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Mahatma Gandhi University: Restructured Curriculum and Syllabi

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1 Acknowledgement 4

2 Introduction 5

3 Aims and Objectives 7

4 Programme Design 8

5 Duration of the Programme 15

6 Conduct of Statistical Computing 16


7(a) Syllabi of Core Courses of B. Sc. Statistics 18

Programme(Model I)
7(b)(i) Syllabi of Complementary Courses of B. Sc. 63
Mathematics Programme (Model I)
7(b)(ii) Syllabi of Complementary Courses of B. Sc. 75
Physics Programme (Model I)
7(b)(iii) Syllabi of Complementary Courses of B. Sc. 85
Psychology Programme ( Model I )
7(b)(iv) Syllabus of Complementary Course of B.Sc. 94
Electronics Programme ( Model III )
7(b)(v) Syllabi of Complementary Courses of BCA 97
Programme( Model III )

7(b)(vi) Syllabus of Complementary Course in 103

Statistics of B.Sc. Computer Science
Programme( Model III )


7(b)(vii) Syllabi of Complementary Courses of B.A. 107

Economics Programme ( Model II )
7(c) Syllabi of Core Courses of B. Sc. Computer 114
Applications Programme (Model III)
7(d) Syllabi of Complementary Courses in 134
Statistics of B.Sc. Mathematics Vocational
Programme( Model II )


The Choice Based Credit and Semester and direct grading system was introduced in various
under graduate programmes of Mahatma Gandhi University in the year 2009-10 which was
modified to indirect grading system in 2013-14. The Board of studies in Statistics has made
serious and sincere attempt to make the curriculum of various undergraduate courses in Statistics
and a draft curriculum of the core and complementary courses in Statistics was published in the
year 2016. The Syndicate and Honourable Vice - Chancellor of the Mahatma Gandhi University
take several initiatives to modify and update the draft curriculum.

There are many profound personalities whose relentless support and guidance made this syllabus
restructuring 2017 a success. I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all
those who were part of this endeavour for restructuring the syllabus U G course in Statistics
under Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.

I express profound gratitude to the Honourable Vice–Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Registrar,

Members of the Syndicate and Academic Council, for their sincere co-operation and guidance
for completion of this work. I place on record my wholehearted gratitude to the members of
Faculty of Statistics and Board of Studies for their untiring efforts. I also appreciate the efforts of
University Academic Section and other staff.

I am also grateful to all teachers who participated in the workshop organised by the University at
U C College, Aluva on 18-04-2017 for restructuring the Syllabus. I also place on record my
gratitude to all professionals, academicians and other stakeholders who gave valuable
suggestions in this regard.

Kottayam Dean - Faculty of Statistics

02-05-2017 Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.


Statistics as Data Science

It is through the scientific search for knowing new, and explaining those already in
existence, Mankind has reached the present level of progress. All branches of science
including Statistics have played their own roles in this Human progress. All the luxuries and
conveniences that we enjoy today are made possible by the scientific search for achieving them.
The method of Statistics is to reach solutions through data evidence. Statistics aims at
validating the conclusions of any search for new knowledge from any branch of science by
extracting information from relevant data. This requires scientific methods for collecting,
presenting, analyzing and interpreting data. Statistics deals with each of these objectives and
hence, Statistics is the Data Science.
Statistics may be formally defined as a branch of science equipped with methods and
methodologies for arriving at valid and logical conclusions to whatever problems under
consideration affecting various spheres of human activities by analyzing sample data sets
drawn from the relevant group(s). In brief, Statistics is the science for extracting information
and learning from data.
Data scientists or learners of statistics must familiarize with various statistical methods for
achieving the four goals namely, collecting, presenting, analyzing and interpreting data.
Statistics has developed a wide variety of theories, methods and methodologies for reaching
the four goals.

The Real Challenge

Though several methods and methodologies have been developed al- ready to meet the
above four goals, most of them are, in fact, either completely unused or serious attention
has not been given in properly applying them in real-life contexts. These theories and
methods have been formulated to meet hypothetical situations, and hence the real challenge
lies not in understanding them but in their proper application and interpretation. It is found
that many people are good at understanding the theories, proofs and derivations already

developed, but poor in deciding the appropriate techniques and its proper use in given
contexts. Conclusions of many studies go wrong because of the inadequate and improper use
of techniques and technologies. Hence, the real challenge of Data Scientists and learners of
Statistics lies most in acquiring the expertise in selecting and using appropriate techniques in
real-life contexts than in verifying their proofs or derivations. This Syllabus Revision aims at
achieving these challenges from the part of the learners

The Thrust Area of this Syllabus Revision

Undergraduate learning time is a period where learners for the first time are opened to the
world of statistics formally. They are to understand the theories, methods and methodologies
for achieving the four goals mentioned above, but above all the skill in deciding and using
the appropriate ones. It is found that most of the students are good
at understanding the theories and derivations, but poor at applying them in problems
selected from real life contexts. Hence, this syllabus revision at UG level gives more
importance in giving training in respect of expertise in deciding and applying appropriate
techniques and their manipulation, and drawing valid and logical conclusions than in
introducing new topics or completely overhauling the existing syllabus or ensuring the
theoretical knowledge alone. If a student has to take advantage of Statistical Science in his
life or elsewhere, he has to know the appropriateness of various techniques in a given context
and its proper use.

Results Expected

This change in the Learning process is required to be understood both by Learners and
Facilitators, from the nature of the questions contained in the Model Question Papers
attached. This may be taken only as a set of questions alone, and similar questions
enabling the students to enhance their ability in deciding and applying appropriate technique
and their use, be prepared and solved by both Students and Facilitators.

We expect that students undertaking a training in the spirit of the Model Question Papers
attached, will be able to solve problems of even moderate difficulty arising from various real-
life contexts, and also qualify all tests conducted for employment or higher studies by any
national or international agency.


As Statistics being Data Science for learning from data in the light of what is already said in the
last section, this curriculum revision at UG level had set the following aims while preparing the
learning and evaluation tools especially the syllabus and model questions :

1. Introduce a curriculum that imparts the real spirit with which a beginner may approach the
learning of any scientific stream, not alone Statistics.
2. Introduce a curriculum that attracts the learners to understand theusefulness of various
statistical tools in making their everyday life useful.
3. Introduce Statistics as a branch of science for solving everyday problems by analyzing
relevant data.
4. Introduce standard Statistical sciences and techniques like probability in a very attractive and
enjoyable way.
5. Introduce a curriculum which really prompts the learners to understand that statistical
conclusions are possible from every day data from everybody’s life.
6. Introduce a curriculum that motivates the learners to understand the rationality behind
every technique, and in what way that rationality be used in their lives.
7. A curriculum that stresses the importance of equipping the learners with the expertise in
applying appropriate statistical tools in a given context and in arriving at valid and reasonable
8. A curriculum that gives more importance to the practical side of applying various techniques
than their proof and derivations.
9. Introduce a testing mechanism which calls for understanding of various topics from the part
of the learners up to a level that can ensure a good level of knowledge

10.Introduce a curriculum which enables the learners to continue their future study or
employment in a very competing manner.
11.A curriculum that attracts the fresher’s in Statistics to the World of
Statistics where numbers are transformed into information.


The U.G. programme in Statistics shall include (a) Common Courses (CC) I and II, (b) Core
Course(s) (CR) of both compulsory and Choice –Based (CB), (c) Complementary (CM)Courses,
and (d) Open Course (OP). The program shall have a project work in the sixth semester.
There shall be one Open course paper in the fifth semester with a choice of one out of three
elective courses from any UG programme or from the Physical Education Department.
Students can opt for any one of the Open Courses offered by different departments of the
college in fifth semester (subject to the availability of vacancy in the concerned discipline).
Selection of students in the Open Course will be done in the college based on merit and interest
of the students. There shall be one Choice Based course in the sixth semester with a choice of
one out of three choice-based core courses.


Semester Title with Course Course Category Hours Credits Marks

Number Code Per
Week Internal External

(English) – Course Common I 5 4 20 80


(English)- Course Common I 4 3 20 80


(Second Language) Common II 4 4 20 80

- Course I

ST1CRT01 - Core 4 3 20 80
Statistics -Course I
I (Mathematics) – Complementary 4 3 20 80
Course I

(Physics/Computer Complementary 2 2 10 60
Science) - Course I

(Physics/Computer Complementary 2 External practical

Science) - Course examination of this course
III (Practical) may be conducted at the end
of semester II

Total 25 19 110 460


Semester Title with Course Course Category Hours Credits Marks

Number Code Per
Week Internal External

(English) – Course Common I 5 4 20 80


(English)- Course Common I 4 3 20 80


(Second Language) Common II 4 4 20 80

- Course II

ST2CRT02 - Basics Core 4 3 20 80

in Probability
Theory and Applied
II Statistics –CourseII

(Mathematics) - Complementary 4 3 20 80
Course II

(Physics/Computer Complementary 2 2 10 60
Science) - Course II

(Physics/Computer Complementary 2 2 20 40
Science) - Course
III (Practical)

Total 25 21 130 500


Semester Title with Course Course Hours Credits Marks

Number Code Category Per
Week Interna External

(English) – Course V Common I 5 4 20 80

(Second Language) - Common II 5 4 20 80

Course III

ST3CRT03 - Core 5 4 20 80

III (Mathematics) - Complementary 5 4 20 80

Course III

(Physics/Computer Complementary 3 3 10 60
Science) - Course I V

(Physics/Computer Complementary 2 External practical

Science) - Course VI examination of this course
(Practical) may be conducted at the end
of semester IV

Total 25 19 90 380

Semester Title with Course Course Hours Credits Marks

Number Code Category Per
Week Interna External

(English) – Course Common I 5 4 20 80


(Second Language) - Common II 5 4 20 80

Course IV

ST4CRT04 - Core 5 4 20 80
Course IV

IV (Mathematics) - Complementary 5 4 20 80
Course IV

(Physics/Computer Complementary 3 3 10 60
Science) - Course V

(Physics/Computer Complementary 2 2 20 40
Science) - Course VI

Total 25 21 110 420


Semester Title with Course Code Course Hours Credits Marks

Number Category Per
Week Interna External

ST5CRT05 - Core 5 4 20 80

ST5CRT06 - Core 5 4 20 80

ST5CRT07 -SAMPLING Core 5 4 20 80

ST5CRT08 – Core 5 4 20 80

Open Course Open 4 3 20 80

ST6PRT01- PROJECT Core 1 External project evaluation

may be conducted at the end
of semester VI

Total 25 19 100 400


Semester Title with Course Code Course Hours Credits Marks

Number Category Per
Week Interna External

ST6CRT09-TESTING Core 5 4 20 80

ST6CRT10- Core 5 4 20 80

ST6CRT11-DESIGN 5 4 20 80

ST6CRT12 - Core 5 4 20 80

ST6CBT01/ST6CBT02/ Core 4 3 20 80
ST6CBT03 -

ST6PRT01- PROJECT Core 1 2 20 80

Total 25 21 120 480


Credit Distribution of Various Courses of B. Sc. Statistics

Programme in I to VI Semesters

Semester English- Second Core Complementary Open Total

Common I Lanuage- Course Courses Course
Common Credit
II Mathe- Computer
matics Science/

I 7 4 3 3 2 19

II 7 4 3 3 4 21

III 4 4 4 4 3 19

IV 4 4 4 4 5 21

V 16 3 19

VI 21 21

Total 22 16 51 14 14 3 120



The duration of U.G. programmes shall be 6 semesters and hence, the Programme takes 3 years
to complete. There shall be two Semesters in an academic year, the ‘ODD’ semester commences
in June and on completion, the ‘EVEN’ Semester commences after a semester-break of three
days with two months vacation during April and May. (The commencement of first semester
may be delayed owing to the finalization of the admission processes.)



One Choice-Based Core course in the VI semester of B.Sc. Statistics programme is with title
Statistical Computing with R-software. This course may be taught by using computing facilities
like computers with softwares and Statistical Tables. For this course also there will be both
internal and external evaluation components with maximum marks 20 and 80 respectively.
External examination of this course may be conducted at those examination halls of the
examination centers where computing facilities are available, but NO External Examiner is
needed. Also, the 5 marks earmarked for viva/seminar of the Internal component may be given
for maintaining a Record Book for solving a minimum number of 10 problems, using R-code
from the 4 modules taught in the VI semester. But, courses exclusively for computing purposes
are not conceived for complementary courses in Statistics.

7. Syllabi

7(a). Syllabi of Core /Elective/Open Courses of B.Sc.

Statistics Programme
Structure of 18 Theory Courses offered in B.Sc. Statistics( Model 1) Programme
Sl.No Semester Courses Courses Code and Title Credit Lecture Hours
. Type Per Week Total









9 V OPEN 3 4 72

Structure of 18 Theory Courses offered in B.Sc. Statistics( Model 1) Programme

Sl.N Seme Courses Courses Code and Title Credit Lecture Hours
o. ster Type Per Total








16 VI ELECTIVE ST6CBT03 - 3 4 72

Sl.N Seme Courses Courses Code and Title Credit Lecture Hours
o. ster Type Per Total
1 V OPEN ST5OPT01 - APPLIED 3 4 72





Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester I- Core Course I


Hours per week – 4
Number of credits -3
Module I: Methodology -Origin and meaning of Statistics, limitations and misuses of Statistics.
Concepts of statistical population and sample. Census and sampling. Primary and secondary
data. Different types of data – quantitative, qualitative, geographical and chronological.
Continuous and discrete data. Methods of collection and editing of primary data.
Designing of a questionnaire and schedule. Classification and tabulation of data. Frequency
distributions. Stem and leaf chart.


Module II:Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic mean, median, mode, geometric mean
and harmonic mean. Partition values – quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Box - plot.
Module III: Measures of Dispersion-Range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard
deviation. Properties of these measures, relative measures of dispersion, coefficient of variation.


Module IV: Moments- Raw and central moments, relation between central and raw moments,
Sheppard’s corrections. Skewness and kurtosis, Karl Pearson’s measure of skewness, Bowley’s
measure of skewness, moment measure of skewness, measures of kurtosis.


Books for study

1. Gupta,S.C.and Kapoor, V.K. (2014).Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan

Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. Kapur,J.N. and Saxena,H.C.(2010).Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand.

1. Pillai, R.S.N. and Bagavathi (2015).Statistics: Theory and Practice, S.Chand.
2. Spiegel, M.R. andStephensL.J. (2014). Statistics, (5thed.) Schaum’s outlines,
McGraw-Hill Education.
3. GuptaS.P. (2014).Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 4 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
ons 6 6 7 6 25 129 18 80
21 31 33 44 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester II- Core Course II


Hours per week – 4
Number of credits -3

Module I: Probability: Random experiments, sample space, events. Mutually exclusive events,
exhaustive events and equally likely events. σ -field of events. Classical, frequency and
axiomatic definitions of probability, probability space. Properties of probability, addition
theorem (up to three events).


Module II Conditional Probability-Conditional probability and independence of events,

pairwise independence and mutual independence. Multiplication theorem, total probability rule.
Bayes’ theorem and applications.


Module III: Index Numbers-Simple and weighted index numbers, criteria of a good index
number, cost of living index number, Laspeyere’s, Paasche’s, Marshall-Edgeworth’s and
Fisher’s indices, base shifting, splicing, deflating, fixed and chain base indices.


Module IV: Time series analysis- Components of a time series, measurement of trend and
seasonal variation.


Books for study

1. Gupta,S.C.and Kapoor, V.K. (2014).Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. GuptaS.P. (2014).Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

1. Medhi, J. (2013): Statistical Methods: An Introductory Text,(Revised 2nd ed.), New Age
International Publishers
2. Spiegel, M.R. and Stephens L.J. (2014). Statistics, (5th ed.), Schaum’s outlines,
McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.K.MD.E.(2015).An Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
(3rd ed.),John Wiley & Sons Inc.
4. Ross.S. (2013). A First Course in Probability,(9th ed.), Pearson Education Publication.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 4 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 7 5 25 129 18 80
36 31 33 29 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester III-Core Course III


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I:Random Variables- Discrete and continuous random variables, functions of random
variables. Probability mass function and probability density function with illustrations.
Distribution function and its properties. Transformation of random variables.
Bivariate Random Variables- Bivariate distribution and statement of its properties. Joint,
marginal and conditional distributions. Independence of random variables. Transformation of
bivariate random variables.
Module II: Mathematical Expectation-Definition and properties, mean and variance of a
random variable. Addition and multiplication theorems on expectation. Raw and central
moments. Examples of random variables for which moments do not exist. Mode and median of
discrete and continuous random Variables. Covariance and correlation coefficient. Cauchy-
Schwartz’s inequality. Conditional expectation (regression function) and conditional variance.


Module III: Generating Functions- Probability generating function, moment generating

function, cumulant generating function, characteristic function and their Properties. Methods of
Computing Mean and Variance from the moment generating function and Characteristic function
with suitable examples.


Module IV: Correlation and Regression-Curve fitting, principle of least squares, fitting of
straight lines, parabolas, exponential curves. Bivariate linear correlation – Scatter diagram.
Pearsons correlation coefficient, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Bivariate linear

regression – regression lines, coefficients of regression. Multiple and partial correlation for three
variables (without proof).


Books for study

1. Gupta,S.C.and Kapoor, V.K. (2014).Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. GuptaS.P. (2014).Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
1. Spiegel, M.R. and Stephens L.J. (2014). Statistics, (5thed.), Schaum’s outlines,
McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.K.MD.E.(2015).An Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
(3rd ed.),John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Ross.S. (2013). A First Course in Probability, (9th ed.), Pearson Education Publication.
4. Hogg,R.V.,McKean,J.W.andCraig,A.T.(2014).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,
(7th ed.),Pearson Education Publication.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester IV-Core Course IV


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I: Discrete Distributions-Degenerate, Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Hyper geometric,

Negative binomial, Geometric, Poisson - mean, variance, m.g.f, their properties-fitting of
Binomial and Poisson, memory less property of Geometric distribution.


Module II: Continuous Distributions-Uniform, Beta two types, Exponential, Gamma, Cauchy
and Laplace - mean, variance, m.g.f, characteristic function, their properties - memory less
property of exponential distribution.


Module III: Normal Distribution -Properties, fitting of normal distribution, linear combination
of normal variates, use of standard normal tables for various probability computation. Bivariate
normal- marginal and conditional distributions.


Module IV: Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem-Chebyshevs inequality,
convergence in probability, Chebyshevs and Bernoulli’s forms of weak law of large numbers,
Lindberg-Levy form of Central Limit Theorem -Normal distribution as a limiting case of
binomial and Poisson under suitable assumptions.


Books for Study

1. Hogg,R.V.,McKean,J.W.andCraig,A.T.(2014).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,


(7th ed.),Pearson Education Publication.

2. Gupta,S.C.and Kapoor, V.K. (2014).Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

1. Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.K.MD.E.(2015).An Introduction to Probability and Statistics,

(3rd ed.),John Wiley & Sons Inc..
2. Johnson, N.L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan. (1994).Continuous Univariate Distributions,
Vol. I, (2nd ed.). John Wiley, New York.
3. Johnson, N.L., Kemp, A.W. and Kotz, S. (2005).Univariate Discrete Distributions,(3rd
ed.) John Wiley, New York.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 5 3 2 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 9 6 5 5 25 129 18 80
40 31 29 29 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V- Core Course V


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I:Sampling Distributions-Concept of random sample and statistic, sampling

distribution of a statistic, standard error, sampling distributions of the mean and variance of a
random sample arising from a normal population. χ 2 , t and F distributions- derivations,
properties, uses and inter relationships.


Module II: Point Estimation-Describe properties of a good estimator – unbiasedness,

consistency, sufficiency and efficiency. Cramer-Rao inequality and its application, Minimum
variance bound estimator Rao – Blackwell Theorem. Completeness property of an estimator.


Module III: Methods of Estimation-Method of moments, Method of maximum likelihood

properties of maximum likelihood estimation (statement only), Method of minimum variance,
uniqueness of minimum variance unbiased estimator.


Module IV: Interval Estimation-Basic concepts, confidence interval, confidence coefficient.

Construction of confidence intervals for the mean, difference of means, variance and ratio of
variances based on normal, t, χ 2 and F distributions. Large sample confidence intervals for
mean, difference of means, proportion and difference of proportions.


Books for study

1. Hogg,R.V.,McKean,J.W.and Craig,A.T.(2014).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,
(7th ed.),Pearson Education Publication.
2. Gupta,S.C.and Kapoor, V.K. (2014).Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
1. Spiegel, M.R. and Stephens L.J. (2014). Statistics, (5thed.), Schaum’s outlines,
McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Lehmann,E.L.and Casella,G.(2003).Theory of Point Estimation,(2nded.),Springer.
3. Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.K.MD.E.(2015).An Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
(3rd ed.),John Wiley & Sons Inc..
4. Mood A.M., Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C. (2001).Introduction to the Theory of
Statistics,(3rd ed.),McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 4 3 3 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 3 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 7 5 25 129 18 80
33 31 36 29 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V-Core Course VI


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I:Sets and Sequences-Bounded and unbounded sets, supremum and infimum,
neighbourhood of a point, limit point of a set, derived set, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (without
proof),open and closed sets (definitions only).
Sequences-Convergence and divergence of sequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, limit
inferior and limit superior (Definitions and examples only), Cauchy’s general principle of
n 1 n n
convergence, Cauchy sequences. Limits of some special sequences such as r , (1 + ) and n n

.Algebra of sequences, Sandwich theorem. Cauchy’s first and second theorems on limits,
Monotonic sequences, Monotone convergence theorem.

Module II: Infinite Series –Definition, positive term series, tests for convergence -comparison
test, Cauchy’s root test, D’Alembert’s ratio test, Raabe’s test, logarithmic test, alternating series,
Leibnitz test for the convergence of alternating series, absolute convergence and conditional

Module III:-Functions of a Single Variable-I - Limits of a function, continuous functions,

continuity at a point, continuity in an interval, discontinuous functions, types of discontinuity,
functions continuous on closed intervals, uniform continuity.


Module IV: Functions of a Single Variable-II–Derivatives, derivability at a point, derivability

in an interval, Darboux’s theorem(without proof), intermediate value theorem for derivatives,

Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem, Cauchy’s Mean value theorem, Uniform
convergence of sequences and series of functions, tests for uniform convergence of sequence and
series of functions.


Book for study

1. Malik,S.C. and Arora, S. (2014). Mathematical Analysis, Fourth Edition, New Age
International limited, New Delhi.

Chapter – 1; Section 3 Chapter – 2; Sections 1-3Chapter – 3; Sections 1-9

Chapter – 4; Sections 1-7, 10.1, 10.2Chapter – 5; Sections 1-4
Chapter – 6; Sections 1-7 Chapter – 12; Sections 1-3.

1. Bali, N.P (2009). Real Analysis, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
2. Shanti Narayan and Raisinghania, M.D. (2014).Elements of Real Analysis,(17th ed.),
S.Chand & Company, New Delhi
3. Rudin,W.(2013).Principles of Mathematical Analysis,(3rded.),TMH.
4. Apostal,T.M.(2002).Mathematical Analysis,(2nd ed.), Narosa Publishing House, New

Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 2 3 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 6 7 25 129 18 80
31 31 31 36 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V- Core Course VII


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I:Basic Concepts-Census and sampling, types of sampling – probability and non-
probability sampling, advantages and disadvantages, principal steps in a sample survey, sampling
and non-sampling errors, organizational aspects of sample survey.
Indian Official Statistics-Methods of collection of official Statistics. Role of Ministry of
Statistics & Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Central Statistical Office (CSO), National
Sample Survey Office(NSSO) and National Statistical Commission (NSC). Government of
India’s principal publications containing data on the topics such as population, industry and

Module II: Simple Random Sampling-Simple random sampling with and without replacement,
procedures of selecting a sample, unbiased estimates of the population mean and population
total-their variances and estimates of the variances, confidence interval for population mean and
total, simple random sampling for attributes, determination of the sample size based on desired
accuracy for variables and attributes.


Module III: Stratified Random Sampling-Estimation of the population mean and population
total-their variances and estimates of the variances, proportional allocation and Neyman
allocation of sample sizes, cost function – optimum allocation, comparison with simple random


Module IV: Systematic and Cluster Sampling- Linear and circular systematic sampling,
estimates of the population mean and population total, comparison of systematic sampling with
simple random sampling. Cluster sampling – clusters with equal sizes –estimation of population
mean and total – their variances and estimates of the variances.

Books for Study

1. Gupta,S.C. and. Kapoor,V.K .(2014).Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand

& Co. New Delhi.
2. Cochran, W.G. (2007).Sampling Techniques, (3rd ed.),John Wiley and Sons.
3. http://mospi.nic.in
1. Singh,D. and Choudhary,F.S.(2013)Theory and Analysis of sample survey Designs, New
Age International Publishers.
2. Mukhopadhyay, P. (2008). Theory and Methods of Survey Sampling, (2nd ed.) Prentice-
Hall of India.
3. Sampath,S.(2005).Sampling Theory and Methods,(2nd ed.),Alpha Science International


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V- Core Course VIII



Hours per week – 5

Number of credits -4

The importance of environmental science and environmental studies cannot be disputed. The
need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Continuing problems of pollution,
solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues like economic productivity and national security,
Global warming, the depletion of ozone layer and loss of biodiversity have made everyone aware of
environmental issues. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de
Janerio in 1992 and World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002 have drawn the
attention of people around the globe to the deteriorating condition of our environment. It is clear that no
citizen of the earth can afford to be ignorant of environment issues..

India is rich in biodiversity which provides various resources for people. Only about 1.7 million living
organisms have been described and named globally. Still many more remain to be identified and
described. Attempts are made to conserve them in ex-situ and in-situ situations. Intellectual property
rights (IPRs) have become important in a biodiversity-rich country like India to protect microbes, plants
and animals that have useful genetic properties. Destruction of habitats, over-use of energy resource and
environmental pollution have been found to be responsible for the loss of a large number of life-forms. It
is feared that a large proportion of life on earth may get wiped out in the near future.

In spite of the deteriorating status of the environment, study of environment have so far not received
adequate attention in our academic programme. Recognizing this, the Hon’ble Supreme Court directed
the UGC to introduce a basic course on environment at every level in college education. Accordingly, the
matter was considered by UGC and it was decided that a six months compulsory core module course in
environmental studies may be prepared and compulsorily implemented in all the University/Colleges of

The syllabus of environmental studies includes five modules including human rights. The first two
modules are purely environmental studies according to the UGC directions. The second two modules are
strictly related with the core subject and fifth module is for human rights.


• Environmental Education encourages students to research, investigate how and why things
happen, and make their own decisions about complex environmental issues by developing and

enhancing critical and creative thinking skills. It helps to foster a new generation of informed
consumers, workers, as well as policy or decision makers.
• Environmental Education helps students to understand how their decisions and actions affect the
environment, builds knowledge and skills necessary to address complex environmental issues, as
well as ways we can take action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future.
It encourages character building, and develop positive attitudes and values.
• To develop the sense of awareness among the students about the environment and its various
problems and to help the students in realizing the inter-relationship between man and
environment and helps to protect the nature and natural resources.

To help the students in acquiring the basic knowledge about environment and the social norms that
provide unity with environmental characteristics and create positive attitude about the environment.

Module I:

Unit 1 :Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

Definition, scope and importance (2 L)

Need for public awareness.

Unit 2 : Natural Resources :

Renewable and non-renewable resources : Natural resources and associated problems.

a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies.

Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.

b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,

floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.

c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting

and using mineral resources, case studies.

d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and

overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water

logging, salinity, case studies.

e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy
sources, use of alternate energy sources, Case studies.

f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification

• Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

• Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles. ( 10 L)
• Unit 3: Ecosystems
• Concept of an ecosystem
• Structure and function of an ecosystem
• Producers, consumers and decomposers
• Energy flow in the ecosystem
• Ecological succession
• Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
• Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the given
ecosystem:- Forest ecosystem
( 6 L)

Module II:
Unit 1: Biodiversity and its conservation

• Introduction
• Biogeograhical classification of India
• Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and
option values.
• India as a mega-diversity nation
• Hot-sports of biodiversity
• Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts
• Endangered and endemic species of India
( 8 L)

Unit 2: Environmental Pollution


Causes, effects and control measures of: -

a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Marine pollution
e. Noise pollution
f. Thermal pollution
g. Nuclear hazards

• Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial wastes.
• Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
• Pollution case studies
• Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. (8 L)

Unit 3: Social Issues and the Environment

• Urban problems related to energy

• Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
• Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns, Case studies
• Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions
• Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion , nuclear accidents
and holocaust, Case studies
• Consumerism and waste products
• Environment Protection Act
• Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
• Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
• Wildlife Protection Act
• Forest Conservation Act
• Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
• Public awareness (10 L)

Module III:

Measurement of Mortality-Introduction and sources of collecting data on vital statistics,

Census, Registration, adhoc surveys, hospital records. Measurement of mortality: Crude Death
Rate (CDR), Specific Death Rate (SDR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Standardized Death
Rates. (20L)

Module IV:

Measurement of Fertility-Crude Birth Rate, General Fertility rate, age-specific fertility rate,
Total Fertility rate. Measurement of Population Growth: Crude rates of natural increase, Pearl’s
Vital Index, Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) and Net Reproduction Rate(NRR).


Module V:

Unit 1- Human Rights– An Introduction to Human Rights, Meaning, concept and development,
Three Generations of Human Rights (Civil and Political Rights; Economic, Social and Cultural

Unit-2 Human Rights and United Nations – contributions, main human rights related organs-
UNESCO,UNICEF, WHO, ILO, Declarations for women and children, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.

Human Rights in India – Fundamental rights and Indian Constitution, Rights for
children and women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and

Unit-3 Environment and Human Rights - Right to Clean Environment and Public Safety:
Issues of Industrial Pollution, Prevention, Rehabilitation and Safety Aspect of New Technologies
such as Chemical and Nuclear Technologies, Issues of Waste Disposal, Protection of

Conservation of natural resources and human rights: Reports, Case studies and policy
formulation. Conservation issues of western ghats- mention Gadgil committee report,
Kasthurirengan report. Over exploitation of ground water resources, marine fisheries, sand
mining etc.
(8 L)

Internal: Field study

• Visit to a local area to document environmental grassland/ hill /mountain

• Visit a local polluted site – Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural Study of common
plants, insects, birds etc
• Study of simple ecosystem-pond, river, hill slopes, etc

(Field work Equal to 5 lecture hours)

Books for study

1. Bharucha, E. (2010). Text Book for Environmental studies for undergraduate Courses,
University Grants Commission, New Delhi.

2. Gupta, S.C. and. Kapoor, V.K .(2014). Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand
& Co. New Delhi.
3. Goon, A.M. Gupta,M.K. and Das Gupta, B. (2001): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. II,
World press, Calcutta.
4. Amartya Sen, The Idea Justice, New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009.
5. Chatrath, K. J.S., (ed.), Education for Human Rights and Democracy (Shimla: Indian
Institute of Advanced Studies, 1998)

1. Agarwal, K. C. (2001). Environmental Biology, Nidi Publishers Ltd, Bikaner.
2. Cunningham, W.P.Cooper, T.H.Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T.2001 Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House. Mumbai. 1196p .
3. Heywood, V.H & Watson, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge
University Press 1140pb
4. Jadhav.H & Bhosale.V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub.
House, Delhi 284p
5. Mekinney, M.L & Schock.R.M. 1996 Environmental Science Systems & Solutions. Web
enhanced edition 639p
6. Miller T.G. Jr., Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co.
7. Odum.E.P 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA 574p
8. Rao.M.N & Datta.A.K. 1987 Waste Water treatment Oxford & IBII Publication
9. Rajagopalan. R, Environmental Studies from crisis and cure, Oxford University Press,
Published: 2016
10. Sharma B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut
11. Townsend C., Harper J, and Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell Science
12. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines, Compliances and
Stadards, Vol I and II, Enviro Media
13. Trivedi R. K. and P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Techno-Science Publication
14. Shrivastava, O.S. (1983).A Text Book of Demography, Vikas Publishing House, New

15. Benjamin B (1960).Elements of Vital Statistics, Quadrangle Books.

16. Law Relating to Human Rights, Asia Law House,2001.
17. Shireesh Pal Singh, Human Rights Education in 21st Century, Discovery Publishing
House Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi,
18. S.K.Khanna, Children And The Human Rights, Common Wealth Publishers,1998. 2011.
19. Sudhir Kapoor, Human Rights in 21st Century,Mangal Deep Publications, Jaipur,2001.
20. United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2004: Cultural
Liberty in Today’s Diverse World, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 5 Questions Marks

A 2 2 2 4 3 1 12 24 10 20
B 5 1 2 3 2 1 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 0 4 60 2 30
Questions 4 5 8 6 2 25 129 18 80
24 29 38 31 7 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V-Open Course- I


Hours per week – 4

Number of credits -3

Module I: Index Numbers-Meaning, classification and construction of Index numbers. Simple

and weighted index numbers. Laspeyere’s, Paasche’s, Marshall-Edgeworth’s and Fisher’s,
Dorbish-Bowley’s andKelly’s indices. Quantity Index Numbers.

Module II: Tests on Index Numbers- Factor reversal test, Time Reversal test, Circular test.
Chain Index Numbers, Base shifting, splicing and Deflating of Index Numbers. Consumer price
Index Numbers.

Module III: Time Series - Concept of time Series, components of time series, additive and
multiplicative models, measurement of trend using graphical, semi-average, moving average
methods and least square method (Straight line only)

Module IV: Measurement of Seasonal Variation – Ratio to moving average, ratio to trend,
link relative method.

Book for study

1. Gupta S.P.()Statistical methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi
2. Kapur J.N and Saxena H.C.() Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons, New

3. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor() Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand and


1. Goon A.M, Gupta M.K. and Das Gupta() Fundamentals of StatisticsVol. II, The world
press, Calcutta.
2. Agarwal B.L.( ) Basic Statistics, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 4 4 1 12 24 10 20
B 5 1 5 2 1 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 5 10 7 3 25 129 18 80
26 48 33 22 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V- Open Course- II


Hours per week – 4
Number of credits -3

Module I: Introductory Statistics and Insurance Applications- Discrete, continuous and

mixed probability distributions. Insurance applications, sum of random variables. Utility theory:
Utility functions, expected utility criterion, types of utility function, insurance and utility theory.

Module II: Principles of Premium Calculation- Properties of premium principles, examples

of premium principles. Individual risk models: models for individual claims, the sum of
independent claims, approximations and their applications.

Module III: Survival Distribution and Life Tables- Uncertainty of age at death, survival
function, time until-death for a person, curate future lifetime, force of mortality, life tables with
examples, deterministic survivorship group, life table characteristics, assumptions for fractional
age, some analytical laws of mortality.

Module IV: Life Insurance- Models for insurance payable at the moment of death, insurance
payable at the end of the year of death and their relationships. Life annuities: continuous life
annuities, discrete life annuities, life annuities with periodic payments. Premiums: continuous
and discrete premiums.

Book for study

4. Dickson, C. M. D. (2010): Insurance Risk and Ruin (International Series on Actuarial
Science), Cambridge University Press.


1. Bowers, N. L., Gerber, H. U., Hickman, J. C., Jones, D. A. And Nesbitt, C. J. (1997):
Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries, Itasca, Illinois, U.S.A.
2. Dickson, C. M. D., Hardy, S.C. and Waters, H.R. (2013).Actuarial Mathematics for Life
Contingent Risks, (2nded.), Cambridge University Press.
3. Gerber, H.U. (1990). Life Insurance Mathematics, Springer.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 4 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 2 3 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 7 6 25 129 18 80
31 31 33 34 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester V- Open Course- III


Hours per week – 4

Number of credits -3

Module I: Stochastic Process – Definition, Classification with examples, Markov Chains –

Transition Probabilities Transition Probability Matrix – Properties, Chapman Kolmogorov
equations, Examples and Computation.


Module II: First Passage Probabilities-Probability Generating Functions. Relationship

between First Passage and Transition Probabilities, Classification of States – Recurrent,
Transient Ergodic State, Accessibility, Communication, Periodic Stationary Distribution.


Module III: Random Walk – Absorbing Elastic and Reflecting Barriers – Gambler’s Ruin
Problem. Ultimate Ruin Probability, Brownian motion.


Module IV: Poisson Process – Axiomatic derivation, inter-arrival distribution, relation to

binomial, geometric and gamma distribution. Pure Birth Process – Difference Differential
Equation Yule Process [as example].


Books for study

1. Medhi J. (2009).Stochastic Processes. (3rd ed.), New Age Science Ltd.
2. Basu, A.K. (2005): Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Narosa Publishing.
3. Ross,S.M.(1983). Stochastic Processes, John Wiley.

1. Feller, W.(2008).An Introduction in Probability and its Application, Vol.II, (2nd ed.),
Wiley India Pvt.Ltd.
2. Bhat B.R. (2002) Stochastic Processes, (2nd ed.), New Age Publication.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 4 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 7 5 25 129 18 80
36 31 33 29 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI- Core Course IX


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I: Statistical Hypothesis – Simple and Composite hypotheses, null and alternative
hypotheses, test of a hypothesis, two types of errors, critical region, significance level and power
of a test. Unbiased test; uniformly most powerful test, p-value.


Module II: Neyman-Pearson Theorem and its Application- Likelihood ratio tests - test for the
mean, test for equality of means (common with unknown variance), test for the variance and test
for equality of variances.


Module III: Large Sample Tests and Small Sample-Tests concerning means, equality of
means, proportion and equality of proportions. Test based on χ 2 distribution for goodness of fit,
independence and homogeneity. Small sample tests for the mean and equality of means. Paired t
– tests. Tests based on χ 2 distribution for variance and F distribution for the equality of
variances. Tests concerning correlation coefficients.


Module IV: Non Parametric Tests (All Tests as Techniques Only)-Basic ideas, sign test for
one sample and two sample cases, signed rank tests for one sample and two sample cases, run
test for randomness, Wald-Wolfowitz run test, Mann-Whitney U-test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov
tests for one sample and two samples, Median test for two independent samples.


Books for Study

1. Hogg,R.V.,McKean,J.W.and Craig,A.T.(2014).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,

(7th ed.),Pearson Education Publication.
2. Gupta,S.C.and Kapoor, V.K. (2014).Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. Gibbons J.D.(1993).Nonparametric Statistics: An Introduction, Sage Publications.
1. Spiegel, M.R. and Stephens L.J. (2014). Statistics, (5thed.), Schaum’s outlines,
McGraw-Hill Education..
2. Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.K.MD.E.(2015).An Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
(3rd ed.),John Wiley & Sons Inc..
3. Mood A.M., Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C (2001).Introduction to the Theory of
Statistics,(3rd ed.),McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 4 3 3 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 2 3 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
33 31 31 31 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI- Core Course X


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I: Numerical Analysis- Operators E, Delta, backward difference operator central

difference operator and their basic properties. Separation of symbols, Divided differences.
Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae.


Module II: Interpolation for Unequal Intervals-Lagrange’s formula, Newton’s divided

difference formula, Central difference formulae- Stirling’s, Bessel’s and Everett’s formulae.
Numerical quadrature- Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rules and Weddle’s rule.


Module III:Complex Analysis- Analytic functions – Cauchy Riemann equations, Complex

Integration – Cauchy’ theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Morera’s theorem, Liouville’s
theorem,Poles and Singularities Cauchy’ residue theorem(Statement only of all the theorems ).


Module IV: Riemann Integral- Definition and examples of Riemann integral, Properties of
Riemann integral, Integral as a limit of sums, integrability of continuous and monotonic
functions, Integration and differentiation, Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus, First Mean
Value Theorem of Integral Calculus.

Books for study

1. Saxena, H.C. (1988).Finite Differences and Numerical Analysis, S.Chand.

2. Tyagi, B.S. (2008).Functions of a Complex Variable, Kedar Nath Ram Nath Educational
3. Malik,S.C. and Savita Arora (2014). Mathematical Analysis, Second Edition, New Age
International limited, New Delhi.
Chapter – 9; Sections 1-10


1. Scarborough, J.B. (1958)Numerical Mathematical Analysis, Oxford and IBH Publishing

2. Milne- Thomson, L.M. (2000).The Calculus of Finite Differences, AMS Chelsea

3. Churchill, R. and Brown, J.(2013). Complex Variables and Applications, (9th

ed.),McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Kasana, H.S.(2005). Complex Variables: Theory and Applications, (2nd ed.), Prentice-
Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Bali, N.P (2009). Real Analysis, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Shanti Narayan and Raisinghania, M.D. (2014).Elements of Real Analysis,(17th ed.),
S.Chand & Company, New Delhi


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 5 0 4 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 4 1 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 2 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 9 3 7 6 25 129 18 80
30 35 33 31 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI- Core Course XI


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

Module I: Linear Estimation and Testing of Linear Hypotheses-Linear parametric function

estimability, necessary and sufficient condition for estimability of a linear parametric function.
Gauss-Markov set-up, fixed effects model, random effects model, mixed effects model and
analysis of variance model(definitions only). BLUE, Gauss-Markov Theorem (without proof)
and simple problems. Testing of linear hypotheses.


Module II: Analysis of Variance-Definition, models and assumptions used in analysis of

variance. Contrasts and analysis of variance, orthogonal contrasts. Analysis of variance of one-
way classified data. Analysis of variance of two-way classified data (with single observation per
cell).Analysis of covariance in one-way classified data with one covariate.


Module III: Experimental Designs- Absolute and comparative experiments, terminology,

experimental error, uniformity trials. Basic principles of designs of experiments-Randomization,
Replication and Local control. Basic designs-Completely Randomized Design(CRD),
Randomized Block Design(RBD) and Latin Square Design (LSD)-Layout. Model and statistical
analysis. Relative efficiency of designs, estimation and analysis of missing observations.

Module IV: Factorial Experiments – Definition and use of factorial experiments, definitions of
symmetrical and asymmetrical factorial experiments, illustrations. Main effects and interaction
effects. Analysis in 22 ,23 and 2n experiments in the set up of RBD.


Books for study

1. Gupta,S.C. and. Kapoor,V.K .(2014).Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand

& Co. New Delhi.
2. Joshi,D.D. (2009).Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments,New Age International
(P) Limited Publishers.
3. Das, M.N. and Giri, N.C. (2008).Design and Analysis of Experiments,New Age
International (P) Limited Publishers.

Chapter – 1; Sections 1.1-1.9, Chapter – 2; Sections 2.1-2.5

Chapter – 3; Sections 3.1-3.5

4.MontgomeryD.C. (2013).Design and Analysis of Experiments: International Student

Version, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

Chapter-15;Sections15.3, 15.3.1


1. Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M. (1992). Experimental Designs, WileyClassics Library.
2. Hinkelmann, K.andKempthrone, O. (2008).Design and Analysis of Experiments, Vol.I, John
Wiley and Sons.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 2 3 4 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 3 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 5 6 8 6 25 129 18 80
29 31 38 31 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI-Core Course XII


Hours per week – 5

Number of credits -4
This course is intended to give the students a first-hand training on writing and run the R-code
for the computation of various statistical tools and drawing of different charts, graphs and
diagrams. This may be practiced in a computing laboratory. No external examiner is needed for
conducting the end semester examinations, but may be conducted in a computing laboratory,
where computers with softwares and Statistical Tables available.

Module I: - Descriptive Statistics Using R– Diagrammatic and Graphical representation of data

– bar diagram, histogram, pie diagram, box plot, Q-Q plot, the plot function and curve function;
Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Measures of skewness and Kurtosis,
Selection of representative samples, Scatter diagram.

Module II: Probability Distributions Using R – Probability distributions, some special

discrete distributions (Binomial, Poisson), Continuous probability distribution, some special
continuous distributions (Normal, exponential); Methods for generating random variables–
Introduction, random generation of standard uniform, standard normal and other common
probability distributions in R, the inverse transform method, quantiles, transformation methods.

Module III: Correlation and Regression Analysis – Correlation, inference procedures for
correlation coefficient, linear regression, the coefficient of determination, inference procedures
for simple linear model.


Module IV: Statistical Inference (R Commands and implementation only) Obtaining MLE
using available data, confidence intervals for mean, difference of means, variance and
proportion, hypothesis testing – the p-value –definition and interpretation, Tests for mean: Z-
test, Z test for comparing means, one sample t-test, two sample t-test, paired t-test, χ 2 -test for

variance, F- test for comparing variances, χ 2 - test of Goodness of fit, χ 2 -test for independence ,

χ 2 -test for homogeneity, one way ANOVA and two way ANOVA.

Book for study

1. Purohit, S.G, Gore, S.D and Deshmukh, S.R. (2015).Statistics Using R, (2nd ed.), Narosa
Publishing House.
1. Zuur, A.F, Leno, E.N.andMeesters, E.H.W.G. (2009): Use R, Springer.
2. Rizzo, M.L. (2007).Statistical Computing with R, Chapman and Hall/CRC.
3. Dalgaard,P. (2008).Introductory Statistics with R, Springer.


For this course 5 questions are to be answered from a set of 8 questions each carrying 16 marks.
Two questions from each module are included in the question paper.
Computers with R software and Statistical tables allowed

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI-Core Course XIII-Elective- I


Hours per week – 4
Number of credits -3

Module I: Operations Research and LPP- Origin and Development of OR, Objectives of OR,
Modeling and types of models in OR. Linear Programming: Mathematical formulation of LPP,
graphical solutions of a L.P.P. Simplex method for solving LPP.


Module II: Artificial Variables-Two phase method, Big M-method, Concept of Duality in
L.P.P, Dual simplex method.

Module III: Transportation and Assignment Problems-General transportation problem.

Methods for finding initial basic feasible solutions by North West corner rule, Least cost method
and Vogel’s approximation method (VAM). MODI method to find the optimal solution.
Unbalanced transportation problem and degeneracy (definitions and simple problems only).
Assignment problem-Hungarian method to find optimal assignment.

Module IV: Network Analysis-Drawing the Network Diagram – Analysis of Network,

Calculation of Critical Path – PERT, Expected Completion Time and its Variance.


Book for study

1. Kanti Swarup, Gupta P.K., Man Mohan (2010): Operations Research, Sultan Chand and
Sons, New Delhi.

1. Taha, H.A. (2014).Operations Research, Pearson Education Publication.

2. Gupta R.K. (2010): Operations Research, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., Meerut.
3. Bronson, R.and Naadimuthu, G. (1997). Operation Research,Schaum’s Outline
Series,McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Mittal, S.K.and.Goel, B.S. (1990): Operations Research, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 3 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 7 6 24 129 18 80
31 31 36 31 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI-Core Course XIII-Elective- II


Hours per week – 4
Number of credits -3

Module I: Demand and Supply Analysis-Concept of demand, demand function, elasticity of

demand, elasticity of substitution, relation between elasticity of demand, price, average revenue,


Module II: Consumer Behaviour-Concept of utility, cardinal and ordinal utility, maximization
of utility, budget constraint and equilibrium of consumer, income and substitution effects of a
price change, Sluky equation.


Module III: Production Theory-Output and input relation, total, average, marginal products in
case of production with single variable input, production isoquants and economic region of
production. Meaning and nature of production functions, returns to scale, linearly homogeneous
production functions and its properties, Euler’s theorem and its applications for various standard
production functions.


Module IV: Markets-Price determination in perfect competition, in monopoly, discriminating

monopoly, duopoly and oligopoly. Production cost, optimum combination of inputs, constrained
cost minimization, profit maximization.


Books for study

1. Koutsoyiannis,A.(2008).Modern Micro Economics,(2nded.), Macmillan publishers
2. Allen R.G.D. (2014).Mathematical Analysis for Economists, Trinity Press.

1. Henderson, J.M. and Quandt, R.E (2003).Micro EconomicTheory: A Mathematical

Approach, (3rded.), McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt.Ltd.
2. Simon, C.P.and Blume, L. (2010): Mathematics for Economists,(1st ed.),Viva Books.
3. Madnani, G.M.K.andMehta, B.C (2014).Mathematics for Economists, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 4 2 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 2 3 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 7 6 25 129 18 80
31 31 33 34 129

Core Course of B. Sc. Statistics Programme

Semester VI-Core Course XIII- Elective- III


Hours per week – 4
Number of credits -3

Module I:Meaning of Statistical Quality Control- Processcontrol and product control,

assignable and chances causes, definition of quality control and statistical quality control. Need
for statistical quality control techniques in industry, causes of quality variation. control charts,
operation and uses of control charts, probability limits, specification limits, tolerance limits, 3
sigma limits and warning limits.


Module II: Control Charts for Variables- X - Chart, R-chart, purpose of the charts, rational of
sub grouping, plotting of X and R charts, standard out of control pattern on control charts,
interpretation of control charts.


Module III: Control Chart for Attributes-Construction and operation of P-chart, np- chart, C -
chart and U- chart. Choices between various attribute charts. Comparison between variable and
attribute charts.


Module IV: Product Control-Principles of acceptance sampling, stipulation of good and bad
lots, producers and consumers risks, concepts of AQL and LTPD, simple and double sampling
plans, their O.C and ASN functions, rectifying inspection plans, concepts of AOQ,
AOQL,ATIand sampling inspection plans.


Books for study

1. Montgomery, D.C. (2010).Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction,(6th ed.),

Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Gupta, S.C. and. Kapoor, V.K .(2014). Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand
& Co. New Delhi.

1. Grant E.L. and Leavenworth, R.S. (2008).Statistical Quality Control,(7thed.) Tata
2. Duncan A.J. (1986).Quality Control and Industrial Statistics,Irwin.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 2 3 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 6 7 25 129 18 80
31 31 31 36 129

7(b). Syllabi of
Courses in Statistics

7(b)(i)Syllabi of
Complementary Courses in
Statistics of
B. Sc. Mathematics
(Model I)
The Structure of the 4 Complementary Courses in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Mathematics (Model I) Programme is as given under :

Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits Per
1 Complementary ST1CMT01 - Descriptive Statistics 3 4 72
2 Complementary ST2CMT02 - Probability Theory 3 4 72
ST3CMT03 - Probability
3 Complementary 4 5 90
4 Complementary ST4CMT04 - Statistical Inference 4 5 90

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics Programme

Semester I - Course I


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3

Module I:Different aspects of data, and its collection

Statistics as collected facts and figures, and as a science for extracting information from data.
Concepts of a statistical population and sample. Different types of characteristics and data-
qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional and time-series, discrete and continuous, frequency
and non-frequency. Different types of scale- nominal and ordinal, ratio and interval. Collection
of data- census and sampling. Different types of random samples- simple random sample,
systematic, stratified and cluster (description only).

Module II :Central tendency and Dispersion
Averages- Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean and Weighted
averages..Absolute Measures of dispersion- Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation and
Standard Deviation. Combined mean and standard deviation, C.V, relative measures of
dispersion, Ogives and Box plot.(problems based on the above topics)
Module III :, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis
Raw moments, central moments and their inter relation. Skewness- Pearson's, Bowly's and
moment measures of skewness. Kurtosis- percentile and moment measure of kurtosis(problems
based on the above topics).. (15L)
Module IV : Index Numbers

Definition of Index Numbers. Price Index Numbers. Price Index Numbers as Simple (A. M.,G.
M.)and Weighted averages (A. M.)of price relatives. Laspeyer's, Paasche's and Fisher's Index
Numbers. Time-Reversal and Factor-Reversal tests. Cost of living index numbers-family budget
and aggregate expenditure methods. An introduction to Whole sale Price Index and Consumer
Price Index.(problems based on the above topics)..


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Goon, A. M.,Gupta M. K. and Dasgupta,B(1986).Fundamentals of Statistics,Volume1, world

press, Kolkota
2. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.

3. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2007).Fundamentals of applied Statistics,SultanChandand

4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,
Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
8. Mukhopadhya, P. (1999). Applied Statistics, New central book agency private limited,
9. Seemon, T.(2014). Basic Statistics.Narosa Publishing House

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics Programme

Semester II - Course II


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3
Module I : Probability
Random experiments. Complement, union and intersection of events and their meaning.
Mutually exclusive, equally likely and Independent events. Classical, Frequency and Axiomatic
approaches to probability. Monotone property, Addition theorem (up to 3 events. Conditional
probability. Multiplication theorem(up to 3 events). Independence of events.. Bayes'
theorem.(problems based on the above topics) (20L)
Module II : Probability Distribution of Univariate Random Variables
Concept of random variables. discrete and continuous random variables. Probability mass and
density functions, and cumulative distribution functions. Evaluation of conditional and
unconditional probabilities. Change of variables- methods of jacobian and cumulative
distribution function (one variable case).
(problems based on the above topics) (17L)

Module III : Probability Distribution of Bivariate Random Variables

Concept of a two-component random vector. Bivariate probability mass and density functions.
Marginal and conditional distributions. Independence of bivariate random variables.(problems
based on the above topics). (15L)

Module IV : Correlation and Regression

Bivariate data. types of correlation. scatter diagram. Karl Pearson's product- moment
and Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. regression equations- fitting of polynomial

equations of degree one and two ; exponential curve, power curve. Two type of regression
curves, Identification of regression equations. (problems based on the above topics).


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th

edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
2. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014) Introduction to Mathematical Statis-
tics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
3. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
4. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education Inc.

6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,

Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Ross, S.(2003). A first comes in probability Pearson, Education Publishers, Delhi

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics Programme

Semester III - Course III


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4
Module I : Mathematical Expectation

Expectation of random variables and their functions. Definition of - Raw moments, central
moments and their interrelation, A.M, G.M, H.M, S.D, M.D., covariance, Pearson's correlation
coefficient in terms of expectation.MGF and characteristic function and simple properties.
Moments from mgf. (Problems based on these topics)
Module 2 : Standard Probability Distributions
Uniform(discrete/continuous), Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, hyper-geometric,
exponential, gamma- one and two parameter(s),beta(type I and type II),- mean, variance, mgf,
additive property, lack of memory property. Normal distribution with all properties.(Problems
based on these topics)
Module 3 - Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
Chebychev's inequality, Weak Law of Large Numbers- Bernoulli's and Chebychev's form.
Central Limit Theorem(Lindberg- Levy form with proof).(Problems based on these topics)
Module 4 - Sampling Distributions
Concept of sampling from a probability distribution .i.i.d. observations. Concept of sampling
distributions, Statistic(s) and standard error(s). Mean and variance of sample mean when
sampling is from a finite population. Sampling distribution of mean and variance from normal
distribution. Chi-square, t, F distributions and statistics following these distributions. Relation

among Normal, Chi-square, t and F distributions.(Problems based on these topics)


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 2 0 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Goon A. M., Gupta M. K., and Dasgupta B.(2005). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol.
II, 8th edition, World Press, Kolkatta.
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education Inc.

6. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics Programme

Semester IV - Course IV


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4
Module I : Point Estimation
Concepts of Estimation, Estimators and Estimates. Point and interval estimation. Properties of
good estimators- unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency and sufficiency. factorization
theorem(statement). (problems based on these topics).
Module II : Methods of Estimation, Interval Estimation
Methods of moments, maximum likelihood. Invariance property of ML Estimators (without
proof).minimum variance. Cramer-Rao inequality(statement only) 100(1-α)% confidence
intervals for mean, variance and proportions(problems based on these topics)
Module III : Testing of Hypotheses, Large Sample Tests
Statistical hypotheses, null and alternate hypotheses, simple and composite hypotheses, type-I
and type-II errors. Critical Region. Size and power of a test, p-value, Neyman-Pearson approach.
Large sample tests - z-tests for means, difference of means, proportion and difference of
proportion, chi-square tests for independence, homogeneity.
Module IV : Small Sample Tests
Normal tests for mean, difference of means and proportion (when σ known), t-tests for mean and
difference of means(when σ unknown), paired t-test, test for proportion(binomial), chi-square
test, F-test for ratio of variances. (derivation not required)
(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the question paper )

Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Goon A. M., Gupta M. K., and Dasgupta B.(2005). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol.
I, 8th edition, World Press, Kolkatta.
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment
may be given for mini group project with some real life data Primary or secondary. This
gives the students an opportunity to understand the application of the statistical methods
they have studied.

7(b)(ii).Syllabi of
Complementary Courses in
Statistics of B. Sc. Physics
(Model I )Programme
The Structure of the 4 Complementary Courses in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Physics (Model I) Programme is as given under :

Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits Per
1 Complementary ST1CMT01 - Descriptive Statistics 3 4 72
2 Complementary ST2CMT02 - Probability Theory 3 4 72
3 Complementary ST3CMT03 - Probability Distributions 4 5 90
4 Complementary ST4CMT04 - Statistical Inference 4 5 90

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Physics Programme

Semester I - Course I


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3

Module I:Different aspects of data, and its collection

Statistics as collected facts and figures, and as a science for extracting information from data.
Concepts of a statistical population and sample. Different types of characteristics and data-
qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional and time-series, discrete and continuous, frequency
and non-frequency. Different types of scale- nominal and ordinal, ratio and interval. Collection
of data- census and sampling. Different types of random samples- simple random sample,
systematic, stratified and cluster (description only).
Module II :Central tendency and Dispersion
Averages- Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean and
Weightedaverages..Absolute Measures of dispersion- Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean
Deviation and Standard Deviation. Combined mean and standard deviation, C.V, relative
measures of dispersion, Ogives and Box plot.(problems based on the above topics)
Module III :, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis
Raw moments, central moments and their inter relation. Skewness- Pearson's, Bowly's and
moment measures of skewness. Kurtosis- percentile and moment measure of kurtosis(problems
based on the above topics).. (15L)

Module IV : Index Numbers

Definition of Index Numbers. Price Index Numbers. Price Index Numbers as Simple (A. M.,G.
M.)and Weighted averages (A. M.)of price relatives. Laspeyer's, Paasche's and Fisher's Index

Numbers. Time-Reversal and Factor-Reversal tests. Cost of living index numbers-family budget
and aggregate expenditure methods. An introduction to Whole sale Price Index and Consumer
Price Index.(problems based on the above topics)

(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Goon, A. M.,Gupta M. K. and Dasgupta,B(1986).Fundamentals of Statistics,Volume1, world

press, Kolkota
2. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2007).Fundamentals of applied StatisticsSultanChandand
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.

5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,
Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
8. Mukhopadhya, P. (1999). Applied Statistics, New central book agency private limited,
9. Seemon, T.(2014). Basic Statistics. Narosa Publishing House

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Physics Programme

Semester II - Course II


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3
Module I : Probability
Random experiments. Complement, union and intersection of events and their meaning.
Mutually exclusive, equally likely and Independent events. Classical, Frequency and Axiomatic
approaches to probability. Monotone property, Addition theorem (up to 3 events. Conditional
probability. Multiplication theorem(up to 3 events). Independence of events.. Bayes'
theorem.(problems based on the above topics) (20L)
Module II : Probability Distribution of Univariate Random Variables
Concept of random variables. discrete and continuous random variables. Probability mass and
density functions, and cumulative distribution functions. Evaluation of conditional and
unconditional probabilities. Change of variables- methods of jacobian and cumulative
distribution function (one variable case).(problems based on the above topics)
Module III : Probability Distribution of Bivariate Random Variables
Concept of a two-component random vector. Bivariate probability mass and density functions.
Marginal and conditional distributions. Independence of bivariate random variables.(problems
based on the above topics). (15L)

Module IV : Correlation and Regression

Bivariate data. types of correlation. scatter diagram. Karl Pearson's product- moment
And Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. regression equations- fitting of polynomial
equations of degree one and two ; exponential curve, power curve. Two type of regression
curves, Identification of regression equations. (problems based on theabove topics)


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

1. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
2. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014) Introduction to Mathematical Statis-
tics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
3. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
4. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,
Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Ross, S.(2003). A first comes in probability Pearson, Education Publishers, Delhi
Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment
may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Physics Programme

Semester III - Course III


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4
Module I : Mathematical Expectation
Expectation of random variables and their functions. Definition of - Raw moments, central
moments and their interrelation, A.M, G.M, H.M, S.D, M.D., covariance, Pearson's correlation
coefficient in terms of expectation.MGF and characteristic function and simple properties.
Moments from mgf. (Problems based on these topics)
Module 2 : Standard Probability Distributions
Uniform(discrete/continuous), Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, hyper-geometric,
exponential, gamma- one and two parameter(s),beta(type I and type II),- mean, variance, mgf,
additive property, lack of memory property. Normal distribution with all properties.(Problems
based on these topics). (25L)
Module 3 - Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
Chebychev's inequality, Weak Law of Large Numbers- Bernoulli's and Chebychev's form.
Central Limit Theorem(Lindberg- Levy form with proof).(Problems based on these topics).
Module 4 - Sampling Distributions
Concept of sampling from a probability distribution i.i.d. observations. Concept of sampling
distributions, Statistic(s) and standard error(s). Mean and variance of sample mean when
sampling is from a finite population. Sampling distribution of mean and variance from normal
distribution. Chi-square, t, F distributions and statistics following these distributions. Relation
among Normal, Chi-square, t and F distributions.(Problems based on these topics).


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 2 0 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

1. Goon A. M., Gupta M. K., and Dasgupta B.(2005). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol.
II, 8th edition, World Press, Kolkatta.
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment
may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Physics Programme

Semester IV - Course IV


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4
Module I : Point Estimation
Concepts of Estimation, Estimators and Estimates. Point and interval estimation. Properties of
good estimators- unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency and sufficiency. factorization
theorem(statement). (problems based on these topics).
Module II : Methods of Estimation, Interval Estimation
Methods of moments, maximum likelihood. Invariance property of ML Estimators (without
proof).minimum variance. Cramer-Rao inequality(statement only) 100(1-α)% confidence
intervals for mean, variance and proportions(problems based on these topics).

Module III : Testing of Hypotheses, Large Sample Tests

Statistical hypotheses, null and alternate hypotheses, simple and composite hypotheses, type-I
and type-II errors. Critical Region. Size and power of a test, p-value, Neyman-Pearson approach.
Large sample tests - z-tests for means, difference of means, proportion and difference of
proportion, chi-square tests for independence, homogeneity.
Module IV : Small Sample Tests
Normal tests for mean, difference of means and proportion (when σ known), t-tests for mean and
difference of means(when σ unknown), paired t-test, test for proportion(binomial), chi-square
test, F-test for ratio of variances. (derivation not required)


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

1. Goon A. M., Gupta M. K., and Dasgupta B.(2005). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol.
I, 8th edition, World Press, Kolkatta.
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson EducationInc.
6. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment
may be given for mini group project with some real life data Primary or secondary. This
gives the students an opportunity to understand the application of the statistical methods
they have studied.

7(b)(iii). Syllabi of
Complementary Courses in
Statistics of B. Sc. Psychology
(Model I)Programme
The Structure of the 4 Complementary Courses in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Psychology (Model I) Programme is as given under :
Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits Per
1 Complementary ST1CMT21 - Basic Statistics 2 3 54
2 Complementary ST2CMT22 - Statistical Tools 2 3 54
ST3CMT23 - Probability and
3 Complementary 2 3 54
Probability Distributions
4 Complementary ST4CMT24 - Statistical Inference 2 3 54

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Psychology Programme

Semester I–Course I
Hours per week-3
Number of credits -2
Module I :
Introduction to Statistics-Introduction to Statistics. Need and importance of
Statistics in Psychology. Variables and attributes, Levels of Measurement:
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio. Collection of data-primary and secondary,
census and sampling, classification and tabulation, grouped and ungrouped
frequency table .Diagrammatical and graphical representation of data- bar diagram,
pie diagram, frequency polygon and curve, histogram, ogives (20L)

Module II:
Census and Sampling. Different methods of sampling. Requisites of a good
sampling method. Advantages of sampling methods. Simple random sampling,
Stratified sampling. Systematic sampling (15L)
Module III
Measures of central tendency- mean, median and mode- properties, merits and
demerits (20L)
Core Reference:
Gupta.S.P., Statistical Methods. Sulthan Chand and Sons New Delhi.
Additional References
1. Aron, A., Aron. R., & Coups, E. J. (2006).Statistics for Psychology.
(4thed). New Delhi: Pearson Education (ISBN: 81-317-1464-20.
2. Mangal, S. K. (2002). Statistics in Psychology and Education. (2nded).

New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. (ISBN: 978-81-

3. Hentry E Garett – Statistics in Psychology &Education
4. J.F. Guilford Fundamentals of Statistics in Psychology & Education-
5. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor : Fundamentals of Mathematical
Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons.
6. Fundamentals of Statistics: DN Elhance, KitabMahal , Allahabad.
(The number of questions from the 3 modules to be included in the 3 parts of
the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment may be given for
solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Psychology Programme

Semester II - Course II
Hours per week-3
Number of credits -2
Module I
Measures of dispersion-Range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard
deviation-properties ,merits and demerits, coefficient of variation (17L)
Module II
Raw Moments, Central Moments, Inter Relationships (First Four Moments),
Skewness – Measures – Pearson, Bowley and Moment Measure, Kurtosis-
Measures of Kurtosis – Moment Measure. (20L)
Module III
Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation, Scatter Diagram, Interpretation of
Correlation Coefficient, Rank Correlation, Regression, Regression Equation,
Identifying the Regression Lines (17L)

Core Reference:
Gupta.S.P., Statistical Methods. Sulthan Chand and Sons New Delhi.

Additional References
1. Aron, A., Aron. R., & Coups, E. J. (2006).Statistics for Psychology.
(4thed). New Delhi: Pearson Education (ISBN: 81-317-1464-20.
2. Mangal, S. K. (2002). Statistics in Psychology and Education. (2nded).
New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. (ISBN: 978-81-

3. Hentry E Garett – Statistics in Psychology &Education

4. J.F. Guilford Fundamentals of Statistics in Psychology & Education-
5. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor : Fundamentals of Mathematical
Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons.
6. Fundamentals of Statistics: DN Elhance, KitabMahal , Allahabad.


(The number of questions from the 3 modules to be included in the 3 parts of
the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment may be given for
solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Psychology Programme

Semester III - Course III
Hours per week-3
Number of credits - 2
Probability: Basic concepts, different approaches, conditional probability,
independence, addition theorem, multiplication theorem (without proof) for two
events, simple examples. (17L)
Random variables, Discrete and Continuous, p.m.f and p.d.f., c.d.f of discrete
r.v. Mathematical Expectation of a discrete r.v., Mean and Variance of a discrete
r.v. (17L)
Binomial distribution- mean and variance, simple examples. Normal distribution -
definition, p.d.f. simple properties, calculation of probabilities using standard
normal tables, simple problems. (20L)

Core Reference:

1. Gupta.S.P., Statistical Methods. Sulthan Chand and Sons New Delhi

Additional References

1. Aron, A., Aron. R., & Coups, E. J. (2006).Statistics for Psychology.

(4thed). New Delhi: Pearson Education (ISBN: 81-317-1464-20.

2. Mangal, S. K. (2002). Statistics in Psychology and Education. (2nded).

New Delhi:Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.(ISBN:978-81-203-8).
3. Hentry E Garett – Statistics in Psychology &Education
4. J.F. Guilford Fundamentals of Statistics in Psychology & Education-
5. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor : Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
Sultan Chand and Sons.
6. Fundamentals of Statistics: DN Elhance, KitabMahal , Allahabad.


(The number of questions from the 3 modules to be included in the 3 parts of
the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment may be given for
solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Psychology Programme

Semester IV –Course IV
Hours per week – 3
Number of credits - 2
Module I
Testing of hypothesis- Statistical hypothesis, Simple and composite hypothesis
Null and Alternate hypothesis, Type I and Type II errors, Critical Region, Size
of the test, P value. (17L)
Module II
Large sample tests - z-tests for means, difference of means, proportion and difference of
proportion, chi-square tests for independence, homogeneity (17L)
Module III : Small Sample Tests
Normal tests for mean, difference of means and proportion (when σ known), t-tests for mean and
difference of means (when σ unknown), paired t-test, test for proportion (binomial), chi-square
test for variance, F-test for ratio of variances.

Core Reference:
Gupta.S.P., Statistical Methods. Sulthan Chand and Sons New Delhi.

Additional References

1. Aron, A., Aron. R., & Coups, E. J. (2006).Statistics for Psychology.

(4thed). New Delhi: Pearson Education (ISBN: 81-317-1464-20.
2. Mangal, S. K. (2002). Statistics in Psychology and Education. (2nded).
New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. (ISBN: 978-81-203-8).

3. Hentry E Garett – Statistics in Psychology &Education

4. J.F. Guilford Fundamentals of Statistics in Psychology & Education- McGraw
5. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor : Fundamentals of Mathematical
Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons.
6. Fundamentals of Statistics: DN Elhance, KitabMahal,Allahabad.

(The number of questions from the 3 modules to be included in the 3 parts of

the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for mini group project with some real life data Primary or
secondary. This gives the students an opportunity to understand the application
of the statistical methods they have studied.

7(b)(iv).Syllabus of
Complementary Course in
Statistics of B.Sc. Electronics
(Model III) Programme
The Structure of the Complementary Course in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Electronics (Model III) Programme is as given under :
Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits
Per Week Total
ST3CMT01 - Probability and
3 Complementary 3 4 72

Complementary Course to B.Sc. Electronics Programme

Semester III
Hours per week : 4
Number of credits : 3
Aim of the Course: To get an in-depth knowledge of probability theory and statistics
which will complement the studies in Electronics and communication theory.

Unit I – Descriptive Statistics (15 Hours)

Statistics as collected facts and figures, and as a branch of science for extracting information
from data. Statistical population and sample. Census and sampling. Primary and secondary data.
Data collection by - direct investigation, using third parties, sending questionnaire, by mail /
phone. Methods

Diagrammatic representation of data,  diagram only. Graphical representation of data -

histogram and ogive, Measures of central tendency-mean, median and mode. Measures of
dispersion-variance and coefficient of variation, Measures of skewness and Kurtosis - measures
in terms of moments only. Sampling techniques for the selection of representative samples-
probability sampling and non probability sampling.

Unit II – Probability and probability distributions (16 Hours)

Introduction, definition of probability, probability distribution, discrete distributions- Poisson

and binomial, Continuous distributions - normal distributions. Problems based on normal

Unit III – Statistical Inference (15 Hours)

Introduction, Sampling distribution, Estimation of parameter – point estimation only, Testing of
hypothesis – large sample-Testing mean and proportion only. Goodness of fit.

Unit IV – Correlation (8 Hours)

Introduction, Correlation, types of correlation. Methods of finding correlation – scatter diagram,

Kurl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

Unit V- Regression analysis (8 Hours)

Regression analysis, Methods of finding regression line – least square method, by taking
deviations from mean, Properties of regression coefficients.

Books for references

1) S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor(Sulthan Chand & sons) –Fundamentals of Mathematical
2) S.P. Gupta - (Sulthan Chand & sons) – Elementary Statistical methods

Books for further reading

1) A.K. Sharma – Text book of elementary statistics
2) Schaum’s series – Probability and Statistics
3) Purna Chandra Biswal - Probability and Statistics
4) Johnson Richard A – Miller and Freund’s - Probability and Statistics for Engineers.


(The number of questions from the 4 modules to be included in the 4 parts of
the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

7(b)(v). Syllabi of
Complementary Courses in
Statistics of BCA (Model III)
The Structure of the 2 Complementary Courses in Statistics offered for
BCA (Model III) Programme is as given under :

Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits
Per Week Total
ST1CMT31 - Basic Statistics
1 Complementary and Introductory Probability 3 4 72
ST3CMT32 - Advanced
3 Complementary 4 4 72
Statistical Methods

Complementary Course to BCA Programme

Semester I - Course I
Hours per week -4
Number of credits -3

BRIDGE COURSE(This topics is for internal evaluation only. Quick review

and give internal assessment from this topics. Not included in the external
examination)…………………………………………………………(5 Hours)
Introduction to Statistics, Population and Sample, Collection of Data, Census
and Sampling, Methods of Sampling Simple Random Sampling (with and
without replacement) stratified sampling systematic sampling (Method only),
Types of data quantitative, qualitative, Classification and Tabulation,
Diagrammatic representation - Bar diagram, Pie diagram;…………… (12 Hours)
Module I
Graphical representation histogram; frequency polygon; frequency curve;
ogives and stem and leaf chart. Measures of Central Tendency -Mean, Median,
Mode, Quantile points-quartiles, Percentiles, Deciles. Measures of Dispersion -
Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of
Variation. Box Plot…………………………………………………… (12 Hours)
Module II
Introduction to bivariate data , Scatter Diagram ,Curve Fitting by the Method
of Least Squares (without proof) Fitting of Straight Lines, Exponential Curve,
Power Curve, Linear Correlation CovarianceMethod( formula only) and simple
problems, Linear Regression-Regression Equations identification of regression

lines and properties ……………………………………………………(13 Hours )

Module III
Probability Concepts Random Experiment, Sample Space, Events, Probability
Measure, Approaches to Probability- Classical, Statistical and Axiomatic,
Addition Theorem (upto 3 events) Conditional Probability, Independence of
events, Multiplication theorem (upto 3 events), Total Probability Law, Bayes
Theorem and its applications……………………………………… (15 Hours )
Module IV
Random variables and distribution functions Random variables, probability
density (mass) function, distribution function- properties, expectation of a
discrete and continuous random variables-properties (without proof) mean and
standard deviation of different probability density function, moment generating
function, important properties (without proof)………………………..(15 Hours )

Core Reference

1. S.P. Gupta: Statistical Methods (Sultan Chand & Sons Delhi).

2. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. B.L. Agarwal: Basic Statistics, New Age International (p) Ltd.

Additional References
1. ParimalMukhopadhya: Mathematical Statistics, New Central Book
Agency (p) Ltd, Calcutta
2. Murthy M.N.: Sampling theory and Methods, Statistical Publishing
Society, Calcutta.


(The number of questions from the 4 modules to be included in the 3 parts of

the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Complementary Course to BCA Programme

Semester III–Course II


Hours per week -4
Number of credits -4
Module I
Theoretical distributions. Discrete distribution(Uniform, Bernoulli, binomial and
Poisson), mean, variance, moment generating functions and fitting of data.
Continuous distribution- Uniform and normal distribution-important properties
(without proof) of the distribution (mean, variance, moments, mgf, M.D. and Q.D
Area under the normal curve-related problems………………………... (16Hours )
Module II
Sampling Distributions. definition, Statistic, Parameter, Standard Error,
Sampling Distributions of Mean of the sample from Normal population and
distribution of Variance(form alone), statement of the form of the distributions 2,
t and F (without derivation), properties, Inter relationships…………….(16 Hours )
Module III
Estimation of parameters- Point Estimation and Interval estimation, properties
of Point Estimation- Unbiasedness, Efficiency; Consistency; Sufficiency,
Methods of estimation-method of moments and method of maximum likelihood.
Interval Estimation for Mean, Variance of normal population and Proportion of
binomial population………………………………………………… (20Hours )
Module IV
Testing of hypotheses- Statistical hypotheses, Simple and composite hypotheses.
Null and Alternate hypothesis, Two types of errors, Critical Region, Size of the

test, Significance level P value, Power, Large Sample test Z test-,t test Chi-Square
test-goodness of fit, test of independence……………………………..(20 Hours )

1. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
Sultan Chand and Sons
2. S.C Gupta: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and
3. V.K. Rohatgi: An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical
Statistics, Wiley Eastern

(The number of questions from the 4 modules to be included in the 3 parts of

the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

7(b)(vi). Syllabus of
Complementary Course in
Statistics of B.Sc. Computer
Science (Model III)
The Structure of the Complementary Course in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Computer science (Model III) Programme is as given under :
Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits
Per Week Total
ST3CMT41 - Statistical Methods
3 Complementary 3 4 72
and Probability Theory

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Computer Science

Semester III - Course I

ST3CMT41–Statistical Methods and Probability Theory

Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3
Module I: Different aspects of data, and its collection
Concepts of a statistical population and sample. Different types of characteristics and data-
qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional and time-series, discrete and continuous, frequency
and non-frequency. Different types of scale- nominal and ordinal, ratio and interval. Collection
of data- census and sampling. Different types of random samples- simple random sample,
systematic, stratified and cluster (description only).
(16 Hours )
Module II :Central tendency and Dispersion
Averages- Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean and Weighted
averages. Quantiles- quartiles, deciles, percentiles. Measures of absolute dispersion - Range,
Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation. Box plot. relative measures. C.V.
(16 Hours )
Module III : Probability

Random experiments. Complement, union and intersection of events and their meaning.
Mutually exclusive, equally likely and Independent events. Classical, Frequency and Axiomatic
approaches to probability. Monotone property, Addition theorem (up to 3 events).Conditional
probability. Multiplication theorem(up to 3 events). Independence of events. Total probability
law. Bayes' theorem. Expectation of random variables and their functions. mean and variance.
(20 Hours )

Module IV : Standard Probability Distributions

Uniform(discrete/continuous), Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson. Normal distribution with all

(20 Hours )


1. Goon, A. M.,Gupta M. K. and Dasgupta,B(1986).Fundamentals of Statistics,Volume1, world

press, Kolkota
2. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2007).Fundamentals of applied Statistics,Sultan Chand and
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,
Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
8. Mukhopadhya, P. (1999). Applied Statistics, New central book agency private limited,
9. Seemon, T.(2014). Basic Statistics.Narosa Publishing House


(The number of questions from the 4 modules to be included in the 3 parts of

the question paper)

Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two.

7(b)(vii). Syllabi of
Complementary Courses in
Statistics of B.A Economics
(Model II)Programme
The Structure of the Complementary Course in Statistics offered for B.A.
Economics (Model II) Programme is as given under :

Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits
Per Week Total
ST3CMT51 – Quantitative
3 Complementary 5 6 108
Techniques for Economic Analysis I
ST4CMT52 – Quantitative
4 Complementary 5 6 108
Techniques for Economic Analysis II

Complementary Course in Statistics of B.A Economics

(Model II) Programme
Semester III - Course I

ST3CMT51 – Quantitative Techniques for Economic AnalysisI

Hours per week - 6
Number of credits - 5

Learning Objectives

The major objective of this course is to impart students a clear idea about the basic tools and
their applications in analyzing economic issues and finding solutions.

Module I

Role of Statistics in Economics – Functions–limitations.Methods of primary data collection-

census and sampling methods - Preparation of schedules and questionnaires, sample designs –
random sampling and non-random sampling (SRS, systematic, stratified, cluster and multistage

Classification and Tabulation of Statistical data: Characteristics and types of classification- types
of tables-difference between classification and tabulation. Presentation of data using charts and
diagrams. (Histogram, Polygon, frequency curve, Bar chart, Pie diagram, Ogives)


Module II

Central tendency: Various Measures - Properties, merits & demerits of Arithmetic mean,
median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic mean – applications in economics.

Dispersion: Various Measures, absolute and relative measures – Range, quartile deviation, mean
deviation, standard deviation – Lorenz curve and its economic applications. Skewness, Kurtosis,

Moments: Types of skewness –measurement - Kurtosis – Definition and types (graphic

presentation) Moments: central and raw moments (for ungrouped data only).
(40 Hrs)

Module III

Correlation and Regression Analysis: Correlation- significance and types– measurement: scatter
diagram, Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient, (for ungrouped data only) and Rank correlation.
Cause and effect relationships:

Regression- meaning and significance-regression equations/regression lines-the line of best fit –

prediction based on regression equations. Relation between correlation and regression.
(22 Hrs)

Module IV

Basic Mathematics for Economic Analysis – Basic concepts: variables, constants, parameters,
equations, exponents and logarithms, sequences and progressions - arithmetic and geometric.
Applications of progressions in economics: problems relating to simple interest, compound
interest, depreciation of assets and Net Present value. The real number system: properties of real
numbers and types of numbers.



1. Gupta S.P. Statistical methods. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Sharma J.K. Business statistics. Noida, India: Pearson Education.
3. Richard I Levin et.al. Statistics for management. India: Pearson Education.
4. Srivastava U.K et.al. Quantitative techniques for managerial decisions. New Delhi: New
Age International Publishers.
5. Chiang A.C. (2005). Fundamental methods of mathematical Economics. McGraw Hill.
6. Allen R.G.D. Mathematical analysis for economists. Palgrave Mac Millan.
7. Monga G.S. Mathematics and statistics for economists. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing

8. Bradley Terasa. Essential mathematics for economics and business. New Delhi Wiley
India Edn.


(The number of questions from the 4 modules to be included in the 3 parts of

the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Complementary Course in Statistics of B.A Economics

(Model II)Programme
Semester IV - Course II

ST4CMT52 – Quantitative Techniques for Economic AnalysisII

Hours per week - 6
Number of credits - 5
Learning Objectives

In order to understand economic problems clearly, the knowledge on theory of index numbers,
time series and the concept of probability and theoretical distribution is necessary. This course is
meant to train the student in this direction.

Module I

Time series: meaning, definition, uses, components – additive and multiplicative models,
measurement of trend- free hand method, semi average, moving average and least square
methods. (12 Hrs)

Module II

Index Numbers – Different types – Importance and limitations, Problems in construction –

Weighted and Unweighted price index numbers – Different methods of constructing price
indices– Simple aggregative, simple average of price relatives, Weighted aggregative:
Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Fisher’s and Marshall Edgeworth’s indices, weighted average of price
relatives methods. Cost of living index numbers: significance, uses and methods of construction
– aggregate expenditure method and family budget methods-WPI. Tests of index numbers
(20 Hrs)

Calculus- Limits & Continuity, Derivatives: Meaning and significance - Rules of differentiation
– First order and second order derivatives – Maxima and Minima of functions. Applications in
economics. (25 Hrs.)

Module III

Set theory - types of sets -set operations – Venn diagrams. Relations and functions: ordered pairs
and Cartesian product. Functions: Types - Important economic functions. Linear and Quadratic-
Solution to system of equations up to three unknowns- Matrices-Types, Matrix manipulations
and their rules, Order of Matrix, Transpose of Matrix-Determinants up to order 3x3- Properties
and Value of determinant, Minor and Cofactor, Inverse and Cramer’s Rule.
(28 hrs)

Module IV

Theory of Probability - Scope of probability in Economics- the case of uncertainty - Concepts –

Rules of probability (addition and multiplication theorem – statement only) – Different
approaches – Important terms related to probability (Random experiments, sample space, events)
– Simple economic problems based on probability theorems – Probability distributions –
binomial and normal – estimation of probabilities using binomial theorem standard normal table
- their properties and uses and applications in Economics.
(23 Hrs.)


1. Gupta S.P. Statistical methods. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Sharma J.K. Business statistics. Noida, India: Pearson Education.
3. Richard I Levin et.al. Statistics for management. India: Pearson Education.
4. Srivastava U.K et.al. Quantitative techniques for managerial decisions. New Delhi: New
Age International Publishers.
5. Chiang A.C. (2005). Fundamental methods of mathematical Economics. McGraw Hill.
6. Allen R.G.D. Mathematical analysis for economists. Palgrave Mac Millan.
7. Monga G.S. Mathematics and statistics for economists. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing
8. Bradley Terasa. Essential mathematics for economics and business. New Delhi: Wiley
India Edn.


(The number of questions from the 5 modules to be included in the 3 parts of
the question paper)
Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

7(c). Syllabi of Core Courses

in Statistics of B.Sc.
Computer Applications
(Model III) Programme
The Structure of the 6 Core Courses in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Computer Applications (Model III) Programme is as given under :
Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits Per
CORE (CR) ST1CRT21 - Descriptive
1 3 4 72
2 CORE (CR) ST2CRT22 - Probability Theory 3 4 72
CORE (CR) ST3CR23 - Probability
3 4 5 90
4 CORE (CR) ST4CRT24 - Statistical Inference 4 5 90
CORE (CR) ST4CRT25 - Sample Survey
5 4 5 90
CORE (CR) ST5CRT26 - Environmental
6 Studies, Human Right and Design 4 5 90
of Experiment

Core Course to B. Sc. Computer Applications Programme

Semester I - Course I


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3

Module I:Different aspects of data, and its collection

Statistics as collected facts and figures, and as a science for extracting information from data.
Concepts of a statistical population and sample. Different types of characteristics and data-
qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional and time-series, discrete and continuous, frequency
and non-frequency. Different types of scale- nominal and ordinal, ratio and interval. Collection
of data- census and sampling. Different types of random samples- simple random sample,
systematic, stratified and cluster (description only).
Module II :Central tendency and Dispersion
Averages- Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean and Weighted
averages. Absolute Measures of dispersion- Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation and
Standard Deviation. Combined mean and standard deviation, C.V, relative measures of
dispersion, Ogives and Box plot.(problems based on the above topics)
Module III :, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis
Raw moments, central moments and their inter relation. Skewness- Pearson's, Bowly's and
moment measures of skewness. Kurtosis- percentile and moment measure of kurtosis(problems
based on the above topics). (15L)
Module IV : Index Numbers
Definition of Index Numbers. Price Index Numbers. Price Index Numbers as Simple (A. M.,G.
M.)and Weighted averages (A. M.)of price relatives. Laspeyer's, Paasche's and Fisher's Index
Numbers. Time-Reversal and Factor-Reversal tests. Cost of living index numbers-family budget

and aggregate expenditure methods. An introduction to Whole sale Price Index and Consumer
Price Index.(problems based on the above topics)



(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the four parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Goon, A. M.,Gupta M. K. and Dasgupta,B(1986).Fundamentals of Statistics,Volume1, world

press, Kolkota
2. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2007).Fundamentals of applied Statistics,SultanChandand

4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.

5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,
Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
8. Mukhopadhya, P. (1999). Applied Statistics, New central book agency private limited,
9. Seemon, T.(2014). Basic Statistics.Narosa Publishing House

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Core Course to B. Sc. Computer Applications Programme

Semester II - Course II


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 4
Number of credits - 3
Module I : Probability
Random experiments. Complement, union and intersection of events and their meaning.
Mutually exclusive, equally likely and Independent events. Classical, Frequency and Axiomatic
approaches to probability. Monotone property, Addition theorem (up to 3 events. Conditional
probability. Multiplication theorem(up to 3 events). Independence of events.. Bayes'
theorem.(problems based on the above topics) (20L)

Module II : Probability Distribution of Univariate Random Variables

Concept of random variables. discrete and continuous random variables. Probability mass and
density functions, and cumulative distribution functions. Evaluation of conditional and
unconditional probabilities. Change of variables- methods of jacobian and cumulative
distribution function (one variable case).(problems based on the above topics)
Module III : Probability Distribution of Bivariate Random Variables
Concept of a two-component random vector. Bivariate probability mass and density functions.
Marginal and conditional distributions. Independence of bivariate random variables.(problems
based on the above topics). (15L)
Module IV : Correlation and Regression
Bivariate data. types of correlation. scatter diagram. Karl Pearson's product- moment
And Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. regression equations- fitting of polynomial
equations of degree one and two ; exponential curve, power curve. Two type of regression
curves, Identification of regression equations. (problems based on the above topics)


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129


1. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th

edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
2. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014) Introduction to Mathematical Statis-
tics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
3. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
4. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Mood, A. M., Graybill, F.A. and Bose, F.A.(1974).Introduction to Theory of Statistics,
Oxford and IBH publishers.
7. Ross, S.(2003). A first comes in probability Pearson, Education Publishers, Delhi

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Core Course to B. Sc. Computer Applications Programme

Semester III - Course III


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4
Module I : Mathematical Expectation
Expectation of random variables and their functions. Definition of - Raw moments, central
moments and their interrelation, A.M, G.M, H.M, S.D, M.D., covariance, Pearson's correlation
coefficient in terms of expectation.MGF and characteristic function and simple properties.
Moments from mgf. (Problems based on these topics)

Module 2 : Standard Probability Distributions

Uniform(discrete/continuous), Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, hyper-geometric,
exponential, gamma- one and two parameter(s),beta(type I and type II),- mean, variance, mgf,
additive property, lack of memory property. Normal distribution with all properties.(Problems
based on these topics). (25L)
Module 3 - Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
Chebychev's inequality, Weak Law of Large Numbers- Bernoulli's and Chebychev's form.
Central Limit Theorem(Lindberg- Levy form with proof).(Problems based on these topics).
Module 4 - Sampling Distributions
Concept of sampling from a probability distribution .i.i.d. observations. Concept of sampling
distributions, Statistic(s) and standard error(s). Mean and variance of sample mean when
sampling is from a finite population. Sampling distribution of mean and variance from normal
distribution. Chi-square, t, F distributions and statistics following these distributions. Relation
among Normal, Chi-square, t and F distributions.(Problems based on these topics)


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 0 1 1 2 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

1. Goon A. M., Gupta M. K., and Dasgupta B.(2005). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol.II, 8th
edition, World Press, Kolkatta.
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to MathematicalStatistics, 6th
edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson EducationInc.
6. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.

Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment

may be given for solving problems from the above syllabus, at least two assignment.

Core Course to B. Sc. Computer Applications Programme

Semester IV - Course IV


(Common to B. Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics and B. Sc. Computer Applications
Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4
Module I : Point Estimation
Concepts of Estimation, Estimators and Estimates. Point and interval estimation. Properties of
good estimators- unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency and sufficiency. factorization
theorem(statement). (problems based on these topics). (25L)

Module II : Methods of Estimation, Interval Estimation

Methods of moments, maximum likelihood. Invariance property of ML Estimators (without
proof).minimum variance. Cramer-Rao inequality(statement only) 100(1-α)% confidence
intervals for mean, variance and proportions(problems based on these topics).
Module III : Testing of Hypotheses, Large Sample Tests
Statistical hypotheses, null and alternate hypotheses, simple and composite hypotheses, type-I
and type-II errors. Critical Region. Size and power of a test, p-value, Neyman-Pearson approach.
Large sample tests - z-tests for means, difference of means, proportion and difference of
proportion, chi-square tests for independence, homogeneity.
Module IV : Small Sample Tests
Normal tests for mean, difference of means and proportion (when σ known), t-tests for mean and
difference of means (when σ unknown), paired t-test, test for proportion(binomial), chi-square
test, F-test for ratio of variances. (derivation not required)
(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the four parts of the

question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 4 3 4 2 1 10 40 6 24
B 6 3 2 3 2 10 60 6 36
C 10 0 1 1 2 4 40 2 20
Questions 6 7 6 5 24 140 14 80
30 38 36 36 140

1. Goon A. M., Gupta M. K., and Dasgupta B.(2005). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol.
I, 8th edition, World Press, Kolkatta.
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson EducationInc.
6. Medhi J.(2006). Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishes.
Note: The 5 marks for the Assignment component of Internal assessment
may be given for a mini group project using real life data (primary or secondary). This
gives the students an opportunity to understand the application of the statistical
Techniques they studied.

Core Course to B. Sc. Computer Applications Programme

Semester IV - Course V


Hours per week - 5
Number of credits - 4

Module I:Basic Concepts-Census and sampling, types of sampling – probability and non-
probability sampling, advantages and disadvantages, principal steps in a sample survey, sampling
and non-sampling errors, organizational aspects of sample survey.
Indian Official Statistics-Methods of collection of official Statistics. Role of Ministry of
Statistics &Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Central Statistical Office (CSO), National
Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and National Statistical Commission (NSC).Government of
India’s principal publications containing data on the topics such as population, industry and
Module II: Simple Random Sampling-Simple random sampling with and without replacement,
procedures of selecting a sample, unbiased estimates of the population mean and population
total-their variances and estimates of the variances, confidence interval for population mean and
total, simple random sampling for attributes, determination of the sample size based on desired
accuracy for variables and attributes.

Module III: Stratified Random Sampling-Estimation of the population mean and population
total-their variances and estimates of the variances, proportional allocation and Neyman
allocation of sample sizes, cost function – optimum allocation, comparison with simple random

Module IV: Systematic and Cluster Sampling- Linear and circular systematic sampling,
estimates of the population mean and population total, comparison of systematic sampling with
simple random sampling. Cluster sampling – clusters with equal sizes –estimation of population
mean and total – their variances and estimates of the variances.

Books for Study

1. Gupta,S.C. and. Kapoor,V.K .(2014).Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand

& Co. New Delhi.
2. Cochran, W.G. (2007).Sampling Techniques, (3rd ed.),John Wiley and Sons.
3. http://mospi.nic.in
1. Singh,D. andChoudhary,F.S.(2013)Theory and Analysis of sample survey Designs, New
Age International Publishers.
2. Mukhopadhyay, P. (2008). Theory and Methods of Survey Sampling, (2nded.) Prentice-
Hall of India.
3. Sampath,S.(2005).Sampling Theory and Methods,(2nd ed.),Alpha Science International


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 3 2 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 7 6 6 6 25 129 18 80
36 31 31 31 129

Core Course to B. Sc. Computer Applications Programme

Semester V - Course VI


Hours per week – 5
Number of credits -4

The importance of environmental science and environmental studies cannot be disputed. The
need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Continuing problems of pollution,
solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues like economic productivity and national security,
Global warming, the depletion of ozone layer and loss of biodiversity have made everyone aware of
environmental issues. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de
Janerio in 1992 and World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002 have drawn the
attention of people around the globe to the deteriorating condition of our environment. It is clear that no
citizen of the earth can afford to be ignorant of environment issues..

India is rich in biodiversity which provides various resources for people. Only about 1.7 million living
organisms have been described and named globally. Still many more remain to be identified and
described. Attempts are made to conserve them in ex-situ and in-situ situations. Intellectual property
rights (IPRs) have become important in a biodiversity-rich country like India to protect microbes, plants
and animals that have useful genetic properties. Destruction of habitats, over-use of energy resource and
environmental pollution have been found to be responsible for the loss of a large number of life-forms. It
is feared that a large proportion of life on earth may get wiped out in the near future.

In spite of the deteriorating status of the environment, study of environment have so far not received
adequate attention in our academic programme. Recognizing this, the Hon’ble Supreme Court directed
the UGC to introduce a basic course on environment at every level in college education. Accordingly, the
matter was considered by UGC and it was decided that a six months compulsory core module course in
environmental studies may be prepared and compulsorily implemented in all the University/Colleges of

The syllabus of environmental studies includes five modules including human rights. The first two
modules are purely environmental studies according to the UGC directions. The second two modules are
strictly related with the core subject and fifth module is for human rights.


• Environmental Education encourages students to research, investigate how and why things
happen, and make their own decisions about complex environmental issues by developing and

enhancing critical and creative thinking skills. It helps to foster a new generation of informed
consumers, workers, as well as policy or decision makers.
• Environmental Education helps students to understand how their decisions and actions affect the
environment, builds knowledge and skills necessary to address complex environmental issues, as
well as ways we can take action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future.
It encourages character building, and develop positive attitudes and values.
• To develop the sense of awareness among the students about the environment and its various
problems and to help the students in realizing the inter-relationship between man and
environment and helps to protect the nature and natural resources.

To help the students in acquiring the basic knowledge about environment and the social norms that
provide unity with environmental characteristics and create positive attitude about the environment.

Module I:

Unit 1 :Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

Definition, scope and importance (2 L)

Need for public awareness.

Unit 2 : Natural Resources :

Renewable and non-renewable resources : Natural resources and associated problems.

a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies.

Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.

b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,

floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.

c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting

and using mineral resources, case studies.

d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and

overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water

logging, salinity, case studies.

e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy
sources, use of alternate energy sources, Case studies.

f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification

• Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

• Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles. ( 10 L)

Unit 3: Ecosystems
• Concept of an ecosystem
• Structure and function of an ecosystem
• Producers, consumers and decomposers
• Energy flow in the ecosystem
• Ecological succession
• Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
• Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the given
ecosystem:- Forest ecosystem
( 6 L)

Module II:
Unit 1: Biodiversity and its conservation

• Introduction
• Biogeograhical classification of India
• Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and
option values.
• India as a mega-diversity nation
• Hot-sports of biodiversity
• Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts
• Endangered and endemic species of India
( 8 L)

Unit 2: Environmental Pollution


Causes, effects and control measures of: -

h. Air pollution
i. Water pollution
j. Soil pollution
k. Marine pollution
l. Noise pollution
m. Thermal pollution
n. Nuclear hazards

• Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial wastes.
• Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
• Pollution case studies
• Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. (8 L)

Unit 3: Social Issues and the Environment

• Urban problems related to energy

• Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
• Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns, Case studies
• Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions
• Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion , nuclear accidents
and holocaust, Case studies
• Consumerism and waste products
• Environment Protection Act
• Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
• Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
• Wildlife Protection Act
• Forest Conservation Act
• Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
• Public awareness (10 L)

Module III: Principle of Experimentation, Linear Estimation. Estimability of parametric

functions, BLUE, Gauss-Markov Theorem (without Proof), Testing of Linear Hypothesis,
ANOVA of one-way classified data, ANOVA of two-way classified data with multiple and equal
number of observation per cell.

Module IV: Layout and Analysis of the basic designs CRD, RBD and LSD. Missing plot
Techniques, Relative Efficiency of Designs.


Module V:

Unit 1- Human Rights– An Introduction to Human Rights, Meaning, concept and development,
Three Generations of Human Rights (Civil and Political Rights; Economic, Social and Cultural

Unit-2 Human Rights and United Nations – contributions, main human rights related organs-
UNESCO,UNICEF, WHO, ILO, Declarations for women and children, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.

Human Rights in India – Fundamental rights and Indian Constitution, Rights for
children and women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and

Unit-3 Environment and Human Rights - Right to Clean Environment and Public Safety:
Issues of Industrial Pollution, Prevention, Rehabilitation and Safety Aspect of New Technologies
such as Chemical and Nuclear Technologies, Issues of Waste Disposal, Protection of

Conservation of natural resources and human rights: Reports, Case studies and policy
formulation. Conservation issues of western ghats- mention Gadgil committee report,
Kasthurirengan report. Over exploitation of ground water resources, marine fisheries, sand
mining etc.
(8 L)

Internal: Field study

• Visit to a local area to document environmental grassland/ hill /mountain

• Visit a local polluted site – Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural Study of common
plants, insects, birds etc
• Study of simple ecosystem-pond, river, hill slopes, etc

(Field work Equal to 5 lecture hours)

Books for study

1. Bharucha, E. (2010). Text Book for Environmental studies for undergraduate Courses,
University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
2. M.N.Das and N.C.Giri(1986). Design and Analysis of Experiment. Wiley Eastern

3. D.D.Joshi (1987): Linear Estimation and Design of Experiment, Wiley Eastern Limited.
4. Amartya Sen, The Idea Justice, New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009.
5. Chatrath, K. J.S., (ed.), Education for Human Rights and Democracy (Shimla: Indian
Institute of Advanced Studies, 1998)

1. Agarwal, K. C. (2001). Environmental Biology, Nidi Publishers Ltd, Bikaner.
2. Gupta, S.C. and. Kapoor, V.K .(2014). Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand & Co.
New Delhi.
3. Clark.R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (Ref)
4. Cunningham, W.P.Cooper, T.H.Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T.2001 Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House. Mumbai. 1196p .(Ref)
5. Dc A.K.Enviornmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.(Ref)
6. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (Ref)
7. Heywood, V.H & Watson, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge
University Press 1140pb (Ref)
8. Jadhav.H & Bhosale.V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub.
House, Delhi 284p (Ref)
9. Mekinney, M.L & Schock.R.M. 1996 Environmental Science Systems & Solutions. Web
enhanced edition 639p (Ref)
10. Miller T.G. Jr., Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co. (TB)
11. Odum.E.P 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA 574p (Ref)
12. Rao.M.N & Datta.A.K. 1987 Waste Water treatment Oxford & IBII Publication
Co.Pvt.Ltd.345p (Ref)
13. Rajagopalan. R, Environmental Studies from crisis and cure, Oxford University Press,
Published: 2016 (TB)
14. Sharma B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut (Ref)
15. Townsend C., Harper J, and Michael Begon, Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell Science
16. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines, Compliances and
Stadards, Vol I and II, Enviro Media (Ref)

17. Trivedi R. K. and P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Techno-Science Publication
18. Law Relating to Human Rights, Asia Law House,2001.
19. Shireesh Pal Singh, Human Rights Education in 21st Century, Discovery Publishing
House Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi,
20. S.K.Khanna, Children And The Human Rights, Common Wealth Publishers,1998. 2011.
21. Sudhir Kapoor, Human Rights in 21st Century,Mangal Deep Publications, Jaipur,2001.
22. United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2004: Cultural
Liberty in Today’s Diverse World, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004.


Use of non-programmable calculator and statistical tables allowed

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 5 Questions Marks

A 2 2 2 4 3 1 12 24 10 20
B 5 1 2 3 2 1 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 0 4 60 2 30
Questions 4 5 8 6 2 25 129 18 80
24 29 38 31 7 129

7(d). Syllabi of
Complementary Courses in
Statistics of B. Sc.
Mathematics (Model II )
The Structure of the 4 Complementary Courses in Statistics offered for B.Sc.
Mathematics Vocational (Model II) Programme is as given under :

Lecture Hours
Semester Course Type Course Code with Title Credits Per
1 Complementary ST1CMT61 - Descriptive Statistics 3 3 54

2 Complementary ST2CMT62 – Random Variables and 3 3 54

Probability Distributions
3 Complementary ST3CMT63 - Statistical Inference 3 3 54
4 Complementary ST4CMT64 - Applied Statistics 3 3 54

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics (Model II )

Semester I – Statistics Course I


Hours per week - 3
Number of credits - 3

Module I:Different aspects of data and its collection

Introduction, scope and importance of statistics . Collection of data , census and sampling.
Different types of random sampling – simple random sample, systematic, stratified and cluster
(description only). Primary and secondary data.
(12 hrs)

Module II :Presentation of data , central tendency

Classification and tabulation- one-way and two-way classified data. Preparation of frequency
distribution. Relative frequency and cumulative frequency distributions. Stem –and leaf chart,
line diagram, bar diagram, pie diagram, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency cure, ogives,
averages, Arithmetic mean , median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean and weighted
averages. Quantiles - quartiles, deciles, percentiles (problems based on the above topics)
(13 hrs)

Module III : Disperson, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis

Raw and Central moments, interrelationship among first four moments. Skewness-Pearson’s –
Bowley’s and moment measure . Kurtosis

(14 hrs)

Module IV :Probability
Sample Space ,Events, Classical, Statistical and Axiomatic approach to probability, Addition
theorem, Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Multiplication theorem(up to 3
events). Bayes’ theorem(Problems based on above topics )
(15 hrs)


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 3 2 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 7 6 6 25 129 18 80
31 36 31 31 129

1. S P Gupta Statistical methods
2. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor, V. K.(2007).Fundamentals of applied Statistics SultanChandand
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Seemon, T.(2014). Basic Statistics. Narosa Publishing House

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics (Model II )

Semester II – Statistics Course II


Hours per week - 3
Number of credits - 3
Module I
Random variables, Discrete and continuous, Probability distribution, Probability mass function,
Probability density function and cumulative probability distribution function and their properties,
Bivariate random variables, marginal and conditional distributions, independence of random
variables. [15 hrs]

Module II
Mathematical expectations of a random variable, moments in terms of expectations, moment
generating function (m.g.f) and its properties. Characteristics function and its simple properties,
conditional expectations. [12 hrs]

Module III
Uniform, (discrete/continuous), Bernoulli, binomial, poisson, Mean, Variance, mgf, additive
property, Normal distribution with all its properties, Fitting binomial, poisson and normal
distributions,. Standard normal distribution and use of standard normal area tables. (Problems
based on the above topics) [12hrs]

Module IV :
Bivariable data, types of correlation, scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s product-moment and
spearman,s rank correlation coefficients.. Fitting of polynomial equations of degree one and two,
exponential curve, power curve (problems based on above topics)
[15 hrs]


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 3 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 7 6 25 129 18 80
31 31 36 31 129

1. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
2. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014) Introduction to Mathematical Statis-
tics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
3. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics (Model II )

Semester III – Statistics Course III


Hours per week - 3
Number of credits - 3
Module I
Law of Large Numbers- Tcheby Cheff’s inequality - Bernoulli’s Law of Large Numbers – Lind
berg – Levy form of central limit- Theorem(Statement only). Problems related to the above topic.
[10 L]

Module 2
Sampling distributions. Distribution of sample mean and sample variants from a Normal
population. Definition and statement of the form of the distribution of t, F and Chi-square-Inter
relations- Use of tables. Problems related to the above topic. [12 L]

Module 3
Point Estimation. Desirable properties unbiasedness- consistency- efficiency and sufficiency.
Fisher Neyman Factorisation theorem of sufficiency (without proof) and condition for its
attainment- Method of Estimation. Interval Estimation- Interval Estimation of mean and variance
of normal population. [15 L]

Module 4
Testing od hypotheses, Large sample tests Statistical hypotheses, null and alternative hypotheses,
simple and composite hypotheses, type I and type II errors. Critical region. Size and power of a
test. Proportion and difference of proportion. Chi-square tests for independence, homogeneity
and goodness of fit. [17 L]


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the
question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.

Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered

each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 2 3 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 6 7 25 129 18 80
31 31 31 36 129

1. S.P.Gupta ,Statistical methods
2. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc.
4. R.S.N. Pillai, Bagavathi(2010). STATISTICS- Theory and Practice, S.Chand publications.
5. Miller, I. and Miller, M.(2014). Mathematical Statistics, 8th edition, Pearson Education

Complementary Course to B. Sc. Mathematics (Model II )

Semester IV- Course IV


Hours per week - 3
Number of credits - 3
Module I
Normal tests for mean, difference of means and proportion (When  known), t tests for mean and
difference of means (When  unknown); Chi-square test, F–test for ratio of variances. Test for
proportion binomial.


Module II
Analysis of variance-one way analysis of variance, one way analysis with unequal sample size.
Two way analysis of variance. Two way analysis of variance with one observation per cell


Module III
Analysis of Time series, components of time series, measurement of trend using Free hand
methods, method of moving averages, the method of least squares, changing the unit value and
shifting the origin. Seasonal and cyclical movement seasonal variation

Module IV :Statistical quality control.

Control charts, 3-σ control limits, Tool for SQC. Control chart for variables. Control
chart of range or R-Chart. Control chart for SD attributes. Fraction defective, P chart for variable
sample size .Control Chart for number of defectives per unit-c-Chart acceptance sampling plan.
Double sample plans. Sequential sampling plan curves for sampling plans.


(The number of questions from the four modules to be asked in the 3 parts of the question paper )
Use of non - programmable Calculator and Statistical tables allowed.
Part Marks of No. of Questions Total To be answered
each Module Total Marks No. of Total
Question 1 2 3 4 Questions Marks

A 2 3 3 3 3 12 24 10 20
B 5 2 2 3 2 9 45 6 30
C 15 1 1 1 1 4 60 2 30
Questions 6 6 7 6 25 129 18 80
31 31 36 31 129

1. Gupta S. C. and Kapoor V. K.(2002). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
edition, Sultan Chand and Sons.
2. Hogg R. V., Mckean J. W., and Craig A. T.(2014). Introduction to Mathematical
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