The Praise
The Praise
The Praise
Мектеп директорының оқу ісі жөніндегі орынбасары: М.Камалова
Unit of the long Creativity
term plan:
Teacher’s name: Orynbassarkyzy A
Date: 09.01.2023
Grade: 5“a,b,c” Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the J.K. Rowling. Mythical Creatures
Learning 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
objectives and whole class exchanges;
5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts
on general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- understand main points of curricular topics ;
- give an opinion ;
- answer the questions and comments of curricular topics
Part of Teacher’s actions Students’ Assessment Resources
the actions
lesson/Ti Org. moment:
Begining Students greet
10 min Greeting each other and
To stand in a circle with take their «The praise»
students and roll dice. And places method is used to
greet each other with gestures evaluate Ss with
which given in a dice. phrases like: PPT
F.e: №1 - greet your neighbour “Good job!
with “high five!”, etc. Well done!”
Then to ask students: Ss evaluate each
Who is on duty today? other and
Who is absent? encourage
To direct students’ attention to Students try to classmate with
phrases like: SB p 57
the “What’s in this module?” guess the new
box lesson Well done!
To read the title of the module Brilliant! Good
Creativity and to ask students job! I like it!
to suggest what they think it
means. To go through the topic
list and to stimulate a
discussion to prompt students’
interest in the module.
Middle “Snow ball” To present some
30 min mythical creatures Students say
Draw students' attention to the what they Ex 1 p 57
pictures and ask various know about the SB
students to read out the name of creatures in
the creature each one shows. picture
Play the recording. Ask
students listen and repeat
chorally or individually. Students listen
Elicit the translations from and repeat Verbal
students around the class by evaluation
throwing the ball.
To present new vocabulary Students listen
Go through the features in the and repeat Ex 2 p 57
list and explain/elicit the chorally or SB
meanings of any unknown individually
words. Play the recording. and point to
Students listen and repeat each feature as Verbal
chorally or individually and it is mentioned. evaluation
point to each feature as it is
To relate mythical creatures to
Elicit which creatures look like
the animals in the list. Students say
Suggested Answer Key which creatures
A hippogriff looks like a horse look like the
and an eagle. animals in the
A phoenix looks like an eagle. list
The Samruk looks like an
eagle. Ex 3 p 57
A cyclops looks like a giant.
A unicorn looks like a horse. SB
A dragon looks like a huge
snake. Verbal
To read for specific Students read evaluation
information the text
Read the title and the
introduction to the text. And
say who is Harry Potter? How
are these creatures related to
him? Ex 2 p 58
Listen and read to find out.
To this task teacher uses
“TPR” activity. Students mark
Divide the class into 3 groups. the sentences
T puts 3 kinds of creatures to as true or false Verbal
divide students into 3 groups. evaluation
Apple, pear and banana.
Ex 3, p 58
Divide the text into 3 parts and
give each groups.
To read for specific
Allow groups some time to
mark the sentences as true or
Answer key:
1,2,4,6 – False
3,5,7,8 – True
End At the end of the lesson, Self-assessment
5 min students reflect on: Students reflect
on their
Homework: Ex 5 p 59