Ep 12-fs1

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As an essential part of the instructional system, assessment consists of

setting the intended learning outcomes, selecting a teaching methodology,

strategy and activity that are aligned to the learning outcome and topics which
are developmentally appropriate to the learners and assessment itself. It is the
part of the instructional cycle that determines whether the intended learning
outcome has been attained and so necessarily, the assessment task must be
aligned to the intended learning outcome.
In a lesson on assessment, we are talking about assessment FOR
learning, assessment OF learning and assessment AS learning. The episode will
dwell on the formative assessment (assessment for learning) and self-
assessment (assessment as learning).

At the end of this episode, you must be able to:

 Demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of formative assessment,

 Explain the importance of formative assessment.

Remember the following key points:

 We ensure that the intended outcome is attained at the end of the lesson
and so while we are still in the process of teaching, we are checking the
student’s understanding and progress.
 When we found out the learners failed to understand our lesson, we
reteach until our learners master them. This is what we called
Formative Assessment. It is the assessment where learners are being
taught or formed. It is the assessment amid instruction.
 Formative Assessment is also referred to as assessment for learning.
Assessment for learning simply means we do assessment to ensure
 We do not wait for the end of the lesson to find out if learners
understood the lesson or not because if it is only at the end of the lesson
that we discover that the learners did not understand the lesson, we
have wasted so much time and energy teaching presuming that
everything was clear, only to find out at the end of the lesson that the

learners did not understand the lesson at all. This means that we must
reteach from the very beginning.
 Assessment for learning encourages peer assessment.

Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so let’s begin.

Your Activity 12.1

Visiting the Learning Resource Center

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: __________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: November 08, 2022


Observe what Teacher does or listen to what teacher says to find out if the
students understood the lesson while teaching learning is in progress.

What Teacher said Tally

Did you understand class? 6
Do you have any question? 4
Clarification? 2
What Teacher Did Tally
Answer again the question 3
Review the students 2

2. Did the teacher ask the class, Did you understand? If she did, what was the
class response?

Yes, my cooperating teacher always

ask that question after every sub
topic she discussed. It is a good way
to determine the students learning

3. Did the learners make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the
lesson or a part of the lesson? How?
As what I have observed, it seems that my cooperating teacher already sense
that some learners did not understand some part of the lesson. The response
of the students are not aligned to what was the question being asked.
Therefore, my cooperating teacher did her best to make the students

understand the lesson before proceeding to the next lesson.

4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?

Along the discussion, since the teacher noticed that the students did not
understand some part if the lesson, she discussed again only the important
information’s to make it easier for the retention skill of the students. My
cooperating teacher observed also her time to still follow the time frame of the
lesson while making the delivery of the lesson will be meaningful to the class.

5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification?
How was this done?
Yes, always. My cooperating teacher already instructed the students that
before they ask a question, they need to raise their right or left hand to avoid
loud noises. Once a student is called, they state he/his question and the
teacher give the answer or clarify the idea in the question being asked. After
my cooperating teacher provide the answer, she asked the students if they
already understand the what was clarification about the lesson.
6. Ask your resource teacher on the strategy used when he/she found out that
there are students who do not clearly understood the lessons. Did the teacher
do any of the following activities:
_/_Peer tutoring
_/_Each one Teach One (students paired with one another)
_/_Teacher gives more Practice Tasks for lesson Mastery
_/_Teacher did the re-teaching

7. If the teacher engaged in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe.
I can say that when my cooperating teacher engaged in re-teaching, she does
not apply the previous strategy she have done. She take another way to
employ other strategy that is more effective and can contribute in the re-
teaching process.

8. Did the teacher check on student’s progress while re-teaching?

Yes, always. By having quizzes, asking questions, and performance tasks. The
progress took time yet manageable and timely executed with no one was left

Answer the following questions.

1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while
teaching is in progress? Is it not better to do once-and-for-all assessment at
the completion of the entire lesson?

 To know who among the students does not understand the lesson. The

teacher can find another way to help those students get better. It is not
always applicable to do once-and-for-all assessment at the completion of
the entire lesson because not all students are at the same level of
understanding. It is much better to take a step-by-step process to have a
smooth and good learning outcome.

2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “DID YOU UNDERTAND, CLASS?”
when she intends to check on learner’s progress?

 Asking a question like that will not determine if the students truly
understand the lesson. Before proceeding to the next lesson, it is
important to note that the teacher will not rely on what the students
answer because not all yeses are true. A teacher must develop her ability
to delve into this part of a student's learning process.

3. Should a teacher record results of formative assessment for grading

purposes? Why or why not?

 Not all the time, formative evaluations are used to track progress right
away and encourage students to keep learning. They give teachers the
chance to modify their lesson plans in response to students' changing
needs and give students the chance to comprehend the steps needed to
master a skill. This is not just about grading but rather providing
students with the knowledge and skills they need to comprehend what
they have learned

4. Based on your observations, what assessment practiced worked?

 Most of the time, my cooperating teacher used an oral assessment and

formative assessment.

5. Why is peer tutoring sometimes seen to be more effective than teacher

himself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?

 When interacting with a peer, students are more comfortable and

realistic. Students and peers can communicate more easily because of
their shared discussion. As it deepens understanding of the course
material, it encourages critical thinking and problem-based learning.

6. Could the student’s failure at the end of the grading period be attributed to
the non-application of formative assessment?

 Yes, the goal why formative assessment is being used it to monitor the
students’ progress in the particular lesson. Through the feedback shown
in their scores will help the teacher to take a step if he/she can proceed
to another lesson.

Formative Assessment is tasting the soup while cooking.
Reflect on this and write your reflections below.

Formative assessment aims to gain understanding of learning processes that

can be used to support learning. Through this, individualized instruction and
focused feedback are being emphasize during the discussion to measure
students learning development during the discussion.

Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

No, when we visualize formative assessment, we are letting the students make
an effort to use their knowledge that they acquire during the discussion. If this
type of assessment were intended for grading, learners would not give their
best to give truthful feedback. This assessment should assess learners' learning
capacity without a doubt to fail.

Your Activity 12.2

Observing Assessment AS Learning Practices (Self-Assessment)

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: __________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: November 08, 2022

Observe the class and find out practices that reflect assessment AS learning.
Record your observations.


Date of Observation: November 08, 2022

School: Balagunan National High School
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education
Topic: Animal Production
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Teacher My Observation
1. Did the teacher provide Yes, the teacher encourage every
opportunities for the learners to learner to give their own insights
monitor and reflect their own through asking questions that is
learning? related to the lesson.
2. What are proofs that students were The students are tasked to write an
engaged in self-reflection, self- essay, and reflection paper.
monitoring and self-adjustment?
3. Did the students record or report No, as long as they are engaging and
their own learning? participating, it will serve that they
really have the learning within
4. Did the teacher create the Yes, this makes students can
criteria with the students for understand the criteria by knowing
tasks to be completed or skill what criteria will be used to evaluate
to be learned? their performance.


If the student is the HEART of all assessment, then all assessment

should support student learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Yes, in any educational system, assessment plays a crucial role. It is a

method for figuring out whether a learner has retained what has
been taught. It serves as a tool for measuring a teacher's
effectiveness. All assessments should support student learning
because it is intended for the learners to fully acquire their needs in
their studies.

Does assessment AS learning have the same ultimate purpose as

assessment FOR learning?

No, the two have different purpose. Assessment as learning occurs
when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own
learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what
they know and can do, and how to use assessment for new learning.
While Assessment for learning involves teachers using evidence
about students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills to inform their
teaching. Sometimes referred to as ‘formative assessment’, it usually
occurs throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify
student learning and understanding.

The primary purpose of the assessment is NOT to measure but to FURTHER

learning. Reflect on your personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you
given opportunities for self-assessment? If YES, what was its impact on your
Yes, as a student, this is important for me to learn and develop my skills and
abilities through the knowledge that I have gained. This gives me an opportunity
to evaluate myself to what and where area/s that I need to improve to be better
at the same time always learning. This is a useful advantage because it gives me a
structured method for managing and evaluating my skills.

On the next page, insert photos of peer tutoring or any other forms or strategies
of re-teaching to further the learning. You may also add samples of assessment.

Great Job! You are done with the observation activity for the Learning
Episode 12. To successfully end your Learning Episode 12, go to your LMS and
answer the Learning Episode 12 Quiz.


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