It Checklist of Requirements For The Learning Continuity Plan For The Implementation of Flexible Learning 1
It Checklist of Requirements For The Learning Continuity Plan For The Implementation of Flexible Learning 1
It Checklist of Requirements For The Learning Continuity Plan For The Implementation of Flexible Learning 1
Name of Partner
Description of
Partnership (Please Objectives/Areas of Terms or inclusive
Linkages Program/Consortium (Indicate whether local,
provide the nature of the partnership dates
national, international, Gov.
partnership) Owned, or Private)
OJT Industry Partner Develop/apply students’ IPhiTech National
knowledge in performing November 2021 ( 5 years)
Programming, Multimedia and
web development skills across
the lifespan
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6
Not Underdeveloped Starting to Developing Developed Fully Developed
Available Develop
All key items as provided for All key items as provided for
in the CMO are in the CMO are
With awareness of the Minimal key items as Some key items as provided in implemented/aware of the implemented/aware of the
CMO but lacks provided for in the CMO
awareness on the the CMO are CMO and implemented/has CMO and fully
implementation/adoption are somewhat
key items on the
of FL/very low to little implemented/not fully implemented/aware of the the capacity to share implemented/sharing
CMO CMO implemented resources and expertise in resources and expertise in
performance/not evident aware of the CMO
flexible learning with other flexible learning with other
HEI coordinated with other HEI invested in alternative HEI invested in alternative
government means to maximize the use of means to enhance their
agencies/prospective partners their existing/available existing/available technology
1. Technology for support for their technology suitable to their suitable to their mode of
existing/available technology mode of delivery delivery
suitable to their mode of
2. Content/Learning Materials HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed
a. Learning resources and learning materials for at least learning materials for at least learning materials for all of
materials utilized in 50% of their program offerings 80% of their program their program offerings
the delivery of the suitable to their mode of offerings suitable to their suitable to their mode of
specific learning delivery (50-79%) mode of delivery (80-99%) delivery.
b. Learning materials
(designed for FL)
HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed
alternative evaluation or alternative evaluation or alternative evaluation or
assessment methods for their assessment methods for their assessment methods for their
lecture and some laboratory lecture and some laboratory lecture and some laboratory
3. Evaluation/assessment classes (suitable to their mode classes (suitable to their mode classes (suitable to their mode
of delivery) of delivery and convenient for of delivery and convenient for
the students) the students, teaching and
teaching staff)
HEI coordinated with other HEI invested in alternative HEI invested in alternative
government agencies/partners means to maximize the use of means to enhance
to support students’ library the existing library facilities existing/available library
1. Library/Multimedia Center
needs suitable to suitable to the HEI mode of resources suitable to the mode
the HEI mode of delivery of delivery
HEI coordinated with other HEI invested in alternative HEI invested in alternative
government agencies/partners means to maximize the use of means to enhance
2. Guidance and counselling to support existing guidance and existing/available guidance
the guidance and counselling counselling facilities to and counselling to suit the
needs of their students support the student needs students’ needs
HEI coordinated with other HEI invested in alternative HEI invested in alternative
government agencies/partners means to maximize the use of means to enhance existing
3. Student support (health, to support the existing health/psychological facilities
psychological) health/psychological health/psychological to support the students’ needs
needs of their students facilities to support the
student needs
HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed
alternative enrolment alternative enrolment alternative enrolment
scheme for their 3rd/4th scheme for all their students scheme for all their students
4. Enrollment and registry
graduating students only and offer/extend support for
the enrollees
from other HEIs
HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed HEI developed/designed
alternative alternative alternative
evaluation/assessment methods evaluation/assessment evaluation/assessment
for their lecture and some methods for their lecture and methods for their lecture and
5. Assessment and Grades
laboratory classes some laboratory some laboratory
(suitable to their mode of classes (suitable to their classes (suitable to their
delivery) to facilitate the mode of delivery and mode of delivery and
convenient for the students) convenient for the students,
giving of grades to the to facilitate the giving of teaching and non-teaching
students grades to the students staff) to facilitate the giving
of grades to the students
Students may pay the tuition Students may pay the tuition Students may pay the tuition
and other fees in cash, check and other fees in cash, check and other fees using all
6. Payment system (tuition through bank debit card and/or through bank debit card possible payment schemes
and other fees) credit card. and/or credit that is most
card, other payment schemes convenient to the
Faculty members were allowed HEI provided additional HEI provided additional
to utilize HEI resources for all resources within the resources inside and outside
1. Technical support for of his/her technical needs institution to support technical the institution to support
faculty needs of the technical needs of
faculty members the faculty members
Faculty members were HEI tie up/link with other HEI develops its own
provided/allowed to use HEI agencies to provide the training/s to provide the
2. Training/workshops
resources for all of his/her training needs of their faculty training needs of their own
training needs members. faculty members and of
other neighboring HEIs.
Faculty members were HEI provided additional HEI provided additional
provided/allowed to use HEI resources within the resources inside and outside
3. Gadgets/equipment
gadgets/equipment for all of institution to support the institution to
provide (if any)
his/her teaching needs technical needs of the faculty support technical needs of the
members faculty members
Payment of salary of academic Payment of salary of Payment of salary and other
and non-academic staff are on- academic and non- academic possible employee benefits of
time using the available means staff are on-time using the academic and non-academic
4. Payment (salary) to employee most convenient means to the staff are on- time using the
employee most convenient means to
HEI coordinated with other HEI invested in alternative HEI invested in alternative
government agencies/partners means to maximize the use of means to enhance existing
5. Academic and non- to support the existing health/psychological facilities
academic support (health, health/psychological health/psychological facilities to support the needs of
psychological) needs of their academic and to support the needs of academic and non-academic
non-academic staff academic and staff
non-academic staff
Aware of the CMO and Aware of the CMO and Aware of the CMP and
partially implementing FL implementing FL implementing FL fully