RC Sta Mesa Letter-Template

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Atty. Mark Resty Royo Derit

Imaginative Super President
Rtn. Engr. Paulo “Pau” S. Sagana
President Elect/Club Secretary
PP Abraham “Abe” Ang
Club Treasurer
PP Jose Paulo “Paulo” Legaspi July 1, 2022
Club Trainer
PP Jose Levi Ranleo “Jojo” Gacang
Communications __________________________
Rtn. Mark Zulueta
Auditor __________________________
Rtn. Atty. Juan Carlo Agito __________________________
Rtn Kris Ryan Zara
Rtn Harold Fitzgelard Alix Dear Sir/Ma’am:
Rtn Jeff David
Sgt. At Arms
The Rotary Club of Sta. Mesa, Quezon City (RCSMQC) is a civic organization
PP Antonio “Tony” Laudico duly organized and existing for many years now under Philippine Laws. In fact, this
Club Administration
IPP Atty. Roy Martin “Roy” Darilag organization is one of the 112 clubs within district 3780 (Quezon City) and 800
Membership clubs within the Philippines. Our organization’s mission statement is to build a world
PP Robert “Bert” Nazal
Public Image where diversity of life thrives, promote camaraderie and integrity within and of
PP John “John” Defensor course, to provide services and be able to touch the lives of people in the community
Service Project
PP Atty. Matias “Mat” Defensor Jr. in line with the rotary motto which is “SERVICE ABOVE SELF”.
The Rotary Foundation
PP Atty. Alfredo “Fred” Villamor
P Atty. Gelacio “Gel” Bongngat
Legal Ways and Means While our organization have made some great strides in the past, we still aim to
accomplish for more in the present and in the future. Thus, this rotary year 2022-
2023, our organization commits to continue the services to our adopted institutions,
SERVICE PROJECT CHAIR to wit: Donations to our adopted Hospital (National Children’s Hospital), our
adopted Schools (Betty Go Belmonte Elementray School and Ramon Magsayday
PP Oliver “Oli” Valiente
Community Service High School), adopted Barangays and Estero, and other outreach activities and
PP Wilson “Wilson” K. Lim learning opportunities which aims to change lives and help create a better future.
Vocational Service
Rtn. Father Renato “Rey” Gella
Youth Service
PP Eugene “GM” Torre
International Service In light of the foregoing, we are knocking on your kind hearts and invite you to be
PP Ramses “Boyet” Bagtas part of our projects and programs for a good cause through your donations which can
PP Bio “Bio” Lim Yao
PP Sid “Sid” Dela Cruz be in-kind or a monetary consideration. Your generosity will help our organization to
Rtn. Jordan Way “George” Yang ensure the continuity of our life changing projects and services which will be
published in our upcoming Rotary Magazine. And to reciprocate your good deed, we
are offering to publish and advertise you or your business, organization, civic group
and the like in the said rotary magazine. Attached hereto is a copy of our proposal.

PP Ruleo “Biboy” Badilles Your act of kindness and generosity will surely touch and change the lives of others
Promoting Peace and would create a pronounced impact to our community. If you are interested in
PP Felixes “Ching” Latonero
Fighting Disease learning how you can help or should you decide to be a sponsor or make donations
Rtn _________ to our organization, please feel free to contact us at 09175012988 or E-mail us at
Providing Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Rtn ________ [email protected]. You can also make a donation through our
Saving Mothers and Children bank account at Security Bank under the account name Rotary Club of Sta.
Rtn. Chris Sunga
Supporting Education Mesa, Quezon City with bank account no. 0663065092002.
Rtn. Atty. Ralph Laurence Gahol
Growing Local Economies
Rtn. Emilio John Paul Lumontad Thank you very much for your upcoming support and for lending your valuable time
Supporting the Environment and contributions. We hope to hear from you soon.

Good day and God bless!

Sincerely yours,

Atty. Mark Resty Royo Derit

Super Imaginative President RY 2022-2023
Rotary Club of Sta. Mesa, Q.C.

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