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of room 503

of room 503
!""#$%& klndergarLen can be a messy place! We are playlng and learnlng wlLh sand, waLer, palnL,
shavlng cream, eLc each day. lease dress your chlld so Lhey are ready for acLlon! We also go Lo L
every day. Cym shoes should be worn every day! lease have your chlld wear shoes Lhey can
fasLen Lhemselves.
'#$"()*+,& We wanL Lo help celebraLe each chlld's speclal day aL school! lf you would llke Lo brlng
a LreaL Lo share wlLh Lhe class, please noLlfy me vla emall and we can dlscuss Lhe deLalls.
-!./& Lach day from 10:30-11:30am. SLudenLs wlll spend 30 mlnuLes ln L each day, Lhen roLaLe
beLween compuLer, muslc, and arL LhroughouL Lhe week.
0#,1#23#4%& Cur school uses Lhe Consclous ulsclpllne approach. We wlll focus on Lhe sLudenL's
responslblllLy Lo make good cholces. l wlll remlnd sLudenLs LhaL my [ob ls Lo keep Lhem safe.
SLudenLs wlll undersLand LhaL followlng rules ln necessary ln order Lo help me keep Lhem safe. We
wlll ofLen dlscuss how we are a school famlly. We wlll help keep each oLher safe and Lake care of
one anoLher.
56*#3&71he besL way Lo conLacL me ls vla emall aL Lfarnle[ Also, feel free Lo send noLes ln
your chlld's dally folder, or call me aL 979-694-3801.
8#%3)79$#2,&7lleld Lrlps allow Lhe chlldren Lo have acLlve learnlng experlences. 1o keep our chlldren
safe on fleld Lrlps, we have a few school and dlsLrlcL pollcles LhaL musL be adhered Lo. Chlldren
musL rlde Lhe school bus Lo and from Lhe fleld Lrlp locaLlon. arenL chaperones wlll noL be allowed
Lo rlde Lhe bus. no slbllngs wlll be allowed Lo accompany our class on Lhe fleld Lrlp.
8:3)%$,&7?our chlld wlll brlng home a red folder each day. lease check Lhelr folder dally. l wlll send
noLes home vla Lhelr folders and you are welcome Lo send noLes LhaL way as well. When sendlng
money, please lnclude a memo as Lo whaL lL ls for.

Lhe of room 303
!"##$%&'$%'#("')*$+,$%&-'All vlslLors Lo our bulldlng wlll be requlred Lo presenL Lhelr urlver's Llcense
ln Lhe fronL offlce upon enLerlng each Llme. vlslLors wlll be glven a nameLag LhaL should be worn
whlle ln Lhe school. upon leavlng, sLop by Lhe fronL offlce Lo slgn ouL.
.%/0+/"1"%#-'?our lnvolvemenL ln your chlld's learnlng ls so lmporLanL. lease don'L heslLaLe Lo
conLacL me wlLh quesLlons or concerns. 1here wlll also be volunLeer opporLunlLles Lo allow parenLs
Lo sLay lnvolved.
20$%'1"'304'5'60%3"4"%6"-'lease [oln me for a shorL conference on parenL-Leacher conference day
by slgnlng up for a Llme and daLe LhaL works for you.
7$88'90*4'6($+,'&00,)9"'$%'#("'654'+$%"-'1o keep Lrafflc movlng smooLhly ln Lhe mornlngs please
glve klsses, hugs, and goodbyes before pulllng lnLo Lhe drop off area.
:*%6(-'Cur class lunch Llme ls 12:10 - 12:40pm. arenLs are welcome Lo come eaL lunch wlLh your
chlld. arenL vlslLors wlll be asked Lo slL on Lhe sLage wlLh Lhelr chlld aL lunch. SLudenL lunches are
$2.00. AdulL lunches are $2.73. When sendlng ln lunch money, please label wlLh lunch money"
and your chlld's name.'
:$)4549-'?our chlld wlll vlslL Lhe llbrary weekly. Cur llbrary Llme ls Wednesdays aL 8:13.
klndergarLeners wlll be allowed Lo check ouL one book aL a Llme. lease reLurn Lhe books each
week ln order for your chlld Lo choose a new book.
;01"<04=-'?our chlld's homework ls Lo be read Lo every nlghL for 13-20 mlnuLes! l wlll also
lnclude ldeas ln our weekly newsleLLer as Lo how you can pracLlce Lhe skllls we are learnlng aL
school ln your homes as well.
>0#04':5)-'Ms. 8usa wroLe a granL LhaL has allowed our grade level Lo purchase a varleLy of moLor
lab maLerlals Lo help our sLudenLs develop Lhelr flne and gross moLor skllls. ?our chlld wlll have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo vlslL Lhe moLor lab each week durlng our work sLaLlon Llme.

Lhe of room 303
!"#$%&'(%")"%"*+,&lf your chlld parLlclpaLes ln any sporLs or oLher acLlvlLles ln Lhe evenlngs or on Lhe
weekends, please send me a schedule! l would love Lo aLLend some of Lhelr evenLs!
-./*0%+,&?ou are always welcome ln our classroom wheLher lL ls Lo help ouL or [usL spend some
Llme wlLh us! lease glve me a heads up when you plan on comlng ln! !
-./%"*+&.01&2*3*4/.%"50+,&1hroughouL Lhe year we wlll have a varleLy of celebraLlons for holldays
and oLher klndergarLen mllesLones! Lveryone ls encouraged Lo parLlclpaLe! As Lhese evenLs geL
closer, you wlll see more lnformaLlon abouL Lhem ln your chlld's dally folder.
umpkln CelebraLlon
CrandparenLs uay
olar Lxpress a[ama arLy
valenLlne arLy
1he lmporLance of readlng Lo your chlld can noL be sLressed enough. 8eadlng ls hlghly slgnlflcanL
ln your chlld's early learnlng developmenL. Lach nlghL when you read wlLh your chlld, you are
helplng develop Lhe foundaLlons for Lhelr llLeracy success. 8eadlng well ls aL Lhe hearL of all
A0.(B,&We wlll have snack everyday ln our classroom. We ask LhaL parenLs brlng ln snack for Lhe
enLlre class as able. lL ls noL necessary for Lhe snacks Lo be lndlvldually wrapped. When we are
runnlng low on snack, l wlll leL you know ln Lhe weekly newsleLLer.
ldeas for Snacks:
Anlmal Crackers
lrulL Snacks
Craham Crackers
nllla Wafers

C/1*/,& 1here wlll be many opporLunlLles for your chlld Lo order books Lhrough ScholasLlc 8ook
Clubs. Crder forms wlll be senL wlLh your chlld. ?our orders wlll help our class earn polnLs LhaL can
be redeemed for classroom books. ?ou may order aL your own dlscreLlon. When orderlng, please
send money ln an envelope labeled wlLh your chlld's name.
SlCn u Cnllne aL Cn Lhe parenL page, cllck Lhe uon'L Pave a
username?" llnk, Lhen reglsLer for your username and password. Cur Class AcLlvaLlon Code ls
uay of School
Chlnese new ?ear
klndergarLen CelebraLlon

Applesauce Cups
Cranola 8ars
opped opcorn

CarroL SLlcks

of room 303
!"#$%&'"(#()'$*+lf Lhere ls a change ln rouLlne LransporLaLlon for your chlld, you MuS1 send a
wrlLLen noLe. lf a noLe ls noL recelved, your chlld wlll be senL home by hls or her usual meLhod of
!',%*+8rlnglng Loys Lo school ls dlscouraged because Lhey dlsLracL from learnlng. lf a Loy ls
accldenLally losL or broken, feellngs wlll be hurL.
-'./$(00"%*+?our help ln Lhe classroom ls ALWA?S welcomed and appreclaLed! Any help you can
offer ls wonderful. 1here are a varleLy of ways you can help. lease flll ouL Lhe volunLeer form Lo
leL me know whaL you are lnLeresLed ln helplng wlLh and l wlll conLacL you wlLh more lnformaLlon!
Absences: lease send a noLe ln advance when you know your chlld wlll be absenL. A noLe
should also be senL for unforeseen absences ln order for Lhem Lo be excused.
7:33: Cur day beglns aL 7:33. lL ls so lmporLanL LhaL your chlld ls aL school on Llme.
6#(0"+7'((.0%*+SLudenLs are encouraged Lo brlng a boLLle of waLer Lo school on Mondays. lL wlll
sLay aL school all week, and Lhen be senL home on lrldays Lo be washed. SLudenLs wlll use Lhese
waLer boLLles as needed LhroughouL Lhe day, aL snack Llme, and have Lhe cholce Lo Lake Lhem ouL
Lo recess.
608%)(0* l have sLarLed a Leachlng blog. l wlll be posLlng lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles l use ln Lhe
classroom as well as phoLos and oLher fun sLuff from our class. l wlll also posL our weekly
newsleLLer Lhere. ?ou can access my blog aL Lhe followlng address:

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