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Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; Vol 20 (Issue 1): pp.

doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.01.638

A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And
Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI, M.Com.,M.Phil., B.Ed., PGDCA., Ph,D Assistant Professor & Head, P.G. &
Research Department of Commerce, Government Arts College (Autonomous) - Karur.

K.MUTHUMANI, M.Com., M.Phil., MBA., PGDCA. Guest Lecturer in Commerce, Government Arts &
Science College, Veerapandi.


This research paper attempt the socio –economic and Farmers' Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing in
Theni District. This research paper main objective is to analysis the socio - economic and Farmers'
Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing. This study is based on both primary and secondary data. The
primary data was collected from the retailer respondents taken for the study. By following face to face
interview then required data was collected. A well-structured interview – schedule was used for the
purpose. The secondary data was collected through books, journals, newspapers and websites sources.
By following convenient sampling technique, a sample of 560 coconut farmers was taken for the study.
The selection of samples by the researchers from the population was based on her personal judgment.
To find out the socio – demographic and business profile of socio – economic and Farmers' Satisfaction
with Coconut Marketing, percentage analysis is used to socio – economic and relationship between
farmer demographics and satisfaction with institutional support for coconut production and marketing
was investigated using an analysis of variance and a student t test. The data relating to the study was
collected during a 6-month period, from January to June 2021. Finally provided offer suggestions based
on the findings of the study.

Keywords: Coconut Farmer, Institutional Support, Coconut production and Marketing


Agriculture has dominated the economic development of both developed and developing countries.
India is an agricultural country, with agriculture employing a third of the people directly or indirectly.
Since the time immemorial, agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy. The production
of oilseeds occupies a significant position. Coconut is one of the most important and abundant sources
of vegetable oil, which is used for both edible and non-edible purposes. A vast number of small and
marginal farmers in peninsular India rely on the coconut for their livelihood. Coconut farming is
extremely important in India's rural economy. In terms of coconut output, India is the world's leading
country. India is the world's third-largest producer of coconuts, with 1.78 million hectares under
cultivation. The coconut palm and its products are a major source of income for a big portion of the
tropical rural population, and they also contribute significantly to the total export profits of various
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Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Asian and Pacific countries. It can be found in the Malay Archipelago, Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka,
the Pacific Territories, and the West Indies, among other humid tropics. Due to its adaptability, coconut
is the most widely cultivated and used nut in the planet. One of the most useful plants is the coconut
palm. It is grown in more than 80 countries throughout the world. The Philippines and Indonesia are
the world’s number one and second largest coconut producers, respectively. The coconut palm has been
the foundation of an essential life system for millennia, not only for island and coastal people in the
humid tropics, but also for inland parts of India, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. India is
currently ranked third in the world for coconut output, having produced 16.9 billion nuts from a planted
area of approximately 1.89 million hectares. India is also the most productive coconut-producing
country in the world in terms of productivity.

Statement of the Problem

One of the most important components of the Indian economy has always been coconut farming.
Despite the fact that India ranks first in terms of coconut production and productivity, coconut
producers in India were experiencing a number of problems, 1 which resulted in a decrease in quality
nuts produced, reflecting the competitive nature of the market on a worldwide scale. Lack of awareness
of new innovations in crop improvement, lack of quality plant material for farmers, lack of suitable
management procedures, and insect concerns must all be addressed carefully in order to make coconut
cultivation attractive. Natural calamities, price fluctuations, insect infestations, and rainfall all have a
significant impact on a farmer's income. They couldn't always receive the money they needed to plant
or develop a crop. Farmers will not be reimbursed for the money they lost due to crop failures or low
crop yields. Farmers who grow coconuts must wait more than 5 years to get a return on their
investment. Farmers might invest significant sums in crops and manage their family until the coconut
is harvested. Crop failures exacerbate farmers' problems. They are having trouble raising finances for
intercropping and covering family expenses.

Changes in the demographic characteristics of coconut farmers, such as a shift towards absent
landowners, the prevalence of senile and unproductive palms, the prevalence of marginal
smallholdings, overcrowded stands of coconut palms and other trees on farms, low adoption of crop
management practices resulting in low productivity, crop loss due to the incidence of various pests and
diseases, especially the huge losses due to root diseases, inadequate irrigation facilities, lack of
availability of quality plant material, lack of skilled labour and high wage rate, low level of product
diversification, etc. all negatively affect coconut cultivation. The lack of skilled labour and pest attacks
has severely harmed the possibilities for cultivation. One of the key factors that have played havoc on
the confidence of coconut growers is the rising cost of labour. Many farmers have abandoned coconut
farming in favour of rubber plants, trades, and other lucrative ventures, enticed by the high prices
available. Coconut farmers also face fragmentation of plantations for residential and commercial

Vanamadevi (2017). A study on cultivation and marketing problems of coconut growers in Thali
panchayat, Udumalpet. Paper Presented at the International Conference on Research avenues in
Social Science, Coimbatore.
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Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Because these tasks are not seen as respectable employment by most people, despite the high
pay, there is an increasing lack of trained personnel for climbing and dehusking. Farmers are frequently
compelled to convert to other crops and vegetables, which need less capital and provide good yields in
a short period of time. Coconut growers experience financial problems as a result of crop failure or low
production owing to disease and weather conditions. However, due to a number of obstacles, including
a high frequency of pests and diseases, poor agronomic methods, poor quality planting material, and a
limited genetic base, nut yield is relatively low. Another major stumbling block to production is a lack
of plant material. Inadequate and appropriate technologies in agronomy, pest and disease control, and
post-harvest handling and processing have also been developed for smallholder farmers' adoption.
Other considerations include the age of coconut palms and the cultivation of low-yielding coconut palm
cultivars. The necessity for an agricultural technique that enhances the revenue of coconut fans
becomes important in a situation where the coconut business is threatened by repeated uncertainty. As
the majority of coconut farmers are illiterate, unorganized, and dispersed, marketing coconut is more
difficult. They lack the information and abilities necessary to market their goods. Due to the financial
crisis and a lack of lending facilities from a financial institution or cooperative against coconut palms,
coconut farmers have small, marginal farms with limited operating capacity, forcing them to sell.

Farmers do not produce copra / oil for sale for a variety of reasons, the most important of which
is a less marketable surplus due to the small and marginal size of their farms. Furthermore, due to a
lack of storage facilities, they were obliged to sell their goods as soon as it was harvested at low prices
to local vendors in the village. Grading, standards, market knowledge, credit availability, storage, and
transportation are all insufficient. Furthermore, there is a long chain of middlemen between growers
and end customers in the coconut industry, and they take the lion's share of the consumer price.
Producers' goals and expectations are dependent on market conditions. Coconut growers, on the other
hand, face challenges such as forced sales, various market fees, unethical practices in unregulated
markets, and needless middlemen. When the merchant buys the coconuts, he takes a long time to pay
the farmers.

The rate per tonne for purchasing coconuts from farmers is not set by the government. As a
result, farmers were unable to make a profit from their crops. However, functionaries, with the
exception of institutional agencies, have failed to meet the goals of an effective marketing system
targeted at attaining remunerative rates through the sale of coconuts and coconut products in the
existing marketing system. Due to numerous limitations that directly or indirectly influence farmers,
marketing agents predominate in the marketing channels for coconut and its products. Farmers,
particularly those who plant coconut groves in monoculture, borrow loans from middlemen / traders
to fund their typical production and consumption expenses. Due to fluctuating coconut prices, they are
forced to sell these coconuts on the farm as soon as they are harvested. Farmers are unable to engage
in activities that might increase the value of their produce. This has a significant impact on the
marketing of coconuts and coconut products. In this perspective, the purpose of this research is to
address the following questions: What are the several factors that encourage farmers to cultivate
coconuts? What level of satisfaction do farmers have with coconut farming? What are the problems that
coconut farmers confront in terms of production? What level of satisfaction do farmers have with the
marketing of coconuts? What are the problems that farmers encounter when it comes to marketing

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Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
coconut? What steps would be taken to ensure that coconuts are grown and sold efficiently? In this
regard, the researcher conducted an investigation on coconut production and marketing in the Theni

Review of Literature

Chellasamy, et al. (2019)2 investigated coconut selling in the Hassan district. This research was
conducted among 77 farmers in Hassan district. Farmers were divided into three categories: marginal,
small, and large. As samples, the study included 32 marginal farmers, 29 small farmers, and 16 large
farms. Taxonomy of marketing channels for coconut farmers' products is also available. Channel I,
producer-village trader-retailer and consumers, channel II, producer-wholesalers-retailers and
consumers, channel III, producer-wholesalers-retailers and consumers, and channel IV, producer-
village-merchant-wholesaler-the retailer and customers. The marketing of coconut through channel-IV
is effective, according to this study.

Palanivelu and Muthukrishnan (2019)3 conducted research to identify factors influencing

coconut farmers' satisfaction with coconut production and marketing, assess coconut producers'
marketing methods, and make recommendations based on the study's findings for coconut farmers'
future prospects. A schedule is used to interview the farmers in the sample. 26 farmers were left out
due to non-response to some questions and non-cooperation from the farmers in the sample. As a result,
there are 240 farmers in the sample. Coconut producers in Coimbatore are clearly abandoning coconut
production in favour of other agricultural goods. According to the findings, farmers' satisfaction with
coconut cultivation can be improved by giving sufficient training on the various agricultural operations
included in coconut farming. This part of training will boost their production, which in turn will increase
their satisfaction.

Helen Grace P. Datang, Julie Mier E. Lomanog and Felipe E. Balaria (2019)4 investigated coconut
production techniques and obstacles in Dingalan, Aurora. A descriptive study was conducted. In
Barangay, Matawe, the main coconut-producing district in Dingalan, a total of 50 respondents were
chosen. Only those who have been cultivating coconuts for 25 years were chosen as respondents from
a total of 398 farmers in Barangay. In Dingalan, a coconut plantation could be managed in terms of size
and quantity of trees, but the production was low and needed to be improved. Coconut producers'
cultivation practices are too conventional and need to be modified. In Dingalan, the coconut agriculture
sector was unprofitable and did not help farmers improve their situation. Technical, natural, and social
factors are causing challenges in coconut farming, which can be rectified with strong political measures.
According to the findings, schools should create a functioning extension programme to assist Dingalan
coconut farmers in improving their farming capacities. Farmers should undergo training in order to
become more familiar with a more effective farming system. Farmers should learn how to form a

Chellasamy, et al. (2019). A study on marketing of coconut in Hassan district of Karnataka. Journal of the Gujarat Research
Society, 21 (10), 1436-1447.
Palanivelu, N., & Muthukrishnan, G. (2019). Problems of coconut marketing in Tamilnadu. Journal of the Gujarat Research
Society, 21 (10), 1252-1263.
Helen Grace P. Datang., Julie Mier E. Lomanog., & Felipe E. Balaria (2019). Coconut farming industry in Dingalan, Aurora:
Practices and challenges. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 5 (1), 11-17.
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cooperative to look into their marketing tactics as well as the added value of their product and any by-

Mike Manaros and Ismail Bulent Gurbuz (2020)5 examined the challenges that coconut
producers confront in terms of labour. The study identified the factors that influenced the cost of labour
for coconut farmers. The research was carried out in the Philippines' Lanao del Norte area. The schedule
was used to interview 400 coconut farmers in total. According to the study, the province's coconut
growers' biggest challenge is the high cost of labour. Coconut producers placed labour shortage second
among labour difficulties, indicating that it is a serious issue. The number of workers, land area, and
number of coconut trees all has a significant impact on labour costs.

Coconut cultivation in the Theni district was studied by Yesurajan and Sankaranarayanan
(2020).6 The investigation is analytic in nature. Simple random sampling was used to acquire primary
data from 30 coconut growers in the Periyakulam taluk of Theni district. The primary data was collected
using a well-structured interview schedule. Secondary data was also gathered from a variety of sources,
including the Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Horticulture Division, Food and Agricultural
Organization, Census of India, and websites. According to the study, 73.30 per cent of respondents have
coconut trees that produce for 6 months to a year. Tall trees and hybrid trees were both planted by the
farmers; however the hybrid tree was predominantly cultivated in the study region. In the market, 74%
of respondents received a fair price, 16.70% received a good price, and the remaining 9.30% received
an unreasonable price. The coconut was sold with the husk by the majority of the farmers, without the
husk by 6.60 per cent of the respondents, and 12% of the dry coconut sold in the market. The majority
of farmers had marketing issues as a result of price fluctuations and the presence of market middlemen.
Hence, the government should devise a unique plan to boost coconut production and marketing.
Fertilizers, seeds, machines, and storage facilities are all provided for free. The government should set
the market price for coconuts, avoiding the abuse of middlemen and the loss of money for farmers. The
government is planned to give coconut growers with equipment such as pumps and crop insurance, as
well as a low-interest loan.

Mathuthra and Arumugaswamy (2020)7 conducted a study to explore the financial situation of
coconut farmers in the Coimbatore district, determine cultivation methods, and investigate the issues
that they confront. The sample is made up of 100 people who were chosen at random using convenience
sampling. An interview with coconut farmers was used to gather primary data. Books and magazines
are used to obtain secondary data. In the case of coconut, cash payment and an reasonable price were
the most important factors that influenced the marketing of coconut through direct sales. Coconut
growers found that a scarcity of high-quality saplings was the major issue they were concerned about.
Finance, exorbitant costs, and a manpower shortage were the major issues. As a result, various
measures such as internet marketing, packaging, discounts, and touchless technology can be used to

Mike Manaros & Ismail Bulent Gurbuz (2020). Assessment of labour issues faced by the coconut producer in Lanao delNorte
Province. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 62, 195–200.
Yesurajan, M., & Sankaranarayanan, R. (2020). An analysis of coconut production in Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal
of All Research Education and Scientific Methods, 8 (8), 145-149.
Mathuthra, O., & Arumugaswamy, P. (2020). The study of problems faced by coconut growers in Coimbatore district during
Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Management, 11 (12), 2137-2146.
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alleviate the problems. In order to normalize the price of coconut, the Department of Agriculture will
launch several programmes to educate coconut growers about coconut farming and cultivation.

Kalimuthu and Dharani (2020)8 conducted research to determine coconut farmers' awareness
of the coconut market, as well as to learn about the marketing strategies employed by coconut farmers
and to investigate the marketing issues they face. A total of 120 farmers provided primary data. The
majority of respondents' crop acres (38 per cent) are smaller than 2-3 acres. The majority of
respondents (29%) grow coconuts for the purpose of generating long-term income. Organic fertilizers
are used by the vast majority of respondents. Around 41% of those surveyed say they rely on their own
technical knowledge. The vast majority of responders sell to consumers directly. Growing coconuts,
according to the majority of those surveyed, is preferable to other crops. Growing coconuts, according
to the majority of those surveyed, is preferable to other crops. The majority of responders said they
plan to increase their coconut production. The vast majority of individuals surveyed felt that buyers'
offers are average. High cost was ranked 1 by the majority of responders as a concern in marketing
coconut inputs. The lack of a stable pricing was ranked 1 by the majority of respondents as a concern in
coconut marketing. According to the study, high price fluctuation causes retailers and middlemen to
lose money they had expected. Intermediaries, according to the study, should be avoided. The
government should come forward and develop a price guarantee scheme to stabilize the price of
coconut and its products. The study recommends the formation of a coconut producers' association in
order to improve the selling of coconuts. The government may build warehouses in the area to keep the
coconuts and pay subsidies for any losses that occur.

Farmers, harvesters, commission agents, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and processors all
confront challenges in the coconut value chain, according to Kalidas, Mahendran, and Akila (2020). 9
Respondents were chosen using a multi-stage sampling method. Coimbatore, Tiruppur, Erode, and
Namakkal were chosen from among various districts in Tamil Nadu in the first stage. Farmers were
chosen from nine taluks in Coimbatore (3), Tiruppur (3), and Namakkal (3), as well as fifteen taluks in
Erode district. As a result, a total of 300 coconut growers were chosen. A well-structured interview
schedule was used to acquire primary data from respondents. Commission agents, harvesting
contractors, exporters, processors, distributors, and retailers were chosen in addition to farmers. The
main restraint was irregular and late payments by intermediaries, followed by a lack of market
information on prices, high commissions or brokerage fees, an inefficient regulated market, and high
transportation and storage expenses. The government should step in and create an institutional system
to control prices and communicate market data. Due to the appearance of pests and illnesses, farmers
experienced a decline in yield. Daily price fluctuation, a gap between production and nut requirements,
and a lack of market intelligence are all issues that most companies in the coconut value chain
encounter. Improved coconut output can be achieved by developing a new variety with higher
productivity, resistance to pests and diseases, and drought tolerance. To close the gap between demand
and supply, the government shall establish an institutional body that will forecast price movements and

Kalimuthu, M., & Dharani, S. (2020). Study on marketing problems faced by coconut producers with special reference to Sulur
taluk. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development, 5 (11), 181-186.
Kalidas, K., Mahendran, K., & Akila, K. (2020). Constraints in coconut value chain – A framework for analysis using response
priority index. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39 (16), 76-82.
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availability of coconut, as well as develop creative models to improve technology and market

In the Batu Pahat area of Johor, Zubaidah Omara and Fazleen Abdul Fataha (2020)10 did a study
to recommend policy decisions and establish appropriate plans and programme to improve the socio-
economic situations of smallholder coconut growers. Random sampling was used to choose a group of
152 farmers. Profitability was influenced by a variety of factors, including land, labour, fungicides,
experience, education and extension visits, according to the findings. The cost-benefit analysis revealed
that coconut growing was a viable business in the study area, with a benefit-cost ratio ranging from 5.0
to 8.4. As a result, smallholders will be able to increase their earnings and improve their living
conditions. Coconut production profitability is influenced by agronomic methods, government agencies,
smallholder expertise, and socio-economic factors. To ensure increased profitability among
smallholder coconut producers, the study proposes that appropriate fertilizers, as well as
transportation and logistics, should be improved. The availability of price information on the market
can assist a smallholder in selecting marketing channels and making judgments for each market in order
to maximize profitability. For smallholders to meet the needs of a more modern agricultural sector and
for information and communication technologies to effectively deliver and improve their profits and
capacities in collective action, additional efforts such as seminars, workshops, or integrated training
approaches are required.

Objectives of the Study

Considering the production and marketing of coconut in Theni district, the study was carried out with
the following objectives:

1. To study the cultivation practices of coconut farmers in the Theni district.

2. To determine the level of satisfaction among farmers in Theni district with regard to institutional
support for coconut production and marketing.

Testing of Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were framed and tested in this study using proper statistical tools in
order to analyse coconut production and marketing in Theni district.

H01: There is no statistically significant relationship between farmer demographics and satisfaction
with institutional support for coconut production and marketing.

H02: There is no statistically significant association between farmer demographics and satisfaction
with coconut production.

H04: There is no statistically significant relationship between farmer demographics and satisfaction

Zubaidah Omara., & Fazleen Abdul Fataha (2020). Unravelling the factors affecting agriculture profitability enterprise: Evidence
from coconut smallholder production, Accounting, 6 (2020) 493-500.
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with coconut marketing.

Scope of the Study

The purpose of this study is to look into the production and marketing of coconut in the Theni district.
Farmers in the five taluks of Theni district, namely Theni, Periyakulam, Andipatti, Bodinayakkanur, and
Uthamapalayam, are included in the study. Coconut manufacturing and marketing entails a variety of
operations. As a result, only the most common practices in coconut production and marketing are
examined in this study. Furthermore, the study primarily focuses on the reasons why farmers select
coconut farming, farmers' satisfaction with coconut cultivation, coconut growers' production problems,
farmers' satisfaction with coconut marketing, and farmers' problems with coconut marketing.

Selection of the Study Area

The Agro-Occidental climate zone encompasses the Theni district. The current minimum temperature
is 24 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature is 38 degrees Celsius. The district's soil types
include sandy loam, clay, and alluvial soil. Fruit crops such as mango, banana, grape, guava, and aonla,
tropical vegetables such as bhendi, tomato, brinjal, and onion, temperate vegetables such as cauliflower,
beets, and knol-khol, spices and condiments such as pepper and cardamom, and plantation crops such
as coffee and tea are the main horticultural crops grown in this district. Agriculture is the most
important component of the district's economy, with 30% of the people dependent on agriculture and
allied activities for a living. Coconuts are commonly grown in this region. Coconuts are cultivated in
both rainfed and irrigated environments. Hence, the researcher opted to conduct the investigation in
his hometown of Theni.

Sampling Design

Theni district had five taluks as of 31.08.2020. For the purposes of the research, the researcher used
multistage sampling to obtain primary data. In the first stage, the district of Theni was purposefully
chosen as the study area. The five taluks of Theni district were chosen in the second stage using the
census method. In the third stage, simple random sampling was used to select 25% of the revenue
villages from each of the taluks. At the final stage, 20 farmers were chosen at random from each of the
revenue villages. Thus, the sample size is 560 farmers. The sample distribution for this study is shown
in the table below.

Table 1: Sampling Distribution

Number of Samples
S. No. Taluk Revenue Revenue
Villages Villages
1 Theni 12 3 60
2 Periyakulam 22 5 100
3 Andipatti 25 6 120
4 Bodinayakkanur 15 4 80

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5 Uthamapalayam 39 10 200
Total 113 28 560

Data Collection

This research is based on a survey method and is empirical in nature. Both primary and secondary data
were used in this study. The study was mainly based on primary data collected from 560 farmers in
Theni district who grow and market coconuts. The schedule method was employed to collect primary
data due to the low level of education and farmers' lack of awareness about coconut production and
marketing. A pilot survey with 25 farmers was undertaken in December 2020 to determine the
relevance of the questions. In light of the experience obtained during the pilot study, the adequate
information in the schedule has been tested, and the necessary changes have been made into the new
schedule. Secondary data was employed in the study to offer general information on coconut production
and marketing. Books, journals, periodicals, theses, and websites were used to gather secondary data.
The National Horticultural Board, the Coconut Development Board, and the Ministry of Agriculture of
the Government of India provided the most important secondary sources of information. To arrive at
useful findings, the data was placed into a master table and tabulated.

Data Collection Period

The study gathered primary data during a 6-month period, from January to June 2020.

Framework of Analysis

Analysis of variance, student t test, chi-square test, coefficient of variation, multiple regression analysis,
factor analysis, and multiple discriminant function analysis were used to examine coconut production
and marketing. The relationship between farmer demographics and satisfaction with institutional
support for coconut production and marketing was investigated using an analysis of variance and a
student t test. Consistency of farmers' satisfaction with institutional support for coconut production
and marketing is measured using the coefficient of variation. The effect of farmer demographics on their
acceptance of coconut production problems is measured using multiple regression analysis.

The relationship between the demographics of farmers and their acceptance of the problems
experienced in coconut marketing was studied using analysis of variance and the student t test. The
coefficient of variation is used to assess the consistency with which farmers accept the challenges of
coconut marketing. The researcher employed multiple discriminant function analysis to look at how
coconut marketing problems differ between the three types of producers: marginal and small farmers,
medium farmers, and big farmers. The effect of farmer demographics on their acceptance of the
problems experienced in coconut marketing is measured using multiple regression analysis. In
addition, percentage analysis and descriptive statistics are used to arrive at meaningful results in this

Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on how farmers perceive coconut production and marketing in Theni, rather than
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how traders and processing firms report it. In addition, the study has the following limitations.

1. Incomplete answers and non-answers to certain questions are unavoidable in any attitude survey.
However, great care is taken to ensure that the investigation is as objective and systematic as

2. The investigation is constrained by time and resources, which the researcher is usually confronted
with. Only 560 farmers from five taluks in the Theni district were chosen for the study. As a result
of various flaws in the sample selection, the survey results are difficult to extrapolate to the entire

3. As the study relies on primary data, farmers' responses may be skewed by their socio-economic

Demographic Profile of Coconut Farmers

Individual demographic profiles serve as unique identifiers. It contains basic information such as
gender, age, education, occupation, and income, among other things. Table 4.1 shows the demographic
profiles of the farmers in the sample.

Table 2: Demographic Profile of Coconut Farmers

Farmer Demographics No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 427 76.25
Female 133 23.75
Upto 30 31 5.54
31-40 100 17.86
Age (years)
41-50 311 55.54
Above 50 118 21.07
Upto SSLC 53 9.46
H.Sc 211 37.68
Degree 240 42.86
PG and above 56 10.00
Upto 250000 63 11.25
250001-500000 178 31.79
Annual income (Rs.)
500000 - 750000 255 45.54
Above 750000 64 11.43
Marginal and small farmer 231 41.25
Farmer’s category Medium farmer 188 33.57
Big farmer 141 25.19
Married 488 87.14
Marital status
Unmarried 72 12.86
Joint family 108 19.23
Family type
Nuclear family 452 80.71
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Upto 5 357 63.75
No. of family
6 and 7 117 20.89
7 and above 86 15.36
Theni 60 10.71
Periyakulam 100 17.86
Taluk Andipatti 120 21.43
Bodinayakkanur 80 14.29
Uthamapalayam 200 35.71
Source: Primary Data.

76.25 per cent of the 560 farmers in the sample are male, while 23.75 per cent are female. 5.54
per cent of the respondents are under the age of 30, 17.86 per cent are between the ages of 31 and 40,
55.54 per cent are between the ages of 41 and 50, and 21.07 per cent are over the age of 50. SSLC
education is held by 9.46 per cent of respondents, H.Sc is held by 37.68 per cent, graduates are 42.86
per cent and PG and above qualifications are held by 10% of respondents. The group with the highest
annual income, Rs. 500000-750000, is followed by the group with the annual income, Rs. 250001-
500000, with 31.79 per cent of respondents. 11.25 per cent of respondents have an annual income of
less than Rs. 250000 and 11.43 per cent have an annual income of more than Rs. 750000. A total of
41.25 per cent of the 560 farmers in the sample are marginal and small farmers, 33.57 per cent are
medium farmers, and 25.19 per cent are big farmers. Of the total, 87.14 per cent of farmers are married
and 12.86 per cent of farmers are unmarried. A joint family accounts for 19.23% of farmers, whereas a
nuclear family accounts for 80.71 per cent. 63.75 per cent of the 560 farmers in the sample had up to
five family members, 20.89 per cent have six to seven family members, and 15.36 per cent have seven
or more family members. The taluks of Theni, Periyakulam, and Andipatti are home to 10.71 per cent,
17.86 per cent, and 21.43 per cent of the respondents, respectively. Bodinayakkanur taluk has 14.29
per cent of the responders, while Uthamapalayam taluk has 35.71 per cent.

Farmers' Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

Producers of coconuts from various demographic groups were surveyed on their satisfaction with the
coconut marketing. A study was done to see whether there is a relationship between farmer
demographics and satisfaction with coconut marketing.

Table 3: Gender and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

Calculated Table
No. of Chi- Value at
Gender Mean of DF Result
Respondents square 5%
Value Level

Male 427 37.79 12.44 1.497 558 1.964 Not

Female 133 38.50 13.51

6134 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Total 560 37.96 12.72
Source: Primary Data.

The calculated t-value for 558 degrees of freedom is (1.497) less than the table value (1.964) at
the 5% significance level. As a result, there is no difference between a farmers’ gender and their
satisfaction with coconut marketing. The null hypothesis (H04) is thus accepted. This means that the
gender of the producers has no influence on the coconut's marketing. Farmers who are female had the
highest average satisfaction score (38.50), followed by farmers who are male. This indicates that
women farmers are more satisfied with coconut marketing. The variation in satisfaction is high (13.51
per cent) among female farmers and it is low (12.44 per cent) among male farmers. As a result, male
farmers' satisfaction with coconut marketing is consistent.

Table 4: Age and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

No. of Standard Coefficient of

Age (years) Mean
Respondents Deviation Variation

Upto 30 31 40.32 5.30 13.14

31-40 100 38.41 4.94 12.86

41-50 311 37.75 4.83 12.79

Above 50 118 37.50 4.44 11.84

Total 560 37.96 4.83 12.72

Source: Primary Data.

Relationship between Age and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

Source of Sum of Mean Calculated Table Value at

DF Result
Variation Square Square F Value 5% Level
232.070 3 77.357
3.363 2.621 Significant
Within groups 12790.901 556 23.005

Total 13022.971 559

For 3 and 556 degrees of freedom, the calculated F value (3.363) is less than the table value
(2.621) at the 5% significance level. As a result, there is no significant relationship between farmers'
age and their satisfaction with coconut marketing. The null hypothesis (H04) is thus accepted. This
means that the age of the growers has no influence on the coconut's marketing. Farmers under the age
6135 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With
Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
of 30 have the highest average satisfaction score (40.32), followed by those between the ages of 31 and
40. Farmers over the age of 50 have a low average satisfaction score (37.50). Farmers under the age of
30 are more satisfied with the marketing of coconuts, according to the data. The variation in satisfaction
is high (13.14 per cent) among farmers under 30 and it is low (11.84 per cent) among farmers over 50.
As a result, the satisfaction of farmers over 50 with coconut marketing is consistent.

Table 5: Education and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

No. of Standard Coefficient of

Education Mean
Respondents Deviation Variation

Upto SSLC 53 37.83 4.85 12.82

H.Sc 211 37.91 4.39 11.58

Degree 240 38.06 5.71 15.00

PG and above 56 38.57 5.44 14.10

Total 560 37.96 4.83 12.72

Source: Primary Data.

Relationship between Education and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

Source of Sum of Mean Calculated Table Value

DF Result
Variation Square Square F Value at 5% Level
25.967 3 8.656
0.370 2.621
Within groups 12997.005 556 23.376 significant

Total 13022.971 559

At the 5% significant level, the calculated F value for 3 and 556 degrees of freedom is (0.370)
less than the table value (2.621). As a result, there is no significant relationship between farmer
education and satisfaction with coconut marketing. As a result, the null hypothesis (H 04) is accepted.
This suggests that farmer education has no significant influence on the marketing of coconuts. Farmers
with PG and above qualification had the highest average satisfaction score (38.57), followed by farmers
with a degree. Farmers with up to SSLC education have a low level of satisfaction (37.83). As a result,
farmers with PG and above qualification are more satisfied with coconut marketing. The variation in
satisfaction is high (15.00 per cent) among farmers with a degree and it is low (11.58 per cent) among
farmers with H.Sc education. Thus, there is consistency in the satisfaction of farmers who have H.Sc
education with coconut marketing.

6136 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Table 6: Annual Income and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

No. of Standard Coefficient of

Annual Income (Rs.) Mean
Respondents Deviation Variation

Upto 250000 63 37.63 4.63 12.30

250001-500000 178 38.71 4.84 12.50

500000 - 750000 255 37.68 5.30 14.07

Above 750000 64 37.44 4.91 13.11

Total 560 37.96 4.83 12.72

Source: Primary Data.

Relationship between Annual Income and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

Source of Sum of Mean Calculated F Table Value

DF Result
Variation Square Square Value at 5% Level
Between groups 151.575 3 50.525
Within groups 12871.396 556 23.150 2.183 2.621
Total 13022.971 559

At the 5% significance level, the calculated F-value for 3 and 556 degrees of freedom is (2.183)
smaller than the table value (2.621). As a result, there is no significant relationship between annual
income and farmer satisfaction with coconut marketing. As a result, the null hypothesis (H 04) is
accepted. This means that the farmers' annual income has no influence on the marketing of the coconut.
The highest average satisfaction score (38.71) belongs to farmers earning between Rs. 250000 and Rs.
500000, followed by farmers earning between Rs. 500000 and Rs. 750000, per annum. Farmers with
an annual income of more than 750000 rupees have a low average satisfaction score (37.44). As a result,
farmers having an annual income of Rs.250001-500000 are more satisfied with coconut marketing. The
variation in satisfaction is high (14.07%) among farmers with annual income of Rs. 500000-750000
and it is low (12.30%) among farmers with annual income up to Rs.250000. Thus, there is consistency
in the satisfaction of farmers earning up to Rs. 250000 per year with the marketing of coconut.

Table 5.6: Farmers’ Category and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

No. of Standard Coefficient of

Farmers’ Category Mean
Respondents Deviation Variation

6137 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Small and marginal farmer 231 37.31 4.32 11.58

Medium farmer 188 39.21 5.26 13.41

Big farmer 141 37.35 4.71 12.61

Total 560 37.96 4.83 12.72

Source: Primary Data.

Relationship between Farmers’ Category and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

Source of Sum of Mean Calculated Table Value

DF Result
Variation Square Square F Value at 1% Level
Between groups 442.532 2 221.266

Within groups 12580.440 557 22.586 9.797 4.644 Significant

Total 13022.971 559

For 2 and 557 degrees of freedom, the calculated F value (9.797) is greater than the table value
(4.644) at the 5% significance level. As a result, there is a significant relationship between the category
of farmer and their level of satisfaction with coconut marketing. As a result, the null hypothesis (H 04) is
rejected. This indicates that the category of farmers has a substantial influence on coconut marketing.
The average satisfaction score for medium farmers is 39.21, followed by big farmers. The average level
of satisfaction among marginal and small farmers is low (37.31). As a result, medium farmers growers
are more satisfied with coconut marketing. The variation in satisfaction is high (13.41%) among
medium farmers and it is low (11.58%) among marginal and small farmers. As a result, marginal and
small farmers' satisfaction with coconut marketing is consistent.

Table 5.7: Taluk by Farmers and Satisfaction with Institutional Support for Coconut Production
and Marketing

No. of Standard Coefficient of

Taluk Mean
Respondents Deviation Variation

Theni 60 38.93 4.67 12.00

Periyakulam 100 37.78 4.69 12.41

Andipatti 120 36.98 4.41 11.93

Bodinayakkanur 80 38.91 5.93 15.24

6138 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Uthamapalayam 200 35.68 3.52 09.87

Total 560 37.96 4.83 12.72

Source: Primary Data.

Relationship between Taluk by Farmers and Satisfaction with Institutional Support for Coconut
Production and Marketing

Source of Sum of Mean Calculated F Table Value

DF Result
Variation Square Square Value at 1% Level
Between groups 689.454 4 172.363

Within groups 12333.517 555 22.223 7.756 3.353 Significant

Total 13022.971 559

For 4 and 555 degrees of freedom, the calculated F value (7.756) is greater than the table value
(3.353) at the 1% significance level. As a result, there is a significant relationship between farmers from
diverse taluks and their level of satisfaction with coconut marketing. Hence, the null hypothesis (H04) is
rejected. This indicates that farmer taluks have a significant influence on coconut marketing. Theni taluk
farmers had the highest average satisfaction score (38.93), followed by Bodinayakkanur taluk farmers.
Farmers in the Uthamapalayam taluk have a low average satisfaction score (35.68). As a result, the
farmers in Theni taluk are more satisfied with the coconut marketing. The variation in satisfaction is
high (15.24%) among Bodinayakkanur taluk farmers and it is low (9.87%) among Uthamapalayam
taluk farmers. Thus, the satisfaction of the Uthamapalayam taluk farmers with the marketing of coconut
is consistent.

Table 5.8: Type of Coconut Palm and Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing

No. of Standard Coefficient of

Type of Coconut Palm Mean
Respondents Deviation Variation

Dwarf coconut 354 38.26 4.68 12.23

Tall coconut 206 37.78 4.91 13.00

Total 560 37.96 4.83 12.72

Source: Primary Data.

Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing among Dwarf and Tall Coconut Farmers

6139 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing
Calculated Chi- Table Value at 5%
DF Result
square Value Level

1.141 558 1.964 Not significant

The calculated t-value for 558 degrees of freedom is (1.141) less than the table value (1.964) at
the 5% significance level. As a result, there is no significant difference in farmer satisfaction with
coconut marketing between dwarf and tall kinds of coconut palms. The null hypothesis (H 04) is thus
accepted. This means that the type of coconut palm grown by the farmers has no significant influence
on the coconut's marketing. Farmers who plant a dwarf coconut palm variety have the greatest average
satisfaction score (38.26), followed by farmers who plant a tall coconut palm variety. This indicates that
farmers who plant a dwarf coconut palm variety are more satisfied with the coconut's marketing. The
variation in satisfaction is high (13.00 per cent) among farmers growing a tall variety of coconut palms
and it is low (12.23 per cent) among farmers growing a dwarf variety of coconut palm. Farmers who
cultivate a dwarf variety of coconut palm are consistently satisfied with the marketing of coconut.


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6141 | Dr.V.SATHURAGIRI A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With

Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing

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