Hydroview Datasheet-Web

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Intuitive modern user interface
Data acquisition from variety of sensors and dataloggers
Remote configuration and firmware updates for monitoring
Powerful and extensible analytics
Multiple data export methods
Customizable and extensible

Product Description

The Geolux Hydroview is a software designed curves. The displays and dashboards are fully
for the management of remote monitoring sites customizable, and it is even possible to create
and data analysis. Hydroview uses an intuitive, public data displays that can show selected
modern user interface that is compatible both data to public users without requiring them to
with large desktop monitor displays and small log in to the Hydroview system.
mobile phone displays.
A built-in scripting engine allows quick and easy
The Geolux Hydroview is designed from setup of automatic data validators, filters, and
the ground up to quickly integrate various data transformations. Data transformations
hydrometeorological equipment: dataloggers, are functions that calculate an indirect
sensors, and instruments. A strong emphasis measurement based on one or more direct
is placed on two-way data exchange. physical measurements. For example, flow
Namely, measured data is transferred from discharge can be calculated based on the water
the monitoring site to the central server. Also, level and surface velocity measurements.
instrumental operating parameters can be
reconfigured remotely from Hydroview, and
Enhanced security, user permissions, and
if the on-site equipment permits, firmware
group hierarchy allow system administrators
updates can be pushed to the equipment from
to differentiate between different user roles
Hydroview as well.
across multiple groups accurately. In addition,
setting up two-factor authentication for
Hydroview has an advanced data visualization users is possible. Internally, Hydroview uses
engine. It can display gauges with the latest a distributed database, meaning multiple
readings, graphs with historical readings can instances of synchronized Hydroview servers
show aggregated data such as daily maximums, can be deployed globally, which speeds up data
and knows how to show wind rose diagrams, access for the users and adds robustness to the
pictures from on-site cameras, and radar echo data storage.
Data Display Equipment Management

Customizable Dashboards

Calculating Indirect Measurements Easy Status Lookup

For more information, contact us:

Phone: +385 1 6701 241
E-mail: [email protected]


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