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Junior Skill Builders

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Copyright © 2008 LearningExpress, LLC.

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Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Junior skill builders : reading in 15 minutes a day.
p. cm.
ISBN: 978-1-57685-661-1
1. Reading (Middle school) 2. Reading (Secondary) 3. English
language—Grammar—Study and teaching (Middle school) 4. English
language—Grammar—Study and teaching (Secondary) I. LearningExpress
(Organization) II. Title: Reading in 15 minutes a day.
LB1632.J86 2008
428.4071'2—dc22 2008020199

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Introduction 1

Pretest 5


Lesson 1: Multiple-Meaning Words 19

• Don’t be fooled by words with more than one meaning

Lesson 2: Words That Sound or Look Alike 27

• The difference between a homophone and a homograph

Lesson 3: Synonyms and Antonyms 35

• Using words that mean the same or mean the opposite

Lesson 4: Prefixes and Suffixes 43

• Get clues about a word’s meaning from its parts

Lesson 5: Terminology and Jargon 51

• Don’t be thrown by technical terms and
subject-matter vocabulary

Lesson 6: Context Clues 59

• Find the meaning of unknown words from hints in the text

Lesson 7: Denotation and Connotation 67

• Know what a word implies as well as what it really means
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iv contents

S E C T I O N 2 : VA R I E T Y I N R E A D I N G 75

Lesson 8: Genre: Fiction or Nonfiction? 77

• How do you know if something’s fiction or not?

Lesson 9: Author’s Purpose 85

• Why did the author write this selection anyway?

Lesson 10: Tone and Style 93

• How does what authors say and how they say it make
you feel?

Lesson 11: Text Features 101

• What information can you get from headings, subheads,
and captions?

Lesson 12: Graphics 109

• What information can you get from graphs, maps, and
other visuals?

S E C T I O N 3 : O R G A N I Z AT I O N O F T E X T 117

Lesson 13: Main Idea and Supporting Details 119

• What’s a selection all about? Are there enough facts to back
that idea?

Lesson 14: Chronological Order 127

• Follow things as they happen, from beginning to end

Lesson 15: Cause and Effect 135

• What makes something happen? What effect can one thing
have on another?

Lesson 16: Compare and Contrast 143

• How are people, places, and events alike? How are
they different?

Lesson 17: Fact and Opinion 151

• What can the author prove to be true? What are simply his or
her personal beliefs?

Lesson 18: Question and Answer 159

• The author asks you a question, and then you find the answer

Lesson 19: Problem and Solution 167

• The author states what’s wrong and suggests how to fix it
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contents v

Lesson 20: Making Inferences 175

• Learn to make good guesses so you can predict what’ll
happen next

Lesson 21: Drawing Conclusions 183

• Weigh all the evidence, and then make a decision

Lesson 22: Summarizing 191

• Retell only the most important parts of what you read

S E C T I O N 4 : E L E M E N T S O F L I T E R AT U R E : T H E FA C T S 199

Lesson 23: Character and Setting 201

• Who’s the story about?
• Where does the story take place?

Lesson 24: Plot: Conflict and Resolution 209

• Follow a story’s ups and downs on the path of happily
ever after

Lesson 25: Point of View 217

• Who’s telling this story anyway?

Lesson 26: Theme 225

• What’s the message or lesson the author wants me to learn?

Lesson 27: Imagery 233

• Use your senses to get “into” the story

Lesson 28: Flashback and Foreshadowing 243

• Thinking about the past
• Warning readers about what might happen in the future

Lesson 29: Figurative Language: Idiom, Personification, Hyperbole 251

• Words don’t always mean what they say
• Objects can be characters, too
• Making things bigger than life

Lesson 30: Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 259

• Compare things that are different, in very interesting ways

Posttest 267

Glossary 280
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CAN YOU SPARE 15 minutes a day for 30 days? If so, Junior Skill Builders:
Reading in 15 Minutes a Day can help you improve your reading comprehen-
sion skills.
Just what is reading comprehension? Here’s a clue: Understanding is a
synonym for comprehension. So, as I’m sure you figured out, reading comprehen-
sion means, “understanding what you read.” Not everyone does, you know. If
you ask some people to tell you about a book or article they read, they often say,
“I’m not really sure—I didn’t get it!” Well, this book will help you definitely “get
it” every time you read, whether it’s an ad or a full-length novel!


What’s in the book? First, there’s this introduction, in which you’ll discover
some things good readers do to get more out of what they read. Next, there’s a
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2 introduction

pretest that lets you find out what you already know about the topics in the
book’s lessons—you may be surprised by how much you already know. Then,
there are 30 lessons. After the last one, there’s a posttest. Take it to reveal how
much you’ve learned and improved your skills!
The lessons are divided into four sections:

1. Build Your Vocabulary: The Wonder of Words

Figuring out the meaning of unknown words
2. Variety in Reading: What’s to Read?
Recognizing the characteristics of different kinds, or genres, of
3. Organization of Text: Putting the Words Together
Identifying various text structures an author can use to present
4. Elements of Literature: The Facts about Fiction
Understanding the basics and other devices authors use to make
stories more interesting

Each section has a series of lessons. Each lesson explains one comprehension
skill, then presents reading selections and questions so that you can practice
that skill.


Active readers are people who “get it.” They really understand what an author
is thinking, saying, and trying to get across in the text. Here are a few things
active readers do. As you read this list of some things active readers do, you may
discover that you’re already one!

1. Preview what you are about to read.

Read the selection title and look over any pictures and captions.
Skim the text. Ask yourself: What did the author think was important
enough to show in a picture? Why did the author choose to put that word
in boldface, or darker, text?
2. Predict what the selection will be about.
What do you think the selection is about? Write your prediction on
a sticky note and attach it to the selection. As you read, look for
information to confirm your prediction.
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introduction 3

3. Set a purpose for reading.

Ask yourself: Why am I planning to read this? What do I want to get
from it? Maybe it’s assigned reading for class and you want to find
facts so you can answer questions. Maybe you need to read direc-
tions that tell you how to do something. Or maybe you just want
to read for enjoyment. Knowing why you’re reading can help you
get what you want from the text.
4. Ask questions to guide your reading.
Ask some 5Ws and an H question: Who? What? When? Where?
Why? and How? For example: Where do the characters live? Why did
they choose to do what they just did? As you read, look for answers.
They might be right there, explained in the text. Or you might have
to put details from the text together to figure out the answer to
your question.
5. Note what’s important.
As you read, highlight or underline key words and ideas. Ask
yourself: Is this word or detail really important or is it just kind of inter-
esting? Make sure you identify and highlight or underline only the
most important ones. And write your personal reactions to what
you read in the margins or on sticky notes by the text. How you
react to what you read is very important.
6. Clear the way.
As you read, stop if you’re confused. Circle unfamiliar words or
phrases, then reread the text. That may make the meaning clear. If
it doesn’t, check nearby words and pictures for clues to the mean-
ing. And tap into your own personal knowledge. Ask yourself:
Have I ever read anything else about this subject before? Do I know a word
or phrase that means about the same thing? Try that word or phrase
in the text to see if it makes sense. If you’re still confused, just read
on. Maybe you’ll find the answer there!
7. Ask questions to understand the author.
Try to figure out how the author thinks and what he or she is try-
ing to communicate to you. Ask questions like: Did the author
write this to inform me, entertain me, or persuade me to do something?
Is the writing funny, sad, friendly, scary, or serious? Why did the
author choose this particular word to describe the character? Why did
the author have the character react like that? Does the author tell both
sides of the story?
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4 introduction

8. Return, review, and reword

When you finish reading, review your sticky notes and high-
lighted or underlined text. This will quickly remind you not only
of the most important ideas, but also of how those ideas are con-
nected. Finally, state what the selection is about in your own

Each of these points is covered again later in the book. But for now, practice being
an active reader as you take the pretest that follows!
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THIS PRETEST HAS 30 multiple-choice questions about topics covered in the

book’s 30 lessons. Find out how much you already know about the topics;
then, you’ll discover what you still need to learn. Read each question carefully.
Circle your answers in the book if the book belongs to you. If it doesn’t, write
the numbers 1–30 on a paper and record your answers there.
When you finish the test, check the answers on page 16. Don’t worry if you
didn’t get all the answers right. If you did, you wouldn’t need this book! If you
do have an incorrect answer, check the number of the lesson(s) listed with the
right answer. That’s where you’ll find more about that skill.
If you get a lot of questions right, you can probably spend less time using
this book. If you get a lot wrong, you may need to spend a few more minutes a
day to really improve your reading comprehension.
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6 pretest


Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) About 10,000 years ago, the first hunter-gatherers arrived on the east coast
of what is now the United States. They found forest-covered mountains
and valleys, and hundreds of streams and lakes—natural resources that
could meet their needs.

Us i n g R e s o u rc e s

(2) The trees provided supplies for building. Forest and water animals, and nuts
and berries on land, provided food. People used the soil and water to grow
their own food. They planted corn, or maize, and pumpkin, squash, and
beans. Summer sun and rain made the crops thrive. Soon people didn’t need
to be constantly on the move in search of food. So they settled down and
built permanent homes.
(3) Villages of dome-shaped wigwams sprang up near lakes and streams.
Each wigwam was made by first sticking thin, bendable trees into the
ground to form a circle. Next, the poles were bent inward and tied
together at the top. More thin branches were wrapped and tied around
the poles, leaving space for a door and a smoke hole above the center,
where an indoor fire would be. Finally, the whole structure was covered
with tree bark.
(4) The men also built a larger, rectangular, council house and a lodge to use
for ceremonies. Then they built a stockade around the whole village. The
fence helped protect the villagers from enemy attack.

E ve r yo n e Wo r ks

(5) Most of the year, the men hunted in swiftly moving birch-bark canoes. But
in winter, the hunters needed sleds and snowshoes to get across the snowy
ground. The women raised and prepared the food, even tapping maple
trees for the sweet syrup. They made deerskin clothing, adding colored
porcupine-quill designs, and pottery jars for cooking and storing food.
(6) After the fall harvest, everyone helped prepare for winter. They dried the
crops, and meat and fish from the hunt, in the sun. Then they hung them
from the ceilings of their wigwams or stored them in underground pits.
Young and old worked together to assure there would be enough food to
last until spring.
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pretest 7

1. The author probably wrote this to

a. inform readers about early settlers on the east coast.
b. teach readers how to make a wigwam.
c. entertain readers with a scary tale.
d. persuade readers to visit New England.

2. Which text feature does the author use to divide the article into sections?
a. contents
b. glossary
c. index
d. subheads

3. As used in the selection, the meaning of the word spring is

a. metal coil.
b. leap forward.
c. season of the year.
d. bounce.

4. The people were able to settle down and build homes because
a. they had modern tools to help them.
b. they didn’t need to keep moving in search of food.
c. there were not too many rocks in the region.
d. they could travel across the ocean by boat.

5. The author organizes the ideas in this article by

a. telling a problem and suggesting solutions.
b. ranking ideas in the order of their importance.
c. the chronological order in which things happened.
d. comparing and contrasting things.


A n Ae s o p ’s Fa b l e R e t o l d

Read the story, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Wind and Sun were both important weather makers, but each thought he
was more powerful than the other was. Wind argued that his great strength
made him more powerful. Sun argued that the ability to persuade gave him
greater power.
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8 pretest

(2) “Let’s have a contest to prove who’s more powerful!” suggested Wind
boastfully. Far below, he saw a man in a warm, winter coat walking along
the road. “Whoever can make that man take off his coat will be more
powerful,” said Wind with a smile. “I’ll go first.”
(3) Now Wind knew that when he blew, leaves flew through the air and trees
bent. It should be easy to blow a man’s coat off! So Wind blew, gently at
first, then harder and harder. But the harder he blew, the more the shiver-
ing man pulled his coat around him!
(4) “My turn,” said Sun, and he began to send warm rays toward the man
below. Soon the man unbuttoned his coat. Sun glowed brighter and the
man became uncomfortable in the heat. Before long, he took off the coat!
(5) Wind sighed. “I guess you win. You’re more powerful.”
(6) Sun just beamed. And all day he was as busy as a bee, lighting the sky until
it was time for Moon to take over!

6. The theme of this fable is

a. “Everyone has some kind of strength.”
b. “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
c. “Don’t cry over spilt milk.”
d. “Gentle persuasion is better than force.”

7. Which human characteristics did the writer NOT give Wind or Sun?
a. the ability to smile
b. the ability to walk
c. the ability to talk
d. the ability to laugh

8. The phrase busy as a bee is an example of a

a. simile.
b. metaphor.
c. hyperbole.
d. idiom.

9. The clue that this is told from the third-person point of view is the use of
a. the pronoun I.
b. the noun coat.
c. the pronoun he.
d. the verb blew.
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pretest 9

10. Describing Wind as arrogant means he was

a. full of self-importance.
b. full of thanks.
c. full of wonder.
d. full of humility.

11. You can infer that when Sun just beamed at the end of the story,
a. he knew he was better than Moon.
b. he felt he didn’t have to say anything because he’d won.
c. he didn’t want to hurt the man’s feelings.
d. he wanted to keep the bees warm.

12. What is the main conflict in the story?

a. Sun wants Moon to light the sky.
b. Wind wants to make a big tree bend.
c. The man doesn’t know which way to go on the road.
d. The Wind and Sun need to get the man’s coat off.


Read the poem, and then answer the questions that follow.

Proudly he runs free

Through the grasses growing high,
Then suddenly catches a sound
On the wind that’s passing by.
He knows that sound means danger,
So he neighs a resonant cry
To warn the other wild ones
Who are grazing there nearby.
Then off they all go racing,
Their hooves beating the ground,
And all that I can hear
Is a rumbling, thundering sound!

13. You can tell this is a poem because it has

a. words that describe action.
b. information about horses.
c. a rhyme scheme.
d. lines for actors to say.
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10 pretest

14. Which word in the poem means the same as ringing?

a. rumbling
b. thundering
c. beating
d. resonant

15. Which group of words from the poem is the best example of imagery?
a. “He knows”
b. “other wild ones”
c. “rumbling, thundering”
d. “and all that”


Read the story, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “I don’t get it, Pete,” Janet said to her cousin. “Why do you fish at Murphy’s
Pond if old Mrs. Murphy is a witch?”
(2) “The fishing’s great . . . and the old Murphy house is over a hill behind the
pond,” Pete replied. “We’ll be okay . . . as long as we stay away from the
house,” he continued in a hushed voice. “They say kids who go into that
house are never seen again!”
(3) After they got to the pond, witches were forgotten. Pete sat on the old dock
and threw out his line. Suddenly Janet saw something shimmering in the
water and leaned over for a closer look. The rotting wood of the dock broke
under her! “H-e-l-l-p!” she screamed as she splashed down into the dark,
cold water.
(4) Pete jumped in to help her. “Quiet down!” he panted as they got to the
rocky shore. “You’re not hurt. If you keep hollering, you’ll wake the
witch!” Then he yelped, “OUCH-H-H!” and lifted his foot. There was a
deep cut on the bottom of his foot from a sharp rock!
(5) “Oh, Pete, you’re hurt!” Janet cried. “I’ll go for . . .” But before she could
say Help, she saw an old woman coming toward them. Without a word,
the woman picked up Pete and carried him up the hill. A cold, wet, and
confused Janet followed. She was frightened but had a strange feeling the
old woman meant no harm.
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pretest 11

(6) At the top of the hill, the woman walked toward an old house. “Oh,
p-p-please, Ma’am,” a frightened Pete begged. “Please don’t go there.
That’s where the w-w-witch lives!”
(7) “That is my home, young man,” the woman said softly. “Do not be afraid.”
At the front door, she said to Janet. “Please open the door.” Janet did, and
the three went inside. Mrs. Murphy gently put Pete on a couch, then dis-
appeared into another room.
(8) Mrs. Murphy returned with warm blankets, which she wrapped around
the two cold and wet cousins. Then she carefully cleaned and bandaged
Pete’s foot. The still-frightened boy squeezed his eyes shut every time she
came near him. Finally, she offered Pete and Janet some freshly baked bread
and glasses of milk. They began to understand that Mrs. Murphy was a
very kind . . . but very lonely . . . woman.
(9) Pete reached out and touched Mrs. Murphy’s hand. “I’m Pete, and this is
my cousin, Janet,” he said. “Thank you for helping us.”
(10) Mrs. Murphy smiled shyly. She seemed to enjoy their company but said
sadly, “You’d best be on your way. It’s getting late.”
(11) Before they left, Mrs. Murphy reminded Pete to have a doctor check the cut
and they promised to return to see her another day. She waved good-bye
until they were out of sight. “Oh, Pete, she’s so nice!” said Janet. “How
could you have thought she was a witch?”
(12) Pete smiled as he hobbled along beside her. “Well, she still might be,” he
said, and as Janet gasped, he added, “but she’d be the good kind!”

16. Which words from the text are NOT an example of foreshadowing?
a. “We’ll be okay . . . as long as we stay away from the house.”
b. Pete stood on the old dock and threw out his line.
c. Janet saw something shimmering in the water.
d. “If you keep hollering, you’ll wake the witch!”

17. Which homophones were in the story?

a. witch and which
b. threw and through
c. seen and scene
d. there and their
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12 pretest

18. Which was NOT part of the story’s plot?

a. Pete and Janet go to Murphy’s Pond.
b. Janet falls into the water.
c. Mrs. Murphy drives Pete and Janet home.
d. Pete and Janet both get wet.

19. This selection is an example of

a. fiction.
b. poetry.
c. nonfiction.
d. drama.

20. A story has to include a setting because

a. without a setting, there would be no characters.
b. the story would be too short.
c. the reader needs to know when and where the story takes place.
d. the author needs to tell who the main character is.

21. What is the main tone of the selection?

a. silly
b. exciting
c. mocking
d. whimsical

22. The most likely conclusion you can draw from the story is that
a. there are witches living near Murphy’s Pond.
b. the author was once frightened by a witch.
c. witches don’t like young people.
d. just because someone tells you something doesn’t make it true.


Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) First of all, let me start by saying that even though I had to recite an orig-
inal poem in front of the class Tuesday, I was cool . . . well, pretty cool about
it. On Monday night my little sister said, “I hate talking in front of the class.
Aren’t you scared?”
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pretest 13

(2) “I have no trepidation!” I had replied, matter-of-factly. I love using big

words with her because I know she’ll run to look them up in the dictionary,
so it’s a win-win situation. I get rid of her and she gets a bigger vocabulary,
like finding out that trepidation means “fear.”
(3) Tuesday morning, Mom fixed my favorite breakfast: pancakes. She flipped
a few golden-brown circles off the griddle with a spatula and stacked
them on my plate. As usual, I took a big bite. And as usual, sticky syrup
dripped off the pancakes and onto my clean shirt.
(4) “Oh, you are such a pig,” my sister mumbled as she rolled her eyes at me.
(5) “It’s okay, Honey, you’re probably just nervous about your poem,” said
Mom sympathetically.
(6) I didn’t answer either one of them; I just raced to my room for a clean shirt!
I wanted to look my best. I barely made it out the door before the bus pulled
away! What a start to my day, I thought. Let’s hope things get better.
(7) Well, to make a long story short, I did recite my original poem that morn-
ing, but with a bit of trepidation. The kid who read his poem ahead of me
was really good, I mean, he really knew how to put words together on
paper and read them with meaning! Then it was my turn. As I stood up,
my BFF Pat whispered, “You’ll be great!” And you know what? I kind of
was! I even surprised myself. Our teacher, Mr. Briggs, videotaped the pre-
sentations and played them back so we could evaluate our work, and I was
good . . . I mean really good. As I went out the door at the end of class, Mr.
Briggs even stopped me and said, “Hope you’re trying out for the school
play this spring. It’s Shakespeare. I’m directing and I think you’d be a really
good actor. The auditions will be in three weeks.”
(8) So, I went to the auditions and . . . well, that’s another story. Let’s just say
I am now a thespian!

23. To help readers know that thespian means “actor,” the author uses context
clues like
a. poem and presentation.
b. play and audition.
c. trepidation and teacher.
d. syrup and recite.
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14 pretest

24. Which antonym pair is NOT used in the selection?

a. short and long
b. clean and dirty
c. up and down
d. front and back

25. The denotation of pig is “a four-legged, young swine.” In this selection,

the connotation of pig is
a. “a really smart person.”
b. “a dirty, messy person.”
c. “a shy, sweet person.”
d. “a helpful, kind person.”

26. With which topic would you most likely use the term spatula?
a. medicine
b. airplanes
c. cooking
d. geography

27. Which is the best one-sentence summary for this story?

a. The narrator teaches a younger sibling some new words.
b. The narrator is preparing to read an original poem aloud.
c. The narrator is invited to be in the school play because of a good
poetry presentation.
d. The narrator helps the teacher direct the school play.


Read the article and the chart, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Mountains make up one-fourth of Earth’s surface. But what exactly is a

mountain? Scientifically speaking, it’s a land formation at an altitude of at
least 2,000 feet above its surroundings.
(2) Mountains come in various heights. One mountain may look like a dwarf
compared to Africa’s Mt. Kilimanjaro. But that looks small compared to
Asia’s giant Mt. Everest. Each of Earth’s seven continents has a high point
called the “Seven Summits.”
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pretest 15

Continent Mountain Height

Asia Mt. Everest 29,035 ft.
South America Mt. Aconcagua 22,834 ft.
North America Mt. McKinley (Denali) 20,320 ft.
Africa Mt. Kilimanjaro 19,340 ft.
Europe Elbrus 18,510 ft.
Antarctica Vinson Massif 16,066 ft.
Australia Kosciusko 7,310 ft.

28. What data does the chart show?

a. cities where mountain peaks are found
b. when each mountain peak was discovered
c. heights of all mountains in the Alps
d. the names and heights of the Seven Summits

29. The first sentence is a fact, not an opinion because

a. it mentions Earth, and Earth is real.
b. it is short.
c. you can check it to prove it is true.
d. it’s what the author thinks.

30. Which is the main idea of this article?

a. Mountains are found everywhere in the world, except in Australia.
b. To be a mountain, land must be 2,000 feet higher than the surrounding
c. The world’s highest mountain is in the United States.
d. Earth’s mountains can be seen from outer space.
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16 pretest


If you miss a question, look for help with that topic in the lesson(s) listed.

1. a (Lesson 9)
2. d (Lesson 11)
3. c (Lesson 1)
4. b (Lesson 17)
5. c (Lessons 14, 15, 16, 19)
6. d (Lesson 26)
7. b (Lesson 29)
8. a (Lessons 29, 30)
9. c (Lesson 25)
10. a (Lessons 4, 23)
11. b (Lesson 20)
12. d (Lesson 24)
13. c (Lesson 8)
14. d (Lesson 3)
15. c (Lesson 27)
16. b (Lesson 28)
17. d (Lesson 2)
18. c (Lesson 24)
19. a (Lesson 8)
20. c (Lesson 23)
21. b (Lesson 10)
22. d (Lesson 21)
23. b (Lesson 6)
24. d (Lesson 28)
25. b (Lesson 7)
26. c (Lesson 5)
27. c (Lesson 22)
28. d (Lesson 12)
29. c (Lesson 18)
30. b (Lesson 13)
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S E C T I O N 1
build your vocabulary


As you read, you have to think about what all the words and groups of words
mean. And sometimes you come across a word you don’t know. What does it
mean? You need to figure out the meaning so you can understand what the
author’s trying to tell you. And you want to know what it means so you can add
it to your vocabulary for future use! So what can you do? Well, you could look
up the word in a dictionary. Or you could ask someone to tell you what it means.
But you become a better and more active reader when you figure it out for your-
self. In this section of the book, you’ll discover how you can do that by

• identifying words that have more than one meaning.

• distinguishing between words that sound alike but have different
• recognizing words that mean the same or the opposite.
• distinguishing between word parts.
• recognizing technical terms and jargon used by special groups.
• locating and using context clues.
• distinguishing between what a word means and what it suggests.
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L E S S O N 1
multiple-meaning words

VINZINNI: Inconceivable!
INIGO: You keep using that word. I do not think
it means what you think it means.

In this lesson, you’ll discover that some words can mean more than one thing . . .
it’s up to you to figure out which meaning an author is using.

YOU MAY ALREADY know many words that have two or more meanings. The
words are called homonyms, from the Greek for “same name.” For example, the
word fly is a noun that means “a small insect.”

A pesky fly kept buzzing by my ear!

But fly can also be a verb that means “to move through the air with wings.”

My brother likes to design and fly paper airplanes.

So which meaning does this author use in the following quote? “I wonder
what they’re talking about in that room? Boy, I wish I were a fly on the wall!”
You probably figured it out. The writer wants to be a tiny insect that peo-
ple wouldn’t notice as it listened to their private conversation!
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20 build your vocabulary

Here are just a few more familiar multiple-meaning words.

Word Meaning 1 Meaning 2

bark growl tree covering
bat animal wooden stick
bowl dish a sport
can able to container
kind nice type
light lamp not heavy
mean unkind suggest
play have fun a drama
roll revolve a small piece of dough
story tale one floor of a building
watch look at timepiece


Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It’s a lazy Saturday. I’m happy just hanging out . . . doing nothing. Then my
little brother runs into my room and announces, “We’re going to the park!”
(2) “Have fun,” I reply.
(3) “No! Get up and get ready!” he whines, and pulls my arm. “Dad said we’re
going to make a day of it . . . the whole family!”
(4) Dad drops us off by the park entrance and goes to park the car. I help Mom
unload the picnic basket onto a table. She’s packed a huge covered plate
of sandwiches, a bowl of fruit, bags of chips, lots of cookies, and a gigan-
tic pitcher of iced tea. Mom always makes extra “just in case . . . ,” what-
ever that means!
(5) “Before we eat, will you help me fly my new kite?” pleads my brother. With
a sigh, I take his hand and lead him to a good spot for flying kites. Soon
the kite’s airborne and looping through the sky! Suddenly, it’s harder to
spot because it floats behind a tree.
(6) “Is it lost forever?” asks my brother.
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(7) “No, just hiding. There . . . see . . . it’s back!” I chuckle as the kite pops back
into view.
(8) “Dude!” I hear someone behind me say. “Just the guy I was looking for!”
I turn to find Chris, one of my best friends.
(9) “I thought you went to visit your uncle this weekend!” I say.
(10) “No, he had to go away on business, so I’ll catch him another time,” Chris
replies. “Nice kite,” he adds, “but I was hoping to play ball today.”
(11) “I’m in,” I answer. “We’re about to stop. My brother wants Dad to push him
on a swing.”
(12) So we find more friends to play ball. Suddenly, it’s the last inning, the game
is tied, and I’m at bat. I see Mom waving me to come for lunch, so there’s
nothing to do but hit a homer! I swing, hear the crack of the bat, and head
for home plate. Then I invite the other kids to join us for lunch . . . know-
ing Mom had made extra! I guess this was the “just in case!”

1. What is the meaning of the word park as used in the first paragraph?
a. leave a car in a parking lot
b. sit down
c. an open, public area of land used for recreation
d. an arctic jacket

2. Which is NOT a meaning of plate as used in the story?

a. tray
b. dish
c. marker for a base
d. coat with metal

3. Which of the following words from paragraph 5 is a multiple-meaning

a. pleads
b. spot
c. kite
d. before

4. The meaning of back as used in paragraph 7 is

a. “a piece connected to the seat of a chair.”
b. “the opposite of front.”
c. “to return.”
d. “to sponsor or give money to.”
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22 build your vocabulary

5. The last paragraph contains all these multiple-meaning words: play, ball,
pitcher, tied, bat, swing, and head. Choose three of the words and write
short sentences illustrating at least two meanings for each.




P R AC T I C E 2 : C R O S S I N G OV E R

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Have you ever thought about how important a bridge is? After all, with-
out bridges, how would people get across rivers and wide gorges? Bridges
are an essential part of our transportation system for moving people and
(2) The first bridges were simply trees that fell or were placed across water or
canyons. The wood was strong enough to bear the weight of a person or
two at a time, but not for carrying heavy loads. People made bridges by
stretching rope cables across an open area. In China and other places,
rope bridges are still used. They’re strong enough to hold people and
pack animals with light loads.
(3) Later, people built arch bridges by wedging together large blocks of stone to
form a half circle. Arch bridges are among the strongest and longest-lasting:
Some built more than 1,500 years ago are still being used, Even today, peo-
ple build arch bridges, but usually from concrete, wood, or steel.
(4) Another kind of bridge is the cantilever. It has two independent steel or
concrete beams, one extending toward the center of a river from each
bank. A third beam is lifted up to connect the beams. Canada’s Quebec
Bridge is one of the world’s longest, spanning 1,800 feet (549 m) across the
St. Lawrence River.
(5) A suspension bridge spans even more space with its roadway hanging
from steel cables supported by massive towers. Each cable can hold thou-
sands of pounds of weight. Probably the most familiar suspension bridge
is California’s Golden Gate, with a main span of 4,200 feet (1,280 m).
When completed in 1937, it was the world’s longest, but in 1964, New
York’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge beat that with a span of 4,260 feet
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multiple-meaning words 23

(1,298 m). Then in 1981, England’s Humber Bridge beat that with a span
of 4,626 feet (1,410 m). And since 1998, Japan’s Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge has
held the record, with a span of 1,991 feet (6,529 m). Will that record be
beaten? Stay tuned!

6. What is the meaning of the word bridge as used in the article?

a. the upper bony part of the nose
b. the part of a ship where the captain works
c. a card game
d. pathway structure over a river or valley

7. Which is NOT a meaning of bear as used in the story?

a. hold
b. carry
c. furry mammal
d. support

8. What is the meaning of the word beam as used in the article?

a. long piece of heavy wood or metal used in construction
b. width of a ship at its widest part
c. ray of light
d. smile

9. Which of the following words from the last paragraph is a

multiple-meaning word?
a. familiar
b. record
c. steel
d. since

10. The meaning of still as used in the article is

a. “quiet.”
b. “unmoving.”
c. “calm.”
d. “even now.”

11. What is the meaning of the word light as used in the second paragraph?
a. beam
b. bright
c. not heavy
d. pale
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24 build your vocabulary

P R AC T I C E 3 : M A K I N G T H I N G S M OV E

Read this selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Did you know that whatever you do, forces are at work on you? That’s
right. Forces keep your feet on the ground when you stand. Forces keep you
sitting on a chair without slipping off. And a force guarantees that if you
jump up, you’re going to come down! Without forces you couldn’t hold a
pen to write, no matter whether you use your right or left! In the world of
forces, things spin, stretch, twist, and fly, but only if something or some-
one applies a push or pull!
(2) Here on Earth, gravity pulls anything at or near the surface toward the cen-
ter of the planet. Things have weight because of gravity’s pull. The greater
the pull, the more an object weighs. We use scales to measure weight.
When you step on a scale, the numbers tell how much force Earth’s grav-
ity is pulling between you and the planet itself.

12. What is the meaning of the word pen as used in the first paragraph?
a. cage
b. writing tool
c. scribble
d. corral

13. Which is NOT a meaning of the word step?

a. stair
b. stage or point of directions
c. stride
d. high

14. Which is the meaning of scales as used in the passage?

a. hard pieces that cover an animal’s body
b. climbs a steep, rocky hill
c. machines for weighing things
d. draws in relative proportion
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multiple-meaning words 25


1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. Here are sample sentences:
I’m in a play./Please play that song again.
The prince danced at the ball./I hit the ball.
Fill the pitcher with cream./He’s a baseball pitcher.
She tied the bow./The score is tied.
I bat left-handed./The bat flew away.
Sit on this swing./Swing your arms like this.
My head hurts./Let’s head home.
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. d
11. c
12. b
13. d
14. c
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L E S S O N 2
words that sound or look alike

In the theatre, you can be seen or in a scene,

but don’t confuse your objective!
S. A. CONSODINE (1931– )

In this lesson, you’ll discover that some words are pronounced the same but
spelled differently and have different meanings, and some words are spelled the
same but pronounced differently and have different meanings.

IN LESSON 1, you identified homonyms that sounded and were spelled alike,
but had different meanings. In this lesson, you’ll find homophones (“same
sound”) and homographs (“same writing”).
Homophones sound the same but are spelled differently and have differ-
ent meanings. As you read, don’t let the homophones confuse you.

sees, seas, seize
for, four, fore
through, threw
toe, tow

Homographs are spelled the same but are pronounced differently and have
different meanings. As you read, you need to figure out which pronunciation
and meaning is used. The rest of the sentence usually lets you know.
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28 build your vocabulary

The wind is blowing! Wind the balloon string around your finger.
In the apartment where I live, they don’t allow live animals.
Separate your laundry. Put dark and light clothes in separate piles.

P R AC T I C E 1 : A L O N G J O U R N E Y

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Dull Knife, a leader of the Cheyenne, was born in Montana. His real name
was Morning Star. He got his nickname when his knife failed to break
through his enemy’s tough, buffalo-hide armor.
(2) In 1876, the Cheyenne helped defeat General Custer and his U.S. troops.
Other soldiers pursued the Cheyenne, and a year later, the Native Amer-
icans surrendered. They were sent to a reservation in Oklahoma, where the
army promised there was a herd of buffalo for hunting. There wasn’t, and
many Cheyenne died of starvation.
(3) Dull Knife asked permission to take his people home. But the army took
over a year to “think it over,” and more Cheyenne died. Dull Knife knew he
had to rebel. So the rebel leader and 300 of his people escaped from the reser-
vation and headed for Montana, 1,000 miles away. When they crossed into
Nebraska, soldiers there ordered Dull Knife and his people to return to the
Oklahoma reservation. Dull Knife refused. “I will never go back, “he said.
“You may kill me here, but you cannot make me go back!”
(4) The soldiers wondered why Dull Knife would resent being resent, or sent back
to Oklahoma. They tried to force him to agree to go. They threw him and his
people into a freezing building with no food or water for three days. But the
Cheyenne would not give up. Instead, they climbed out windows and
(5) The soldiers chased the Cheyenne. Some were killed or captured, but some
escaped, including Dull Knife and his family. They walked for 18 days, with
only tree bark and their own moccasins to eat! At last, they reached Mon-
tana, where sympathetic settlers had heard what the Cheyenne did to sur-
vive. The people asked the government to set up a new Cheyenne
reservation in Montana. Many Cheyenne still live there today.
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words that sound or look alike 29

1. What does resent mean the first time it’s used in the fourth paragraph?
a. sent again
b. like
c. admit
d. be displeased about

2. Which homonym set was NOT used in the article?

a. knew and new
b. threw and through
c. died and dyed
d. herd and heard

3. What’s the meaning of the homophone real as used in the article?

a. actual
b. rotation
c. spindle
d. roll

4. A homophone for break means

a. crack.
b. reduce speed.
c. smash.
d. accelerate.

5. Which of these words has a homograph that means “total”?

a. live
b. buffalo
c. some
d. bark

6. What does the homophone sent mean as used in the selection?

a. moved
b. one penny
c. smell
d. trace
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30 build your vocabulary

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E L A N D D OW N U N D E R

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Where do baby kangaroos come from? Australia, of course! That’s where
you’ll find animal species not native to any other part of the world, like the
koala, platypus, and kangaroo.
(2) Scientists say that about 600 million years ago, what we now know as
Antarctica, South America, Africa, India, and Australia formed one huge
continent called Gondwanaland. It was populated with dinosaurs and the
first mammals—monotremes and marsupials. Monotremes, like the platy-
pus, lay eggs from which their offspring hatch. Marsupials, like the kan-
garoo, produce offspring that develop in a pouch outside their mothers’
(3) Kangaroos are the largest marsupials. Males are called boomers, females
does, and all babies are called joeys. What does the average kangaroo look
like? Most adults are about 6 feet (1.8 m) tall and weigh about 100 pounds
(45 kg). They have large hind feet, strong hind legs, and a tail measuring
3 feet (.9 m) or longer. A kangaroo uses its heavy tail for balance and to prop
itself up when sitting or fighting, when it kicks the enemy with both hind
feet! Normally kangaroos are quadrupeds—they use all four feet to walk.
Even their short front limbs, like arms, help them move. But the animals
stand on two feet when they want to move quickly. They can hop up to 40
miles (64 km) per hour over short distances and leap over 30 feet (9.2 m) in
a single bound!
(4) About 130 million years ago, Gondwanaland broke apart and Australia
was cut off from the rest of the world. Marsupials and monotremes still
flourished there. But elsewhere, newer species of mammals appeared that
gave birth to fully developed young. That’s why you won’t find kangaroos
hopping across present day Antarctica!

7. As used in the article, which is the best meaning of the homograph

a. harvest
b. bring into being
c. give off
d. foodstuffs
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words that sound or look alike 31

8. What is the meaning of the homophone but as used in the article?

a. knock against
b. strike
c. end
d. however

9. Which is a homophone for the underlined word in the third sentence?

a. gnat
b. knot
c. graw
d. know

10. Which of these words has a homograph that means “gift”?

a. single
b. balance
c. present
d. bound

11. Which homonym set was used in the article?

a. way and weigh
b. four and for
c. our and hour
d. tail and tale

12. Rewrite this sentence by replacing each underlined word with the correct
What wee now no as Antarctica, South America, Africa, India, and
Australia awl together formed won huge continent called


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32 build your vocabulary

P R AC T I C E 3 : W H AT C A N W E H E A R H E R E ?

Read this rhyme, and then answer the questions that follow.

I went down by the sea, to find out what I could see,

With four fine friends for company,
We started down a stair, but all stopped to stare
At a frog and a striped bass that we saw sitting there!
The frog played a trumpet; the fish strummed a bass,
And each of them had a big smile on his face!
They finished their song, took a bow and turned to go,
As a turtle gave them flowers all tied up with a bow!
“Now what kind of conduct is this?” asked I,
“To conduct a concert where people need to pass by?”
“Oh, we only play here after the tide has come in,”
Said the horn-playing frog with a large froggy grin.
“Come up the beach now, over near that beech tree
And you’ll hear some jazz that’s as cool as can be!”
So we listened to their music and joined them in dance,
You should really go hear them, if you have the chance!

13. The first homophone in line 3 means

a. look at.
b. step.
c. rip apart.
d. beach.

14. Which are NOT homophones?

a. wear, where, ware
b. by, buy, bye
c. tide, tied, teid
d. so, sew, sow

15. The homograph bass that rhymes with face means

a. a kind of fish.
b. a kind of beach.
c. a kind of turtle.
d. a musical instrument.
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words that sound or look alike 33


1. d
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. d
9. b
10. c
11. b
12. What we now know as Antarctica, South America, Africa, India, and Aus-
tralia all together formed one huge continent called Gondwanaland.
13. b
14. c
15. d
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L E S S O N 3
synonyms and antonyms

A synonym is a word you use when you

can’t spell the word you first thought of.

In this lesson, you’ll discover that two words may mean the same or mean just
the opposite.

KNOWING WORDS WITH the same or opposite meaning can help you make
sense of unknown words.
When you read, you may come across a word you don’t know. You can
often figure out its meaning by thinking of a synonym or antonym for it.
A synonym means the same, or almost the same, as the unknown word.

I felt so ungainly, tripping over my own feet as we headed to the dance

Can you think of a word to replace ungainly that would still describe someone
who trips? How about clumsy, awkward, or gawky? They all have about the
same meaning, but doesn’t it sound more embarrassing to be ungainly than
clumsy? By using ungainly, the author tells you more about the person’s feelings.
An antonym means the opposite of the unknown word.
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36 build your vocabulary

He collapsed after another arduous day of work in the mine.

Can you think of a word to describe work that probably would NOT make some-
one collapse? How about easy, simple, or effortless? They all mean the opposite
of hard or difficult, which is what arduous means!
Also, or, and like often signal a synonym is in the text near an unknown
word. But or unlike often signal an antonym. Use the synonym or antonym to
help you figure out the unknown word.

Gigi thought she’d be calm once the test was over, but now she was
angst-ridden about the results.

The word but in the example signals an antonym. Gigi thought she’d be calm, but
she’s the opposite. So angst-ridden must mean “anxious” or “worried.”
Here are just a few words with their synonyms and antonyms. Note how
a synonym may mean the same but give a different feeling to the original word.

Word Synonym Antonym

afraid petrified valiant
ask interrogate retort
begin commence terminate
correct accurate erroneous
friend cohort antagonist
laugh chortle snivel
naughty mischievous compliant
noisy boisterous tranquil
repair renovate demolish
small minuscule gargantuan
true authentic bogus
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synonyms and antonyms 37


B a s e d o n a E u ro p e a n Fo l k t a l e

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) One day, a vagrant knocked on a farmhouse door. The farmer’s wife peered
out at the weary drifter. “I can’t let you in,” she said, “for my husband is
not at home. And besides, I have no sustenance to offer because my husband
is bringing groceries back from town.”
(2) “Then, Madam, you can share some of my pebble potage!” the man replied,
and he pulled from his pocket what looked like an ordinary stone.
(3) “Pebble pottage?” asked the woman, suddenly interested in the ragged
(4) “Oh, yes, it is delicious,” he said with a smile. “If I had a pot of water and
a fire, I could demonstrate how this stone can magically make the best soup
you’ve ever tasted!”
(5) The woman was curious, so she opened the door and the wayfarer came
inside. Soon a pot of water was boiling away. He dropped in the stone,
then tasted the watery broth. “It needs a pinch of salt, and a dash of pep-
per,” he said. “You wouldn’t have any, would you? And perhaps a tiny bit
of butter?”
(6) “No problem,” said the woman, and she ran to get the requested components.
(7) When she returned, he added the salt, pepper, and butter to the broth and
tasted it again. “Yum. Much better!” he said. “But vegetables would add
even more flavor! Are there none in your cellar or garden?”
(8) “Oh, there must be a few,” she said, eager to taste the magic soup. So she
ran to the garden and returned with some potatoes, carrots, and beans.
(9) These were added and the vagabond tasted the mixture again. “The magic
stone has not failed me!” he whispered surreptitiously. “It is almost ready.
All it needs is a bit of meat.”
(10) The woman found some leftover chicken in the refrigerator and added it
to the pot, saying, “Magic stone, do your thing!”
(11) Before long, a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen, portending that the soup
was done. The woman filled a bowl for the man and one for herself. And
there was enough left for her husband to have a bowlful when he returned.
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38 build your vocabulary

(12) “Thank you so much for letting me use your pot and fire,” the stranger said
as he prepared to leave. He extracted his stone from the bottom of the pot,
washed it off, and put it back into his pocket.
(13) “Oh, you are welcome. Do come again,” said the woman.
(14) “Indeed I will,” replied the hobo. “Now, because of your kindness, I want
to leave you a gift.” He fished into his other pocket and brought out a tiny
pebble. “Here,” he said with a smile, “is your very own magic pebble. It
is not yet fully matured so it can only make enough soup for one. Use it
(15) Then he left and disappeared into the woods. The farmer’s wife never saw
him again, but she did enjoy a small cup of magic pebble pottage from time
to time!

1. Which synonym was NOT used to describe the stranger?

a. hobo
b. vagrant
c. wayfarer
d. bum

2. An antonym for the word extricated is

a. rescued.
b. inserted.
c. took out.
d. removed.

3. Which is a synonym for portending?

a. suggesting
b. signifying
c. indicating
d. all of the above

4. Which is NOT an antonym for surreptitiously?

a. sneakily
b. furtively
c. openly
d. secretly
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synonyms and antonyms 39

P R AC T I C E 2 : H OT S P OT

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) The Panamint Indians, who were the primary inhabitants of California’s
Death Valley, called it Tomesha, meaning “ground afire.” And it is a real hot
spot. In fact, it holds the record for the highest temperature ever docu-
mented in the United States—134° F (57° C), recorded in July 1913! Death Val-
ley also holds the record for the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere—a
salty pool in Badwater, 282 feet (86 m) below sea level!
(2) Normally, Death Valley gets only about 2 inches (5 cm) of rain annually.
Some plants have adapted to the dry, desert life, as have kangaroo rats,
scorpions, small lizards, and rattlesnakes. They find sustenance and can use
the vegetation for shade in the extreme heat. But about every 50 years or
so, it rains more in Death Valley. That’s what happened in 2005. Winter
storms dumped an excessive amount—6 inches (15 cm)—on the valley.
The result? A rare showcase of color!
(3) For decades, wildflower seeds with thick or waxy veneers had been ger-
minating underground. When the heavy rains came, the additional mois-
ture coaxed the seeds to bloom. And they did, in an array of beautiful color
all over the desert floor!
(4) The plants started a chain reaction. Caterpillars and moths flocked to the
area to feed on the flowers. The insects then attracted birds and small
rodents, which in turn attracted snakes and foxes, fabricating a whole new
food chain in Death Valley.
(5) Now the flowers are gone and the dry, hot weather has returned. But the
blossoms dropped new seeds that will remain dormant in the ground
waiting for the next really wet winter. Until then, other parts of the new
food chain will have to look for nourishment elsewhere!

5. A synonym for the word sustenance is

a. pollution.
b. devastation.
c. food.
d. flooding.
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6. Which in NOT an antonym for fabricating?

a. constructing
b. destroying
c. devastating
d. razing

7. The author could have used the synonym sleeping instead of

a. array.
b. vegetation.
c. documented.
d. dormant.

8. Which antonym pair is used in the selection?

a. tallest and shortest
b. lowest and highest
c. oldest and newest
d. hottest and coldest

9. Which is a synonym for veneer?

a. roots
b. veins
c. stems
d. coatings

10. A synonym for the word excessive is

a. recessive.
b. disproportionate.
c. declined.
d. meager.
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synonyms and antonyms 41

P R AC T I C E 3 : R E VO L U T I O N A R Y R E S O L U T I O N

A Yo u n g C o l o n i s t ’s D e c i s i o n

Read the poem, andthen answer the questions that follow.

Patriot or Loyalist, which one will I be?

My kin came here from England, but I’m a colonist, you see.
We have resided here all of my life; we toil hard every day,
So why should we pay levies to a monarch far away?
The people who really love this land will wrestle to make it free.
I love this land and I shall fight . . . so a Patriot I will be!
Men and women, girls and boys, speak up for democracy,
So we can resolve what’s best for us, rather than someone across the sea!

11. Which is a synonym for kin?

a. teacher
b. family
c. farmers
d. engineer

12. If resolve means “choose,” an antonym would be

a. decide.
b. determine.
c. disallow.
d. establish.

13. A synonym for levies is

a. chairs.
b. taxes.
c. statues.
d. attention.

14. An antonym for toil is

a. relax.
b. hustle.
c. work.
d. labor.
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42 build your vocabulary


1. d
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. d
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. b
14. a
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L E S S O N 4
prefixes and suffixes

My favorite letters are R and E; I add them

to turn so you’ll come back to me!

In this lesson, you’ll discover how word parts can help you figure out word

SOME WORDS ARE made up of parts, like base words, roots, prefixes, and
A base word is a real word that can stand alone. You can make new words
from it by adding other word parts.

Base word Words made by adding parts
think thinking, rethink, unthinkable, thinker
agree agreeable, disagree, agreement

A root can’t stand alone. Many roots come from Greek or Latin words.

Root Origin English example
dict Latin for say diction
spect Greek for observe inspect
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A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a base word, like the
re- in rethink. A prefix changes the meaning of the base word.

Prefix Meaning Example
sub under submarine, underwater vessel
un- not unbelieveable, not to be believed

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a base word. The suffix
also changes the meaning of the base word.

Suffix Meaning Examples
-less without sleepless, clueless, hopeless
-ly in that way gladly, quickly, immediately

You can use word parts to help you figure out the meaning of unknown
words. Look at parts of the word. Do you recognize the base word? Be aware
that added parts can change the base word’s part of speech. For example, a verb
might become a noun or a noun might become an adjective. Put the parts
together and guess the meaning. Try out your idea in the sentence. If it makes
sense, you’re most likely right!

I know he was upset, but his actions were indefensible!
Prefix Base Suffix
in- defens -ible
not- justif(justify) -able

Put the parts together: not justifiable. Try it in the sentence: I know he was upset,
but his actions were not justifiable! Does it make sense? Yes!

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E B I R D WO M A N

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) In 1804, explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out on an
expedition to map thousands of miles, from the Dakotas to the Pacific
Ocean. They knew they needed horses to cross the mountains, and that the
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Shoshone in the territory had horses. But Lewis and Clark didn’t speak the
Shoshone language, so how would they be able to trade with the Shoshone
for fresh horses? Happily, the explorers found a solution. They would
take along Sacagawea, a Shoshone whose name means “Bird Woman,” to
speak for them.
(2) On the long journey, Sacagawea did more than just intervene with the
Shoshone for the explorers. She also helped the group survive. She could
predict which plants were safe to eat and prepared nutritious meals. She
used natural materials to make clothing for them to wear and medicines
to cure their ills. And she reassured other Indian tribes along the way that
the explorers were on a peaceful mission and meant them no harm. Just the
sight of a young woman, who also brought along her young child, con-
vinced tribes that this was no war party.
(3) Sacagawea also showed her bravery. When a sudden gust of strong wind
almost capsized the boat in which she was riding, Sacagawea remained
calm. She carefully recovered many important papers, medicine, and other
vital supplies that would otherwise have been lost. Sacagawea’s calmness
under pressure and her hard work, earned high praise from Lewis and
Clark. They honored her by naming part of a Montana river “Bird Woman’s
River.” Later, statues of Sacagawea and books about her kept her memory
alive. And in 2000, the U.S. Mint even honored Sacagawea by putting her
image on a gold dollar coin!

1. The root dict means “say” and the prefix pre- means “before,” so predict
a. say afterwards, or contradict.
b. tell again, or repeat.
c. refuse to say, deny.
d. say in advance, or foretell.

2. What does happily mean?

a. happy again
b. happy together
c. in a happy way
d. not in a good mood

3. The peace in peaceful is

a. a root word.
b. a base word.
c. a prefix.
d. a suffix.
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46 build your vocabulary

4. The prefix re- means “again,” so the word reassured means

a. guaranteed again.
b. forgot again.
c. gave a gift again.
d. all of the above

5. Which is the meaning of calmness?

a. to be stressed again
b. having an advantage
c. the state of being calm
d. have a reason to worry

6. How would knowing the root ven means “come, go” and the prefix inter-
means “between” help you figure out the meaning of intervene as used in
the selection?



P R AC T I C E 2 : PAW S F O R A L A R M

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It was late when Dad pulled the van up to the old ski cabin. I grabbed a suit-
case and headed toward the front door. My cat Sage jumped out to follow
me, daintily scampering to keep the cold, wet snow away from her paws.
Sage had a touch of arthritis and didn’t find winter weather enjoyable!
(2) A sizeable carpet of snow covered the porch, so I dragged my feet to make
a path for us. Dad unlocked the door and Sage scurried inside, looking for
a dry place to nap. Dad built a fire in the old fireplace, and soon the room
was warm and cozy.
(3) I went down the hall to my room, with Sage behind me. She jumped up on
my bed and curled up in a small furry ball. “I’ll be joining you soon,” I said.
(4) Just then, Dad popped his head into the room. “Let’s call it a day,” he said
with a yawn. “See you in the morning for an early ski?”
(5) I nodded in agreement, and Dad went to his room and shut the door. As I
slipped under the covers, I looked out the window at the snow falling ever
faster. “The ski runs will be awesome tomorrow!” I mumbled sleepily.
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(6) I don’t know how long I was asleep before Sage’s whiskers rubbed against
my face. “Stop,” I pleaded gently, but she purred loudly and pushed me
with her head. “Stop!” I hissed, not even opening my eyes. She let out a
loud MEOW! This was so unlike her. She’d slept beside me since she was
a kitten, and she’d never bothered me before! Just as I was about to drift
back into a peaceful sleep, she leaped on me with all four paws . . . HARD!
Then she zipped across the room and slammed up against the window
glass! THUMP!
(7) I opened my eyes, but everything was foggy . . . and my head hurt. Then
I coughed . . . smoke . . . there was smoke seeping in under the door! I didn’t
open the door, I felt it like firefighters say you should. The wood was hot
. . . that meant there was fire on the other side! We had to get out!
(8) Sage batted her paws against the window glass. “Okay, I get it,” I cried
as I ran to open the window, but it was stuck! I continued to push, and
at last, it opened. Cold, fresh air filled my lungs as we climbed out the
window. I picked up Sage and ran to the window of Dad’s room. I
banged on the glass, but he didn’t answer. So I threw a rock to break the
glass, and screamed his name. Finally, he stumbled to the window and
scrambled out.
(9) The firefighters who put out the blaze said sparks from the fireplace had
set the rug on fire. “We’ll put in smoke alarms today,” Dad said. “I only
wish we’d had them last night!”
(10) “From what I hear, you had a live smoke alarm,” one firefighter said,
stroking Sage’s soft fur. “She’s quite a hero!” Sage just purred and closed
her eyes, anxious to get that nap at last!

7. If the root artho means “joint” and the suffix -itis means “inflammation,”
Sage most likely
a. has difficulty hearing.
b. has aches and pains in her legs.
c. has difficulty seeing.
d. has a problem eating cat food.

8. The suffix -able means “capable of being” and changes the base word size
a. to a pronoun.
b. to a verb.
c. to an adjective.
d. to a plural noun.
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48 build your vocabulary

9. The prefix un- changes the base word like to mean

a. the same.
b. not understood.
c. not known.
d. not similar.

10. If the prefix ad- means “to” and the Latin word jacere means “lie near,” the
word adjacent means
a. far-off.
b. adjoining.
c. distant.
d. none of the above

P R AC T I C E 3 : F U R R Y F O R E C A S T E R

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) February 2 is Groundhog Day. In many places, people believe that on that
day, the groundhog will come out of its subterranean burrow and predict
the weather. Legends say that if it’s sunny that day, the groundhog will see
its shadow, be frightened, go back into its burrow, and sleep some more.
This is supposed to indicate that spring is still six weeks away.
(2) The legends add that if it’s cloudy, the groundhog won’t see a shadow, so
it will remain above ground. This is supposed to be a sign that spring will
soon arrive! So every February, reporters rush to witness a groundhog pop
up from underground. The journalists write about what happens and TV
shows air video of the action as the groundhog exits its winter home.
(3) Are the legends believable? Well, scientists have recorded that clear Feb-
ruary days are often followed by much colder ones. And it’s been noted
that cloudy days in February are usually warm. Historical weather docu-
ments reveal that sometimes the groundhog is right, but other times it is
mistaken. If you really want to know what the weather will be, check your
local TV meteorologist!

11. Since terra means “Earth,” subterranean means

a. above ground.
b. below ground.
c. at ground level.
d. over the ground.
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12. If the suffix -ist means “one who does,” journalist means
a. a person who sings.
b. a person who cooks.
c. a person who writes.
d. a person who builds.

13. Which is the meaning of believable as used in the article?

a. able to organize
b. not truthful
c. suspected
d. worthy of belief


1. d
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. Knowing that ven means “come, go” and inter- means “between” helps
me know that intervene means someone’s a go-between, getting both sides
to agree on something.
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. d
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L E S S O N 5
terminology and jargon

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult
words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?”
A. A. MILNE (1882–1956)

In this lesson, you’ll discover that the words you use may differ, depending on
who you’re talking to.

PEOPLE WHO WORK together or do things as a group may have their own
language of special terms, or jargon, that makes it easy for them to communi-
cate with one another. For example, if you use the Internet, you know what IM
(instant message), website, and sayings like LOL (laugh out loud) mean. But
someone who’s never used a computer might be very confused! There are spe-
cial terms and jargon that relate to science, art, music, cooking, politics, and just
about any topic. On the following page are some examples.
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52 build your vocabulary

Word Topic Meaning

aperture photography camera lens opening
apogee space an orbiting object’s highest point from Earth
blog Internet short for Weblog, a personal journal to share online
braise cooking prepare slowly with little moisture in a closed pot
caucus politics a meeting of only members in a political party
colonnade architecture row of columns
currency banking coins and paper money
ligaments medicine fibers that connect bones
subtrahend math number that is to be subtracted
wings theater areas off both sides of the main stage

Read this sample of jargon and see if you can guess what group of people
might use the language.

Squeeze one, two chicks on a raft—wreck ’em, shingle with a shimmy

and a shake, and city juice—86 the hail.

If you guessed people who work in a restaurant, especially a diner, you’re

right. It’s how some waiters give an order for one orange juice, two eggs on
toast—scrambled, buttered toast with jam, and water—hold the ice! Now that’s
really a special vocabulary.

P R AC T I C E 1 : Q U I E T O N T H E S E T !

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Last summer I visited my uncle Ron. The public relations firm he works for
was handling the ads for an upcoming movie, and he took me to watch a
shoot! “Let’s go meet the a.d.,” Ron said when we got to the studio.
(2) “You meet an ad?” I asked, a little confused.
(3) “Oh, sorry, that’s the assistant director,” he laughed. “You get so used to
the jargon on the set that you figure everyone else knows it.”
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(4) The a.d., whose name was Mim, pointed out that “The d.p. is using a dolly
to track some actors running a scene.” I guess I looked confused because
she smiled, “He’s the director of photography, or cinematographer . . .
around here we just call him the d.p. He runs the camera; it’s his job to get
the best shot every time!”
(5) “And the camera’s on a dolly,” I said knowingly, “I saw a platform on
wheels like that at my dad’s store. It’s on tracks, like a train. Is it always
(6) “No, we move them after the d.p. gets the final shot,” she replied.
(7) Just then, someone called, “Where’s the gaffer? We need a blue gel. And
can someone just close the barn door on that one?” he called, pointing up.
(8) “They need an electrician,” Uncle Ron whispered. “They want a blue fil-
ter over the light . . . blue light is softer, not so harsh.”
(9) “Got it,” I replied. “But what’s a barn door?”
(10) Mim pointed up at the huge lights. “See the flaps on the front of the light?
They can be opened or closed to give more or less light. We call them barn
(11) I didn’t say it, but I thought, “That’s silly; why not just call them flaps?”
(12) Later, I saw two actors filming a sword fight in front of a green wall.
“Without scenery, how will anyone know if they’re in a castle or on a cliff?”
I asked.
(13) “That’s where c.g.i. comes in,” explained Mim. “The action is filmed in
front of a blue or green screen, then a computer-generated image is
dropped in for the background. It’ll make them look like they’re dueling
atop the Statue of Liberty or in a hall at Buckingham Palace, whatever the
filmmakers want.”
(14) “So if I see an actor riding a camel in a desert, is he really doing it?” I asked.
(15) “Sometimes,” Mim replied. “Some films are shot on location at different
spots around the world. But it costs less to use blue-screen and c.g.i., so it’s
up to the filmmakers and their budget. They may want movie magic.”
(16) “We need background people for the next scene,” someone called to Mim.
(17) She nodded. “Time for me to make sure the people you may know as extras
are in place,” she confided. “They’re the ones who give the scene a sense
of reality—folks walking down a street or shopping in a mall as the stars
do their thing.”
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(18) After lunch, we watched more filming. “Quiet on the set!” someone called.
“Rolling! Action!”
(19) The background people began to move, then into the scene rode the hero,
the star of the movie, on a real motorcycle! No green screen needed!

1. In which would you most likely use jargon like cinematographer?

a. medicine
b. sports
c. construction
d. film production

2. What is the meaning of a.d. as used in the selection?

a. after delivery
b. artistic director
c. assistant director
d. actors’ directory

3. A gaffer is
a. in charge of serving lunch on a movie set.
b. a worker for an advertising agency.
c. the star of a movie.
d. an electrician.

4. A c.g.i. is dropped in as background for action that’s shot in front of

a. a live audience.
b. a blue or green screen.
c. Buckingham Palace.
d. a white screen.

P R AC T I C E 2 : M O N E Y M AT T E R S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Today we use two basic kinds of currency, or money: metal coins and paper
bills. But once people bartered, or traded, for things they needed or wanted.
In ancient Africa, salt was really valuable because people in many places
didn’t have it, and they needed it to flavor and preserve their food. So peo-
ple would trade a bag of gold for a bag of salt!
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(2) Then, about 3,500 years ago, people started using seashells as money. The
North American Indians used wampum, beads made of clamshells. In
about 1,000 B.C., the Chinese minted the first metal coins. They had holes
in the centers so they could be carried on a string, kind of like a key ring.
Later, the Chinese invented paper money.
(3) Before long, people around the world used coins and paper money to buy
goods. Most people kept their money at home, tucked under a mattress or
a floorboard, or stuffed in a jar. But often the money was stolen or lost in
a flood or fire. And sometimes people just forgot where they had hidden
it! That’s why banks were built. The special buildings were equipped with
vaults—rooms where everyone’s money was locked up and guarded. Peo-
ple who put their money in a bank felt that the cash was safe.
(4) The first bank in the United States opened in 1791. Today there are thou-
sands. To open an account at a bank, a person must be at least 18 years old.
That’s because only adults can legally sign papers needed to open the
account. An account holder can deposit, or put in, more money from time
to time. It’s added to the balance, or total already in the account. He or she
can also withdraw, or take out, money that’s then subtracted from the bal-
(5) People can deposit or withdraw money at the bank or at an ATM (Auto-
matic Teller Machine). Each account holder is given a plastic card that elec-
tronically holds information about the account. The machine scans the card,
then allows the person to deposit or withdraw money, or check the current

5. Jargon like currency, deposit, and ATM are used in the field of
a. baking.
b. science
c. banking.
d. auto racing.

6. What is the meaning of mint as used in the selection?

a. a flavored candy
b. flawless
c. green, leafy plant
d. produced
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7. What is the meaning of vault as used in the selection?

a. to leap over
b. a burial chamber
c. a room for the safekeeping of valuables
d. to cover

8. Wampum was currency made from

a. clamshells.
b. turkey feathers.
c. salt.
d. paper.

9. To open a bank account, a person must be

a. an American citizen.
b. at least 18 years old.
c. at least 21 years old.
d. a high school graduate.

10. The meaning of balance as used in the selection is

a. steadiness.
b. set of scales.
c. total.
d. compare.

P R AC T I C E 3 : M A N AG E M I N E R A L S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Rocks are made of minerals. Those are substances that can’t be classified
as “animals” or “vegetables.” There are many different minerals. Each can
be identified by its properties, or characteristics. To identify a mineral, sci-
entists test its streak, hardness, luster, color, and cleavage.
(2) To test the streak, the mineral is rubbed on a marble slab to see if it leaves
a mark, and if so, what color mark. To test hardness, the mineral is
scratched on glass to see if it scratches the glass, and if so, how much. Sci-
entists can see the mineral’s luster, or shininess, to know if it’s metallic or
nonmetallic. The mineral’s color is also obvious to the eye. Finally, the min-
eral is checked for cleavage—breaks, or fractures, along weak points.
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(3) An accurate identification of a mineral can’t be done by checking just one

property. Many minerals have similar properties, such as the same hard-
ness or color. Always test all the properties before stating for sure which
mineral it is.

11. In which topic would you most likely find words like minerals and
a. music
b. cooking
c. science
d. ballet

12. Every substance is classified as either an animal, a vegetable, or a

a. mineral.
b. human.
c. solid.
d. liquid.

13. What is the meaning of streak as used in the article?

a. run fast
b. a mark of color
c. to distort
d. to stretch


1. d
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. c
11. c
12. a
13. b
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L E S S O N 6
context clues

If I could tell you what it meant,

there would be no point in dancing it.
ISADORA DUNCAN (1877–1927)

In this lesson, you’ll discover that authors give clues in the text to help you under-
stand what you read. You just have to be a word detective and find them!

SOMETIMES AUTHORS NEED or want to use words they know will be

unknown by their readers. So authors slip in other words or phrases to help
readers figure out the unknown ones. Authors may define the word, give exam-
ples of similar things, or restate the idea to make it clearer. And authors may put
the clues in the text itself or in nearby pictures. Readers use these context clues
to make good guesses about what unknown words mean.

He played the harpsichord, a piano-like musical instrument.

The largest group is arthropods, like spiders, insects, and lobsters.

Restate to clarify
She ran to the escarpment. Could she climb down the steep hill in time to

Sometimes an author just wants readers to understand the context of a

word, not necessarily the exact meaning.
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60 build your vocabulary

Dan was surprised that he hadn’t won the election. “That’s implausible!“
he whined.

Now you may not know exactly what implausible means, but you can get the idea
that it’s not good because Dan whines, so he’s not happily surprised! (Implau-
sible means unbelievable.)
Look for all kinds of context clues to help you as you read.

P R AC T I C E 1 : P L A N N I N G A H E A D

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It was late when Marco finally got to the store. He’d been planning this sur-
prise party for weeks, but somehow time was running out! “I can handle
it all by myself,” he’d told his mom when he first suggested a surprise party
for his cousin’s birthday. “I mean, how hard it is to throw a party?”
(2) “It can be very time-consuming. There’s a lot to do,” replied his mom. But
Marco reiterated, “I can handle it all myself!”
(3) Marco did all the mundane, tedious things first, like making a list of who
to invite, buying the invitations, and addressing and mailing them out. He
found it somewhat irritating when people called to RSVP right in the mid-
dle of his favorite TV show, but he thanked them and checked their names
on the list so he’d know who would and wouldn’t be attending the party.
(4) Then he planned the menu. He knew Paco loved Crema Catalana—a cold
custard with a crispy, crunchy, caramel coating. Marco thought his mom
made the best, so he asked her to make it for the party. Of course, he
planned to have a giant birthday cake with candles for Paco to blow out
for luck. Marco also picked other good things to serve.
(5) The day of the party, Marco blew up balloons and made colorful gar-
lands. He draped the paper-chain ribbons across the curtains and attached
the balloons to the wall with double-stick tape. Everything looked quite fes-
tive. He called his Uncle Santiago to make sure he’d bring Paco at the right
time, supposedly just to drop in for a minute on the way to dinner. Then
Marco checked on the food supplies. The snacks were ready. The Crema
Catalana was in the refrigerator keeping cold, awaiting that final, last-
minute caramel topping. And the cake was ready, awaiting the candles on
top. . . . “Oh, no!” Marco cried. “I forgot to pick up candles! Mom, do we
have any birthday candles?”
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context clues 61

(6) “Sorry, honey,” she replied. “I wish you’d told me. . . . I could have picked
some up on the way home. You’ll have to run to the store to get some.”
(7) And that’s how Marco ended up at the store just before closing, when there
was just one checkout open, and a very slow clerk. The lady in front of
Marco kept asking, “Is it always this slow?” After the fifth time, Marco
replied, somewhat politely, “Yes, ma’am, except on Thursdays. Why don’t
you come back then?”
(8) The lady turned in a huff and galumphed out of the store, leaving one less
person in front of Marco.
(9) Finally, Marco got to the counter. “I just have these birthday candles,
Ma’am, and I can’t be late for the party,” he said hurriedly as he put some
money on the counter. “Just keep the change!”
(10) He ran home as fast as he could, arriving just in time to hear everyone
inside yell “Surprise!” as Paco and Uncle Santiago walked in the door
ahead of him!

1. Which is most likely the meaning of reiterate?

a. refused
b. said for the first time
c. said again
d. sat down

2. Which is NOT a meaning of mundane?

a. boring
b. ordinary
c. dull
d. unusual

3. What kind of context clue does the author use for Crema Catalana?
a. an example of a similar dessert
b. a definition
c. a synonym
d. none of the above

4. What kind of context clue does the author use for garlands?
a. a definition
b. an antonym
c. a restatement to clarify
d. examples of other hanging objects
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62 build your vocabulary

5. From the context, which is most likely the meaning of galumphed?

a. tip-toed
b. ran
c. stomped
d. skipped

P R AC T I C E 2 : I N S I G H T

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) What causes myopia? You probably know that we see because light
bounces off objects and into our eyes. In a normal eye, the light rays go
through the lens and focus on the retina, the sensory membrane or sheet
that lines the eye, to create images. In myopic eyes, the light focuses in front
of the retina instead of directly on it. So nearsighted people can usually see
really well up close, but they squint to try to see things far away.
(2) Often, nearsightedness is suspected if a kid has trouble seeing the chalk-
board or whiteboard in school. Then a vision test is set up to diagnose per-
ception. In other words, a doctor checks how well the person can read
various sized letters at various distances.
(3) Early diagnosis is important because nearsightedness can be ameliorated
with corrective visual devices, like glasses and contact lenses. These devices
can’t “cure” myopia, but they help a nearsighted person see distant objects
more clearly. The lens of the glasses or contacts refocuses the light before
it reaches the eye so it hits the retina where it should.
(4) Doctors can also do surgery to help some people who have myopia. Adults
with myopia, whose glasses or contact prescription hasn’t changed for at
least a year, may be able to have a laser procedure that can clear up their
(5) Nearsightedness affects men and women equally. People with a family his-
tory of myopia are more likely to develop it. And there’s no way to prevent
it. At one time people actually believed that reading too much or watch-
ing too much TV caused nearsightedness. Those activities can make your
eyes tired, but they can’t cause myopia.
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context clues 63

6. What kind of context clue does the author use for myopia?
a. a restatement to clarify
b. a definition
c. a homonym
d. examples of other eye problems

7. What is the retina?

a. a ray of light
b. a lens
c. a membrane, or lining
d. a light shaft

8. What is the meaning of diagnose?

a. detect
b. identify
c. analyze
d. all of the above

9. Which is most likely the meaning of ameliorated?

a. worsened
b. improved
c. continued
d. renewed

10. For which does the author give two or more examples as context clues?
a. kinds of membranes in the body
b. lenses in cameras
c. corrective visual devices
d. types of eye conditions

11. If you didn’t know the meaning of surgery, which nearby word would be
a clue?
a. doctors
b. myopia
c. glasses
d. problem
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64 build your vocabulary

P R AC T I C E 2 : VA S T V E S S E L S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Galleons were large ships used by Europeans from the sixteenth to eigh-
teenth centuries. Equipped with three or four masts and two or more
decks, these gallant ships helped countries like Spain and England estab-
lish their naval power.
(2) A galleon’s sides were 3–4 feet (.9–1.2 m) thick, strong enough to hold the
heavy foremast and mainmast, both equipped with huge square sails.
The foremast was, as the word fore suggests, the one closest to the front, or
bow, of the ship. One or two smaller masts were toward the ship’s stern,
or rear. They had lateens—three-cornered sails. Openings on the ship’s
sides held heavy cannons.
(3) After the discovery of the Americas, the Spanish used fleets of galleons to
ship home chattel from the Americas, like gold, silver, and precious gems.
But many ships never made it back. Hard to maneuver, they often couldn’t
evade lighter pirate ships. And many galleons sank during violent hurri-
canes. Today, treasure-hunting divers still find the wreckage of the majestic
ships and their caches of riches today.

12. A foremast is
a. the mast closest to the stern.
b. the mast closest to the bow.
c. the mast in the middle.
d. the tallest mast.

13. Which is most likely the meaning of chattel?

a. lands
b. information
c. advice
d. possessions

14. From the context of the selection, maneuver most likely means
a. study or read.
b. paint and restore.
c. steer or guide.
d. submerge and sink.
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context clues 65


1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. b
10. c
11. a
12. b
13. d
14. c
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L E S S O N 7
denotation and connotation

The name “reservation” has a negative connotation among

Native Americans—an intern camp of sorts.
JOHN RUSSELL (1921–1991)

In this lesson, you’ll find that a word may suggest something quite different from
what it really means.

EVERY WORD HAS a denotation—its definition as found in a dictionary. But

many words also have a connotation—the feelings or images they bring to

Denotation: scaly, legless reptile
Connotation: danger, evil, disloyal person

Even words that mean the same may have different connotations. Think about
the synonyms scary and terrifying. They have similar meanings, but produce dif-
ferent feelings. There’s a big difference between the scary sound of the howling
wind and a terrifying experience like falling off a cliff!
Authors choose words to influence how readers feel. The words may sug-
gest positive or negative connotations.
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68 build your vocabulary

I saw many homeless people on the streets of the city. (positive)
I saw many bums on the streets of the city. (negative)

Here are a few more positive and negative connotations of words.

Word Use Positive Negative

Grandpa is thrifty. spends money wisely cheap
She’s very strong-willed. determined stubborn
He has good self-esteem. proud of work well done conceited
She was tall and slender. slim anorexic
He’s an eager leader. enthusiastic impatient

As you read, look for both positive and negative connotations. Ask yourself why
the author wants you to get that connotation.

P R AC T I C E 1 : “ I T ’ S F O R YO U ! ”

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) You can’t go anywhere today without running into someone using a cell
phone. People are either talking on them or texting. Okay, so we know the
handheld devices are helpful tools, but shouldn’t there be some rules
about their use in society? Just because someone has a cell phone, does that
make it okay to talk rowdily on it in public? Does everyone in the vicinity
have to be bombarded with one-sided conversations, even if they don’t
want to? Not everyone agrees.
(2) Some people, usually those who use their cells a lot, say it’s totally okay
to use them anywhere, anytime. They may allege, “America’s a free coun-
try and it’s my right to talk in public! Other people talk to each other all the
time while they walk down the street or eat in a restaurant. What’s the dif-
ference if I talk to someone face-to-face or on a cell? If other people don’t
like hearing my phone conversations, they don’t have to listen! I think they
should move away from me so they don’t hear what I’m saying! After all,
it’s very rude to eavesdrop! Besides, cells phones are essential in today’s
world. You see stories on TV all the time about people trapped in elevators,
or under rubble from earthquakes or hurricanes, who used their cells to get
help that saved their lives. And cells help kids keep in touch with their fam-
ilies . . . so the kids and their parents feel safer!”
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(3) Other people see things differently and say things like, “Public places are
for everyone. It’s true that this is a free country, so why should I be forced
to listen to loud talking and laughing, especially when it’s usually about
stuff that’s really lame or should be private anyway? Trust me, no one
wants to hear about the fight you had with your friend, the movie you saw,
or what you’re wearing to the school dance! People should be able to
hang out at the mall or ride a bus without hearing brainless conversations.
Last week I was almost knocked down by someone skating at the ice rink
and talking on the phone at the same time! If it’s important enough for you
to call someone, take the time to do it right. A phone conversation is pri-
vate, so keep yours to yourself! Talking on a cell in public is not only bad-
mannered, it adds to noise pollution!”
(4) Is there a happy medium between using a cell “wherever and whenever”
and outlawing its use altogether? Sure, it’s called common sense. Be
respectful of other people’s rights. Don’t talk so loudly on the phone. . . .
The person on the other end can hear just fine without your shouting . . .
and adjust the ring tones so you don’t hog the air that’s for all to share.

1. Which word could the author have used instead of rowdily that means the
same but has a less negative connotation?
a. softly
b. loudly
c. happily
d. quietly

2. Which word in the following sentence gives a negative connotation?

They may allege, “America’s a free country and it’s my right to talk in
a. free
b. right
c. allege
d. public

3. Which word in the second paragraph is a positive connotation for

a. essential
b. difference
c. conversation
d. eavesdrop
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70 build your vocabulary

4. What is the denotation of the word hog? What is its connotation in the last
paragraph? Why do you think the author used that word?





Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) As a child, they say Mary Walker was a bit of a brat. She always wanted
to do things differently. When she grew up, she continued to do so, becom-
ing the first woman military doctor, a prisoner of war, a spy, and the only
woman to win the Medal of Honor, America’s highest military award.
(2) Born in 1832, Walker graduated from medical school at the age of 21. She
was the only female in her class and only the second U.S. woman to grad-
uate from a medical school. When the Civil War broke out, she went to
Washington, D.C. to become an Army surgeon. The Army gave her a
tough time, so she volunteered as a nurse and went off to treat wounded
(3) The Army finally conceded and appointed her as an assistant surgeon in
1863, making her the first female doctor in the U.S. Army. The foxy Walker
designed a military uniform for herself—a knee-length skirt over trousers
and a man’s uniform jacket. To those unhappy with her garb, she clarified
that the hoop skirts women normally wore were too cumbersome and dan-
gerous when she was working in field hospitals and on battlefields.
(4) As a dedicated doctor, Walker treated those in need, no matter what their
politics. So she often crossed Confederate lines to treat civilians. It’s gen-
erally accepted that while in enemy territory, she was also working as a spy
for the North. On one of these trips, she was captured by Confederate
troops and held in a Southern prison until both sides exchanged captives.
(5) The Army nominated Walker for the Medal of Honor and she was awarded
it in 1866. Her citation praises her wartime service but doesn’t specifically
mention valor in combat. That turned out to be an important oversight.
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denotation and connotation 71

(6) In 1916, the government began reviewing Medal of Honor awards. Over
the years, the medal had been copied and sold, and many people wore
medals illegally. Congress revised the standard for awarding a Medal of
Honor to mandate it only be given for actual combat with an enemy.
(7) Mary Walker and hundreds of past Medal of Honor recipients were
stripped of their medals. The government demanded Walker and the
others return theirs. She refused and wore hers until her death at age 87
in 1919.
(8) In the late 1960s, Mary’s great-grandniece launched a campaign to restore
the medal her great-aunt had earned. Congress studied the case, and in
1977, President Jimmy Carter reinstated Mary Walker’s Medal of Honor.

5. A denotation of foxy is “like a fox” and the connotation is

a. dull.
b. clever.
c. bashful.
d. frightened.

6. Which word gives a negative connotation to doing things differently?

a. continued
b. graduated
c. brat
d. child

7. Which is probably the most positive connotation of conceded?

a. okayed
b. contracted
c. denied
d. tolerated

8. Which connotation is most negative?

a. prisoner
b. detainee
c. hostage
d. inmate
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72 build your vocabulary

9. “. . . stripped of their medals” gives a more negative connotation to

a. exchanging prisoners of war.
b. working in a field hospital.
c. requesting a commission as an army surgeon.
d. taking away an award.

10. Which word that means the same as demanded is more positive?
a. commanded
b. asked
c. decreed
d. required

P R AC T I C E 3 : W H Y T H E G I R A F F E ’ S N E C K I S L O N G

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Once giraffes had short necks, like horses. The giraffes ate grass, bushes,
and leaves near the bottoms of trees. But the greedy animals ate and ate
until all the plants were gone, except for the leaves at the very tops of the
tallest trees. To get them, the giraffes stood on one another’s heads! It was
quite uncomfortable, to say the least, but the leaves were tender and juicy.
(2) One day, Gayle Giraffe was perched on top, nibbling away at the leaves.
Suddenly, the giraffes under her moved away, leaving her head stuck
between two branches! There she dangled, far above the ground. The
clever giraffe didn’t panic; she took a deep breath and stretched her body
agonizingly until her hoofs felt the soft earth. Then, she pulled her neck
(3) “Look!” said another giraffe, who had witnessed the struggle. “Gayle’s
neck has stretched! Now she can reach the leaves without climbing!”
(4) So one by one, the others stuck their heads into the branches and stretched
their necks. A few giraffes were chicken and didn’t want to do it, but they
finally did. And now, all giraffes can eat the juiciest leaves in the treetops
any time!
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denotation and connotation 73

11. Which word could the author have used instead of greedy that means the
same thing but does NOT have a negative connotation?
a. miserly
b. gluttonous
c. selfish
d. hungry

12. A denotation of chicken is “a barnyard fowl” and the connotation is

a. “a brave person.”
b. “a squawking person.”
c. “a coward.”
d. “a clown.”

13. Which of these words from the story has a positive connotation?
a. agonizingly
b. clever
c. dangled
d. panic


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. A hog is a large pig. The connotation is someone who takes more than a
fair share or is selfish. The author probably used the word to stress that he
or she believes some cell phone users don’t respect the rights of others.
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. d
12. c
13. b
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S E C T I O N 2
variety in reading

W H AT ’ S TO R E A D ?

Everywhere you look, you find something to read. Maybe it’s an ad on the back
of a cereal box. Maybe it’s an article in a newspaper or magazine. Maybe it’s a
school textbook. Maybe it’s a bus schedule. Or maybe it’s a sign on a store win-
dow that says CLOSED when you want to buy something! Our lives are filled with
words to read, but we may need different kinds of skills to read and compre-
hend different kinds of writing. In this section of the book, you’ll learn how to

• distinguish between genres of fiction and nonfiction.

• identify an author’s purpose for writing.
• analyze an author’s style and tone.
• recognize text features and how authors use them.
• examine an author’s use of graphics.
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L E S S O N 8
genre: fiction or nonfiction?

The difference between fiction and reality?

Fiction has to make sense.
TOM CLANCY (1947– )

In this lesson, you’ll learn that some stories are true and some are made up
by writers!

FICTION IS A story an author makes up.

Nonfiction is information based on facts about the real world. Here are
some ways you can tell the difference.

Fiction Nonfiction
has at least one character may or may not have characters
characters may or may not be real any character is or was alive,
and may or may not be human often uses dates and statistics
has a story: a plot or series of events may or may not have a story
may be about real or imaginary always about real places or events, tells
places and events dates when events happened

Sometimes, fiction may seem like nonfiction because the author writes
about people, places, or events that you know are real.

The astronaut left the life capsule and followed the slimy tracks across
the surface of Mars.
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78 variety in reading

Did you ever wonder if there really could be life on Mars? Yesterday,
scientists at NASA sent a space probe to find out.

Genre is a word that means “kind” or “variety.” There are many different gen-
res of fiction and nonfiction. Here’s how to identify a few.

Genre Nonfiction Identifying Elements
autobiography nonfiction story about a person’s life written by that
biography nonfiction story about a person’s life written by
someone else
blog nonfiction personal journal on the Internet
encyclopedia nonfiction facts and statistics about people, places,
and things
fable fiction old story that teaches a moral, or lesson
fairytale fiction story about make-believe beings and events
folktale fiction story passed from generation to generation
journal nonfiction personal stories about events in real life
legend fiction larger-than-life story told as if it were true
magazine nonfiction articles, stories, and other features
mystery nonfiction story about unexplained happenings
myth fiction very old story that “explains” something in
newspaper nonfiction facts about what’s happening in the world
novel fiction long story, usually in chapters
play fiction dialogue and directions for actors, scenes,
and acts
poetry fiction has rhythm, may rhyme, may have stanzas
science fiction fiction story about effects of science on society
short story fiction can be read in one session
textbook nonfiction information about a school subject
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genre: fiction or nonfiction? 79

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E I R E Y E S W E R E O N T H E S K I E S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) As young boys, Wilbur (1867–1912) and Orville (1871–1948) Wright sold
homemade mechanical toys. In their twenties, the boys made bikes. And
in their thirties, they built their own flying machines.
(2) The Wrights’ flying began with gliders. They tested wind-gliders near
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, where breezes were most favorable. But the
gliders didn’t have quite enough lifting power, so the boys went back to
the drawing board. They built a 6-foot (1.8 m) wind tunnel where they
tested new wing designs. After building and flying almost 1,000 gliders,
they found the right design, then moved on to create a motor-driven air-
(3) In 1903, Wilbur and Orville spent less than $1,000 to build Flyer 1, a gasoline-
powered plane. Its wings were 40 feet (12 m) across, and with a pilot aboard,
weighed about 750 pounds (340 kg). On December 17, Orville flew Flyer 1
120 feet (37 m) for 12 seconds. Later that day, Wilbur flew it 852 feet (260 m)
and was airborne for 59 seconds. The age of flight had arrived.

1. You can tell this is nonfiction because

a. it has imaginary characters.
b. it has facts about real people and events.
c. it has dialogue for actors to speak.
d. it has rhythm and some words rhyme.

2. You would most likely find this kind of writing in a

a. fairytale.
b. newspaper.
c. history textbook.
d. science fiction story.

3. My brother Orville and I grew up in Dayton, Ohio. We were always interested in

mechanical things, long before we built the first motor-driven plane. If an author
wrote this, you would most likely find it
a. in a biography.
b. in an autobiography.
c. in a play.
d. in an encyclopedia.
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80 variety in reading

P R AC T I C E 2 : A H E L P I N G H A N D — O R T E E T H !

B a s e d o n a s t o r y by Ae s o p

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

SCENE 1 [forest area; enter Mouse]

MOUSE: I’m famished! I’ll just look for some tasty seeds to eat. [exit]
LION: [enter] Umm! That was a gr-r-reat breakfast! [yawn] But now I’m
exhausted. I think I’ll take a nap. [lies down and snores softly]

SCENE 2 [enter Mouse; doesn’t see Lion and bumps into him]
LION: Wh-Wh-What? [grabs Mouse] Well, what have we here?
MOUSE: Oh, great Lion, please don’t hurt me. Please, let me go.
LION: Why should I, Mouse? You’d make a yummy little snack!
MOUSE: But someday you may need my help!
LION: Ha-ha, ha-ha! What a laugh! You help me? What could a silly, scared
little mouse do to help a strong, brave lion like me?
MOUSE: I don’t know, but this gianormous forest is full of danger. And small
animals can help bigger ones. I’m sure of it!
LION: [laughs] You’re lucky, Mouse. I’m feeling generous today, so I’ll let you
go. Besides, I really shouldn’t eat between meals!
MOUSE: Oh, thank you, great Lion. You won’t be sorry! [exit]
LION: What a silly little mouse. Imagine a lion needing the help of a mouse!
Ha-ha-ha! [exit]

SCENE 3 [Enter Lion, roaring and tangled in a net]

LION: ROAR! Oh, no! I’m caught in this hunter’s net! What’ll I do? ROAR!
MOUSE: [enter] What’s that noise? Oh, there’s someone caught in that net.
Wait! I recognize that voice! [crosses to Lion] You’re the lion that let me
go! It looks like you could use some help. Don’t worry, I’ll get you out.
LION: But what can you do to help?
MOUSE: I’ll chew through the ropes with my sharp teeth. [chews rope]
LION: Chew away, little Mouse, chew away! I was wrong; a little animal can
help a big animal. I’m sorry I laughed at you.
MOUSE: There! That hole’s big enough, now crawl out of the net, Lion.
LION: I’m free! Thank you, little Mouse, thank you. You saved my life!
MOUSE: That’s okay, Lion. I’m glad I could help. After all, you saved my life
once, remember? But listen . . . I hear the hunters coming.
LION: Let’s get out of here . . . my friend! [Exit Lion and Mouse]
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genre: fiction or nonfiction? 81

4. You know this selection is fiction because it

a. has facts about a forest.
b. has imaginary talking animals.
c. has a net and there are real net traps.
d. is very short.

5. You can identify this selection as a play because it

a. has stanzas.
b. is a personal story about real events.
c. includes facts and statistics about mice.
d. gives dialogue and directions for actors.

6. Which is the most likely moral, or lesson, of this fable?

a. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.
b. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
c. Kindness given will be kindness repaid.
d. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

7. This play is divided into sections or

a. scenes.
b. acts.
c. stanzas.
d. locations.

8. The information in square brackets [ ] are

a. to be spoken by the actors.
b. facts to tell the audience.
c. directions for the actors to follow.
d. all of the above

P R AC T I C E 3 : H E A LT H F E AT U R E : F L U FAC T S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.
(1) It’s that time of year again. Just yesterday two of my friends said, “I was
absent last week because I had the flu.” Now it’s true that lots of people say
they have “the flu,” but just what is it, anyway?
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(2) Influenza, or “the flu,” is a serious, contagious respiratory, or breathing, ill-

ness. It’s caused by a virus and spreads through tiny droplets in the air after
someone who has the flu coughs or sneezes. So how do you know if some-
one has the flu or just a very bad cold? Well, generally, someone who
comes down with the flu suddenly:

• has a fever.
• has headaches.
• has muscle and joint pain.
• has a sore throat and a bad cough.
• has a runny or stuffy nose.
• is very fatigued, with barely enough energy to move.
(3) Flu symptoms usually appear one to three days after you’ve been infected,
and you remain contagious to other people for three to four days after your
symptoms start. That’s why the flu travels through a whole community,
like a school.
(4) Most people get better within a week, but the flu can cause some pretty
serious complications, like pneumonia. That’s especially true for the little
kids, the elderly, and anyone who already has breathing problems like
(5) Antibiotics that kill bacteria can’t kill a virus, so doctors don’t prescribe
them to treat the flu. But there are new anti-flu medicines that can help
reduce the seriousness and length of the illness. They have to be taken early,
when the symptoms first start. Other than that, the only things you can do
to treat the fever, headaches, and muscle pains of the flu is to drink plenty
of liquids, take pain relievers, and rest.
(6) Isn’t there any way people can protect themselves from getting the flu?
Well, it helps to remind others to cover their mouths when they cough or
sneeze, and to wash your hands often! But the most effective protection is
to get a vaccination, or “flu shot.”
(7) Since there are different flu viruses, scientists have to create a vaccine to
work on the virus currently circulating. A yearly flu shot is recommended.
It provides 70–90% protection against infection for about a year. But even
if you do get the flu anyway, your chances of getting serious complications
are greatly reduced.
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genre: fiction or nonfiction? 83

(8) A flu outbreak in 1918–1919 was worldwide. One-fifth of the world’s pop-

ulation was infected and 20–40 million people died. Today people worry
about the “Bird Flu.” The virus is found mostly in birds, but since 1997,
some humans have been infected. So far, only a few hundred people have
died from “Bird Flu,” but experts say it’s only a matter of time before this,
or some other flu, causes another pandemic. So take care of yourself . . . and
cover that cough!

9. Which is the best clue that this selection is nonfiction?

a. It gives real facts and statistics.
b. It uses the word you.
c. It has the words to a song.
d. Some of the words rhyme.

10. Where would you most likely find this selection?

a. in an encyclopedia
b. in a math textbook
c. in a book of fairytales
d. in a magazine

11. This nonfiction selection reads somewhat like fiction because the author
a. tells about a science subject.
b. talks directly to the reader, using the word you.
c. explains what flu symptoms are.
d. gives dates and statistics, like percentages.

12. Where would you most likely find the following?

Influenza, a contagious, viral, respiratory illness. Symptoms: fever, headache,
muscle/joint pain, sore throat, cough, runny/stuffy nose, fatigue
a. in a cookbook
b. in a mystery story
c. in an encyclopedia
d. in a poem
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1. b
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. d
11. b
12. c
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L E S S O N 9
author’s purpose

My method is to take the utmost trouble to find the right thing to

say, and then to say it with the utmost levity.

In this lesson, you’ll discover how to evaluate an author’s reason for writing

AN AUTHOR’S PURPOSE is why he or she wrote something. It might be to:

• inform readers.
Every president except George Washington has lived in the
White House. However, Washington did help design the

• teach readers how to do something.

To do a waltz jump, take off from the outside edge of one skate,
make a half turn, and land on the outside edge of the other

• entertain or amuse readers.

The cat leaped just as Pam came in with a bowl of milk. Pam
went down and the milk went up . . . and then down, on her
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• persuade readers to do something.

Good citizens donate old clothes to charity. It may be hard to
give up a favorite outgrown sweater, but we have needy
people in our community. Why not let your old sweater keep
another kid warm this winter instead of hanging it in the back
of your closet?

Sometimes an author has more than one purpose, such as wanting to

inform readers but be entertaining at the same time!
To identify an author’s purpose, ask yourself questions like:

Did I find out something new?

Did I learn how to do something?
How did this make me feel happy, sad, scared, or excited?
Did the author try to get me to do something or think a
certain way?

P R AC T I C E 1 : R I P P L E S O F E N E R G Y

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) A wave is any movement that carries energy. Some waves carry energy
through water. Others carry energy through gases, like air, or solid mate-
rials. If you drop a rock into a pool of water, a wave, or ripple of energy,
skims across the pool’s surface. In the same way, an underwater earthquake
can release energy into ocean water. Then it carries a giant wave, or
tsunami, across the surface until it hits land.
(2) If you hear a clap of thunder, sound waves (or vibrations) have carried the
crashing BOOM to your ears. Sound waves speed through the air at about
1,100 feet (335 meters) per second.
(3) Light also travels through the air in waves. They travel at more than
186,000 miles (300 million meters) per second. So the light waves from
a flash of lightning reach your eyes before that clap of thunder reaches
your ears!
(4) Electrons travel in waves, too. They move back and forth in a solid wire,
sending waves of electricity so you can turn on a light during the storm!
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a u t h o r ’s p u r p o s e 87

1. What is the author’s most important purpose for writing the selection?
a. to persuade readers to throw rocks into the water
b. to entertain readers with the legend of Wally Wave
c. to teach readers how to use a surfboard to ride waves
d. to inform readers about different kinds of waves

2. Which question could best help someone figure out this author’s
a. Did the author give me information?
b. Did I learn how to make an electric light?
c. Did the selection make me feel sad or scared?
d. Did the author want me to make waves?

3. Which might also have been an author’s purpose for this selection?
a. to teach readers why people wave at one another
b. to inform readers about gravity and magnetic pull
c. to persuade readers to study more about tsunamis
d. to entertain readers with a little humor

P R AC T I C E 2 : P E O P L E W H O N E E D P E O P L E

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Everyone needs help sometime. Humans depend on one another. That’s
why communities everywhere have special people to lend a helping hand
to anyone who needs it.
(2) For example, what would our citizens do without a community fire depart-
ment? If a home catches on fire, as the Jackson place did last week, it
might be destroyed and the inhabitants hurt . . . or worse. We’re so fortu-
nate to have trained firefighters to come to the rescue and put out the fire,
safely. If the fire department hadn’t come so quickly, the Jacksons might
have lost everything.
(3) And what about our local police who protect our families, our homes,
and our belongings? The police have helped so many families this past
year, especially rescuing people and pets and protecting our property
after the flood.
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(4) Think about all the other service workers we have in this community. We
have sanitation workers who collect trash and keep our community clean.
We have road workers who put up and repair traffic signs and fix potholes
in the streets to protect not just us, but the tires on our cars! And where
would this community be without the teachers in our school and the doc-
tors, nurses, and technicians in our community clinics?
(5) We benefit so much from all these tireless workers who keep our commu-
nity running. But these services are expensive. As citizens, we pay taxes,
it’s true, and some of the taxes go toward buying the services we need. But
today, there’s just not enough money. Times are hard and the economy has
slowed. Plants are closing and people are losing their jobs and homes. But
citizens still need services!
(6) Many service workers are thinking of leaving and going to other commu-
nities where they’ll be paid a better wage, one that allows them to support
their families. They can’t afford to live here anymore . . . and we can’t afford
to let them leave.
(7) We need these people in the community. So join with us today as we peti-
tion for changes to our tax system that will allow our community to keep
more of the tax dollars to invest in service workers who live right here in
the community. Please sign our petition now, and be sure to vote for
Proposition 6X1 on Election Day!

4. What is the author’s most important purpose for writing the selection?
a. to entertain readers with an exciting story about a flood
b. to persuade readers to sign a petition about taxes
c. to teach readers how to use the new voting machines
d. to inform readers about what firefighters do

5. Which question could best help someone figure out this author’s purpose?
a. Did the author make me laugh?
b. Did the author teach me what to do in case of fire?
c. Did the author inform me about how to become a teacher?
d. Did the author want me to do something?

6. If the last paragraph had NOT been written, what do you think the
author’s purpose would have been?
a. to explain to citizens who the Jacksons are
b. to thank citizens for paying taxes
c. to remind citizens about the many services they have available
d. to inform readers about the dangers of potholes
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a u t h o r ’s p u r p o s e 89

7. Why do you think the author believes readers will sign the petition?
a. because they like firefighters
b. because they are members of the community
c. because they have cars
d. because they need stop signs

8. How does the first sentence give a clue about the author’s purpose?
a. It signals that the author may ask readers to do something to help
b. It signals that the author is talking about math.
c. It signals that the author is not American.
d. It signals that the selection is fiction.

P R AC T I C E 3 : T I M E A F T E R T I M E

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “I’m so tired,” Sabrina said.

(2) “But it’s only Monday!” Jake exclaimed. “You can’t be tired after that long
holiday weekend we had!”
(3) “It all depends,” grumbled Sabrina. “You and your dad went skiing, didn’t
you? I’ll bet you had a blast!”
(4) “We spent hours on the slopes,” Jake said with a smile. “What did you do?”
(5) “Do? Do? I had so much to do that I didn’t have any time for fun!” Sabrina
griped, kicking a stone to emphasize her unhappiness.
(6) “Sorry I asked!” Jake countered. “What took up all your time?”
(7) “First of all, my homework,” said Sabrina with disgust.
(8) “Homework? We didn’t have any homework!” Jake announced.
(9) Sabrina lowered her eyes. “Well, maybe I put off some old homework . . .
our science projects are due tomorrow, and I never got around to doing
(10) “You’re kidding!” Jake said. “You hadn’t even started it?”
(11) “No,” sighed Sabrina. “So I had to go to the library and on the Internet to
do research, then outline the report and write it!”
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(12) “Hi!” called Mike and Sarah. Sarah told about her trip to visit her aunt in
Boston and Mike announced that his hockey team won and was going to
the championships. “Hey, I didn’t see you at the game, Sabrina,” he added.
“Did you go away for the weekend, too?”
(13) Sabrina gave a dramatic sigh, “No,” she groaned, “I was too busy.”
(14) “Doing what?” asked Sarah.
(15) “You’ll be sorry you asked,” whispered Jake as Sabrina began.
(16) Sabrina moaned about her forgotten science project, helping her dad clean
the yard, and helping to do the laundry. “Oh, I do that, too,” replied Sarah.
“I read while I wait for the stuff to come out of the machines.”
(17) “But you can’t go anywhere or do anything until its done!” Sabrina sighed.
“Then I had to baby-sit my little cousin, Max the Horror, for an hour!”
(18) “So you spent time doing all that stuff,” announced Jake, “but you had a
whole three days! Maybe you’re thinking too much time about the time you
didn’t have instead of looking for fun things you did do!”
(19) “Well, I did watch TV and go to the mall,” Sabrina mused. “And I went to
see that new movie. I guess you’re right, Jake. I was just frustrated and mad
at myself because I hadn’t done my science report earlier.”
(20) At school, Sabrina said, “Mr. Hart will probably assign the next science pro-
ject to be handed in after spring vacation. If he does, I won’t waste a mil-
lisecond getting started! Then I can really enjoy my next time off!”
(21) Jake smiled, “We’ll see, Miss Put-it-off-till-tomorrow! We’ll see!”

9. What is the author’s purpose for writing the selection?

a. to inform readers about science reports
b. to persuade readers to do a science project
c. to entertain readers with a fiction story
d. to teach readers how to schedule their time

10. Which question could best help someone figure out this author’s
a. Did the author give me new information about a school topic?
b. Did the author teach me how to make something?
c. Did the author ask me to do anything?
d. Did the author tell me a story about kids my age?
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a u t h o r ’s p u r p o s e 91

11. If the following had been added at the end of the selection, what do you
think the author’s purpose would have been for adding it?
So remember, dear reader, don’t procrastinate. Never postpone until tomorrow
what you can do today!
a. to teach readers that procrastinate means “postpone”
b. to persuade readers to budget their time
c. to amuse readers with a silly saying
d. to inform readers that tomorrow will be better


1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. d
11. b
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L E S S O N 10
tone and style

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said

in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose
it to mean—neither more nor less.”
LEWIS CARROLL (1832–1898)

In this lesson, you’ll discover that how an author puts all the words together in
a selection can change the meaning and feelings you get from it.

AN AUTHOR SETS a purpose for writing, and then chooses words to express
ideas. The words set a tone that, just like someone’s tone of voice, will convey
a feeling of suspense, excitement, happiness, sadness, anger, mystery, humor,
or annoyance. Choosing the right words can make a selection funny, sad, creepy,
serious, mysterious, scary, or fanciful. Different parts of a selection may convey
different feelings. But there should be one clear tone for the whole selection.
An author’s style is his or her distinctive way of connecting ideas. You can
easily spot some authors’ styles. Like Dr. Seuss . . . everyone recognizes his
rhyming and made-up words! It may not be so easy to recognize other authors’
styles until you read a few of their selections. Then you begin to spot the length
and difficulty of the sentences they use and their choices of descriptive words.
Their writing may be informal or formal, friendly or bitter, fanciful or scientific,
comical or dramatic, playful or serious.
The author’s tone and style create an overall mood, the feeling you get
when you read the selection. For example, see how the author’s tone and style
create a mysterious, frightening feeling in this scenario.
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The sliver of moon disappeared behind the clouds, leaving us in the

dark as we crept closer to the old house. The gusting wind whipped the
shutters, slamming them against the wood siding. Suddenly I saw a
flickering light in the upstairs window. Behind it was the face of a
creature so hideous that I cannot describe it!

P R AC T I C E 1 : SAV I N G E L E C T R I C I T Y

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Many power plants use fossil fuels, like coal and oil, to produce electric-
ity. They formed more than millions of years ago from the remains of
ancient plants and animals and can’t be replaced . . . unless we want to wait
million of years more! So it’s crucial to use electricity wisely. You can help.
Look for these and other places where electricity’s being wasted . . . then
stop wasting it!

• Close the refrigerator door quickly.

• Let your hair dry naturally!
• Run a dishwasher or washing machine only when full.
• Turn off lights when not in use.
• Unplug TVs, DVD players, and other appliances that have
clocks when not in use—they continue to draw energy to dis-
play time, even when switched off!
• Unplug phone chargers when not in use—they draw small
amounts of energy all the time if you don’t!

1. What is the tone of the selection?

a. comical
b. serious
c. disrespectful
d. mysterious

2. Why do you think the author chose to use the word crucial instead of its
synonym important?
a. to add a light touch to the text
b. to show disagreement about energy consumption
c. to imply that there should be no power plants
d. to stress the urgent need to conserve resources
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tone and style 95

3. Part of the author’s style includes the use of

a. words in parenthesis ( ).
b. very short sentences.
c. ellipses( . . . ).
d. foreign words.

P R AC T I C E 1 : A DA P T E D F R O M T H E L A S T L E A F

by O ’ H e n r y

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Julia and Marissa moved into a small New York apartment, hoping to start
careers as fashion designers. Other people in the building were also artists,
and quite friendly. When winter came, many of them suffered with colds
and flu, and several, including Julia, were caught in the grip of pneumonia.
(2) The illness made it hard for Julia to breathe. She slept a lot and when she was
awake, she sat quietly in a chair, staring out the window and sighing. The
constant struggle sapped her will to live and she refused the food Marissa
fixed for her. Finally, Marissa asked the doctor if Julia would ever get better.
He hesitated, then said, “Her only chance is to want to get better. The human
body’s a wonderful thing . . . it can heal, but we must help it by believing that
it will. I’m afraid that without a change of heart, she won’t make it.”
(3) Marissa hid her tears as she tried to interest Julia in sketches of spring fash-
ions. But Julia just muttered. “Eleven, ten, nine,” then, “eight, seven, six.”
(4) “What are you counting?” asked Marissa looking in the direction her
friend was staring. All she could see was an old oak tree with almost no
(5) “The leaves,” murmured Julia. “When they’re gone, I will go, too.”
(6) “What are you talking about?” Marissa exclaimed. “Leaves have nothing
to do with your getting better! You have to want to get better! I’m shutting
these curtains, and we’re not talking about this again!”
(7) After Julia fell asleep, Marissa went to Johann, an old painter who lived
in the building. Tearfully, she told him her plan and he agreed. All night,
Marissa heard the wind howling mournfully and rain splashing against
the windowpane. She knew the remaining leaves would be blown away
by morning.
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(8) When Julia awoke, Marissa opened the curtains to reveal one leaf remain-
ing on the tree. “It’s the last leaf,” she sighed. “I was sure they’d all be gone.”
(9) All day the leaf clung to the tree, despite the beating wind. Julia watched
intently as the leaf refused to leave the safety of the branch and fall, dead to
the ground. Finally, she took a deep breath . . . then another . . . and called to
Marissa, “Could I please have some toast? I need to get my strength back. I
can’t just waste my life away. . . . We’re going to be great designers someday!”
(10) Later, when Julia had greatly improved, Marissa whispered, “I need to tell
you that . . . Johann has pneumonia. The super found him in the rain a few
days ago. He’d just painted an oak leaf on that tree . . . because the last leaf
had fallen.”
(11) “Oh, Marissa,” cried Julia. “He saved my life by making me want to be strong
like the leaf and live. Now we must do something for him.” And so they did.

4. What is the overall tone of the selection?

a. angry
b. comical
c. mysterious
d. emotional

5. What is the tone of the last paragraph?

a. frightening
b. hopeful
c. irritated
d. comical

6. Why do you think the author chose to use the words caught in the grip of?
a. to imply that pneumonia squeezed the life, or breath, from its victims
b. to show that pneumonia and flu were alike
c. to imply that pneumonia was not serious
d. to state that pneumonia is contagious

7. Read these words from the selection: the remaining leaves would be blown
away by morning. Which might the author most likely have considered
using instead of morning?
a. the next day
b. for sure
c. daybreak
d. after all
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8. What is the author’s overall style?

a. friendly
b. mocking
c. playful
d. creepy

P R AC T I C E 2 : E XC E R P T E D A N D A DA P T E D F R O M A L I C E ’ S

by L ew i s C a r ro l l

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.
(1) The Cheshire Cat gave Alice directions to the March Hare’s home. She had
not gone very far before she noticed the house. Well, she thought it must
be the right house. The chimneys were shaped like long rabbit ears. The
roof was thatched with rabbit fur. It was so large a house that she was
scared to keep walking closer.
(2) She worked up enough courage and walked closer. A table was set out
under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and Mad Hatter were
having tea. A Dormouse was sitting between them, fast asleep. The table
was large, but the three were all crowded together at one corner of it.
(3) “No room! No room!” they cried out when they saw Alice coming.
(4) “There’s plenty of room!” said Alice firmly, as she sat down in a large arm-
chair at one end of the table.
(5) “It wasn’t very civil of you to sit down without being invited,” said the
March Hare.
(6) “I didn’t know it was your table,” said Alice. “It’s laid for a great many more
than three.”
7) “Your hair wants cutting,” said the Hatter. He had been looking at Alice
for some time with great curiosity, and this was his first speech.
(8) “You should learn not to make personal remarks,” Alice said with some
severity. “It’s very rude.”
(9) The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this, but all he said was,
“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”
(10) “Come, we shall have some fun now!” thought Alice. “I’m glad they’ve
begun asking riddles.” She added aloud, “I believe I can guess that.”
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(11) “Do you mean you think you can find the answer to it?” said the March
(12) “Exactly so,” said Alice.
(13) “Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on.
(14) “I do,” Alice hastily replied. “At least—at least I mean what I say—that’s
the same thing, you know.”
(15) “Not the same thing a bit!” said the Hatter. “You might just as well say that
‘I see what I eat’ is the same thing as ‘I eat what I see’!”
(16) “You might just as well say,” added the March Hare, “that ‘I like what I get’
is the same thing as ‘I get what I like’!”
(17) “You might just as well say,” added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talk-
ing in his sleep, “that ‘I breathe when I sleep’ is the same thing as ‘I sleep
when I breathe’!”
(18) “It is the same thing with you,” said the Hatter, and here the conversation
dropped, and the party sat silent for a minute.

9. What is the tone of the selection?

a. scary
b. fanciful
c. technical
d. electrifying

10. The author probably wants readers to

a. become angry at the Dormouse.
b. be frightened of the Mad Hatter.
c. forgive the Cheshire Cat.
d. feel sorry for poor, confused Alice.

11. The author’s style includes the use of

a. many technical terms.
b. only extremely long sentences.
c. words in all capital letters for emphasis.
d. a rhyming pattern.
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12. Read these words from the selection: It wasn’t very civil of you. Which
might the author most likely have considered using instead of civil?
a. polite
b. urbane
c. boorish
d. sweet


1. b
2. d
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. d
11. c
12. d
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L E S S O N 11
text features

One writer, for instance, excels at a plan or a title-page, another

works away the body of the book, and a third is a dab at an index.

In this lesson, you’ll discover some ways that authors try to help you find and
better understand the information they present.

TEXT FEATURES ARE special ways authors present information to help their
readers better understand the material. You might say these features are like
maps—they help you find your way through a maze of information! Fiction
selections have features, but more about them later. Right now, we’ll concentrate
on the text features you find in nonfiction.
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boldface words dark type used to emphasize important vocabulary
bulleted list listing of important facts set off from regular text
caption text with a graphic that gives details about it
contents lists each book chapter in sequence and the page on which
it starts
glossary mini-dictionary at the end of a book that defines each
boldface word
heading name of a selection, chapter, or section
index alphabetical list at the back of a book identifying
important ideas in the book and pages on which each idea
is mentioned
italicized words slanted italic type used for book titles, foreign words, a
word as an example of a word (the word word), or for
sidebar information placed beside the main text, often in a box,
that expands on an idea in the text
subhead divides a selection into parts and tells what each part is about
title name of a whole book

Skim and scan books and articles for any features before you begin to read.
They can help you predict what the selection is about and what you can expect
to get out of reading it. Planning ahead like this as an active reader can help you
not only increase your understanding of what you read, but retain the informa-
tion longer.

P R AC T I C E 1 : D R E A M S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) A dream is a story a sleeper watches or takes part in. It’s filled with images,
sounds, odors, and emotions. On waking, a sleeper may remember only
what happened right before waking up. No one can recall every dream, but
everyone dreams, even though some people may tell you they don’t. They
really do dream; they just don’t remember any of their dreams!
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L o o k i n g fo r M e a n i n g

(2) Events in dreams are imaginary, but they’re related to real experiences in
the sleeper’s life. Sometimes dreams are realistic. If you spent the day at
the beach, you might dream of the ocean that night.
(3) Other times, dreams can be symbolic. For example, a teenage girl has a
dream about walking a dog. As they walk, the dog pulls faster and faster
until the girl tumbles down a hill. The dream might symbolize that the
dreamer is so busy with school, sports, parties, and family that she feels she
has no control over her life. It’s as if life (the dog) is pulling the teen too fast
in too many directions!

1. Which text feature does the author use to divide the article into parts?
a. glossary
b. index
c. subhead
d. italics

2. Where would a reader look for a definition of the boldface word

a. the title
b. the index
c. the contents
d. the glossary

3. Why is DREAMS at the top of the selection set in capital letters?

a. because it’s the caption
b. because it’s the heading
c. because it’s in italics
d. because it’s part of a bulleted list
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P R AC T I C E 2 : M OV I N G O N

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Winter in some places is very cold. Snow covers the ground and ponds and
lakes freeze. Many animals can’t find the food they need to survive, so they
migrate—from the Latin migrans “to move from one place to another.” They
go to warmer places where food is still accessible and stay there until
spring, then migrate back home. Diverse animals migrate in diverse ways.
Here are just a few.

By Air

(2) To find warmer places, some birds fly more than 3,000 miles. In spring, they
fly home, build nests, and lay eggs. The following autumn, the baby birds
will migrate, too.
(3) Some butterflies fly south over 1,000 miles for the winter. As they fly back
home in spring, they stop along the way to lay eggs. The new butterflies
that hatch continue the trip north.
(4) To get where flowers are still blooming, some bats migrate more than
1,000 miles across the desert. The bats feed on the nectar from the flowers.

B y Wa t e r

(5) Pods of whales live off the coast of Massachusetts, a place that has cold and
snowy winters. So the whales swim 3,500 miles south, to warmer water off
the island of Bermuda. There they have their young, and in spring, they all
swim back home.
(6) Elephant seals migrate about 21,000 miles roundtrip every year. They
travel back and forth between California and Alaska, following the weather
. . . and the food.

By Land

(7) Herds of bighorn sheep in Canada and the United States migrate shorter
distances up and down mountains. In summer, there’s plenty of grass on
mountaintops, but in winter, the ground’s covered with snow. So the
sheep climb down the mountain where there are still shrubs and other
small plants to eat, and in spring, migrate back up to the peaks.
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(8) Caribou that live in the Arctic migrate when the snow gets really deep. They
move hundreds of miles to a place where there’s less snow. Then they can
sniff out, uncover, and eat the tender plants that still grow under the snow.
(9) What animals migrate from or to the area where you live? Look for move-
ment in spring and fall. Record what you observe.

4. What is the purpose of the subhead “By Land”?

a. to tell what the next part of the selection will be about
b. to tell why whales migrate
c. to put words in alphabetical order
d. to introduce a sidebar

5. A reader can use the glossary to find out

a. the page on which this passage starts.
b. the meaning of the boldface word nectar.
c. the title of the book.
d. the name of the next selection.

6. The word migrans is in italics because it

a. looks pretty that way.
b. is the name of a book.
c. explains what a pod is.
d. is a foreign word.

7. In an index, the word caribou would be

a. somewhere between bats and birds.
b. somewhere between butterflies and elephant seals.
c. somewhere between sheep and whales.
d. somewhere between Bighorn sheep and butterflies.

8. Which text feature did the author NOT use?

a. heading
b. subhead
c. sidebar
d. boldface type
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9. What information does the heading tell about the selection?

a. that it’s about someone living in a large city
b. that it’s about crops grown on American farms
c. that it’s about animals in a zoo
d. that it’s about someone or something moving somewhere

P R AC T I C E 3 : PA R T I A L TO P E A N U T S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) When is a nut NOT a nut? When it’s a PEAnut! That’s right; the peaNUT
is a legume, like a pea or bean, with its seeds inside a pod. Peanuts grow
in many different places around the world and are called different names

• ground nuts
• pindars
• goobers
• earth nuts
(2) It makes sense to call them “ground nuts” or “earth nuts,” because they
grow underground in well-drained, sandy soil!

Road to America

(3) More than 3,500 years ago, South American Indians in Brazil and Peru first
grew peanuts. Hundreds of years later, Spanish explorers ate some, then
took some back home to plant. Later, people took peanuts from Spain to
Africa, where they quickly became a staple.
(4) In the 1700s, some Africans brought peanuts to America. They ate some and
planted some. Along with sandy soil, peanuts need plenty of sunshine,
water, and four or five months of warm weather—just what’s available in
our southern states. So by 1800, groundnuts were growing all over the
South. And today, with about 40,000 peanut farms, the United States is the
world’s third-largest peanut producer.

T h e Pe a n u t M a n

(5) George Washington Carver is often called “the peanut wizard” because he
not only helped to make peanuts “big business,” he found many different
ways to use them. Born around 1864, Carver worked a lot with plants as
he was growing up. When he grew up, he taught about farming and
plants in Alabama.
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text features 107

(6) In 1914, southern cotton crops were destroyed by insects. The farmers had no
income, so Carver convinced them to plant peanuts. And he looked for ways
to use every part of the peanut plant. Before long, he’d made 325 different
things from ground nuts, including coffee, cheese, ink, glue, face powder,
soap, shampoo, mayonnaise, medicine, hand lotion, rubber, and ice cream!

IT’S A FACT: Circus owner P.T. Barnum first sold peanuts to his
show-goers more than 100 years ago. Soon the snack showed up
at ballparks, where today vendors may sell as many as 7,000 bags
in one day!

10. The author gives information about ballpark peanuts in

a. the heading.
b. a sidebar.
c. the table of contents.
d. a caption.

11. The first subhead tells readers that the next part is about
a. what you can make from peanuts.
b. George Washington Carver.
c. why the peanut is not a nut.
d. how peanuts got to America.

12. A reader can use the glossary to find out

a. the meanings of legume and staple.
b. the meanings of pod and goobers.
c. the meanings of pintars and pod.
d. the meanings of mayonnaise and pod.

13. The title “Partial to Peanuts” is

a. an index.
b. a heading.
c. a caption.
d. a subhead.
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14. How does the author use a bulleted list?

a. to tell which counties grow peanuts
b. to tell the names of famous peanut farmers
c. to list the amounts of peanuts grown each year
d. to tell some names people call peanuts


1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. d
12. a
13. b
14. d
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L E S S O N 12

One picture is worth ten thousand words.


In this lesson, you’ll take a look at the way authors use special features to give
you information visually!

IN THE LAST lesson, you saw how authors use text features to help you
understand what you read. Well, authors also use graphic features to help clar-
ify ideas or give readers additional information to that given in the text. Here
are some common graphic features you may find in fiction and nonfiction:


chart list of information
diagram drawing that shows arrangement and labeled parts of a whole
flowchart series of boxes and arrows to show step-by-step progression
graph shows the relationship between numbers of things
illustration drawing of people, a place, an object, or an event
map drawing of part of Earth to show features like oceans, countries,
mountains, or roads
photo printed image of people, a place, an object, or an event
realia detailed photo of a real historical object, like a poster, map, or
newspaper article
table a systematic arrangement of data in rows and columns
timeline lists facts along a line in the order in which they happened
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Before you read a book or article, skim and scan to look for graphics. Use them
to try to predict what the material is all about.

P R AC T I C E 1 : AT T H E L I B R A R Y

Read the selection and graphic, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “I can’t find anything at this library!” said Mia’s brother.

(2) Mia took a book off the shelf. “It’s easy,” she said. “Look. The part of the
book you see on the shelf is the spine, and this number at the bottom is the
book’s address—where it ‘lives’ in the library. This is fiction. Fiction’s
arranged in ABC order by author’s last name. See, F for Fiction and Ca for
the first two letters of the name, Carroll.”
(3) “But what about nonfiction?” her brother asked.
(4) “It’s arranged by subject,” Mia said. “Libraries use the Dewey decimal sys-
tem . . . there’s a period to divide numbers into parts,” she added, in case
he didn’t know. “Nonfiction’s divided into 10 large groups, from 000 to 900.
Then each group’s divided into many smaller ones.”
(5) Mia’s brother still looked confused so she showed him a poster on one of
the bookcases. “Look, the library lists the groups for you.”
(6) Just then, Mr. Reyes, the librarian came by. He smiled, “And if you still
don’t find what you want, ask a librarian . . . that’s what we’re here for!”


(10 groups and sample subjects)
000 General Knowledge
Encyclopedias, Newspapers, Almanacs
100 Psychology and Philosophy
Feelings, Logic, Making Friends, Optical Illusions
200 Religions and Mythology
Bible stories, Native American myths
300 Social Sciences and Folklore
Families, Careers, Manners, Money, Customs, Festivals
400 Languages and Grammar
English, Spanish, Sign Language, Chinese
500 Math and Science
Subtraction, Division, Animals, Oceans, Fossils, Planets
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graphics 111

600 Medicine and Technology

Health, Computers, The Human Body, Telephones
700 Arts and Recreation
Crafts, Games, Jokes, Music, Sports
800 Literature
Shakespeare, Plays, Poems, Writing
900 Geography and History
Native Americans, World Nations, Biographies

1. The chart shows a list of

a. the ten groups of fiction books available at the library.
b. the ten reasons to get your own library card.
c. the ten alphabetical listings for fiction.
d. the ten groups in the Dewey Decimal System and some sample topics.

2. According to the graphic, in which section would you find a book about
a. 400
b. 600
c. 700
d. 900

3. From the graphic, you know the 300 section would most likely have a
book about
a. Olympic figure skaters.
b. the respiratory system.
c. holidays around the world.
d. former U.S. presidents.

P R AC T I C E 2 : M I G H T Y M U S C L E S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow. Use the graphics
to help you.

(1) What would we do without muscles? They’re what help us move and stay
on the go. But just what are they?
(2) Muscles are made of long strings of fiber. They help you survive. When you
eat, you swallow, right? Yes, thanks to some muscular action. Then the food
goes down through your stomach and intestines, where more muscles
squeeze, mix, and break down the food, then get rid of it.
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(3) And how do you get the oxygen it needs to keep you alive? You breathe
it in, thanks to a muscle. Your diaphragm, a muscle right under your
lungs, pulls the good air in through your nose and mouth and sends it
down to your lungs. They move it to your heart, a big muscle that trans-
mits oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Then, when the oxygen’s
been used up and carbon dioxide produced, your diaphragm pushes the
bad gas away as you breathe out!
(4) When you push or pull, you use muscles. Some come in pairs. For exam-
ple, your upper arm has biceps and triceps. These muscles stretch between
one bone in your upper arm and one in your lower arm. When your biceps
contract, or get shorter, they pull on the lower bone. That makes your lower
arm move upward and helps you lift things, like heavy textbooks. When
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graphics 113

your triceps contract, your biceps relax to let your arm straighten and can
push down.
(5) The more you push and pull your muscles, the stronger they get. Skating,
swimming, dancing, and other kinds of exercises can help you build mus-
cle in your whole body. Such exercises require your body to work many
muscles at the same time.
(6) Think about what your muscles can do. Touch your toes. Bend your elbow.
Take a breath. Say “thanks” to your muscles!

4. What kind of graphic does the author use to show the biceps and triceps?
a. a photo
b. a graph
c. a timeline
d. a diagram

5. To show people exercising, the author uses

a. a map.
b. an illustration.
c. a flowchart.
d. a photo.

6. How does the graphic of the biceps and triceps clarify the text?
a. by showing where muscles are attached to arm bones
b. by showing how high an arm can reach
c. by comparing the lengths of bones in the arm
d. by listing all the parts of the digestive system

7. Which other graphic would best clarify information in the article?

a. a timeline showing the ages from childhood to old age
b. a flowchart showing how muscles move food through the digestive
c. a map showing where local hospitals are located
d. a photo of someone eating

8. What are the words that identify parts on a diagram called?

a. memos
b. titles
c. labels
d. quotations
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9. Which would be the best chart to support the article?

a. list of name and function of muscles: skeletal move limbs; cardiac pump
blood; smooth do many jobs in other organs
b. list books about nutrition and where to get them
c. list bones in the leg and foot
d. list foods by calorie amounts

P R AC T I C E 3 : C O N D O R C O M E BAC K

Read the selection, and then answer the

questions that follow. Use the graphics to
help you.

(1) The California Condor is the largest

flying land bird in North America and
one of its endangered species. It’s an
unmistakable bird; you’d recognize it
immediately. Its body is about 52
inches (132 cm) long, and it usually
weighs 18–23 pounds (8–10 k). Most of its giant body is covered with
black feathers, but there are patches of white on the undersides of its
wings. A ring of black feathers covers the bottom of its neck, which is feath-
erless and yellow-orange, like its head.
(2) Condors have a wingspan of about 9 feet (2.7 m) and make their homes
high in the mountains, where updrafts of wind provide perfect conditions
for soaring. These powerful fliers flap their wings a few times, then glide
and soar silently, looking for food on the ground far below. They spend a
lot of time resting on high cliffs, but don’t build their nests there. Instead,
they lay their eggs in caves or among high rocks. A female condor lays just
one egg every two years.
(3) Once thousands of these giant birds flew above the mountains along the
Pacific coastline. Then humans entered the picture and the California con-
dor’s habitat, and very existence, changed. Overhunting and the building
of cities and roads threatened the condors with extinction. By 1890, there
were only 600 birds left, and the numbers continued to dwindle.
(4) Although it was illegal to kill a condor, some people still did. And condors
faced the danger of accidentally flying into wires or buildings along their
flyways. But their biggest problem came from chemicals. Ranchers used
chemicals to stop coyotes that stole sheep. Since condors are part of the
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graphics 115

California Condors









vulture family, they feed on dead animals. So, unfortunately, the chemi-
cals also poisoned the birds when they fed on dead coyotes. By the 1980s,
it was obvious that the California Condor wouldn’t survive without help
from people.
(5) The chemical that killed condors was banned, and scientists captured the
last wild condors to protect and breed them. Their offspring would later
be returned to the wild. It took years, but through this captive breeding,
California Condors have been reintroduced to the coastal mountains of Cal-
ifornia and the Grand Canyon area of northern Arizona. The fabulous fliers

Where California Condors soar today

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have come back from the edge of extinction and once again soar stylishly
through the sky.

10. How does the illustration of a condor help readers?

a. lists the cities where condors are found
b. shows what is being described in the text
c. shows the step-by-step process for capturing a condor
d. labels each part of the animal

11. What information does the graph compare?

a. the wingspans of different California Condors
b. the population of California in different years
c. the heights of mountains in different parts of California
d. the population of California Condors in different years

12. Which graphic does the author use to show where the condors live?
a. a graph
b. a map
c. a diagram
d. a flowchart

13. According to the graph, in which year were there the least California
a. 1939
b. 1965
c. 1983
d. 2008


1. d
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. d
12. b
13. c
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S E C T I O N 3
organization of text


Authors write for different reasons and in different ways, but they all want their
readers to get the most out of what they’ve written. So authors organize, or struc-
ture, their text in a certain way to get their message to readers as clearly as pos-
sible. The author might tell a story step by step, in the order in which the things
happened. Another author may tell a tale by comparing the looks and actions
of the characters. Still another author may continually ask questions in the
text, knowing the answers are there . . . somewhere. There are many methods
an author can use, and in this section of the book, you’ll learn a few. You’ll dis-
cover how to

• identify the main idea and supporting details.

• interpret a sequence of events.
• analyze causes and effects to predict outcomes.
• locate details that are compared or contrasted.
• distinguish the difference between a fact and an opinion.
• recognize how questions connect you to the text.
• classify problems and solutions.
• identify inferences.
• draw conclusions.
• identify the most important parts to summarize.
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Graphic organizers, like cause-and-effect charts and Venn diagrams that let
you compare and contrast ideas, can help you organize your ideas as you
read. These visual tools can help you keep track of ideas, see how ideas are
related, and remember more of what you read. More about graphic organiz-
ers later.
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L E S S O N 13
main idea and supporting details

Beware of the man who won’t be bothered with details.


In this lesson, you’ll discover that an author communicates one big idea and gives
details about it.

THE MAIN IDEA is what a selection’s mostly about—the most important thing
the author wants readers to know. Other facts in the selection are details that
support, or tell more about, the main idea. Sometimes the main idea is stated

Grass is one of Earth’s most useful plants. Most people think of it as the
stuff that grows in the yard and needs to be mowed, but there are
thousands of different kinds. Wheat, rice, and other grains are grasses
that help people and animals exist!

The main idea is stated: Grass is a useful plant. But sometimes you have to find
the main idea yourself. To do that, use information from the text to figure it out.

In 1483, Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci sketched a flying machine. He
was also a scientist and fascinated by movement. His sketch showed a
screw-like wing made of stiff linen. He never got it off the ground, but a
real helicopter like it flew almost 500 years later!
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The main idea is that Leonardo da Vinci designed the first helicopter more
than 500 years ago. That’s what the author most wants you to remember.
In the first example, supporting details are that wheat, rice, and other
grains are useful grasses, and people and animals need grasses. In the second
example, details are the year he drew the design, that it was a flying machine,
what it looked like, and when the first real helicopter flew. Each detail supports
or expands on the main idea.
In longer selections, each chapter or section may have its own main idea,
but there’s just one central idea for the whole selection. Sometimes the title can
help you figure out the main idea. And you may find that some details add inter-
est but aren’t necessary to finding the main idea, like the fact that da Vinci was
fascinated by movement, so they are not “supporting” details.

P R AC T I C E 1 : A M U S I C A L M O U S E

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.
(1) There are many different kinds of mice. Some are good swimmers; others
like to swing from trees by their tails. And one kind, the white-footed
mouse, is not only a good swimmer and tree climber, but it’s also quite
(2) This minute, furry creature’s body is about 8 inches (20 cm) long, with a
tail of another 3 inches (7.5 cm). It weighs only about 0.8 ounces (23 g).
It’s been around North America for a long time; scientists have found 40-
million-year-old fossils of the tiny creature’s ancestors!
(3) Some people call the white-footed mouse the “wood mouse” because it
lives in so many wooded areas throughout North America. Other people
call the white-footed mouse the “deer mouse.” One reason is that its fur is
the same colors as a deer’s—soft brown on its back; white on its underside.
Another reason is that the mice carry deer ticks that spread Lyme disease.
(4) The whitefoot makes its nest almost anywhere. It likes a home that is
warm and dry, like a hollow tree or empty bird’s nest. But most of the time
the whitefoot runs along the ground looking for food. It eats seeds, nuts,
leaves, bark, and insects. It sleeps by day and looks for food at night—its
long whiskers and big ears help it find its way in the dark.
(5) Does the whitefoot really make music? In a way, it does because it often
makes a humming sound. And it taps its little paws very fast on a dead leaf
or hollow log to make a buzzing, drumming sound! Scientists aren’t sure
why the mouse is a drummer; it just is!
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main idea and supporting details 121

(6) So the next time you’re in the woods, walk quietly. There might be a
white-footed mouse nearby, and you wouldn’t want to interrupt a mouse
in the middle of its song . . . would you?

1. What is the main idea of this selection?

a. Deer are brown and white.
b. The white-footed mouse taps its paws in a drumming sound.
c. The woods of North America are full of mice.
d. Scientists study the habits of mice.

2. Which is a supporting detail for that main idea?

a. The white-footed mouse is also known as the wood mouse.
b. The deer mouse may carry ticks that transmit a disease.
c. The mouse taps on a dead leaf or hollow log.
d. The white-footed mouse isn’t very big.

3. Which would make the best substitute title for this selection?
a. “How to Build a Better Mousetrap”
b. “Concert in the Woods”
c. “Caution: Lyme Disease Ahead!”
d. “All about Rodents”

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. The white-footed mouse lives in Canada.
b. The white-footed mouse is also called the wood or deer mouse.
c. The white-footed mouse hums.
d. The white-footed mouse is very small.

5. Which detail in paragraph 2 is interesting, but not needed to find the main
idea of that paragraph?
a. Its tail is 3 inches (7.5 cm) long.
b. Scientists found 40-million-year-old fossils of its ancestors.
c. It weighs 0.8 ounces (23 g).
d. Its body is about 8 inches (20 cm) long.
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122 organization of text

P R AC T I C E 2 : D I E TA R Y D E TA I L S

Read the selection, andthen answer the questions that follow.

(1) Everyone needs food as fuel for his or her body. But kids especially need
the right fuel to keep their bodies going as they’re growing. To help every-
one figure out which foods supply the energy needed, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA) developed a new Food Guide Pyramid in 2005.
Look at the visual.
(2) You probably remember the old pyramid, with horizontal layers of blocks
like the ancient pyramids. Well, this new pyramid has six, tall, vertical
stripes instead. Each stripe represents one source of nutrition. There are
horizontal steps on the side of the pyramid, but they signify the need for
exercise as well as good food—30 minutes of exercise a day—to create a
healthy you!
(3) This new pyramid is called MyPyramid, because it’s supposed to help meet
the needs of each individual. Your food needs are based on your age, if
you’re a girl or boy, and how active you are. You can go to the USDA web-
site at to check out how much and which kinds of
food you need.

Orange Green Red Yellow Blue Purple

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main idea and supporting details 123

(4) Each stripe on MyPyramid is a different color:

Orange: grains The average kid needs 6 ounces a day from
this group, which includes breads, cereals, rice, and pasta.
Green: vegetables The average kid needs about 212 cups a day
from this group, which includes dark green veggies, like
spinach and broccoli, and bright orange ones, like carrots.
Red: fruits The average kid needs about 112 cups of fresh,
frozen, canned, or dried fruit a day.
Yellow: oils Kids need about 5 teaspoons of oil a day. Some
have no cholesterol or are lower in fat than others. Check food
labels for information.
Blue: milk The average kid needs about 3 cups a day of milk,
yogurt, or cheese.
Purple: meat, fish, beans, and nuts The average kid needs
about 5 ounces a day from this group.
(5) These provide a “healthy diet.” That’s one that has enough of each essen-
tial nutrient; a variety from all food groups; energy to maintain a healthy
weight; and no excess fat, sugar, or salt. Eating healthy and exercising daily
can help reduce the risk of getting diabetes, cancer, or bone problems as you
get older.

6. Which is the most likely main idea of this selection?

a. People need to exercise at least once a week.
b. Beans are a good source of vitamins.
c. People need to eat a variety of good foods and exercise for a healthy
d. Fiber is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

7. Which is NOT a supporting detail for the main idea?

a. Always use sunscreen as protection from the sun’s harmful rays.
b. Pick a variety of things from the vegetable group.
c. Get at least a half-hour of exercise every day.
d. Don’t just pick foods from one food group.
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124 organization of text

8. Why was it suggested that someone go to the USDA website?

a. to check the local weather
b. to write a letter to Congress
c. to exchange recipes for wholesome, healthy foods that taste good
d. to find out exactly which foods and how much that individual should

9. Which would best be another title for the article?

a. The Nutrition Needs of Prehistoric Humans
b. Food for Thought
c. The Eating Habits of Senior Citizens
d. Thoughts about Work Routines

10. Which is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. It’s nice to choose a variety of foods.
b. Many older people have heart problems.
c. Eating right and exercising now can reduce health risks in the future.
d. Getting enough sleep is important to good health.

P R AC T I C E 3 : R A D I O DAY S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Before there was TV, Americans gathered around their radios daily to lis-
ten to the news and more. In the 1930s and 1940s, mystery shows, like Sam
Spade and The Shadow, were favorites with young and old alike. Every week
people tuned in to hear the top tunes on Your Hit Parade. And on Sunday
mornings, radio stars read the comics aloud to kids.
(2) Did you think soap operas were a TV phenomenon? No way! They started
on radio. Do you know why they were called “soap operas”? Most shows
were sponsored by soap companies and, because characters had many
problems, people said the stories were like operas, most of which don’t
have happy endings!
(3) Because there were no pictures to show what was going on, radio required
people to use their imaginations. So, as a sportscaster described the action,
people had to imagine “he hits a pop fly high into the infield, the shortstop
moves in . . . reaches . . . grabs it . . . throws to second . . . and he’s out!” Not
only did they picture it, many people cheered as if they were right there
in the stadium!
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main idea and supporting details 125

11. Which best states the main idea of the article?

a. Soap operas started on TV.
b. Before there was TV, people listened to the radio a lot.
c. Quite often, operas don’t end happily.
d. Top tunes were played on the radio.

12. The author says radio required people to use their imaginations because
a. radio stars read the comics.
b. people cheered as if they were at the stadium.
c. The Shadow was a mystery show.
d. there were no pictures to show the action.

13. Which could the author best use as another supporting detail?
a. Television was not in many American homes until the 1950s.
b. Many cars did not have a radio.
c. The modern home has two or more TVs.
d. Two-way radios were important during the war.


1. b
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. d
9. b
10. c
11. b
12. d
13. a
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L E S S O N 14
chronological order

Begin at the beginning and go on till you

come to the end: then stop.
LEWIS CARROLL (1832–1898)

In this lesson, you’ll discover that some authors write about things in the order
in which they happened.

JUST EXACTLY WHAT does the word chronological mean? It helps to know that
the Greek root chron means “time” and logical means “valid or true.” So chrono-
logical means “in true time order” or sequence.
We do everything in sequence, one step at a time. First, you wear your
clothes, then you wash them, dry them, fold them or hang them up, and put
them away. Authors often use words like first, second, next, last, before, after, then,
now, later, or finally as signals that the events in a story are being told in sequence.

Before the concert, we were excited because we had awesome front row
seats. Then the show began, and for awhile, it was great. But soon I
couldn’t even hear the music over the screams of the audience! After the
concert, when we could hear again, we had pizza and listened to some
quiet rock!

But sometimes the author doesn’t use signal words, and readers must fig-
ure out the sequence from details in the text.
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I’m so glad to be home now, where it’s quiet! Yesterday I went to a
concert and it was unbelievable . . . not in a good way. The music and
the crowd were so-o-o loud! At the beginning, I thought I was lucky
because I got front row seats. Boy was I wrong!

The sequence of getting front row seats for a concert, suffering through the loud-
ness of music and concertgoers, and coming home are the same, but they aren’t
spelled out in step-by-step order. The ability to recognize chronological order
can help you understand what you read. A sequence chain can help you orga-
nize the events in a selection and help you remember what you read.

get front row seats → go to concert → music and crowd loud → go home to quiet

Besides using time order, an author may sequence things by ranking them
in order of importance, speed, size, age, and so on.

P R AC T I C E 1 : M A K E - A- M U M M Y

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) At the museum today, we saw an ancient Egyptian mummy and watched
a mummy-making video. You know, a mummy isn’t like those scary
things you see in horror movies; it’s just a dead body that was treated so
it wouldn’t rot away!
(2) The Egyptians were experts at wrapping their dead for the trip to the
afterlife! That’s what the people called the “place” they’d go after they died,
where they believed they’d enjoy pretty much all the comforts of life. So,
they figured it was important to keep their bodies preserved for future use!
(3) Making a mummy was no easy job. It took about 70 days! Only special peo-
ple were allowed to carry out the process. First, they cleaned the body. Then
they removed most of the internal organs, including the brain. They pulled
that out with a long hooked instrument inserted through the dead person’s
nose! The Egyptians didn’t think the brain was important, so they threw
it away. The lungs, stomach, and most other organs were removed through
slits in the skin, then placed in special containers, called canopic jars, and
buried with the mummy. Because the Egyptians believed the heart was the
center of intelligence, only it was left inside the body.
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chronological order 129

Next, the body was stuffed and covered with salt to slowly suck out all the
fluid. After 40 days, the shrunken body was rubbed with lotion to soften
the skin. Then the body was wrapped in up to 20 layers of linen.
(4) Gooey tree sap was spread on the linen to make the layers stick together.
The workers placed a mask on the face that looked pretty much like the
dead person. That was to help the person’s spirit recognize him or her in
the afterlife and reenter the body.
(5) Then, one last layer of tree sap and cloth was added and it was a mummy.
Finally, it was ready to be put into a stone coffin and placed in a burial
chamber, along with clothing, food, furniture, toys, jewelry, and any other
things it might need in the afterlife.
(6) The mummy we saw was about 3,000 years old. I wonder if its heart is still
in there?

1. What was the first thing the narrator said?

a. “Making a mummy was no easy job.”
b. “The Egyptians didn’t think the brain was important. . . .”
c. “At the museum today, we saw an ancient Egyptian mummy. . . .”
d. “The Egyptians were experts at wrapping their dead. . . .”

2. What was the first thing mummy-makers did to a body?

a. pulled out the brain through the nose
b. wrapped 20 layers of cloth around it
c. put a mask on its face
d. cleaned it

3. For 40 days, the body

a. was put into a stone coffin.
b. was covered with salt that sucked out any body fluid.
c. was on view at a funeral home.
d. was wrapped in a single layer of silk.

4. After 40 days, the mummy-makers

a. took off the layers of lines.
b. made cuts and took out the stomach.
c. rubbed the body to soften its shrunken skin.
d. put the brain back inside the body.
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5. When was the mask put on the mummy’s face?

a. before wrapping the body in one last layer of cloth
b. after the body was put into the coffin
c. before the heart was removed
d. after the burial chamber was closed

P R AC T I C E 2 : G E T O N T R AC K !

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

Horse 43 mph (70 km/h)
Steam train 61 mph (98 km/h)
Diesel train 149 mph (238 km/h)
Electric train 152 mph (245 km/h)
Maglev 361 mph (581 km/h)

(1) In ancient times, humans walked to get where they wanted to go. Later,
they rode domesticated animals, like camels, horses, and mules. People had
to carry their belongings themselves or on an animal’s back. Later, people
dragged objects on a travois, a kind of platform tied between two long
poles. Then came the discovery of the wheel, and new technology changed
(2) People rode and carried goods in carts and wagons pulled by animals. The
larger the wagon and the more animals, the more people and goods could
be moved. By 1662, the first horse-drawn buses were running regular
routes through busy city streets.
In 1814, the first steam-powered engine was fired up. Soon trains burned
wood or coal to create steam that put the wheels in motion, rolling along
tracks laid on the ground to create a “road” from place to place. The pow-
erful engines pulled many cars full of people and goods. One engine did
the work faster than a team of horses, so people called the machine the
“Iron Horse.”
(3) Steam trains were crucial to the growth of America. People moved west and
built towns near the train tracks. Railroad owners became rich as more peo-
ple traveled and shipped goods by rail. Soon hundreds of locomotives
chugged across America, spewing out clouds of thick, black smoke.
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chronological order 131

(4) In 1918, a train was first powered by a diesel engine, which produces elec-
tricity to move a train. Diesels were faster and more powerful, and they
didn’t pollute the air. Before long, most steam engines were replaced by
diesels. Next came even faster, quieter electric trains that were powered by
overhead cables or electrified rails. Those led to the growth of commuter
and subway trains that are still used by millions every day.
(5) By the 1960s, there were new high-speed, electric trains, called “bullet
trains” because of their shape and speed. They were the fastest until the
1980s, when the maglev, or “magnetic levitation” train, was introduced. It
doesn’t run on rails; it floats between them! Electromagnets imbedded in
the train and the track repel, lifting the train and pushing it forward.
Today maglevs continue to get faster and faster. Right now the Japanese
maglev holds the speed record, 361 mph (581 km/h)!

6. Before the discovery of the wheel, how did people travel?

a. on foot
b. riding camels
c. riding mules
d. all of the above

7. According to the article, by 1662 some cities had

a. subways.
b. steam trains.
c. horse-drawn buses.
d. commuter trains.

8. Steam trains were probably important to America in the 1800s because

a. they made the sky dark with smoke.
b. people moved west and built new cities that helped the country grow.
c. they used wood or coal.
d. people could tell time by a train’s schedule.

9. Most steam engines were replaced by diesels that

a. produced electricity to power the train.
b. were not as powerful.
c. produced even more smoke pollution.
d. were first available in 1603.
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10. Which was invented first?

a. the diesel engine
b. the bullet train
c. the maglev
d. the travois

11. The chart lists train engine types in sequence by

a. importance.
b. year invented.
c. speed.
d. size.

P R AC T I C E 3 : T I M E O R D E R F O R F U N !

Sometimes you have to choose what you can do based on a sequence of events
and what can be done at those times. Check out this camp schedule of activities,
and then use the information to answer the questions and make a schedule.

8:00 A.M. Buses arrive
8:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M. Activities
12:30–1:00 P.M. Lunch is available.
1:00–1:30 P.M. Lunch is available.
1:30–4:00 P.M. Activities
4:15 P.M. Buses leave.
Acting Gymnastics
9:00–10:00 A.M. 8:30–9:30 A.M.
11:00–noon 10:00–11:00 A.M.
12:30–1:30 P.M. noon–1:00 P.M.
1:30–2:30 P.M. 1:30–2:30 P.M.
3:00–4:00 P.M. 3:00–4:00 P.M.
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Boating Horseback Riding

9:00–10:30 A.M. 8:30–10:30 A.M.
11:00 A.M.–12:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M.
2:00–3:30 P.M. 1:00–3:00 P.M.
Crafts 2:00–3:00 P.M.
8:30–9:30 A.M. Swimming
9:30–10:30 A.M. 9:00–11:00 A.M.
10:30–11:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M.–1:00 P.M.
2:30–3:30 P.M. 2:00–4:00 P.M.

12. A day for campers, from arrival to departure, is

a. 7 hours and 15 minutes.
b. 8 hours and 15 minutes.
c. 6 hours and 30 minutes.
d. 6 hours and 15 minutes.

13. Which are the first activities available in the morning?

a. acting and boating
b. swimming and crafts
c. crafts and gymnastics
d. gymnastics and horseback riding

14. Make a schedule that allows you to take acting, gymnastics, and boating
or horseback riding, crafts, and swimming . . . still have lunch, and time to
just hang with friends!



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1. c
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. d
11. c
12. b
13. c
14. There are several possible answers; here are two: Gym 8:30–9:30, Acting
11–12, Lunch 12:30–1, Boating 2–3:30; Crafts 8:30–9:30, Swimming 11–1,
Lunch 1–1:30, Horseback Riding 2–4.
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L E S S O N 15
cause and effect

All science is concerned with

the relationship of cause and effect.
Each scientific discovery increases man’s ability to
predict the consequences of his actions
and thus his ability to control future events.
LAWRENCE J. PETERS (1919–1988)

In this lesson, you’ll see that because things happen in sequence, one thing often
makes the next happen, and you can sometimes predict what’ll happen next!

THINGS DON’T JUST happen; living things and forces make them happen.
Whatever or whoever makes something happen is the cause; what happens is
the effect. For example, a singer hits a very high note and a glass shatters.
Vibrating sound waves are the cause; broken glass is the effect.
As you read, look for clues to what makes things happen. Authors may use
words to signal a cause-and-effect text structure. Words like because or since may
indicate a cause, and so or therefore indicate an effect.

I missed the bus because I overslept.
I overslept, so I missed the bus.

In the examples above, the signal words point out that oversleeping was the
cause and missing the bus was the effect. But sometimes there are no signal
words. Readers must figure out the cause-and-effect relationship from the text.
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A car drove through a huge puddle and splashed water all over me!

In this example, tires splashing water are the cause; a wet person is the effect.
A cause may have more than one effect and an effect more than one cause.

I was late for school because I overslept and a car splashed water on me
on my way to school, so I had to go back home and change clothes!

As you read, use a cause-and-effect chart to keep track of how things or

people affect others.

Cause Effect
It rained all day. The parade was canceled.
I didn’t study. I failed the exam.

Think about it. Couldn’t you predict that, since it rained all day, that parade would
be canceled, and if someone didn’t study, he or she might fail an exam? Figur-
ing out why something happened and thinking about what might possibly hap-
pen next gets you involved and helps you better understand what you read.

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E M AG I C O F M E R L I N

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) There are many legends about King Arthur, the Knights of the Round
Table, and the wizard Merlin. Of all the characters in these tales, many peo-
ple find Merlin the most fascinating, being a man of mystery and magic.
It’s said that Merlin could talk to the animals in the forest and predict the
future for kings. But unfortunately, he wasn’t able to predict his own
future with the Lady of the Lake!
(2) According to a popular legend, as Merlin walked through the forest one
day, he first met the Lady of the Lake. Some say he predicted he’d find her
there that day, beside the forest lake that was her home, and that’s why he
went there. The Lady was believed to be a great sorceress herself, although
not as great as Merlin. She was amazed by his powers and promised to love
him if he would teach her his magic. The Lady of the Lake was quite
beautiful, and Merlin fell under her spell, so he agreed.
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(3) Merlin began to teach the Lady of the Lake his most magical tricks. And
for a while, she seemed happy. But she continually urged him to conjure
up even greater magical feats. And she was constantly looking for some
way to keep Merlin always at her side. She wanted to make sure that if he
did come up with any new ideas, he’d have to share them with her!
(4) One day, the Lady of the Lake asked Merlin to build her a magical castle.
She wanted it to be so strong that no one and nothing could ever destroy
it. And she requested Merlin to make her castle invisible. That might have
seemed a tall order for some, but Merlin did his magic. He built her a fab-
ulous castle by the lake and then used his wizard’s powers to make the
building invisible. Anyone traveling through the forest would see only the
lake and not the Lady’s beautiful, enchanted castle. Merlin even taught the
Lady how she could make her castle appear or disappear to make sure that
no one could get in or come out of it unless she wished!
(5) The Lady of the Lake was very happy, for a while. Then she realized that
Merlin still had the power to make her castle appear or disappear as well.
That worried her. What if he left for good someday? She would no longer
share all of the magic secrets he knew or would know in the future! So one
day, as she and Merlin sat beneath a tree in the forest, she lulled him to sleep
with a sweet song.
(6) As Merlin slept, the Lady of the Lake walked around him nine times,
chanting and weaving a magical spell. When he awoke, she led him to the
castle. There she locked him in an enchanted tower, from which he was
powerless to leave, but which she could visit or leave at will! She had used
Merlin’s own magic against him, and he never left her enchanted, impris-
oning castle again.

1. Many people think Merlin is the most interesting character in King Arthur
legends because
a. he was not a knight.
b. he was a wizard.
c. he lived in a forest.
d. his name had six letters.

2. What caused Merlin to walk by the lake one day?

a. He predicted a bear was caught in a trap in the forest.
b. He predicted it was a new path home from school.
c. He predicted he’d meet the Lady of the Lake there.
d. He predicted he could gather enough apples for a pie.
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3. Because the Lady was so beautiful, Merlin

a. fell under her spell.
b. was frightened and ran away.
c. pushed her into the water.
d. turned her into a tree.

4. Why did the Lady want Merlin always at her side?

a. so she could teach him all of the magic tricks she knew
b. so the lake would always be filled with water
c. so that her servants would be paid well
d. so she’d always know all the magic secrets he knew

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E P L A N E T C H A N G E S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Look at Earth’s landscape today. Then look at it next month. See the dif-
ference? Well, maybe not. Earth is constantly changing, but some changes
are slower than others. Here are a few examples of how our planet changes
every day.

• Deep inside Earth is a huge pool of magma—melted rock and

gas. If the pressure underground builds up, the magma
moves up and out of an opening in Earth’s crust. The liquid
spills or explodes as lava, then flows downhill, destroying
everything in its path. When the lava cools and hardens, it
enlarges old land or creates new islands in the sea!
• Heavy rainfall can weaken soil and rock. If this happens on
a hillside, the soil and rocks can break loose and slide all the
way down. A landslide can topple trees, demolish houses, destroy
and dump soil to build up Earth’s surface in a new location.
• Sometimes piles of snow loosen and quickly tumble down a
mountain, picking up rocks as they go. Avalanches scrape the mountain of
surface of the mountain and change it forever. The rocks and snowslide
soil pushed along with the snow build up Earth’s surface
below, once the snow melts.
• Every year we hear of places where heavy rainfall or melted
ice and snow run into rivers, causing them to overflow. The over + flow
ensuing floods flow across the land, washing away rich soil
and sometimes changing the path of the river itself.
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• Earthquakes very quickly destroy some landforms and cre-

ate others. Undersea earthquakes can cause tsunamis, or tidal
waves, with water reaching as high as 50 feet (15 m). When
the water reaches land, it crashes ashore and rearranges the
• Even lightning, tornadoes, and hurricanes quickly change
Earth’s surface. Lightning may cause forest fires that burn
down trees and homes, and destroy land. Windstorms like
tornadoes and hurricanes blow away soil and rip up trees,
flattening or tearing away the land around them.
• As you see, nature is always changing Earth’s surface some-
where. Some changes are big. Some are little. But all can be
seen, if you look hard enough!

5. What causes magma to move up and out of Earth as lava?

a. heavy rains and winds
b. snow and ice
c. pressure build-up underground
d. pressure from strong wind

6. Which is an effect of an avalanche?

a. Lava flows downhill, destroying everything in its path.
b. Once the snow melts, rocks and soil pushed along build up Earth’s
c. The water reaches land, crashes ashore, and rearranges the landscape.
d. Forest fires burn down trees and homes, and destroy land.

7. How can windstorms change Earth’s surface?

a. by blowing away soil
b. by ripping away trees
c. by flattening and tearing away land around trees
d. all of the above

8. Heavy rainfall on a hillside can cause

a. a hurricane.
b. an avalanche.
c. a tsunami.
d. a landslide.
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9. When heavy rain or melting snow and ice run into a river, they can cause
a. a flood.
b. an earthquake.
c. a hurricane.
d. a tornado.

10. Which can you most likely predict?

a. There will be an earthquake today.
b. In five years, Earth’s surface will look different than it does today.
c. Earth’s surface will always look the same.
d. In five years, Earth’s surface will look exactly as it does today.

P R AC T I C E 3 : W E ’ V E G OT YO U C OV E R E D

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Trading was a source of great wealth to fourteenth-century merchants in

Venice, Italy. Ships brought spices, silk, and other goods from Asia for mer-
chants to sell to wealthy customers. With such expensive items, a merchant
could become very rich in just a few years. But it took just one storm at sea
or pirate attack to lose an entire cargo.
(2) To lessen the risk, the merchants formed trade unions to provide protec-
tion against loss. That was the beginning of insurance. Each merchant
paid a certain amount of money to be used to help any member who suf-
fered a loss. Soon, merchants in other countries began to provide “insur-
ance” on their goods.
(3) The first life insurance policy was sold in England in the sixteenth century.
A century later, the first fire insurance became available. And in 1752,
Benjamin Franklin founded a U.S. insurance company so people didn’t lose
everything in a fire. Today, thousands of U.S. companies insure businesses
and individuals for everything from life and fire to identity theft.

11. Venetian merchants in the fourteenth century became very wealthy

a. pirates attacked their ships.
b. Benjamin Franklin sold them insurance.
c. they sold spices, silks, and other goods from Asia to rich customers.
d. they had life insurance.
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12. Venetian merchants wanted to lessen their risk of losing goods, so

a. they hired pirates to steal some for them.
b. they closed their shops every Saturday.
c. they moved to America.
d. they formed trade unions.

13. Benjamin Franklin founded a U.S. insurance company so that

a. people could buy silk from Asia.
b. people didn’t lose everything in a fire.
c. people could join the actor’s union.
d. people lost everything in a fire.


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. d
8. d
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. d
13. b
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L E S S O N 16
compare and contrast

Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate.

In this lesson, you’ll discover that authors often describe how things are alike
or different.

SOME AUTHORS USE a compare-and-contrast text structure to organize

ideas. To compare, they tell how things are alike; to contrast, they tell how things
are different. Words like same, different, some, all, every, also, but, both, or many sig-
nal to readers that the author is using a compare-and-contrast structure.
alike = same
Compare: Every student in the school wore the same blue uniform.
Contrast: They may have to wear uniforms, but we don’t! unlike = different

Authors don’t always use signal words. Then, readers must figure out
what’s being compared or contrasted.

The DJ played classic rock and everyone agreed the music was cool . . .
or as some put it, “fierce!” How could I tell my new friends that I
preferred country-western?

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Many times things can be alike in one or more ways but still be different.
In the preceding example, rock and country-western are alike because both are
kinds of music, but they are different in style and rhythm. A Venn diagram can
help you keep track of likenesses and differences as you read.

Marissa and Matthew are twins, but she has dark hair and he’s a blond.
Everyone in their family has brown eyes. Matthew plays drums and
Marissa plays guitar in the school band. They both sing and want to
start a rock group.

Marissa Both Matthew

girl brown eyes boy
dark hair in band blond
plays guitar sing plays drums
want rock group

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E C I T Y M O U S E A N D T H E C O U N T RY M O U S E

A n Ae s o p ’s Fa b l e R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Once there were two mouse cousins. One lived in the country; the other
lived in a big city. They wrote to each other often and invited each other
to visit.
(2) “You must come to see how nice it is in the city,” wrote the City Mouse. “I
have a choice of wonderful foods to eat every day, like bread, cheese, and
sweets. What do you eat?”
(3) “I eat seeds from the fields,” the Country Mouse wrote back. “And I some-
times find crumbs in the old farmhouse where I live.”
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(4) One day, as the Country Mouse hunted for grain in the field, he thought
of his cousin choosing what to eat. “Why should I have to hunt for food?”
he said to no one at all. “I think I will head to this city my cousin keeps
telling me about!”
(5) And so he did. When the Country Mouse arrived, the City Mouse said,
“Shhh! The people just left the dining room. Let’s sneak in for some bread
and cheese.”
(6) The Country Mouse was amazed at the leftover food just sitting on a
table. “Dig in!” said the City Mouse, and he bit into a chunk of cheese.
(7) The Country Mouse took a nibble. He’d never tasted anything so delicious!
He was thinking how lucky the City Mouse was when he heard a noise.
“Run!” said the City Mouse, as he grabbed his cousin’s paw. “Someone’s
come to clean off the table!”
(8) The two mice ran to a little hole in the kitchen wall. Inside, the Country
Mouse trembled as someone stacked dishes in a dishwasher and went
away. The City Mouse smiled, “Good, he didn’t see us. Let’s go get some-
thing else.”
(9) The Country Mouse looked around. He’d never seen so many jars and bags
and boxes! “What luck!” said the City Mouse. “Someone left the cookies
(10) The cousins climbed to a shelf where a cookie bag sat. After much pulling
and tugging, they got a large chunk of oatmeal cookie out and began to nib-
ble on it. Suddenly, the Country Mouse heard a loud MEOW! “Run!”
cried the City Mouse. And they ran as fast as they could, back to the hole
in the wall.
(11) The City Mouse laughed as the Country Mouse shook with fear. “Don’t be
so scared, Cousin; it’s only the cat! True, she likes to eat mice and she has
sharp claws, but she’ll go away in a few minutes. Then we can go eat more
(12) The Country Mouse shook his head. “No, thanks, Cousin. I’m going home!
Thank you for your hospitality, but I would rather eat my lowly grain and
crumbs in safety than have your fine menu and be in danger all the time!”
(13) And so the Country Mouse went home and happily ate in peace the rest
of his days.
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1. How are the City Mouse and the Country Mouse alike? alike = same
a. Each has a cousin.
b. Each likes cheese.
c. Both are mice.
d. all of the above

2. From the text, you know that one difference between the two mice is
a. that the City Mouse is taller.
Each + N. Singular
b. when each one was born.
c. where each one lives.
d. that the Country Mouse can’t read. Both + N. Plural

3. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse are alike because
a. each spends money on food.
b. each is a boy.
c. each likes dogs.
d. each is a girl.

4. The Country Mouse went back home because he thought

a. he could teach the farmer to make cheese.
b. he would be fired from his computer job.
c. he had forgotten to lock the farmhouse door.
d. he would be safer eating crumbs there than having treats in the city.

P R AC T I C E 2 : S N OW C AT

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) The snow leopard lives in the rocky mountain caves of Central Asia, some
6,000–18,000 feet (1,829–5,486 m) above sea level. The animal’s beautiful,
soft, gray fur is speckled with black or brown ringed spots. Its thick tail,
which is more than 13 of its 6–7.5 foot (2–2.3 m) total length, is heavy with
fur to protect the animal from extreme cold. The snow leopard uses its tail
both for balance and to wrap around its curled-up body and cover its nose
and mouth in subzero temperatures. The bottoms of its large, furry paws
are also covered with fur to help protect the pads from the cold, sharp ice
and jagged rocks.
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(2) The snow leopard is like other big cats in some ways and different in others.
For example, other big cats roar, but not the snow leopard. It purrs like many
smaller cats! And the snow leopard feeds in a crouched position, like a
house cat, instead of lying down like other big cats. Most leopards hunt at
night, often leaping from trees to chase down their prey, then store the food
high in a tree away from other predators. But snow leopards hunt in the early
morning and late afternoon. They rest on cliff edges, waiting for prey to pass
by. Then the cat may leap as much as 50 feet uphill to capture a meal.
(3) Prey consists of almost any available animal, like wild sheep, goats, deer,
or birds. Then, since there are no trees high in the mountains to store food
in, the snow leopard stays on the ground close to its kill, often returning
for three or four days to feed.
(4) In spring, a female snow leopard has from one to four kittens. They stay
with their mothers through their first winter, then go off to hunt on their
(5) Snow leopards are extremely rare; in fact they’re an endangered species.
Many have been hunted for their beautiful fur and their bones, which are
ground up and used in some Chinese medicines. Scientists estimate there
are only about 4,000–7,000 snow leopards left in the wild. You may be able
to see one in a zoo. There are 600–700 snow leopards living safely in zoos
around the world.

5. According to the article, the snow leopard is like a small cat because
a. it lives in the mountains.
b. it eats in a crouched position.
c. it hunts at night.
d. it roars.

6. A snow leopard is like all other leopards because

a. it is a member of the cat family.
b. it has fur.
c. it has four feet.
d. all of the above

7. A snow leopard is different from other leopards because

a. it is a predator.
b. it has kittens.
c. it hunts in the daytime.
d. it eats meat.
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8. The snow leopard doesn’t store its food in trees because

a. there are no trees high in the mountains.
b. it can’t climb like other leopards.
c. the trees are full of leaves.
d. it eats all of the prey in one meal.

9. Once there were many snow leopards, but now there are only about
a. 2,000–3,000 in zoos and in the wild.
b. 4,000–5,000 in zoos.
c. 4,000–7,000 in the wild.
d. 6,000–8,000 living.

10. Which do both snow leopards and other leopards do when they hunt?
a. roar
b. leap
c. sing
d. sleep

P R AC T I C E 3 : S TO N E S T R U C T U R E S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Ancient people built rock monuments, many of which are still standing.
Stonehenge was built in England about 5,000 years ago. Its rocks were
arranged in four circles, with 30 large rocks on the outsides, some of which
weighed 40 tons! It’s believed that people may have used Stonehenge to
predict the seasons.
(2) About 4,500 years ago, the Egyptians used millions of stone blocks to
build pyramids as tombs for their kings. Pyramids, of course, are pointed
at the top. The Egyptians believed the pointed tombs helped their rulers
get to heaven.
(3) The Great Wall of China was built more than 2,000 years ago. The 1,200-
mile- (1,900-km-) long rock structure was created to keep invaders out of
China. Today, tourists take long walks along the top of the winding wall.
(4) On Easter Island, off the coast of Chile, stand giant rock statues with large
heads and thick bodies. About 600, measuring up to 60 feet (18 m) tall, were
created more than 1,000 years ago. Today only about 100 are left. It’s believed
that islanders may have carved them as monuments to their ancestors.
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11. How are all the monuments alike?

a. All are in Europe.
b. All have faces.
c. All are made of rock.
d. All were put in place by giant bulldozers.

12. One difference between the pyramids and the Easter Island rocks is that
a. the Easter Island statues are set up in four circles.
b. the pyramids are tombs for kings, and the statues are not.
c. the Easter Island statues were built long ago.
d. some pyramids are still standing.

13. The Great Wall and Stonehenge are different because

a. they were built in different countries at different times.
b. both are made of rock.
c. only the Great Wall was constructed by humans.
d. each can still be seen today.


1. d
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. d
12. b
13. a
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L E S S O N 17
fact and opinion

Our opinions do not really blossom into fruition until we have

expressed them to someone else.

In this lesson, you’ll discover how facts and opinions are used to persuade you
to do something.

A FACT IS a detail that can be proven true. An opinion is what someone thinks,
it can’t be proven true or false.

Fact Opinion
The Harry Potter books were written The third Harry Potter book was the best.
by J.K. Rowling.
Corn is a vegetable. Corn tastes better than carrots.
Painting is an art. Da Vinci was the world’s greatest painter.
Spring is one of the four seasons. Spring is the best season of the year.

You can prove each fact is true. Just look it up in a book or on the Internet. But
other people may have different ideas about the Harry Potter books, carrots ver-
sus corn, the greatest painter, and the best season!
Authors use facts and opinions to persuade you to think or do some-
thing. The author states an idea, and then gives details to convince you to
agree. Details may be facts, dates, statistics, or words that affect your feelings.
Only you can decide if the evidence is strong enough to convince you. Com-
mercials and print ads are familiar forms of persuasive writing.
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Kind How it’s done Example

Bandwagon makes you think everyone GloryFoot boots are the hottest new
does it, so you should, too fashion! Don’t be left out, get yours
Expert quotes someone who’s an “I hike up a lot of hot volcanoes,”
Opinion expert in the field says Dr. E. Ruption, “so I’m glad to
have Frosty-Foot slippers to slide
into after work!”
Glittering appeal to emotions, like Vote for A. Ballot . . . the candidate
Generalities patriotism, success, family to ensure the safety of your family
and our nation!
Name Calling uses rude or mocking Switch from greasy, heart-clogging
language with negative Acme-Burgers to Pine-Burgers, the
connotations healthy fiber-filled food that’s better
for your body!
Personal explains how the author I have been in Africa and seen so
Experience came to this belief many children who need our help.
Testimonial quotes a famous person “We must all do what we can to help
who supports the idea the penguins,” said superathlete
Ima Star, who donated $10,000.
How will you help?

The more aware you become of persuasive techniques, the better you can
evaluate the truth of what you read. And the better you can “see through” things
you hear or see in real-life situations.

P R AC T I C E 1 : E N V I R O N M E N TA L E M E R G E N C Y !

Read the speech, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming. When I first heard about the
state’s plan to build an oil storage facility and recycling plant near White
River, I thought of the weekends my family spent there every summer
when I was a kid. We’d camp out and fish, swim, and explore caves in the
nearby woods. My grandfather taught me how to fish there. And he and
I spent hours hiking in the woods, where I learned to identify local plants
and animals.
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(2) The river and the land around it were both familiar and unique. I learned
a lot there from my grandfather, and today, I’m a grandfather. I take my
grandchildren there, but it’s changed. There aren’t as many fish, and some
animals no longer inhabit the woods. According to Dr. Ima Expert, that’s
because “they find it difficult to adjust to constant noise from new high-
ways and to avoid dangers from trash left by careless hikers.” My grand-
kids and I usually spend at least one weekend each summer cleaning up
after folks who recklessly leave plastic materials that harm animals.
(3) Now, we face the danger of losing more animals from possible oil spills at
the proposed facility! Our river and the animals need to be protected and
preserved. The danger is real, and only we, the people, can stop it. If we
allow our rich natural resources to be destroyed, our lives will be forever
changed. We won’t be able to undo what we have done. These new facil-
ities will discharge waste into the river. That will impact not only our part
of the river but all of it as it travels toward the ocean. Animals and nearby
soil will become contaminated.
(4) We must protect our environment. So I ask each of you to join us in trying
to stop the project. Please write, call, or e-mail local elected officials, and
federal officials, to register your concerns. And if you really care about the
environment, please join us next Saturday in a protest march to the state
capital. Leading us will be TV star Mark MiWords. He grew up around here
and says, “We must make sure that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will
be able to share the same experiences we had on the river as kids.” Please,
join us. Thank you.

1. What does the author of this speech want people to do?

a. help to stop the building of a new middle school
b. help to raise money to restock the river with fish
c. help to stop the building of oil and recycling plants by the river
d. help to raise money to build oil and recycling plants by the river

2. Which of these does the author NOT use?

a. expert opinion
b. testimonial
c. glittering generalities
d. name calling
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3. Which of these is NOT an opinion?

a. The plant will ruin the environment forever.
b. The state has plans to build an oil storage plant.
c. If you care about the environment, you’ll join our cause.
d. Mark MiWords is a really great actor.

4. Which of these is an opinion and cannot be proved true?

a. Oil can pollute water.
b. There are less fish in White River today.
c. You can have hours of fun by the river.
d. There is a highway close to the forest.

5. How does the author use personal experiences to influence people? Use at
least three examples from the speech.




P R AC T I C E 2 : L I G H T S ! C A M E R A ! AC T I O N !

Read these two commercials, and then answer the questions that follow.

C o m m e rc i a l 1 : R i g h t - H e re N o t e b o o ks

Reports . . . homework . . . class notes . . . lists of things to do! Keeping all those
papers neat wasn’t always easy. That’s why I bought this RIGHT-HERE orga-
nizer. (open) Look . . . no more messy, wrinkled, crinkled, crumpled papers
(pause) and no more Mr. Ferro yelling at me for handing in ripped and “very
untidy” work! Now everything’s neat and in its place (looks inside) Oh, no . . .
where’s my math homework? (pause, then smile) That’s right . . . I’m getting so
efficient I handed it in already! Get a RIGHT-HERE today. . . . It’ll get you orga-
nized so you get better grades!
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C o m m e rc i a l 2 : Ac t i n g S t u d i o

[Teen and younger child watching TV movie. Younger child screams.]

TEEN: Oh . . . don’t be such a baby!!
CHILD: But the guy got hurt!
TEEN: It’s just make-believe!
CHILD: Well, how do they get so good at it?
TEEN: They go to acting school.
CHILD: So . . . if I go to acting school . . . I’ll be in a movie?
TEEN: No, silly, then you need an agent . . . then you need to audition! If they
like what you do, then, yes, you’ll be in a movie . . . but first, get act-
ing lessons.
CHILD: I want to do it!
TEEN: Well, ask Mom about taking lessons at Dance-’n’-Arts.
CHILD: Really? They have acting lessons there?
TEEN: Yeah . . . really!
CHILD: [Calls off-stage] MOM!!
ANNOUNCER [Voice-Over]: Sign your child up today! Call 555-6070 . . .
classes start soon!

6. What does the author of Commercial 1 want TV viewers to do?

a. watch a certain TV show
b. join a swimming club
c. buy a certain notebook
d. do more homework

7. Which does the author use in Commercial 1 use in the last sentence?
a. expert opinion
b. glittering generality
c. bandwagon
d. name calling

8. What does the author of Commercial 2 want TV viewers to do?

a. help save the library
b. teach in the local schools
c. build an acting school
d. take acting lessons
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9. How can viewers find out if the last line of Commercial 2 is a fact or an
a. Watch the commercial again.
b. Write a fan letter to the teen actor.
c. Call the number and ask.
d. Draw a picture of the ad and see if it makes sense.

10. Imagine the teen actor in Commercial 2 was famous and said: “I studied
there, and now I’ve got my own TV show!” Which would the commercial
be using?
a. testimonial
b. glittering generality
c. bandwagon
d. expert opinion

P R AC T I C E 3 : T H E B I L L O F R I G H T S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) In 1787, the U.S. Constitution was written. It spelled out how the new coun-
try should be run. But before it could become the law of the land, it had to
be sent to each of the 13 original states for ratification, or acceptance.
Many states ratified only when they were promised that a bill of rights
would be added.
(2) The first Congress met in 1789 to write amendments, or additions, to the
Constitution. The first ten amendments, called the Bill of Rights, guaran-
teed rights, or freedoms, the colonists had fought for in the Revolutionary
War. Freedom: of worship, of speech, to hold peaceful meetings, to request
the government to change unfair laws, and to bear arms. The Bill also
affirmed that: A person was innocent until proven guilty, law officers
couldn’t enter a home without a warrant, and an accused person had a
right to a trial by jury.
(3) Before the Bill could be officially added to the Constitution, it had to be rat-
ified by three-fourths of the 13 states. It was, in 1791. But Georgia, Massa-
chusetts, and Connecticut didn’t ratify until 1939 . . . 148 years later! It was
about time!
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11. Which of the following is NOT a fact because it can’t be proved?

a. The Bill of Rights affirms a citizen’s right to freedom of speech.
b. The Constitution was written in 1787.
c. The Bill of Rights affirms a citizen’s right to grow long hair.
d. The first Congress met in 1789.

12. Which of the following is an opinion?

a. The Constitution is a set of rules for running America.
b. Congress wrote the amendments called the Bill of Rights.
c. Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
d. All of the 13 states should have ratified the Bill of Rights in 1791!

13. How could you find out if the statement about some states not ratifying
for 148 years is a fact or an opinion?
a. Ask a friend if it makes sense.
b. Research in a history book or on the Internet.
c. Listen to music from the 1700s.
d. Take a survey in class.


1. c
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. Some examples: fishing with his grandfather, hiking with the grandfather,
taking his own grandchildren there
6. c
7. b
8. d
9. c
10. a
11. c
12. d
13. b
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L E S S O N 18
question and answer

Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.

VOLTAIRE (1694–1778)

In this lesson, you’ll find out how authors ask you questions to keep you inter-
ested in what they write!

SOME AUTHORS USE a question-and-answer text structure. This text struc-

ture is especially common in science books. The author asks readers a question,
then answers it. Sometimes the answer can easily be found in the text word for

What lets you see tiny things up-close-and-personal? A microscope! It
gives you a peek at a tiny world that plays a big part in our lives!

Other times, readers have to put details from the text together to get the

How does a microscope work? Light reflects off objects and bends as it
goes through a lens. When the light reaches your eyes, the objects look
larger than they are.

And other times, an author wants to connect with readers . . . to get them
involved. So the author asks a personal question.
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Do you use a microscope in science class? Then you know how tiny
things look bigger.

Words like who, what, when, where, why, and how signal readers that an
author is using a question-and-answer text structure. A question mark can also
be a signal, but sometimes the author’s question is not stated directly.

People wonder how big a microscope can make things look. Well, the
first ones made things 10 times larger. Now microscopes make things
2,000 times larger. And electron microscopes reflect electric particles
instead of light off objects to make things 200,000 times larger!

Use a question-and-answer chart to keep track of what’s asked and


Question Answer
What lets you see tiny things? a microscope
How does a microscope work? light rays bend through the lens and
make things look bigger to the eye
How big can a microscope make first up to 10 times bigger; today regular
things? 2,000 times; electronic ones 200,000 times

P R AC T I C E 1 : A N I M A L AC T I O N

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) What was the first domesticated, or trained, animal? Archaeologists have
found evidence of trained dogs as far back as 15,000 years ago! That would
make them the first species to be domesticated by humans.

Fo u r - Fo o t e d Wo r k fo rc e

(2) What did humans train dogs to do? Prehistoric hunters first trained dogs
to hunt big prey. Later, Egyptian pharaohs also used dogs for hunting. In
ancient Rome, dogs not only hunted, but performed in circuses and went
to war.
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(3) Most commonly, dogs were used to guard important buildings, army
bases, and the homes of the wealthy. Dogs also herded sheep and other
farm animals, and some canines used their sensitive noses to search for lost
or injured humans. Other dogs pulled small carts or sleds filled with peo-
ple or goods.
(4) There are still many working dogs today. They still hunt, guard, search for
and rescue humans, and pull sleds. They also help handicapped humans.
Trained dogs guide people who can’t see, can’t hear, or are wheelchair

M ov i n g I n

(5) So is work the only thing in a dog’s life? No! Over the centuries, dogs
became pets. After years of living outdoors, they weren’t just allowed
inside; they were welcomed as members of the family!
(6) In the nineteenth century, England held the first dog show. Today many
dog shows are held around the world so people can proudly parade their
pampered pets. Are dogs the most popular pet? In America, they were until
the 1990s. Then cats clawed and purred their way to the top as the most
popular pet!

1. What does the author’s first question ask?

a. What did archaeologists find?
b. Where were the fossils of the first trained animal found?
c. What animal was the first to be domesticated?
d. Who first trained lions and other big cats?

2. The ancient Romans used domesticated dogs to

a. control herds of dinosaurs.
b. hunt, perform in circuses, help in war.
c. dive for pearls.
d. haul rock for the building of the pyramids.

3. The word canines in the article is a synonym for

a. cats.
b. sheep.
c. pigs.
d. dogs.
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4. The words dogs became pets answer which of the author’s questions?
a. Are wolves a dog’s ancestors?
b. What did humans train dogs to do?
c. Is work the only thing in a dog’s life?
d. Why can some dogs follow a scent better than others?

5. In the United States today,

a. cats are the most popular pets.
b. dogs are the most popular pets.
c. cats and dogs can never get along.
d. dogs can’t be used in movies.

6. What is the answer to the author’s second question: What did humans train
dogs to do? Give at least four examples from the article.





P R AC T I C E 2 : A S P E E DY E X I T

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) You’re sweeping a dusty floor or sliding into second base. Suddenly some
dust flies up your nose, irritating and tickling the insides. What can you
do? You suddenly gasp and make a strange sound . . . AH-CHOO!
(2) A rapid, violent stream of air rushes from your nose and mouth, carrying
the dust with it! Out come up to 40,000 tiny liquid droplets at speeds of up
to 150 mph (241 kph)! It’s a sneeze. Unfortunately, that sneeze can blow out
germs, too. Does that tell you why it’s so important to cover your mouth
when you AH- CHOO?

R e f l ex R e a c t i o n

(3) Can you stop a sneeze from happening? No, your body acts automatically.
Sensitive nerve endings that line your nose react to the invading stuff.
Quickly, they send a message to your brain for help. Your brain then
relays a message to some muscles in your body, telling them to work
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together to get rid of the stuff. Your stomach and chest muscles, your
diaphragm (that large muscle under your lungs), your throat muscles, and
even the muscles in your eyelids respond and go into action! Are you sur-
prised to know your eyelids are involved? That’s why you close their eyes
when you sneeze!
(4) Sneezing is a reflex action, over which you have no control. So some peo-
ple once believed it was the closest thing to dying. According to a legend,
that’s why we have the tradition of saying, “Bless you” when someone
sneezes. Other people believed a sneeze was a sign you’d soon come
down with a serious life-threatening disease, like pneumonia or the plague!
Today we know that sneezing’s just a natural reaction to stuff in our envi-
ronment. Even so, lots of people still remember to say, “Bless you” when
anyone sneezes! In Germany, people say gesundheit (guh-ZUNT-hi–t), a
word that means “health.”

S n e e z e M a ke rs

(5) Is dust the only thing that causes a sneeze? No way. Things like pepper,
cold air, animal dander, pollen, and even sunlight can trigger a sneeze.
About one in three people sneezes when exposed to very bright light, like
from the sun, glaring headlights, or intense camera lights.
(6) Have you ever felt like you were going to sneeze, but it seems to get stuck?
The dust or other substance in your nose continues to tickle and annoy you.
You may cough. You may even gasp in a few breaths of air and stand there
panting, waiting for a sneeze to burst forth. But nothing happens! You try
rubbing the sides of your nose and wiggling it, thinking that may help. It
doesn’t! Well, if ever that happens to you, try looking briefly . . . ever so
briefly . . . at a bright lightbulb. Maybe you’ll unstick your sneeze!

7. To answer the author’s first question, readers need to

a. look right there in the same sentence.
b. put together ideas from the first two paragraphs.
c. look up the answer in a dictionary.
d. review information from the glossary.

8. Why did the author ask the question at the end of paragraph 2?
a. to use the word AH-CHOO again
b. to ask readers what a nostril is
c. to remind readers to throw away tissues
d. to make a connection with the reader
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9. The words No, it’s a reflex action are the answer to which question?
a. Can only dust cause a sneeze?
b. Do your stomach muscles help you sneeze?
c. Can you stop a sneeze?
d. Can dust really blow up into your nose?

10. Which question might the author have added in paragraph 4?

a. What is the German word for nose?
b. In which year did millions of people die of the plague?
c. Does a sneeze cause pneumonia?
d. Why do we say, “Bless you”?

11. The author says you may be able to “unstick” a sneeze by

a. looking at a bright light.
b. standing on your head.
c. jumping up and down.
d. going to a hospital emergency room.

P R AC T I C E 3 : C H A M E L E O N S : Q U I C K- C H A N G E A R T I S T S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Why do chameleons change color? Some people think it’s an example of
natural camouflage that lets chameleons blend into their environment. But
that’s not really why. They change color as an emotional reaction to life!
(2) How does a chameleon change color? The animal’s transparent outer skin
separates light rays, like a prism. Underneath are two layers of cells with
red and yellow specks. Under that is a cell layer that reflects blue and white
light. Amounts of heat and light, and the animal’s emotions, expand or con-
tract the cells. How they line up determines the chameleon’s color!
(3) If a chameleon’s frightened or angry, it turns yellow. When it’s happy, it
turns green. When it’s cold, the animal flattens its body to capture the sun’s
rays, and turns brown. When it’s sleeping, a chameleon turns gray. So even
though it doesn’t really change color as camouflage from predators, it
often works that way. A happy chameleon can hide in green grass and a
sun-soaking chameleon can safely hide on a brown tree trunk!
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12. Which answers the author’s first question?

a. Some people think the color change is natural camouflage.
b. They change color as an emotional response.
c. Some change as they get older.
d. Most change only when they are wet.

13. What is another way to ask the author’s second question?

a. What color is a chameleon’s outer layer of skin?
b. How does sound affect a chameleon?
c. Why are some chameleons green?
d. How do a chameleon’s skin cells affect its color?

14. Which would be the best question for an author to ask in the last
a. Where do chameleons live?
b. When does a chameleon sleep?
c. Which color is a happy chameleon?
d. What predators hunt for chameleons?


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. There are many listed; here is one possible answer: Humans have trained
dogs to hunt, herd, guard, and guide the blind.
7. b
8. d
9. c
10. d
11. a
12. b
13. d
14. c
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L E S S O N 19
problem and solution

The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem

in a way that will allow a solution.

In this lesson, you’ll learn that some authors tell you about problems and how
to solve them.

SOME AUTHORS USE a problem-and-solution text structure to organize their

ideas. An author may state a problem, and then describe a solution.

After the school fire, there was a lot of damage. Our computer lab was a
total loss. So we put on a fund-raising carnival the next Saturday. We
used all the money to buy new computers!
Problem: A fire ruined the school computers.
Solution: Raise money at a school carnival for new computers.

Sometimes an author tells a solution, and then states the problem it solves.

We had a great fund-raising carnival last Saturday. We raised a lot of
money to buy new computers. We needed them after we had a fire at the
school. Our computer lab had been a total loss!
Solution: Have a fund-raising carnival.
Problem: Fire ruined school computers.
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Recognizing a problem-and-solution text structure helps readers better

understand the relationships between events. Try this one.

“It’ll be okay,” our bus driver said as she closed the cell phone. “We’ll
have this flat tire fixed in no time. The school principal said a mechanic
is on the way.”
Problem: a flat tire on school bus.
Solution: school is sending mechanic.

You can use a problem-solution chart to record relationships like this.

Problem Solution
fire damages computers have a fund-raiser
flat tire mechanic to fix tire

P R AC T I C E 1 : W I S D O M O F T H E AG E S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

[Jared seated, listening to music. Enter Cole]

COLE: Hi! [No response . . . taps Jared on shoulder] Hi! You busy?
JARED: [removes earphones] I was just listening to music, why?
COLE: It’s . . . I mean . . . there’s like this dance at school . . . and all the guys
are inviting girls.
JARED [amazed]: This is a problem?
COLE: I just don’t know how to ask a girl to go with me!
JARED: Got somebody in mind?
COLE: Yes . . . uh, Sabrina. She’s, you know, nice! But what do I say? I
don’t want to sound like I, you know, LIKE her! And I thought . . . you
know . . . since you’re so cool with girls . . .
JARED [interrupts, a bit amazed]: Me? Oh, yeah . . . well, cool enough, I guess!
I mean, I don’t get any complaints!
COLE: I know . . . so I thought you’d know what to do, since girls say
you’re cute and all.
JARED [surprised]: They do? [with confidence] I mean . . . of course they do!
[pause] Has any particular girl said that?
COLE: That good-looking girl with the long red hair said she thought you
were “all that!”
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JARED [surprised and eager]: What girl? What’s her name?

COLE [casually]: I can’t remember . . . but anyway, lots of girls like you. Now
tell me how to get just one girl to go to the party with me!
JARED: Okay . . . we’ll get back to that redhead later. Now, about your friend.
[pause to think, proudly gets an idea] Just casually walk up to her and say,
“Hi, Sabrina! You look really great today.” Talk about anything, home-
work or whatever, for a couple of minutes, then spring it on her!
COLE: Spring what on her?
JARED: Flash your brightest smile and say, “Going to the dance with any-
one, Sabrina?” If she says yes, say, “Good, I’ll see you there!” BUT, if
she says no, say, “Oh, yes you are . . . you’re going with me!” And
COLE: That’s good! Thanks, Jared. I knew you’d know what to do!
JARED: Now . . . back to that redhead. You don’t remember her name?
COLE: I never heard it. All I know is that she’s Pat Elliot’s sister.
JARED: Marci Elliot? I can’t believe it! She’s the most popular girl in school!
And she likes me? Wow! I think I’ll ride my bike by her house right
COLE: Wait! I thought you said not to let on that you really like a girl?
JARED: When you get a little older, Cole, you’ll be a little wiser . . . like me!
Then you’ll know when to let ’em know you like ’em . . . and when
not to! [exits, saying, “Marci Elliot, are you a lucky girl or what?”]

1. What problem does Cole have in the play?

a. He needs to learn how to do the mambo.
b. He needs his brother to sign his report card.
c. He needs to have a new suit for the school dance.
d. He needs to ask a girl to the school dance.

2. Why does Cole think Jared can solve the problem?

a. Jared’s older and girls seem to like him.
b. Cole knows Jared has a sister named Marci.
c. Jared studied about girls in ancient Egypt.
d. Cole thinks Jared likes Sabrina’s mom.

3. What is Jared’s main problem in the play?

a. He has a crush on Sabrina’s mom.
b. He needs to find out the name of the red-haired girl.
c. His MP3 player broke.
d. His favorite shoes don’t fit anymore.
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4. How does Cole solve Jared’s problem?

a. He calls Sabrina to get the red-haired girl’s name.
b. He sees the red-haired girl’s picture in the school yearbook.
c. He spots the girl on TV giving the weather.
d. He remembers that her last name is Elliot.

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E M AC H I N E AG E

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) For centuries, people made by hand most of the things they needed or
wanted. They built houses, bridges, other structures, clothing, and furni-
ture from materials that nature provided. People made tools and home fur-
nishings in their homes or small workshops. They might make an extra or
two to sell. But there was a problem: Only one item could be made at a time.
Then in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, the Industrial
Revolution changed things forever. Goods were made by mass production.
(2) Mass production is the making of many items at one time. Rich people built
large factories. Inside, workers ran machines that turned out many copies
of the same product at the same time. Back when just one person made an
object, he or she had to gather the parts, prepare them, and put them
together. Sometimes, that meant using a different tool for each task. The
production process was slow. But mass production solved that problem.
Now each worker did just one task. And each task required just one tool.
The whole process took less time. Factory owners made more items and
sold them at lower prices.
(3) But mass production also created a problem. Some workers were bored,
doing the same job repeatedly, day after day. A few became so bored they
didn’t pay attention to what they were doing. They didn’t feel responsible
for the quality of the item because they had so little to do with the finished
product. People began to complain that the quality of some items was not
as good as before. That’s when robots came to the rescue.
(4) Robots are good for doing boring, repeating motions. The first industrial
robot was used in 1954. It was an electronically controlled arm that lifted
heavy things all day. Today robots still load and unload heavy items. But
they also weld metal parts together, mix dangerous chemicals, spray
paint, pack finished products, and even do guard duty! Mechanical work-
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ers increase production because they work day and night, without lunch
or vacation breaks! Robots do the work faster than humans do. But fac-
tories still need humans to program the computers that control the
mechanical mates!

5. According to the first paragraph, why was there a problem when people
made their own things by hand?
a. There were no natural materials for building homes.
b. Only one item could be made at a time.
c. No one knew how to make a table.
d. Only one person knew how to make a bridge.

6. How did the Industrial Revolution solve that problem?

a. More natural wood resources were discovered.
b. People discovered gold on the moon.
c. People went back to making one thing at a time.
d. Factories used machines for mass production.

7. Back when just one person made an object, it sometimes meant using
a. a different tool for each task.
b. the same tool for every task.
c. the same material with another worker.
d. a different color every time.

8. Which problem did mass production most likely cause?

a. Some cities had many factories.
b. Some workers were bored doing one thing over and over.
c. Many workers ate lunch.
d. Many factory owners had big offices.

9. Which problem did some bored workers cause?

a. The quality of products fell.
b. The number of products fell.
c. The quality of products increased.
d. The cost of products increased.
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10. How did robots solve a problem? Give at least three examples from
the article.





Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) The Ludingtons lived in New York, an American colony fighting for inde-
pendence from England. One rainy April night in 1777, a boy rode up
shouting, “Danbury’s burning!” He’d come from nearby Danbury, Con-
necticut. “The British have attacked the city!” he cried. “General George
Washington must send troops!”
(2) Mr. Ludington led the local Minutemen—live-at-home soldiers who were
ready to fight at a minute’s notice. He knew they could reach Danbury long
before Washington’s troops. But someone had to rally his men to gather for
battle. He sent his 16-year-old daughter Sybil to tell them. All night the
tired, frightened girl rode. She covered 40 miles (64 km), shouting from
house to house, “Danbury’s burning! Gather at Ludington’s!” She stopped
only to hide when she spotted any British soldiers. She knew they would
have captured her as a traitor!
(3) The next morning, the mud-splashed girl returned home. And 400 Min-
utemen marched against the British. When George Washington heard of
Sybil’s ride, he came to personally thank the brave young patriot.

11. Which is the main problem in the story?

a. General Washington needed the Minutemen to find him a horse.
b. Mr. Ludington needed to get a doctor to help Sybil.
c. Someone had to rally the Minutemen to meet at Ludington’s.
d. Sybil needed to find a date for the spring dance.
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12. What was the solution to the main problem?

a. Sybil asked her older brother to take a message to their dad.
b. Sybil rode to tell the Minutemen to gather at her house.
c. Mr. Ludington sent a text message to each of the Minutemen.
d. General Washington gave a speech to rally the troops.

13. How did Sybil solve the problem if she ran into any British soldiers?
a. She fought them off with a sword.
b. She fed them poisoned apples.
c. Her horse knocked them down.
d. She hid by the side of the road.


1. d
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. Three of the following: lift heavy things, weld, spray paint, pack products,
mix chemicals
11. c
12. b
13. d
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L E S S O N 20
making inferences

It is not really difficult to construct a series of inferences, each

dependent upon its predecessor and each simple in itself.

In this lesson, you’ll discover you can use what you already know, plus clues from
the text, to figure out things an author doesn’t tell you outright!

SOMETIMES AN AUTHOR doesn’t tell you exactly what’s happening, but

gives you clues so you can figure it out yourself.
An inference is a logical guess you make based on facts in the text plus
what you already know from life. Maybe you or a friend have had a similar
experience. Or maybe you read about something similar in a book or saw it in
a movie. You can put the facts and personal knowledge together to figure out
what’s going on and why characters act or feel the way they do.

A soaked Randy slipped inside the door and put his dripping umbrella
in the corner. As he crossed the room to our table, his shoes made a
squishy, squeaking sound. “What a day!” he moaned as he plopped into
a chair and grabbed a menu.

The author didn’t state what the weather was like or where the people were, but
you can infer the answers. Clues in the text and your own experiences help you
infer that a soaked Randy and dripping umbrella indicate it’s raining outside.
Randy going to a table and getting a menu helps you infer he’s in a restaurant!
Some people call making an inference “reading between the lines.”
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Making inferences helps good readers better understand the text. Inferring
also builds readers’ interest as they continue reading to find out if their infer-
ences were or weren’t correct.
An inference chart can help you track guesses as you read. List details you
find in the text, what you already know, and what you infer from them.

The text says . . . I know . . . So I infer that . . .

Randy is wet. you use umbrellas in rain. it’s raining hard.
shoes squish and squeak. you get soaked in
he has umbrella. rainstorms.
he comes inside. restaurants have menus. he’s in a restaurant.
he goes to “our” table. restaurants have tables.
he grabs a menu. people share tables in

P R AC T I C E 1 : N OT I C I N G N U M B E R S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) My math teacher, Mr. Reyman, always comes up with really great ideas.
Take for example our assignment last weekend. We thought he’d ask us to
study for the upcoming test. Instead, on Friday he says, “Some of you have
questioned our need to study fractions and how often people really use
them in everyday life. So to answer your query, I want you to go on a frac-
tion hunt this weekend!”
(2) Raquelita raises her hand and asks, “You mean bring in like part of a frac-
tion, like one shoe because it’s half of a whole pair?”
(3) “Or bring me,” Paco laughs, “since I play baseball, I’m 19 of a team?”
(4) “You’ve got it,” Mr. Reyman agrees. “Actually bring things or just draw
them. Your families can help. Let’s see who can find the most interesting!”
(5) At dinner that night, I tell Dad and Mom about the assignment. “Sounds
like fun,” Mom says. “I bought new shoes today. They’re size 612 .”
(6) “Great! I’m on my way!” I say as I draw a shoe with a 612 label inside.
(7) In the kitchen, I spot measuring cups with 14 , 12 , and 23 on them and a mea-
suring spoon labeled 13 . Dad brings in his toolbox and says, “Look in here.
You’ll find lots of fractions!” I do, wrenches labeled 14 , 165 , 38 , 167 , 169 , 58 , 11 3 13
16 , 4 , 16 ,
and 78 !
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(8) Over the next two days, we find many other things. Dad asks, “Did you
know hats come in fractional sizes?”
(9) “No, I usually see them labeled small, medium, and large!” I reply.
(10) Dad laughs and shows me his hat with a tag inside labeled 678 . “I used to
wear a 738 ,” he chuckles. “My head must be getting smaller . . . or maybe I
just had more hair then!”
(11) In the Sunday paper, I notice ads for sales, where things are 12 or 13 off. And
Sunday night Dad shows me something special he has with a fraction writ-
ten on it. “You can take this to school, but just be very careful with it,” he
says as he wraps it carefully in a soft cloth and puts it into a bag. “It’s one
of my favorites . . . and kind of rare.”
(12) Monday everyone brings bags of stuff and lots of pictures to class. Other
kids have wrenches, measuring utensils, and clothes. But no one else has
the special thing my Dad gave me. “Wow!” says Mr. Reyman when I take
it carefully out of the bag. “An old Beatles record!”
(13) He holds the record up for everyone to see. There, on the label, is the frac-
tion and some letters: 3313 RPM. Mr. Reyman explains that the letters stand
for Revolutions Per Minute . . . the number of times the record spins
around on a turntable each minute. He adds that today, CDs spin at
between 200 and 500 RPM and produce a cleaner, clearer sound.
(14) We all agree that fractions are useful and people do use them a lot in
everyday life. I wonder what fun assignment Mr. Reyman will think up

1. What can you infer from the first paragraph?

a. Mr. Reyman is a new teacher in the school.
b. The kids need to practice for the school musical.
c. There’s an important math test coming up soon.
d. Most of the kids don’t understand meteorology.

2. Why might you infer that the narrator’s father is bald?

a. He likes to wear hats.
b. He said he used to have more hair.
c. The narrator said he had a shiny head.
d. The hat fit the narrator.
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3. What can you infer about the fraction find?

a. Some kids couldn’t find anything with a fraction on it.
b. Raquelita found the most interesting item.
c. Paco brought in his whole team.
d. The Beatles record was the most interesting thing.

4. From the story, what can you infer about the narrator’s family?
a. They get along well together.
b. They argue a lot.
c. They live in a trailer.
d. They don’t have time to do things together.

P R AC T I C E 2 : A N C I E N T A N I M A L S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Dinosaurs are everywhere. You see them in movies, books, museums, and
TV documentaries. They show up as stuffed toys or on T-shirts. These pre-
historic beasts may be extinct—no longer living—but they’re definitely not
(2) It’s been a long time since dinosaurs roamed and ruled Earth. Scientists say
the last ones died about 65 million years ago. We know the dinosaurs are
gone, but no one knows exactly why. After all, no one was here to witness
what happened! Most scientists believe dinosaurs died out after a gigan-
tic meteorite hit Earth’s surface and drastically changed the planet’s cli-
mate. Birds and mammals that were protected by feathers and fur, were
better able to adapt to the weather changes than cold-blooded dinosaurs.
(3) Other scientists say dinosaurs aren’t extinct, they just look different! These
experts believe the prehistoric beasts changed and developed into birds!
Still other scientists say that Earth’s warmer weather caused more male
than female dinosaurs to develop. So, they say, dinosaurs died out because
there were no more females to increase the population!
(4) How do scientists know what dinosaurs looked like? There were no cam-
eras millions of years ago, so dinosaurs are the only ones who know . . .
and they’re not talking! Scientists get clues from dinosaur fossils, and infer
the rest.
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(5) Bones, footprints, and other remains are evidence of how big dinosaurs
were and how they moved. To figure out how they looked with their skin
on, scientists look at animals that live today. Because dinosaurs were
lizard-like, scientists can infer that dinosaurs looked a lot like modern-day
lizards. And since modern lizards are brown, gray, or green, then dinosaurs
probably were, too! That’s why dinosaur pictures and museum models
have the same colors as today’s lizard populations.
(6) Scientists are always discovering new things about dinosaurs. In recent
years, fossils were found in Antarctica, proving that dinosaurs lived on
every continent. Experts also figured out that Stegosaurus had only one
spread-out row of plates down its back, not two individual rows. And fos-
sils of the smallest and the largest dinosaurs have been found. What will
scientists discover next?

5. From the first paragraph, you can infer that

a. you can see dinosaurs only in museums.
b. all dinosaurs were very tall.
c. the author doesn’t like dinosaurs.
d. people of all ages are interested in dinosaurs.

6. Scientists found a rare blue lizard in Colombia, so you can infer that
a. the scientists were looking for missing people.
b. some dinosaurs might have been blue.
c. no dinosaurs had ever lived in Colombia.
d. the lizards built nests near the top of a volcano.

7. Since scientists are always discovering new things about dinosaurs, you
can infer that
a. they still might not have found the smallest or biggest dinosaurs.
b. science is no longer interested in looking for fossils.
c. prehistoric people left written records with descriptions of dinosaurs.
d. when scientists make inferences, they are always right.

8. What can you infer from the fact that Stegosaurus has just one row of
a. Stegosaurus wasn’t as old as scientists thought.
b. Old pictures and museum models of Stegosaurus had to be changed.
c. Someone stole the other row of plates from a museum.
d. Stegosaurus means “roof lizard.”
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9. What can you infer about lizard eggs?

a. Cooler temperatures should produce more female lizards.
b. Hot weather should produce female lizards.
c. Cold temperatures will produce more male lizards.
d. Hot weather will produce more orange lizards.

10. What can you infer about scientists?

a. They never watch TV.
b. All scientists study about dinosaurs.
c. They don’t always agree.
d. They never make mistakes.

P R AC T I C E 3 : TOA D S TO O L O R M U S H R O O M ?

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) All toadstools are mushrooms, but not all mushrooms are toadstools!
That’s because toadstools are mushrooms that are either poisonous or
have a bad taste. There are more than 2,000 mushroom species, and there’s
no simple test to tell the poisonous ones from those safe to eat! You just
have to learn to recognize which is which.
(2) Most toadstools aren’t deadly if eaten, but they’re likely to make you very
sick. For example, the Jack-o’-Lantern toadstool, whose bright orange cap
glows in the dark, might give you an upset stomach or diarrhea. But some
toadstools have deadly poison, and no amount of cooking can get rid of it.
They damage the liver and kidneys, and unless the eater gets immediate
treatment, he or she will die. That’s why experts warn, never eat a mush-
room you find growing anywhere unless you know it’s the safe kind.
(3) Some of the loveliest toadstools are deadly. For example, the fly agaric has
a bright yellow, orange, or red cap with white bumps on top. Some peo-
ple cut up this deadly beauty, sprinkle it with sugar, and tempt pesky flies
to drop in for a meal. If they do, they get the specialty of the house: instant

11. Which can you infer about mushrooms?

a. They are all poisonous.
b. They grow on soil.
c. They are all yellow.
d. They are all toadstools.
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12. After reading the article, what can you infer about blue mushrooms?
a. They are extremely poisonous.
b. They are always safe to eat.
c. They will upset your stomach.
d. I don’t have enough information to infer anything.

13. Which can you infer about mushrooms?

a. They are very expensive.
b. They are all flat.
c. People cook them.
d. They only grow under the ocean.


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. b
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. b
12. d
13. c
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L E S S O N 21
drawing conclusions

People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach

conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant.
HELEN KELLER (1880–1968)

In this lesson, you’ll discover that you use clues from the text, plus any infer-
ences you’ve made, to draw a conclusion about what’s true and what isn’t.

AFTER YOU MAKE one or more inferences, you can draw a conclusion—a
decision based on facts and inferences. Drawing a conclusion is kind of like solv-
ing a mystery. You put together clues, or facts, from the text and all the inferences
you made as you read it. Then you decide what’s true. But be careful: Sometimes
readers “jump to conclusions,” or make decisions, before they have all the

Bo heard a classmate say she’s going to Rome on summer vacation.
He knows there’s a famous city named Rome in Italy. So Bo sighs and
says to a friend, “Dad says the price of gas is so high that we can’t go
away this summer. I wish I were going someplace really interesting
. . . like Italy!”

Did Bo have enough information to draw that conclusion? No, he could infer
that she meant Italy, but his inference was wrong. He jumped to that conclusion
before he had all the facts. Imagine his surprise when he later finds out the girl
always spends summers in Rome, Ohio!
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Now, imagine you’re the person in this story. What inferences can you
make? What conclusion can you draw when you have all the facts?

I couldn’t believe it! I was set to go home and reached for my new jacket.
But it was gone! I hunted for it everywhere around my locker. Suddenly
I saw this kid walking out of school wearing a jacket just like mine!
“Hey!” I yelled, “Wait up!”

Could you infer that the other kid took your missing jacket? Yes, but you be
wrong and would be jumping to a conclusion. You need to ask questions and
maybe examine the jacket. You do, and discover it looks like yours, but it’s not.
But you can conclude that the other kid has really good fashion sense, like you!

P R AC T I C E 1 : G O O D E N O U G H F O R G R A N D M A ?

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Mom was busy in the kitchen when my brother Marco and I got home from
school Friday. “Did you remember your grandmother’s coming today?”
she asked.
(2) “Sure, Mom,” we laughed. “Didn’t you notice we cleaned our rooms?”
(3) Mom smiled. “Thanks. I know I shouldn’t be nervous, but my mother
hasn’t been here in almost six years! As I was growing up, her house
always looked perfect. So I want everything to be . . . well . . .”
(4) “Perfect,” I said with a smile. “What else can we do to help before she gets
(5) Mom looked around, “You two could set the table. Use the good china . . .
and be very careful with the glasses. . . . Grandma gave those to your dad
and me before you were born!”
(6) As Mom prepared a sumptuous meal, Marco and I set the table. We care-
fully put a plate, glass, and silverware at each place. I taught Marco how
to line up the forks on the left side of each plate and the knives and spoons
on the right. In the center of the table, we placed a set of tall white candles.
Then we stepped back and looked at our work. It seemed something was
missing. “What’s missing?” I asked Marco.
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(7) “Napkins?” he asked. “And I don’t think Mom would want us to use
paper ones!”
(8) We both laughed. Marco opened a drawer and took out the nice cloth nap-
kins Mom saved for special occasions. The soft white squares were folded
in the middle, and we placed one on each plate. “Do you think that looks
good enough?” I mumbled.
(9) “No,” Marco whispered. “Let’s make them look fancier. Remember that
restaurant we went to last year? Their napkins were folded to look like
crowns! Now that was elegant!”
(10) I nodded and unfolded the cloth napkin in front of me. “Look,” I said,
pointing to the creases in the cloth, “these lines make triangle shapes.
That gives me a great idea! Let’s do origami . . . that’ll make the napkins
(11) Marco looked confused, so I explained, “Origami’s a kind of folding art.
People usually use paper, but you can use cloth. You make boats, birds, or
flowers just by folding. No glue, tape, or staples are needed!”
(12) Mom overheard us. “I know how to make an origami bird and flower,” she
said. She quickly folded a napkin, then unfolded it to show us how the
shapes fit together.
(13) Just then, Dad came home from work and showed us how to make a
crown and a boat. “Okay,” he said, “in 20 minutes your Grandma will walk
through that door. Better get these napkins folded once and for all!”
(14) We did. We placed a different origami napkin on each plate. Now, the table
looked elegant! And just in time.
(15) Grandma arrived by taxi and shared hugs all around. She gave us gifts
from a bag labeled ORLY AIRPORT – PARIS. Then, as we walked into the din-
ing room, she said, “Oh, my, who fixed these fabulous folded napkins? I’ve
never seen anything so perfect!”
(16) We all smiled . . . happy that Grandma thought Mom’s home was perfect,

1. You can draw a conclusion that Marco is younger than the narrator
a. he wants to make the napkins look elegant.
b. the narrator and he come home from school together.
c. the narrator teaches him how to set a table and explains what origami is.
d. he opens the drawer to get out the napkins.
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186 organization of text

2. Why might you conclude that Grandma lives in France?

a. She came in a taxi.
b. She had a bag labeled PARIS.
c. She had not visited in six years.
d. She liked to hug people.

3. What conclusion can you draw about an everyday meal at Marco’s house?
a. His dad never cooks.
b. The family never has time to eat together.
c. His mother is not a very good cook.
d. The family uses paper napkins.

4. From the story, what can you conclude about the narrator and Marco?
a. They usually don’t keep their rooms clean!
b. They very seldom go to bed on time!
c. Spaghetti is their favorite food.
d. They were named after their father’s grandparents.

P R AC T I C E 2 : T I M E A F T E R T I M E

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) How do we know what time it is? Earth is divided into 24 time zones, one
for each hour in a day. All locations within one zone share the same time.

Marking Meridians

(2) How do we know where one time zone starts and another ends? Picture
the world as a large orange—not that color or fruitiness, just that shape.
Well, time zones are divided by meridians—imaginary lines that run from
the North Pole to the South Pole (the top of the orange to the bottom). The
meridians split the world into sections, like equal slices of orange. The
prime, or zero, meridian runs through Greenwich, England. By interna-
tional agreement in 1884, that’s been the starting point from which all time
is calculated.
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T i m e M a rc h e s O n

(3) Doesn’t it appear that the sun moves from east to west? Well, it doesn’t.
Earth actually turns from west to east as it rotates on its axis. And like Earth,
time moves from west to east. So from that prime meridian in Greenwich,
you add one hour for each time zone as you move east. You subtract one
hour for each zone as you move west.
(4) Let’s say you’re in London, England, and it’s 3 P.M. on Monday. You want
to know what time it is in Paris, France, to the east. Just add one hour for
each time zone between the two cities and you’ll discover it’s 4 P.M. on Mon-
day in Paris.
(5) If you want to know the time to the west, subtract an hour per zone. You
discover that when it’s 3 P.M. on Monday in London, it’s 10 A.M. in New
York, 9 A.M. in Chicago, 8 A.M. in Denver, and 7 A.M. in Los Angeles. Far-
ther west, across the Pacific Ocean, time continues to change hour by
hour. Finally, about halfway around the world from England, an imaginary
zigzag line forms the International Dateline . . . and suddenly it’s another
day! If it weren’t, you’d continue going west and get back to London
before you left! But instead, if it’s 3 P.M. on Monday in London, it’s 7 P.M.
on Tuesday in Hong Kong!

5. If you lived in Chicago, what could you conclude about time in Denver?
a. It would be one hour later than in Chicago.
b. It would be the same time as in Chicago.
c. It would be one hour earlier than in Chicago.
d. It would be one day earlier than in Chicago.

6. If it were noon in Chicago, what could you conclude?

a. It’s one hour earlier in Denver.
b. It’s one hour later in New York.
c. It’s already the next day somewhere in the world.
d. all of the above

7. You can conclude the time difference between Paris and Chicago is
a. 6 hours.
b. 7 hours.
c. 8 hours.
d. 9 hours.
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8. What can you conclude from the words, By international agreement . . . in

paragraph 2?
a. Some countries don’t have any time zones.
b. Only the most important countries have time zones.
c. All the countries of the world use these time zones.
d. Some people in the world live in two time zones.

9. After reading the article, the best conclusion I can draw is that
a. if you know the time in one place, you can figure out the time in other
b. it’s impossible to know what time it is halfway around the world.
c. you should use only shadows from the sun to figure out the exact time.
d. it should always be the same time everywhere!

P R AC T I C E 3 : YO U R C R OW N I N G G L O R Y

Read the selection, then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Human hair may be curly or straight, and either a blonde-haired person,
red, brown, black, white, or a mixture thereof. But everyone’s hair is rela-
tively the same in the way it grows.
(2) Hair is a threadlike structure that grows from the skin. Below the scalp, at
the bottom of each hair, is a tiny pit called a follicle. It leads down to the
hair’s root. Cells at the base of the root begin to move up. As they do, they
harden and become a strand of hair.
(3) The hair on your head grows in stages. Follicles actively produce hair for
three to six years, then rest for about three months. There’s an average of
100,000 hairs on the human head, and about 10% are resting at any given
time. We lose about 70–100 hairs every day from our resting follicles!
(4) Sometimes it seems your hair grows fast, but it normally grows less than
inch (13 mm) a month. Children’s hair grows faster than adults’ hair, and
everyone’s hair grows faster in summer than winter!

10. You can conclude that about 90% of the follicles on your head
a. are resting and not producing hair.
b. are too small to hold the root of a hair.
c. are producing hair at this time.
d. have been closed and can’t produce a hair.
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11. If it is winter, you can conclude that

a. your hair is growing slower than it did last summer.
b. your hair is growing faster than it did last summer.
c. your hair is growing the same as it did last summer.
d. you have fewer follicles than you had last summer.

12. What might you logically conclude about the growth of hair in summer?
a. More people get their hair cut in hot summer weather.
b. Cold weather makes plants and hair grow longer.
c. Wearing a hat in winter stops hair growth.
d. Heat and sweat make hair grow faster.


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. c
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. c
11. a
12. d
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L E S S O N 22

In three words I can sum up everything

I’ve learned about life: It goes on.

In this lesson, you’ll discover that you can retell a story in just a few sentences
and still hit the most important points!

A SUMMARY IS a short retelling of a story or an event. You summarize every

time you tell friends about your vacation or a movie you saw. You can’t tell
everything, so you tell what’s most important: the main idea and a few details.
Usually, you can do this in just a few sentences. Here’s an event and summary:

What Happened
Sara goes shopping at the mall over the weekend. She runs into an old
friend, Chris, who’d moved away last year. They have lunch together
and Sara discovers that Chris’s family will be moving back to town next
month, so he’ll be going to her school again. Chris says he hopes he’ll be
able to get back on the school soccer team since he’s on a winning team
where he’s been living.
Sara’s Summary: Guess who I ran into at the mall, whose family’s
moving back to town? Chris . . . and he thinks he’ll probably be back on
our soccer team!
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You can summarize a story or article; or just a part of it.

Archaeologists learn about the past by studying things ancient people
left behind. The people can be grouped by the technology they used:
Stone Age people used stone tools; Bronze Age people first made metal
tools. A painting or carving may show people in carts. That’s technology.
Scraps of material are clues to how people used technology to make
clothing. And written journals tell how people used technology to make
medicines from plants.
Summary: Scientists find evidence of how people used technology
during their lifetimes. Different technologies were used at different
times in history to make tools, clothing, art, vehicles, and medicines.

Posters, book covers, and ads are summaries. They give all the most impor-
tant information about something in a small space! Sometimes you have to write
or give an oral book report, and on many tests, you’re asked to write a short
essay about a selection. That’s why it’s important to learn to look for the most
important facts and sharpen your summarizing skills!

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E G I F T O F T H E M AG I

B a s e d o n a s t o r y by O. H e n r y

Read the selection; then answer the questions that follow.

(1) One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all she had. And the next day
would be Christmas. Della flopped down on the shabby old couch and
cried. She wanted so much to get something special for her husband Jim,
but she only had $1.87. Della stood and looked at herself in the mirror. Her
eyes were red. She didn’t want Jim to know she’d been crying. She let her
hair fall to its full length, almost to her knees, and began to brush it. Jim
loved her soft, long hair. The only thing he liked more was the gold watch
that had belonged to his father and grandfather.
(2) Suddenly Della had an idea. She piled her hair on top of her head, put on
her old brown jacket and hat, and fluttered out the door and down the steps
to the street. She stopped at a door that read: Madame Sofron, Hair Goods.
Della ran in and asked, “Will you buy my hair?”
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(3) “Take off your hat and let me see,” said Madame Sofron. She looked at
Della’s shiny hair and said, “I can give you 20 dollars.”
(4) For two hours, Della went from store to store, looking for a special gift for
Jim. At last, she found it . . . a simple gold watch chain. It would replace
the old leather strap he now used on his beloved watch!
(5) When Della got home, she fixed her head in short close-lying curls. She
looked in the mirror, satisfied with the new look. She had dinner ready by
7 o’clock, but Jim had not come home. Della began to worry; he was never
late. At last she heard him come up the steps. The door opened and in
walked Jim. “You’ve cut off your hair!” he said sadly when he saw Della.
(6) “I sold it,” said Della. “But I’m still me, aren’t I?”
(7) “Of course,” Jim said softly as he took a package from his coat pocket. “But
if you’ll unwrap this package you’ll see why I am sad.”
(8) Della’s fingers tore at the string and paper. Inside she found a set of combs
she’d once admired in a shop window. They were beautiful, with jeweled
rims that would have looked magnificent in her handsome, long hair.
(9) “Oh, Jim, how lovely,” she cried. “I shall wear them when my hair grows.
It grows fast. But see,” she added happily, “I have a gift for you!”
(10) Della held out the watch chain in her open palm. “I hunted all over town
to find it. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it!”
(11) Instead, Jim sat on the couch and began to laugh. “Oh, Della,” he said, “I
sold my watch to get the money to buy your combs!”
(12) Della sat beside him and together they laughed. They were happy, yet sad,
to know that each had given up a prized possession for the love of the
other. It was a special Christmas that year, a day filled with love.

1. A summary is a retelling of a story that

a. is always shorter than the original text.
b. must be at least two paragraphs long.
c. has no ending.
d. gives new information that was not in the story.

2. Which is the best one-sentence summary for paragraph 1?

a. Della is sad because Jim sold his watch.
b. Della is sad because she doesn’t have much money to buy a gift for
c. Della is sad because her mother can’t come to visit.
d. Della is sad because she has no new coat to wear.
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3. Which would NOT be important to include in a summary of the story?

a. Della has beautiful long hair.
b. Jim has a gold watch that belonged to his father and grandfather.
c. Della wanted something special for Jim.
d. Della and Jim lived in an apartment.

4. Which is the main idea of the story?

a. Della changes her hairstyle.
b. Jim and Della plan a special Christmas dinner.
c. Jim and Della sacrifice to get each other special gifts.
d. Della only has old clothing to wear.

5. Write a summary of the story. Try to summarize in just a few sentences.





P R AC T I C E 2 : WAT E R , WAT E R E V E R Y W H E R E !

Read the selection; then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Is a flood ever good news? How can it be? When river water overflows and
floods the land, people can lose their homes . . . even their lives! So to peo-
ple who live in flood-prone areas, a flood is always bad news. But in
ancient Egypt, things were different. The people looked forward to a
yearly flood and saw it as good news!
(2) Many Egyptians lived and farmed by the Nile River, which flooded every
summer. They eagerly anticipated the event because they knew that when
the water receded, the land would be better for crops. That’s because
floodwaters carry along washed-away soil and sediment, then drop it
somewhere else. There, the nutrients in the sediment sink into and nour-
ish the land. Then the farmland is richer and ready for crops.
(3) The Egyptians weren’t sure why the flood came each year. Many believed
it was a gift from the spirits, who sent great clouds of rain to fall near the
source of the Nile. But actually, that wasn’t the case. The annual flood was
caused by natural events that began high in the mountains of Ethiopia.
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(4) In June, strong winds from the South Atlantic Ocean blow over the rain-
forests of Africa. When the winds reach Ethiopia’s mountains, some of
which are 13,000 feet (4,000 m) high, giant rain clouds drop their contents
in huge thunderstorms. The rain continues and mountain streams fill to the
brim. Then the streams join together to form a sizeable river. It speeds along
to meet the Nile, carrying lots of soil and sediment with it. By July, the rush-
ing water reaches Egypt, where it produces a flood in the Nile.
(5) The yearly flooding of the Nile wasn’t all good news. Sometimes buildings
and fences were swept away and property lines disappeared. But landown-
ers just marked off their territories and put up new fences for another year.
(6) Today, floodwaters from Ethiopia are stopped soon after they reach Egypt.
A large dam on the river holds back the rushing, rising water and forms a
large lake. This is good news. Now buildings and fences aren’t swept
away. And today farmers can plant two crops a year instead of just one.
(7) But the dam is bad news, too. The waters of the yearly flood always kept
the fields fertile. Today, farmers use fertilizers that get into the mud and
water of the Nile. Fish that once thrived in the Nile are gone. And a seri-
ous disease is spread by snails that live in the slow-moving waters of the
great river.
(8) So back to our original question: Is a flood ever good news? As you can see,
it can be, if the good benefits outweigh the bad.

6. Which is the best one-sentence summary for paragraph 2?

a. A yearly flood in Egypt did a lot of damage.
b. A yearly flood in Egypt brought sediment that helped the land.
c. A yearly flood brought more people to Ethiopia.
d. A yearly flood in Egypt was caused by rain over the Pacific Ocean.

7. Which is the best summary for paragraph 4?

a. Winds from the Atlantic drop rain on Egypt at the source of the Nile.
The rain floods large cities near the river.
b. Rain over the Atlantic comes on shore in Egypt and floods the Nile.
c. Rain in France forms a river that travels to Egypt and dumps into the
Nile. Then the Nile floods Egyptian farmland beside the river.
d. Winds from the Atlantic drop rain on Ethiopia and rain-filled streams
form a river. It dumps into the Nile, which floods Egyptian farmland
beside the river.
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8. Which would be an important detail to include in a summary of the article?

a. The Nile River is in Egypt.
b. People sail boats on the Nile.
c. The capital of Ethiopia is Addis-Ababa.
d. The Mississippi River also floods sometimes.

9. Write a summary of the whole article. Try to summarize in just two or

three sentences.





P R AC T I C E 3 : F O O D S A R O U N D T H E WO R L D

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Why do people in different places eat different foods? One reason is that
humans store energy as starch or fat. People eat local plants that provide
starch and fat, but not all plants grow everywhere!
(2) Europe and the Middle East For thousands of years, people have used
wheat, a wild grass, as their main starch. In the Mediterranean, people use
olive oil to provide fat. In the north, few plants produce oils, so people use
animal fat.
(3) Asia Rice, a wild grass, is the main starch of Southeast Asia. In northern
Asia, it’s too cold to grow rice, so people use wheat. The Chinese cook with
soybean or peanut oils. In India, people use butter or sesame seed oil.
(4) The Americas Potatoes are the main starch in Peru and other places.
Corn, or maize, was once the main starch in North America. It still is in
(5) The Tropics Wheat, rice, corn, and potatoes are hard to grow in the trop-
ics. So many people use a starchy tuber called a yucca, manioc, or cassava.
Palm and coconut oil are also popular forms of fat in tropical regions.
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summarizing 197

10. Which is the best one-sentence summary of the section about Europe?
a. Most people eat yucca and get fats from corn oil.
b. Most people use rice to make bread and get fats from olives.
c. Most people use wheat to make bread and get fats from olive oil.
d. Most people use corn to make bread and get fats from yucca oil.

11. Which is the best summary of the whole article?

a. Local plants supply starch and fat for humans. So people in different
regions eat different foods, depending on what grows in their area.
b. Corn grows only in some places. People who can’t get corn eat olives
to get starch.
c. Local plants supply sugars for humans. So, people in all regions eat
sweet food that can be grown all over the world.
d. Rice grows almost anywhere. People who can’t get rice can get fats
from wheat.


1. a
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. Sample summary: Della sells her beautiful long hair to buy a chain for her
husband Jim’s gold watch and he sells the watch to buy combs for her
hair. Each gives up something special for the one they love.
6. b
7. d
8. a
9. Sample summary: Floods on the Nile in ancient Egypt made farmland fer-
tile with sediment carried by the water. Today a dam stops the flooding,
but modern fertilizers pollute the river and the water is home to disease-
carrying snails.
10. c
11. a
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S E C T I O N 4
elements of literature:
the facts about fiction

LITERARY ELEMENTS ARE some special things authors use to make their fic-
tion stories more interesting. Authors often choose words that may not mean
exactly what they say, or words that suggest a feeling rather than just state a fact.
And authors may use special words to help readers visualize people, places, and
events of a story. In this section of the book, you’ll discover how to

• analyze characters and settings.

• recognize the conflicts and solutions of a plot.
• identify the point of view.
• recognize the theme of a story.
• understand the use of imagery.
• analyze the use of flashback and foreshadowing.
• recognize the use of idioms, personification, and hyperbole.
• discern the difference between similes and metaphors.
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L E S S O N 23
character and setting

We can’t all be heroes because somebody has to sit

on the curb and clap as they go by.
WILL ROGERS (1879–1935)

In this lesson, you’ll discover who’s in a story, and when and where the events
take place are very important.

CHARACTERS ARE THE people, animals, or lifelike objects in a story. Since the
author makes up the characters, they can be anything he or she wishes, from
real-life humans to aliens to talking cars! Characters show what they’re like
through their words and actions, and how they respond to other characters.

In Persia, there lived two brothers: Casmir and Ali Baba. Brothers they
were, but as different as day and night. Casmir, the older brother,
married a rich woman, though she was often mean to him and others.
He became a wealthy merchant. But Ali Baba married a sweet girl who
was very, very poor. Love he had, but he had to work hard cutting wood
and selling it in the marketplace.

Each character, like those in Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves and other stories in this
book, has special traits, or qualities. One character may be tall, angry, and dis-
honest. Another may be gentle, thoughtful, and heroic. Having a variety of char-
acters in a story makes it more interesting.
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202 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

The setting of a story is where and when it takes place. In Ali Baba, it was
Persia. Most stories have more than one setting. Each is important to what hap-
pens in the story.

On Saturday morning, the family packed the car and left for a camping
trip on Mount Vista. Later that day, Mr. Maxim and the two boys left
their campsite and headed up the mountain. A sudden snowstorm
swept through the area that night. And Monday morning a distressed
Mrs. Maxim walked to the nearest state police post to report that her
husband and boys were missing.

Here the settings are the family home, the campsite, and the police station. As
you read, note different characters and settings, and how a setting can influence
what characters do or how they speak. For example, at home Mrs. Maxim
might be very calm and friendly, but at the police station, she may stammer or
cry as she speaks very formally to the officers.

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E F OX A N D T H E C R OW

A n Ae s o p ’s Fa b l e R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Crow landed high in a tree, holding in her beak a bit of meat she’d found
nearby. Below the tree walked Fox, who looked up when he heard a flut-
ter of leaves. He saw Crow and the meat dangling from her beak.
(2) Fox wanted the meat, so he deceitfully said to no one at all, “How hand-
some is that Crow! So beautiful and shiny are her feathers! Ah, if only
her voice were equal to her beauty, she would be considered the Queen
of Birds!”
(3) Now Crow, being very vain, heard Fox’s flattery of her appearance and was
pleased. But she was also anxious to prove him wrong about her voice. So
she opened her beak and let out a loud CAW, CAW, dropping the meat as
she did. Fox quickly picked it up and ate it. Then he looked up and
laughed, “My good Crow, your voice is alright . . . it’s your brain that’s lack-
ing!” And with that, he walked away, leaving the hungry Crow to feel sorry
for herself.
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character and setting 203

1. What is the setting of the story?

a. a fox’s den
b. a birdhouse
c. a tree
d. a boat on the river

2. Fox gets the meat from Crow because one of his character traits is being
a. helpful.
b. dishonest.
c. sad.
d. a good cook.

3. Which is NOT one of Crow’s character traits?

a. having feathers
b. being vain
c. having a loud voice
d. being smart

P R AC T I C E 2 : A N O P E N D O O R

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “Oh, well,” I sighed as I plopped down at the kitchen table. “There goes a
great chapter in my life!”
(2) Mom looked up from the batter she was mixing. “What’s the matter? Why
are you so down in the dumps?” she asked.
(3) “That was Mrs. Barberi on the phone. I didn’t make the debate team this
year!” I grumbled. “I don’t know why I didn’t do better!”
(4) “Come on, Sam, don’t be so hard on yourself!” Mom replied. “You know
there are money problems everywhere. The school had to limit funds for
some programs and the debate team was cut in half this year.”
(5) “I know . . . ,” I sighed. “But I still wanted to make it. I like debating, and
getting to go to other schools around the state to compete is a lot of fun! I
met a lot of new kids that way!”
(6) Mom smiled. “I know you did, but like people say, When life shuts a door in
your face, another door opens”!
(7) “I think it’s a window, Mom,” I said. “If a door closes a window opens.”
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(8) “Whatever,” Mom laughed. “The point is that something else will come
along . . . maybe even better, ’cause you don’t know what lies beyond that
door . . . I mean, window!”
(9) We were interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing in the living room.
“I’ll get it,” I said. “It’s probably Chris wanting to tell me about all the fun
stuff the rest of the debate team will do without me this year!”
(10) I picked up the phone, expecting to hear Chris’s voice. But it was some-
one else. I listened attentively, thanked the caller, and went into the
kitchen again.
(11) “You look funny . . . who was it . . . is something wrong?” asked Mom, and
she jumped up from the table.
(12) “Not wrong, just strange!” I replied. “That was Mr. Diaz, from school.”
(13) “So? What did he want?” Mom asked anxiously.
(14) “Me,” I replied with a smile. “He wants me to take the lead in the school
play! He said I was awesome at the auditions! I’d almost forgotten I tried
out this year . . . it was way before the holidays! Mom . . . I got the lead!”
(15) “You see, Sam,” Mom said as she grabbed me and we whirled in a circle.
“Another door opened and you’ll start a whole new chapter of your life!”
(16) “Window, Mom,” I sighed, “window!”

4. The main setting for this story is

a. a school.
b. a hallway.
c. a living room.
d. a kitchen.

5. What is the other setting of the story?

a. a school
b. a hallway
c. a living room
d. an auditorium

6. Which best describes Sam at the beginning of the story?

a. excited about getting on the debate team
b. depressed about not getting a part in the play
c. excited about trying out for the play
d. depressed about not getting on the debate team
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character and setting 205

7. Which is NOT a character trait of Sam’s mother?

a. concerned
b. annoyed
c. sympathetic
d. encouraging

8. Which best describes a trait both characters have?

a. sense of humor
b. distrust
c. disgust
d. jealousy

P R AC T I C E 3 : A S T U DY I N S C A R L E T

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m t h e s t o r y by A . C o n a n D oy l e

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It was 1878 and I had neither kith nor kin in England, much less money. I
stayed for some time in a London hotel, but needed to move to less expen-
sive housing. One day, I ran into Stamford, a friend from the army. “Dr.
Watson,” he said, “What have you been up to?”
(2) “Looking for lodgings,” I answered.
(3) “That’s strange,” he remarked. “A fellow I know is looking for someone to
go halves with him in some nice rooms which were too expensive for him.”
(4) “By Jove!” I cried. “ I am the very man for him!”
(5) Stamford looked rather strangely at me. “You don’t know Sherlock
Holmes yet,” he said. “Perhaps you would not care for him as a constant
(6) “Why, what is there against him?” I asked.
(7) “Oh, I didn’t say there was anything against him. As far as I know he is a
decent fellow enough, just a little . . . odd.”
(8) Stamford took me to the hospital where he worked to meet this Sherlock
Holmes. “Dr. Watson, Mr. Sherlock Holmes,” said Stamford, introducing
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(9) “How are you?” Holmes said cordially, gripping my hand with strength.
“You have been in Afghanistan, I observe.”
(10) “How on earth did you know that?” I asked in astonishment.
(11) “Never mind,” said he, chuckling to himself.
(12) Holmes seemed delighted at the idea of sharing rooms. “I have my eye on
a place in Baker Street,” he said. “Occasionally I do experiments. Would
that annoy you?”
(13) “By no means,” I said. “I get up at all sorts of hours, and am extremely
(14) “Oh, that’s all right!” he cried, with a merry laugh. “I think we may con-
sider the thing as settled—that is, if the rooms are agreeable to you.”
(15) They were, so we moved into 221B, Baker Street. As we settled in, Holmes
said, “You were surprised when I said, on our first meeting, that you had
come from Afghanistan.”
(16) “You were told, no doubt,” I declared.
(17) “Nothing of the sort,” he replied. “I arrived at the conclusion through
observation. You are a doctor, and I concluded by the tan of your skin that
you were just back from the eastern part of the world. Your face showed
that you had recently been sick, and your left arm was injured. I asked
myself, ‘Where in the east could an English army doctor have got his arm
wounded?’ Clearly in Afghanistan.”
(18) “It is simple enough as you explain it,” I said, smiling.

9. What is the main setting of this story?

a. London, England, in 1978
b. London, Ontario, in 1789
c. London, England, in 1878
d. London, England, in 1808

10. Who are the two main characters in the story?

a. Dr. Watson and Stamford
b. Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes
c. Sherlock Holmes and Stamford
d. none of the above
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character and setting 207

11. Which best describes the character of Sherlock Holmes?

a. unreasonable
b. gloomy
c. observant
d. dim-witted

12. Holmes proves he’s a considerate person when he

a. sees that Watson needs money and offers a loan.
b. notices Watson’s bad arm and offers him a cane.
c. asks if Watson would like to have lunch.
d. asks if doing experiments would annoy Watson.

13. In which setting does Holmes explain how he knew about Watson and
a. a hotel coffee shop
b. a Baker Street apartment
c. a London hospital
d. an army depot


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. d
5. c
6. d
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. c
12. d
13. b
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L E S S O N 24
plot: conflict and resolution

A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise.

Because that is how life is—full of surprises.

In this lesson, you’ll discover how events flow in sequence to create a story about
someone’s problem and how it gets solved!

A PLOT IS the sequence of events in a story. The beginning, or exposition,

explains a character’s conflict, or problem. The main part tells how the charac-
ter tries to solve the problem with rising action that leads to a climax, or turn-
ing point. That’s when someone usually realizes how to solve the problem. Then
there’s falling action that leads to the resolution, or end. It tells how the problem
is finally solved, or occasionally, it not solved. Some people might call that an
unhappy ending!
Here’s a look at plot parts, using the familiar story of the Pilgrims’ 1620
voyage on the Mayflower.
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210 elements of literature: the facts about fiction


Exposition tells the problem, or conflict Some people in seventeenth-
century England are persecuted.
They need to go somewhere safe.
Rising Action main part of the story In September 1620, some 102
people, along with their animals,
furniture, and supplies needed
for a new life, head for America
aboard Mayflower over rough
seas. On the grueling 65-day
voyage, many people are sick,
some die, and a baby is born.
Climax turning point toward a November 9: The crew spots land
solution to the problem off Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The
ship heads south to Virginia,
where Pilgrims have permission
to settle. Bad weather and
dangerously shallow water force
the captain to turn back north.
Falling Action events from the climax to November 11: The ship lands in
the solution Massachusetts. The Pilgrims come
ashore to explore the area. They
decide to settle in Plymouth, and
live on the ship while building
on shore.
Resolution problem is solved Early 1621: The Pilgrims move
into their new homes in America
at Plimouth Plantation.

Use a plot diagram like the one on the opposite page to follow the action
as you read. The graphic organizer will help you recall important facts for sum-
maries or test questions.
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plot: conflict and resolution 211






Exposition Resolution

P R AC T I C E 1 : N O E X I T

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) As the robot came closer, Zantur knew it would be almost impossible to
escape. He slipped around a corner and held his breath as the metallic
monitor clanked by. Zantur was determined to get out. . . . He didn’t
know why he’d let the others talk him into coming in the first place!
They knew of his fear, yet they persisted, taunting him until he agreed to
join them. But now . . . now he just couldn’t go through with it! He care-
fully peered around the corner. The robot was nowhere in sight, so Zan-
tur inched his way toward an EXIT sign flashing ahead of him. Just as he
reached out to unlatch the pod covering, the robot grabbed his arm.
“CAUGHT! CAUGHT!” it beeped loudly.
(2) People came rushing down the hall. “Aha! It was you!” someone shouted.
“Are you just getting here . . . trying to get in through a latched pod door?”
(3) Zantur pulled his arm from the robot’s clutch. “Ye-ye-yeah!” he stam-
mered. “Sorry to be late. I’m really looking forward to this!” Then he
forced a smile as he joined his graduating class in the dance room for the
prom. He looked at Debu and she shyly smiled. He so wished he wasn’t
afraid to ask her to dance!
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1. What is the main conflict in this story?

a. Zantur doesn’t want to go to the prom.
b. Zantur needs to hide from the robot monitor.
c. Zantur forgot to get Debu flowers for the dance.
d. Debu wants Zantur to ask her to dance.

2. Zantur plans to solve his problem by

a. taking dance lessons.
b. dismantling the robot.
c. escaping from the building.
d. playing in the dance band.

3. How does Zantur resolve the problem?

a. He opens the pod and escapes.
b. He doesn’t because he still has to go to the dance.
c. He decides he likes to dance.
d. He hides in a closet all night.


Ad a p t e d f ro m a R u s s i a n Fo l k Ta l e

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Mr. Moscov was a rich man who had many workers in his factory. He
treated them all well and they were fond of him. They knew he was hon-
est and would often ask for his advice.
(2) John and Joseph were two such workers. John was paid $4.00 a week, and
Joseph was paid $10.00. John’s job was very hard. He moved heavy fur-
niture and carried hefty boxes up and down the stairs. But Joseph only
worked in a nice office, writing letters for Moscov and keeping the busi-
ness records. So John often wondered why Joseph earned so much more
money. Finally, he decided to ask Mr. Moscov. “Sir, something puzzles me,”
John said. “Can you please explain?”
(3) John told Moscov what was bothering him. Moscov listened attentively,
then said, “Yes, I’ll explain the difference between your wages and Joseph’s,
but first, do something for me. Do you see that loaded wagon in the dri-
veway? Ask the driver, please, what he has in his load.”
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(4) John quickly went and did as he was asked. When he returned, he told
Moscov the wagon was loaded with wheat. “Where is the wheat going?”
asked Moscov.
(5) Again, John went outside to talk to the driver of the wagon. “The wheat
is to be delivered in the next town,” he reported when he returned.
(6) “And from where is the wheat coming?” Moscov asked.
(7) Once more John rushed outside, spoke to the wagon driver, and returned
with the answer. Then Moscov wanted to know how much grain was in
the load. As soon as John learned that, Moscov sent him back to ask how
much the wheat was worth per bushel! A very weary John shuffled out
again to the wagon. Altogether, he made six trips to get answers to
Moscov’s questions!
(8) Then Moscov sent for Joseph, who was in another room. “Joseph, please
run out to that driver and ask him what he has in his wagon. I want to
(9) Quickly, Joseph ran out and was back in less time than it took John to ask
his first question. “The driver is from Sinyava and is delivering a load of
wheat from Svod to Brod,” said Joseph. “He’s been on the road since early
morning and expects to arrive in Brod before nightfall. He’s carrying 120
bushels of wheat, worth 75 cents a bushel. But, he says. the wheat crop is
large this year, so he expects the price to fall before long. Is that all, Sir?”
(10) “Yes, thank you, Joseph,” said Moscov.
(11) When Joseph left the room, Moscov turned to John. “Now, John,” he said,
“do you understand why Joseph earns more money than you?”
(12) John nodded. “Yes, Sir,” he sighed, “he has to think while he works!”

4. The conflict in this story is that

a. Joseph wants more money.
b. Moscov has no time to listen to his employees.
c. John wants to know why he makes less money than Joseph.
d. John wants the driver of the wagon to come talk to Mosov.

5. How does John plan to resolve the conflict?

a. Threaten to quit his job.
b. Go on strike.
c. Offer to loan Joseph some money.
d. Ask Mr. Moscov why he pays Joseph more.
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214 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

6. Which is part of the rising action?

a. Mr. Moscov repeatedly sends John out to question a driver.
b. Joseph drives the wagon to Brod.
c. Mr. Moscov offers to buy the wheat.
d. John and Joseph exchange jobs.

7. The climax of the story is when

a. Joseph offers to work for less money.
b. Mr. Moscov sends Joseph to give a letter to the driver.
c. John helps the driver unload the wagon.
d. Joseph goes outside only once and gets all the answers.

8. The conflict is resolved when John realizes that

a. Joseph can carry heavy things, too!
b. Mr. Moscov doesn’t know why he pays Joseph more.
c. using your brain can be hard work, too!
d. the driver doesn’t own the wheat he’s delivering.

P R AC T I C E 3 : N O E X I T 2 : A P L OT C H A N G E

The beginning may start like “No Exit” on page 211, but then the plot twists and
the story changes!
Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) As the footsteps came closer, Ryan knew it would be almost impossible to
escape. He slipped around a corner and held his breath as footsteps hur-
ried by. He was determined to get out and get help. . . . He didn’t know
why he’d let the others talk him into coming in the first place! They had
persisted, taunting him until he had agreed to join them. Now . . . now he
just wanted out!
(2) Ryan cautiously peered around the corner. There was no one in sight, so
he inched his way down the silent hallway. It was so dark he could hardly
see where he was going. Then he saw a beam of light and ducked low,
crouching behind a large box just as someone came by. “Did you find him?”
a hoarse voice murmured from somewhere below.
(3) “No . . . I think he may have got out!” replied a nearby raspy voice. “But
he’s so scared he won’t talk!”
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(4) Ryan hardly breathed as the footsteps came closer, then faded away and
he heard a door close. He wondered where his friends were. Had they
been lucky enough to get out? For a moment, he was angry. After all, it’d
been their idea to come to this empty old house . . . the one people thought
was haunted!
(5) As a kid, Ryan was always afraid of the place . . . especially after his older
brother had said there were monsters inside. Now he was here . . . and his
so-called friends were somewhere else! They just wanted some scary fun,
they’d said. How could they have known the old house was a meeting spot
for drug dealers? How could they have anticipated running into a drug
deal in the making? But they had . . . and so they had scattered, with some
tough types chasing them! Now Ryan didn’t know if anyone got out safely
or not. But he was determined he would!
(6) All was quiet, so Ryan crept from room to room, looking for a way out.
Finally, he spotted an unboarded window that was broken. As silently and
carefully as possible, he slipped out. It was a long way down to the ground,
but somehow he made it. Ryan ran for his life! Once he felt safe, he called
911 on his cell phone.
(7) The police quietly arrived shortly after that. They busted up the drug
deal, arrested the dealers, and found the other kids.
(8) Ryan was happy to see that his friends were safe. They’d hunkered down
in the cellar and waited. “We knew you’d get help,” said his friend Greg.
(9) “Yeah?” replied Ryan. “Next time we might not be so lucky!”
(10) The stern voice of a police officer added, “There better never be a next time!”
(11) The next week, a crew tore down the old building to make way for a new
one. A sign at the site read HOME OF THE NEW COMMUNITY CENTER.

9. What is the conflict in this story?

a. Ryan is afraid of monsters.
b. Ryan and his friends need to have some fun.
c. Ryan needs to escape and call for help.
d. Ryan needs to borrow Greg’s cell phone.

10. Which is NOT part of the rising action?

a. Ryan hides from the person who’s chasing him.
b. Ryan creeps from room to room.
c. Ryan spots a broken window.
d. Ryan says he doesn’t want to go to the old house.
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11. The climax of the story is when

a. Ryan gets safely out and calls 911.
b. Ryan finds a window through which he can escape.
c. The friends hunker down in the cellar.
d. Ryan hides behind a big box in the hall.

12. Which is part of the falling action?

a. Ryan sees a light in the hallway.
b. Greg and the others walk in on a drug deal.
c. Ryan runs for his life and calls 911.
d. One of the dealers follows Ryan.

13. The conflict is resolved when

a. the police come to help Ryan and his friends.
b. a community center opens in town.
c. the police warn the kids not to come back.
d. the dealers leave in their car.


1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. d
11. b
12. c
13. a
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L E S S O N 25
point of view

You never really understand a person until

you consider things from his point of view.
HARPER LEE (1926–)

In this lesson, you’ll find that it’s important to know who’s telling you a story
because a narrator’s point of view can change how you feel about things you read.

A NARRATOR IS a person who tells a story. The narrator may be one of the
characters in the story, so readers learn what happened from that character’s
point of view. This is called the first-person point of view. The narrator uses
words like I, me, my, we, and our.

As soon as I walked into the room, I could tell something was wrong
with my computer. I took off my coat and sat down.

As soon as Maria and I walked into the room, we could tell something
was wrong with our computer. I took off my coat and sat down.

Sometimes the narrator isn’t a character in the story, but just someone look-
ing in from the outside and reporting what happened. This is called the third-
person point of view. The narrator uses words like he, she, they, and their.
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As soon as Maria and Mark walked into the room, they could tell
something was wrong with their computer. She took off her coat, hung it
up, and sat down.

There is a second-person point of view, but it’s not used very often in lit-
erature. The narrator talks directly to a character in the story and uses words like
you and your.

As soon as you walk into the room, you can tell something is wrong
with the computer. You take off your coat, hang it up, and sit down.

Literary works most commonly use either first- or third-person points of

view. Using a second-person point of view to tell a story tends to get tiresome.
So second-person is used more for giving directions, in personal letters, and
sometimes in advertisements.

P R AC T I C E 1 : D R AC U L A

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m t h e b o o k by B ra m S t o ke r

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) The carriage went at a hard pace straight along. Then we made a complete
turn and went along another straight road. It seemed to me that we were
simply going over and over the same ground again, so I took note of a land-
mark and found this was so. I would have liked to ask the driver what this
meant, but I feared to do so. By-and-by, however, as I was curious to know
how time was passing, I struck a match. By its flame, I looked at my
watch. It was a few minutes until midnight.
(2) Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farmhouse far down the road.
It was a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear. The sound was taken up
by another dog, and then another and another. Borne on the wind now
sighing softly through the Pass, a wild howling seemed to come from all
over the country through the gloom of night. The horses began to strain
and rear, but the driver quieted them down. Then, from the mountains on
each side of us rose a louder, sharper howling. It was that of wolves,
which affected both the horses and me in the same way.
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point of view 219

1. The most likely narrator of this selection is

a. the character who’s driving the carriage.
b. the character who owns the horses.
c. the farmer whose dog is howling.
d. the character who’s riding in the carriage.

2. Which words in the first paragraph were clues to the point of view?
a. they, driver, this
b. we, I, my
c. by, how, it
d. it, its, this

3. This selection is told from

a. a third-person point of view.
b. a second-person point of view.
c. a first-person point of view
d. a fourth-person point of view.

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E F L I G H T O F I C A R U S

A G re e k M y t h R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) In ancient Greece lived Daedalus, a talented and clever builder. He created
everything from palaces to playthings for the wealthy. One of his rich
clients was Minos, the King of Crete, an island in the Mediterranean.
(2) Minos was thought to be the richest and most powerful ruler of his time. He
hired Daedalus to design and build a special, intricate maze, or labyrinth, to
hold the Minotaur. It was a terrifying half-bull, half-human creature with a
great appetite for humans. Minos wanted the creature confined somewhere
in the maze so that it couldn’t escape and be a threat to his people.
(3) Daedalus designed a masterful, mysterious maze, and his young son
Icarus helped him create it. When the maze was finished, Minos had his
soldiers release the Minotaur into it. But Minos worried that someone
might find a way through the maze to release the creature. He had to make
sure no one else ever knew the secret of the maze. So, to guarantee that
Daedalus or Icarus could never reveal the secret, Minos imprisoned them
in a very high tower.
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(4) Daedalus looked around. The tower had no windows or doors from which
to escape. Only the top of the tower was open, spreading a ceiling of sky
above them. Through it, day-after-day, an archer sent arrows tied with
packets of food and tiny wax candles to help them see at night. The walls
were too high to climb. There was no way out!
(5) But the brilliant Daedalus devised a plan. Over time he and Icarus ate very
little and grew thinner and lighter. At night, they used only the light from
the moon and stars, and saved the tiny candles. Daedalus and Icarus used
the leftover food to attract some of the thousands of birds that migrated
across the sky above them. They plucked a single feather from each bird that
landed, knowing that one feather was not enough to stop them from flying.
(6) Daedalus explained to Icarus how the candle wax would hold the feath-
ers on their arms like wings. They waited for a perfect day, when strong
winds blew from the south . . . strong enough to carry them north toward
Athens. At last, that day arrived. As they prepared to leave, Daedalus
warned Icarus not to fly too high. “The heat of the sun could melt the wax
that holds your wing feathers in place,” he warned.
(7) Then the wind lifted Daedalus and Icarus off the tower and they soared like
birds high above the maze. Icarus flew higher and higher, enjoying the thrill
of flight so much that he forgot his father’s advice. The higher he flew, the
thinner the air, and soon he could hardly breathe. He was hot and confused.
Perhaps the height affected his brain. The sun began to melt the wax that held
the feathers on to his arms. Icarus flapped his arms but to no avail. He tum-
bled like a wounded bird into the sea. Only a few scattered feathers floated
on the water. Daedalus mourned his son, then continued on to safety.

4. Who is the narrator of this passage?

a. the character of Icarus
b. the character of Daedalus
c. a third person, not a character
d. the character of Minos

5. Which sentence is written from the first-person point of view?

a. The higher Icarus flew, the thinner the air, and soon he could hardly
b. The higher I flew, the thinner the air, and soon I could hardly breathe.
c. The higher you flew, the thinner the air, and soon you could hardly
d. The higher he flew, the thinner the air, and soon Icarus could hardly
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point of view 221

6. Which sentence is written from the second-person point of view?

a. The higher Icarus flew, the thinner the air, and soon he could hardly
b. The higher I flew, the thinner the air, and soon I could hardly breathe.
c. The higher you flew, the thinner the air, and soon you could hardly
d. The higher he flew, the thinner the air, and soon Icarus could hardly

7. Rewrite the second to last paragraph from the story in the first person, as
if you were Daedalus.
Daedalus explained to Icarus how the candle wax would hold the
feathers on their arms like wings. They waited for a perfect day, when
strong winds blew from the south . . . strong enough to carry them north
toward Athens. At last, that day arrived. As they prepared to leave,
Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high. “The heat of the sun could
melt the wax that holds your wing feathers in place,” he warned.






P R AC T I C E 3 : A J O U R N E Y TO T H E I N T E R I O R O F T H E E A RT H

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m t h e n ove l by J u l e s Ve r n e

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19. Fortunately, the wind blows violently, and has
enabled us to flee from the scene of the late terrible struggle. My uncle, Pro-
fessor Liedenbrock, began again to look impatiently around him. The voy-
age resumes its natural tone.
(2) THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. About noon, a distant noise is heard. I note the
fact without being able to explain it. It is a continuous roar. Three hours
pass. The roarings seem to come from a very distant waterfall and I remark
this to my uncle, who replies, “Axel, you may be right.”
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222 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

(3) Are we, then, speeding forward to some waterfall, which will throw us
down an abyss? This method of getting to the center of the earth may
please my uncle, but I prefer an ordinary horizontal movement. At any rate,
now the roarings are increasingly louder. Do they come from the sky or the
ocean? I look up. The sky is calm and motionless. I look out to the horizon,
which is unbroken and clear of all mist. If the noise is coming from a
waterfall and the ocean does flow headlong into a lower level, then the
water would move faster as a sign of the danger ahead. I quickly observe
the water. It moves at normal speed. I throw an empty bottle into the sea:
It lies still in the water.
(4) Hans climbs the mast to look out across the sea and points to the south, say-
ing: “Down there! I see a vast cone of water rising from the surface!”
(5) “Is it another sea beast?” I ask. “Then let us steer farther westward, for we
know something of the danger of coming across monsters of that sort.”
(6) “Let us go straight on, Axel,” replies my uncle, calmly.
(7) The nearer we approach, the higher the jets of water. What monster could
possibly fill itself with such a quantity of water, and spurt it up so contin-
uously? By evening, we are close enough to see its body—dark, enor-
mous, like a hill spread upon the sea as an island. Is it illusion or fear? Its
length seems to me a couple of thousand yards!
(8) What can this creature be, that no explorer who came here before made
note of? It lies motionless, as if asleep. The column of water it throws up
to a height of five hundred feet falls in rain with a deafening uproar. And
here we are, heading like lunatics to get near to a monster that a hundred
whales a day would not satisfy!

8. This selection is told from

a. a fourth-person point of view.
b. a third-person point of view.
c. a second-person point of view.
d. a first-person point of view

9. The narrator of the story is

a. Hans.
b. Axel.
c. Professor Liedenbrock.
d. the sea monster.
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point of view 223

10. Which sentence is written from the second-person point of view?

a. “Is it another sea beast?” I ask.
b. “Is it another sea beast?” Hans asks.
c. “Is it another sea beast?” you ask.
d. “Is it another sea beast?” they ask.

11. If Hans were the narrator, the story would probably be different because
a. he would tell what he personally saw, said, felt, and did.
b. he would tell more about how Axel was feeling.
c. it would be told from the third person point of view.
d. it would be more about the kinds of foods they ate on the voyage.

12. Rewrite this second paragraph from the story in the third person. Remem-
ber to change any necessary verb endings.
About noon, a distant noise is heard. I note the fact without being
able to explain it. It is a continuous roar. Three hours pass. The roarings
seem to come from a very distant waterfall and I remark this to my uncle,
who replies, “Axel, you may be right.”



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224 elements of literature: the facts about fiction


1. d
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. I explained to Icarus how the candle wax would hold the feathers on our
arms like wings. We waited for a perfect day, when strong winds blew
from the south . . . strong enough to carry us north toward Athens. At last,
that day arrived. As we prepared to leave, I warned Icarus not to fly too
high. “The heat of the sun could melt the wax that holds your wing feath-
ers in place,” I warned.
8. d
9. b
10. c
11. a
12. About noon, a distant noise is heard. Axel notes the fact without being
able to explain it. It is a continuous roar. Three hours pass. The roarings
seem to come from a very distant waterfall and Axel remarks this to his
uncle, who replies, “Axel, you may be right.”
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L E S S O N 26

I stick to simple themes. Love. Hate. No nuances.

JOHN WAYNE (1907–1979)

In this lesson, you’ll discover how to find the overall message an author gives
you in a selection.

THE THEME OF a story is the most important thing the author wants readers
to understand. It’s the author’s thoughts about a general belief of how things
are or how they should be. In fables, the theme is the moral, or lesson, the story
teaches. The moral may even be stated at the end of the story. Remember that
Aesop story about the Fox and Crow in Lesson 23? If the theme had been
stated, it would have been something like this: Don’t be distracted by flattery or
vain people can be easily fooled!
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Here are a few other familiar themes you’ll find in stories.

Don’t cry over spilled milk.
Believe in yourself.
Deeds speak louder than words.
Honesty is the best policy.
Justice for all.
Bad things sometimes happen to good people.
Don’t envy others; be happy with what you have.
Money can’t buy happiness.
Look before you leap.
To have a friend, you have to be a friend.
Don’t believe everything you hear.
Beauty is only skin-deep.

An author may not state the theme directly, but you can figure it out. Think about
what the characters in the story are like and what they do, and ask yourself ques-
tions like:

• Did something that happened in the story change a character?

• How do the characters’ actions relate to things in my life?
• What message is the author trying to send me?
• Does the title of the story give a clue to the theme?

P R AC T I C E 1 : “ S E A F E V E R ”

by J o h n M a s e f i e l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a gray mist on the sea’s face, and a gray dawn breaking.
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theme 227

I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull’s way and the whale’s way, where the wind’s like a whetted
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

1. What is the theme, or message, the author expresses in this poem?

a. Hard work never hurt anyone.
b. The simple things in life may be the best.
c. Everyone should learn to sail.
d. There should be freedom for all people.

2. What words are repeated to point out the theme?

a. and the
b. to the seas
c. all I ask
d. I must down

3. In your own life, according to the theme, if you

a. work harder, you can own your own boat.
b. look around, you’ll find simple things that make you happy.
c. like the sea, you will be very happy on shore.
d. don’t have a hobby, you should get one.

P R AC T I C E 2 : E PA M I N O N DA S

A Fo l k Ta l e R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Epaminondas lived with his mama in a little house on a hill. He was a
sweet boy, but as his mama always said, not the brightest bulb in the
lamp! Most days, Epaminondas went to visit his auntie. She lived on the
other side of the hill. He loved to walk through the forest and cross the
stream to her house. Most days she gave him something to take home.
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228 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

(2) One day Auntie gave Epaminondas half a cake. He grabbed it in his fists
and carried it home. When he got there, it was smeared all over his hands.
“What have you got there?” asked Mama.
(3) “Cake, Mama,” said Epaminondas.
(4) “Epaminondas, that’s no way to carry cake!” said Mama. “You wrap it in
clean leaves and put it in your hat. Now will you remember that?”
(5) “Yes, Mama,” said Epaminondas.
(6) The next week, Auntie gave Epaminondas some fresh, sweet butter. He
wrapped it in leaves and put it in his hat. It was a hot day. The butter began
to melt and when he got home, it was all over him. His mama cried,
“That’s no way to carry butter! You wrap it in leaves, cool it in the brook,
and carry it home! Will you remember that?”
(7) By and by, Auntie gave Epaminondas a puppy. He wrapped it in leaves,
cooled it in the brook, and carried it home. His mama rubbed the poor shiv-
ering pup with a soft towel and fed it warm soup. “That’s no way to treat
a puppy!” she said. “You tie a string around its neck, put it on the ground,
and walk it home! Will you remember?”
(8) “Yes, Mama,” said Epaminondas.
(9) Today, Auntie gave Epaminondas a freshly-baked loaf of bread. He tied a
string around it, put it on the ground, and walked home! The birds loved
it because there were enough crumbs on the ground to feed a flock for a
week! But when he got home, all he had left was a small, sticky lump of
bread stuck to the string!
(10) His mama shook her head and said, “No sense telling you any more,
Epaminondas! Now I’m going to get more bread from Auntie. You see
those pies cooling on the porch? They’re for the bake sale. While I’m gone,
you mind how you step in those pies!”
(11) Now we know she meant “be careful and don’t step in the pies,” but
Epaminondas minded his mama. He stepped right in the middle of each pie!
When his mama got home and saw the mess, she just laughed. “Oh,
Epaminondas, you ain’t got the brains you were born with . . . but I love
you anyway!” Then she gave him a big hug . . . and a slice of fresh bread.

4. Which best states the theme of this folk tale?

a. Do things the right way the first time.
b. Give unconditional love and accept differences in people.
c. Always bring your own groceries home.
d. Volunteer to help children visit their relatives.
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theme 229

5. Which character in the story most clearly states the author’s message?
a. Mama
b. Epaminondas
c. Auntie
d. none of the above

6. Which would most likely have been the theme if Auntie had given
Epaminondas a bag of money and he had lost it on the way home?
a. You can’t believe everything you hear!
b. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
c. Slow and steady wins the race.
d. Money can’t buy happiness.

7. The most likely theme, if Auntie gave Epaminondas milk and he dropped
it, is
a. better late than never.
b. don’t cry over spilled milk.
c. deeds speak louder than words.
d. everyone has some kind of talent.

8. Which other word describes the theme of the Epaminondas story?

a. compassion
b. loathing
c. panic
d. prosperity


A n Ae s o p ’s Fa b l e re t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “I’m the fastest animal around!” Hare boasted to all the other animals. “I
can run faster than anyone in the world!”
(2) “POOH!” Tortoise said with a sly smile. “Lots of us could beat you. Why,
I could even beat you in a race.”
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230 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

(3) All the animals laughed. Some of them thought they might be able to beat
Hare, but Tortoise? She was a slowpoke and always late, arriving just a lit-
tle ahead of Snail, who was the slowest! Hare thought the whole idea so
funny he fell down laughing. “You think you can beat ME?” he chuckled.
(4) “I KNOW I can!” replied Tortoise.
(5) “Okay,” Hare said, “let’s race from here to the lake right now!”
(6) Tortoise looked down the road. She was so short that she couldn’t actually
see the lake, but she knew how to get there.
(7) “Are we going to race or what?” Hare asked as he winked at the other
(8) “Let’s go!” replied Tortoise.
(9) “I’ll start the race for you,” said Goose. “When I honk, the race will begin.”
(10) Tortoise and Hare stood very still. All was quiet. Then . . . HONK! Hare
raced off, hopping down the road as fast as his legs would take him. Tor-
toise crawled away, lumbering down the road behind him as fast as her feet
would go. When he was about halfway to the lake, Hare stopped and
looked back. He could barely see the outline of Tortoise plodding along the
road far behind. “Man, that Tortoise will never catch me!” he laughed. “I
think I’ll take a nap!” So he curled up under a big apple tree and before
long, was fast asleep.
(11) When Hare finally awoke, he looked back down the road to see where Tor-
toise was. She was nowhere in sight. Then he looked ahead and couldn’t
believe his eyes! Tortoise was almost at the finish line! He jumped up and
ran as fast as he could, but he was too late. He arrived just as Tortoise
slowly crawled across the finish line, the winner.
(12) Amid cheers from the crowd, a smiling Tortoise said to Hare, “I may be
slow, much slower than you, but I don’t stop until I’m through. ’Cause no
matter how hard a hill is to climb, slow and steady wins every time!”

9. According to the theme of this fable,

a. it’s important to take time out to nap.
b. being a tortoise is much harder than being a goose.
c. keep going and you’ll reach your goal.
d. it’s important to win at any cost.
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theme 231

10. Which would most likely have been the theme if Tortoise had NOT won?
a. You can do anything you set your mind to.
b. Friendship is more important than anything.
c. Slow and steady wins the race.
d. Don’t overestimate your own ability.

11. Which one word best describes the theme of the fable?
a. recklessness
b. perseverance
c. admiration
d. extravagance

12. The most likely theme, if Hare had started before the HONK, would be
a. the early bird gets the worm.
b. all is fair in love and war.
c. keep your eye on the prize.
d. winners never cheat and cheaters never win.

13. Which messages does the author also get across in the selection?
a. Don’t brag about how good you are at something.
b. Don’t take anything for granted.
c. Think before you speak.
d. all of the above


1. b
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. d
11. b
12. d
13. d
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L E S S O N 27

To visualize is to see what is not there,

what is not real—a dream.

In this lesson, you’ll discover how authors choose words to create pictures in your

IMAGERY IS THE use of words to help readers visualize, or create pictures in

their minds, of people, places, and events in a story. Authors choose words that
appeal to readers’ five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. See the chart
on the following page for some examples.
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234 elements of literature: the facts about fiction


Marta saw tulips in the garden. Marta spied one bright yellow tulip
peeking its head above the others.
I heard the horn of a car as it came I was interrupted by the shrill blast of a
my way. horn as a car rushed toward me and
screeched to a stop.
We had to walk through the rain. We sloshed through the puddles as cold,
bone-chilling rain poured down harder
and harder.
In the kitchen, I smelled bacon As I came into the kitchen, I noted a
and onions. strong, sharp odor of onions and the
lingering fumes from frying bacon. My
mouth watered!
We bought some popcorn to eat at Lee carried the large bucket of fluffy,
the movie. crunchy, butter-dripping popcorn for us to
share as we watched the show.

Visualizing helps you connect with the text by picturing things you already
know. That, in turn, helps you better remember what you read. A word web like this
one can help you organize details as you visualize characters, settings, or events.

Sight Smell
yellow tulip flowers
car onion

Marta’s House
horn Taste
voices bacon

smooth door
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imagery 235

P R AC T I C E 1 : L O N E S H A D OW ’ S A DV E N T U R E

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It’s quiet on the prairie. The only thing Lone Shadow can hear is the beat-
ing of his heart. A few butterflies silently swoop down to rest on tall
grasses that spread out as far as the eye can see. Above, a few fluffy white
clouds float in an endless blue sky. A gentle breeze drifts past Lone
Shadow’s ear. Suddenly, there’s movement in the grass ahead!
(2) A frightened deer leaps past Lone Shadow’s shoulder and races off toward
a small clump of trees. Then he hears it . . . a rhythmic sound like his
heartbeat, only louder! The ground begins to tremble. He looks toward the
horizon and sees a swirling cloud of dust heading his way! Quickly he
turns and runs. The noise gets louder and the dust thicker, so thick he can
taste it! Just as he jumps into a deep ditch, a thundering herd of buffalo
rushes past.
(3) Once the herd has moved on, Lone Shadow walks to the place where he
had been standing. There’s a musty smell in the air above the grass, which
is now flat. “That could have been me!” he says. Quickly he runs back to
camp to tell the tribal leaders about the buffalo. . . . There will be a hunt

1. How did the author use sensory words to help readers visualize the char-
acter, setting, and events? Give at least one example from the text for each

Sight ____________________________________________________________

Hearing _________________________________________________________

Touch ___________________________________________________________

Smell ___________________________________________________________

Taste ____________________________________________________________
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236 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

2. Read this sentence from the text: Suddenly, there’s movement in the grass
ahead! Which of the following best adds imagery to help readers visualize
the situation?
a. Suddenly, there’s some kind of movement somewhere in the grass ahead!
b. Suddenly, Lone Shadow sees a flash of brown and white fur and hears
something panting in the grass ahead!
c. Suddenly, Lone Shadow sees an animal moving in the grass ahead!
d. Suddenly, the grass ahead begins to bend. . . . Something is moving it!

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E U G LY D U C K L I N G

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m a s t o r y by H a n s
C h r i s t i a n A n d e rs e n

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It was lovely summer weather in the country. The yellow corn, green oats,
and golden haystacks in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walk-
ing about on his long red legs, chattered in the Egyptian language that he
had learned from his mother. The cornfields and meadows were sur-
rounded by large forests with large brown tree trunks topped with green
leaves and bright blossoms. In the midst of the forests were deep pools of
clear, sapphire water.
(2) Beside the forests was a river, and close by stood a pleasant old farmhouse.
From the house, one could see down to the water, where great thistles grew
so high that under the tallest dark green leaves, a small child could stand
upright! This wild, secluded spot formed a snug retreat in which a duck
sat on a nest, waiting for her young brood to hatch.
(3) The duck was beginning to tire of her task, for the little ones were a long
time coming out of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors. The
other ducks much preferred swimming in the river than climbing the slip-
pery banks to sit under a thistle leaf and talk with her. She shifted on the
itchy twigs of her nest. Finally, she heard one shell crack, and then another
and another, and from each came a fuzzy creature that lifted its head and
cried, “Peep, peep!”
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imagery 237

(4) “Quack, quack,” said the mother as she stroked each soft, yellow duckling.
They looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. Their
mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good
for the eyes. “How large the world is,” said the young ducks, when they
found how much more room they had now than while inside their white
(5) “Do you imagine this is the whole world?” laughed their mother. “Wait till
you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that field, but I have never
ventured such a distance. Are you all out?” she continued, rising. “No, the
largest egg lies there still! I wonder how long this is to last; I am quite tired
of it!” Then she fluffed her feathers and seated herself again on the nest.

3. How does the author help readers “visualize” the stork?

a. by telling about its nest and what its eating
b. by telling about the color of its feathers and eyes
c. by telling the size and color of its legs and how it’s talking
d. by telling what it does when it sees the duck

4. How does the author help readers visualize the meadow?

a. by explaining how each of the buildings is used
b. by describing the colors of plants and other things
c. by telling how old the trees are
d. by describing all the fish

5. Read this sentence from the text: It was lovely summer weather in the coun-
try. Which of the following best adds imagery to help readers visualize
the setting?
a. It was lovely warm summer weather in the country.
b. It was a warm, summer day and the sun’s rays bathed the countryside
in a soft, golden light.
c. It was nice summer weather with plenty of sunshine all over the
d. It was a hot summer day, so hot that the city streets were steaming.
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238 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

6. Read this sentence from the text: Beside the forests was a river, and close by
stood a pleasant old farmhouse. Which of the following best adds imagery to
help readers visualize the place?
a. Beside the trees runs a river, and not far away is an old farmhouse.
b. Beside the forests of trees was a long river, and close by the river there
was a nice but old farmhouse.
c. A bubbling river raced beside the forests, spilling its liquid over
smooth white rocks below a steep hill on which sat an old abandoned,
red farmhouse.
d. Along the sides of the forests was a rocky river, and further down the
path there was an old white farmhouse.

7. What sounds does the author use to appeal to readers’ sense of hearing?
a. cracking of the eggs
b. peeping of the ducklings
c. quacking of the mother duck
d. all of the above

8. How did the author appeal to the readers’ sense of touch? Give examples
from the text to support your ideas.




P R AC T I C E 3 : S TO RY O F M Y L I F E

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m t h e a u t o b i o g ra p hy of
H e l e n Ke l l e r

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880. A childhood illness left her blind and
deaf, living in a silent, dark world where she often had frightening fits of anger.
Then Anne Sullivan came to be her teacher. Helen not only learned to read, she
graduated from college and was an active author and lecturer until her death in
1968. The following is from her autobiography.
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imagery 239

(2) I lived, up to the time of the illness, in a tiny house consisting of a large
square room and a small one, in which the servant slept. It is a custom in
the South to build a small house near the family home as an addition to be
used on occasion. Such a house my father built after the Civil War, and
when he married my mother they went to live in it.
(3) The little house was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and
honeysuckles. It was a favorite meeting place for hummingbirds and bees.
The Keller main house, where the family lived, was a few steps from our
little one. The homestead was called “Ivy Green” because the house and
the surrounding trees and fences were covered with beautiful English ivy.
The old-fashioned garden was the paradise of my childhood.
(4) Even in the days before my teacher came, I used to feel along the square
stiff boxwood hedges, and, guided by the sense of smell, would find the
first violets and lilies in the garden. There, too, after a fit of temper, I went
to find comfort and to hide my hot face in the cool leaves and grass. What
joy it was to lose myself in that garden, to wander happily until, coming
upon a beautiful vine, I recognized it by its leaves and blossoms, and
knew it covered the tumble-down summer house at the farther end of the
garden! Here, also, were rare sweet flowers called butterfly lilies, because
their fragile petals resemble butterflies’ wings. But the roses—they were
loveliest of all. Never have I found since such roses as those that hung from
our porch. They filled the air with fragrance, and in the early morning, all
washed by dew, they felt so soft.
(5) They tell me I walked the day I was a year old. I was suddenly attracted
by the flickering shadows of leaves that danced in the sunlight on the
smooth floor. But these happy days did not last long. One brief spring,
filled with the music of robins and mockingbirds, one summer rich in fruit
and roses, one autumn of gold and crimson, sped by and left their gifts at
the feet of a delighted child.
(6) Then, in the dreary month of February, came the illness, which closed my
eyes and ears and plunged me into the unconsciousness of a newborn baby.
The doctor thought I could not live. But early one morning, the fever left
me as suddenly and mysteriously as it had come. There was great rejoic-
ing in the family that morning. But no one, not even the doctor, knew that
I should never see or hear again.
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240 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

9. How does the author use imagery to help readers “see” her?
a. by telling when her father built the house and when he and her mother
moved into it
b. by describing the first time she walked, how she hid when she was
angry, and how she felt her way along the hedges
c. by describing the furniture in the two rooms of the house and where
she ate her meals
d. by telling what Anne Sullivan looked like and how she taught Helen to

10. How did the author use sensory words to help readers visualize the set-
ting and events in her life? Give at least two examples from the text for
each sense listed.

Sight __________________________________________________________

Hearing _______________________________________________________

Touch _________________________________________________________

Smell __________________________________________________________

11. How does the author use imagery to help readers understand what it
must be like to be unable to hear or see?
a. by mentioning that a teacher came to help her
b. by comparing it to the unconsciousness of a newborn baby
c. by comparing the garden to when she learned to walk
d. by telling about hearing the mockingbird sing
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imagery 241


1. You should have at least one of these: Sight—tall grass, white clouds, blue
sky, butterflies, deer, clump of trees, cloud of dust, buffalo, flattened grass.
Hearing—beating heart, thunder of hoofs, Lone Shadow’s voice. Touch—
breeze, frightened deer brushing shoulder. Smell—musty. Taste—dust
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. slippery, itchy, fizzy, soft, fluffed
9. b
10. You should have at least two of these: Sight—tiny, square, small, leaves,
grass, vines, roses, honeysuckles, hummingbirds, bees, ivy, trees, fences,
hedges, tumble-down summer house, butterfly wings, flickering shad-
ows, sunlight, fruit, gold, crimson. Hearing—humming of hummingbirds,
music of robins and mockingbirds. Touch—stiff, temper (anger), hot, cool,
fragile petals, wet dew, soft, smooth, dreary. Smell—violets, lilies, fra-
grance of roses, sweet butterfly lilies
11. b
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L E S S O N 28
flashback and foreshadowing

The future is an unknown, but a somewhat predictable unknown.

To look to the future we must first look back upon the past.

In this lesson, you’ll find that sometimes authors want you to know what hap-
pened before . . . or what’s going to happen later!

FLASHBACKS INTERRUPT WHAT’S going on in a story to tell about some-

thing that happened in the past. Authors use words like “He remembered
when . . .” or “She thought about that time last year when . . .” Authors some-
times signal when the flashback is over by using words like Now or Today. A
flashback gives readers a deeper understanding of a character’s personality.

“You’re getting it. Good girl!” Anya cheered as she ran beside her little
sister. Anya smiled, remembering when her dad had taught her to ride a
bike. She could still see him running beside her, even when he didn’t
need to anymore! He’d always been so protective. But now, he was gone
and she alone had to take care of the family. “I still need you, Dad,” she

Flashbacks can give you information about a character to help you figure out
his or her motives, or reasons, for doing things. This example would help you
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244 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

understand why Anya might turn down a chance to travel with a band, even
though that was her dream.
Foreshadowing gives readers clues about what might happen later in a
story. Authors use foreshadowing to build suspense, tempt readers to predict
what might happen, and persuade them to read on to find out if they were right.
Think about it. Even as a little kid, no one had to tell you that when Mrs. Rab-
bit told Peter, “Don’t go into Mr. MacGregor’s garden,” he’d go . . . and get into
trouble! The author’s words foreshadowed danger.

I looked at the speedometer. . . . Paul was driving even faster. “Please
slow down,” I said. “We’re coming to a really bad curve in the road!”
But he didn’t slow down and the snow was drifting higher and higher. I
could hardly see the road!

Foreshadowing also “sets up” future events so you’re prepared for them and
they make sense. You don’t know why the author mentions snowdrifts until later
in the story, when the car hits a snowdrift that stops the vehicle from going over
a cliff!

P R AC T I C E 1 : T H E G R A S S H O P P E R A N D T H E A N T

A n Ae s o p ’s Fa b l e R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) One fine summer day, Grasshopper was hopping about in the field. As he
chirped and danced, he spied Ant carrying a big kernel of corn to his nest.
Grasshopper watched as Ant came back, lifted another kernel, then carried
it to the nest as well. This happened repeatedly. Finally, Grasshopper
asked, “Ant, why do you work so hard on such a lovely day?”
(2) “Soon it will be winter,” replied Ant. “I’m gathering food for my family. I
suggest you do the same!”
(3) “Why bother about winter?” asked Grasshopper. “There’s plenty of food
in the fields now!”
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flashback and foreshadowing 245

(4) Ant remembered last winter and how deep snow had covered everything.
There had been no way to get out of his anthill, let alone try to find food!
Now, an even worse winter was predicted. “You’ll feel differently when the
big snow comes!” said Ant, as he shook his head and walked away.
(5) When winter came, Grasshopper had no food. The fields were covered
with deep snow. Grasshopper was very hungry and sad, knowing that Ant
had food enough because he had worked hard to prepare in advance.

1. In this fable, the author uses flashback to have

a. Grasshopper remember a song he used to sing.
b. Ant remember where Grasshopper used to live.
c. Ant remember how bad last winter was.
d. Grasshopper remember where he hid seeds during the summer.

2. Which best foreshadowed what might happen in the story?

a. Grasshopper hopped about in the field.
b. An even worse winter was predicted.
c. Ant walked away.
d. Grasshopper chirped.

3. Based on the story, which do you predict could NOT happen?

a. Grasshopper begs Ant for just a small bit of food.
b. Ant feels sorry for Grasshopper and gives him food.
c. Grasshopper digs under the snow and finds lots of food.
d. Grasshopper gets weaker without any food.

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E FA L L O F T H E H O U S E O F U S H E R

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m t h e s t o r y by E d g a r A l l a n Po e

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) During a dull, dark, and soundless day in autumn, I was passing alone, on
horseback, through a dreary tract of country. At length I found myself
within view of the melancholy House of Usher. With the first glimpse of
the building, a sense of insufferable gloom spread through me. I looked
upon the house and its bleak walls with vacant eye-like windows and a few
white trunks of decayed trees with utter depression. What was it, I paused
to think, that so unnerved me about the House of Usher?
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(2) I reined my horse to the steep brink of a black mirror-like mountain lake
that lay by the house. I looked down with a shudder upon the inverted
images of the gray marsh plants, ghastly tree stems, and vacant eye-like
windows. Nevertheless, in this gloomy mansion I intended to spend some
weeks. Its owner, Roderick Usher, had been one of my close companions
in boyhood, but many years had elapsed since our last meeting.
(3) I called to mind the letter I had lately received from Roderick that indicated
an uneasiness. He had spoken of an illness, a mental disorder, that
depressed him. He also expressed an earnest hope that if he were to see me,
his best friend, it would both cheer him up and improve his health. It had
been his straightforward manner and truthfulness about the situation that
compelled me to honor his request without hesitation.
(4) As boys, we had been even closer, yet I knew very little of my friend. He
had always been quite shy and not forthcoming about his situation. I was,
of course, aware that for generations his family had been noted for its some-
what peculiar temperament and involvement in the arts, although more
often the unusual rather than the typical styles of art and music. I had
learned, too, that in the minds of the peasantry, over the centuries, the fam-
ily had always been thought a bit strange. According to the local people,
both the mansion and the family were referred to as “The House of Usher.”
(5) Now, I was here, looking down into the mountain pool. I again lifted my
eyes to the house itself from its image in the pool, and scanned the build-
ing more closely.
(6) The years of weather had discolored the stonework. Minute molds over-
spread the exterior, hanging from the masonry in a fine tangled web. No
portion of the walls had fallen but there was a great inconsistency between
the overall look and the crumbling condition of individual stones. It
reminded me of old woodwork that rots for many years, with no breakage.
Perhaps the eye of a more observant person might have seen a barely vis-
ible split, which extended from the front roof of the building down the wall
in a zigzag direction, until it became lost in the dark waters of the moun-
tain pool! I, obviously, did not!

4. In this selection, the author uses flashback to have the narrator

a. remember a similar house where he had grown up.
b. recall what was in a letter he had received.
c. recall how he had almost drowned in a mountain pool.
d. remember when he had visited Roderick in the hospital.
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flashback and foreshadowing 247

5. The author also uses flashback to have the narrator explain

a. what the local people thought of Roderick’s family.
b. what kinds of games he and Roderick used to play as children.
c. how long it took for Roderick’s family to built the old house.
d. where Roderick’s mother and father were.

6. Which of these is NOT an example of foreshadowing in the selection?

a. a sense of insufferable gloom
b. the steep brink of a lake
c. gray marsh plants
d. a barely visible split in the wall

7. Which do you predict best foreshadows what might happen later in the
a. that it’s an autumn day
b. that the windows look like eyes
c. that the side of the house has a split
d. that the narrator’s riding a horse

8. Based on the selection, which do you predict could NOT happen?

a. The narrator finds that Roderick is sick and needs his help.
b. The narrator finds things inside the House of Usher as creepy as on the
c. The narrator worries about his own safety in the House of Usher.
d. The narrator has a pleasant, uneventful stay at the House of Usher.

P R AC T I C E 3 : S I G N S O F T H E T I M E S

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “It’s going to be one of those days,” Marek thought to himself as he looked up
at the board labeled DEPARTURES. His flight was delayed. He thought back
to how the day had begun. When he woke up, the sun had been shining
brightly and robins that had built a nest outside his window were chirp-
ing loudly. He’d jumped out of bed, anxious to start the first day of his
vacation. But he’d tripped over the clothes he’d carelessly dropped on the
floor the night before and banged his knee on the closet door.
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(2) Now he sat at the airport thinking, “I guess I should have known this morn-
ing! Maybe it was an omen.” He wasn’t exactly sure what an omen was, but
his mom always said that when things went wrong, so he figured it fit! He
pulled his cell from his backpack. Quickly, he sent a text to his mom at
work, alerting her that although he should be in the air on the way to his
dad’s place in Florida, he hadn’t left the ground. Next, he sent a message
to his dad, so he wouldn’t be waiting at the airport in Florida for a flight
that didn’t come.
(3) When he was finished, Marek went to look for something to eat. He
thought about the last time he’d gone on vacation with both Mom and Dad.
They’d gone to that new theme park and had a great time. That had been
the last time Dad had taken any real time off. . . . Mom insisted he worked
too much. Then things changed, and now he was caught between two
homes . . . the one he shared with Mom and the one we visited to see Dad.
(4) Marek looked out the window and saw that everything was covered in a
thick blanket of fog! Just then, he heard an announcement: “Due to the fog,
all flights are delayed.” Could this be another omen? he wondered.
(5) For hours, Marek and the other passengers waited for news. The fog
remained. No flights. Then Marek heard his cell. It was his dad. “Listen,
you’re still stuck up there and now they’re forecasting a hurricane down
here. I want you to have a great vacation, so why don’t I come up there? . . .
We can spend some time together, then fly here together next week. I can
grab a flight now. . . . They say by the time we get up there, the fog will have
lifted and we can land. What do you think?”
(6) “I think it would be great, Dad!” Marek replied, wondering what Mom
would think. “Can’t wait to see you!”
(7) Marek called his mom, relaying the change in plans. She told him to stay
at the airport and she’d come to pick him . . . and his dad . . . up. Slowly,
the fog lifted, and was totally gone when his dad landed and his mom
picked them up.
(8) On the way home, Marek noticed that Mom seemed happy to see Dad . . .
and he seemed happy to see her. They laughed and talked about “the old
days” all the way home. “Maybe Dad was supposed to come here instead of me
going there . . . maybe this whole thing was an omen. Could it mean they’ll get back
together?” Marek wondered.
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flashback and foreshadowing 249

9. The author uses flashback to have Marek

a. remember when he and his mother moved into the house.
b. recall that his father had been a champion swimmer.
c. recall when he tripped over his clothes that morning.
d. remember where he had hidden his old suitcase.

10. The author also uses flashback to have Marek explain

a. why he likes Florida better than the place where he lives.
b. what his life had been like before his mom and sad split up.
c. how the airports had changed since the last time he was there.
d. why he didn’t like hamburgers.

11. Which best foreshadows that something important would happen later in
the story?
a. Marek tripping over his clothes
b. Marek hearing the birds chirping
c. the foggy skies
d. Mom being at work

12. Which foreshadows that Marek will discover that his dad has changed?
a. Dad offers to take days off work to spend with Marek.
b. Marek goes to find something to eat.
c. Dad once took the family to a theme park.
d. It’s the first day of Marek’s vacation.


1. c
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. c
8. d
9. c
10. b
11. c
12. a
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L E S S O N 29
figurative language: idiom,
personification, hyperbole
It’s a strange world of language in which skating
on thin ice can get you into hot water.
FRANKLIN P. JONES (1853–1935)

In this lesson, you’ll discover three special ways authors use words to add inter-
est to their stories.

AS YOU KNOW, authors use words to help readers create images in their
minds. Most words are literal—they mean what they say. But sometimes authors
use more creative, or figurative, language, like idioms, personification, and
An idiom is a group of words that doesn’t mean exactly what it says.

“That homework we had last night was a piece of cake!” Bill said.

Does Bill mean that the teacher handed out cake for the class to eat as home-
work? No, of course not. “A piece of cake” means the task was easy. Look for
content clues to help you figure out the meanings of idioms.
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Idiom Meaning
She feels down in the dumps. She feels sad, unhappy, discouraged.
When I told them, they were all ears! They paid attention and listened.
Don’t be such a couch potato! Don’t be lazy, inactive.
Don’t let the cat out of the bag! Don’t tell the secret.
Wow, that was a close shave! A narrow escape; almost got caught.
She has a chip on her shoulder! Is resentful, holds a grudge.

Personification gives human qualities to animals or objects.

“I cannot see in this tall grass, Moon,” cried the tiger. So Moon smiled
down while Wind puffed her cheeks and blew the grass aside.

In this example, the tiger has the human ability to speak, the Moon can smile,
and the Wind has human-like cheeks and a mouth. Readers relate to the actions
because they share the qualities. Personification adds interest to some stories,
especially fables and myths that teach lessons about life and human behavior.
Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration to make a point.

“This suitcase weighs a ton!” Ray grumbled. “No wonder my back hurts!”

Does the suitcase really weigh a ton? Not likely, since a ton is 2,000 pounds! But
the author wants to make the point that the suitcase is really heavy. Don’t you
wonder what’s in it? The author hopes you do!


A Legend Retold

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Folks say that one spring, the lumberjacks up North had cut down so many
trees that there was the biggest logjam ever seen. There must have been a
zillion logs crammed together 200 feet high by the bend of the river! The
loggers chopped, sawed, and tugged at the wood, but they couldn’t budge
that jam one inch. That’s when the call went out to get Paul Bunyan, the
greatest logger who ever lived.
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(2) It was raining cats and dogs as Paul and his faithful Blue Ox, Babe, arrived.
Suddenly the rain stopped and Paul led Babe to the front of the huge log
pile. “You stay here,” Paul said. “Okay,” Babe replied with a nod of her
head. Then Paul took a slingshot and fired bits of feathers at Babe, who
thought she was being attacked by pesky flies. Babe began to swish her big
old tail back and forth. It stirred up the river so much that the water
turned and flowed upstream, taking the logs with it! The giant jam was bro-
ken! When Paul called Babe out of the water, the logs turned again and
began to float back downstream to the mill!

1. The idiom raining cats and dogs means

a. toy puppies and kittens fell from the sky.
b. it was raining very hard.
c. the message was sent quickly.
d. people were talking very fast.

2. The author uses personification by

a. making the river water go upstream.
b. saying the loggers called for Paul Bunyan.
c. having Paul talk to Babe.
d. having Babe talk to Paul.

3. Which is an example of hyperbole?

a. swish her big old tail
b. couldn’t budge that jam one inch
c. there must have been a zillion logs
d. attacked by pesky flies

P R AC T I C E 2 : L E T T E R TO A F R I E N D

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

Hey, Jen,
(1) Hope you’re not burning the midnight oil studying. I sure wish you were
here. I can’t believe our schools got their wires crossed this year and we
have different vacation schedules! It seems unreal being on this trip with-
out you and your family. Frankly, it’s the worst vacation anyone ever had!
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(2) I was really feeling down in the dumps this morning, so Mom suggested
I go shopping. No kidding! At home, I have to ask her at least a million
times before she lets me head off to the mall! Well, there isn’t any mall near
here, but there is this cool local street market. You can find everything there
from footwear to fossils! There are colorful tents set up all up and down
the streets, and the most delicious smells of different kinds of foods invite
you to get closer.
(3) Just walking around the market, I was so hungry I could have eaten a
horse! I tried everything . . . I think the sellers knew they’d found a real
tourist! I bought lots of cool stuff. . . . At first the sellers try to charge an arm
and a leg, but you can negotiate for a better price. I got some real bar-
gains. . . . You’ll see when we get home. Don’t worry; I remembered to pick
out something special for you. I bought so much I thought I’d need a
pickup truck to get it all back to the hotel!
(4) As I passed this one tent, a wacky yellow hat called to me. . . . I could almost
hear it screaming, “Buy me! Buy me!” So I did. That hat was awesome. The
seller said it was one-of-a-kind. It had this intricate beaded work and
Mom thinks there are semiprecious stones and ostrich feathers on it, too.
All I know is, I figured everyone would get a kick out of it when I wore it
to school. But just then, up comes this storm. The wind starts to howl,
stretches out its icy fingers, and grabs the hat right off my head! My new
hat tumbled over and over across the ground, with me in hot pursuit. Just
when I’d reached it, off it would tumble. Finally, a big gust of wind blew
it totally out of sight. The bottom line is, my fabulous hat is gone forever.
I tried to find another, but no luck. Sorry you’ll never have a chance to see
it. . . . It really was special.
(5) Well, hey, Mom just popped in and says we have to get going. There’s some
kind of dinner thing. . . . Sure hope they have some good old American
(6) Say “Hi” to your family from Mom and me.

4. Which is NOT an idiom?

a. got their wires crossed
b. feeling down in the dumps
c. isn’t any mall near here
d. get a kick out of it
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5. In the selection, the idiom burning the midnight oil means

a. going to a gas station late at night.
b. staying up late at night to do homework.
c. sitting in front of a fireplace.
d. sleeping until well past noon.

6. One use of personification in the selection was when

a. the market was filled with delicious smells.
b. Pat’s mom suggested going to the street market.
c. the hat called out to Pat.
d. Pat hoped there would be American food.

7. The author used personification to give human-like fingers to the

a. letter.
b. tents.
c. hat.
d. wind.

8. Which is an example of hyperbole?

a. a big gust of wind
b. had this intricate beaded work
c. need a pickup truck to get it all back
d. got some real bargains

9. I could have eaten a horse is hyperbole that means

a. I needed something . . . anything, to eat.
b. I was too tired to walk anymore.
c. I had too much to eat.
d. I was too sleepy to eat anything at all.

P R AC T I C E 3 : T H E BAT, T H E B I R D S , A N D T H E B E A S T S

A n Ae s o p ’s Fa b l e R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Once, about a quadrillion years ago, the Birds and the Beasts of the earth
prepared for a great war. No one knows exactly who started the war; it just
happened. There were rumors that one of the winged creatures got a bit
bent out of shape and said something that rubbed one of the Beasts the
wrong way! Whatever the reason, the day and time for battle were set.
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(2) The winged creatures flew to the meeting place. On the way, they passed
Bat, who was perched in a tree. “Come with us!” they called to Bat. “You
are a winged creature, too!”
(3) Bat looked at the other flying creatures. He did not want to fight at all, so
he said, “No, I can’t join you!”
(4) “Why not?” asked a gruff vulture that was as big as a house!
(5) “Please, don’t jump all over me!” Bat replied as he pointed to his sharp
teeth. “I can’t join you because I’m . . . a Beast!”
(6) The winged creatures just shrugged their shoulders and moved on.
(7) Later, the Beasts walked by. “Come with us!” called one Beast who had feet
the size of logs! “You’re a Beast, like us. Come and help us fight!”
(8) Bat didn’t beat around the bush; he just fluttered his wings and said, “I hate
to blow my own horn here, friends, but can’t you see I am a Bird?”
(9) The Beasts just shook their heads and marched away.
(10) Later that day, representatives from the Birds and the Beasts met to talk
things over. Luckily, a peace treaty was negotiated and there was no bat-
tle. Instead, each side had its own feast of celebration.
(11) Bat saw that there were parties going on and wanted to join the fun. First,
he went to the Birds’ party, but they flew at him and chased him away. “You
have sharp teeth so you’re not a Bird!” they cried. “This party is for Birds
(12) Then Bat went to join the Beasts, but had to fly away before they tore him
apart! “You have wings, so you must be a Bird,” they cried. “This party is
for Beasts only!”
(13) High in the tree, Bat watched the celebrations and said sadly, “If you don’t
claim to be one thing or the other, you have no friends!” Since then, the
friendless Bat hides from other creatures in caves by day, and hunts only
in the dark of night.

10. Personification is used in this fable to

a. make humans do things that animals do.
b. have animals talk and act like humans.
c. have the Beasts play like humans in a rock band.
d. make the Bat use human-like arms to row a boat to a desert island.
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11. What is the meaning of the idiom get bent out of shape?
a. Get plenty of exercise.
b. Reverse direction.
c. Get upset or angry.
d. Buy a pretzel.

12. Which is NOT an idiom?

a. rub one the wrong way
b. blow my own horn
c. beat around the bush
d. shrug their shoulders and moved on

13. Which is an example of hyperbole?

a. a gruff vulture
b. as big as a house
c. perched in a tree
d. feast of celebration

14. The author uses the hyperbole feet the size of logs to help readers
a. visualize an animal with really long feet.
b. visualize an animal that would make squeaking sounds.
c. visualize an animal with very long hair.
d. visualize an animal sitting on a log.


1. b
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. d
13. b
14. a
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L E S S O N 30
figurative language:
similes and metaphors
An idea is a feat of association, and
the height of it is a good metaphor.
ROBERT FROST (1874–1963)

In this lesson, you’ll discover two more ways authors use specific words to add
interest to their writing.

SIMILES AND METAPHORS are two more kinds of figurative language that
authors use to add interest to their writing.
A simile compares two things by using the words like or as.

I was so embarrassed; my face was as red as a beet!

How can the author compare a person’s face to a vegetable? They’re so differ-
ent! True, but they are alike in one way: Both are red. Picturing this can help you
visualize the character and understand his or her motives in a story.
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Here are few more similes. What do they help you visualize?

You and I are as alike as two peas in a pod!

She is as quiet as a mouse.
His sadness was as unending as the waves crashing on shore.
I know I can trust him; he’s as honest as the day is long.
I can’t get her to do anything; she’s as stubborn as a mule!

A metaphor compares two things without using like or as. The text states
that one thing is, or has the characteristics of, another.

The dog’s eyes were searchlights, looking for any sign of kindness.

Is the author tying to get you to picture a dog with huge searchlights for eyes?
No, the author wants you to visualize a poor dog staring intently, looking for
kindness from a stranger.
Here are a few more metaphors. What do you visualize with each?

Night is a curtain that eventually falls.

The quarterback is a well-maintained machine.
She is a beacon of light, guiding us home.
Strength and honor are his uniform.
Silence is an invited guest, allowing me time to think.

P R AC T I C E 1 : WO R D R H Y M E S

Here are three very short four-line rhymes that contain similes and metaphors.
Read each, and then answer the questions that follow.

The breeze is a messenger,

As sweet as roses in bloom,
That fills all the corners
Of my lonely room.
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figurative language: similes and metaphors 261

The sky is a blanket

Bejeweled with diamonds so bright
That twinkle and sparkle
Like fireflies at night.

The street is a river

On which traffic can flow
Where cars scurry like fish
And swish to and fro.

1. In the first rhyme, the author uses a simile to compare a

a. fish to the scent of a rose.
b. breeze to the sweet smell of roses.
c. messenger to a lonely room.
d. lonely room to a windstorm.

2. Which of these is NOT a metaphor?

a. The breeze is a messenger.
b. The sky is a blanket.
c. like fireflies at night
d. The street is a river.

3. How does the author use a simile in the last rhyme?

a. to compare the street to a river
b. to compare cars to fish
c. to compare stars to fireflies
d. to compare roses to traffic


A G re e k M y t h R e t o l d

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Long ago, there lived in Greece a beautiful princess by the name of Ata-
lanta. She was a swift runner . . . as fast as lightning, they say. In fact, she
was the fastest person in the kingdom. Whenever she ran down a moun-
tain path, she was the wind that moved the trees.
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262 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

(2) When Atalanta reached the age when most girls were married, her father
decided that she, too, should marry. To Atalanta, that idea was about as
welcome as a skunk at an outdoor party! She didn’t want to marry anyone
yet. So at first, she was mad as a wet hen. “But Daughter,” said her father,
“you are the sun in my sky. I just want you to find someone who will make
you happy.”
(3) Now Atalanta was as cunning as a fox, so she said, in a voice as sweet as
honey. “I know you want the best for me, Father, so I will marry the man
who can beat me in a foot race!”
(4) Of course, Atalanta was sure she could beat any man, so she wouldn’t have
to marry . . . until she was ready. The king sent out the word: Any man who
could beat the princess in a running race would win her hand in marriage.
(5) Many young men came to try their luck. Atalanta took them on, one at a
time. Each competitor was given a head start, but since she was faster than
a speeding bullet, Atalanta won each race! Then one day a handsome
prince named Hippomenes came to the castle. He took one look at Atalanta
and fell in love. Although she was as cold as ice to him, he was determined
to win the race and marry her.
(6) Aphrodite, the goddess of love, helped Hippomenes. “Take these three
lovely golden apples that shine like the stars,” she said. “Find some way
to use them wisely during the race to win your true love.”
(7) The next morning, Hippomenes and Atalanta waited at the starting line.
She offered him a head start, and he took off like a rocket. Before Atalanta
could overtake him, Hippomenes threw a golden apple on the path in front
of her. When she spotted the apple, Atalanta couldn’t resist stopping to pick
it up. Then on she ran, almost catching up, but then he threw the second
apple. Again, she stopped to pick it up, then ran on. Hippomenes threw the
last apple so far off the path that by the time Atalanta picked it up, it was
impossible for her to catch up. He crossed the finish line a split second
before her.
(8) Atalanta congratulated her opponent. He smiled and winked, and sud-
denly she realized that she’d been tricked. But she was not angry for she
also realized that he was a very clever man and could run very fast . . . two
things she admired. “You are very fast,” she admitted. “Had I not stopped
we might have had a tie!” Then she turned to her father. “Father,” she
announced, “let us set the date for our wedding.”
(9) So Atalanta happily wed Hippomenes, and from then on, they ran side by
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figurative language: similes and metaphors 263

4. Which is a metaphor?
a. as fast as lightning
b. she ran down a mountain path
c. there lived in Greece
d. she was the wind

5. Which is NOT a simile?

a. as mad as a wet hen
b. about as welcome as a skunk at an outdoor party
c. use them wisely
d. cunning as a fox

6. The author uses the metaphor you are the sun in my sky to show that
a. the king loves his daughter.
b. the castle has a skylight.
c. Atalanta wants to marry a scientist.
d. the king doesn’t care about Atalanta.

7. Which includes a simile?

a. threw it so far off the path
b. he crossed the finish line
c. he took one look
d. he took off like a rocket

8. What does the simile cold as ice mean?

a. friendly and polite
b. not very polite or friendly
c. requires refrigeration
d. can be easily melted

P R AC T I C E 3 : S I B L I N G S U P P O R T

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) Mom says I’m old enough to help take care of my little brother, Andy. I’m
down with that. He’s an all right kid. Oh, sometimes he drools all over my
homework or gets his sticky fingerprints all over my science project or tries
to chew my MP3 player, but that’s okay. . . . He’s just a baby. Andy’s a
sponge, soaking up all the information he can about the world around him.
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264 elements of literature: the facts about fiction

(2) Yesterday, while Mom is feeding Andy, the phone rings. “Honey, can you
get that, please?” Mom yells. “I’m in the middle of feeding the baby.”
(3) “Sure, Mom,” I say, and I run to pick up the phone. It’s my aunt, calling
from California. Now I’m in the middle. You know, Aunt Mara tells me
what to tell Mom and then Mom tells me what to say back. I feel like a ten-
nis ball bouncing back and forth! Finally I yell, “Mom, please come talk to
Aunt Mara and I’ll feed Andy!”
(4) So, Mom takes the phone and hands me Andy’s spoon and dish. “Thanks,
Honey, you’re such a big help,” she says with a smile.
(5) In the kitchen, Andy’s sitting in his highchair as quiet as a mouse, just wait-
ing to be fed. I start to feed him like I’ve seen Mom do, saying, “Here comes
the choo-choo!” while aiming a spoonful at his mouth. He opens his
mouth, takes a spoonful of beets, then as explosive as an erupting volcano,
he shoots it back at me! Now I have beets running down my cheeks like
raindrops! I put the spoon down and wipe my face. Andy picks up the
spoon, digs into the dish of food, then PLOP! Beets shoot clear across the
room into the sink. I’m thinking, Wow, this kid is good! Maybe someday he’ll
be in the NBA!
(6) Andy is a machine, throwing spoonful after spoonful. And before long,
beets are everywhere. Sage, our cat, is a bolt of lightning ready to strike,
leaping in to check out this unexpected food source in her territory. One
sniff convinces her that what’s on the floor, which is now as slippery as an
eel, isn’t the good stuff!
(7) Now, Mom walks back into the room and slips on a pile of beets! She looks
up at me, also as red as a beet. We both look at Andy, looking as cute as a
button and saying as clear as a bell, “Beets!” Mom and I laugh, happy to
know that Andy’s learned a new word. Then, of course, we have to clean
up the room . . . and ourselves. Andy? He just gurgles and drools some
more, then curls up in his crib for a nap, snug as a bug in a rug!

9. The author uses the metaphor Andy is a sponge to explain that

a. he drools a lot.
b. he throws his food.
c. he takes in, or learns, new things.
d. he has learned to feed himself.
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10. Which simile explains how the author felt, caught in the middle of a
a. as snug as a bug in a rug
b. as clear as a bell
c. as happy as a clam
d. like a tennis ball

11. The author used the metaphor a bolt of lightning, ready to strike to describe
a. the mother.
b. Sage.
c. the author.
d. Andy.

12. Which is a simile?

a. quiet as a mouse
b. as explosive as an erupting volcano
c. beets running down my cheeks like raindrops
d. all of the above

13. Which is NOT a metaphor or simile?

a. Andy is a machine.
b. red as a beet
c. slips on a pile of beets
d. as slippery as an eel
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266 elements of literature: the facts about fiction


1. b
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. d
11. b
12. d
13. c
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NOW THAT YOU have completed the 30 lessons, it’s time to find out how much
you’ve improved! The posttest that follows has 30 multiple-choice questions
about the topics covered in the 30 lessons. Circle the answers to each question
if this book belongs to you. If it doesn’t, write the numbers 1–30 on a paper and
record your answers there.
When you finish the test, check the answers on page 279. If you still had
trouble with some questions, check out the lesson(s) listed with it. Reread the
materials and try the posttest again!
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268 posttest

P R AC T I C E 1 : “ T H E V I L L AG E B L AC K S M I T H ”

E xc e r p t e d f ro m t h e p o e m by H e n r y Wa d s wo r t h L o n g f e l l ow

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

Under a spreading chestnut-tree

The village smithy stands;
The smith, a mighty man is he,
With large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawny arms
Are strong as iron bands.

His hair is crisp, and black, and long,

His face is like the tan;
His brow is wet with honest sweat,
He earns whate’er he can,
And looks the whole world in the face,
For he owes not any man.

Week in, week out, from morn till night,

You can hear his bellows blow;
You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,
With measured beat and slow,
Like a sexton ringing the village bell,
When the evening sun is low.

And children coming home from school

Look in at the open door;
They love to see the flaming forge,
And hear the bellows roar,
And catch the burning sparks that fly
Like chaff from a threshing-floor.

Onward through life he goes;
Each morning sees some task begin,
Each evening sees it close;
Something attempted, something done,
Has earned a night’s repose.
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posttest 269

1. You can tell this is a poem because it

a. tries to persuade readers to become blacksmiths.
b. tells about a time in U.S. history.
c. explains how to shoe a horse.
d. has definite rhythm and a rhyme scheme.

2. The phrase strong as iron bands is an example of

a. personification.
b. hyperbole.
c. simile.
d. inference.

3. Which helps you know the poem is told from a third-person point
of view?
a. the pronouns he and his
b. the verb love
c. the pronouns I and me
d. the noun forge

4. Context clues help you know that the word repose means
a. swing.
b. toil.
c. sleep.
d. rejoice.

5. Which line from the poem is the best example of imagery?

a. He earns whate’er he can.
b. Like chaff from a threshing-floor.
c. For he owes not any man.
d. His hair is crisp, and black, and long.
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270 posttest

P R AC T I C E 2 : T H E L I F E L E S S L A K E S

Read the article, and then answer the questions that follow.

Pollutants react with

water molecules in air, Acid
rise and condense, compounds
forms acidic clouds in clouds will
down to
Woods surface of
ocean, land
Emissions from fossil fuel Rivers and etc.
power plants, factories, and Mountains
etc. emit CO2 SO2 NOx
100’s or 1000’s km

(1) In the early 1960s, people in Sweden noticed that something was terribly
wrong. There were no more fish in some lakes where fish had always
been abundant. In fact, there were no living organisms in the water at all!
Scientists called the lakes “dead.” By the 1970s, the problem had spread to
some lakes in the northeastern United States.

S e a rc h i n g fo r A n s we rs
(2) Scientists tested the lake water and found it very acid . . . sometimes as acid
as vinegar! No water animals or plants could survive in it. Scientists won-
dered if acid could possibly have dropped from the sky. They tested rain-
water and other forms of precipitation. Each had a high level of acid.
(3) Further study proved that “acid rain” was first discovered in the 1870s.
A scientist in Scotland had found that coal smoke in the region made lake
water acidic. Gases emitted by the burning coal had mixed with mois-
ture in the air, then dropped to Earth in rain. Over the years, more coal-
burning factories were built and more acid rain produced. But not all was
caused by burning coal. Exhaust from modern vehicles also spewed acid
into the air.

What Could Be Done?

(4) In the United States, Congress passed Clean Air laws to reduce acid rain.
Factories were to install “scrubbers” in smokestacks to remove acid parti-
cles before they got into the air. And vehicles had to pass yearly emissions
tests. But some air pollution wasn’t created here; it floated our way.
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posttest 271

(5) In recent years, China has built many coal-burning plants as it expands
trade with other nations. The smoke drifts over China, then wind sweeps
it across the ocean to other places, like the U.S. west coast. Many people are
working to find ways to cut down on polluting gases in the air. I hope they
succeed before we “kill” more lakes or streams!

6. The author probably wrote this article to

a. teach readers how to test polluted water.
b. explain to readers what acid rain is.
c. entertain readers with a humorous tale.
d. persuade readers to study science.

7. Which text feature does the author use to divide the article into sections?
a. contents
b. glossary
c. index
d. subheads

8. The author organizes the ideas in this article by

a. telling a problem, then explaining some solutions.
b. ranking ideas in the order of their importance.
c. asking questions, then answering those questions.
d. comparing and contrasting ideas.

9. From information in the article, you might conclude that

a. the problem is now under control.
b. most acid rain is caused by human activity.
c. scientists don’t know how the acid gets into the air.
d. forest fires are caused by acid rain.

10. With which topic would you most likely use the term precipitation?
a. computer animation
b. ballroom dancing
c. weather forecasting
d. fashion design

11. The last sentence is an opinion, not a fact, because

a. it talks about imaginary places.
b. it’s short.
c. it can be proved true in an encyclopedia.
d. it’s what the author thinks.
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12. How does the graphic help readers better understand the text?
a. It’s a map that shows where the dead lakes are located in Sweden.
b. It’s a diagram that explains how acid rain forms.
c. It’s a chart that lists the gases in acid rain.
d. It’s a photograph that shows automobile exhaust in the air.

P R AC T I C E 2 : P Y G M A L I O N

E xc e r p t e d a n d a d a p t e d f ro m t h e p l a y by G e o rg e B e r n a rd S h a w

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

Act V: The parlor of Mrs. Higgins’ home

MRS. HIGGINS: Now, Henry: be good.
HIGGINS: I am behaving myself perfectly. [A pause. Higgins throws back his
head; stretches out his legs; and begins to whistle.]
MRS. HIGGINS: Henry, dearest, you don’t look at all nice in that attitude.
HIGGINS [pulling himself together]: I was not trying to look nice, Mother.
Where is that girl? Are we to wait here all day?
[Eliza enters, carrying a little work-basket, and is very much at home.]
ELIZA: How do you do, Professor Higgins? Are you quite well?
HIGGINS: [choking] Am I . . . [He can say no more.]
ELIZA: But of course you are: You are never ill. Quite chilly this morning,
isn’t it? [She sits and begins to do needlework from her basket.]
MRS. HIGGINS: Very nicely put, indeed, Henry.
HIGGINS: She has no idea I didn’t put into her head or word I didn’t put into
her mouth! And now she pretends to play the fine lady with me?
MRS. HIGGINS [kindly]: Yes, dear; but you’ll sit down, won’t you?
[Higgins sits down again, savagely.]
ELIZA: You see, Mrs. Higgins, it was very difficult for me to learn, with the
example of Professor Higgins, unable to control myself, and using bad
language at the drop of a hat. I’d never have known how ladies and
gentlemen behave if Colonel Pickering hadn’t been there.
ELIZA: Do you know what began my real education? It was when Colonel
Pickering calling me Miss Doolittle the first day I was at Wimpole
Street. That was the beginning of self-respect for me. And little things
that came naturally to him, like standing when I entered a room,
showed me that he thought of me as something better than a flower
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posttest 273

girl. Professor Higgins never saw that the difference between a lady
and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she’s treated.
HIGGINS [angrily]: My manners are exactly the same as Colonel Pickering’s!
ELIZA: That’s not true. He treats a flower girl as if she was a duchess.
HIGGINS: And I treat a duchess as if she was a flower girl! [Seriously] The
great secret, Eliza, is not in having bad manners or good manners, but
having the same manner for all humans. I know sometimes I may
seem to be an old bear, but the question is not whether I treat you
rudely, but whether you’ve ever heard me treat anyone else better.
ELIZA [with sudden sincerity]: I don’t care how you treat me. I don’t mind
your bad temper. But [standing up and facing him] I won’t be passed
HIGGINS: Then get out of my way; for I won’t stop for you. You talk about
me as if I were a motor bus!
ELIZA: So you are a motor bus: all bounce and go, and no consideration for
anyone! But I can do without you. . . . Don’t think I can’t!
HIGGINS: I know you can . . . but can I do without YOU?
ELIZA: You will have to. I will become a teacher. I’ll put an ad in the paper
that the girl everyone thinks is a duchess is only a flower girl that you
taught, and she can teach anyone to be a duchess, too, in just six
HIGGINS [smiling]: By George, Eliza, I like you like this!

13. What is the tone of the selection?

a. funny
b. serious
c. whimsical
d. scientific

14. The denotation of bear is “a large mammal with long, shaggy hair.” The
connotation in this selection is
a. “able to carry weight.”
b. “musical ability.”
c. “a kind of language.”
d. “a gruff, bad-mannered person.”

15. As used in the selection, the meaning of the word well is

a. “fountain of water.”
b. “in good health.”
c. “clearly.”
d. “fill up.”
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16. Which is an idiom?

a. “treat a duchess”
b. “very nicely put”
c. “at the drop of a hat”
d. “I can be a lady”

17. The theme of this play is

a. “You should treat all people the same.”
b. “Beauty is only skin deep.”
c. “It’s important to have a hobby, like needlepoint.”
d. “Save a penny for a rainy day.”

18. The prefix un- in unable changes the base word to mean
a. able to do again.
b. full of ability.
c. not capable of.
d. before moving.

19. From what you read in this script, you can infer that
a. Professor Higgins taught his mother how to act like a duchess.
b. Professor Higgins taught Pickering how to act like a colonel.
c. Professor Higgins taught Eliza how to do needlepoint.
d. Professor Higgins taught Eliza how to speak and act like a duchess.

P R AC T I C E 3 : T H E N O S E K N OW S !

Read the article, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) The giant anteater lives in forests and on the prairies of tropical South
America. The hairy mammal feeds primarily on termites and other ants.
The anteater’s coat blends with the brownish grasses in which termites
build nests. Just one anteater can devour 30,000 termites a day! The long-
snouted predator has no teeth, but the way it eats, it doesn’t need them!
(2) When an anteater’s hungry, it uses its long hooked claws to slash an open-
ing in the nearest termite nest. Next, the anteater slides its long nose into
the opening and sticks out its tongue, which is two feet (60 cm) long and
coated with gooey saliva. Then, the predator takes a deep breath. As if
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posttest 275

pulled by a vacuum cleaner, termites are sucked onto that dangerously

gluey tongue. Finally, the anteater pulls its termite-covered tongue back
into its mouth and eats the tasty insects. In just one minute, an anteater’s
tongue can enter and exit a termite nest more than 100 times!

20. Which best describes how the author organizes the information?
a. by explaining a problem and suggesting solutions
b. by comparing and contrasting objects
c. by telling the events in sequence, or time order
d. by giving facts and opinions

21. The words Nose and Knows in the title are

a. synonyms.
b. antonyms.
c. homographs.
d. homophones.

22. What is the main idea of this selection?

a. Vacuum cleaners use suction to suck up materials.
b. An anteater uses its nose and tongue to capture prey.
c. Some anteaters are the size of a squirrel; giant anteaters may measure
seven feet (2.1 m).
d. Scientists know very little about anteaters.

P R AC T I C E 4 : S I B L I N G R I VA L R Y

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) “There’s going to be a kite-flying contest!” my little sister Allie yelled as she
ran into the house. “I saw the sign in the drug store window!”
(2) “Great, another contest I can win!” I replied, not too humbly.
(3) “If we make a kite together, we both can win!” she said with a smile.
(4) “No, thanks,” I snickered. “I’ll make my own. I make a pretty mean box
(5) Allie’s small face clouded with a look of disappointment. “Okay, I’ll build
my own kite,” she mumbled. “Maybe I’ll even win a prize!”
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276 posttest

(6) The next afternoon, I saw Allie reading a library book. Around her on the
floor were sticks, paper, glue, and string. Oh, no! I thought. She’s making an
old-fashioned, two-stick paper kite! I laughed as I went to work on my box kite.
(7) Right before the contest, I took my kite for a test run, and after a few sec-
onds, it caught the wind and soared higher and higher. “Perfect! Behold the
winner!” I said to my friend, Kyle.
(8) “Aren’t you afraid of Allie?” laughed Kyle. “She always plays to win!”
(9) “Oh, yeah, I’m shaking in my boots!” I said as I reeled in my kite. Then a
sudden gust of wind grabbed it and sent it spinning toward the ground.
The string caught on an old, rickety fence, and my kite fell to the ground
just beyond. As I leaped over the fence, the wind unbalanced me.
CRUNCH! My feet landed firmly on my kite and it cracked into a zillion
(10) “Oh, no!” Allie cried when she saw it. “The contest’s about to start! I know
it’s important to you, so if you want to . . . you can use my kite!”
(11) For a minute, believe me, I was tempted. Then I remembered how hard
she’d worked to make her kite because I wouldn’t help her. “Thanks,
Allie,” I said, “but you deserve the chance to compete.”
(12) The contest began. One by one, kites caught the wind and climbed. The
wind grew stronger. Box kites swerved crazily and fell to the ground. Even
flat, plastic kites fell. Soon just one kite remained . . . Allie’s. She’d won!
(13) I cheered along with the crowd. I really felt proud of Allie. “That’s my
little sister,” I told people standing near me. “She made that kite all by

23. Which word is a synonym for snickered?

a. sobbed
b. laughed
c. whimpered
d. wrote

24. Which describes one of Allie’s character traits?

a. She likes to eat hot dogs.
b. She has lived in the same house all her life.
c. She really cares about her big brother.
d. She doesn’t like being around other people.
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posttest 277

25. The narrator’s kite was ruined because

a. it fell into the lake.
b. the wind blew it high up into a tree.
c. Allie forgot to reel it in.
d. the narrator accidentally jumped on it.

26. The line, “Behold the winner,” I said to my friend, Kyle, foreshadowed that
a. Kyle would win the contest.
b. the narrator probably wasn’t going to win.
c. Allie had gone missing.
d. the contest would be cancelled.

27. What is the main conflict in the story?

a. Allie needs to go to the drug store to buy glue.
b. Allie and the narrator need to earn money for kite supplies.
c. Allie and the narrator both want to win the contest.
d. Allie and Kyle both want the last sandwich.


Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It’s September. It’s great to see our friends again, but wasn’t it nice to have
the summer off? Well, some folks think our school should be open all
year. Wait! You wouldn’t actually go to school every day, but your life
might be pretty different!
(2) Not everyone agrees that an all-year school is a good idea. Those who do
agree say kids forget a lot of what they learned over the long vacation, and
it would be better to have more, shorter vacations. For example, we would
have eight-week grading periods, followed by a week off. People who
don’t like the idea say the way we’ve been doing things for years is just fine,
thank you very much. No need to change now! Besides, the longer sum-
mer vacation lets kids spend time with families and friends and get out into
the fresh air! Also, they say, most parents have their vacations in summer,
so a change in the school year would upset family plans.
(3) What’s your take on the idea? For it? Against it? Let your opinion be
heard. Send an e-mail to the school paper . . . today!
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278 posttest

28. The author probably wrote this article to

a. inform readers about a trip taken during summer vacation.
b. teach readers how to plan a vacation.
c. entertain readers with mystery.
d. persuade readers to write e-mails to voice their opinions.

29. Which antonym pair was used in the selection?

a. summer and winter
b. longest and shortest
c. oldest and newest
d. open and closed

30. Which is the best one-sentence summary for this selection?

a. All the parents want to have an all-year school.
b. None of the parents wants to have an all-year school.
c. People are discussing the possibility of having an all-year school.
d. Students are not allowed to voice their opinions in school.
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If you miss a question, look for help with that topic in the lesson(s) listed.

1. d (Lesson 8)
2. c (Lesson 30)
3. a (Lesson 25)
4. c (Lesson 6)
5. d (Lesson 27)
6. b (Lesson 9)
7. d (Lesson 11)
8. a (Lessons 16, 18, 19)
9. b (Lesson 21)
10. c (Lesson 5)
11. d (Lesson 17)
12. b (Lesson 12)
13. b (Lesson 10)
14. d (Lesson 7)
15. b (Lesson 1)
16. c (Lesson 29)
17. a (Lesson 26)
18. c (Lesson 4)
19. d (Lesson 20)
20. c (Lessons 14, 16, 17, 19)
21. d (Lesson 2)
22. b (Lesson 13)
23. b (Lesson 3)
24. c (Lesson 23)
25. d (Lesson 15)
26. b (Lesson 28)
27. c (Lesson 24)
28. d (Lesson 9)
29. b (Lesson 3)
30. c (Lesson 22)
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antonym a word that means the opposite of another word

author’s purpose an author’s reason for writing a selection: to explain, teach,
entertain, or persuade
base word a word that can stand alone to which a prefix or suffix is added
cause and effect what makes something happen and what does happen
character a person, an animal, or an object in a story
chronological order text structure organizes ideas in time order, or sequence
compare-and-contrast text structure organizes ideas by telling how things are
alike or different
conclusion a decision based on given facts
conflict and resolution a character’s problem and how it is solved
connotation a feeling or image a word brings to mind
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context clues other words in the text that help readers figure out unknown
denotation the dictionary definition of a word
fact-and-opinion text structure organizes ideas by giving facts, details that can
be proven true, and opinions or what someone thinks
fiction a story made up by the author
figurative language words that do not always mean exactly what they say
first-person point of view story told by one of the characters
flashback an interruption in a story to explain what had happened in the past
foreshadowing clues about what might happen later in a story
genre a kind of fiction or nonfiction
graphics features that give information visually
heading the name of a chapter or section
homograph two words spelled the same but pronounced differently and with
different meanings
homophone two words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have
different meanings
hyperbole exaggeration to make a point
idiom a word or group of words that doesn’t mean exactly what it says
imagery words that help readers create pictures in their minds
inference a logical guess based on facts and personal experiences
jargon special language used by people who work together or do things as a
main idea what a selection is mostly about
metaphor a figure of speech that compares two things by stating that one thing
is, or has the characteristics of, another
multiple-meaning word a word that means more than one thing
narrator the person telling a story
nonfiction information about the real world
novel a book of fiction divided into chapters
personification language that gives human qualities to animals or objects
plot what happens in a story
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282 glossary

poetry fiction with rhythm and often a rhyme scheme

prefix letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning
problem-and-solution text structure organizes ideas by telling about a prob-
lem and suggesting solutions
question-and-answer text structure organizes ideas by asking a question and
providing the answer either right there in the text of through a series of
root a Latin or Greek word part that can’t stand alone
setting where and when a story takes place
simile compares two things, using the word like or as
style an author’s distinctive way of connecting ideas
subhead names a smaller part within a chapter or section
suffix letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning
summary a short retelling of a story or event
supporting detail tells more about the main idea
synonym a word that has the same meaning as another word
text features headings, subheads, and special text that help readers find infor-
mation in a selection
theme the most important idea or message
third-person point of view story told by a noncharacter
tone conveys a feeling, like suspense, excitement, happiness, sadness, anger,
mystery, humor, or annoyance

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