Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata
Research Article
Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Alopecia Areata at a
Tertiary Care Center in Saudi Arabia
Copyright © 2020 Aysha A. Alshahrani et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Introduction. Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disorder of hair follicles characterized by patches on nonscarring
hair loss. Reports of prevalence and clinical characteristic of AA in Saudi Arabia are limited. The aim of our study is to describe the
prevalence and clinical characteristics of Saudi patients with AA. Materials and Methods. A retrospective cross-sectional study was
conducted at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. All patients diagnosed with AA between January 2016 and
December 2017 were included. Data included patient demographics, type of AA, disease duration, family history of AA, and
comorbid autoimmune diseases. Results. A total of 216 patients with AA were included. The overall prevalence of AA was
approximately 2.3%. The mean disease duration at the time of presentation was 2 months while the mean age of onset was 25.61
years. The most common type of AA in both adult and pediatric groups was the patchy type involving the scalp. Comorbid diseases
were found in 32.41% of patients. Common associated conditions included hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and atopic diseases.
Conclusion. The overall prevalence of AA among a population of Saudi patients is 2.3%. AA prevalence is higher in pediatrics than
adults. Common comorbid conditions include hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and atopic diseases.
severity can be divided into mild (≤3 patches), moderate (≥3 Table 1: Patient characteristics (N � 216).
patches without alopecia totalis or universalis), and severe Characteristic N %
(alopecia totalis, universalis, and ophiasis) [10].
Mean age at onset (SD) 25.61 (12.92)
There are different treatment modalities for AA patients Gender
starting from minimal approach with topical or injectable Male 125 57.87
corticosteroids to more extensive one with systemic im- Female 91 42.13
munomodulators. Treatment response varies depending on Adult (≥14 years old) 167 77.3
the severity of AA, age of onset, and other factors [11, 12]. Pediatrics (<14 years old) 49 22.69
Despite AA being commonly seen in daily practice among Family history of alopecia areata 13 6
Saudi patients, studies are limited and outdated in our Family history of autoimmune diseases 12 5.5
population [13]. This study aims to describe the prevalence Disease status
and clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with AA at (i) Respond to treatment 100 46.30
King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (ii) Active 18 8.33
(iii) Stable 18 8.33
(iv) Unknown 61 28.24
2. Methods (v) Hair regrowth without treatment 19 8.8
AA while other studies showed female predominance [18]. which is in agreement with the findings of Al-Khawajah’s
AA has different types with patchy scalp being the most study [13].
predominant type in our study as shown in agreement with Our study has several limitations. We have conducted a
previous studies [4]. retrospective chart review as the main source for data col-
The association of AA with other autoimmune disease lection. Another limitation is the relatively small sample size.
had variable results in the literature. Some studies showed
that AA is not related to other autoimmune diseases [19, 20].
However, many other studies demonstrated that AA is as-
5. Conclusion
sociated with several autoimmune diseases [21–23]. In our The overall prevalence of AA in our study population is
study, the 3 most commonly reported comorbidities were 2.3%. AA prevalence is higher among children than adults.
hypothyroidism, asthma, and diabetes mellitus. A previous Furthermore, children were more likely to have severe AA.
local study showed an association between AA and thyroid The severity of AA was not associated with gender or the
disease [21]. Atopic diseases were common in our patients, presence of comorbidities. Several comorbid conditions
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