Episode 1 Highlights GEN

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Can It Be Slowed or Even Reversed?
Hi. It's Jason. Welcome to the Human Longevity Project
Over the next nine days, we'll take you on a journey around the globe to uncover
lost wisdom from some of the world's healthiest and longest living people. You'll
get a rare glimpse into the lives of elders in remote parts of the world and experience
what their environment and lifestyle was really like growing up. We also interviewed
over 90 health experts to explain how we've gotten so far off track as a culture and
what we can do to put an end to this chronic disease epidemic we now face.

We'll cover a lot of ground in this series: You're going to learn exactly what aging
is, how to slow this process, and ways you can apply this knowledge today to live a
longer, happier, and more fulfilled life. We welcome you to our community and ask for
your continued support to spread this message of health. By registering to watch
this series, you've joined tens of thousands of people who've said yes to a
brighter future. Because of you, someone you know will get the solutions they
desperately need to live longer & healthier. Thank you, and enjoy the series!
- Jason P.
The Truth About Aging:
Can It Be Slowed or Even Reversed?
Episode 1 sets the stage for the rest of the series. We investigated aging from a
physiological perspective, chronic disease epidemics, and our ill-equipped
medical systems. We then got into some very cutting-edge research regarding the
role our mitochondria play in the process of aging, along with an in-depth introduction
to the field of epigenetics (how gene expression changes depending on food,
environment, thoughts, emotions, microbiome, and other factors).

4:17 - Dr. Beth Lambert

"The epidemic of chronic illness... is really a problem in
the modern industrialized world...Why are autism, ADHD,
asthma, autoimmune diseases, allergies, why are these so
endemic in the modern industrialized world? Why is it that we
see so many kids in the United States, UK, and Australia with
these skyrocketing rates of every kind of illness out there?
The reason why is because we live differently."
This first episode presents a challenging question: If our modern medical system is
so focused on eradicating disease, where is our focus on creating health? As it
stands, the majority of healthcare providers haven't even breached the topic of creating
longevity, only in fighting symptoms. If we want answers, we must begin our own research
and path to healing. At 6:00 in the film, health legend Paul Chek shares the following:

"We have more scientists, more

doctors, more therapists, more gyms,
more chiropractors, more osteopaths,
more nutritionists per capita than we
ever had and we're the sickest people
we've ever been."

"The search for longevity is looking at how do we

understand how to keep ourselves healthy over the
long term. That's not something the medical system has
ever really thought about, that wasn't really in their remit,
and the truth is that it's probably never going to be created
by a medical system. It's going to be created mainly by
patients and patients being inspired by content, by
providers, by each other."
7:34 - James Maskell


Our experts explain that there are many ways to look at the phenomenon of aging:
for some it's simply the passage of time, for others it's the accumulation of wisdom, but we
can all agree that the biggest signs of aging are a decrease in the vitality and flexibility of
our body and mind. It's a stiffening of our natural playfulness: the true source of youth.

"Aging is the process of where we let

go of flow, flow in the body. Things
start to stiffen, become stagnant,
become more rigid..."

10:14 - Dr. Deanna Minich

It turns out our mitochondria play a major role in the process of aging, along with
our epigenetics. Between our cells, our lifestyle choices and environmental factors, we
get the influences that determine how our genes operate (epigenetics research claims
genes on their own don't determine most chronic diseases).

"Within our cells, we have a powerhouse that makes

energy called the mitochondria. Basically, every time we
eat foods, protein, fats, carbohydrates to make glucose, then
glucose combines with oxygen that's circulating as we breathe
and then we start to make something called ATP which then
provides us energy to function. The higher functioning your
mitochondria is the more ATP you have."
14:40 - Dr. Datis Kharrazian
15:00 - Dave Asprey

"But if they are weak, they are stressed,

they cannot turn food and air into energy,
then it's going to be hard for you to do what
you want. That's why mitochondria
matter for more than just aging. If
they're happy, you're happy. If they're
stressed, you're stressed"
These were just a few highlights from Episode 1. There's so much more we get into in
the next episodes, where we cover the most important information to healing chronic
diseases and creating longevity, plus the weird role of the microbiome in healing...

If you're committed to turning around your health and enjoying lasting radiant
health, we invite you to take the leap by getting the full documentary series. For just
a single payment of $197, you'll get the digital and physical copies of the series,
plus access to our exclusive Action Plan, packed with all the action steps, up-to-
date scientific research, summaries of the episodes, and links to longevity products
to ensure you and your family have radiant health. It's a total no-brainer with our 60-
Day Money-Back Guarantee. See you on the inside & enjoy the series!
- Your friends at
The Human Longe
vity Project


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