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People: A Church in Pursuit of God, With A Passion For

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a church in pursuit of God, with a passion for


Love & Marriage


PO Box 491150 Leesburg, FL 34749 www.vcfleesburg.com Email: [email protected] Office: (352) 365-2594 Fax: (352) 365-2594

Randy Gideons . Lead Pastor . Warehouse Church

Cars need fuel! Planes need fuel! Boats need fuel! Houses need fuel! Businesses need fuel! And churches need fuel!

ell...we were able to get into our new facility and it sure is nice. It allows us to have the room to do all of the things that we feel God has called us to do. There is plenty of room to grow as a church. But just like purchasing that shiny new automobile there is no one time cost and it's done. An automobile has to be maintained and taken care of. It has to be serviced regularly to keep it running. It has to be insured in case of damage. It has to be used wisely. And it has to be filled with fuel!

I need you to continue to be faithful with your tithes and offerings. I also ask you to once again hold your basket up to God and ask Him to fill it with financial blessings for your family to prosper and for the church to prosper and have the fuel it needs for the many ministries at the Warehouse, the ministries we support outside of the church, and the ministries that haven't been birthed yet. The task of completing the building is pretty much behind us. What lies ahead is powering this baby up for God's use any way He might see fit. Pray with me that the churches fuel tank is always being filled to fuel so we never run out of gas! Thanks, Randy

Check out Randys blog on the Warehouse website. www.vcfleesburg.com

Perfect Timing

n my trip to Canada, I wanted to see some pretty specific things. I wanted to see bears (the reason I went to begin with). I wanted to see them come in to the bait. I wanted to see them walk around and stalk the bait. I wanted to see them stand up and look around like a person. I wanted to see them tear into the bait station showing their brute strength. I had made up my mind that I would not harvest a bear until I got to see all of that. The first night, a huge beautiful bear came in and did everything except tear up the bait station. The second night a smaller bear (still a shooter bear) came in and did most of what I wanted but still not all. The third night, a good sized bear came to the wood line but would not commit because of a porcupine that was at the bait station. The fourth night, I saw nothing. The fifth night (and last opportunity) I saw nothing. I sat back in my stand and was asking God why I could not take something back home for Abbie and Trever to see. We chatted for a few minutes and out stepped a bear. It caught me off guard and my head flinched when I saw it. The bear saw me flinch and went back in the woods. I went ahead and got my weapon ready anyway. The bear came back out again and I harvested it right then. It was considerably smaller than any other bear that I had seen that week. As I was waiting for my guide to come and get me, God said to me, My timing is perfect.

You see, I had already given up on the hunt. I had passed on several bears wanting the entire show. It came down to the last night and I thought that I had really wasted a great opportunity. I literally sat back in my stand and rested my head back against the tree in disgust. I had given up and had nothing to show Abbie and Trever. After all the processing of the skin and everything, I held up the skin (to be made into a rug) and it was almost as big as I was. If I had harvested the larger bears, I dont know where I could have put them! This bear was perfect for what we intended to do with it. It was small enough to display and big enough to show my family. See, I had given up. God knew what I wanted and most importantly, He knew what I needed. At the end of all of this, I urge you to wait on Gods timing. When you are done messing with something and are ready to take your hands off of it, perhaps that is when He can give you what you really need. Remember, Gods timing is always PERFECT!

"What is a favorite event you remember from your childhood?"

Tim Walleker ~ Not exactly childhood (I was in high school), but it was definitely the Bicentennial and all the Bicentennial Minutes on CBS. Fell in love with history over that. Julie Macrae ~ Well there weren't many memorable events for me, but I do recall being at my happiest sitting in the fruit tree away from everyone else and eating apples or greengages. Jennifer Light ~ I had lots of fun events growing up. My favorite, however, was my 13th Birthday. My Mom and I had a special day for just the two of us. She had made an appointment for her and me at Clinique makeup with a makeup artist. I LOVED makeup, and she had promised me that at 13 she would let me wear powder, lip gloss, and light eye shadow. We also had lunch, and got our nails done. Best day ever!!! Rosemarie Adcock ~ Wow. Can't think of even one. Reminds me of a day at a church where Ed was on staff as a worship pastor when they asked about a favorite childhood game. Not able to think of anything, I half-jokingly remarked, "Germans don't play games." Then in the very same moment at the other end of the room, a man with a thick German accent looking totally perplexed very loudly said "Game? Vat Game?" Brenda Sims ~ Fruitland Park beach every day all summer long! (Initials are still on the concrete deck from 1970!) Jeff Light ~ Thanksgiving week when mom was still alive. After that, not so much. Sandy Lindsay ~ The rodeo in Cornell Illinois! We went every summer. Mom always made my Sister and me new outfits. The rodeo took place every year around my Birthday on June 9th! Duane Sturgess ~ Early 1970's, my dad and I went to see the dedication of Eisenhower High School in Michigan. President Nixon flew in on Chopper One and my dad put me on his shoulders so I could get a better look. What made this even more special was dad and I went on his motorcycle!! Love you Dad! Elias James ~ Being able to jump and roll around in any public place and climb stuff and no one looked at me weird because I was seven and that's just what seven year old boys do. The good ole days right there!

by Brenda Petersen

have been sitting in church for the past two Sundays looking around the room before, during & after service. Before the service in the entrance room I saw...people being greeted at the door by a man who ALWAYS has a huge smile & offers a heartfelt hug. The greetings didn't stop either, people that were mingling in that room also greeted many. Some of the people coming through the doors already had smiles on their faces, some didn't, & some just seemed bothered or stressed. The interesting thing is, by the time they were greeted & spoken to in love, they got into the building with a smile. Then I noticed the cafe, the workers busy, busy, busy making coffee for the rest of us to enjoy, happily handing out donuts & snacks. Being so helpful & smiling with each guest or regular they assisted, after which they promptly began clean-up @ 10:20. I saw people that don't hold ministry titles or get their names mentioned a lot, helping and guiding our visitors to where they need to take children and infants where they needed to be & where the rest rooms were. I noticed workers in children's church loving on the children that were dropped off to their teaching & care. I giggled a bit when one of our regulars politely but ever so efficiently suggested to people in the entrance way that service was starting and did they need help in finding a seat. Walking around the corner I saw mommas dropping off the toddlers & infants while our teachers and caretakers assured them the kids would be well cared for and ministered to. A very well oiled machine to make sure the parents could be quickly contacted should their child need them for some reason during service. Once in the living room the sound of the most anointed praise & worship carried me right into the presence of the Lord in the Holy of Holies. Each member of that team deep in worship for our Savior while also ministering to the body.

I saw people, many people, new & regulars, clapping, dancing, hands raised in worship. I saw some with tears of hurt, some with tears of joy & some just soaking up the Lord's oil. I saw a man at the doors of the living room who watched for people who needed to leave the room and he was there to open the door for them. I watched our teens & young people, many who sat together in quiet chat & worship, each with respect to the service taking place. I saw husbands with arms around their wives, moms holding their young, I saw many people praying for & hugging others. I watched leadership relinquish time at the front for others to minister, knowing the Lord was in control. I saw leadership who worshipped and stood in silent submission waiting on the Lord to give His words. I saw visiting speakers who were loved and respected by our pastor that were there to love on us. I watched as our leadership let himself be directed by God and respond to his direction. I saw laughing, I heard funny statements, I saw tears, heard crying, heard praises and prayers, all in the safety of our living room! At the end of service I saw people who were willing to stay late to pray for, anoint and minister to those in need. I saw people chatting in the front entrance as they spoke their goodbyes & see you soons. I saw kids running to parents with eyes lit up about what hey had learned in their own service. The powers that be that run things behind closed doors, you make it possible for us to minister by keeping all the details of the church in running order. I love you! You know who you are! I say all this to tell you, I am a regular and yet I still saw all of this, so in saying that, our visitors are seeing some or all of it as well. I am so proud of what God is doing in our body that allows us to minister to the city. Please know, that although your name isn't mentioned here, I DID see it, I did witness it and I so appreciate all of you! We are only powerless when we stand & do nothing...

We are gearing up for fall in the storehouse. We have our area all cleaned up, shelves are put together and waiting for the arrival of food that you guys will be bringing in. We now have a freezer so we can take meats, frozen dinners, pies etc. What a blessing to have a place to distribute food from! During the month of September we will be collecting Veggies and batteries! This is hurricane season and we would like to be able to supply batteries for our neighborhood in case the power goes out. We need AA, AAA, C and D batteries. Very soon we hope to be set up with the Second Harvest Food Bank and the Mid-Florida Coalition. The second harvest food bank will bring us truck loads of food that we will be able to distribute to our community. We will possibly be working with another church in our community to get the food delivered to us from Orlando. The Mid-Florida Coalition is an organization that helps us to keep track of the needs in the area. By each church or food bank giving them information, they can determine how many people are out of jobs, how many are homeless and other information. This will help us to know the needs of our community and set goals to meet those needs. The holidays are just around the corner. We now have room to store the things we need for food distribution. By each person giving just one can of something each week we can come together to feed our community. Thank you for your donations. They are greatly appreciated. (Pro 19:17) Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. Blessings, The Storehouse Team Contact information: Deborah Tiller @ 352-321-5750 Sonia Shearer @ 352-408-7192 or [email protected]

You can give an offering also. Just make a memo to Storehouse.

Every Sunday ~

averagejoes Caf
Free continental breakfast served from 9:30am to 9:50am Contact: Renee Stoffel @ 253-2465

Every Sunday @ 4:30PM ~

Beginning Sept 11 The Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $5 class or $15 month Scholarships Available Contact: Myra Harbaugh email: [email protected] cell: (941) 720-3444


Contacts: Aaron Symonds @ 330-1928 Mela Striker @ 365-1006

2nd & 4th Sundays ~

WAREHOUSE NURSERY - PRESCHOOL We believe in ministering to the needs of even our littlest members. Our qualified teachers create a positive experience that introduces nursery and preschool children to the love of Jesus early on. Contact: Jill Porvaznik @ 793-1326 WAREHOUSE KIDS Warehouse Kids is for all boys and girls in Kindergarten through 6th grade. We provide a combination of games, interactive characters, and fun filled songs capture kids attention while showing them that living for God is the best way to live! Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385

S T A T U R E Youth Group @ 1:00pm

The Warehouse Multi Purpose Room Contact: Neal Hayes 365-1496 Next Meeting: Sept 11 & 25

2nd & 4th Sundays ~

CREATIVE ARTS Drama! Dance! Pantomime! Sign language! Flags! Children's ballet! These are just a few venues that have been incorporated into the Creative Arts Ministry at the Warehouse Church. 3:30pm to 5:30pm Ages: Middle school to adult The Warehouse Living Room Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400 Next Meeting: Sept 18 & 25

Every Monday ~
Beginning Sept. 12 @ 3:30pm Kids Creative Movement Class K thru 6th Grade Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $5:00 (Scholarships Available) Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400

Saturday, 9/10 @ 6:30PM ~

Love & Marriage

Every Tuesday @ 5:30PM ~ Revelation Fitness Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $5 class or $15 month Scholarships Available
Contact: Myra Harbaugh email: [email protected] cell: (941) 720-3444

Jeff & Sue Myers home at 6:30pm 41737 Kendra Lane, Weirsdale This is a monthly gathering for young couples married 15 years and less (or soon to be married). We hope you will join us as we pursue discovering God's principles to "becoming one" in our marriages; in our relationships with one another, and with Him. Contact: Brian Sellers 504-6221



Tuesday, 9/13 @ 6:30PM ~

Ladies Ministry Meeting Warehouse Annex Bring any type of salad to share. We will be discussing our upcoming events. Contact: Cheryl Moser 787-0789

Young Adults of 18 to 29 years old gather for fellowship and different activities. Ultimately, Elevation's vision is to give young adults a platform to fellowship, to serve, to do life together. Contact: Vance Harbaugh (941) 720-3912 DONT FORGET!! 1st Sunday of the month we will collect the "Change Cups". For those of you who need to pick up one of our "red" cups we will have some on Sunday. Your spare "change" helps those in need in our church and our community.

Every Thursday ~
Beginning Sept. 22 @ 6:30pm Beth Moore Study The Inheritance Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $10.00 for material Sign up at info table. Contact: Cheryl Moser 787-0789

2nd & 4th Friday ~

Harp & Bowl - Worship & Intercession

The Warehouse Church Living Room Fellowship at 6:30; Harp & Bowl at 7:00 Contact: Cliff Cochran @ 483-3140 Next Meeting: Sept 9 & 23

Check out the web page at www.vcfleesburg.com for everything on the calendar this month.

4th Friday ~

Older Gents @ 11:30am

Older Gents is an opportunity for men over 50 to meet for lunch and enjoy great conversation over a variety of topics that affect all of us. Golden Corral, North Leesburg Contact: Leo Lenschow 429-2563 Next Meeting: Sept 23

What Overwhelms You?

am in the small town of Kollam, on the Southwest Coast of India. My perception of a small town is Cornell, Illinois; population five hundred. The number of people dwelling in Kollam is one million. Michael and I are staying in a five star resort, The Raviz in Kollam. Directly outside the Resort gate the homes of the people remind me of my childhood in Cornell, Illinois. The side roads in Kollam are clay; the side roads in Cornell were gravel. Most of the homes in Kollam are open air. There were few homes air conditioned where I grew up. Cooking is done in most Indian homes using firewood. We used it in Cornell to keep warm in the house.

one million people, no one is my size. Imagine that! What is your favorite food to eat? Is it beef, chicken or fish: Currie it all! There is no other way to prepare food in India. Even the salads have spicy dressings on them. Ezekiel was overwhelmed by the spirit of God and went and sat for seven days at the Kebar River (Ezekiel 3:15) I am overwhelmed at just about everything I see, taste, smell or touch in India. Im having a sensory perception overload. One young Indian girl Gopika (meaning lover of Krishna) just said to me, The people though diverse dwell in unity. The very thought; overwhelming! Sandy Lindsay P.O. Box 702015- Saint Cloud, FL 34770-2015 Phone: (813) 714-8999 Website: www.spiritualmeat.com email: [email protected]

With so many people in India there is what looks like rush hour traffic even at 4:00am. There are no traffic lights in Kollam. If you blinked your eyes in Cornell you would miss it. There were no traffic lights there either. Let me reiterate however, there are 1,000,000 people in Kollam versus 500 in Cornell, Illinois. There are many elegantly dressed ladies in India. Today a short ride from the Resort I found that my size is not a ready-made size on the shelf. So out of

When Do We Stand?

by Sonia Shearer

hile on vacation in Ohio, I went to see the movie The Help. The time and setting of the movie is in the 1960s in Mississippi. During that time era many people who were rich had household help which consisted of African Americans. It was at a time when blacks were not allowed to use the same bathroom as the whites, along with a lot of other rules that have since been abolished. Segregation was in place and if you were one of the blacks you couldnt eat in the same room, use the same bathroom, or even go to the same church as the whites. Civil rights were being challenged and many died for standing up for what they believed in at the time. While watching that movie I questioned what my own challenges were. When do we speak up and when do we remain silent. Laws changed because people had the courage to stand up for their rights and what they believed in. I asked myself how many times that I should have stood up for something or someone and didnt do it. How many times should I have offered to just pray for someone and was afraid because they would think I was stupid, a religious fanatic or just plain weird. Also, while on vacation I found myself to be in some awkward situations. I hooked up with some old classmates and their friends. While my old classmates know exactly where I stand from a Christian perspective their friends did not know. As I listened to their conversations I realized how far removed from the world I have become. What was normal everyday talk for them which is not the most wholesome talk, I realized that I didnt fit in very well.

When asked questions, I found myself answering in a way as to not make all of these people feel uncomfortable while still trying to maintain my integrity and holding my ground. My thought later was, should I have started just talking about God and Jesus and what he has done for me? Should I have done something differently than I did? I dont think so, but maybe. How do we determine when to be bold and when to remain silent or keep things to a minimum? How do we know when it is the right time to stand up and shout Jesus loves you, turn to him and let him change your life? I dont know the answer. I know that it is kindness that leads to repentance. When do we stand?

ep, thats right my brother and sister, it is time to eat. Anybody HONGRY? (not hungry) HONGRY Thats how we said it in Louisiana. Im so glad Randy has been emphasizing getting into the Word lately and I know youre glad too. You can just sense the effects of it. We are in store for some wonderful things. I just wanted to share a few thoughts thats helped me over the years. Not only things that helped me but things that hindered me. We all know we learn by our mistakes, but OH, its so much better to avoid them and go directly to the Truth. I got locked up on Nov. 29th, 1973 and got saved 4 days later on Dec 3rd. It was a dramatic conversion. I went from a dope dealin junkie to a saint overnight. I literally devoured the Word of God til I got out March 23rd 1975. I didnt care about watching T.V., playing dominoes, cards or any other games. I was so in love with Jesus and His Word that all I did was eat, sleep and live Jesus and His Word. It wasnt hard to do. I had plenty of time on my hands. I was on cloud 9, walking in victory, walking in the Spirit, not fulfilling the lusts and desires of my flesh. After I got out, naturally I had to go to work and get busy doing things for the Lord and slowly, but surely my Word level began to deteriorate. In just a few months time I found myself falling into temptation especially in the area of lust. Course when you get on that slippery slope you get all kinds of mud on you. I determined that I must have a spirit of lust and I needed deliverance. I had heard about a woman named Katherine Kuhlman who was speaking at a Full Gospel Businessmens Fellowship in Dallas,

Texas, so a friend of mine and I drove over and spent the night and was in line at 6 a.m. the next morning. When the doors opened, we ran down front and got a seat on the fourth row. Man, we were right there. Make a long story short, I went down front for prayer and deliverance and was sadly disappointed for days and weeks after that. I actually was disappointed in God for not setting me free from this demon of lust. I battled this for years, riding up and down the roller coaster, in and out, up and down til I finally discovered, (by the Grace of God) what the problem was. I couldnt be delivered from the flesh until I go to heaven. As long as Im in this body Im going to have to contend with the flesh in all its ugly forms. But I did discover that I could control my flesh and put it under. My main problem was that I wasnt eating like I should. Oh, I was feeding my body 3 squares a day plus snacks, but my spirit man was starving. He was weak and mal-nourished. If we would only spend as much time feeding our spirit as we do feeding our bodies we would stay spiritually healthy and fit. Paul prayed in I Thess. 5:23, May God Himself, the God of Peace sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is Faithful and He will do it. Notice the phrase May your whole spirit, soul AND body. The real me and the real you is our spirit. We have a soul and we live in a body.

You remember the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19, The rich man was buried, he died, but he was in torment in hell (He had feeling) vs. 23, He looked up and saw Abraham far away (he had spiritual eyes), He asked Abraham to send Lazarus with water to cool his tongue (he had a spiritual tongue and voice). Abraham said, Son, remember? (he had a spiritual mind). If you could separate my spirit and put it beside my body you would recognize me cause Id have all of the same characteristics. Now heres the question. Is it just as important or even more important to feed our spirit as it is our body??? Yes, Yes and Yes!! Jesus even told us what food to eat. Same food He ate. Man shall not live by Bread (food) alone, but by every Word that comes out of the mouth of God. Matt 4:4. Jesus was quoting Deut 8:3. In Luke 2:42 when Jesus was 12 years old His folks took him to Jerusalem. They left and He stayed behind. They didnt know it, got worried and went back. After 3 days they found Him in church listening to the teachers. They asked Him, Son, didnt you know wed be worried about you? Jesus replied, Didnt you know I must be about my Fathers Business? The teachers were amazed at what Jesus knew already, so this wasnt His first session with the Law and the Prophets. AND He had another 18 years being about the Fathers Business of feeding His spirit with the Bread of Life. And after His forty day fast when the tempter came, Jesus said, It is written!! It is written!! It is written!! and the devil ran off like a scared rabbit. Jesus is our example and we can do the same thing, IF we do what He did. Remember the Lords Prayer? Jesus said to ask the Father To give us today our Daily Bread. Not weekly. Could you imagine what your body would look like if you only ate one day a week? For me that might not be a bad thing. Something else I learned later on is that we have to make sure the Word is sown into Good ground for it to produce results or fruit (30, 60 and a 100 fold) In Mark 4, the parable of the sower Jesus mentions 4 kinds of ground where the Word was sown. (1) The wayside ground (2) The rocky or stony

ground (doesnt take root) (3) The thorny ground (worry, deceitfulness of riches and desires for other things). This chokes the Word and it wont produce. and (4) Good ground or Good soil. Lukes account in ch 8:15 says a Good and Honest or Noble heart. Thats the only ground where Gods Word will take root and produce.

All Word and no Spirit youll dry up, All Spirit and no Word youll blow up, but a balance of the Word and the Spirit and youll GROW up.

Not only is it important to eat spiritual food, we also must drink spiritual water. Jesus said, God is a Spirit and those who worship (or serve) Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth or Reality. He also said, Those who Hunger AND Thirst shall be filled. We need a well balanced diet. I heard someone say one time All Word and no Spirit youll dry up, All Spirit and no Word youll blow up, but a balance of the Word and the Spirit and youll GROW up. Time and space wont permit any more than this, but I trust we will all examine ourselves not each other and find out where we are and the Holy Spirit will reveal to each of us what weeds need to be pulled and cut down. Amen?? Finally, lets all continue to pray for Randy that he will boldly declare all that the Lord gives him. Paul prayed in Eph 6:19 Pray also for me (Randy) that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, AS I SHOULD. Thank you Lord!! Shalom, Jewell and Millie Estess

by John & Julie Macrae

aul's prayer for the Colossians begins, We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all Gods people. This is our prayer for you all in Leesburg. I think its important to recognize that when we first walked through the doors of 'the other place some years ago it was the love that you showed to each other as well as us that told us we had arrived in a good place. This love was, and is, the hallmark of God's people everywhere. We had not heard of your faith though. But it was soon apparent! We've visited many churches, filled with faithful people but we didn't feel the evidence of it. With you, we felt it. As the writer of James says: What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well," but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed someone might say, "You have faith and I have works." Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. So I want to encourage you. everyone. Love

Speaking of the people who came to help her, Mother Theresa said it better than I can: It was a challenge for them. They wanted to give everything and they wanted the hardest. We have to live this life, this hard life, to be able to continue the work among the people. The work is only the expression of the love we have for God. We have to pour our love on someone. And the people are the means of expressing our love for God. I sometimes wonder if I could raise my game to meet that challenge. Jesus tells us to love each other and warns that if we love Him we will keep His command. So with that in mind, are there any limits to how much, or how often, or on how many we can pour out our (or, more properly, His) love?

Stay updated with our friends John & Julie Macrae as they travel and spread the news of Jesus Christ! www.blog.mailasail.com/amazinggrace

E no ch
When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away (Gen. 5:21-24, NIV). overruling death for this man who walked with him (Kings 2:10) He pleased God (Gen. 5:21-24, The Word Bible, from 26 Translations -- paraphrase by author). Much can be said at this writing but I am going to try to share some of what I have found deep down into those caves and veins. Undersiege exploration is when the forgiven surrenders his extraordinary self to being an ordinary person (broken man) and proceeds into the depth of Gods Love. Only reckless confidence can take one, me, into this depth of His transforming mercy and compassion reminding me that I am forgiven much and loved exceedingly. Knowing the Fathers love is the underpinning of my life. No matter what my calling is His love will give me the stability or ballast for my life in everything I do. I was created to have intimacy, in the image of the Lord my God. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (Deut. 6:5). And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these (Mark 12:30-31). As I find out how to experience the Fathers love, I become skilled at how to get up into his lap and cuddle while allowing myself to receive the washing of His Spirit. Oh! What healing and transformation. This is the most glorious life available to anyone on this side of heaven. The place of fully living as the new man and the entering into of this new man is indicative of this underwater adventure. A person does not find it overnight. It is a lifetime adventure in which the Holy Spirit imparts in one an overwhelming desire, his grand passion, which he stretches out for seemingly an eternity. He gives you a glimmer now and then so that you will seek this, pray for it, and believe for it until you find its fullness in your life. During this time he molds, shapes and forms you into a new person/new man (Eph. 4:24).

lorida has over 600 springs of which many are enjoyed by scuba divers for underwater adventure. Scuba divers descend down into these underwater areas exploring the native vegetation, water life and rock formations particular to an area. A plus for experienced divers is that there are caves that go deep into the sandstone rock that few people have ever explored. There is a strong attraction to go into the subterranean aquifer where the world is something of the unexpected. Divers have transcended deep into these caves never to return. I have come to a place in my life where through the extreme work of the Holy Spirit, the message and the power of the cross provide the only avenue to gratification. As I embrace the work of the cross, I am affirmed and coaxed to go deeper in the things of God. For your names sake you will lead me and guide me (Psalm 31:3). At times, this cordial relationship takes me into a path of devotion that is more real than life itself. Nothing is as sweet to me as to know that my heart yearns with compassion, an inward cry where ...deep calls unto deep (Ps 42:7). I would like to note at this time Im not even close to the aquifer. When Enoch had lived sixty-five years, he became the father of Methuselah. After he fathered Methuselah, Enoch continued to please God maintaining a cordial and cooperative relationship for three hundred years. He had other sons and daughters. The entire lifetime of Enoch was three hundred and sixty-five years. Enoch and God got along fine living as close friends. As he went on in Gods way of life, of devotion and piety he was seen no more because God took him away

John and Julie Macrae took me to the chapel in Colchester England where Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was converted at the age of 15, January 6, 1850. What a wonderful experience for me for he has been one of my spiritual heroes. Within five years, Charles became a Baptist preacher. In 1854, at the age of 19, he became pastor of the New Park Street Chapel, London. A man who heard him preach in his first year of the pastorate made a glowing prediction: ...His name is Charles Spurgeon. He is only a boy, but he is the wonderful preacher in the world. He is absolutely perfect in his oratory; and, beside that, a master in the art of acting...his power was never equaled. Now, mark my words, boys, that young man will live to be the greatest preacher of this or any other age. He will bring more souls to Christ than any man who ever proclaimed the gospel, not excepting the apostle Paul. His name will be known everywhere, and his sermons will be translated into many of the languages of the world.

This is the most glorious life available to anyone on this side of heaven. The place of fully living as the new man and the entering into of this new man is indicative of this underwater adventure. A person does not find it overnight.

the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). He often talked about feasting on His joyful presence. Christ being present with you, this is your main joy. Enjoy the feast for yourselves, or you will not be strong to hand out the living bread to others. In this wonderful Holy place, He will lead you in grateful worship. In this awesome posture, He will reveal Himself to your delight. He said, I think I know of no delight on earth that is higher than that of knowing that you really are with all your heart adoringly serving God. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! (Psalm 47:2, NIV). His wife Susannah was a invalid for many years said, It was ever the settled purpose of my married life that I should never hinder him in his work for the Lord, never try to keep him from fulfilling his engagements, never plead my own illhealth as a reason why he should remain at home with me. A wife, commitment to her God, then her husband and next to his calling. This lifestyle is a fight. I believe you must engage in the things of God vigorously and become intimately involved in the lives of others -- intensely and carefully pursuing the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who has all the characteristics of a person communicates heaven into your heart. As you transcend into that realm you become familiar with the surroundings and knowledgeable with the underwater terrain. Work fiercely and think deeply the scriptures. Allow Father God, to validate you and confirm your significance. Commit your life to community and serve as Jesus served. Become involved with questioning seekers and open yourself up to be transparent to the brethren. May it be so.

Charles wrote my Lord is my everything and if that is so, then everything means everything. What is it to believe in Him? It is not merely to say, He is God and the Savior, but to trust Him wholly and entirely, and take Him for all your salvation from this time forth and forever your Lord, your Master, your all. The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens (Psalm 113:4). In this, one finds a softer version of God than preachers preach and teachers share. The glory of the Godhead makes an impression on us until we behold the milder radiance of the Incarnate God, Spurgeon said. It was what we call today a done deal for him to live the lifestyle he so advocated. There was a profound commitment to submit all to God. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist

Check out Leos blog on the Warehouse website at www.vcfleesburg.com

01... Jim Bruce 01 Lauren Wilnau 02... Steve Doggett 03 Zachary Varnum 05 Randy & Rhonda Gideons 05... TyRiek Elridge 07... Regent Weber 08 Abbie Light 08 Steve Porvaznik 10 Terrie Eldridge 10 Tim & Jennie Walleker 11 Evan Wall 12 Patrick & Danelle Wall

13 Samantha Symonds 13 Sonia Shearer 15 Juan Leiva 15 Neal & Tonia Hayes 16 Grady Anderson 19 Jamie Cochran 19 Kalen Harbaugh 20... Devyn Levia 21 Saige Blum 23... Tina McGall 25 Duane & Tonya Sturgess 25... Ron Sellers 26 Amanda Varnum

Cafe team member openings: Cafe is in need of volunteers of any and all ages to help. Especially open to any of the youth who would like to serve their church family as Team Member Three. If we get a full team; it only is once every 5-7 weeks, not even once a month! The positions open are: 3. Team Member Three: arrives at church at 9:55-10:00 AM to help serve until 10:25. Help put things away before going to service. After service help clean up and take out donut boxes, etc. to garbage dumpster.

1. Team Member One: to take the

shopping list and funds on a Wal-Mart card provided to pick up the donut order and other shopping list items at Wal-Mart in Leesburg on Sunday before cafe opens; getting to WalMart around 8: 30-8:45 AM; but no later than 9:00 AM. Helping set up cafe until cafe opens at 10 AM. Serving from 10:00 to 10:25. Help put things away before going into service. Make up shopping list for the next week person and give bag with list to them. If needed, help clean up after service. Team Member Two: arrives at church at 8:45 AM to start making coffee. Continues to make coffee and set up cafe and work with shopping member until all is set up and all coffee pots are made. Serve from 10:00 to 10:25. Help put things away before going to service. After service, help clean up and take donut boxes, etc to garbage dumpster.

Please contact Renee Stoffel via e-mail; [email protected]; phone message at 223-0338; or see her before or after church if she is not working in cafe.

Janitorial Openings: Assistance in cleaning the bathrooms, living room, annex, floors, garbage pick up, vacuuming, sweeping. Theres a job for you! Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400 Yard Maintenance: Mowing, Weeding, Blowing, Pruning, Fertilizing. Theres a place for you! Contact: Tim Walleker 603-4573 Kids Church: Teaching curriculum on a rotation basis to Kindergarten through 6th grade, Assistants to teachers, & Audio Visual help. Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385


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