Park 2020

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„„ Systematic review

Deep gluteal syndrome as a cause of posterior

hip pain and sciatica-­like pain

Deep gluteal syndrome is an increasingly recognized disease entity, caused by compression

of the sciatic or pudendal nerve due to non-­discogenic pelvic lesions. It includes the piriformis
J. W. Park, syndrome, the gemelli-­obturator internus syndrome, the ischiofemoral impingement syn-
Y-­K. Lee, drome, and the proximal hamstring syndrome. The concept of the deep gluteal syndrome ex-
Y. J. Lee, tends our understanding of posterior hip pain due to nerve entrapment beyond the traditional
S. Shin, model of the piriformis syndrome. Nevertheless, there has been terminological confusion and
Y. Kang, the deep gluteal syndrome has often been undiagnosed or mistaken for other conditions.
K-­H. Koo Careful history-­taking, a physical examination including provocation tests, an electrodiagnos-
From Seoul National tic study, and imaging are necessary for an accurate diagnosis.
University Bundang After excluding spinal lesions, MRI scans of the pelvis are helpful in diagnosing deep
Hospital, Seongnam, gluteal syndrome and identifying pathological conditions entrapping the nerves. It can be
South Korea conservatively treated with multidisciplinary treatment including rest, the avoidance of
provoking activities, medication, injections, and physiotherapy.

Endoscopic or open surgical decompression is recommended in patients with persistent

or recurrent symptoms after conservative treatment or in those who may have masses
compressing the sciatic nerve.

Many physicians remain unfamiliar with this syndrome and there is a lack of relevant litera-
ture. This comprehensive review aims to provide the latest information about the epidemi-
ology, aetiology, pathology, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment.

Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2020;102-B(5):556–567.

Introduction sciatica secondary to an abnormal condition of

Although posterior hip pain may be less common the piriformis, in 1947. This syndrome has also
than anterior or lateral hip pain, it has become been referred to as “credit-­card-­wallet sciatica”,
increasingly recognized because of improvements “pseudosciatica”, or “pelvic outlet syndrome”.3,8,9
in our understanding of the anatomy and neural However, it has remained controversial as a
kinematics of hip movement. Lumbar spinal distinct clinicopathological entity because there
pathology can often present as lateral or posterior is no clear-­cut evidence of damage to the sciatic
hip pain as the capsule of the hip is innervated by nerve in many patients with non-­ discogenic
sensory nerves from the L2-­S1 roots.1 However, in buttock pain, and consequent disagreement over
a series of 158 patients with sciatica and disabling whether it is under- or overdiagnosed.10-12
back pain, el Barzouhi et al2 reported that 50 (32%) In 1999, McCrory and Bell13 proposed that the
did not have corresponding lumbar pathology on term “deep gluteal syndrome” should replace that
MRI. Posterior hip pain or non-­discogenic sciatica of the piriformis syndrome, on the basis that poste-
(sciatica-­like pain) can also be caused by any rior hip pain could result from entrapment of the
lesion involved the sciatic nerve, originating from sciatic or other nerves by various structures in the
L4 to S3.3 Posterior hip pain is therefore often deep gluteal space. Recently, the gemelli-­obturator
difficult to distinguish from sciatica. internus syndrome, ischiofemoral impingement
Approximately 90 years ago, it was reported syndrome, and proximal hamstring syndrome have
Correspondence should be that sciatica might result from sacroiliitis due to been recognized as producing sciatica-­like pain
sent to Y. J. Lee; email:
inflammation within the piriformis muscle and and have been included in the concept of the deep
consequent irritation of the sciatic nerve.4,5 A gluteal syndrome.14-16 As described by McCrory
© 2020 The British Editorial
Society of Bone & Joint Surgery cadaver study subsequently led to the hypothesis and Bell, the piriformis syndrome is only one
BJJ-2019-1212.R1 $2.00
that piriformis spasms could lead to irritation of component of the deep gluteal syndrome, and a
the nerve.6 Robinson7 introduced the term “piri- broad spectrum of pelvic conditions not associated
Bone Joint J
2020;102-B(5):556–567. formis syndrome” to describe non-­ discogenic with piriformis can cause similar symptoms.17,18
556 The Bone & Joint Journal
Deep gluteal syndrome as a cause of posterior hip pain and sciatica-­like pain 557

Fig. 1

Schematic illustration of the anatomy of the deep gluteal space. BF, biceps femoris; F, femur; GM, gluteus medius; IG, inferior gemellus;
IP, iliopsoas; OE, obturator externus; OI, obturator internus; QF, quadratus femoris; SG, superior gemellus; SM, semimembranosus; ST,
semitendinosus; STL, sacrotuberous ligament; TFL, tensor fasciae latae.

Nevertheless, there has been terminological confusion: some fracture in 1.2%. During endoscopic decompression, only
authors have used deep gluteal syndrome as a synonym of piri- three of 35 patients with deep gluteal syndrome presented with
formis syndrome.8,19 involvement of the obturator internus, and two had patholog-
The concept of the deep gluteal syndrome extends our ical changes in the hamstring tendon insertion.26 Furthermore,
understanding of posterior hip pain due to nerve entrapment in a recent systematic review including 481 patients with deep
beyond the traditional model of piriformis syndrome. Its gluteal syndrome undergoing surgical treatment, the diagnosis
clinical presentation includes entrapment of the sciatic nerve was piriformis syndrome in 124 (26%), sciatic nerve entrap-
producing posterior hip pain, and entrapment of the pudendal ment by non-­ piriformis muscles in 67 (14%), endometri-
nerve causing pain in the perineal, perianal, and genital areas. osis in 27 (6%), and compression by the inferior gluteal vein
The deep gluteal syndrome is often undiagnosed or mistaken in eight (2%).16 Thus, the piriformis syndrome may be much
for other conditions with similar symptoms because it has no more prevalent than that of other subtypes of the deep gluteal
definitive diagnostic criteria. In this review, we differentiate syndrome. Ischiofemoral impingement, and particularly the
the deep gluteal syndrome with sciatic nerve entrapment from proximal hamstring syndrome, are considered uncommon. In a
the piriformis syndrome, gemelli-­obturator internus syndrome, study from a single institution, there were 30 suspected cases of
the ischiofemoral impingement, and the proximal hamstring ischiofemoral impingement among more than 1,000 hip opera-
syndrome and review the nature of the condition, the diagnostic tions and this diagnosis was eventually confirmed in 17.27 The
approaches, and treatment of each. proximal hamstring syndrome mainly develops in patients who
Epidemiological considerations. Previously, several reviews undertake competitive sports and has usually been reported
described the piriformis syndrome as having an estimated prev- in case reports and series. In a retrospective study involving
alence of 5% to 8%.20,21 However, the reported prevalence has 162 patients, sciatic nerve-­related symptoms were noted in 45
varied according to the definitions, study designs, and cohorts patients (28%) with a history of proximal hamstring avulsion.28
which were included. In a series of 93 patients with chronic low Thus, sciatic nerve entrapment after proximal hamstring injury
back pain, piriformis syndrome was prospectively diagnosed in may be under-­recognized.
16 (17.2%).22 In 143 patients with sciatica without evidence of Anatomical considerations. The deep gluteal space is bordered
lumbar pathology, 24 (17.0%) were classified as having piri- by: posteriorly, the gluteus maximus; anteriorly, the posterior
formis syndrome, and in 783 patients who underwent MRI of acetabular column, hip joint capsule and proximal femur; later-
the hip, 74 (9.5%) had piriformis syndrome.23,24 ally, the lateral lip of the linea aspera and the gluteal tuberosity;
To date, there has been little epidemiological data regarding medially, the sacrotuberous ligament and falciform fascia; su-
other subtypes of deep gluteal syndrome: gemelli-­ obturator periorly, the inferior margin of the sciatic notch; and inferiorly,
internus syndrome, ischiofemoral impingement, and proximal the proximal origin of the hamstrings at the ischial tuberosity.29
hamstring syndrome. Filler et al25 re-­evaluated 239 patients The piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior
with sciatica but no diagnosis using MRI and reported a final gemellus, and quadratus femoris are located in this space, from
diagnosis of piriformis syndrome in 67.8% of patients, prox- caudal to distal.14 The superior and inferior gluteal, sciatic, pos-
imal hamstring syndrome in 4.7%, pudendal nerve entrap- terior femoral cutaneous, and pudendal nerves traverse the deep
ment in 3.0%, a sciatic tumour in 1.7%, and sacroiliitis with gluteal space (Figure 1).14
VOL. 102-B, No. 5, May 2020
558 J. W. Park, Y-­K. Lee, Y. J. Lee, S. Shin, Y. Kang, K-­H. Koo

Table I. Clinical tests for the diagnosis of the deep gluteal syndrome.
Clinical tests Clinical subtype Mean prevalence, % Mean Mean Reference
(95% CI) sensitivity specificity
(95% CI) (95% CI)
Lasègue sign PFS 41 (33 to 50) N/A N/A 73

DGS N/A 0.15 (0.05 to 0.95 (0.68 to 74

0.33) 1.00)
Freiberg’s sign PFS 34 (26 to 42) N/A N/A 73

Pace’s sign PFS 31 (23 to 39) N/A N/A 73

Beatty sign PFS 11 (5 to 17) N/A N/A 73

Flexion, adduction, and internal rotation (FAIR) PFS 33 (22 to 43) N/A N/A 73

Active piriformis test DGS N/A 0.78 (0.58 to 0.80 (0.49 to 74

0.90) 0.94)
Seated piriformis stretching DGS N/A 0.52 (0.33 to 0.90 (0.60 to 74

0.71) 0.98)
Active piriformis test or seated piriformis stretching DGS N/A 0.91 (0.73 to 0.80 (0.49 to 74

0.98) 0.94)
Ischiofemoral impingement test IFI N/A 0.82 (0.56 to 0.85 (0.54 to 64

0.95) 0.97)
Long-­stride walking test IFI N/A 0.94 (0.69 to 0.85 (0.54 to 64

0.99) 0.97)
Ischiofemoral impingement and long-­stride walking test IFI N/A 0.76 (0.50 to 0.85 (0.54 to 64

0.93) 0.98)
Active hamstring test at 30° and 90° PHS N/A 0.84 (0.66 to 0.97 (0.76 to 75

0.93) 0.99)
Long stride heel strike test PHS N/A 0.55 (0.37 to 0.73 (0.48 to 75

0.72) 0.89)
CI, confidence interval; DGS, deep gluteal syndrome; IFI, Ischiofemoral impingement; N/A, not available; PFS, piriformis syndrome; PHS, proximal
hamstring syndrome.

The kinematic behaviour of the sciatic nerve plays a role with secondary piriformis syndrome, between 7/24 (29.2%)
in the pathophysiology of the deep gluteal syndrome. The and 50/62 (80.6%) had benign or malignant space-­occupying
tension in the nerve is affected by the position of the hip and lesions in the deep gluteal area.23,36 Intrinsic pathologies of the
knee joints.26 It is stretched by an excursion of 28.0 mm during piriformis which cause the primary syndrome include an anom-
a modified straight leg raise with knee extension.18 However, alous variation of the relationship between the nerve and piri-
the flexed, abducted, and externally rotated position of the hip formis, piriformis hypertrophy, tumours or inflammatory and
can limit its excursion.19 When the hip is flexed to 90° and the infectious lesions, and myofascial pain syndrome.8 Piriformis
knee is fully extended, sciatic strain increases by a mean of syndrome may occur after overuse or repetitive trauma to the
26%, which may result in neural dysfunction.30 Thus, impaired gluteal area, and many patients with post-­traumatic entrapment
gliding of the sciatic nerve can disrupt its normal excursion and of the sciatic nerve have constricting fibrous or fibrovascular
induce the deep gluteal syndrome. bands from the piriformis over the nerve.7,15,37 Thus, since the
The piriformis syndrome. The piriformis lies centrally in the concept of deep gluteal syndrome was introduced, Foster’s
buttock and is a key reference for identifying the neurovascular dichotomic classification has had little clinical relevance.
structures in the deep gluteal space. Caudal to it are the superior The gemelli-obturator internus syndrome. After passing the
gluteal artery and nerve, and distal to it are the inferior gluteal piriformis, the sciatic nerve runs posterior to the obturator/ge-
artery/nerve, the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, the sciat- melli complex and quadratus femoris muscle.14 The insertion
ic nerve, the obturator internus/gemellus superior nerves, and of piriformis is variable: prior to its insertion onto the greater
quadratus femoris/gemellus inferior nerves.15 A total of 13 ana- trochanter the piriformis may join the tendon of the superior
tomical variations in the relationship between the sciatic nerve gemellus and obturator internus (29.5%) or the tendon of ob-
and piriformis have been described.31-33 The nerve passes be- turator internus and gluteus medius (13.4%).38 In these vari-
neath piriformis in 85.2% of individuals.34 Its peroneal portion ants, impingement of piriformis on the sciatic nerve can cause
pierces the piriformis while the tibial component passes distal sciatica-­like symptoms, especially during internal rotation of
to it in 9.8%; this most common variant is more prevalent in the hip. The nerve is attached to the gemelli-­obturator internus
the Asian population (17.0%) than in other ethnicities.34 It has complex by connective tissue, which can lead to sciatic entrap-
been suggested that anomalous variants may pose a risk for the ment.39,40 Muscular spasm or myofascial pain syndrome, acute
development of the deep gluteal syndrome but the association strain, haematoma, abscess/pyomyositis, tendinitis, and bursitis
remains unproven.32 of the obturator internus can cause posterior hip pain.40–45
Foster35 classified the piriformis syndrome into a primary The ischiofemoral impingement syndrome. The sciatic nerve
condition, caused by intrinsic problems within the muscle, and passes between the ischial tuberosity and the lesser trochanter,
a secondary condition, caused by irritation from the sacroiliac lying close to the posterior capsule of the hip and enters the
joint or an adjacent mass. In two studies involving patients posterior thigh at the lower margin of quadratus femoris.14 The
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Deep gluteal syndrome as a cause of posterior hip pain and sciatica-­like pain 559

Fig. 2

Piriformis syndrome (37-­year-­old male). Asymmetrically large right piriformis muscle (white asterisks) was shown on T1-­weighted coronal and axial
images of MRI.

Fig. 3

Ischiofemoral impingement syndrome (46-­year-­old female). Increased signal intensity and contrast enhancement were noted in quadratus femoris
at the left ischiofemoral interval (white arrows) on T2 and T1 weighted axial MRI images. White and black triangles indicate the ischium and lesser

ischiofemoral impingement syndrome is related to the proximi- semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. The hamstrings orig-
ty of the sciatic nerve to quadratus femoris. It was first noted in inate from the ischial tuberosity, except for the short head of
patients with persistent pain in the medial thigh and groin fol- biceps femoris; the semimembranosus tendon is attached to the
lowing total hip arthroplasty, and was thought to be due to less- superolateral facet of the ischial tuberosity and the conjoint ten-
er trochanteric impingement.46 In conditions leading to a narrow don of biceps femoris, and semitendinosus is attached to the
ischiofemoral distance, the lesser trochanter may compress the inferomedial facet. The sciatic nerve lies approximately 1.2 cm
intervening quadratus femoris. This impingement can result in lateral to the ischial tuberosity or the outer border of the semi-
oedema or tearing of quadratus femoris or the hamstring ten- membranosus tendon.17,57 Thus, the proximal part of this muscle
don. Using CT, Hujazi et al47 reported that the mean ischiofem- complex is close to the sciatic nerve.
oral distance was smaller in females than males (18.6 mm (SD Proximal hamstring tendon pathologies can cause irrita-
8) versus 23.0 mm (SD 7), p < 0.001). Won et al48 confirmed tion or entrapment of the sciatic nerve because of the intimate
this sex difference with a mean distance in females of 24.3 mm relationship of the nerve and muscle at the level of the ischial
(SD 8.9) compared with 33.2 mm (9.2) in males (p < 0.001). tuberosity. Many cases have been associated with repetitive
Underlying pathologies in the ischiofemoral impingement syn- stress on the hamstring tendon and reported in sporting activ-
drome include hip abductor insufficiency, high femoral/acetab- ities involving running, kicking, or jumping.58 It was reported
ular version and neck-­shaft angle, developmental dysplasia of that, even though high signal intensity of the sciatic nerve was
the hip, valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy, inflammatory my- not observed on MRI in two-­thirds of patients after hamstring
ositis, intramuscular lesions of quadratus femoris, ischial tuber- injury, there was significant impairment in sciatic conductivity
osity avulsion fracture, and exostosis.49–56 compared with that in noninjured subjects.59 Conditions which
The proximal hamstring syndrome. In the posterior thigh, the predispose to the proximal hamstring syndrome include strains
sciatic nerve runs superficial to the adductor magnus, but deep (partial tears), avulsions (complete tears), or hamstring tend-
to the hamstring muscle complex consisting of biceps femoris, inopathy and avulsion fracture or apophysitis of the ischial
VOL. 102-B, No. 5, May 2020
560 J. W. Park, Y-­K. Lee, Y. J. Lee, S. Shin, Y. Kang, K-­H. Koo

Fig. 4

Proximal hamstring syndrome (57-­year-­old male). Hamstring tendinopathy was shown with hyperintensity and gadolinium contrast enhancement of
the hamstring tendon at the left ischial tuberosity attachment site (white arrows) on T2-­weighted axial MRI images.

tuberosity.60,61 In some patients with a hamstring injury, tight palpable sausage-­shaped mass over the piriformis muscle area
fibrotic bands compressing the sciatic nerve have been found or ipsilateral gluteal atrophy is sometimes seen in the piriformis
at surgery.62 syndrome, and a thickened hamstring tendon or muscular
Causes located in the intrapelvic space or at the sacral fo- defect over the ischial tuberosity may be seen in patients with
ramen. As the sciatic nerve passes through the sacral foramen hamstring injuries.7,66
and runs below the sacroiliac joint, a broad spectrum of local The seated piriformis stretch test is positive when pain is
pathologies can cause non-­discogenic sciatica and the deep glu- induced by adducting an internally rotated hip in the seated
teal syndrome, including pelvic soft tissue and bone tumours, position with the hip flexed at 90° and the knee extended.
haematomas, presacral abscesses, aneurysms, infectious and For a positive active piriformis test, pain and tenderness
noninfectious sacroiliitis, and gynaecological conditions such is induced on resisted abduction with external rotation of
as endometriosis and tubo-­ovarian abscesses.63 the hip. If tenderness is localized medial to the ischium,
Clinical features and physical examination. Most patients pudendal nerve entrapment should be considered.19 Different
complain of intermittent or persistent pain and/or dysaesthesia manoeuvres aimed at reproducing the symptoms of the piri-
in the buttock, posterior hip, or thigh rather than low back pain. formis syndrome have been described, including Lasègue’s
Significant focal neurological signs including foot drop are not sign,7 Freiberg’s stretching manoeuvres,4 Pace’s contraction
typical presentations of the deep gluteal syndrome. If female manoeuvre,67 Beatty’s resisted contraction manoeuvre,68
patients have cyclical or menstruation-­related sciatica, intrapel- and the flexion, adduction, and internal rotation test.69 The
vic gynaecological conditions should be considered.19 Pain in ischiofemoral impingement test is intended to induce pain
the deep gluteal syndrome is commonly increased by activities lateral to the ischium when the hip is extended with adduction
involving hip flexion on the affected side, such as sitting and and to relieve it when the hip is abducted with extension.64
walking. Because patients are often uncomfortable when sitting Provocative tests for hamstring injury include the Puranen-­
for long periods of time, an antalgic position may be observed. Orava test or the bent-­ knee stretch test.62,70 The active
Patients with ischiofemoral impingement usually experience a hamstring test is based on the assumption that a proximal
worsening of pain during running or taking larger steps since hamstring injury can result in a selective loss of hamstring
the distance between the ischium and lesser trochanter becomes strength and activity.71 In patients with proximal hamstring
narrower during terminal hip extension (long-­stride walking syndrome, weakness of knee flexion and reproduction of pain
test).64 Patients with proximal hamstring syndrome, however, on resisted knee flexion may be seen during resisted knee
may complain of ischial pain during the initial heel strike (long-­ flexion at 30°, but not at 90°, in a seated position. The details
stride heel strike test).65 of these clinical tests have been described in two excellent
On inspection, persistent external rotation of the affected reviews.19,72 Table I summarizes the reported prevalence,
leg may be noted when the patient is supine because of tonic sensitivity, and specificity of these tests. Unfortunately, their
contracture of the piriformis (‘piriformis sign’). Using the reliability in the diagnosis of the deep gluteal syndrome has
ischial tuberosity as a reference, localization of the tender- not been thoroughly validated in a large cohort of patients.
ness helps to identify which structures are involved. When Diagnostic investigation. Radiographs of the pelvis and hips
the affected ischial area is palpated in a seated or contralateral can suggest a specific cause such as hip pathology, sacroilii-
decubitus position with a flexed hip, pain in the lateral ischium tis, or a calcified shadow in the pelvic cavity. In patients with
or at the ischial tuberosity may suggest ischial impingement or non-­radiological axial spondyloarthritis or acute infectious sac-
the proximal hamstring syndrome. The piriformis syndrome roiliac disease, active sacroiliitis is only visible on MRI.76 CT
should be considered in patients with tenderness between can be used to evaluate bony morphology predisposing to ischi-
the ischium and femoral head, close to the sciatic notch.19 A ofemoral impingement and to guide diagnostic or therapeutic
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Deep gluteal syndrome as a cause of posterior hip pain and sciatica-­like pain 561

Table II. A summary of the interventional therapeutic techniques and their outcome in patients with deep gluteal syndrome (DGS), 11 open and
seven endoscopic.
Authors Levels of evidence Patient number Diagnosis Treatment Reported outcome
Open surgery
Benson ER and IV (case series) 14 Post-­traumatic Piriformis tendon Excellent (n = 11) and good (n = 4)
Schutzer SF37 (1999) piriformis release and sciatic results during the follow-­up (24 to 73
syndrome neurolysis months) in 15 interventions
Indrekvam K and IV (case series) 19 Piriformis Piriformis tenotomy Pain was resolved in eight patients and
Sudmann E102 (2002) syndrome at the insertion on the 13 reported to be better in postoperative
greater trochanter. patient’s assessment after one to 16
Fishman LM et al70 III (retrospective 665 Piriformis Surgical neurolysis About 79% of patients reported
(2002) comparative study) syndrome (n = 43) symptomatic improvement ≥ 50% with
piriformis injection and physical therapy
after mean 10.2 months. Among 43
patients undergoing surgical therapy,
69% achieved ≥ 50% pain relief.
Meknas K et al39 II (lesser-­quality 12 Gemelli-­obturator Sciatic nerve The median pain score on VAS was
(2003) randomized controlled internus syndrome exploration and reduced from 8.5 to 3.5 at three-­month
trial) obturator internus follow up although the reduction did not
sectioning (n = 6) reach statistical significance at six-­month
follow-­up. Conservative treatment
group showed no significant symptom
improvement at any timepoint.
Kim DH et al103 IV (case series) 353 Sciatic nerve Sciatic nerve In the buttock-­level injuries, patients
(2004) injury at the exploration and with positive intraoperative nerve action
buttock (n = 175) neurolysis or repair potentials underwent neurolysis and
and thigh (n = 178) with sutures or grafts attained at least grade 3 outcomes in
levels 87% for the tibial division or 71% for the
peroneal divisions. For suture repair,
recovery to at least grade 3 occurred
in 73% for buttock-­level tibial division
injuries and 30% for peroneal lesions.
For graft, good recovery occurred in 62%
buttock-­level tibial lesions.
Issack PS et al100 IV (case series) 10 Sciatic neuropathy Sciatic nerve All patients had partial to complete
(2007) with acetabular decompression relief of pain and sensory symptoms.
fracture But three of seven had no improvement
of motor symptoms during a mean 26
months of follow-­up.
Young IJ et al99 IV (case series) 44 Proximal Proximal hamstring All had failed in conservative treatment
(2008) hamstring surgical release preoperatively. After the operation, they
syndrome reduced average pain intensity on VAS
from 6.5 to 2.0 and mean weakness on
VAS from 6.6 to 2.8. During a mean 53
months follow-­up, 77.3% returned to
previous sporting activities.
Topuz K et al111 IV (case series) 42 Sciatic nerve Sciatic nerve Excellent outcome was achieved in
(2011) injection injury exploration and 24.1%, good outcome in 48.2%, fair
decompression or outcome in 13.8%, and poor outcome
neurolysis (n = 29) in 13.8% during a mean 31 months of
follow-­up. Fully recovery occurred in
34.6% of subjects with motor deficits or
81.8% of those with sensory deficits.
Bowman KF et al112 IV (case series) 17 Proximal Open debridement and Postoperatively the LEFS score was
(2013) hamstring primary 73.3 and the mean Marx score was 6.5.
syndrome hamstring tendon Among 14 patients completed subjective
repair surveys, 93% were satisfied with post-­
operative results and 71% could perform
strenuous activities after a mean 32
Salga M et al87 IV (case series) 45 Neurogenic Sciatic nerve In total, 55 surgical interventions
(2015) heterotopic neurolysis required sciatic nerve neurolysis in 116
ossification (NHO) interventions for posterior hip NHO.
After sciatic nerve decompression,
the proportion of patients able to
independently sit increased 84.4% to
93.3% and that of those able to walk
increased 15.5% to 42.3%.

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562 J. W. Park, Y-­K. Lee, Y. J. Lee, S. Shin, Y. Kang, K-­H. Koo

Table II.  Continued

Authors Levels of evidence Patient number Diagnosis Treatment Reported outcome

Vassalou EE et al36 IV (case series) 74 Primary (n = 12) Treatment according In 59 with available follow-­up data,
(2018) and secondary to underlying therapeutic outcomes were not
(n = 62) piriformis pathologies including associated with imaging findings or
syndrome anticancer surgery, the presence of neoplastic disorder.
chemotherapy, or Nonsurgical treatment was effective
radiotherapy in 5/8 patients with primary piriformis
syndrome and surgical treatments led
to partial (n = 6) or complete resolution
(n = 11) in 24 with secondary piriformis
Endoscopic surgery
Martin HD et al26 IV (case series) 35 DGS Arthroscopic sciatic Pain intensity on VAS was decreased
(2011) nerve decompression from 6.9 to 2.4 and mHHS was improved
from 54.4 to 78.0. About 70% reported
excellent to good outcome.
Park MS et al113 IV (case series) 60 DGS, excluding Endoscopic sciatic Pain intensity on VAS decreased from
(2016) patients nerve neurolysis 7.4 to 2.6 and mHHS was improved
undergoing from 81.7 to 91.8. Sit pain was reported
arthroplasty or in 88.3% and 8.3%, before and after the
having acetabular surgery. The proportion of patients with
fracture or severe paraesthesia was reduced from 60% to
spondylosis. 6.7%. Postoperative satisfaction was
excellent or good in 53 (88.3%)
Hernandez A et al114 IV (case series) 2 Ischiofemoral Endoscopic total Conservative treatment failed in both
(2017) impingement resection of the lesser patients. The ischio-­femoral distance
syndrome trochanter increased from 4 mm to 24 mm and
from 6 mm to 22 mm. Postoperative
mHHS was improved from 30 to 82 and
40 to 87. But one had mild persistent
pain in the right buttock at two-­year
Possover M98 (2017) IV (case series) 46 Intraneural Laparoscopic sciatic The resected portion was the cranial part
endometriosis of nerve resection (more (L5, 82.6%), the middle (S1/S2, 13.0%)
the sciatic nerve than 30% of the sciatic or the caudal part (4.3%). Temporal
nerve) neurapraxia of the obturator nerve was
presented in 75%, but fully recovered
within two weeks. Pain intensity on VAS
decreased from 9.33 to 1.25 at a five-­
year follow-­up. Significant functional
recovery occurred in most patients
after 2.5 to three years and normal gait
function was achieved after four to five
Ham DH et al104 IV (case series) 24 DGS Endoscopic sciatic Pain intensity on VAS was reduced from
(2018) nerve decompression 7.1 to 2.5 and mHHS was improved
from 59.4 to 85.0 at one-­year follow-­up.
Excellent and good outcome was noted
in 62.5% and 25.0%,
Ilizaliturri VM et al115 IV (case series) 15 Piriformis Endoscopic release Pain intensity on VAS was reduced from
(2018) syndrome of the piriformis on 7.4 to 1.86 and mHHS was improved
the greater trochanter from 46.8 to 84.9 at 24-­month follow-­up.
and sciatic nerve All patients were able to return to work.
exploration Excellent and good outcome was noted
in 73.3% and 20.0%, respectively.
Park MS et al116 IV (case series) 25 Post-­traumatic Endoscopic sciatic More favourable outcomes were
(2019) sciatic neuropathy nerve decompression observed in the idiopathic DGS group (n
with a history = 45) than in the post-­traumatic group.
of fracture or mHHS was improved from 61.5 to 84.1
reconstructive in post-­traumatic group and from 73.8 to
acetabular surgery 94.4 in idiopathic group after two year
or more. Excellent to good outcome
was reported in 56.0% of post-­traumatic
patients versus 84.4% of those with
idiopathic DGS.
DGS, deep gluteal syndrome; LEFS, Lower Extremity Functional Scale;100 mHHS, modified Harris Hip Score;101 VAS, visual analogue scale.

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Deep gluteal syndrome as a cause of posterior hip pain and sciatica-­like pain 563

injections in patients with deep gluteal syndrome.47,77 Recently, The indications for each treatment are not well-­defined because
high-­resolution ultrasonography has been proposed as a relia- there is a paucity of controlled trials examining the effective-
ble diagnostic tool and to assist in diagnostic and therapeutic ness of non-­surgical and surgical treatments. Nevertheless, if
injections.78,79 patients do not have clear-­cut indications for surgery, a stepwise
MRI is the most useful imaging tool for the diagnosis of approach—escalating from conservative to invasive manage-
the deep gluteal syndrome. High-­resolution pelvic imaging is ment—is recommended. In a study of 64 patients suspected of
now available with 3-­Tesla MRI, which offers visualization having piriformis syndrome, almost all (41/42, 98%) of those
of deep gluteal structures and the sciatic nerve with identifi- with normal MRI and CT studies had complete resolution spon-
cation of underlying pathology in the deep gluteal space, such taneously or with conservative treatment over a maximum of 35
as an entrapped sciatic nerve, compressive fibrous bands, and days.36 Thus, early surgical treatment can be avoided in these
pathological muscle changes (Figures 2 to 4). MRI evaluation patients. Early surgery, however, is required in patients with a
of the peripheral nerves, often referred to as MR neurography, space-­occupying lesion compressing the sciatic nerve, especial-
is performed with a fluid-­sensitive fat-­suppressed T2-­weighted ly those with potentially malignant lesions or those with chronic
sequence and T1-­weighted sequence. Due to the abundant fat neurological impairment.
around the fascicles and the nerve itself, these structures are Non-surgical treatment. The nonsurgical management of
clearly visible on T1-­weighted images. Normal nerves show patients with the deep gluteal syndrome involves conserva-
intermediate-­to-­minimal hyperintensity on T2-­weighted images tive multidisciplinary treatments with rest, oral pharmacolog-
and have a fascicular pattern, while neuropathic nerves have ical agents, physiotherapy, and injections. Oral non-­steroidal
an abnormally increased T2-­signal intensity, similar to that of anti-­inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), neuropathic agents such
vessels.80 The course of the nerve, its calibre, fascicular pattern as gabapentin and pregabalin, and muscle relaxants may be
and size, as well as the presence of space-­occupying lesions used. A tailored educational programme can be implemented
along the nerve, can also be assessed with T1-­weighted images, to avoid provoking postures or movements. For example, these
whereas signal intensity and fascicular shape are assessed on patients should avoid prolonged cross-­legged sitting or inter-
axial fat-­suppressed T2-­weighted images.81–83 MR neurography nal rotation of the hips. Physiotherapy includes heat, muscle
can also detect aberrant anatomy of the sciatic nerve.15 This is stimulation, soft tissue mobilization, stretching and strength-
best performed in the sagittal plane, with T1- or intermediate-­ ening exercises, and aerobic conditioning.90 If taut bands are
weighted sequences without fat suppression.84 Furthermore, palpated in the gluteal muscles and myofascial pain syndrome
denervation-­induced muscle signal intensity changes can indi- is suspected, trigger point injection or massage can be used.91
cate the presence of neuropathy and aid in determining the In a prospective study of 250 patients with piriformis syn-
chronicity or level of nerve pathology. drome, treatment with NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and physi-
Electrodiagnostic testing is another useful tool, especially otherapy led to the resolution of symptoms in 128 (51%) after
beneficial in excluding lumbosacral radiculopathy. Although these three months.92
tests are often normal in the deep gluteal syndrome, a peripheral Diagnostic and therapeutic local anaesthetic injections can
nerve injury can be diagnosed with localization by either: 1) be performed using anatomical landmarks or under ultra-
detecting decreased conduction velocities or amplitude of action sound, CT, or MRI guidance. The accuracy of injections
potentials in a nerve conduction study, or 2) detecting a denerva- into the piriformis is much higher when using an ultrasound-­
tion pattern with electromyography (EMG).85,86 In patients with guided method (95%) than when using anatomical landmarks
an axonotmetic or neurotmetic lesion, it is difficult to localize (30%).93 Although glucocorticoid intramuscular injections
the injured site using nerve conduction studies. However, if with or without local anaesthetic improved pain in patients
present, the degree of delayed conduction has been reported to with piriformis syndrome, a randomized double‐blind study
be correlated with the duration of symptoms in patients with piri- did not find any superior effect of lidocaine and betamethasone
formis syndrome.87 In these patients, a significant dynamic delay compared with lidocaine alone.94–96 Botulinum toxin injection
in the H-­wave was seen several seconds after placing the hip in has been introduced as treatment for the deep gluteal syndrome
the flexion, adduction, and internal rotation test. However, this during the last two decades. In two double‐blind placebo‐
finding has not been reproduced by others.69,88 In order to iden- controlled trials, botulinum toxin was superior to a combina-
tify the signs of active denervation, EMG should be performed tion of lidocaine and glucocorticoids or a placebo in patients
at least three to four weeks after the onset of symptoms. EMG with piriformis syndrome.97,98 Using a physiotherapy protocol
abnormalities are more commonly seen in muscles innervated by combined with triamcinolone injections, Fishman et al69 found
the peroneal nerve.85 In a retrospective study, there was significant that 279 (79%) of 353 patients with piriformis syndrome had
association between the symptoms and EMG findings in patients at least 50% improvement. However, in a study involving 162
requiring sciatic nerve neurolysis.89 patients using MRI‐guided local anaesthetic, only 24 (15%)
Treatment. Various forms of treatment have been described had complete relief without recurrence, 112 (69%) had tempo-
and proposed, but an optimal treatment algorithm has not been rary (< four months) relief with subsequent recurrence and
established. In a recent systematic review, the decision to rec- 26 (16%) had no relief.25 Thus, despite the promising initial
ommend surgery was made according to clinical and investi- outcomes, conservative treatments may not provide long-­lasting
gational findings in 50% of studies involving the deep gluteal benefit.
syndrome, and surgical release of the sciatic nerve was per- Surgical treatment. In order to review the surgical treatments
formed after conservative treatments failed in the other 50%.16 for patients with the deep gluteal syndrome, a comprehensive
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564 J. W. Park, Y-­K. Lee, Y. J. Lee, S. Shin, Y. Kang, K-­H. Koo

search of English literature was performed using the MEDLINE surgery for sarcoma encasing the sciatic nerve is known
via PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Scopus data- to result in significant morbidity and functional deficit.111
bases. The search was carried out in July 2019 and the com- Therefore, epineural dissection can be used in patients with
plete search strings are shown as Supplementary Material. unavoidable resection of the sciatic nerve to minimize post-
Unpublished data, letters to the editor, case reports, review operative impairment.112
articles, and instructional courses were excluded. Two of the In conclusion, the deep gluteal syndrome is a recently
authors (JWP, YKL) independently screened the titles and classified entity although one of its subtypes, the piriformis
abstracts from the results of the search and full texts were re- syndrome, has long been well known. The deep gluteal
viewed to evaluate whether the papers were appropriate for in- syndrome is essentially defined as compression of the sciatic
clusion (Supplementary Figure a). A total of 18 studies were or pudendal nerve by any anatomical structure in the deep
included. The interventional therapeutic techniques and their gluteal space. As the symptoms of this syndrome are similar
outcomes are summarized in Table II. Most studies were case to those of lumbar disc herniation, cautious history-­taking,
series. Sciatic neurolysis for piriformis syndrome was per- physical examination, electrodiagnostic studies, and imaging
formed in a Level III retrospective comparative study and sci- such as MRI are needed for an accurate diagnosis. After
atic nerve exploration with obturator internus sectioning was excluding spinal lesions, pelvic MRI can aid in the diagnosis
performed in a Level II randomized controlled trial.69,99 The and identifying the underlying pathology. It can initially be
decision to offer surgery was made following failure of con- treated conservatively with rest, drugs including NSAIDs,
servative treatment and those undergoing surgery were mostly injections, and physiotherapy. However, if severe symptoms
those with more severe or recurring symptoms. In patients in continue or recur after conservative therapy, or if a mass
whom lesions were suspected to cause a mass effect including lesion conspicuously compresses the sciatic nerve, surgery
haematoma, lipoma, or heterotopic ossification, surgery was is indicated. Good results have been reported following both
indicated without preoperative conservative treatment.16 In to- open and endoscopic decompression of the sciatic nerve.
tal, 11 studies used open surgical procedures and seven used However, recent literature supports the preferential use of
endoscopic treatments. endoscopic neural release because it is less invasive and has
Endoscopic decompression of sciatic nerve entrapment was fewer complications.
reported to be an effective and minimally invasive approach Take home message
for the deep gluteal syndrome in 2003.102 It has subsequently -- Deep gluteal syndrome results from the compression of the
become a popular procedure for these patients; among nine sciatic or pudendal nerve in the deep gluteal space and can
lead to pseudosciatica.
papers published after 2011, six involved endoscopic treat-
-- A systematic and rational approach including MRI are needed for an
ment (Table II). It has been reported that patients undergoing accurate diagnosis.
this form of treatment have fewer complications, including -- It can initially be treated conservatively and surgical decompression
pain than those undergoing open procedures.16,26 Both open is indicated in case of severe symptoms, recurrence after conservative
therapy, or a mass lesion compressing the sciatic nerve.
and endoscopic techniques had good postoperative outcomes,
although endoscopic treatment requires a high level of skill
and a severely adherent sciatic nerve may be difficult to release Supplementary material
‍ ‍Flow diagram of the process in screening papers
using this technique.
andsearch strings used for the present systematic
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ture regarding operating methods for the treatment of the
deep gluteal syndrome. When planning surgery, the under-
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Deep gluteal syndrome as a cause of posterior hip pain and sciatica-­like pain 567

Author information: Author contributions:

J. W. Park, MD, Clinical and Research Fellow J. W. Park: Reviewed the literature, Wrote the manuscript.
Y-­K. Lee, MD, PhD, Associate Professor Y-­K.Lee: Conceived the study, Reviewed the literature review, Edited the
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang
HospitalSeongnam, South Korea.
Y. J. Lee: Supervised the study, Wrote and edited the manuscript.
Y. J. Lee, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, S. Shin: Designed the figures, Wrote and Edited the manuscript.
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, South Korea; Y. Kang: Conceived the study, Edited the manuscript.
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of
K-­H.Koo: Conceived the study, Edited the manuscript.
Medicine, Seoul, South KoreaSeongnam, South Korea.
S. Shin, MD, Clinical Fellow, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul Funding statement:
National University Bundang HospitalSeongnam, South Korea. No external funding was received for this work. No benefits in any form
have been received or will be received from a commercial party related
Y. Kang, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Seoul
directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.
National University Bundang HospitalSeongnam, South Korea.
K-­H. Koo, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul This article was primary edited by J. Scott.
National University Bundang Hospital, Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Seoul National University College of Medicine Seongnam, South Korea.

VOL. 102-B, No. 5, May 2020

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