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Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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State of the art and sustainability of natural coagulants in water and

wastewater treatment
Wei Lun Ang a, b, *, Abdul Wahab Mohammad a, b
Centre for Sustainable Process Technology (CESPRO), Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia
Chemical Engineering Programme, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural coagulants have shown its coagulation efficiency as reported in a substantial number of research
Received 25 December 2019 articles. However, the acceptance and widespread application of natural coagulants in water industry is
Received in revised form still low. It is necessary to conduct a review to boost the potential of using natural coagulants by
28 February 2020
highlighting the current development and the efforts for improving the capability of natural coagulants,
Accepted 20 March 2020
Available online 23 March 2020
including showing the compatibility of natural coagulants with other treatment technologies in inte-
grated/hybrid treatment process; the modification of natural coagulants for marked improvement in
Handling editor: Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemes coagulation performance efficiency; the possibility of hybridizing natural coagulants with other types of
coagulants; the improvement of extraction and purification approaches for high purity of natural co-
Keywords: agulants; and the synthesis of multifunctional natural coagulants. Though the current progress of natural
Natural coagulant coagulants is quite encouraging, perspectives from sustainability assessment showed that the acceptance
Water and wastewater treatment and commercialization of natural coagulants are hindered by two main challenges: practicality and
Sustainability feasibility of real field application and sustainability of using natural coagulants overlooking technical,
environmental, economic, and social aspects. Future research focusing on these issues may help to clarify
the uncertainties shrouded on natural coagulants and at the same time shifting the water industry to be
more sustainable.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Emerging of natural coagulants and its associated challenges in application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Improvement in natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1. Integrated/hybrid process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2. Improvement of extraction and purification of coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3. Modification for improved performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4. Hybridization with inorganic or other types of coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5. Multifunctional natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4. Sustainability of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5. Challenges of acceptance of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1. Practicality and feasibility of real application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2. Sustainability of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6. Future prospects of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.1. Up scaling study on the feasibility of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.2. Sustainability of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

* Corresponding author. Centre for Sustainable Process Technology (CESPRO),

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W.L. Ang).

0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

6.3. Multifunctional coagulant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6.4. Quality control of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.5. Circular economy & bioeconomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1. Introduction flocculant market are estimated to reach USD 6.01 billion by 2022
(USD 4.35 billion in 2016), observing a compound annual growth
Water scarcity has grown at an alarming rate and has now rate of 5.9% between 2017 and 2022 (MarketsandMarkets Research
become a global concern for sustainable development (Food and Private Ltd., 2017). These figures indicate that the interest and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2017). It is esti- importance of coagulation are expected to witness significant
mated that more than 2 billion people are affected by water scar- growth in the coming years and thus it is worth to gain insight into
city, with this figure projected to rise driven by the exponential this topic. The strong demand and interest in the coagulation
population growth and disruptive climate change. An equally process has boosted the exploration of new generation of co-
worrisome fact is that around 80% of wastewater goes into water- agulants with better coagulation performance and efficiency. This
ways without adequate treatment, further polluting and dwindling includes the search for natural coagulant as alternative option over
the clean water resources (United Nations Development chemical-based coagulants in the wake of sustainable
Programme, 2019). In response to the alarming state of water development.
scarcity, various water treatment technologies have been devel- Despite the proven treatment efficiency of inorganic and syn-
oped to ensure the production of adequate water supply and thetic organic coagulants, the associated drawbacks have motivated
quality to meet the demand and to conserve the availability of clean the search for natural coagulants which are generally claimed to be
water resources. A wide range of water and wastewater treatment more environmentally friendly in terms of production and usage.
technologies has been developed and improved in the past few This was reflected by the significant growth in the number of
decades. Generally, these technologies can be classified into three publication number as shown in Fig. 1. The main attractive advan-
main categories: physical (settling, media filtration, membrane, tages of natural coagulants lie in their renewability (feedstock can
adsorption, UV), chemical (coagulation, electrochemical, ion ex- be obtained easily), biodegradability, nontoxicity, and relative cost-
change, oxidation, catalytic reduction, disinfection, softening), and effectiveness (sludge handling and coagulant cost) (Saleem and
biological (phytoremediation, constructed wetlands, microbial Bachmann, 2019a). Natural coagulants can come from a variety of
biodegradation, digester, bioreactor) processes, with some pro- natural sources, such as plants, seeds, marine crustaceans and
cesses being the hybridization of more than one category (Ang and shellfish biomasses (shrimps and crabs), and microbial organisms,
Mohammad, 2019; Hamzah et al., 2017; Kumar and Chowdhury, with a majority of the research focused on plant-based and marine
2018; Yi Hong et al., 2018). biomass-based natural coagulant (Oladoja, 2015; Renault et al.,
Of these technologies, coagulation is one of the oldest processes 2009; Saleem and Bachmann, 2019a; Wei et al., 2018). The pre-
that continues to be widely employed in many water and waste- dominant coagulation mechanism of natural coagulants differs
water treatment plants. Coagulation is a process that removes the from the inorganic and synthetic organic coagulants as natural
impurities (especially suspended particles and colloids) in water by coagulants do not form hydroxide precipitates in water. Instead,
destabilizing and agglomerating the particles into larger aggre-
gates. This enables the aggregates to settle down quickly and sub-
sequently can be easily separated from the water (Jiang, 2015).
Technologies may come and go, but the demand and application of
coagulation in water and wastewater treatment processes never
wane. Indeed, it is being considered as one of the simple and cost-
effective approaches that can efficiently accelerate the removal of
suspended impurities in water. Today, even after a few millenniums
of development and technological advancement, coagulation re-
mains as one of the most important treatment processes for the
removal of impurities (mainly suspended particles) in water
treatment plants. In addition, coagulation has been widely
employed in wastewater treatment where it has been used as
pretreatment to remove the suspended impurities such that the
treated water is of desirable quality for subsequent purification
processes (Jiang, 2015). This trend indicates the indispensable role
played by the coagulation process in supplying clean water for
human consumption and treating the wastewater for reclamation
or safe discharge.
Owing to its indispensable role in various water and wastewater
treatment processes, coagulation is also a popular research subject
for many researchers to investigate the capability of coagulation in Fig. 1. Number of research publications* of natural coagulants in water and waste-
improving the treatment efficiency. The global coagulant and water treatment. *Data obtained from Scopus database with searching keywords
“natural coagulant” and “water and wastewater treatment”.
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 3

due to the polymeric structures of the natural coagulants with These will be discussed in a few sections as followed: application of
charged functional groups, charge neutralization and bridging are natural coagulants in integrated/hybrid process; modification of
the two dominant mechanisms for the formation of flocs and natural coagulants for improved performance; hybridization of
removal of impurities (Saleem and Bachmann, 2019a). To date, the natural coagulants with other types of coagulants; improvement of
commercially available natural coagulants are mainly derived from extraction and purification of natural coagulants; and the synthesis
shellfish (chitosan) and plants (moringa and tannin) (Graham et al., of multifunctional coagulants. In addition, in alignment with the
2008). The rest of the natural coagulants have not been commer- sustainable development goals, the sustainability aspects of natural
cialized, remain in lab-scale trials or are only employed in small- coagulants application will be discussed.
scale or case-specific applications.
3. Improvement in natural coagulants
2. Emerging of natural coagulants and its associated
challenges in application 3.1. Integrated/hybrid process

In the past few years, a paradigm shift in water and wastewater One of the viable strategies to boost the use and to exhibit the
treatment industries has changed the culture of water operators to usefulness of natural coagulants is to integrate it with other treat-
adopt and implement sustainable development in the operation. ment technologies, just like the integration of conventional inor-
One of the realistic practices is to replace the chemicals used in the ganic coagulants with other processes. The common practice in
treatment processes with “green” chemicals that cause lesser water and wastewater treatment plants is to integrate various
environmental impacts in terms of production, consumption, and technologies to achieve the treatment goals by utilizing the
secondary waste management. In this context, natural coagulants strength of each process and to minimize the shortcoming of
appear to fit into the picture and can be an alternative option over others. A similar strategy can be adopted where the coagulation
the conventional inorganic coagulants. It has been generally re- process (using natural coagulants) can be integrated to enhance the
ported that natural coagulants can be obtained from renewable efficiency of subsequent treatment processes at par with conven-
feedstock with ease, produce biodegradable sludge at lesser tional inorganic coagulants.
quantity (potentially cutting down expenses associated with sludge The biological treatment unit is an indispensable process in a
disposal), and less affected by water pH (Mohd-Salleh et al., 2019; typical municipal wastewater treatment plant. Attempts have been
Saleem and Bachmann, 2019a). Numerous review articles have made to reduce the working volume and demand for oxygen (en-
reportedly proved the effectiveness of natural coagulants (mainly ergy through aeration requirement) for better treatment efficiency.
chitosan and plant-based coagulants) in various water and waste- One of the methods is to reduce the organic load in the wastewater
water treatment application (Choy et al., 2015, 2014; Mohd-Salleh through coagulation process. Hameed et al. (2018) incorporated
et al., 2019; Oladoja, 2015; Renault et al., 2009; Saleem and coagulation and flocculation prior the conventional biological
Bachmann, 2019b; Villasen ~ or-Basulto et al., 2018; Yin, 2010). treatment process by employing Tanfloc, a commercialized tannin-
These review articles also presented the extraction of natural co- based coagulant (Hameed et al., 2018). It was shown that coagu-
agulants and highlighted some of the application challenges of lation process enhanced the removal efficiency of primary clarifier
natural coagulants. However, the acceptance of natural coagulants by agglomerating the suspended solids for sedimentation. With the
in actual water and wastewater treatment plants is low. The decline of organic load, the dissolved oxygen level in aeration tank
commercialization of natural coagulants has encountered few had doubled, indicating the opportunity of cost-saving through
critical challenges that hinder its transition from lab or bench-scale lower aeration requirement or the use of smaller air blower. This
coagulation study to widespread actual water and wastewater demonstrates that natural coagulants are useful as conventional
treatment application. inorganic coagulants as pretreatment in improving the perfor-
The main obstacle is the lack of industrial confidence to adopt mance of subsequent treatment process.
natural coagulants in the treatment processes. Though the perfor- Coagulation has been frequently adopted as pre-treatment prior
mance and benefits of natural coagulants as mentioned above have to membrane filtration process with the intention to mitigate
been proven in lab or bench-scale studies, concern arises about its membrane fouling issues. Numerous articles of integrated
cost-effectiveness and performance consistency in actual treatment coagulation-membrane process have been reported with positive
processes. In some articles, the dosage of natural coagulants was outcomes, where the membrane fouling propensities have been
less than conventional coagulants. In contrast, a number of articles successfully minimized (Jiang, 2015). Though natural coagulants
have revealed that to obtain the equivalent performance (impu- can perform well in removing the foulants which are responsible
rities removal) as conventional coagulants (inorganic coagulants), a for membrane fouling, there are a few concerns that need to be
larger dose of natural coagulants is required due to its weaker considered when operating such integrated process. Chitosan
coagulation capability (Hoa and Hue, 2018; Katalo et al., 2018; Moa natural coagulant reportedly improved the fouling propensity of
Megersa et al., 2019b). This could potentially be linked to additional nanofiltration membrane towards the natural organic matter,
costs associated with the increase of dosage consumption, such as although the mitigation effectiveness was not as good as ferric
extraction, storage, transportation, and handling of natural co- chloride inorganic coagulant (Ang et al., 2015). This could be
agulants. In view of this, doubts have arisen over the claim and attributed to the charge neutralization as the predominant mech-
practical use of natural coagulants as an alternative compound for anism for chitosan coagulation that produced neutrally charged
sustainable development. To clarify these uncertainties, and to particles and subsequently weakened the antifouling capability
boost the confidence of acceptance of natural coagulants, the (electrostatic repulsion) of membrane. On the other hand, Katalo
practices and signs of progress that could showcase the value and et al. (2018) reported that there was no obvious difference in
usefulness of natural coagulants should be explored. membrane fouling propensity for a microfiltration process
Unfortunately, a considerable number of research articles have receiving supernatant from Moringa oleifera or alum coagulation,
focused only on performance evaluation study. Hence, this review although the turbidity removal efficiency of the latter was better
paper aims to look into this matter and highlight what has been (Katalo et al., 2018). The use of Moringa oleifera had slightly
done in academia that could improve the perception towards nat- increased the load of organics in the treated river water, yet its
ural coagulants in water and wastewater treatment application. advantage over alum coagulant was that the water pH did not vary
4 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

much after the coagulation process, saving the need for pH

adjustment after the treatment process. All these showed that even
though natural coagulants possess the potential as an alternative
coagulant to mitigate membrane fouling, its impacts and compat-
ibility with the water sources and membrane performance should
be properly studied before decision is made.
Barbosa et al. (2018) showed that Moringa oleifera extracted
from the seeds was capable to treat the water-based paint waste-
water and render it suitable for reuse in the plant (Barbosa et al.,
2018). Interestingly, the quality of the treated water using Mor-
inga oleifera was on par with the treated water using aluminum
sulphate (inorganic coagulant). Integrating the coagulation with
electrolysis process further refined the quality of the supernatant
(by degrading the organic compounds in the effluent), making it
suitable for discharge into water bodies. This case study indicated
that by integrating the coagulation with other treatment technol-
ogy, the quality of the treated industrial wastewater can be further
enhanced to be safely discharged to the environment in compliance
with regulations.
Solar disinfection is a feasible process that could provide
drinking water in the rural communities of developing countries.
Fig. 2. Integrated/hybrid coagulation process (natural coagulants) for water and
However, solar disinfection alone does not result in complete wastewater treatment (Ahmad et al., 2015; Al-Gheethi et al., 2016; Bergamasco et al.,
disinfection of microorganism, mostly due to the turbidity (sus- 2011; Bongiovani et al., 2016; da Conceiça ~o et al., 2015; Hoong and Ismail, 2018;
pended and organic matters) in water that blocks the penetration of Mateus et al., 2017; Moa Megersa et al., 2019a; Nascimento et al., 2019; Nishi et al.,
ultraviolet radiation in water and leads to low bacterial inactivation. 2012; Noyma et al., 2017; Olugbade et al., 2017; Rajca, 2018; Rasool et al., 2016;
Santos et al., 2016; Vasic et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2019; Zaman et al., 2017).
To resolve this issue, Megersa et al. (2019a) employed extracts from
plants as natural coagulants (Moringa stenopetala and Maerua
subcordata) to reduce the turbidity through coagulation process Pilot-scale or real application of integrated treatment process
(Moa Megersa et al., 2019a). The results revealed that with the use should be explored to affirm the competency of natural coagulants.
of coagulants prior to the solar disinfection process, complete
bacterial inactivation was achieved. This could be attributed to the
removal of turbidity that increased the penetration of ultraviolet 3.2. Improvement of extraction and purification of coagulants
rays which killed off the bacteria in water sources. Such case proves
that natural coagulants can be useful in the effort to supply clean Generally, majority of the natural coagulants can be categorized
and adequate drinking water in the rural communities, where the into two groups based on the main compounds with coagulation
natural coagulants can be obtained easily and locally, without activity: polysaccharides and proteins (Choy et al., 2014;
having the financial and logistic constraints of using inorganic Shamsnejati et al., 2015). Examples of the first group are chitosan,
coagulants. starch, and mucilage while for protein-based natural coagulants
Adjeroud et al. (2018) showed that the inclusion of Opuntia ficus normally originated from plants (Moringa). The presence of hy-
indica natural coagulant in the electrocoagulation-electroflotation droxyl and amino functional groups on these compounds
process helped to achieve 100% copper removal efficiency contribute to coagulation capability. Unlike the conventional
(100 mg/L) in a shorter operating duration (Adjeroud et al., 2018). metallic inorganic coagulants where the characteristics (quality) of
The natural coagulant provided a large number of carboxyl and the coagulants can be controlled precisely, the quality of some
hydroxyl groups for the enhanced removal of copper through natural coagulants is difficult to control. Such incident could be
precipitation reaction. Apart from the improvement of pollutant ascribed to the green synthesis of these natural coagulants, where
removal efficiency, the addition of Opuntia ficus indica had sped up the coagulants are extracted through various simple processes and
the sludge settling rate (as much as 15%) and reduced the specific sources (especially plant-based coagulants where the compounds
energy consumption of the electrocoagulation-electroflotation might vary according to growth conditions).
process. The addition of natural coagulant, which consists of In addition, it is inevitable that non-coagulating impurities will
various polyelectrolytes, assisted in the removal of copper (cutting also be included in the extracted natural coagulants if further pu-
down the consumption of aluminum electrode) and reduced the rification is not conducted. However, extensive purification will
ohmic resistance of the wastewater. Consequently, the natural incur additional cost and render the “cost-saving” aspect of natural
coagulant improved the economic feasibility of the coagulants unattractive. The presence of impurities that possess no
electrocoagulation-electroflotation process. Hence, it can be seen coagulation capability would severely affect the coagulation effi-
that natural coagulants can not only enhance the removal of pol- ciency, as past literatures have shown that these impurities
lutants, but in certain cases can bring additional benefits as well. contributed to dissolved organic substances and subsequently
There is a long list of integrated processes using natural co- degraded the quality of the treated water (Ding et al., 2018; Gidde
agulants. Basically, coagulation using natural coagulants can be et al., 2012). These give rise to uncertainties in quality control as the
integrated with other treatment technologies as displayed in Fig. 2. performance of the natural coagulants might vary according to the
It can be concluded that natural coagulant is as competent as sources and extraction approaches. Subsequently, the varyingly
conventional inorganic coagulant in the integrated process for a quality and efficiency of the natural coagulants are rather confusing
wide variety of water sources (surface water and wastewater from and not appealing to convince the water utilities to adopt natural
various industrial sources). The integration of natural coagulant as coagulants in their treatment operations. To clarify these issues,
pre or post-treatment of other treatment technologies will benefit this section will discuss the improvement of extraction approaches
the overall process, even on par with using inorganic coagulant. and the influence on the quality and performance of natural
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 5

coagulants in treating water and wastewater. coagulants must be purified to avoid such undesirable effects from
Moringa is one of the most popular plant-based natural co- using natural coagulants. The first step of purification is removing
agulants that has received extensive research coverage. Various the oil content in the natural coagulant extract through the use of
extraction approaches of useful compounds with coagulation ac- suitable solvents such as hexane and ethanol (Hoa and Hue, 2018;
tivity from Moringa have been reported. The simplest method of Megersa et al., 2017). Hoa and Hue (2018) have shown that purifi-
extraction is through the use of clean water. The powdered Moringa cation with n-hexane solution managed to reduce the lipid content
seed kernel was mixed with water and stirred to release the of Moringa oleifera seed extract down from 35% to 2% (Hoa and Hue,
coagulating compounds (positively charged proteins) from the seed 2018). The decrease in lipid content enhanced the turbidity and
kernel (Jung et al., 2018). However, coagulation efficiency of this COD removal efficiencies of the purified natural coagulant since the
extraction approach is normally unsatisfactorily due to the pres- oil component did not help in coagulation process and would, on
ence of non-coagulating impurities and low number of coagulating the other hand, add to the impurities in the water.
compounds. Water as solvent could not extract the proteins in the After the removal of oil content, the natural coagulant extract
seed kernel effectively. Furthermore, it was reported that together can be further purified to obtain final product concentrated with
with the protein compounds (with coagulation capability), the active coagulation compounds via various purification processes
lipids and carbohydrates (impurities) would also appear in the such as dialysis, ultrafiltration, lyophilization, chemical precipita-
extracted natural coagulant. Lipid content may inhibit the contact tion, and ion exchange (Baptista et al., 2015; Choudhary and Neogi,
between the coagulants and impurities, rendering the flocs for- 2017; Dezfooli et al., 2016; M. Megersa et al., 2019; S
mation ineffective while the carbohydrates may increase the et al., 2010). S
anchez-Martín et al. (2010) investigated the impact of
organic matter level in the solution (Baptista et al., 2017; Gidde purification extent (ion exchange chromatography using NaCl so-
et al., 2012; Megersa et al., 2017). Consequently, the coagulation lution) on the coagulation performance of Moringa extract
performance from the proteins has been diminished with the nchez-Martín et al., 2010). It was discovered that the optimum
adverse effects arising from the impurities. dosage of the single-step purified (elution with 0.6 M NaCl) coag-
To resolve these issues, improvement in the extraction method ulant was two times higher than the two-step purified (first elution
and inclusion of purification step can be adopted. The amount of a with 0.3 M NaCl followed by second elution with 0.6 M NaCl)
substance’s possessing coagulation capability can be increased by coagulant in terms of turbidity removal. It was postulated that
using salt solutions (such as NaCl and CaCl2) during extraction step during the first elution, proteins without coagulation capability
(Carvalho et al., 2016; Moa Megersa et al., 2019b). For instance, were removed. This led to the production of more purified coagu-
Megersa et al. (2019b) showed that the use of salt solutions (NaCl, lant containing active coagulant proteins after the second elution.
KNO3, and NH4Cl) could increase the coagulation performance as Interestingly, the purified coagulant via ion exchange process per-
compared to the Moringa coagulant extracted with water (Moa formed at par with the conventional alum coagulant in terms of
Megersa et al., 2019b). The optimum dosage of coagulant extracted dosage required (1 mg/L) and turbidity removal efficiency (83%) for
using 0.5 M NaCl solvent was 2 mg/mL with turbidity removal ef- natural river water (M. Megersa et al., 2019). Without further pu-
ficiency of 91%. In comparison, the turbidity removal performance rification, the Moringa extract could only achieve 50% removal of
of coagulant extracted using deionized water was much lower turbidity at the similar dosage or required four times higher dosage
(37%), even though its dosage was higher (4 mg/mL). Such for removal efficiency of 83%. This indicated that purification pro-
improvement was due to the effect of salting in as explained by cess can produce natural coagulant with higher proportion of active
Debye-Huckel theory (increasing solvating power). The presence of coagulation compounds, which subsequently leads to better per-
salt ionic strength increased the solubility of the proteins by formance even at lower optimal dosage.
breaking down the protein-protein bond of natural coagulants Due to the high cost associated with ion exchange chromatog-
(Moa Megersa et al., 2019b; Noor et al., 2015). Subsequently, the raphy, researchers have sought alternative purification approaches
number of active compounds with coagulation capability (proteins) that are more economically viable at industrial level. A relatively
in the extracted coagulants was higher when extracted using salt simple chemical precipitation (using ammonium sulphate) of
solutions and resulted in lower optimal dosage with improved compounds possessing coagulation activity have been proposed for
performance. At lower coagulant dosage, the risk of residual the purification of Moringa extract (Choudhary and Neogi, 2017;
organic compounds in treated water would also be reduced (Moa Dezfooli et al., 2016). Choudhary and Neogi (2017) reported that the
Megersa et al., 2019b). The type of solvent used in the extraction natural Moringa extract isolated using 30e60% and 60e80% satu-
process would also bring additional benefits to the coagulation rated ammonium sulphate exhibited superior turbidity removal
process. Carvalho et al. (2016) observed that Moringa coagulant efficiency with a slightly better performance as compared to alum
extracted with CaCl2 attained higher turbidity removal efficiency as (Choudhary and Neogi, 2017). In addition, the purified natural
compared to NaCl solvent, which could be attributed to the coagulant did not affect nor change the pH of the treated water, an
participation of calcium ions in coagulation process (Carvalho et al., observation that alum coagulant failed to uphold since it reduced
2016). The positively charged calcium ions compressed the diffuse the pH to acidic condition. Hence, the presence of a simple and
layer of the electric double layer of impurities present in water, effective isolation and purification method for natural Moringa
weakening the repulsion between impurities and facilitating better extract could potentially help to produce natural coagulant with
coagulation process. great coagulation activity.
Apart from increasing the yield (number of compounds with Similarly, extraction conditions such as temperature, acidity,
coagulation capability) of extraction, the purity of the natural co- and solvent will affect the yield of the compounds responsible for
agulants can also be improved to reduce the impurities and coag- coagulation from the natural sources (e.g. garden cress, Basil seeds,
ulant dosage. The organic compounds in the natural coagulants and cactus) (Adjeroud et al., 2018; Lim et al., 2018; Nazir et al.,
that do not take part in coagulation process will possibly end up in 2017). Generally, these compounds are originated from the poly-
the treated water as dissolved organic matter (Sa nchez-Martín saccharides that normally formed the plant cell wall or are present
et al., 2010). The presence of these organic residues is unwanted in the form of mucilage. To release the polysaccharides during the
as it will cause bacteria regrowth in the water and serve as sub- extraction process, the plant cell wall has to be broken. Extraction
strate for the formation of hazardous disinfection by-products (Jerri conducted at high temperature may promote the solubilisation of
et al., 2012; Kalibbala et al., 2009). Hence, the extracted natural the compounds that are holding the polysaccharides and increase
6 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

the yield (Lim et al., 2018; Nazir et al., 2017). However, the tem- main components of shells), respectively (Bakshia et al., 2019).
perature must be controlled at the optimal level, otherwise However, these processes normally take a long duration and
excessive heat might destroy the polysaccharides present in the require high operating temperature which might decrease the
natural coagulant and subsequently reduce the mucilage yield. quality of the chitosan. Also, chemical processing steps cause sec-
Acidic extraction environment may also facilitate the breakdown of ondary waste from the excessive usage of acid and alkali solutions
cell wall and release the coagulating compounds (Colodel et al., (Abdou et al., 2008). Physical auxiliary methods (such as ultra-
2017). The use of appropriate solvent such as acetone can sound, irradiation, compressional puffing-pretreatment, micro-
enhance the extraction efficiency of mucilage and enable the wave radiation, and freezing/thawing) have been proposed to
extraction yield in larger quantity be carried out with minimal minimize the adverse impacts of chemical processing steps while at
amount of solvent used (Kilor, 2014; Lim et al., 2018). Judging from the same time improving the quality and purity of extracted chi-
the variance of extraction conditions, investigation on the influence tosan (Huang et al., 2018, 2019; Nouri et al., 2016; Rashid et al.,
of these factors should be conducted to ensure the maximum 2012; Soria and Villamiel, 2010). For instance, ultrasound applied
extraction of active coagulation compounds from the natural to the solution during demineralization increased the contact be-
sources. tween crustacean shells and acid, helping to shorten the extraction
The extraction and purification processes of natural coagulants time and produce less crystalline chitin for better conversion to
from other plant sources (e.g. seeds of Plantago, Phaseolus vulgaris, chitosan (Soria and Villamiel, 2010). Microwave radiation on the
chestnut, Ocimum basilicum, Quercus robur, and Hibiscus or cactus other hand accelerated the reaction time during deproteinization
pads from Opuntia species) are almost similar with the procedures which could potentially cut down the extraction cost of chitosan
involved in the production of Moringa coagulant (Antov et al., 2018, (Nouri et al., 2016). Though the proposed auxiliary methods
2012, 2010; Chaibakhsh et al., 2014; Ndahi and Bridgeman, 2019; exhibited advantages including simple, environmentally friendly,

Sciban et al., 2009; Shamsnejati et al., 2015; Taylor et al., 2014; Wan and improvement of product quality, the large-scale extraction
et al., 2019). In general, the extraction and purification of all plant- remains as chemical processing since it is less complicated and has
based natural coagulants (including Moringa) are based on three been well-established. Hence, further upscaling study on the
stages, as shown in Fig. 3 (Yin, 2010). The first stage involves pre- costing associated with auxiliary methods should be conducted to
processing of the sample where it is cleaned and converted into verify the benefits of advanced extraction and purification of chi-
the form (normally in fine powder) suitable for second stage. In the tosan from crustacean shells.
second stage, the compounds possessing coagulation activity are
extracted using water, salt solution, or appropriate solvent. The 3.3. Modification for improved performance
third stage is the purification where only the compounds truly
contributing to coagulation process are purified. Regardless of the Although natural coagulants possess several advantages as
plant, the compounds contributing to coagulation activity are compared to conventional coagulants, there remains few issues
either polysaccharide or protein present in the extract. The coag- that need to be resolved before the water and wastewater utility
ulation performance efficiency depends on the purity of the active industries are convinced to adopt it in their operation. The concerns
compounds. However, the extent of study for the natural coagulant include low solubility in water, narrow working window of pH
stated above is not as intensive and thorough as compared to range, undesirable isoelectric point, weak surface charge, low sta-
Moringa coagulant. The influence of the extraction and purification bility (shelf life), and moderate efficiency (translated to higher
factors on the coagulation performance for those natural co- working dosage and cost) (Lee et al., 2014; Salehizadeh et al., 2018).
agulants is not being covered in depth. Indeed, extracts taken from Unlike inorganic coagulants (e.g. FeCl3 and alum), natural co-
numerous number of natural plants reportedly possess coagulation agulants do not have the ability to hydrolyze in water to form
capability, as reported in the past literature reviews (Choy et al., strongly charged hydroxides for the removal of impurities. How-
2014; Oladoja, 2015; Saleem and Bachmann, 2019b). Most of ever, the reactive functional groups (e.g. hydroxyl, amino, and
these studies stopped at showing the coagulation capability, and carboxyl) of the natural coagulants itself offer the opportunity for
further pursuit for optimization and in-depth understanding on the modification that could help to resolve the aforementioned con-
natural coagulants has been scarce. Having said that, to promote cerns (Ghimici and Nichifor, 2018). Various compounds that could
the widespread use of natural coagulant, intensive study on the significantly enhance the coagulation performance of natural co-
exploration of suitable method of extraction and purification of the agulants can be introduced onto the coagulants through interaction
crude extract is required to eliminate the non-active components with these functional groups. Plentiful of modification efforts
and to know the nature and characteristics of the active component (incorporation of useful compounds) have been carried out to
in the natural coagulants. remedy the weaknesses of natural coagulants. Promising results
In comparison to natural coagulant from plant-based sources, have been reported where the synthetically modified natural co-
chitosan is commercially extracted from crustacean shells (shrimp, agulants possess greater versatility and capability in coagulation
crab, crayfish, and krill) (Kumari et al., 2017). To separate chitin process. In general, chemical reactions such as graft co-
(chitosan is deacetylated derivative of chitin) from crustacean polymerization, crosslinking with aldehyde, esterification, ether-
shells, chemical processing steps such as demineralization (with ification, amination, carboxyalkylation, hydroxyalkylation, and
hydrochloric acid) and deproteinization (with sodium hydroxide) condensation have been adopted to improve the characteristics of
are usually applied to remove calcium carbonate and proteins (the natural coagulant (Salehizadeh et al., 2018). In this section,

Fig. 3. General processing steps in the production of natural coagulant from plant-based sources (Yin, 2010).
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 7

examples of natural coagulants modification will be discussed higher the degree of deacetylation and molecular weight, the better
where highlight is given to how the modification could lead to the coagulation capability of chitosan. For instance, the removal of
improvement of coagulation performance. Details of modification turbidity was reported to be increased with the degree of deace-
(synthesis methodology and reaction conditions) are not within the tylation and molecular weight of chitosan (Chung, 2006; Li et al.,
review scope of this manuscript and thus would not be discussed 2013). The increase in the number of eNH3þ functional groups
in-depth. enabled the chitosan to interact and bind with the negatively
Among the natural coagulants, chitosan has received much charged suspended solids through charge neutralization while the
attention for modification studies. Chitosan is a polysaccharide longer polymer chain contributed to the flexibility and conforma-
polymer which is soluble only in dilute acidic solutions (pH  5). Its tion of chitosan, allowing it to entrap more suspended particles and
coagulation performance is also greatly affected by pH where the subsequently form larger flocs for removal. Nonetheless, the sig-
efficient removal of negatively charged impurities is limited within nificance of these structural properties might vary depending on
a narrow pH range (pH  6) (Renault et al., 2009). Poor water- the constituents of water (inorganic and organic pollutants, and
solubility and limited working pH range have restricted the appli- microorganism) and environmental factors (e.g. pH, ionic strength,
cation of raw chitosan in coagulation process since the pH of water and temperature), given that the charge density and conformation
and wastewater may be neutral or alkaline, reducing the removal of the chitosan polymer may be heavily affected by those factors.
effectiveness of negatively charged impurities. To overcome these Similar to chitosan, starch is considered as one of the low-cost
weaknesses, modification on the structures and functional groups natural polymeric materials that possesses great potential as nat-
of chitosan can be conducted. Past studies have revealed that the ural coagulant for water treatment. Yet, starch coagulant faces the
introduction of certain functional groups onto the chitosan not only same issues as chitosan: low water solubility and weak negative
improved the solubility and broadened the working pH range in surface charge. The precedent success of chitosan modification can
water, but also enhanced its adsorption capacity to bind the im- also be applied for starch-based coagulant. Huang et al. (2017) has
purities in water sources (Yang et al., 2016). shown that the positive surface charge of starch could be signifi-
Dong et al. (2014) reported several interesting findings on cantly elevated by grafting quaternary ammonium salt groups ((2-
quarternized carboxymethyl chitosan, a modified chitosan for methacryloyloxyethyl) trimethylammonium chloride) onto the
coagulation/flocculation process (Dong et al., 2014). The introduc- starch polymer backbone (Huang et al., 2017). The cationic qua-
tion of carboxymethyl and grafting of quarternary ammonium ternary ammonium salt groups significantly elevated the surface
groups ((3-chloro-2-hydroxypropy)-trimethylammonium chlo- charge of starch from negatively charged (less than 0 mV within pH
ride) onto the chitosan backbone has destroyed the ordered range of 2e12) to positively charged (>30 mV within the same pH
structure of chitosan, giving the new coagulant an amorphous range). The highly positively charged characteristics is desired for
feature. Apart from the morphological changes, the presence of many coagulants, given that most inorganic suspended colloidal
positively charged quarternary ammonium groups has shifted the particles possess negative surface charge. Additional improvement
isoelectric point of modified chitosan coagulant to beyond pH 9, as associated with the grafting on starch was the extension of soluble
compared to pristine chitosan at pH 6.0e6.5. This indicated that the pH range and creation of comb-like polymer structures. These
applicability of modified chitosan coagulant has been extended to indicated that the number of effective coagulant sites exposed to
alkaline water sources (e.g. algal bloom water), eliminating the the suspended solids would also be increased, and the removal
need for pH adjustment. Also, the water solubility of the modified capability of suspended particles through charge neutralization and
chitosan was remarkably improved, covering almost the whole pH enmeshment would also be strengthened. Consequently, only low
range (except near its isoelectric point). The combination of doses (0.5e0.7 ppm) of the modified starch coagulant was required
elevated isoelectric point, improved water solubility, and presence for the efficient removal (>98%) of kaolin suspension solution
of abundant positively charged functional groups (-NH2, eOH, and (1000 ppm; pH 2e11) (Huang et al., 2017).
eCOOH) has granted the modified chitosan coagulant better per- Apart from the ubiquitous use of plant-based natural co-
formance in the removal of algal as compared to unmodified chi- agulants, dextran, a bio-polysaccharide-based coagulant produced
tosan and commercial coagulants such as aluminum sulphate and with sucrose as substrate and dextransucrase enzyme (extracted
ferric chloride. The modified chitosan coagulant reportedly out- from bacteria) has emerged as an environmentally friendly coag-
performed the rest with lower optimal dosage (as much as 200 ulant in wastewater treatment. However, dextran coagulant en-
times lesser than aluminum sulphate to achieve the same removal counters the same issues as chitosan, where its low solubility and
efficiency) and better flocs quality (faster growth rate and larger hydrophilicity has limited its application potential. To improve the
flocs size). All these improvements can be literally translated to water solubility of dextran, Li et al. (2016)a,b grafted acrylamino
potential minimization of water treatment cost. Hence, appropriate and carboxyl groups onto the dextran backbone (Li et al. 2016a,b).
modification on the structures of chitosan can overcome the The introduction of hydrophilic groups (-CONH2 and eCOO-)
drawbacks normally associated with natural coagulant while at the improved the water solubility of the modified dextran coagulant
same time is as competent as conventional coagulant. (>40 times better than pristine dextran) and at the same time
On another note, the coagulation capability of chitosan can be granted the coagulant negative surface charge. Interestingly, this
fine-tuned by modifying its structural properties during the syn- anionic coagulant was effective in removing positively charged
thesis process. The two most important structural factors that have pollutant, where 96% of turbidity (hematite; 2500 ppm concen-
significant influence on the coagulation mechanism and perfor- tration) was successfully removed as compared to 30% removal
mance of chitosan coagulant are the degree of deacetylation and its with unmodified dextran coagulant. This indicated that with the
molecular weight (Yang et al., 2016). The degree of deacetylation right formulation of modification, the natural coagulant can be
will affect the number of eNH2 functional groups present on chi- fine-tuned to remove positively charged pollutants, effectively
tosan backbone polymer, which determines the charge density and broadening the application window of coagulation since most of
thus directly influences the efficiency of charge neutralization the suspended solids for removal are negatively charged (Sillanpa €€
(coagulation mechanism). The molecular weight of chitosan is et al., 2018).
accounted for the morphology and conformation of the polymer One interesting work conducted by Ge at el. (2016) has shown
chain in aqueous medium, which contributes to the capability of that crystalline nanocellulose could be modified with 1-(3-
bridging and sweeping coagulation mechanisms. In general, the aminopropyl)imidazole to possess reversible capability for
8 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

harvesting of microalgae (Ge et al., 2016). The introduction of CO2 certain natural coagulants since they do not own the plentiful
into the solution would lower the water pH and subsequently active sites for interaction with modifying agents. On the other
protonate the imidazole functional groups to become positively hand, though starch, dextran, and cellulose comprised long poly-
charged, which would then interact with the negatively charged saccharide chain, both are deficit of eNH2 functional group (as
microalgae. After the CO2 treatment, the water sources would be shown in Fig. 4). Subsequently, the versatility of those materials as
exposed to air sparging to trigger the gelation between the modi- natural coagulants has been discounted and less effective as
fied nanocellulose coagulants (removal of CO2 would reduce the compared to chitosan. The few popularly modification agents that
dispersibility of the coagulants), which would also enmesh the frequently used to enhance the performance of natural coagulants
adjacent microalgae and/or aggregates of microalgae-modified are displayed in Fig. 5. Some modifications involve several modi-
nanocellulose. The CO2 and air sparging altered the characteris- fying agents while some only need one. Overall, the functional
tics of the modified coagulants to facilitate the interaction between groups on the natural coagulants (eOH and eNH2 functional
the coagulants and microalgae, formation of agglomerates, and groups) are responsible to react with the modifying agents for
removal via settling. It was reported that the modified nano- improved performance.
cellulose coagulants had little effect on microalgae cells growth,
indicating its biocompatibility. Also, the coagulants could be re- 3.4. Hybridization with inorganic or other types of coagulants
dispersed in the suspension through CO2 sparging and reused for
microalgae harvesting. This implied that the modified coagulants As previously mentioned, under certain circumstances, natural
has the potential to provide a sustainable solution for microalgal coagulant might not be as effective as compared to conventional
harvesting or removal as it can be recycled by controlling the CO2/ inorganic coagulants. However, the environmental benefits of
air sparging treatment that has direct impact on the interaction natural coagulants could not be neglected. To harness the benefits
between coagulants and microalgae. of natural coagulants without sacrificing the treatment efficiency,
The modification of natural coagulants is not limited to the apart from the chemical modification discussed in the previous
production of cationic coagulants (extending the pH range of pos- section, the natural coagulants could be mixed or used together
itive charge beyond neutral pH) for the removal of anionic impu- with other types of coagulants (normally inorganic types). This
rities (e.g. natural organic matter) but also catering for the cationic strategy can be accomplished in two ways: dual coagulant or
impurities (e.g. cationic heavy metals and dyes) (Chaouf et al., 2019; composite coagulant and coagulant aid (Mohd-Salleh et al., 2019;
Song et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2013). For instance, acrylamide has Oladoja, 2016). The former is produced by combining two types of
been successfully grafted to the cellulose and hydroxyethyl cellu- coagulants as a single working composite coagulant, while coagu-
lose (modified form of cellulose) and granted it negative charge at lant aid is the materials used as an auxiliary to the primary coag-
pH above 3, which easily exceeded 45 mV above pH 7 (Chaouf ulant (adding some time after the dosing of primary coagulant).
et al., 2019; Song et al., 2011). Such a negatively charged property These approaches will help to enhance the treatment efficiency,
enabled the modified natural coagulants to remove positively speed up the formation and improve the strength of flocs, and thus
charged pollutants. Chaouf et al. (2019) showed that the minimizing the consumption of non-renewable counterpart co-
acrylamide-modified hydroxyethyl cellulose could remove 99% of agulants (especially chemical coagulants) as well as its associated
positively charged ferric hydroxide colloidal particles and achieve adverse environmental and cost impacts (Mirroshandel et al.,
excellent removal capacity of copper (II) ions heavy metal at 2016). Hybridization between synthetic or non-natural coagulants
400 mg g1, which was difficult for the unmodified cellulose nat- have been widely reported but the focus in this section is the hy-
ural coagulant to remove (Chaouf et al., 2019). The improvement of bridization that involves the use of natural materials (Lee et al.,
coagulation capability could be attributed to the saponification of 2012).
the amide group on the modified natural coagulant, which led to Ma et al. (2016) prepared a composite coagulant comprised
the formation of carboxylate that could deprotonate to become chitosan and aluminum chloride by mixing the two coagulants
negatively charged in solution. This development enabled the together in solution Ma et al. (2016). The composite coagulant
modified cellulose coagulant to acquire positive charge and sub- outperformed the individual coagulation process by achieving the
sequently favoring it for the removal of cationic impurities through optimal removal efficiency of M. aeruginosa (a harmful cyanobac-
strengthened charge neutralization coagulation mechanism. terium that can produce toxins which adversely affect aquatic
Table 1 presents a few examples of modified natural coagulants ecosystems and human) with lower dosage. It was reported that the
with various modifying agents. As can be observed from the table, polymer chains of chitosan and the steric crowding of aluminum
chitosan is the trendy natural coagulant that has been frequently hydroxide precipitates gave rise to entrapment and bridging
modified for coagulation performance evaluation. Indeed, a quick mechanisms for the removal of M. aeruginosa. Both the components
search in SCOPUS database revealed that majority of the modified of the composite coagulant exerted little or probably no stress on
natural coagulants involved chitosan. This article did not intend to the cells, indicating that negligible of cell damage occurred during
downplay the role and potential of other natural coagulants, as the coagulation process. In addition, the composite coagulant could
modification studies have also been conducted on oatmeal, sodium effectively remove extracellular organic matter. This was beneficial
alginate, xylan, agar, and seed gum (Bharti et al., 2013; G. U. Rani as it indicates that the risk of disinfection by-products formation
et al., 2013; P. Rani et al., 2013; Sanghi et al., 2007; S. Wang et al., during subsequent disinfection process would also be lessened.
2015a,b). However, the fact that chitosan attracted most of the re- Overall, the combination of natural coagulant (chitosan) with the
searchers’ attention reveals the versatility of chitosan as natural conventional coagulant (aluminum chloride) has proven to be an
coagulant. As shown in Fig. 4, chitosan possesses eOH and eNH2 effective treatment process for the removal of harmful cyanobac-
functional groups that could readily react with modifying agents to teria which is normally found in highly eutrophic (polluted) water.
obtain improved characteristics for more efficient coagulation Apart from being combined into composite coagulant, the
process (Momeni et al., 2018). The long polysaccharide backbone popular natural coagulant e chitosan e has also been used as
provides numerous active sites for modification, in which other coagulant aid for wastewater treatment. The use of chitosan as
natural coagulants are found either to be falling short or the exact coagulant aid to aluminum-based primary coagulant has enhanced
components responsible for coagulation have been difficult to be the removal efficiency of dye pollutants by 5e60%, especially at
identified. This explains the shortage of modification studies on lower dosage of aluminum coagulant (Wang et al., 2017). This could
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 9

Table 1
Modified natural coagulants with various modifying agents and associated improvement in performance.

No. Natural coagulants Modifying agents Remarks & Improvement Ref.

1 Chitosan Acrylamide Grafted chitosan possessed rough, porous, and loose structures. Meanwhile, the Ma et al. (2016)
isoelectric point has been shifted to pH 8. All these changes were favorable for
improved contaminants removal through charge neutralization. The highly-
branched grafted polymer also promoted the formation of larger and shear-
resistance flocs, facilitating better sedimentation process.
2 Cellulose (flocculation Acrylamide The polyacrylamide chains were grafted onto the rigid polysaccharide backbone Das et al. (2013)
characteristics of of cellulose, which gave rise to branching structures with larger hydrodynamic
polyacrylamide grafted) volume for the modified cellulose-based coagulant. This structure made the
capture of contaminants (kaolin and iron ore) easier and more efficient for the
modified coagulant (two to three times better than pristine cellulose).
3 Guar gum (Flocculation Acrylamide The grafting of polyacrylamide on the guar gum increased the molecular weight Pal et al. (2011)
properties of polyacrylamide and gyration radius of the coagulant as compared to pristine guar gum. These
grafted) two features improved the approachability of the contaminants (municipal
sewage wastewater and synthetic water consisted of kaolin suspension and
methylene blue dye) towards the coagulant, thereby increasing the removal
efficiency (three to four times better than pristine guar gum).
4 Starch (flocculation of both (2-hydroxypropyl) The starch was chemically modified into cationic and anionic modified starch- Li et al. (2015)
kaolin and hematite) trimethylammonium chloride based coagulant using the same modifiers but with different ratio (amount). The
structural characteristics differences between both coagulants (carboxymethyl
and anionic groups on the starch backbone) acted oppositely under different pH
conditions. Consequently, the cationic coagulant showed excellent removal of
negatively charged kaolin particles while performing poorly in the removal of
positively charged hematite suspension. Similar observation was encountered
by anionic starch coagulant but the effective removal was towards the positively
charged hematite.
5 Chitosan (preparation of Mercaptoacetic acid The incorporation of mercaptoacetic acid improved the water solubility of Zhang et al.
mercaptoacetyl) chitosan up to pH 11 and enhanced the removal of copper (several times better (2015)
than pristine chitosan). This could be associated to the presence of mercapto-
group that helped to chelate the copper on top of the reaction between eNH2
and copper.
6 Starch (graft copolymeric Acrylamide and 2- Owing to the branching nature and high gyration radius (3226 nm), the binary- Das et al. (2019)
flocculant) (methacryloyloxy) ethyl grafted starch coagulant acquired improved approachability of contaminants
trimethylammonium chloride (blast furnace effluent), resulting in better removal efficiency as compared to
commercial product.
7 Dextran (dextran derivatives Cationic: Pendent quaternary Charge neutralization is one of the most important mechanisms for Ghimici and
application) ammonium groups contaminants removal in coagulation process. Often, coagulants are modified to Nichifor (2018)
Anionic: Monobasic phosphate possess charge opposite of contaminants for efficient removal. In this case, the
groups, acrylamide and sodium versatility of dextran was demonstrated where it can be modified with different
acrylate compounds to possess the desired cationic or anionic charges.
8 Chitosan (synthesis and N-methyl piperazinium chloride High cationic charge N-methyl piperazinium chloride was grafted on the Dharani and
characterization of chitosan) chitosan backbone, resulting in improved water solubility, irregular structure Balasubramanian
(which could be attributed to the branching effects) and improved thermal (2015)
stability of chitosan (up from 270  C to 440  C). The grafted chitosan recorded
lower (up to 50%) optimal dosage for the removal of bentonite (500 ppm) over a
wide range of pH (4e10). The modified chitosan performed well even under
alkaline solution, which could be attributed to the presence of cationic
quaternary ammonium groups in N-methyl piperazinium.

be attributed to the strong interaction between chitosan and coagulant aid (Shak and Wu, 2015). Owing to the high molecular
aluminum-dye aggregates. The long chain structure of chitosan weight and polymeric structure of natural seed gum, more impu-
with abundance of amino groups could interact with the aluminum rities would be adsorbed onto the coagulant aid while at the same
aggregates through charge neutralization mechanism, which time the formation of larger aggregates would be promoted
would bind the small aggregates to form larger flocs. The bridging through bridging mechanism. These characteristics have made it
between the flocs via chitosan would increase the flocs size and possible to compensate for the reduction of alum consumption. The
strength, the characteristics desired for effective coagulation and combined treatment revealed that the use of natural coagulant aid
sedimentation processes. could significantly reduce the consumption of chemical coagulants
Alum, being one of the most widely used inorganic coagulants in and similar trend should be explored for other types of water
water and wastewater treatment, has been a concern for public as it sources.
is tied to the dispute of whether or not it causes Alzheimer disease. Study conducted by Wu et al. (2012) had shown the benefits of
Natural coagulant aid can be used to reduce the consumption of having coagulant aid (sodium alginate) for the treatment of dying
alum coagulant as part of the effort to phase out the use of alum in wastewater (synthetic and real) with alum as the primary coagu-
the future. Natural seed gum extracted from Cassia obtusifolia seeds lant (Wu et al., 2012). Their findings showed that not only had the
has shown promising potential as a coagulant aid to cut down the addition of sodium alginate as coagulant aid improved the overall
consumption of alum in the treatment of palm oil mill effluent, an color removal efficiency, but the synergistic improvement (with
abundant agricultural effluent discharged from the oil palm 1 ppm of sodium alginate) decreased the dosage of alum (4.5 ppm)
extraction mills. Shak and Wu (2015) reported that the amount of required for the same treatment efficiency when alum (6 ppm) was
alum used for optimal treatment efficiency has been cut down by used alone. The reduction of alum consumption could potentially
55% (2.57 g/L to 1.15 g/L) with the inclusion of natural seed gum as cut down the costs (coagulant and sludge handling) and minimize
10 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

Fig. 4. Molecular structures of (a) chitosan, (b) cellulose, (c) starch, (d) dextran (e) guar gum (f) lignin (Ghimici and Nichifor, 2018; Gupta and Variyar, 2018; Li et al., 2015; R. Li et al.
(2016)a,b; Momeni et al., 2018; Vuoti et al., 2018).

Fig. 5. Molecular structures of various modifying agents: (a) (3-chloro 2-hydroxypropyl) trimethylammonium chloride (Momeni et al., 2018); (b) acrylamide (Hasan and Fatehi,
2018) (c) (2-methacryloyloxyethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (Hasan and Fatehi, 2018) (d) sodium acrylate (Li et al., 2016a,b) (e) mercaptoacetic acid (Zhang et al., 2015) (f)
N-methyl piperazine (Dharani and Balasubramanian, 2015) (g) methyl methacrylate (P. Rani et al., 2013) (h) N,N-Dimethylacrylamide (Kolya and Tripathy, 2013) (i) 2-acrylamino-2-
methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid (Tang et al., 2020) (j) poly (N-vinylcaprolactam) with carboxyl end.
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 11

the environmental impacts arising from alum coagulant. The differently according to the type of water sources.
bridging ability of sodium alginate reportedly facilitated the for- Alternative to chemical-dosing coagulation process is the elec-
mation of larger flocs with greater resistance to breakage. This trocoagulation that generates coagulating compounds from
indicated that with the addition of coagulant aid, the flocs would oxidation of metallic electrodes. Electrocoagulation has also been
settle down quicker than the smaller flocs formed when alum was studied extensively for the treatment of various wastewater and it
used alone. The short retention time coupled with larger floc size shares the same concern as chemical coagulation process e highly
can lead to footprint reduction of coagulation-sedimentation units reliant on ferric and aluminum-based electrodes that form hy-
(more compact). Treatment with real dying wastewater also droxides for the removal of impurities in water sources. The sludge
observed 5e10% improvement of color removal efficiency when produced and the excessive coagulants in the treated water will
sodium alginate was used as coagulant aid to alum as primary then become an issue for the plant operators due to the presence of
coagulant. metallic compounds. Hence, to reduce the consumption and pro-
In another study conducted by Wang et al., (2015)a,b, sodium duction of excessive coagulating compounds, natural coagulant aid
alginate was coupled with polyaluminum chloride for the removal can also be applied to assist the operation of electrocoagulation
of copper oxide nanoparticles and humic acid (Y. Wang et al., process. Adjeroud et al. (2015) evaluated the performance of elec-
2015a,b). The impacts of the presence of sodium alginate as coag- trocoagulation process with and without the presence of cactus
ulant aid on the removal efficiency and subsequent ultrafiltration juice (coagulant aid) for the removal of turbidity in synthetic
membrane performance were evaluated. Generally, the addition of wastewater (Adjeroud et al., 2015). It was found that the cactus
coagulant aid improved the contaminants removal efficiency up to juice significantly enhanced the turbidity removal by 15% as
20e30% while slightly minimizing the membrane flux decline. The compared to 72% of removal efficiency without the coagulant aid.
initial coagulation process involved the formation of aggregation The improvement was made possible through adsorption mecha-
between the positively charged aluminum coagulant and nega- nism where the charged sugars content in cactus juice could
tively charged copper oxide and humic acid contaminants. These potentially interact with cations (coagulants from electrodes) that
microflocs will then be bridged with the alginate polymers through were binding the suspended particles in the solution. This shows
the carboxyl functional groups to form “egg-box” structures. These that not only natural coagulants can be coagulant aid for chemical
gel networks would then sweep across the solution to entrap coagulation but also can benefit the electrocoagulation process,
remaining contaminants, which explained the improved removal indicating the versatility of natural coagulants.
efficiency when coagulant aid was present. At the same time, the Apart from the popular natural coagulants such as chitosan and
addition of sodium alginate enlarged the floc size and minimized Moringa, other natural materials that do not perform well as
the blocking of membrane pores by small particles. This showed coagulant individually still possess the potential to be used in water
that natural coagulant aid can perform well in enhancing the and wastewater treatment process as coagulant aid or in the form
coagulation performance while at the same time benefiting the of composite coagulant. Few common examples of these materials
downstream treatment process. include, but not limited to, lignin, starch, green algae, and cactus
Though Moringa-based coagulant is as popular as chitosan with mucilage (Guo et al., 2018; R. Li et al., 2016a,b; Luo et al., 2018;
numerous publications citing the usefulness as natural coagulant in Mirroshandel et al., 2016; Xue et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2019).
water and wastewater treatment, its hybridization use with other Basically, these coagulant aids strengthened the flocs through
types of coagulants has not been widely reported. From the few charge neutralization and bridging interactions with the flocs
articles relevant to this topic, Moringa-based coagulants can be formed by primary coagulant. Subsequently, the treatment effi-
used together with aluminium sulphate in both ways, either mixed ciency has been improved and the dosage of primary coagulant has
together or dose prior or after the dosing of alum. Ghebremichael been reduced too. This could bring a significant benefit as the re-
et al. (2009) reported that dosing the natural coagulant prior sidual coagulant such as Al could be minimized. Overall, natural
alum would result in better removal of turbidity (20% increment) coagulant aids or composite coagulants demonstrate the way to
and dissolved organic carbon (Ghebremichael et al., 2009). utilize the natural materials while at the same time resolving the
Exposing the Moringa coagulant to high turbidity water would issues of excessive dependent on inorganic coagulants. As ex-
facilitate the formation of micro-flocs, which would then be pected, chitosan still monopolizes the field of coagulant aid or
entrapped and adsorbed easily to the aluminium hydroxide pre- composite coagulant due to its versatility (structures and functional
cipitates. Furthermore, the use of natural coagulant aid reduced the groups) to work together with inorganic coagulants.
alum dosage by about 50e75%.
Similar benefits (higher turbidity removal and reduced alum 3.5. Multifunctional natural coagulants
consumption) can also been achieved by dosing both alum and
Moringa coagulants together (De Paula et al., 2014). In contrast, There are plenty of reports on the use of natural coagulants for
Freitas et al. (2016) highlighted that dosing the Moringa coagulant the removal of suspended particles and natural organic matter
after alum would result in better turbidity reduction capacity €€
(Sillanpa a et al., 2018). However, the application of natural co-
compared to dosing both together (Freitas et al., 2016). It was agulants for the removal of dissolved pollutants such as heavy
postulated that when both were dosed together, the natural coag- metals, nutrients, and trace organic compounds or emerging con-
ulant would interact with both suspended particles and aluminium taminants has not received as much attention as suspended solids
ions. This reduced the available aluminium ions for the formation and natural organic matter. This could be attributed to the nature of
and removal of suspended particles. On the other hand, dosing the coagulants, which is effective for the removal of larger particles
Moringa coagulant after alum would not disrupt the coagulation through charge interaction and bridging mechanism. Unlike ad-
activity by alum. Instead, the natural coagulant helped to promote sorbents, coagulants do not possess a solid medium that provides
the formation of larger flocs for removal and at the same time an abundance of surface areas for entrapment of soluble impurities
reduce the amount of aluminium residue in the treated water through physical or chemical adsorption mechanisms via van der
(0.3 mg/L as compared to 35.5 mg/L using alum only). This dem- Waals forces of interaction, electrostatic attraction, p-p in-
onstrates that the dosing sequence and hybridization mode for the teractions, hydrophobic interactions, and electron sharing (Sophia
incorporation of natural coagulants with conventional coagulants A. and Lima, 2018). Hence, natural coagulants normally recorded
have to be designed properly as the combination may perform poor removal performance of dissolved contaminants (Teh et al.,
12 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

2016; Xue et al., 2019). coagulant (Jia et al., 2016). It was discovered that the modified
Another unneglectable fact is that real water sources contain a chitosan recorded much better removal efficiency for both copper
vast amount of impurities, which typically requires several treat- ions and antibiotic coexisting in the solution as compared to pris-
ment technologies to remove all the pollutants since conventional tine chitosan under the same experimental conditions. It was
treatment processes normally possess single functionality (target- postulated that the improvement was due to the presence of p-p
ing single type of pollutant). This has resulted in the need for high stacking between the positively charged triazine rings in the
capital and operation costs, complicated devices, lengthy process, modified chitosan and the negatively charged aromatic rings in
and energy and labor-intensive operations (Pintilie et al., 2016). In antibiotics. The establishment of this interaction enhanced the
conjunction with process intensification, incorporating other rele- removal of antibiotics, in addition to being removed through
vant functionalities capability onto the coagulants may produce a embedment in copper hydroxide.
new generation of multifunctional coagulants that are capable to The bacteria present in the water are required to be disinfected,
remove various types of pollutants and at the same time perform with higher bacterial density requiring larger dosage of disinfec-
several functions, making the water and wastewater treatment tants. The dosage of large amount of disinfectants may increase the
processes more compact and efficient in terms of performance and risk of the formation of disinfection byproducts, which is harmful to
costs (Tayalia and Vijaysai, 2012). Also, highlighting the capability human health (Yang et al., 2014). Hence, it may be helpful if the
of natural coagulant in removing multiple pollutants coexisting in natural coagulant can remove both suspended solids and bacteria,
the water sources will help to convince the water operators about which to a certain extent may reduce the dosage requirement of
the real potential of natural coagulant. In view of this, the study on disinfectants and potentially simplify the whole treatment process.
the synthesis of multifunctional natural coagulants and the Hoa and Hue (2018) reported that the use of Moringa natural
demonstration of multi-functionality of natural coagulants could coagulant removed 100% of the E. coli in lake water while sustaining
help to achieve these targets. 99% reduction of turbidity and COD (Hoa and Hue, 2018).
Heavy metals are dissolved ions normally found in industrial Conversely, polyaluminum chloride coagulant only achieved
wastewater and required to be removed during the treatment 40e60% removal of these impurities. The high removal of bacteria
process. Coagulation process, regardless of conventional metallic could be associated with the high removal of suspended solids and
coagulants or natural coagulants, has poor capability to remove the the cationic protein of Moringa that can potentially destroy the
soluble heavy metals efficiently from the water sources (Lee et al., E. coli cells (Shebek et al., 2015). Though the potential of natural
2014; Sun et al., 2019). Consequently, the coagulation process coagulant as bactericidal or bacteriostatic is still a disputed case, the
must be integrated with other treatment units to ensure the total antibacterial property of unmodified or modified natural coagulant
removal of heavy metals (or any dissolved pollutants) from the (apart from being used for the removal of non-living pollutants) is
wastewater (Lee et al., 2014). To improve the capability of the worth exploring (Huang et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017).
natural coagulant in removing multiple pollutants, certain func- The functional groups that give rise to different functionalities
tional groups possessing high heavy metals affinities can be can significantly improve the application efficiency of the process
incorporated into the molecular chain of coagulant. For instance, and reduce the costs associated with chemical consumption. For
dithiocarboxy group (eC (¼S)eS-) has a strong affinity for heavy instance, anionic groups such as carboxyl groups and sulfonic
metal ions and can form stable chelate precipitates for the removal groups are typically present on scale inhibitors and anionic co-
heavy metal ions from water sources (Zhu et al., 2019). Yang et al. agulants. These similarities in structure indicate the potential for
(2018) introduced the dithiocarboxy group to the eOH functional the development of multifunctional coagulants with not only
group on chitosan to produce xanthated chitosan with both coag- coagulation functionality but also scale inhibition. Du et al. (2018)
ulation and chelation capabilities. It was reported that both the have shown that the modified natural coagulant, poly (acrylic
coexisting copper (heavy metal) and kaolin (turbidity) were suc- acid) grafted starch exhibited both effective scale-inhibition per-
cessfully removed, with the presence of turbidity helping to in- formance and high turbidity removal efficiency (Du et al., 2018). In
crease the removal rate of copper ions from 92% to 94%. This terms of coagulation performance, the natural coagulant as coag-
observation could be attributed to the formation of flocs (coagu- ulant aid for polyaluminum chloride reduced the dose of the latter
lation) that swept across the solution (sweeping mechanism) and chemical by more than 30% while improving the flocs formation
captured more insoluble chelating precipitates (formed between and settling efficiency. On the other hand, the carboxyl groups on
the negatively charged dithiocarboxy groups and positively the modified natural coagulants have a good chelating effect with
charged copper ions through coordination/chelation mechanism). the calcium ions in the solution, which directly reduced the avail-
Similar observation has been reported by Sun et al. (2019) where ability of free calcium ions for the formation of calcium carbonate
heavy metal chelating functional groups grafted onto chitosan scales. However, both coagulation and anti-scaling studies were
enabled it to remove copper, chromium, nickel ions coexisting in conducted separately. Further study on both functionalities in one
the synthetic water through chelation process (Sun et al., 2019). The study will provide more practical results and application potential.
chelated heavy metals would form precipitates which were then The concept of multifunctional coagulant capable of removing a
removed via coagulation sweeping mechanism in the form of flocs. broad spectrum of contaminants can be inspired by looking at
Antibiotic is another contaminant that coagulants have limited nature. Liu and his team have synthesized innovative biomimetic
removal efficiency due to the weak interaction between both micellar multifunctional nanocoagulant for single-step removal of
components. Past study has shown that in the co-existence of several water contaminants (Liu et al., 2019). Though the coagulant
copper ions, antibiotic could be removed indirectly by chitosan was not synthesized from natural material, the concept idea can be
coagulant. The antibiotic was embedded in copper hydroxides via taken and implemented in natural coagulant. The multifunctional
coordination effect where this composite was subsequently coagulant imitated the structure of Actinia, a marine predator that
removed by chitosan through charge neutralization and coordina- uses its tentacles to ensnare food. This living organism has a cy-
tion between chitosan and copper hydroxide (Zhang et al., 2014). Jia lindrical or spherical body with tentacles that could be retracted
et al. (2016) introduced functional groups with large p-electron while resting or extended while preying. The multifunctional
clouds onto chitosan with the aim to establish direct interaction coagulant has a core-shell structure, where the core was respon-
between antibiotic (many antibiotics possess aromatic rings with sible for capturing dissolved contaminants while the shell would
large p-electron clouds molecular structures) and chitosan hydrolyze to destabilize and enmesh colloids and suspended
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 13

particles. The performance of the multifunctional coagulant was 5.1. Practicality and feasibility of real application
very encouraging where it outperformed the commercial co-
agulants (alum, ferric chloride, and poly (dia- Most of the reported performance results of natural coagulants
llyldimethylammonium chloride)) especially for the removal of have been confined to lab-scale studies and the transition to field
dissolved organic carbon, total phosphorus, nitrate, and multiple trials and real industrial applications has been scarce. The capa-
emerging contaminants. A remarkable observation was that the bility of natural coagulants in bracing the real application chal-
commercial coagulants recorded low removal efficiency (generally lenges such as fluctuating feed water quality, steady supply of
lower than 30%) of those dissolved contaminants but the multi- natural coagulants with consistent quality, and storage and
functional coagulant acquired more than 90% removal efficiency. handling of natural coagulants has not been confirmed. To what
This core-shell biomimetic multifunctional coagulant demon- extent the benefits of using natural coagulants over conventional
strated its great potential in carrying out the functionality of coagulants in the real application has yet to be justified. The good
coagulation (targeting suspended particles) and adsorption (tar- concepts of natural coagulants improvement such as multi-
geting dissolved contaminants) in one single process. functionality, hybridization with other types of coagulants,
enhancement through chemical modification, and integration with
other treatment technologies have been shown in numerous
4. Sustainability of natural coagulants experimental studies. However, the practicality of using these types
of natural coagulants has not been well understood. The challenges
Although performance efficiency is one of the most important of mass-production, technical issues, and toxicity of these co-
factors being emphasized in water and wastewater treatment agulants coupled with the impacts on the other treatment pro-
processes, other criteria answering the long-term reliability of the cesses are the main concerns that require real application for the
technologies are equally important, especially with the call for revelation of application feasibility of natural coagulants.
sustainable development by the United Nations. In general, sus-
tainable development can be defined as “the development that
meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of 5.2. Sustainability of natural coagulants
future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland, 1987). In
the context of water and wastewater treatment processes, the As discussed earlier, the use of natural coagulants met few of the
sustainability can be considered from the integration of environ- sustainability criteria and a few more aspects could not be verified
mental, social, economic, and technical aspects (Kamali et al., due to the lack of data. The main concerns of technical criteria are
2019a). Since the focus of this review is on natural coagulants the quality, stability, and safety aspects of natural coagulants, which
and its performance in water and wastewater treatment, the sus- will control the consistency of performance and feasibility of the
tainability criteria have been adjusted from past literature to meet coagulation process. The challenge lies in the continuous supply of
the purpose of this review (as shown in Fig. 6). The sustainability sufficient amount of natural coagulants with desired properties
aspects of the natural coagulants will be discussed according to the without being affected by the various differences in the extraction
criteria and presented in Table 2. and purification or synthesis of natural coagulants. From the
environmental perspective, the secondary wastes after coagulation
process and during the synthesis/extraction processes as well as
5. Challenges of acceptance of natural coagulants the residual of natural coagulants in treated water could pose a
safety challenge to the environment and consumers. For economic
The sustainability assessment and the main topics discussed in sustainability, the costs incurred or saved due to the use of natural
this article have highlighted few main challenges on the application coagulants have received some mixed opinions. Further detailed
of natural coagulants in water and wastewater treatment processes. economic study is required to clarify the confusion arising from
The main challenges of the acceptance of natural coagulants by various speculations. In social sustainability, the low industry
water industry were summarized as below. acceptance of natural coagulants could be attributed to the lack of

Fig. 6. Sustainability criteria commonly considered for water and wastewater treatment process (Kamali et al., 2019b).
14 W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267

Table 2
General assessment of natural coagulants according to different sustainability criteria.

No. Criteria Remarks

1 Technical
 Treatment efficiency Natural coagulants have proven track record in removing colloidal matters and suspended particles from water sources. The proper
selection of natural sources and modification of natural coagulants could lead to promising coagulation performance, offering an
opportunity as alternative options with competent performance over non-biodegradable conventional coagulants.
 Materials availability Past research articles showed that natural coagulants can be acquired and extracted from various sources ranging from waste biomass
to natural products or even can be synthesized from microorganisms (Kanmani et al., 2017; Lee and Chang, 2018; Saleem and
Bachmann, 2019b). Hence, it can be concluded that certain natural coagulants have reliable and easily available sources.
 Compatibility with other Natural coagulants generally did not cause major problems for other treatment technologies, though more study looking at various
technologies integrated or hybrid process using natural coagulants should be conducted.
 Product stability Natural coagulants are susceptible to degradation where the active compounds (proteins and polysaccharides) may age during
storage or be altered due to microbial attack and external environmental factors during extraction and purification steps (Abidin et al.,
2019; Ho et al., 2014). This poses a challenge for the long-term storage of natural coagulants as deterioration of active compounds will
adversely affect the coagulation efficiency. This also has severe impacts on the commercialization potential of natural coagulants, as it
will affect the integrity (performance) and cause logistic (transportation and storage) problems for the natural coagulants.
 Safety Natural coagulants are generally regarded as nontoxic and safe due to its natural origin. However, toxicological study of natural
coagulants and its broader effect on living organisms remains unclear. This is especially compelling for the modified natural
coagulants since it involves the grafting of chemicals onto the coagulant. More detailed evaluation of the toxicity of natural coagulants
(modified or unmodified) on environment and human is needed to confirm the safe use of natural coagulants.
2 Environmental Using biodegradable natural coagulants which could reduce the amount of sludge and at the same time do not contribute to the
toxicity of the sludge might appeal to the water utilities (dos Santos et al., 2018). The organic sludge generated from natural
coagulants may offer environmental sustainability if the sludge could be reused for other purposes, such as in the civil engineering
industry (cement, concrete, and mortar), agricultural practice and land-based uses, and wastewater treatment (Ahmad et al., 2016).
The secondary waste generated during the extraction and purification or the synthesis of natural coagulants that involve the use of
chemicals has rarely been discussed.
The residues of natural coagulant are considered as organic substances that might possibly interact with disinfectants (from
downstream disinfection process) to form carcinogenic disinfection byproducts (Oladoja, 2015; Teh et al., 2016). Hence, precautions
should be taken when using natural coagulants if downstream disinfection process is available. Also, the purity of active compounds
in the natural coagulants can be elevated to reduce and eliminate the impurities (Barbosa et al., 2018; Dezfooli et al., 2016).
3 Economic Natural coagulants have always been considered to be cheap since it can be extracted from low-cost biomass. However, this claim has
been misleading and generalized as it does not take into account other factors (costs of processing and variation due to geographical
regions) that place equally significant weight on the cost of the coagulants. Hence, the cost advantage of natural coagulants over
conventional coagulants has not been truly justified.
On another note, the benefits of using natural coagulants such as production of lesser sludge and without the need of pH adjustment
have been difficult to be converted into cost benefits since most reported claims were made from lab-scale observation. More detailed
evaluation at pilot-scale or real application is required to justify the cost reduction indirectly associated with the benefits of using
natural coagulants.
Another way to improve the economic aspect of using natural coagulants is to hybridize it with other coagulants to reduce its
consumption and cost. Alternatively, exploring the multi-functionality of natural coagulants may also lower the overall cost since
multiple treatment functionality can be conducted with single material in one treatment unit.
To sum up, the economic aspect of natural coagulants is inconclusive due to the lack of proper study evaluating the overall costs of the
coagulation process ranging from extraction to the impacts on other treatment unit.
4 Social
 Industrial acceptance The bottom line of acceptance is that the alternative process using natural coagulants can deliver similar (or better) treatment
performance at comparable (or reduced) cost when compared with existing established process (coagulation with chemical
coagulants). The lack of pilot-scale or real application of natural coagulants in water and wastewater treatment processes is one of the
main reasons why the industry hesitates to adopt natural coagulants. Another factor that hinders the acceptance of natural coagulants
by industry is the lack of regulatory guidelines and approval on the use of natural coagulant especially in potable water treatment
 Public health improvement Natural coagulants that can be obtained locally and extracted via simple process could be useful for people without clean water
access, especially those that stay in rural area or regions that have financial constraints for proper clean water supply. Consumption of
treated water will improve their health and subsequently lead to elevation of living conditions.

pilot-scale or real application of natural coagulants and the lack of 6.1. Up scaling study on the feasibility of natural coagulants
regulatory support from the government agency. On the other
hand, the niche application of natural coagulants in rural areas or Natural coagulants (modified or unmodified) that have shown
regions facing with economic water scarcity may be helpful in promising performance in lab-scale study should be upgraded to
improving the living conditions of those people. Overall, clarifica- pilot-scale or field applications. Through this, the practicality and
tion and justification of the above concerns could shed the light on feasibility (especially performance, costs, and technical issues) of
the sustainability potential of using natural coagulants in water and the natural coagulants in water industry can be evaluated more
wastewater treatment processes. thoroughly. The findings will be able to provide a more compre-
hensive insight into the advantages of using natural coagulants and
highlight the aspects for improvement. In addition, the potential of
6. Future prospects of natural coagulants
natural coagulants in rural areas and regions hit by economic water
scarcity should be explored. The natural coagulants can be derived
The challenges faced natural coagulants are also opportunities
from locally available sources.
where future study can be carried out to clarify the uncertainties
associated with the feasibility of natural coagulants in real appli-
cation. Summarized below are the future research that can be 6.2. Sustainability of natural coagulants
focused to enhance the acceptance of natural coagulants in water
and wastewater treatment processes. Research aligned with the sustainability criteria (technical,
W.L. Ang, A.W. Mohammad / Journal of Cleaner Production 262 (2020) 121267 15

environmental, economic, and social) will help to clarify many of suspended solids) that cause problem for subsequent treatment
the lingering uncertainties of natural coagulants. To be able to process and health issues for consumers. Unfortunately, the wide-
compete with conventional coagulants, steady supply of sufficient spread application of natural coagulants in water industry is still far
raw materials for the extraction or synthesis of natural coagulants from reality and the acceptance of natural coagulants over the
is a must. Though it has been generally claimed that natural co- conventional coagulants is still low. Hence, efforts in raising the
agulants can be obtained easily from various sources, verification of confidence of water utility by showcasing the capability of natural
this claim has not been properly done. In addition, a comprehensive coagulants should be emphasized. Among these are: the compati-
costing study can be conducted to give a clear picture of the eco- bility of natural coagulants with other treatment technologies in
nomic feasibility of natural coagulants, encompassing the costs of integrated/hybrid treatment process; the modification of natural
raw materials, extraction/synthesis and purification processes, and coagulants for marked improvement in coagulation performance
during the operation. In-depth study on the consequences of using efficiency; the possibility of hybridizing natural coagulants with
natural coagulants (especially modified natural coagulants that other types of coagulants; the improvement of extraction and pu-
recorded marked improvement in coagulation performance) on rification approaches for high purity of natural coagulants; and the
health and environment (toxicity) could also be studied to clarify synthesis of multifunctional natural coagulants. Coupled with the
the safety issues. Sustainability assessment and life cycle assess- sustainability assessment of natural coagulants, the direction of
ment can be conducted to provide an insight of the aspects that can future research for further improving the capability of natural co-
be improved for coagulation process using natural coagulants. agulants and boosting the confident of industry players can be
6.3. Multifunctional coagulant
Declaration of competing interest
The concept of multi-functionality is an interesting idea that
might revolutionize the coagulation process. Coagulants with the The authors declare that they have no known competing
capability to remove both undissolved and dissolved impurities can financial interests or personal relationships that could have
intensify the treatment process and lead to several benefits such as appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
cost saving and reduced footprint. Innovative design and synthesis
of coagulants mimicking nature can materialize this aim. Acknowledgement

6.4. Quality control of natural coagulants The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education
Malaysia for funding this work through Malaysian Research Uni-
On one hand, natural sources offer a great opportunity for the versity Network (MRUN) under the grant code KK-2019-001 at
ease of availability of natural coagulants. On the other hand, the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
constituents of natural sources could be a problem for quality
control of natural coagulants due to the variances in growth con-
ditions and species. Furthermore, the identification of active com-
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6.5. Circular economy & bioeconomy
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support the sustainability of natural coagulants in water and Ahmad, A.L., Idris, I., Chan, C.Y., Ismail, S., 2015. Reclamation from palm oil mill
effluent using an integrated zero discharge membrane-based process. Pol. J.
wastewater treatment. The former emphasizes enhancing the Chem. Technol. 17, 49e55. https://doi.org/10.1515/pjct-2015-0068.
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