow' kissed her and said good night.

The next day she felt better with the medication and a good night rest,
George is an excellent negotiator, he persuaded her to continue with the
adoption process, and later, he called the agency for further documentation
procedures. With the help of an excellent lawyer and the agency, they got a
cute little baby boy in their hands. She forgot her pain when she looked at
the little pinky face, also couldn’t digest the fact that she can’t be with him
for a long time. George took care of Lilly a lot like a child. He tried
everything to save her, he sold his hotel, cars and the house for Lilly’s
treatment, but it didn’t pay any good. She couldn’t even celebrate her son’s
first month birthday.

Catherine cries, and her sob muffles as she leans forward the table,
‘My brother was left alone with a five months old baby. He promised
Lilly that he’d take care of the child well and he’s done a great job
with him. My brother is a great father and a great man.’ Sandra holds
her hand and tries to comfort her.

‘Phone rings’….

Ms. Sandra? said unknown voice.

‘Yes, speaking’, said Sandra

‘Mam, this is Kenneth calling from Houston Police Department. The

criminal who we arrested today is on run, I advise you to take care of
you and your family. If there’s an emergency, please reach us out
immediately, if you get any information about the culprit please report
to us right away to this same number.’ Said the officer.

Sandra's an independent and a valorous woman, have fought with

many battles and faced predators in her life, this perverted music
teacher is just a rabis rat to her. But, more than facing the pedophile,
safety of her daughter has become a priority to Sandra. She doesn't
want to take any risks with her daughter’s life, having a six year old
around and the uncertainty of what's going to happen next upsets her
a lot, she feels weak as a mother. 'Who was on call? You look upset,
is everything alright?' asked Catherine. 'No, I'm good, it's nothing, I
can handle it. Nothing to worry'. said Sandra and called 'Merlin, come
here honey, it's getting late. We gotta go home, mumma has to go to
work tomorrow. Please hurry up' She could have taken an advantage
of this situation and stayed back in George's house to protect her
daughter and herself, but she'd never do that. Sandra may not be as
religious as Sarah, but she copies certain traits of her mom; she
never shares her problems with anyone nor does she expect a
shoulder to lean on, or kind and comforting words from others to
sooth her pain.

George comes down to the living room with Merin, while Billy's
playing video games in the playroom. 'Why? What happened? I
thought you guys are sleeping over.' 'No, I've some important work, I
need to leave' Catherine is forcing her too to stay for the night, but
she doesn't seem to be convinced. Merlin holds George's leg tightly in
both her hands, Sandra looks at her in surprise. Merlin is an obedient
and well-behaved kid always respects her mom’s word, has never
been adamant before, in contrast she's resisting her mom today. 'Do
you think you can sleep without me?' 'Just one night mommy'
requested Merlin. Sandra thinks it's a good idea to leave Merlin in
George's house. She looks at merlin and says 'Alright, just for tonight
and it's the first and last time for you. Mamma will come tomorrow
and pick you up,’ said Sandra. She's bouncing up and down in
happiness. George is certainly happy to have Merlin with him but a bit
of disappointment is visible on his face as Sandra is leaving. They
sent her off with smiles and waving hands.
Phone rings…..

Billy takes Sandra's phone and runs to his Dad, 'Dad! where's Ms. Sandra?
someone's calling her' 'See, this is what happens when you play
videogame. You wouldn't know what's happening around you. She left
already' 'Sorry dad, I never knew she'd leave' said Billy disappointingly.
'Yeah, I too never knew that she’d leave. Alright that’s fine. She had to go
to take care of some important stuff back home' 'Okay, dad come, we’ll go
to her house and give the phone,' said Billy. 'No, let's not disturb her, keep
it safe. She's gonna come tomorrow to pick Merlin, we'll give it to her then.'
said George.

‘A wise man will use his opportunity wisely; hope you can read between the
lines.’ Said Catherine.

George’s face became bright with a wide grin. ‘Hurry up children, let’s go to
Ms. Sandra’s house to give her the cellphone,’ said George.

‘Don’t be stupid George, it’s no wonder why you haven’t been in a

relationship for these many years. Leave the children with me and just go
by yourself.’ Said Catherine.

‘It’s easy to say to get the honey from the hive up in the mountain, but
who’s going to bear the pain of its crude stings’. Said George. ‘It’s worth
bearing the pain for its golden sweetness, brother.’ said Catherine.

'I don't know when my sister has turned to be a matchmaker'

'For the records, it's been years, since… but this time I'm determined to get
it done. And yes, I'm hooking you up with her, hope you got that in your
mind, now stop arguing with me and just get going'

George follows his sister’s advice blindly without analyzing whether it’s right
or wrong, but still getting nervous and restless as how to invade into her
privacy. He's in his sweatshirt and a capri with a car key spinning in his
index finger and says bye to them.
'What? Are you working for Ubereats, delivering a lunch or something?'
sighed Catherine and gave him a brown coat with a turtle neck black T-shirt
and a black jean and said 'good luck, brother'.

Merlin runs towards him and gives a beautiful red rose and said 'All the
best, Mr. George' He blows her a kiss and said 'thank you honey'

As he leaves the house, Catherine cried 'We aren't expecting you tonight,
we got our own plans, so just stay back, I'm gonna lock the door right after
you leave and will only open tomorrow morning.' George's shocked and
almost got tumble across the stairs and cried back ‘that’s brutal, but love
you sisy’.

Leans back in his car seat, holds the steering with lots of love beeming in
his eyes and turns on the music, ‘I wanna grow old with you’ sings along
and drives to her house. With great expectations, he reaches her
apartment, standing impatiently in front of the lift and pressing the button
many times to get to the 4th floor where she lives. The lift arrives, he hops
into it enthusiastically, takes out the rose from the coat and holds it firmly in
both the hands. In a fear and hesitation, he presses the door bell, turns and
leans on his back against the door. Sandra’s been anxious right from the
time she’s got the phone call from the cornel. She is on high alert, as soon
as the buzzer buzzes; she takes a hammer and ready to hit whoever is
standing behind the door right on the head. She carefully looks through the
peep hole in the door to check who’s standing outside, as George rests his
back on the door he covers the hole with his head which make her difficult
to see through it, and she grew more suspicious. Well prepared, got the
weapon in her right hand and promptly unlatches the knobs; as he
suspends his entire body weight on the door, as soon as it opens, George
loses his balance and falls down on his back. They both scream at each
other. She already took the hammer in her both hands over her head to
bang him on. George's terrified to see her with the hammer.

'Stop, stop. Please don't kill me,' cried George.

'What are you doing here?' asked Sandra.

'You left your phone in my house so I just dropped by to give it to you' said
George nervously.

'You could've given it to me in the school tomorrow. Anyways thank you so

much for bringing it to me,’ said Sandra.

Still on the floor and extends his hand to help him out. 'Seriously, just get
up, George' He got up by himself.

She stands in front of him, blocks his way to get any further into the house
and telling him to leave immediately. George is so disappointed; he tries to
build up a conversation but she hasn’t given any room for that.

‘Can I at least get a glass of water, please?

‘okay’ said Sandra.

‘I had never been treated this way in anyone’s house’ George grumbled

As he looks at the room and to his far-right corner; spots a man hiding
behind a curtain half naked. George is shocked, heartbroken and sheds
tears in his eyes, he thought that she has an affair with someone else and
that’s the reason she’s chasing him away. He pretends to be normal when
she comes with a glass of water. She doesn’t even offer him a seat.

‘Please have the water and leave now, and I won’t’ go to school tomorrow
so please drop Merlin in school, I’ll come in the evening to pick her up,’ said

George looks into her eyes for a while, without saying anything he leaves
the place, her action has renewed another poignancy of sadness for him.
He gets into the lift to go down, no sooner does the elevator closes than he
hears a loud scream from her room. Instantaneously he sensed, it’s Sandra
and there’s something wrong. He bangs the elevator’s door to open,
presses all the buttons but nothing works. It reaches the ground floor and
stands still.
‘I’m warning you, just get out of my house, otherwise I’ll smash your head
with this forge‘ said Sandra. Her heart is cold, her voice is relentless,
unmoved and stern with every word she spoke for she knew she had to
face this situation undoubtedly.

‘I lost my reputation because of you and you ruined everything. I won’t

spare your life’ blustered Paul.

Much to her surprise, he swats the hammer away and thrusts her
violently against the alter that the big candles from it falls down onto
the curtains; and it immediately catches fire and spreads all across
the house. More than 50% of the interior is furnished by wood so the
entire house is on flames. A burning portiere has fallen over Paul,
covers his face and traps him within it, he screams and blindly runs
into the thick blaze of fire from the furniture and started burning right
in front of her eyes. She’s surrounded by the giant flames and
hollering for help as her gown caught fire too.

George can hear her screaming and feel the heat as the house is burning
completely, he doesn’t want to waste even a second, he scales the flight of
steps in one breath and brakes open the door as its on fire everywhere,
without giving a second thought he closes his face with his two arms and
runs into the fire. His instincts are right, there she stands on the corner of
the room with her gown on fire, he rushes towards her and quickly holds
the dress in his left and swats the flames in his bare right hand, despite his
great effort he couldn’t quench the fire. With no other option, he tears her
gown and pulls it off, took her in his arms kicked open the door to the
balcony; Sandra couldn’t respond to anything as she is in a great shock.
Luckily, one of the neighbors had already called the fire department. The
thick, billowing smoke have captivated the whole block. Parents are
carrying their infants, men, women, children and elderlies; all are
fleeing in terror, the fire truck has arrived on time and the rescuers
have evacuated everyone safely from the buildings; the panicked
populace have congregated across street. The commotion around the
area have never seemed settled as no one has witnessed such an
incident in their life time.
The firetruck has started splashing water with the powerful nozzle into the
building. It’s very cold outside and she finds it embarrassing to see him in
this position and also being grateful for his return. They hear fire marshals
coming in, George’s coat caught fire too so he had to throw it off, he’s left
with his t-shirt and pants which are also half burnt but good enough to
protect one’s honor. He hurriedly removes his clothes and hands them over
to Sandra; she’s reluctantly wears them and now he’s left with his boxer in
the freezing cold. She’s shocked to see him; he’s badly injured but
pretends to be normal, his hands and legs are trembling in the harsh

The huge crowd outside the apartment is still watching the smoke engulf
the clouds while the fire brigades fight fervently trying to put out the
untamable giant; after hours of tedious work, the men have got things
under control to allow the cops to do their work.

Police arrive at the spot, seals the house as there’s a dead body. George is
terribly injured on his right hand, right leg and lower back; fortunately,
Sandra is safe without any injuries but is coping with the trauma.
Ambulances have rushed to the scene and taken George to the hospital;
he’s admitted in the emergency unit; Catherine comes with all the kids to
visit her brother. His wounds were treated and is discharged from the
hospital. Since Sandra and her daughter have got nowhere to go, they had
to crash at George’s house.

‘Thanks Cathy, if you hadn't told me I wouldn't have gone there. I can't
even imagine what'd have happened to Sandra.’ Said George.

‘She’s a good soul and you guys are meant to be together, that’s why I’d
been pushing you to go to her from the get-go.’ Said Catherine.

As per the doctor; it'd take a few weeks for him to get recovered
completely. So, George asked her sister to stay with him for another couple
of weeks to help him out. ‘I wish I could help you George, but my in-laws
are at home alone and they are sick, it’s already been more than 10 days
since I came for Billy’s birthday, I need to leave. I’m sorry George’ Said
Catherine convincingly. Actually, she purposely leaves for Wisconsin
because she doesn’t want to be a hindrance between George and Sandra.
Now Sandra has to take care of him and the children and that’s Catherine’s
intention too.

Chapter 10

Sometimes pain can also give pleasure and it becomes true in George’s
case. He’s really happy with his injuries as it brings him closer to Sandra,
and he’s enjoying each and every moment with her as well as Merlin.

Sandra brings a bowl of hot water and a cotton cloth to wipe his body,
Merlin rushes there and says ‘Mommy, give it to me please, I wanna help
Mr. George. Please mommy please’ ‘calm down sweetheart, I appreciate
your intention, but you’re not old enough to do this, you may hurt him and
delay the recovery time. Maybe this time you can see how am I doing, and
after somedays you can help him as you wish.’ She runs away to play with
Billy. Sandra gently wipes his body and also gives him a little bit of
massage. George can’t believe what’s happening right now, this is the
moment that he’s been waiting for, he finds it very soothng and feels every
pressure that she applies on his body.

At dawn, the ecstasy of the sun greets the entire city of Houston. The warm
and fussy light shines brightly on Sandra’s face through the window. She
bounces back on her feet; she can rejuvenate herself from any situations or
problems just like a phoenix.

‘Coffee, breakfast and lunch; everything is ready on the table. Please

help yourself, call me if you need anything. I have some paper work to
finish in school, so I gotta go now.’ Said Sandra. ‘I feel bad for having
you do all these; I’ll be alright in the next two days then I’ll be able to
do everything by myself. Thanks indeed.’ Said George.

‘If you hadn’t come there the other day I would have been burnt down
into ashes and my daughter would’ve ended as an orphan. You risked
your life to save me and if I’m alive now it’s only because of you. It’s
my turn to help you, so please allow me to do my duty and yes, once
you fully recovered, we’d leave.’ said Sandra. She kisses both Merlin
and Billy, and goes to complete some of her pending work in school.

At 1’oclock in the afternoon, she goes out to the restaurant to have

lunch since she hasn’t brought it from home. It's a busy day the food
court is fully crowded. There's no seat available. She orders mango
smoothie and a big mac, as she's got no time to wait. There's another
shop next to where she is; people are standing in a queue to get some
takeaway; Sandra is keen on a girl and a man who's standing behind
her. It looks like the man is whispering something sexually abusive
into her ears and also trying to touch her voluntarily which makes her
feel uncomfortable. The girl is literally shaking and crying but not
moving from that spot. It's a busy place where hundreds of people are
passing by; no one's either witnessing or trying to intrude, they are
heading towards their work, busy browsing the cellphone or listening
to music. It looks pretty obvious that the man's trying to misbehave to
the girl who is in her early thirties. Sandra immediately jumps in to the
scene and says ‘Hey there, what’s up, it’s been a while isn’t it? how’ya
doing?’. The girl looks confused, Sandra stretches out her hand and
said ‘come, let’s have lunch together, my table is over there.’ Now, the
girl realizes that Sandra’s trying to help her. Thank you so much for
stepping in mam, by the way, my name is Sasha. He'd been following
me from the subway with a few cat callings, I didn't know how to get
rid of him so joined in this line though I got nothing to buy. Why do
you have to go through all this, it's a day light and just look around
there are people everywhere, why were you so reluctant and why
didn't you stand up for yourself' asked Sandra. 'I understand, but I
had no courage to confront him, I just wanted to lose him and get
away from the situation and that was all I had in my mind, a girl like
me has this sort of dogma as harassment and abuse are inevitable for
us, if I fight with him today I will probably have to fight with another
guy tomorrow and I don't think I've the energy to deal with people like
him every day so I choose to untangle myself and try everything it
takes to get rid of these maggots. Sandra video tapped the entire
incident with a clear image of the accused and asked Sasha if she can
upload it on the social media with her face blurred. Sasha told her not
to mask her face and also willing to tell the people as what exactly
happened and how vulnerable it felt while facing such incidents all

After the lunch break Sandra's back to her desk and engrossed in
thoughts. At her next seat there's a woman called Julia, Sandra's co-
worker 'Hey Sandra, are you alright' 'yeah I'm good' said Sandra. 'No,
you're not. You don't look like as how you came today in the morning.
Something is worrying you, is Merlin okay' asked Julia. She explained
her what happened outside during the lunch break. Julia doesn't
seem to be surprised of what she had just heard from Sandra, 'oh is
that what makes you to get worried about. Come on Sandra it's a part
of our life to face such injustice. Do you know what happened to me
today in the morning.' said Julia and continued 'I'd gone through a
similar situation on the metro today.'

Julia had left her car for routine service, so she had to take the metro
to work. It was about 8.30 am the compartment was almost full. She
had a hand bag on her shoulder and some files in her left hand and
holding the bar in her right for support. While listening to music in her
own world, there was a strong cigarette smell invaded her privacy,
she tried to see who is behind her with a squinted eyes and by the
time his hand had gotten around her hip pretending to be holding the
same bar and pressing and rubbing on her. 'It was disgusting, I didn't
know what to do, I felt handicapped at the moment. The fear of what
was going to happen next and the fear of being attacked and being
followed made me avoid escalating it. Girls and women like me may
or may not have the courage to give a tight slap to the abusers but we
definitely have the ability to tolerate them.' said Julia. Sandra reads a
lot of articles and talks to more women and girls about their bitter
experience,s; but she can't forget the story of the girl called Martha, 'A
couple of years ago I was on a public transport to the library, it was at
7o’clock in the morning the bus was barely filled. I took a seat next to
the window as usual and was reading a book, there was a man in his
mid-forties who boarded the bus and occupied the seat next to me. It
was so uncomfortable, although there were many empty seats in the
bus he purposely chose to sit there. I really can't explain how I felt,
and something was constantly telling me that he was going to hurt
me, he was going to hurt me. He pulled a magazine full of
pornographic pictures, pushing me by his elbow. He grabbed my
hand tightly his pants was unzipped and made me to hold his thing. I
was coerced to do it, and it was absolutely disgusting. I got my hand
wet, dirty, and walked away with shame and guilty. I still don't know
why did I feel guilty or ashamed of myself? I also felt humiliated in
spite of begin innocent. I had no ears to trust and no courage to tell
anyone about what happened to me. I'm black and a foster child, so I
thought that I'm targeted and every black girl has to go through this.
But, one day I happened to talk to one of my white friends about it and
she shared her story of sexual harassment, then I realized it's not
about the color but gender. The more younger and underprivilege you
are the more vulnerable you could be. Because of his two minutes
pleasure I had to go through two years of depression. Luckily, I was
referred to a counselor who helped me to sloughed off the depression
that had been weighing me for years' said Martha.

Going through a traumatic situations or incidents could be inevitable

in our life, but to come out of it, is totally in our control, seek out for
help and talk to people who you trust and remind yourself that you’re
not deserved to go through this and you don’t have to handle this
Sandra's concern grows more and more on sexual harassment 'How
to stop all these? who's going to change all these? why can't I? I must
do something about it' thought Sandra.

Sandra clearly knows that the articles that she had read and the
interviews that she had had are just a few drops of the ocean, there
are thousands and thousands of victims across the country and even
across the globe whose stories are still unheard. She certainly wants
those men to be punished, humiliated and shamed as how they have
made them feel. But more than retribution, she wants to find a real
solution for this problem, and in her opinion women-only carriage will
not completely address the issue in public transportation.

After a long day, she reaches home ‘Mommy!’ ‘Ms. Sandra’ both the kids
run towards her while George’s taking rest on the couch. ‘How are you,
George?’ asked Sandra compassionately. ‘Yeah, getting better and how
was your day?’ asked George. ‘Yeah, it was good. I got some medicines
from the pharmacy as you don’t want to visit the doctor’s office’. Said
Sandra. She helped him apply the cream on his lower back and places
where he’s injured. ‘I described your wound to the pharmacist; it seems that
maybe in another few days you’ll be completely alright, then Merlin and I
would move to a difference place, because I don’t want to be a burden for
you anymore,’ said Sandra. ‘We would love to have you guys here and it’s
our pleasure to be with you and Merlin. It’s not a burden at all, please don’t
say that. You know how happy Billy is to have to guys around,’ said
George. Just as usual she made her point and left the place.

After dinner, everyone hits the bed except Sandra, she tries to do some
research on harassment in public areas and the statistics left her

18% of women in the USA have been raped at some point in their life time.
| source - Department of Justice.
Sexual violence affects millions of Americans, every 73 seconds an
American is sexually assaulted. On an average, there are 433,648 victims
(age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.
1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or
completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed, 2.8% attempted). |
source - RAINN

Sexual violence can have long-term effects of victims. The likelihood that a
person suffers suicidal or depressive thoughts increases after sexual
violence. 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.
30% of women report symptoms of PTSD 9 months after the rape. 33% of
women who are raped contemplate suicide. 13% of women who are raped
attempt suicide. Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims
experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any
other violent crime. Native Americans are at the greatest risk of sexual
violence. On average, American Indians ages 12 and older experience
5,900 sexual assaults per year. American Indians are twice as likely to
experience a rape/sexual assault compared to all races. 41% of sexual
assaults against American Indians are committed by a stranger; 34% by an
acquaintance; and 25% by an intimate or family member. Both women and
men who are sexually assaulted are more likely to use drugs than the
general public. |source - RAINN

She spends her entire night doing the research of rapes and sexual
harassments and she’s totally blown away just by looking at the data’s and
statistics. The next morning at the coffee table, she looks so tired and her
eyes are red.

‘I saw the lights were on in your room last night. Why were you up the
whole night yesterday, is everything alright?’ asked George.

‘Yeah, I had to do some research; the results were quite devastating. I

couldn’t sleep after that.’ Said Sandra.
George is curious to know about what it is and eventually he’s got the
answer for his questions. He’s glad and feeling proud that she stands up for
the vulnerable women, and also assuring that he’ll support her in all the
ways to help achieving her mission. Sandra tries to find some like-
minded persons to join hands in stopping the crime against women. She
created a Facebook group called ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE’. She plans to
run an awareness campaign with as many volunteers as possible across
the country. The main moto of this movement is to empower the women
and threaten the offenders. They create awareness through music, pictures
and paintings, dramas and role plays. Her initiative has got huge response
from the people, number of volunteers are increasing across the country,
she also starts getting donations from business people and organizations.

Her approach towards empowerment of women has grabbed the attention

of the social medias and the journalists. She’s busy giving interviews and
attending meeting, by the meantime George’s also recovered completely.

George wants to start a new life and make a family with her, but he doesn’t
know how to approach, one thing he’s for sure that she’s changed a lot
positively, after the fire accident. Most of the women in this world have
been directly or indirectly victimized, and of course they all have an
intention to stand up for themselves and raise their voices or to do
something about it, but due to financial or personal reasons they’re being
tolerant, only a few of them have the courage to fight off and Sandra is one
of the few. George doesn’t want her to get distracted because of his
proposal, she is in a mission and the path that she has chosen wouldn’t be
the path that everybody would dare to choose. So, he’s just holding his
feelings back for her to achieve her goal.

‘Mom! Why are you packing things up, where’re we going?’ asked Merlin

‘Honey, stop asking me any questions, go get your things. We are leaving
now.’ said Sandra.

‘But mom, why don’t Mr. George and Billy aren’t packing their thing. Please
tell me what are you trying to do?’ asked Merlin
‘They were so kind to accommodate us and we shouldn’t be a burden of
them anymore. God will bless them for their kindness. Now, get your things
packed up without asking any further questions’ said Sandra.

George is standing right behind them listening to every word that she
uttered. He gently goes to her and closes the luggage and pushes it away
‘Why are you doing this to us? Do you think we’ll be happy without you, and
Billy can’t bear the pain of loneliness after you vacate?’ asked George.

‘I know it will be difficult for him and he’d cry and suffer for sometimes, but
you know what? Pain is not permanent; time is the greatest medicine for all
the wounds let it be inside or outside. Please don’t stop me we gotta to
leave.’ Said Sandra.

‘I’ve never stopped anybody to do anything based on my opinion, and I will

not stop you either, but what I’m really worried is what caused you to move
now. Did I or my son do anything wrong?’ asked George

‘No, no, never. I’m leaving because of my daughter; I’ve taught her to be
independent, but now she doesn’t look so. I’ve been watching her getting
so close and attached with you guys, the stronger she gets fond of, the
harder it’d be when she’s supposed to be separated. I know where it’d lead
to and I know about my daughter, she can’t handle it. I don’t want my
daughter to undergo any such pains. It’s better to stay away, of course not
indelibly. We’d come here to meet Billy, and you guys are always welcome
to visit us at any time.’ Said Sandra. ‘If that’s what makes you feel happy
then, go ahead; I’m not saying anything, but please tell me where you are
going now, and at least wait for Billy to get up, or just hold on a second I’ll
wake him up.’ Said George. ‘Stop, stop, please. Wait, I can’t face him. I
need to leave before he wakes up. I’ll text you, my new address in Dallas
where I found a job.’

She drags Merlin to the car and leaves for Dallas, Texas. Merlin cries all
the way from Houston to Dallas in the car and apparently falls asleep.

Billy wakes up and goes straight to Sandra’s room, searching for them
everywhere in the house, their wardrobe, cupboards and book shelves are
all empty. He even goes to the garage to check if her car’s there, but found
nothing. Billy’s desolated, and cries his father rushes and hugs him

If you are desperate of something which most of the people have and you
don't, and at one point in time, it comes so close to you, you see it, and feel
it in all your senses and thought that you almost had it. But, apparently, it
disappears and vanishes all of a sudden. It’s too much for a child to be able
to handle.

‘Why are you crying, they aren’t left forever. Ms. Sandra has got a new job
in Dallas so she had to leave early in the morning. They said that they miss
you a lot. We shall meet them this weekend.’ Said George Convincingly.

‘Dad, why’re you being such a coward? Why can’t you tell, that you love
her and you intend to marry her.’ Said Billy sobbingly. Without uttering a
word, George goes to restroom and stands under the shower crying after a
long time, the last time he cried was for his wife’s death. He remembers
what Lilly said before they could adopt him.' The child needs a mum, he
deserves her love. I can't do this to him.' I'm not a good father for you Billy.
I screwed up your life. I snatched your moments, your moments with your
mom. If I weren't the one, some other couples would've adopted you and
given you a wonderful life. I'm to be blamed for everything. I'm sorry Lilly, I
couldn't keep up my promise.

Sandra stops the car by the restaurant to have breakfast, Merlin wakes up
and asks ‘Mom, where are we now and where are we heading to?’ ‘Let’s
have the breakfast first then I’ll answer for all of your questions.’ Sandra
knows that Merlin is upset, and she can relate her pain when she missed
her father in her childhood days. So, she ordered her favorite food for the
morning meal to change her mind; 'Bagels, French toast, waffles and hot
chocolate milk' 'We are invited for an interview,' said Sandra. 'Interview? I
thought you already got a job' said Merlin with a piece waffle in her mouth.
Then she explained it's an Ellen show; they were invited by Ellen. Merlin
loves gorillas, and she donates all the money that she's saved in her piggy
bank to theellenfund.org every year to save gorillas as they are one of the
most endangered animals in the world. She adores Ellen DeGeneres very
much because she loves gorillas too and take a lot of efforts to save them.
Moreover, she finds her the funniest person ever. In all the excitement of
meeting Ellen in person, she forgets the fact that Billy and George are left
behind. ‘Wow, that’s awesome, I’ve always wanted to meet her and thank
for everything that she’s doing to save my favorite animal from extinct,
thank you so much mommy. And, I wanna buy her a nice gift of toy gorilla.’

Back in Houston George’s spending more than an hour in the bathroom

sitting under the shower, Billy is lying down on the couch and crying while
the TV was on, accidentally he rolled over the remote control and changes
the channel to NBC where Ellen’s program is aired. As he recognizes
Sandra’s voice, he immediately looked at the TV and shouts ‘Dad come
over here, Ms. Sandra and Merlin are on TV.’ He jumps off of the couch
and George runs from the shower fully drenched and dripping water all
over the floor. ‘Please raise the volume, I can’t hear anything,’ said George.

‘You have around 3.5 million volunteers across the country and it becomes
a great success apparently. What’s the reason behind the creation of ‘You
Are Not Alone movement? What made you to take such an initiative?’ Said

‘There’s always been an intense pain behind the success of every woman
and even for men too. I was brutally raped by three men, they took turns
and molested me till I bled and didn’t care to stop, they also used their
cigarette on me whether or not I cooperate. To me getting 3.5 million
volunteers across the country doesn’t count as success, but the moment if I
come to know that no woman in this world is sexually assaulted that’d be
the greatest success. I know it’s a day dream, but at least if my effort would
bring the number of victims down, I’ll be very happy about it. My next plan
is to extend this movement to India, Pakistan and some of the Latin
American countries and eventually to Europe and all across the world.’
Said Sandra.

‘That’s so great to hear, you’re so incredible. As you said that you’re a rape
victim, how long did it take for you to open up to the world.’ Asked Ellen.
‘First of all, I’d like to call myself as a rape survivor rather than a victim, and
I want to tell my fellow survivors that the life doesn’t end there. The world is
beautiful, the life is beautiful and the people around us are so beautiful. I’d
been living with the grudge and pain for many years because the torment
that I had in my heart and soul were more intense than the pain caused by
cigarette burns and internal bleeding. If you wear dark shady glasses;
whatever you see or where ever you see would be dark and the entire
world would look dark too. I was wearing that one; but you know what, it’s
not difficult to get rid of them if we choose love over hate. When I say
choose love; we should love ourselves first then our approach towards our
life will change automatically’. Said Sandra.

Just take a moment and think about a person who screwed up your life,
even a person who were being rude with you, or harassed you, or insulted
you or embarrassed you in front a bunch of people, do you think they would
give a damn about you. Certainly not, they would be happy with their life
and probably would be screwing up someone else’s life or might have
changed a better person but never ever spend even a second to think
about yourself. No one would, because they all have so many things going
on in their lives, it’s just you who are so concerned about it. Look at you in
the mirror and ask yourself, ‘what am I doing now? Why am I still
contemplating about it?’ what is your intension; do you want to grow out of
it or keep winding about it and stay where you are. Time waits for none;
you better use it otherwise you’d lose it. Remember, it’s not just the time
that you are losing but the more precious part of your life as well. The sun
rises for everybody and it’s up to you whether to open our arms to feel the
warmth or to hide ourselves in the darkness.’

‘Merlin hugs her mom and cries. Meanwhile in Houston, both George and
Billy watch the TV with tears in their eyes. They are shocked to know the
past life of Sandra, and now George is able to understand why was she so
resentful. They continue watching the tv with an unwavering attention.

Ellen speaks, ‘You are courageous, young and pretty, so I’m curious to
know if there’s anyone in your life.
‘I literally hated all the guys before I met this man, everyone seemed to me
as a predator and so did he. But that one incident had changed my
perception towards men, it gave me a hope that there are some men in this
world who can protect and support women. His name is George, three
months ago, I was cornered by a man in my house, he tried to assault me
and had set fire in my entire house, luckily he came there and risked his life
to save me from the fire as well as the psychopath. If I’m sitting here and
talking with you, it’s all because of him. He gave me a hope that there are
good people around us, and that conferred me a courage and motivation to
start this ‘You Are Not Alone’ movement. We have gathered all the
wonderful people across the country and trained them how to intervene if
someone is being harassed in pubic and also video tape them secretly. We
created a website called www.youarenotalone.com where the victims or the
bystanders can post the videos, and it’s open for the public too. We also
guarantee that the federal department in that jurisdiction will investigate
those videos and take necessary actions against the culprits.’ Said Sandra.

‘That’s really awesome, as I told you earlier, you’re such an incredible

woman there’s no doubt about it. But you still didn’t answer my question,’
said Ellen.

Sandra bashfully smiles and said ‘He’s a nice guy and the guy that I trust,
but to be honest with you I don’t have anything to say about it now.’

Not everyone is as lucky as Sandra to find a man like George. There are
millions of women who do not find a right partner for themselves and end
up wasting their time. First of all, a man who doesn't proclaim your
relationship in public, not introducing you to his family, not sharing his
whereabouts or his personal life and least bothered to listen to your side of
the story, would not be the right choice for you. It's always good to talk
about your goals and interests, imagine if you fall in love with a gallivanter
but you don't like living out of suitcase, how would your life be. And, you are
an adventurous person but your partner doesn't even like to go out, how
can you find happiness together. Your goal may not have to match with
your partner's but you need to make sure take he respects it and would
support you to achieve your goal. The journey on an unparallel track will
never get you to the destination. Sometimes, he or she may not be the right
person for you but could be a better one for someone else, so the problem
is not with the person, but you, because you've chosen a wrong person for

George is so happy to hear that she has a good opinion on him, but he’s
not sure if that’s a love or just friendship. On the other hand, Billy is
insisting him to propose to her and not ready to wait till the weekend to
meet them. George grabs his cellphone to check if she has sent him the
address and yes, she did it already.

'Did you listen to what she said about your dad?'

'Yes daddy, you're a great man. I'm proud of you.'

'Alright we're going to meet them this weekend, be ready.' said George.

'Why? what are you waiting for dad? Let's go right now. I'm all set.'

'Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. But do we need to inform that we are
visiting them tonight.' asked George confusingly.

'Come on pop, let it be a surprise! And if they’re not there, that’s okay I’ll
sleep in the car and you are on the porch, I’m sure they’ll have one,’ said

On the way to Dallas, George drives the car and Billy rides shotgun
listening to music, having fun and excited to visit Sandra and Merlin.
Suddenly George stops the music and asks ‘Why’re you so obsessed with
Ms. Sandra?’

Billy took a pause and said ‘You know dad, for all these years I believed
that one day I'd meet my mom; celebrate my birthday, and all the festivals
with her, but I was so dumb and I actually realized it the day when I had a
fight with Brian. Every time when I see my friends with their mums, I used
to be so covetous, but now I’m not jealous anymore, because I’ve got Ms.
Sandra. When she attended my birthday party, I felt like she is the one that
I wanted to celebrate my birthday with.’
Even though George is happy about the love that his son has for Sandra, at
the same time these questions are constantly popping up in his mind, 'What
if she doesn't accept my proposal? What if she hates me again?' Billy is
already feeling miserable as he knew that his mom in the picture is gone
forever, yet if Sandra doesn't like George's intention she'd be parting
eternally, and Billy will be totally devastated. At least now, she's considered
him as a good friend, so he doesn’t want to screw it up and chose to go
with the flow.

‘Dad! pullover! Pullover!’ shouted Billy.

‘Why, what happed?’ asked George.

‘Did you buy the wedding ring dad?’ asked Billy.

‘For what Billy, why do you need the wedding ring now?’ said George.

‘Dad, don’t be a loser, you can’t propose to a girl without a ring, can you? I
saw it in many movies the guy would sand on his knee, extend a little cute
box and say ‘Will you marry me’ but dad you need to make sure that you
got a ring in there, and don’t show the empty box. And…., Don’t’ worry dad,
you got me, I’ll be your wingman, so don’t be nervous.’ Said Billy.

‘Billy please stop being dramatic, we can’t afford it now but I will try to
propose to her without it. Do you remember what she said on tv, she’s
badly hurt already and I don’t want to make it worst. Well, am not
saying no, I will try, but it depends on the situation. Please don’t
dream of anything, you need to understand things and accept the
reality.’ Said, George.

After a long conversation and drive, they reach their destination at night.
George takes his phone to call Sandra, ‘What are you doing dad?’ asked
Billy. ‘What do you think I’m doing, trying to call her.’ Said, George. ‘No
dad, it has to be a surprise, otherwise, we could have called her before we
leave for Houston. Just go and hit the doorbell dad’. said Billy ’He’s double
checking the door number to make sure that he’s pressing the right one.
The bell rings….

‘Who’s that, at this time?’ grumbled and walks to the door and looks
through the peephole.

‘Oh my God, what are they doing here now?’ said Sandra shockingly and
rushes to the dressing room.

Billy presses the bell again and this time Merlin pushes a chair to the door
and looks through the peephole and shouts mommy, ‘Mr. George and Billy
are here’.

‘Honey, please wait don’t open the door, hold on a moment, Mumma will
come there, please wait,’ cried Sandra. They paid her a surprise visit a few
times when she was in Houston, but now she finds it different; doesn’t
know how to say hi or hello and couldn't understand what’s going on with
her, 'why am I acting so weird? why can't I just open the door casually?'
She's standing in front of the dressing table mirror, and wondering what to
do, looking at all the make-up items; lip gloss, foundation, brow kit,
mascara, setting spray, bronzer, and blush. Sighed and pushed everything
away. She believes that the physical attraction will fade away eventually as
it only relays on the beauty of the person, but the good character of a
human being would leave a long-lasting impression.

The eyes of the other people shouldn’t determine how beautiful you are,
but you, it’s what you feel about yourself makes how wonderful you really
are as a person. It's not a good idea to choose your body to win a man's
heart to start a relationship with, it's nothing but trading like a business.
They would use the product as long as it gives them pleasure, once it's
done or if they find another product which is better than the existing one,
they would definitely move on to the new one (in the commercial world
women are referred or treated as product). But, if they are attracted to the
character of the person, they won't lose that person at any cost, rather they
would try hard to protect the relationship because beauties are replaceable
but characters are not, and it’s unique. In 2019, a South African model
Zozibini Tunzi has crowned Miss Universe. She was the most beautiful
woman ever to participate in the competition. What really amazing about
her was, she appeared in her natural afro-textured hair because she
wanted to show the world who she really is and she believed in herself.
Beauty doesn't validate the shape of your nose, size of your lips, or color of
your skin, but the character and the attitude; attitude towards nature,
attitude towards the animals, and the attitude towards other people
regardless of their color, age, gender, and status.

Merlin stands outside the dressing room and bangs the door. 'Mommy, are
you alright? what are you doing? they are waiting outside. please go and
open the door before they go back to Houston.'

Finally, she comes out of the room, looks the same as how she got inside.
Merlin is puzzled and thinks that her mom's gone crazy.

'Okay, now go and open the door.' said Sandra

'Mom, that's what I wanted to do in the first place, but you were the one
who stopped me, alright, I’m going.'

The door opens…,

’Hello Ms. Sandra, I missed you a lot, why did you leave me?’ cried Billy.
She hugs him and said ‘I’m just relocated, you’re still my favorite kid’,
Merlin runs to George; he takes her in his hand and hugged warmly, she’s
very happy to meet him again. Both the kids went inside the house, while
George is still standing outside the door gazing at her and struggling to
take his eyes off, he tripped over the heart of her natural beauty, now
nothing mattered but her gorgeous eyes. She waves her hand at him to
grab his attention. He’s completely flattered with her pulchritude, ‘I don’t’
like surprise guests, anyways do you wanna come in?’ said Sandra with
her hands folded.

‘Oh yes, I’d love to’ said George and gets in. Merlin takes him to the couch
where Billy’s sitting comfortably.

‘Guys, please refresh and change yourselves. Honey show them the
restroom.’ Said, Sandra.

‘But Ms. Sandra we didn’t bring anything to change.’ Said Billy. Sandra
looks at George and says ‘So, do you want to go back to Houston tonight.’

‘No no. We were very excited to meet you all, so it completely slipped my
mind to bring any extra clothes. Don’t worry, we’ll do a little shopping
tomorrow and cover it up.’ said George.

‘I brought a couple of Billy’s clothes from Houston for his remembrance,

because I knew I’d miss him. Billy, sweetheart, please go get that blue bag
from that rack, your white pajamas are in there.’ Said, Sandra. They all are
sitting on the couch, Merlin runs fast to the rack before Billy could get up,
she takes the bag and hands it to him. He opens the bag and takes his
pajamas, and there’s another one in the same bag, ‘Dad, look at this,
you’re your pj’s is also here, you don’t have to drift off in your jeans. Ms.
Sandra did you miss my dad too.’ Asked Billy. ‘No, I actually brought that
for Merlin, I knew she’d miss your dad. Okay guys, please give me 20 mins
I’ll get the dinner ready’ replied Sandra and got away with it. They all had
dinner happily together at the dining table. After dinner, they watch Netflix
with a bowl of popcorn. Merlin sits next to George and Billy sits next to

‘Let’s go to sleep’ signaled Billy to Merlin. ‘Mumma, we are sleepy, you

guys carry on’. They go to bed leaving them behind in the living room. ‘Are
you alright?’ asked Sandra. ‘I’m getting better.’ said George.

It starts drizzling outside and the window is wide open, Sandra feels cold so
she gets up to close it, and in the meantime, George tries to shut it too as
he wants to be polite, accidently she hits him on his back where he was
injured. He holds his shoulder and shouts as the pain is unbearable.
Sandra feels terribly sorry, she apologizes to him a lot and takes him back
to the couch.

‘Oh my God, I’m sorry it was my fault I should’ve been more careful. Do
you have the medicine with you now? I’ll help you out’ said Sandra with

‘You know me, right, I didn’t bring it. It’s okay, I can manage.’ said George.

They haven’t closed the window, and it’s still open. It starts raining heavily,
both of them looking at the window and laughing at each other. As she gets
up, he grabs her hand and drags back to the couch, and goes to the
window again which is over his head. He tries to lift his hand up to shut it
down but couldn’t, he feels a sharp pain in his back. Sandra holds his hand
and takes him back to the couch.

A friend of mine has come from India and she got me an Ayurvedic oil
especially for pain relief, because when I was in Houston, I told her about
you and the accident, ' said Sandra. ‘That's so nice of her, but I don't think I
can help myself, because it's on the center of my upper back. I can't reach
there conveniently,' said George. 'Oh I’m sorry, then I can help you, if you
don't mind,' asked Sandra. How would he say “no”. ‘Oh yeah, of course, I’d
love that.” Said George. In a matter of a second, he removes his top and
lies down on his stomach on the couch. She pours a little oil on his back
and starts rubbing it back and forth. He starts to enjoy it as it feels very

According to Sandra, sex is the most painful and an unpleasant act which
she’s ever experienced in her life; the very divinely feeling that one can
attain during intimacy has become a curse of torment for many women
lithatke her. Knowing her past life and the phases she had gone through
have become an indication of a caution signboard to alert George to stay
away or even to eradicate the thought of making out. He might be
determined not to indulge into lovemaking, yet couldn’t resist her as he felt
her so close during the massage. He’s battling within himself whether or
not to approach, but still gracefully splashing his eye contact with her.
Nevertheless, her beauty has conquered him totally, his biological clock
has alarmed, and got the boxer protruded. The magical moment and the
rush of chemical reaction in his brain had made him inexorable to make
love with her; slowly releasing his body sliding down to her to try if he can
light the bonfire.

Conterminously, she beams at him which signals the fire has glazed upon.
He fondles around her hip and gently pulls her onto the couch. She is
increasingly dizzy with this new feeling; lies down on her back, gasping as
her heart is pounding, she’s so mesmerized that she’s not able to take her
eyes off of him. Undergoing a strange sensation as he caressed her
forehead, his whooshing breaths emboldened her shaking knees; she tries
to comprehend the strange yet unique response of her body that words
can’t describe. Whilst their eyes got connected and tied them down with the
invisible threads; George slowly begins to undress himself and he saw her
distort beyond recognition.

Now the flower has to blossom to let the bee use its nectar, but too shy to
do so; George helps her to remove her nightgown only to reveal that she
hasn’t got any inner garments. She has never expected to find herself
cuddling with him nor did she refuse, whatever it is, but the next few
moments are going to redefine their lives paving the way to an unbreakable
bond. Her arms and legs are spread wide open as she lies down on her
back on the full fledge convertible and voluptuous crimson velvet couch,
George takes her on him and rubs the silky skin of her naked body with his
bare hands, gently hugging her to feel the warmth, and at one instance he
got trapper at the glance of her eyes; looking into the penetrating almond-
shaped icy-blue eyes, and the aroma of her exquisiteness has bedazzled
him, but still, her gorgeous rosy red lips have managed to distract and grab
his attention. His lips can't wait to connect with the red rose petals of hers.
As he gets closer to her mouth, the heat of Sandra's body rose from foot to
head and her heart skipped a beat. He passionately kisses her smooth and
tender lips which parted slightly allowing his tongue to slip inside. Her
whole body tingled, he draped both arms around her while she's running
her fingers in his hair. In the scent of a romance, the blanket of feathery
white clouds in the lonely sky have suddenly cleared up and paved a way
to the gleaming moon of silver ball and throws an abundance of light
through their unclosed window.

The luminescence of the moon’s reflection on Sandra is portraying every

curve of her body which becomes even more stimulating for George. The
indescribable feeling and the combat that he had had had ravaged him
mercilessly in the beginning, and the urge to get it on and to feel her
compassionately, but not sure how would she react was jittering, his
genuine love and manliness have won the trust of Sandra. As he reached
her beautifully curved bosom; carefully fondles around them, the fluffy deep
dusk pink mamillas are longing to be tasted and pulled his attention
magnifically. George bends a bit to take one of them in his mouth; time had
stopped completely and all she feels that very instant is the kiss of a
thousand butterflies. Her eyes are half closed as if she got high, and her
moans have exuberated him to go further and further. He watched her face
flush red; and there was no end to this amazing feeling.

As she began to ripple on the creaky couch and the sound only added like
the wave on a stormy shore; she then knew instantaneously how precious
the intimacy is especially with the person who loves and respects one
another. He knows that he needs her, not just now, not just for this breathe
taking pleasure but until death do them apart. As he entered her; she
gripped the fluffy pink pillow; with the unbearable tingles in her treasure
chest; she smothered in cries. Her soft moans echoed through the room
that passionately conveyed their citing proclivity.

The aroused feeling had not stopped even after more than an hour and she
needed to return the favor. Conscious of what she was doing, she giggled
and asked “Is this an intermission”. He knows exactly what she meant and
was thrilled to interpret those sweetest words. He guided her hand to his
shaft not that he only enjoyed the euphoria but knowing fully that she was
awestruck and shy. The way she maneuvered it like gentle toy; hardened it
more and more he wailed in pleasure. Later, he gestured her to mount him
and ride along. Now that the horse woman was on the roof, they had a
skyrocketing experience and he never thought in his widest dream even for
a second that she would comply, it became possible as he behaved like a
man, she is now ready to fly along with him. As she forced herself onto him,
it seemed heavenly and as she tweaked her bouncing bosom; she rode
faster in ecstasy and he could feel the complexity of real life had only
lingered to help him realize the sweet side of the honey comb every second
the voluptuous body pounded on him; this had ignited the fire even more in
them had an eruption of a volcanic orgasm which has wailed them in
pleasure. The heat of his body, the love and care move that he’s chosen
elegantly, and the attitude of his manliness have yields to intensify
throughout her body and she transcendence into his very soul. They
dissolved into one another and forgot who they are as they smooch
exotically. They are all over the moon; this mutual mind-blowing experience
would be underrated if it described in words.

After going through all the sufferings in her life, she's finally able to see light
at the end of the tunnel. The intimacy had only enhanced their trust for
each other while amplifying their love life; it had helped her to heal from
within. She has now fully emancipated the negative perception of sex and
the enmity of men and the entire world. His love and care touch has
rejuvenated every cell of her body. With mutual understanding and having
lost her fear; the sunflower has completely turned towards the sun.

George is a real man, the man who knows how to treat a woman, so he’s
respectful on the bed too. Not only had he wanted to have sex with her but
to express his deep love to her too. Sex is not just about giving or
extracting physical pleasure but it’s a harmonious therapy with phenomenal
power to rejuvenate two individuals. With not just interplay but foreplay as
well, one soothes the body, mind and enters a whole new dimension.
Intercourse should not be as consuming food to satisfy a man hunger
rather like correspondence that should be back and forth to vitalize a
healthier relationship. That’s why it’s called making love and sex shouldn’t
be done to show off a man’s masculinity and prey off a woman like an
animal but to genuinely share his adoration through it while allowing the
woman to gain satisfaction too.

Everything has happened in the spree of the moment as if it was already

destined for them. They are no longer as two but one, inseparable in
body and in mind. It has been years, since she left her guard down,
but now snuggled and slept peacefully. George has become the
moisturizer of the droughtiness of her heart, and the night has become

The next morning, she’s dazzled as a gazelle when the roster in the
clock cluck loudly the second time at 7 am, astounded to see herself
snuggled together; Sandra gets up naked, grabs her gown, and runs
away to get dressed before the kids can see her. She takes a shower
while the children are still sleeping. Then, she wakes him up, ‘George,
get up and get ready, it’s already 7.15. He rolls out of the blanket with
no clothes on. She gets restless, peeping into the next room to check
if they are still sleeping; she pats him on his cheeks, and said ‘Kids
have gotten up, look at you’.

With the taste of last night lingering in his mind; he’s still floating on
cloud nine. He puts his clothes on as fast as he could. Naturally she’s
running late; so, she lurks him into the bathroom to get ready. At
breakfast; all of them are sitting around the dining table. While
helping her in making sandwich; George tells her not to cook
anything for lunch and as he’s got a plan to take everyone out for
lunch and a picnic followed by. Immediately Billy and Merlin pound on
him, they are curious to know which hotel they are going to go and
what are they going to have, and where are they going to spend the
rest of their day. He says he has reserved seats for four at a hotel and
everything else would be a surprise. The kids quietly finish their
breakfast while dreaming about their own versions of the fun they are
going to have. Sandra wraps things up and starts to work on her
project. He quickly cleans the table, empties the trash and goes about
to settle the house. 'I have an important appointment, so I need to
leave now,' said Sandra

'But we are going out for lunch and got plans for our day.' Said
'Yes, I remember that. Just text me the hotel’s address I'll meet you
guys there, directly,’ said Sandra.

At one pm, they all gather at Hotel Crescent. The host escorts them to
their table in the center of the hall surrounded by other few tables
which are already occupied by customers respectively. As soon as
they sit, a guy with a guitar arrives at their place with three other
violinists standing behind him, A cute little three-year-old dressed up
like an Angel got a bunch of flowers and handed it to Sandra; she's
astonished to her and the beautiful roses, and gracefully accepted it
with a kiss on her cheek, the musicians starts playing the romantic
song “can’t live without you”. She enjoys listening to them, however
surprised to see everything, and couldn't guess what's going to
happen. In no time, the server arrives with an open champaign bottle
and two fine glasses. He hands over a glass to George; leaves the
open bottle together with the other champaign filled glass on the table
and walks off. People around them are curiously paying attention 'Oh
my god, he's going to propose to her' one of them cried, and the rest
are still watching him without catching a blink.

George arises from his chair, comes two steps forward, takes a knee,
holds out the champaign glass that has a diamond ring inside it and
proposes to her. ‘Would you give me the honor to grow old with you
until death do us apart, marry me Sandra’ asked George on his
bended knees. It was all happening too quickly, driving all the way to
her place, the unexpected yet memorable physical bond they had and
now the proposal had made her feel breathless. She’s now scared,
because what ever happened from last night until this very moment
was too good to be true, but happened fast. She’s not ready to either
say yes or a no; now her only focus in life is to accomplish her
mission successfully. ‘George is a nice man indeed but what if he is a
hindrance to accomplish my dream? Am I getting deviated from my
goals? Does he really love me regardless to my past life or is that just
a sympathy that he has on me? She’s absolutely sure that he’s not a
player, but there’s something stopping her to nod her head which she
is not sure of. All these questions are swirling in her mind. She
doesn’t want to take any decision as she couldn’t think straight. On
the other hand, George is still on his knee, waiting for her answer.
Everyone is applauding and shouting 'say yes, say yes' 'accept it,
come on, Ms. He seems to be a nice gentleman'. While keeping the
current situation in mind and unable to truly forget the union of their
bodies; she stood up, and without hesitation left the glass on the
table and dissipated. The ring is left in the sparking glass untouched;
because she doesn’t want to mislead him. The entire crowd sighed
and turned back to their business. George sportively stood up and
joined the kids who are keenly noticing every bit of it; and they are
certainly very upset too. ‘What happened, Mr. George? Why did mom
leave?’ ‘Where did she go?’ asked Merlin. ‘Don’t worry children, she’s
gonna come back, we are still here’. Merlin doesn’t seem to be
understood, so George reassured both of them ‘Mommy needs to use
the lady’s room and that’s why she left in a hurry, see her purse is still

'Dad, what's happening? why did she leave? she doesn't want to
marry you, does she,?' Please tell me the truth.’ Said Billy

'Hold on, hold on. I can only answer one question at a time, but that
too not now. One thing I can assure you for sure. She likes your dad,
no, she loves your dad very much, very very much. Well, lets give her
some time, she'd come around. Do you think your dad isn't handsome
enough to win a woman's heart?' asked George.

'George, you are way cooler than Derik in my class, but he’s cute
though.’ claimed Merlin. ‘Did you say Derik? He’s a dumb ass side
kick. No one likes him.’ said Billy. ‘Billy, watch your words’
disciplined George. Kids are arguing with each other. But George is
very upset with her response to his proposal. He's absolutely sure
that the connection he felt with her during the night was real and
every move of her body had given him an acceptance. Inwardly he
knew that he had overstepped it and was willing to go to any extent to
get it straighten out. He asks himself ‘Could it be her opinion with
men that drove her away? Could it be her past life? Does she really
trust me?’ He’s desperate to know the reason why she hasn’t
accepted his proposal because he truly wants her in his life. In spite
of all these happening inside himself; he pretends to be totally normal
in front of the kids just to keep them happy, yet the air of malaise is
still taunting him. One thing he knows for sure; that he can’t afford to
lose her from his life at any cost. Time is ticking away but Sandra hasn't
come yet, George is worried and is about to go to check on her. There's a
wide grin on Billy's face which shows that she's coming back to the table.
Kids are asking 'Where'd you been for quite a long time, we're hungry and
waiting for you' 'come on dad, let's order something before I get famished,’
said Billy.

They all are back together at the table; and the laughter filled the air once
again. The starters, the soups, the salad, the main course and the dessert
comes in one by one. Gleefully, the items were munched with small talks
and jokes. George tries his best to keep the kids entertained. Smiles flew
across and giggles grew louder but he could feel that she is not at ease.
The last serving was the fortune cookies and everyone was super excited.
What did you get mommy?’ asked Merlin The cookie seemed to have done
the magic. ‘What did you get honey?’ asked Sandra without responding to
Merlin’s question. ‘Billy, you seem to be radiant, what did you get sweetie’
asked Sandra. George mustered his courage, pushed his luck and asked
‘what did you get?’ Sandra. Her face shied away but her lips spoke
confidently ‘it wouldn’t come to pass if I discussed, would it?’ Both Billy and
Merlin said it together ‘that’s not fair, we wouldn’t tell ours either and
jumped on her literally.

The tension seems to have eased and George is relieved of his guilt. The
check is paid and he said ‘Okay guys, let’s go. Go Where? asked Billy and
Merlin. ‘I’m gonna take you guys to a very special place and it’s gonna be a
surprise,’ said George. He constantly looks at Sandra to see if she’s got
anything to say to him, but she’s very quiet doesn’t even look at his face.
Eyes speak volumes, especially when one is afraid, when one is shy, when
one is in love and the list goes on and on, the eyes of Sandra always speak
the truth but not ready to get confronted so he couldn’t decode it.

Everyone goes to the car; kids hop onto the backseat; George drives
the car while Sandra takes the passenger seat. ‘Mr. George, please tell
us, where are we going? I don’t like suspense,’ said Merlin. ‘Yes dad!
At least tell us the name of the place,’ said Billy. ‘Oh, come on Billy
it’s all the same,’ said Merlin. ‘Alright, whoever wants to know where
we’re heading to, must recite a poem and that person will get to know
the destination of this journey. ‘Oh my god I didn’t expect this, I’m so
tired Ms. Sandra and I’m gonna fall asleep please wake me up when
we reach the spot’ said Billy. ‘Guys relax, you all will know it in
another couple of hours and no one has to fall asleep. Okay, let me
sing a song for you all. Said George. ‘Dad please don’t sing, because
the last time when you sang a song, my grandma died’ Said Billy.
Sandra broke into laughter. George is so happy to see her laughing
because she’d been in a state of confusion ever since he proposed
her at the Crescent, and now everyone’s having a nice time in the car.
‘Alright, I’m gonna ask a question to my sweetie pie, can I honey?
Said George. Always Mr. George, please go ahead. Said Merlin. ‘Name
any three people that you love the most in this world, but you should
only tell the first and last letters of their names. If I guess the names
right you should blow me a kiss, deal?’ ‘Deal. alright, the first one is
S-a, second one is G-e and the third one is B-y. let’s see if you can
guess’em’ said Merlin. ‘oh those are the toughest, I ever got, okay let
me give it a try. Mmmm, the first one is Sandra, second one is George
and the third one is Billy. Am I right?’ ‘Mr. George you’re so brilliant!’
exclaimed Merlin. ‘I won so I want my kiss, come on blow me a kiss’
she leans to the front seat and kisses him. ‘Billy, now it’s your turn
and you got the same question buddy’ said George. ‘okay, here we
go, the first one is S-a, second one is G-e and the third one is M-n.’
said Billy. ‘Oh boy, those are really challenging, alright, let me try. The
first one is Sandra, second one is George and the third one is Merlin.
Am I right? ‘Yes you are, and you really are a brilliant dad’ praised
Billy. ‘come on buddy give a kiss I earned it.’ George shows him his
cheek and he comes forward and kisses his dad.

Sandra looks puzzled and simply looking through the window which
George’s been noticing for a long time. While focusing on driving,
George looks at her and says, ‘Billy, did I ask everyone this question
in this car, I feel like someone is still missing, isn’t it?’ ‘yes, mom
hasn’t answered your question’ cried Merlin. ‘yes dad, ask Ms. Sandra
please.’ ‘Sorry, I’m not in the mood to answer any question. I just
want to sit back and relax myself.’ Said Sandra. ‘Please mumma, don’t
isolate yourself, we are having fun together, please join us’ plead
Merlin and the rest of them joined with her. ‘Alright, I’ll do it’ said
Sandra. Everyone is shouting ‘hurray’. ‘Hold on people, I don’t’ know
what the question is’ said Sandra ‘Not a problem, I’ll ask you the
question again’ said George.

‘Tell me three people that you love in this entire world, you must tell
the first and last letters of their names.’ This time George gives her an
extra instruction because he knows that she loves her mom, so he
says ‘All of them should be alive.’ He’s getting nervous, doesn’t know
if she’s going to include his name in the list. Driving tensed while
minding the road. ‘Okay let me start. The first one is M-n, second one
is B-y and third one is…’ she takes a pause and looks at him, he holds
the steering of the car and strokes it with his fingers. Both the kids
are asking ‘who’s the third person’ and she continues ‘the third
person’s name of the first letter is G and the last letter is e’ George is
so happy and he’s on cloud nine, and the kids are clapping hands and
shouting ‘hurray’. ‘Calm down guys, it’s my turn now to give the right
answer. Well, the first one is Merlin, second one is Billy and the third
one is me-George.’ ‘Dad, you proved again, you are brilliant.’ ‘Yea, I
got the right answer, so what is the deal guys’ asked George. Yes Mr.
George, mom must kiss you’ said Merlin. They both started shouting,
‘kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him’. ‘Hold on, hold on, hold on
guys’ everyone becomes silent. ‘He’s not right, the last one is not
George, It’s Gailine my high school teacher and she’s still alive’ ‘No
mom that’s cheating, you’re not in touch with her, you don’t even
have her number with you and I know you don’t like her either’ argued
Merlin. ‘It’s okay sweetheart, leave it. I’m not lucky enough to have at
least a smallest place in your mom’s heart,’ said George. Everyone
becomes quiet, George plays some music in the car stereos. ‘Dad!
Pull over! Pull over! I gotta pee, pull over dad. Don’t’ get mad if I wet
your car.’ Cried Billy. ‘Okay, okay hold on I’m finding a place for you.’
shouted George. There is a gas station far ahead of them which grabs
Merlin's attention. 'Look, Mr. George, a gas station' 'yes, honey. I saw
that already. 'As soon as the car stops; Bills opens the door and runs
out 'hang on, don't dirty the road Billy, wait, I'll go with you, get your
business done inside the toilet.' There's an excellent tourist spot with
a spectacular landscape behind the service station, it’s an open field
with a lot of trees and a pond where people gather for fishing and bird
watching. But today there are just a few people doing fishing and
watching birds some of them are ornithologist. ‘Dad, I’m hungry
please get me something to eat’ ‘What! We just had lunch a couple of
hours ago at the hotel, did you forget that?’ said George. ‘It’s okay,
we have some snacks and fruits in the car, I’ll go get’em’ said Sandra.
‘No, no you please watch the kids, I’ll take care of it.’ George goes to
his ford to get the food; he also brings a blanket to have a perfect
picnic. Kids are so excited and don’t want to leave the place. The
velvet green grass, fresh air and the twitters of the birds make the
place more magical. George’s been observing every bit of Sandra’s
behavior and she seems to be preoccupied. He's trying to have a
conversation with her to know what exactly stopped her to accept his
marriage proposal, but can't get a chance to speak as the kids are
always around. He’s making an arduous effort to prove himself that
he’d be there for her and her daughter for the rest of their life, but he’s
not sure if she’ll listen to him patiently.

The blanket is spread on the lawn and they all sit together around the
basket full of fruits, bread, cheese and juice. Billy would be impatient
especially when he’s hungry, as not being able to wait he pulls the
basket to munch on some. Sandra grabs it from him and says,
‘Honey, Let’s pray first, then we shall eat together’. It doesn’t matter
how hungry we are or how much we got in our hand we should
always thank God who provides food for not only us but also to all the
species on this planet.’ said Sandra.

Sandra sits next to George followed by Merlin and Billy. Everyone

joins their hand for prayer except the grown-ups, so the circle is not
complete. ‘Dad, what are you looking at, please hold Ms. Sandra’s
hand, I’m hungry.’ cried Billy. ‘Yes mama please go ahead otherwise
this boy will eat my hand in starvation’ said Merlin. Sandra laughs and
looks at George where he’s already extended his hand. Their eyes are
locked as they’ve a glance at each other. She slowly offers her hand
without taking her eyes off of him; he holds it gently. As their fingers
connect; it reminds them of the intimacy they had last night, it
becomes more vivid when they close their eyes. ‘Heavenly father, we
thank you for the food you have given us, provide food unto
everybody, Amen’ said Merlin. ‘What did you pray Billy’ asked
George. ‘When I closed my eyes, all I saw was the burgers and the
pizza. And I asked God to feed me with no further delay.’ said Billy.
‘Oh Billy, alright, what did you pray for sweetheart’ asked George. ‘I
prayed to have many trips like this with you Mr. George.’ said Merlin.

Sandra looks at Merlin’s face and it's so true to be nostalgic; a father

plays a major role especially in a life of a girl child. He's the first
person of an opposite gender that a girl falls in love with, his touch,
his hug, and his kiss immensely influence and empower the missy’s
to face any tough situation in their lives. Merlin's been longing for
such love despite Sandra's great care and affection. With a tenderly
characteristics; George's filled the void that Merlin had had for a long
time, yet Sandra hasn’t validated it for some reasons.

‘Okay children, the food is served. Please start eating,’ said Sandra.
George is quite hesitating to initiate a conversation with her; he wants
the kids to get away and play somewhere else but they are just
sticking around. After having food, George says ‘Honey see here, I
got Tennikot and Frisbee, why don’t you take Billy there and play with
him.’ ‘Wow! That’s cool dad, Merlin come on, let’s play,’ said Billy. He
somehow managed to send them away, now both George and Sandra
sit side by side with a feet gap, facing towards the kids. When he tries
to initiate the conversation, she gets up but he promptly grabs her
hand and says ‘Can I speak with you for a moment?’ She had a pause
and said ‘sure’. ‘Is everything alright, you look confused.’ said
George. ‘Is that what you wanted to ask?’ ‘No, certainly not. I just
wanna say that, last night was really unforgettable and it was very,
very special for me.’ Said George happily. ‘Please don’t’ talk about
that, if that’s what you want to discuss, I’m leaving.’ ‘Wait, what
happened to you, we had nice time together, hadn’t we?. You’re
talking as if you were forced to have sex with me’ said George
frustratingly. ‘No, it was not anything about you, but me. I’m the one
to be blamed, I shouldn’t have done that. I feel like we moved so fast
and it was too early to have an intimacy, everything happened so
quickly. It’s not just about me but also my daughter, I’m accountable
for her future. I don’t want to mess up her life for my own pleasure.’
said Sandra. ‘So, do you mean I’ll ruin Merlin’s future if I come into
your life’. ‘No, I didn’t mean that. If I’ve no trust in you, I wouldn’t have
let you sleep with me yesterday. It so happened, and actually
happened very fast, but now I regret that.’ said Sandra. ‘Seriously?
Did you say regret? ‘You know what! I’ve been an idiot hoping you’ll
understand my love and accept me and my son, but you won’t and
you will never. At least he was living in a dream land with his mom,
hugging a picture of her, looking at a sky and hoping to see her one
day, but as a moron I told him she is no more and will never see him
ever, and you will be his mum, you know what? you proved me
wrong. Billy is an unlucky kid, he’d never been with his mum, and will
never be in the future as well, and he can never experience the mother
and son’s relationship ever. I’ve no idea how to cut him off from you,
nevertheless, it’s better to accept the reality and move on, than
leading a fake life. Anyways, thanks for everything.’ George burst out.

Sandra listened to him patiently without uttering a single word. Being

totally distraught; George goes away. But, she still stands at the place
and looking stressed out; she knows that he's certainly the better of
all the men that she's ever encountered in her life, yet she couldn’t
say yes to him. She's highly determined to accomplish her dreams
and thinks that George could be a distraction, and that's why or could
possibly be the reason she isn't nodding her head and left the
champagne glass untouched. Of all these are pulling her apart, in a
trice both the kids interrupted her contemplation. ‘Mommy! I’m thirsty,
get me some water please, please, please’ ‘Yes Ms. Sandra for me too,
please.’ George is already standing behind them with an icebox full of
cold-water bottles and some juice. She takes the box from him and
says thank you without looking at his face, then distributes it to the
kids and him but he doesn’t take it, he looks very upset.

‘Mom, I’m the best in tennikoit I won four matches’ exclaimed Merlin.
‘You know what Ms. Sandra, for your records we played 10 matches,
now you know who the best is’ said Billy. They quarrel at each other
proving one is better than the other. Billy challenges her that if she
plays again, she will not win, but George encourages them by telling
both are best players. ‘Okay let’s stop the argument, if you think
you’re the best then play one more match with me, if I get defeated
then I’ll accept that you’re the best.’ said Billy. ‘No, I don’t wanna play
singles with you, I’ll team up with Mr. George, and you’re with my
mom.’ said Merlin. ‘That sounds like a real game, I accept your
challenge.’ But George sulkily refused to play. ‘Billy, I’m in. Come let’s
go to the court. If they don’t show up then we won by default.’ said
Sandra. Mr. George, what happened to you, please don’t do this to me
I don’t wanna be a loser. Please don’t let me down’ Merlin starts
crying which forced George to play the match. ‘I’ll never let you down
honey, how can I? a brave girl will never cry, look at me. We’re gonna
be the winners and let them know what we are capable of.’ Said
George. ‘Hurray! Mom, Billy. Mr. George is playing. Let ‘s start the
match.’ shouted Merlin.

‘Mr. George please don’t underestimate my mom; she is a fantastic

player. So, you take on my mom and I’ll take care of Billy, alright.’ ‘As
you say, captain.’ said George. The match starts off; they play happily
with a little fight and arguments, well that’s a part of the game. Sandra
and George forget everything that’s going on between them and
focusing on the match; that’s what the true sportsmanship is. The
first set of the match is over; both the teams have performed well and
the scores are evenly poised. Billy is thirsty and wants to have some
water, so they all agree to have a short break for 15 minutes. ‘Ms.
Sandra let me tell you a secret; my dad is weak in his left hand so if
you could through the ring to his weaker side, he’d probably miss it’
whispered Billy. It made sense to her because most of the catches he
dropped were on his left. The game continues and she targets him on
his left; George finds it difficult to catch the ring, at one throw the ring
goes extreme wide to his left in the court and he literally flies to catch
it but ends up falling down and spraining his shoulder again. ‘Mom,
what have you done? Look what happened to Mr. George? It’s all your
fault mommy, please apologize to him’ cried Merin. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry
George, I didn’t do it intentionally. Are you okay?’ said Sandra. ‘I’m
alright. I think I have a mild sprain again’ The match has been called
off. When she tries to hold his hand, he refused to take her help.

Sandra feels guilty and want to help him but quite hesitating due to
the cold war between them. 'Mr. George, please wait, come here to the
mat,' said Merlin. 'I'm alright honey.' 'No, you are not. If you don't
come, I won't talk to you.' George goes to Merlin while Sandra gives
the ice pack to her daughter. 'Mr. George, you don't have to suffer in
pain when I'm around.' said Merlin. 'What if when you're not.' 'No Mr.
George, I'll always be around protecting you.' 'That's so sweet of you,
honey.' She's got George lie down on his stomach on the mat, and
gently presses him with her soft hands on his upper back, 'please let
me know if I hurt you.' 'No, honey, you'd never hurt me. I feel very
comfortable,’ said George. 'You have to be very careful when you
play. See what happened now. And, please don’t be mad with my
mom, she is a very sweet person, she didn't do it deliberately.' He got
up on his foot after getting the cold compression. 'I feel much better
than before, thanks a lot sweetheart.'

Let’s pack everything and go to the car,’ said George. ‘Okay dad, now
where’re we going next, please tell us’ ‘Yep, certainly. We’re going to
Dallas drop them home and leave for Texas right away,’ said George.
They are totally disappointed, including Sandra but she doesn’t
express it. ‘Dad! it’s not fair, we planned to stay with them for two
weeks, did you forget that?’ said Billy frustratingly. ‘Yes, we did. Now
the plan is changed. Please don’t argue with me, we are going home,
period.’ said George. He opens the front door for Sandra, but she
snatches the car keys and get on to the driver’s seat. She doesn’t
allow him to drive the car as he’s injured. ‘Are we really going back to
Dallas’ asked Sandra before she starts the engine. ‘Yes, we are.
Please go ahead’ responded George. Everyone is quite there’s no joy
in the car, it was not as how it was when they started their trip. ‘Mr.
George are you alright. Do you still have a pain on your shoulder?’
asked Merlin. ‘No honey, I’m okay’ said George. ‘Mr. George, May I
ask you something if you don’t mind,’ said Merlin. ‘Of course, what is
it?’ said George. ‘Would you hate me when you go back to Houston?’
asked Merlin. ‘No, why do you think like that. I love you and I love you
more than anything else in this world.’ said George. ‘Why do you want
to go so early, why don’t you stay with us for some more days’ asked
Merlin. ‘Sweat heart, if you want to ask something please ask me
when we get home, don’t disturb him. You look so tired, close your
eyes and go to sleep.’ said Sandra.

Merlin’s fast asleep while Billy looks through the window, George’s
looking at the road through the windshield and Sandra is driving the
car. ‘Ms. Sandra, can I ask you a question if you don’t mind,’ said
Billy. ‘Yes honey, please.’ said Sandra. ‘I never called anyone mom in
my life, so May I call you mom just like Merlin’ asked Billy. She
immediately looks at George and he looks at her angrily. ‘Billy what’s
wrong with you, you only had one mom and she was dead, you
understand. Ms. Sandra was your teacher and now she’s just our
friend, that’s it. You better shut your mouth and sit quietly’ Busted
George. ‘Why are you yelling at him, he’s a child, he doesn’t know
anything. Please don’t be rude with him. If you have any problem, deal
it with me.’ said Sandra. ‘Oh, is it? Don’t blame me, it’s you who broke
his heart. Alright, in fact I shouldn’t have encouraged all this.’ In the
heat of the argument, she lost her control of the vehicle; hitting the
accelerator so hard instead of the break. The car is totally
uncontrollable, George’s trying to hold the steering to keep it steady
but it’s way beyond in anything can be done. Children are scared and
screaming. ‘Hit the break! Hit the break! You’re pressing the
accelerator instead, please hit the break,’ shouted George. As she hits
the break; the car suddenly flipped and rolled into the bushes and
stopped only after colliding against the sycamore. As soon as the
collision takes place all the six airbags were inflated and the fact that
they were all wearing the seat belt had saved them from major
injuries. Sandra senses there's something wrong, 'smoke, smoke,
something is burning, oh my God, the car catches fire.' Cried Sandra.
Smoke comes out of the engine and the bonnet of the vehicle is
flaming literally; Sandra is screaming again ‘please save the children
the car is going to explode, hurry up, please’ All the doors are
jammed they couldn’t open any of them, due to consternation the
children are unable to even remove the seat belt. George leans to the
back seat, manages to open the buckles, breaks the window and
safely pushes the kids out of the car. The front part of the car is
burning in high flame and the fire starts spreading rapidly. In the fear
of explosion George vociferate loudly ‘Merlin and Billy, get away from
the car, go and stand behind the tree, go fast.’ Kids are scared, crying
in terror and follow what exactly was said. He tries to open the door at
the driver’s seat but couldn’t. Sandra’s legs are struck, even if the
door is open it’d be challenging to remove her from the car. ‘The car
is going to explode, don’t worry about me. Our children need you.
Just leave me here, save yourself and go to the children. I can’t come
out of the car and we are wasting time,’ cried Sandra. George didn’t
pay heed to her; he kicks the door continuously and broke lock, but
still it only opened a quarter of it. He immediately pulled her legs out,
and pushed her from inside. As soon as she got out; she leans in and
tries to pull him from outside. ‘Get away right now! Go to the kids
otherwise I will not come out and I mean it’ said George fierce fully.
She went to the kids grabs her phone and calls 911 in the fear death.
As George squeezes himself to come out of the narrow opening of the
door the car explodes and threw him out.

The ambulance arrived at the spot-on time and took them to the
hospital. Everyone has minor injury except George. Sandra has
scratches on her head, hands and a twist on her left knee and ankle,
the kids are okay with a few bruises. She was informed that George is
in critical condition and admitted in the Intensive care unit; they
asked the receptionist and found that he’s in on the 3 rd floor. They all
were treated in the same hospital. Holding both the kids in her hands
and limping to the elevator to get to the 3rd floor. Kids are constantly
asking her about George and what happened to him. She couldn’t
hear anything what they are saying, she couldn’t even feel her feet on
the floor. All she wants now is to see his face and to know that he’s
alright. She asked the nurse if she could see George, but was not
allowed to see him even a second. No one is allowed to visit the
patients in the ICU without a permission which Sandra clearly knows
about, luckily she meets the Intensivist while standing outside the
ICU, 'He's passed the danger zone, and his condition is stabilizing
now. Nothing to worry about.' Sandra breathes a sigh of relief after
hearing the word 'Nothing to worry' 'Could you please allow us to
meet him? Just for few minutes, please doctor' asked Sandra. 'I'm
afraid I can't say yes now, though he's out of the danger zone yet the
treatment is going on and he's in observation. You may see him after
3 hours.' The three hours sounded like three decades for Sandra.
She's constantly looking at the clock, but it takes ages to move even a
minute. Both Merlin and Billy are lying down on her lap. Merlin is fast
asleep while Billy is looking at the ICU door 'Ms. Sandra, would you
get mad at me if I tell you something? said Billy. 'No honey, never,
please go ahead.' said Sandra. 'I love my mom more than anything in
the world. I always wanted to meet her. When I realized that she's no
more, I though you could be my mom. So, I asked my dad to marry
you and I was the one who insisted him to propose to you. It's all my
fault. My dad is innocent. I'm sorry for everything Ms. Sandra.' said
Billy. 'Ms. Sandra, M.Sandra' called the nurse. 'Are you the attender of
Mr. George' 'Yes, I'm' 'He's gained consciousness, and lamenting the
name ‘Billy’. Is he his son?' 'Yes, he is. Shall we see him?' 'Of course,
you can, but please don't disturb the patient and don't take too much
of time' Merlin’s awaken, she grabs the children in her hands and
nervously goes to the door of ICU, slowly opens it to make sure he's
not disturbed. He has oxygen mask, and a drip is connected to his
left-hand vein, the BP and pulse monitor are also running beside his
bed. Sandra feels bad and guilty to see him in this position. ‘It’s all
because of me, I should be the one in this bed bearing all the pain’
soliloquized Sandra in tears. Merlin gets emotional, hugs him on his
stomach and cries ‘Mr. George what happened to you? Please get up,
talk to me’ Billy is standing close to his dad and weeping in sober. He
slowly opens his eyes and sees all three of them are standing right
around him, Sandra holds his hand and her eyes turned red in tears.
He pulls the oxygen mask down, and tells her to let go his hands, ‘The
wound I have in my heart is far more painful than that caused by the
accident. I don’t’ want to go through it anymore and let’s not victimize
our children because of our stupidity. It’s all done and thanks for
everything. I’ll call Catherine and she’ll take care of me’ life is meant
to live and not be hanging up with our bitter past, so please take care
of Merlin and move on in your life.’ said George.

‘I can understand everything you said and at the same time I also
want to tell you something right now; I feel genuinely happy when you
are around me and the night, I spent with you was very special for me,
as you blossomed each and every cell of my body. You’re the real
man who knows how to treat a woman even in bed. I respect you for
who you are and what you did to me and my daughter. You are the
kind of man I always wanted Merlin to grow up with. I wasn’t lucky
enough to spend time with my dad and when I had time with him, he
was inhuman. I don't want to separate Merlin from you, she loves you,
she loves you as to how I loved my dad. She misses you as to how I
missed my dad when he was no more with us. She deserves you,
George. You were right in the car; you asked me the three people that
I love the most in this world I said Merlin, Billy, and my third name
was actually you. You guessed it right. I love you and Billy but when
you proposed to me in the restaurant, the other side of my myself
didn’t want to accept it because I thought you will be a boulder on my
way to reach my goal, and I’ve always wanted to protect myself and
my daughter from the outside world and it was not easy for me to
make the decision right away. I’m so sorry to put you in this
situation,’ said Sandra.

Although his whole body hurts, George knows now’s the time or
never, so he holds her hand, signals her to come close as he barely
able to talk as says, “Every breath I take would help you to go closer
to ur destiny and if can’t help then I would still die trying to help you”.

‘Mr. George, Just stop talking! what are you waiting for? It was you
the third name,’ cried Merlin. ‘Yes dad, you proved again you’re
brilliant, you guessed it right,’ cried Billy. ‘You may Kiss her now, the
deal is deal’ both the kids said together. George looks into her eyes,
and found that she wants him very badly, he finds it difficult to come
forward, so Sandra leans down and kisses him on his lips. Billy and
Merlin clap their hands joyfully.

Not everyone is bad and not everyone is good, not everything is right
and not everything is wrong. Likes and dislikes are purely based on
the results of the experience of our lives. It's not fair to say all the
mangoes are sour just because we had one or maybe two or even a
few. The point is, we should know that there're some good mangoes
too. Likewise, you might have chosen a wrong boyfriend or a
girlfriend or even any relationships for that matter; just look at the
Brightside, now you know they are not good for you, so just discard
them, and move on, do not stigmatize the whole group and being a
product of your experience. First, forgive yourself, forgive yourself
about the fact that you have chosen a wrong person, forgive yourself
for spending all your precious time on the toxic relationship, it’s
never been too late for anything, but what really is, is putting off to
take the right decision. Once you realize it’s a rattle snake just back
off; it could be anybody; be it even your own family members, friends,
colleague, husband or wife, if the relationship is toxic your life will be
miserable, so stay away from those people; whoever they are. It takes
a certain amount of courage to forgive and move on in our lives, but
once you did that, it will be awesome and you will be able to discover
the”YOU”, “The successful YOU”.





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