Bulletin Nov
Bulletin Nov
Bulletin Nov
255 Nicola Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2P3 Tel: 250-372-2581 Fax: 250-372-2582
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sacredheartkamloops.org
Bishop: Most Rev. Joseph Nguyen, Rector: Rev. Derrick Cameron. Assistant Priest: Rev. Thomas Arackal
No public celebration of Weekday or Sunday Mass “to midnight December 7, 2020”. This may be extended
beyond this point.
All people entering church buildings are to wear masks and observe all Covid 19 safety Protocols with due regard to disability or
medical condition. Time can be set aside for people to have private prayer in church with the availability of the Sacrament of Penance.
(we will continue to have Adoration on Wednesdays).
Special events such as baptisms, weddings and funerals can take place with a limited number attending (max. 10 people including the
If these celebrations include Mass, please receive Holy Communion on the hand and observe no congregational singing.
We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all those entrusted to our care.
May the blessings of the Sacred Season of Advent fill you with joy and hope during this challenging time. IMPORTANT
Sincerely yours in Christ, Joseph Nguyen Bishop of Kamloops
Please check our website at https://www.rcdk.org/pages/covid-19-streaming-masses Sunday Mass at 11:30 am at Sacred Heart
Cathedral is streamed at https://www.rcdk.org/ and click on the “play” icon or go to
Preparing for Christmas Through Advent:
1. The “Praying Advent” site, has a number of ways to get us in a state of mind and heart to get
ready for Advent http://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Advent/
2. Dynamic Catholic is offering another “Best Advent Ever” series for free at
3. 26 Day Advent Retreat “Unshakeable Joy” led by Cardinal-elect Cantalamessa & Chris Stefanick begins Nov 29
Catholic Independent School Kamloops Diocese Current
Job Postings can be found at www.CISKD.ca under the
CAREERS tab: https://ciskd.ca/current-postings/ . New:
OLPH Gr 5 Mat Leave position. OLPH Custodian posting.
23 November 2020 –
Monday Clement I, Pope,
Martyr / Columban,
First Reading: Revelation 14:
1-3, 4b-5
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 24: 1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6
Gospel: Luke 21: 1-4
24 November 2020 – Tuesday Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest,
Martyr, & Companions,
First Reading: Revelation 14: 14-19
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 96: 10, 11-12, 13
Gospel: Luke 21: 5-11
25 November 2020 – Wednesday Catherine of
Alexandria, Virgin, Martyr
First Reading: Revelation 15: 1-4
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 98: 1, 2-3ab, 7-8, 9
Gospel: Luke 21: 12-19
26 November 2020 – Thursday During the month of November, we remember the
First Reading: Revelation 18: 1-2, 21-23; 19: 1-3, 9a souls of all the faithful departed in the November
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 100: 1b-2, 3, 4, 5 Masses.
Gospel: Luke 21: 20-28
27 November 2020 – Friday Tax Receipt 2020 reminder for
First Reading: Revelation 20: 1-4, 11-21: 2 parishioners: Faith in Action
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 84: 3, 4, 5-6a and 8a donations must be received in the
Gospel: Luke 21: 29-33 Faith in Action office by Dec 31 (before the banks close/or
28 November 2020 – Saturday office closes). Donations should be mailed directly to the
First Reading: Revelation 22: 1-7 Faith in Action office to ensure eligibility for 2020 tax
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 95: 1-2, 3-5, 6-7ab receipt. All donations received after the banks close on
Gospel: Luke 21: 34-36 December 31, or are post marked later than December
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 31, will go toward 2021 Tax Receipt. If you leave your
First Reading: Isaiah 63: 16b-17, 19b; 64: 2-7 Faith in Action donation at the parish office the last week
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19 (4) of December, you are risking that it will not be included in
Second Reading: First Corinthians 1: 3-9 your 2020 tax receipt. Likewise, parish donations must be
Gospel: Mark 13: 33-37 received in the parish office before closing on Dec 31, or
be postmarked Dec 31 in order for your donation to be on
Faith in Action Campaign your 2020 tax receipt as per CRA directives. Please keep
Diocesan Commitment: $53,178 this information in mind.
Parish Project $20,000
Total $73,178 Available from St. Joseph's Christian
Pledged Amount $43,300 Bookstore, Kamloops Tel. 778-471-6100.
Number of pledges 119 59% to the total goal. Rejoice! Advent Meditations with the Holy
Family This is a prayer resource with daily
Registration for Christmas and New Year’s
meditations. Together with the guided meditation videos,
Masses: At this time, we are scheduling. Mass this journal will help you to see the marriage of Mary and
attendance for Dec 24th at 10 pm and Midnight Joseph in a new light. Rejoice! will help you open your
(4 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm, 9am and 11:30 am are heart to the peace and joy of the Holy Family as you
full). Dec 31st at 4 and 6 pm; and January 1st at prepare for the coming of Jesus this Christmas. See
9 and 11:30 am. We ask you to call in to the https://ascensionpress.com for more information and
parish or email us to register for the Masses you related products. St. Joseph’s store also has other
plan to attend. You may attend only one Mass for Christmas Advent reflection books as well as Advent wreaths,
(Christmas Eve or Christmas Day) and only one Mass for calendars, and candles available for sale - Christmas gift
Mary, Mother of God. New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. ideas too!
“POOR AT CHRISTMAS” Just in time for Christmas – Cashmere
COLLECTION: Funds Pashmina – wrapped in the Arms of Our
from this collection will Mother $30. Let our Lady wrap you or your
be divided between the friend/family member in her arms with a warm,
Society of St. Vincent de cuddly, and soft cashmere PASHMINA for those
Paul and Hampers for cool times (75”x29”). Available now in cream, blue
Christmas Amalgamated. or black! This is a fundraiser for the 2022 national CWL
Note: we will not be convention, but it does not have CWL or a year on it;
asking parishioners to rather it has the Madonna logo with the words “Wrapped
bring food for hampers this year but will be in the Arms of our Mother”. Contact Dianne Barker by Dec
sponsoring hampers through this collection and the 7th to order. 250-819-2875 or [email protected]. No
Knights of Columbus. Please help if you can. shipping costs and delivered by Dec 11th.
The 47-minute
documentary After
the Storm: Building
the Pope Francis
Village is an inspiring
journey that follows
poor coastal
communities in the
Philippines who lost
everything to Super
Typhoon Haiyan.
When local
supported by
Development and
Peace –Caritas
Canada arrive to
work alongside these
communities, they are confronted by survivors who are
dispossessed, living in tents, dependent on aid, and
facing eviction from the land they have always known.
But what happens when you bring the people together?
When they are given a voice and a chance to be heard?
When they know how to take action?
Find out in After the Storm, as Development and Peace
works with 550 families to transform a piece of land into
new homes, a new community, and new lives.
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, King of the Universe: On
the last Sunday of the liturgical year,
the Church celebrates the Solemnity
of Christ the King. The feast was
instituted by Pope Pius XI with the
encyclical Quas Primas.
When our world is beset by civil
unrest, racial tension, and a pandemic, we do well to turn
to Our Lord, who reigns over every people and nation.
The foundation of this power and dignity of Our Lord is
rightly explained by Cyril of Alexandria. “Christ,” he says,
“has dominion over all creatures, a dominion not seized
by violence nor usurped, but by his essence and by
When he finally arrives, blazing in beauty and all his
angels with him, the Son of Man will take his place on his
glorious throne. Then all the nations will be arranged
before him and he will sort the people out, much as a
shepherd sorts out sheep and goats, putting sheep to his
right and goats to his left.
“At the end of our life we will be judged on love, that is, on
our concrete commitment to love and serve Jesus in our
littlest and neediest brothers and sisters. That mendicant,
that needy person who reaches out his hand is Jesus;
that sick person whom I must visit is Jesus; that inmate Is
Jesus, that hungry person is Jesus. Let us consider this.”
– Pope Francis“