Chapter 1

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Many stores are currently utilizing current technology to improve their day-

to-day interactions. Some stores use advanced machinery to help meet demand,

while others require more manpower to stock the items that their customers or

buyers require. The majority of medium-sized businesses that use

machines such as calculators, cellphones, and computers to increase

productivity and efficiency, as well as to provide faster and more accurate

negotiation between the consumer and the seller. Other large corporations

employ advanced technology, such as machines or chatbots, to assist in the

production of their goods or products.

What about small businesses, though? Most small businesses still use

manual transactions to provide services or products to their customers, but

because this type of negotiation is done manually, many errors and faulty

products or services are produced. Not only that, but this process also resulted in

slow transactions and inaccurate services.

Medicross Pharmacy & General Merchandise is one of the small

businesses that are still using manual or minimal use of technology, mostly basic

technology such as calculators, sometimes phones, and manual inventory

system data that is checked and saved using paper and pens, which will result in

more human error and lessen the profit due to spillage of other products.
The goal of the researchers in this study is to provide a system that can

make our chosen beneficiary's (Medicross Pharmacy and General Merchandise)

system easier and to have a faster and more accurate transaction for the benefit

of them and their customers.

Background of the Study

Most businesses and stores today use technology to provide faster, more

accurate, and more dependable services and products. And, as the world ages,

our technology advances at a faster rate, which is why most old stores or

businesses become obsolete.

Medicross Pharmacy & General Merchandise is a pharmaceutical store

that sells many over-the-counter (drugs you can buy without a prescription),

some prescription-only (drugs you can't buy without a doctor's prescription), and

other goods that are registered to sell within their registration. In terms of

technological adoption, this industry lags behind. As a result, they have more

time to devote to their business. Some stores have long lines because

completing a transaction between the store and the customer takes longer,

causing other customers to leave. Others claim that manual inventory of their

products, as well as inventory inaccuracy, causes product expiry and other goods

that spoil easily, causing additional damage and loss of profit.

The researchers propose using an automated process and adding other

technological aspects to their system to make it more proficient, accurate, and

faster. The researchers' goal is to create a web-based system that will integrate

the cashier system and assist our beneficiary.

Medicross Pharmacy & General Merchandise serves more customers in a faster

and more convenient manner for both the store owner and the customers. We

will also create a digital inventory system to assist our beneficiary in sorting and

identifying which products need to be refilled and which goods are on the verge

of spoiling. This will greatly assist our beneficiary in compensating for their

product inaccuracy and in recouping their lost profit.

Problem of the Study

Medicross Pharmacy & General Merchandize is an analog pharmacy.

They continue to use manual processes with limited use of technology in their

transactions; occasionally, they use a calculator, which results in slower phases

and is more susceptible to human error. Another is that they still use pen and

paper to gather data for their inventory and sales report, which can still cause

more human error and lead to more spoilage of the products, causing more profit

to be lost.

The general objective of the study is to design, develop, test and evaluate

a Web-Based Pharmacy Management for Medicross Pharmacy and Gen.

Mdse. With the following objectives:

1. To design a web-based application that features the following:

A. Front-end

I. A website that can provide a point of sale system.

II. A website that can manage d computerize cashier account.

III. A website that can provide computerize inventory system

IV. A website that can provide computerize sales report

B. Back-end

I. A secure database that is using SQL to manipulate data

upon request.

2. To test the application using (UAT) User Acceptance Testing Cycle

3. To evaluate the application according to the ISO25010 standards in terms

of usability, security, maintainability, performance, efficiency and reliability

Significance of the Study

Medicross Pharmacy and General Merchandise is a private pharmacy that

provides and sells various types of medicine, such as over-the-counter medicine,

vitamins for various ages, and other medical materials such as surgical masks,

surgical gloves, and various types of syringes for various uses. However, their
transactions are still manually processed, resulting in slow transactions and

occasional inaccuracies; additionally, their inventory system is manually

processed, resulting in another inaccuracy that causes more items and products

to spoil and more profit to be lost.

This method has the advantage of automating all manual or analog

processes, which will benefit their old and slow system greatly. This system also

makes life easier for the owner of Medicross Pharmacy and Gen. Mdse. easier,

not only for the owner, but also for customers and buyers, because the system

helps the owner by automatically processing buyer transactions while consuming

less time. It also saves time for customers or buyers, who are less likely to pile

up and leave as a result of having to wait in a long line.

Admin & Staff: Most likely, the business owner, pharmacist, store clerk, and

other personnel, as well as their customers at Medicross Pharmacy and Gen.

Mdse., will assist the owner and customers/buyers in completing transactions


Organization: The Medicross Pharmacy and Gen. Mdse. This study will increase their

profits. Using an analog and manual system in a business is unfavorable because it will

increase the business's time, cause inaccuracy and human error, and cause more

problems, all of which will increase the likelihood of profit loss. This research will result in

a more technical and user-friendly transaction for both the pharmacy and the customers.

Researchers: The researcher's goal is to develop a web-based cashiering

system that is adaptable due to connections from various computers. The

researchers recognize the importance of research and strive to expand their

knowledge and abilities in order to perform their respective roles in this research

and development of the system we will be working on. Furthermore, this study

allows researchers to gain more knowledge and experience, as well as improve

their technical and tactical abilities for use in their future professional lives.

Future Researchers: This study will provide knowledge and information within

the context of a related or linked study. The study is open and free to anyone

conducting, interested in, or connected to this research in order to provide more

materials for them to use.

Scope and Limitation

The goal of this study is to provide Medicross Pharmacy and Gen. Mdse.

system that will provide technology to assist them in computing, inventory

systems, and selling their products more quickly and accurately. Users of this

system can access it through a web browser, but only the account holder can

open the system itself, ensuring the account holder's security. The website will

include a cashier system as well as an inventory system to assist the business

owner. The tools on this website are designed to aid in the automation of the

cashier system by using a barcode scanner to scan the barcodes of the items

and list all of the products to be added to the cart for purchase. Another set of

tools will be used in the inventory system, which will allow the store owner to edit,

add, remove, and receive notifications. As well as managing cashier accounts

and viewing statistical analytics.

The limitation of this study is that it is only for Medicross Pharmacy and

Gen. Mdse. This system, which includes a point of sale, inventory system and

sales report is only accessible via an internet connection and internet browsers.

This system is only available for use on computers; it can still be view on phones

or other mobile devices but it will not perform well because it will be design for

web-based desktop system. This does not accept online payments or


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

As Figure 1.1 shows, the conceptual framework shows that the

Pharmacist / Admin of the system can manipulate the data inside the system by

registering, logging in, adding, removing, editing, searching for items, account

status, and view statistic analytics also manage the accounts of the staff. On the

other hand, the cashier / staff can only search for the items that he or she needs.

The system will provide the necessary information the admin or user wishes to

search, edit or add from the database of the system.

Definition of Terms

CSS – is a programming language that is connected to HTML which will be the

one that style our system that are in the HTML.

HTML – (Hypertext Markup Language) this programming language will be the

skeleton of the whole system.

C# - is a programming language will be the back end of our whole system.

Javascript – is a programming language that is connected to html to make our

Web base system dynamic and interactive in a browser.

Angular – is a programming language that is connected to the Javascript that

will make our web base system more dynamic.

SQL – is part of our system that will be the structure of the database.

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