GPS Technical Training Program Curriculum 2016 - U7 U10
GPS Technical Training Program Curriculum 2016 - U7 U10
GPS Technical Training Program Curriculum 2016 - U7 U10
Vacation Programs
Technical Training
u7 - u10
Daily Schedule
Fun Warm Up Challenges
Toe Taps (30 Seconds) Foundations (30 Seconds)
Equipment Equipment
Cones Cones
Balls Balls
Pinnies Pinnies
Field Size Field Size
5x5 yard box 5x5 yard box
Set up/ rules Set up/ rules
Player 1 will perform toe taps for 30 Player 1 will perform foundations for
seconds. Player 2 will count. Swicth roles. 30 seconds. Player 2 will count. Swicth
Progression roles.
Move about the box while performing Progression
toe taps. Start from 1 if ball leaves box. Move about the box while performing
Coaching Points: toe taps. Start from 1 if ball leaves box
Touch ball with bottom of foot Coaching Points:
Get into a rhythm when switching feet Knees slightly bent to allow quicker
Try keep eyes up
Small touches with inside of feet
Get into a rhythm moving the ball
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Teams score by dribbling and stopping the ball in the end zone
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 1: Costa - Dribbling & Ball Mastery
Technical (30mins): 1v1 Moves
Field Size
Create a 20x20 yard square with 15x15 square inside.
Set up/ rules
Each player has a ball and dribbles in the outside square. When a player enters
the middle square they must perform 3 moves before going back to the larger
Foot Skills
Toe-Taps / Sole-Taps / Drag Laces / Foot Rolls Slides / Inside-Outside / Dribble
Cuts / Right Foot / Left Foot
Add defender to the middle square who must try and touch the top of any ball
with the bottom of their foot. Attackers must try and perform 3 moves in the
middle square without defender touching their ball. 1 point for every 3 moves.
Defender gains 1 point for every touch of a ball with sole of foot.
Coaching Points
Keep ball close
Inside/outside/sole of foot to manipulate ball
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 2: Lahm - Passing & Receiving
Day 2: Lahm - Passing & Receiving
Technical Warm Up: (20mins): Skills 11 - Iniesta Double Tap
Field Size
Create a 20x20 yard square with 7 yard diamond in the centre with a
central cone.
Set up/ rules
Players work with the group on the cones opposite. Players dribble
straight at the cone in the middle and perform a double tap dribble to
side step the cone before accelerating to the group opposite.
Coaching Points:
Used when dribbling at a defender with pace
Pass the ball between your feet using the inside of one foot then the
inside of the opposite foot
The second touch need to be harder to push the ball passed the
Accelerate into the space
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Teams score by dribbling and stopping the ball in the end zone
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 2: Lahm - Passing & Receiving
Technical Warm Up (30mins) - Receiving Skills
Field Size
25x25 yard area with 4 corner goals & 5 yard gate in centre
Set up/ rules
Split into two teams lined up centrally between each set of goals. One team start
with the balls. First player in team without balls runs into the centre through the
gate. As player reaches gate ball is passed in. Player receives to turn and dribbles
through a corner goal and back to thier team. Balls should them be with other
team to repeat exercise. Lines of no more than 4.
Receiving player can turn to either goal and dribble through. The passer must now
try and run through the other goal before the receiver gets through the goal they
turn too. Winner gets a point for their team.
Passer now chases receiver and tries to tag them before they dribble through a
Coaching Points:
Change of speed or direction to beat defender
Use a move to beat defender
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Teams score by passing ball into end zone for team mate
to run onto and control.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 3: Muller - Finishing School
Day 3: Muller - Finishing School
Technical Skill Break Down (15mins): Zidane Roulette
Field Size
Create a 20x20 yard square with 7 yard diamond in the centre with a central cone.
Set up/ rules
Players work in groups of 3. First player dribbles the ball out round the first cone,
around the second cone and passes back to the next player in line.
Players now dribble to the first cone, Zidane roulette away to the next cone, zidane
roulette away from the second cone and pass to the next player in line.
Coaching Points:
Dribble straight at the defender
Stop the ball with the sole of your foot and turn 180 degrees.
Keep your knees bent for balance and look at the ball.
Use the other foot to drag the ball backward
Turn again, making a full 360 degree turn and
accelerate away from the defender.
Technical: (20mins): Squash & Finish
Field Size
10x20 yard area split into two.
Set up/ rules
Split into two teams. Player 1 dribbles towards the cone diagonally opposite.
As player 1 dribbles player 2 calls out ‘set’. Once the call has been made player
1 stops the ball with the bottom of their foot and carries on towards the cone.
Player 2 then steps forwards to strike for goal. Player 1 follows up the shot.
Players rejoin opposite line.
Switch sides to use other foot
Perform a skills 11 move before stopping the ball.
Coaching Points:
Keep ball close when dribbling
Quality of set
- Movement- first touch to allow shot
- Observe - goal keeper position
- Decision - where and how to shoot
- Execute - correct technique to shoot
Day 3: Muller - Finishing School
Technical (30mins) - Receiving To Shoot
Field Size
22x44 yard area with 2 goals, Place 4 cones 16 yards from goal in line with goal
posts. Have 4 even groups 5 yards either side of each goal post.
Set up/ rules
1 player stands on each of the cones in the centre area. Player 1 plays a straight
pass to player 2 and follow pass as shown. Player 2 receives to shoot in 2 touches.
Follow up shot then join other line. Both sides work simultaneously. Players keep
track of how many goals they score. Each goal is a point for their team.
Switch side players shoot from
Competition players vs GK
Coaching Points:
Quality, weight and accuracy of pass
A,B,C - Awareness, body shape & control
- Movement- first touch to allow shot
- Observe - goal keeper position
- Decision - where and how to shoot
- Execute - correct technique to shoot
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Teams score by dribbling and stopping the ball in the end zone
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 3: Muller - Finishing School
Technical Warm Up (30mins) - Shooting Under Pressure
Field Size
2 goals 25 yards apart with 2 groups to the right of each goal. 15 yards from each
goal have a 8 yard wide gate.
Set up/ rules
First player runs with the ball through the gate and shoots at the goal opposite
their group. As the shot is taken the first player from the second group runs toward
the goal opposite to shoot.
Once shot is taken player now becomes defender and chases the player from the
next group to try and stop them shooting.
Coaching Points:
Big positive first touch into the space
Use laces to push ball into space at speed
- Movement- first touch to allow shot
- Observe - goal keeper position
- Decision - where and how to shoot
- Execute - correct technique to shoot
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
First team to score in all four goals gains a point. First team to 3
points wins.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 4: World Cup Day
We finish off our week with the day everyone loves most,
World Cup Finals Day.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Teams score by dribbling and stopping the ball in the end zone
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Day 4: World Cup Day
Technical Warm Up: (30mins): Squash & Finish
Field Size
10x20 yard area split into two.
Set up/ rules
Split into two teams. Player 1 dribbles towards the cone diagonally opposite.
As player 1 dribbles player 2 calls out ‘set’. Once the call has been made player
1 stops the ball with the bottom of their foot and carries on towards the cone.
Player 2 then steps forwards to strike for goal. Player 1 follows up the shot.
Players rejoin opposite line.
Switch sides to use other foot
Coaching Points:
Keep ball close when dribbling
Quality of set
- Movement- first touch to allow shot
- Observe - goal keeper position
- Decision - where and how to shoot
- Execute - correct technique to shoot
Technical (30mins) Receive, shoot and follow up
Field Size
22x44 yard area with 2 goals, Place 4 cones 16 yards from goal in line with goal
Set up/ rules
Have 4 even groups 5 yards either side of each goal post.
1 player stands on each of the cones in the centre area.
Player 1 plays a straight pass to player 2 and follow pass as shown. Player 2
receives to shoot in 2 touches. Follow up shot then join other line. Both sides work
Strike for power with laces
Strike for placement with inside of foot
- Movement- first touch to allow shot
- Observe - goal keeper position
- Decision - where and how to shoot
- Execute - correct technique to shoot
Day 4: World Cup Day
SMALL SIDED GAME - 6v6/7v7 - End Zones
60x40 yard area
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.
First team to score in all four goals gains a point. First team to 3
points wins.
Check team mate is ready to receive pass
Communication - Verbal or visual
Move off ball to create opportunity to receive pass.