Handouts Earth Science

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Earth’s Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago and continue to serve as habitat to
❖ Plutonism refers to all sorts of igneous geological activities taking place below the
Internal Heat diverse organisms. Its biotic components remain alive due to proper regulation of
Earth's surface.
internal heat. It has massive amount of heat that varies from its layer Plutonism ❖ In cases where magma infiltrates the Earth's crust but fails to make it to the
surface, the process of magma differentiation gives birth to ideal conditions for
The Earth was formed from the process of accretion wherein gasses and dust of metallogenesis and that is a kind of Plutonism.
cloud was attracted by gravitational energy. When these masses compacted it
formed ❖ Volcanism is used to describe all geological phenomena that occurs on the natural
Primordial planetisimals. In the process, due to the collision of these masses, heat was terrestrial surface, such as the creation of volcanoes and hot springs. (Grotzinger
heat of the generated. This process formed the earliest stage of planet Earth which is molten Volcanism et.al ,2008)
planet remains in ❖ It refers to all sorts of geological activities correlated with the flow and
from its early state and heat is trapped in the core of the planet. Eventually, the accrued heat transportation of igneous material from the planet's interior towards the natural
stage. not vanish. It took a long time for heat to move from the internal part of the
terrestrial surface
going to its surface Endergonic process An endogenic process is a geological process that was formed, originated, and
located below the surface of the earth. It involves geologic activities such as tectonic
movements, metamorphism, seismic activities and magmatism

2. Heat from Earth is considered as thermal engine since its main source of internal heat
the decay of come
from the produced decay of some naturally occurring isotopes from its interior. Magma Magma is formed under certain circumstances in special location deep in the
crust or in the upper mantle. Magma forms from partial melting of mantle rocks.
radioactive This
elements. process is known as radioactive decay by which the spontaneous breakdown of
an Rocks undergo partial melting because the minerals that compose them melt at
atomic nucleus causes the release of energy and matter from the nucleus. Some different temperature. Partial melting takes place because rocks are not pure
of Partial melting materials. As temperature rises, some minerals melt and others remain solid. If the
the isotopes are potassium – 40, Uranium - 235, Uranium - 238 and Thorium - same conditions are maintained at any given temperature, the same mixture of solid
232. and melted rock is maintained.

Gravitational The more a person descend into Earth’s interior, the amount of pressure Decompression Decompression melting takes place within Earth when a body of rock is held at
approximately the same temperature but the pressure is reduced.
increases due to the force pressing on an area caused by the weight of an
overlying melting
rocks. The pressure near the center is considered to be 3 to 4 million times the
pressure of atmosphere at sea level. Flux Melting Flux melting happens if a rock is close to its melting point and some water or
carbon dioxide is added to the rock, the melting temperature is reduced and partial
melting starts
4. Dense core
material in the Due to increase in pressure and presence of heavier materials towards the An intrusion is magma that moves up into a volcano without erupting. Like a
earth’s balloon, this causes the volcano to grow on the inside.
center of the center, the density of earth’s layers also increases. Obviously, the materials of Intrusion
planet the
innermost part of the earth are very dense. The inner core as the inner most
layer is An extrusion is an eruption of magmatic materials that causes land formation
composed primarily of iron and nickel which contributes to the density in the on the surface of the Earth. Magma extrusion causes the formation of volcanoes
that ranges between 12,600-13,000 kg/m3. Extrusion when the gas pressure is strong enough and there are cracks in the earth's crust.


Metamorphism Metamorphism takes place tens of kilometers below the surface where temperatures and
pressures are high enough to transform rock without melting it. The increase in temperature
and pressure and change of the chemical environment can change the mineral
composition and crystalline textures of the rock while remaining solid all the while.

1. Temperature.
It plays a crucial role in metamorphism. The heat affects the rock’s TENSIONAL Tensional stress causes rocks to be pulled apart that result to
lengthening and break apart. This type of stress can be found at divergent
chemical composition, mineralogy, and texture. For instance, during burial
metamorphism, at a depth of about 8 to 15 kilometers from the surface of the
STRESS plate boundaries
Factors Involved in crust, metamorphic reactions begin.
2. Pressure. COMPRESSIONAL Compressional stress causes rocks to fold or fracture. It squeezes rocks
together. Compression is the most common type of stress in convergent
Like temperature, it changes the composition, mineralogy, and texture of rocks. Pressure is
different in various tectonic settings, like temperature. For instance, metamorphism in
STRESS plate boundaries.
the subduction zone is characterized by high-pressure metamorphism. In contrast, the
collision zone between two continental crusts is marked by moderate-pressure
SHEAR STRESS Shear stress happens when forces slide pass each other in opposite
direction which results to slippage and translation. This is the most
common stress found in transform plate boundaries.

a. The vertical stress or confining pressure is the stress or pressure exerted on

the rock by the weight of overlying material such as in burial metamorphism. This type
STRESSES of pressure is the same in all directions and makes the rocks to fracture or deform.

b. The directed or differential pressure is imposed by a force in a particular

direction. Differential pressure is dominant at convergent boundaries where plates
move towards each other and collide thus exerting force and cause rocks to deform.

FOLIATION Foliation is a set of flat or wavy parallel cleavage planes produced by deformation
under directed pressures. In the figure below, the effect of compression due to pressure
aligns the minerals as they recrystallize during metamorphism.

HYDROTHERMAL Hydrothermal fluids also play a role in metamorphism. The dissolved Geologic Structures Folds – are formed when rocks experienced compressive stress and
deformed plastically. It causes bending of rocks. There are three types of
minerals in the fluids react with rocks causing changes in chemical and mineral
FUILDS compositions and sometimes completely replacing one mineral with another folds: monoclines, anticlines and synclines. A monocline is a simple
without changing the textures of the rocks. bend in the rock layers where the oldest rocks are at the bottom and the
youngest are at the top. An anticline is a fold that arches upward where
the oldest rocks are found at the center of an anticline. The youngest rocks
are covered over them at the top of the structure. A syncline is a fold that
Regional Metamorphism forms foliated metamorphic rocks such as Gneiss bends downward which rocks are curved down to a center.
and Schist due to high temperature and pressure imposed on large parts of the
crust. Most regional metamorphism occurs within the continental crust.
TYPES OF Faults – A rock under ample stress can crack, or fracture. The fracture is
called a joint because there is a block of rock left standing on either side
METAMORPHISM contact metamorphism which is prominent in areas where surrounding rocks are of a fracture line. The footwall is the rock that place on top the fault, while
exposed to heat coming from magma intrusion within the layers of the rocks. the hanging wall is below the fault
Marble, quartzite, and other granoblastic rocks with large visible crystals of minerals may be
formed through contact metamorphism.
shock metamorphism which takes place when the heat and shock waves from meteor or
asteroid impact transform rocks immediately around the impact site.
NORMAL Normal faults–are the most common faults at divergent boundaries.
In relation to the footwall, it develops as the hanging wall drops down.
FAULTS East African Rift is one of the examples of this type of fault.

b. Reverse faults – This type of fault is most common at the convergent

boundaries. It forms when the hanging wall moves up. It creates the
REVERSE world’s highest mountain ranges such as Himalayas Mountains and
FAULTS Rocky Mountains.

Strike-slip faults – This type of faults formed when the walls move
sideways. It can be either right lateral or left lateral. It is mostly
common on transform plate boundaries. The most popular example
STRIKE SLIP of this type is San Andreas Fault.

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