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Design Manufacture and Installation of Architectural Precast Concrete Cladding Code of Practice

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BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes

compares BS 8297:2017
with BS 8297:2000
Incorporating Corrigenda Nos. 1 and 2

Design, manufacture and installation of

architectural precast concrete — Code of


This is a tracked changes copy and uses the following colour coding:

Text example 1 — indicates added text (in green)

Text example 2 — indicates removed text (in red)
— indicates added graphic figure or table
— indicates removed graphic figure or table

About Tracked Changes

This document is a PDF containing a Tracked Changes version of
BS 8297, which compares BS 8297:2017 with BS 8297:2000.

The original version of BS 8297:2017, appended at the end of this

document, should be considered the version of record for this

© The British Standards Institution 2020

Published by BSI Standards Limited 2020
ISBN 978 0 539 08298 2

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected
BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes BRITISH STANDARD

Committees responsible for this British

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee B/209,
General building codes, to subcommittee B/209/22, Concrete cladding, upon which the
following bodies were represented:

Construction Confederation
Chartered Institute of Building
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
National Council of Building Material Producers
National House Building Council
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through
subcommittees and panels:

Association of Consulting Engineers

British Precast Concrete Federation
Building Research Establishment
Construction Fixings Association
District Surveyors Association
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Committee for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into
effect on 15 August 2000
The following BSI references First published January 1995 Second edition August 2000 relate to the work on this
standard:Committee reference B/209/22 Draft for comment 97/106137 DC
BRITISH STANDARD BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes

Publishing and copyright information

The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.

© BSI 12-2000The British Standards Institution 2017

Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017
ISBN 0 580 33146 6978 0 580 94556 4

ICS 91.060.10

The following BSI references relate to the work on this document: Committee reference B/524
Draft for comment 17/30342957 DC

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Comments

September 2000 Amends Figure 2

December 2000 Amends Figure 2

Date Text affected

BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes BRITISH STANDARD


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of Technical Committee
B/209, General building codes. It supersedes BS 8297:1995 which is withdrawn.
This new edition of BS 8297 has been updated and restructured to include additional
advice on the design and installation of fixings, thickness of concrete cover to
reinforcement and wind loading. Limit state design values based on the mechanical
properties of austenitic stainless steel have replaced the permissible stress method
used in earlier editions and a new abbreviated method of determining the design wind
loading of low rise buildings has been added.
Assessed capability. Users of this British Standard are advised to consider the
desirability of assessment and registration of a supplier's quality systems against the
appropriate part of BS EN ISO 9000 by a third-party certification body.
Enquiries as to the availability of third-party certification schemes will be forwarded
by BSI to the Association of Certification Bodies. If a third-party certification scheme
does not already exist, users should consider approaching an appropriate body from
the list of Association members.
As a code of practice, this British Standard takes the form of guidance and
recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular
care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are not misleading.
Annexes A, C and D are normative. Annex B is informative.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to
43 and a back cover.
BRITISH STANDARD BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes

Contents Page

Foreword v
Introduction vi
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Terms and definitions 6
4 Materials and components 9
4.1 Customer requirements 9
4.2 Specifications for materials and components 10
4.3 Steel 12
Table 1 — Recommended grades of austenitic or Duplex (Austenitic/ferritic) stainless steel used
for fixings 13
Table 2 — Recommended grades of fasteners 14
4.4 Materials for jointing and pointing 15
4.5 Flashings, weatherings and cavity trays 16
4.6 Coating agents 16
5 Design of cladding units 17
5.1 General 17
5.2 Structural design 18
5.3 Thickness of concrete cover to reinforcement 19
5.4 Fire-resisting wall units 21
5.5 Support conditions and bending moments 21
Figure 1 — Assumptions for design of units and corbels/brackets 24
5.6 Sizes of units including thickness 25
5.7 Movement and tolerances 26
5.8 Dimensional stability 26
5.9 Accommodation of dimensional changes 27
Table 3 — Coefficients of thermal expansion of buildings materials 28
Table 4 — Extreme temperatures of UK structures 28
Table 5 — Rate of shrinkage of concrete (as a percentage of its potential) 32
5.10 Other factors affecting design 32
5.11 Passive fire protection to resist the spread of fire 34
5.12 Signs and attachments to cladding units 35
5.13 Thermal insulation 36
5.14 Acoustic properties 36
6 Position and detail of joints 36
6.1 General 36
6.2 Movement joints 37
6.3 Compression joints 37
6.4 Sealed joints 38
6.5 Open drained joints 39
Figure 2 — Examples of jointing details 41
Figure 3 — Open drained joint with plain baffle 42
6.6 Impregnated foam sealing strips and sealing strips 42
7 Support and attachment of units to the structure 43
7.1 Support 43
7.2 Methods of attachment 43
7.3 Design of fixings 43
Figure 4 — Typical restraint fixing to concrete structure — vertical section 44


BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes BRITISH STANDARD

Figure 5 — Typical restrain fixing to steel structure — plan 44

8 Surface finish of cladding units 52
8.1 Precast concrete 52
8.2 Stone-faced units 53
Figure 6 — Typical details of fixing pins for stone faced concrete units 56
8.3 Reconstructed stone faced units 56
8.4 Brick-faced units 56
8.5 Tile and brick slip faced units 57
8.6 Finishes sample and inspections 57
9 Manufacture 58
9.1 General 58
9.2 Casting, curing and inspection 58
9.3 Tolerances and accuracy 58
Table 6 — Permissible deviations in the manufacture of cladding units 59
9.4 Removal of cast concrete units from moulds 60
9.5 Marking 60
10 Handling and transportation of cladding units 60
10.1 Handling 60
10.2 Design of lifting points 61
10.3 Protection against damage 62
10.4 Storage 62
10.5 Transportation of units to the site 62
11 On‑site erection and fixing 62
11.1 General 62
11.2 Storage of materials on site 62
11.3 Erection of cladding units 63
11.4 Bedding, jointing and sealing 65
11.5 Accuracy of erection 65
11.6 Final fixing 66
11.7 Protection of finished work 66
11.8 Site repairs 67
11.9 Cleaning on completion of work 67
12 Performance testing of cladding units 68
12.1 Test procedures 68
12.2 Test requirements 70
13 Inspection and maintenance 72
13.1 General 72
13.2 Cracks and crazing 73
13.3 Joints 73
13.4 Joint seals 73
13.5 Surface cleaning 74
13.6 Coating agents 74
Annex A (normative) Checklists for the exchange of information 79
Bibliography 84

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, and inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 55, an inside back cover and
a back cover.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 8297:2017 — Tracked Changes

With framed structures, where the loads are carried by the frame and not by the external walling, the materials or
combinations of materials used to cover the structural framework are referred to as the cladding. The generally
accepted difference between cladding and curtain walling is the relationship between the enclosing materials and
their framing. In a cladding system the framework is normally covered by the units and weatherproofing is
achieved by gasketry or similar methods. In curtain walling the structural framework which supports the infill
panels or glazing may be exposed, with the skin of the structure fitted into it. Cladding is required to
carry its own weight and resist peak gust wind loading. It needs to, provide weather protection and thermal
performanceprovide fire resistance and may need to be resistant to internal or external explosion or bomb
damage. Its construction will need to allow for the dimensional tolerances of construction and movement of the
building structure during its lifetime. Strength, long life and versatility are the inherent characteristics of precast
concrete cladding.
Because precast cladding is almost inevitably a bespoke product, specially made for each project, the
manufacturing process is non-repetitive and does not lend itself to automation. The weight and size of units can
also be critical. Involving the manufacturer at the design stage can therefore often lead to more efficient production
and optimization of the fixing system.


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