VOL I Technical Bid Final 01.08.22
VOL I Technical Bid Final 01.08.22
VOL I Technical Bid Final 01.08.22
Chief Engineer
2 Special Clause
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Chief Engineer
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
1 Department Name Gujarat Water Supply & Sewage Board
P. H. Circle, Mehsana/ P. H.Works
2 Circle/Division
Division, Mehsana.
3 Tender Notice No ....../2022-23
VijapurKanthaVistar Regional Water Supply
4 Name of Project: SchemeBased on PiyajDharoi pipeline. Ta:-
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Tender Dates All Dates are in dd/mm/yyyy, hr: min as per Indian
Standard Time (IST)
19 Bid Document Downloading Start Date ...................10:00 onwards
20 Site Visit Office Hrs.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
EMD/4/2022/0002/DMO Date:20.05.2022
(Enclosed)Earnest Money Deposit
Rs. 5,85,160=00 (Five Lakh Eighty Five Thousand
One Hundred Sixty Only)in form of FDR or Bank
Guarantee in favour of "Executive Engineer, P. H.
WorksDivision,MEHSANA"valid up to 28 days from
the date of closure of the bid validity period of 180
days i.e.(Total of 180+28=208 days), shall be
issued by any nationalized bank or as per list
mentioned in GR of. GR of. Finance Department,
GR. No: EMD/4/2022/0002/DMO Date:20.05.2022
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
1. Interested Bidders can view these tender documents online. The bidders who
are interested in bidding in these tenders can download tender documents as
mentioned above.
2. Tender Documents are available only in electronic form. Bidders shall upload
the tender documents as per time line specified as above, Tender fee and
Bid Security (EMD) shall have to be furnished as specified in Sr. No 15 to
18of Tender Notice. The intending bidders have to submit the following
documents also. The bidder should submit all the forms electronically only.
a. Power of attorney.
Email: nprocure@gnvfc.net
Further details of the work and plans can be available from the office of
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Email: nprocure@gnfc.net
The tender document for this work are available only in Electronic format,
which bidders can download free of cost from the internet site
Bidder shall submit their offer in Electronic format on above mentioned website
within the date specified in the Tender Notice after Digitally Signing the same.
Offers, which are not Digitally Signed, will not be accepted. No offer in physical
form will be accepted and any such offer, if received by the GWSSB, will be out
rightly rejected.
Submission of Tender fee, bid security, other documents shall be as per Tender
The Technical bid will be opened as per the date mentioned in Tender Notice on
website http:// www.gwssb.nprocure.com. Intending bidders or their
representative who wish to participate in online tender opening can log on to
http:// www.nprocure.com on the due date and time, mark their presence or
participate in online tender opening. For more details vendors are requested to
refer “Vendor Training Manual”. Bidder who wishes to remain present at GWSSB
premises at the time of tender opening can do so. Only one representative of
each firm will be allowed to remain present. Date of opening of Price bid will be
informed only to the qualifying bidders.
a) The Bid Document Fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
c) The offer shall be valid for 180 days from the last date of submission of bid.
d) Tenders without Bid Document Fee, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), Valid
Registration Certificate and which do not fulfill all or any of the conditions
or those submitted incomplete, in any respect shall not be considered for
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
g) GWSSB reserves the right to accept the lowest responsive offer, based on
evaluation of package and reject any or all tenders without assigning any
i) The bidders are advised to read carefully the “Instruction” and “Eligibility
Criteria” contained in the tender documents.
Executive Engineer
Public Health Works
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Name of work “Construction of R.C.C. U/G Sump, Providing, lowering, laying and
jointing 90 to 160mm dia PVC pipeline and Supply and Installation of GCI sheet
Cabin And Supply installation, testing & commissioning horizontal mono
submersible pump with required accessories with Electrification in sump at
various Villages of Vijapur Taluka District: Mehsana Under General-Regional
WSS-6 Programme of Vijapur kantha vistar RWSS”
Name of Employer :Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Gandhinagar
5. Time allowed for completion of the work :As Mentioned in Tender Notice
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Online tenders are invited and published by the "Executive Engineer, P. H. WorksDivision,
GWSSB, MEHSANA"for the work of “Construction of R.C.C. U/G Sump, Providing,
lowering, laying and jointing 90 to 160mm dia PVC pipeline and Supply and
Installation of GCI sheet Cabin And Supply installation, testing & commissioning
horizontal mono submersible pump with required accessories with Electrification
in sump at various Villages of Vijapur Taluka District: Mehsana Under General-
Regional WSS-6 Programme of Vijapur kantha vistar RWSS”
From the contractors who are registered in "A" Class in R&B Department or Narmada Water
Resources, Water Supply &Kalpsar Department and the other bidders equivalent of class in
Government (State/Central), Board, Corporation, and Government Undertaking
/Organisations of State & Central Government including all Public Sector Units.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(i) A pre- bid conference for the works, open to all intending bidders, shall be
held on the date & venue as mentioned in the Tender Notice.
(ii) All Bidders are urged to submit a written request immediately upon receipt
of the tender documents for the matter where clarification and/or
additional information are desired, along with the details of work. The
request shall be submitted not less than four days in advance of the pre-bid
(iii) The tender document shall be submitted as per procedure laid down in
Section-II, Para No. 26, for submission of tender.
(iv) Earnest money deposit details & scanned copy shall be submitted as
prescribed on line and after submission online, in form specified shall be
submitted in office of "Executive Engineer, P. H. Works Division, GWSSB,
MEHSANA"as per details given online in sealed envelope. If earnest money
deposit is not received within prescribed time limit the bid shall be
(v) Tender shall be opened as per procedure laid down in this Section-II,clause
28 and as per detailed tender notice.
(vi) All Bidders are cautioned that e-tender containing any deviation from the
contractual terms and conditions, specifications or requirements shall be
rejected as non- responsive.
(vii) Conditional offer will be out right rejected. No condition shall be included in
(x) Bidders shall have to declare regarding the tender submitted in the
prescribed format.
(xi) The department reserves the right to qualify/ disqualify any applicant
without assigning any reason thereof.
(xiii) If the bidder has submitted tender fee and EMD on line & in hard copy, the
request of the bidder for not opening of bid shall not be accepted in any
(xiv) If bidder has not submitted in original, tender fee and E.M.D. offline, but
same is scanned and submitted with his bid online or vice versa within
stipulated period, to the designated officer as per Tender document, the bid
shall be liable to be considered as non-responsive.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(xv) All those documents which are scanned and submitted should be numbered
chronologically and with their reference in the self-appraisal of P.Q. will
have to be given for the proof of qualification.
(xvi) The bidder, whose contracts are earlier terminated on account of poor
performance in GWSSB / GWIL works, will not be eligible for this tender.
(xvii) Any bidder who has been barred by the state/central government or any
entity control by them (Controlling Stake) from participating in any project
and the bar subsists as on the day of issue of notice inviting tender and/or
submission of bid, the bidder shall not be eligible to submit the tender
document either individually or as a member of consortium. However, the
bidder submits the bid, the tender shall not be considered for evaluation.
The experience certificate from the client equivalent to not below the rank
of Executive Engineer shall only be considered. The experience of sublet
works / in house / private / foreign work shall not be considered. The
bidder who had already applied as a prime contractor for the same tender
shall not be eligible to apply under joint venture.
(xix) Bidders shall not be listed under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or
fraudulent practices issued by the central/ state govt. in accordance with
sub clause 45.1 (c) or not in the list of black listed contractors announced by
Government (State / Central), Board, Corporation, and Government
Undertaking / Organizations of state & central government including all
Public Sector Units.
(xx) Bidder (individual or any member in case of JV/ consortium) shall not have
suffered bankruptcy/ insolvency during the last 5 years. For this, Certificate
of CA appointed by the bidder must be produced along with a self-affidavit
to same effect of prescribed stamp paper of affidavit.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
However, if any delay, due to any reasons in contractor’s part, if the next
crop compensation is required to be paid, it will be the responsibility of the
contactor and in event of failure by contractor, to do so, GWSSB shall
deduct and recover the same amount from contactors bills. Any damage in
the area beyond the outside of ROU, will be responsibility of the contractor.
After successful completion of the pipeline works like laying, excavation,
back filling etc the contractor is also required to level the field where
pipelines are laid in original condition with caution.
Further ROU (Right to Use) in terms of length shall be provided as per site
availability by GWSSB and it may be in selective available length also. Any
demand by the contractor to get continuous length to start the work will not
be considered by GWSSB under any circumstances.
(xxiv) The contractor shall have to pay the labour registration fee of Rs. 25/labour
and annual contribution of Rs. 75.00 vide Ref: PB/Monitoring Cell/ Standard
Contract Document/2013-14/2294, Dated: 07/09/2013. (Circular Enclosed).
(If any change while executing the project the latest shall be applicable)
(xxv) It shall be the sole discretion of the competent authority to decide the total
numbers of packages for evaluation/award to the bidder based on the facts
and circumstances of the cases.
This will be based on the least cost combination and as may be the most
advantageous to GWSSB and shall be final and binding to all the bidders.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(xxvii) The Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for
the Contractor/Vendor 12 months after the completion of whole work i.e.
Including O&M under the contract and for all other bidders. If any claim is
made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to be
valid despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is
/determined by the competent authority of GWSSB.
(xxviii) Since this is an EPC contract, the bidders are to quote their rates based on
the actual market scenario. Any rates which are found to be abnormal
higher/lower or unworkable shall lead to rejection of the bid. The decision
of the GWSSB shall be final and legally binding to all the bidder.
(xxix) Excise duty exemption certificate shall be provided for all types of pipes
above 100mm diameter. The prices quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive
of above benefits. (Deleted)
(xxx) The Employer wishes to clarify that regardless of the contents of a bid, the
successful Bidder shall be required to conform in all respects to the
requirements of the Contract, and all proposals shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer In-charge. Acceptance of the Bidder’s proposal for
the purposes of bid evaluation and award of tender shall not be construed as
approval by the GWSSB. All details will subsequently be subject to the
approval of the Engineer In-charge during execution of the Contract. No
claim for additional payments shall be entertained, other than in
accordance with the Contract
(xxxi) The Contractor shall completely indemnify and hold harmless GWSSB and its
employees against any liability, all claims by statutory authorities, losses
under various Labour Laws, statutes or any civil or criminal laws in
connection with employees deployed by him or damages sustained by it or
them by reason of any breach of contract, wrongful act or negligence by the
Contractor or any of its employees engaged in the provision of the
manpower services to GWSSB.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
All the statutory charges & other charges such as fees, insurance, damage, NOC
etc. for laying of pipeline below railway, NH, SH and all other roads and other
crossings are to be paid by the GWSSB.
After the successful commissioning of the scheme, the contractor shall operate and
maintain the system for 05years. This includes carrying out necessary repairs of
equipment, which meet original specifications, replacement of any components
required for smooth running of the system, etc. during O& M period, the
replacement of the items should be of the same specifications as in the original
contract documents. Efficiency of all the systems as considered for design should be
maintained throughout the O & M period. The power factor should be maintained
throughout the maintenance period.
The detailed description of the works is included in the “Extent of Work” under
The particulars of the proposed works given as well as in the accompanying brief
note are provisional and must be considered only as advance information to assist
In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby
assigned to them.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
1.2.2. ONLINE :
Any activity that is done on website is referred as 'online' activity for e.g.,
Submission of Bid online would mean that technical & price Bid has to be submitted
on website.
1.2.3. OFFLINE :
Any activity that is done in conventional route is referred as 'Offline' activity for
e.g. “Submission of Tender fee,Earnest Money Deposit, Registration Certificate,
Solvency Certificate, etc in Offline mode” would mean that the tender fee, Earnest
Money Deposit, Registration Certificate, Solvency Certificate etc is to be Submitted
to the Office of the concerned Executive Engineer physically.
1.2.4. E- TENDER :
Tender in which the bidder can participate online by means of logging in onto the
respective website is called E- Tender.
Any electronic documents, which contains encrypted message digest using hash
algorithm and Tender public key is known as Digitally Signed Documents and the
process of generating such document is called digitally signing it.
Electronic Copy of any document generated using a Scanner is called scanned copy.
1.2.7. SYSTEM :
1.2.8. UPLOAD :
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
1.2.9. IT ACT-2000:
1.2.11. B.I.S:
1.2.12. Deleted
Means all equipment, appliances or things of whatsoever nature required for the
execution, completion or maintenance of the primary work or temporary works but
does not include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of
permanent work.
1.2.14. CONTRACT:
Means the instruction and information to bidders, general and special conditions of
contract, specifications, drawings, schedules of quantities & tender prices, other
parts of the Bid Document, the formal agreement between the employer and
contractor and all addenda and attachments related to the above.
Means the bidder with whom the contract has been made for executing the works.
Means the agreed amount stated in the Contract Agreement for Providing,
laying, Designing, Construction& Commissioning including O&M of the works for the
stipulated period and to remedy of any defects, and includes adjustments (if any)
in accordance with the Contract.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
The Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with all applicable Laws
related to all actions of his obligation as per the contract.
Means the obligation to execute the Project in all its entirety and shall, without
limitation, include Operation and Maintenance.
As between the Parties, the Employer shall retain the copyright and other
intellectual property rights in the Employer’s requirements and other documents
made by (or on behalf of) the employer. The contractor may, at his own cost, copy,
use, and obtain communication of these documents for the purposes of the
contract. They shall not, without the Employer’s consent, be copied, used or
communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the
purposes of the Contract.
1.2.21. COUNTRY:
Means the Country in which the site (or most of it) is located, where the
Permanent Woks are to be executed.
1.2.22. DAY:
Means the period of three year from the certified date of completion of work.
1.2.24. DRAWINGS:
Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage BoardGujarat, or the person named as Employer
or Owner in the Contract Agreement and the legal successor in title to this person.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the
Employer for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works, as stated in
the Employer’s requirements but does not include plant which has not been taken
over by the Employer.
As between the Parties, the Contractor shall retain the copyright and other
intellectual property right of the Contractor’s Documents and other design
documents made by (or on behalf of) the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be deemed by signing the Contract to give the Employer
a non- terminable, transferable, non-exclusive royalty-free license to copy, use
and communicate the Contractor’s Documents, including making and using
modifications of them. This license shall:
Entitle any person in proper possession of the relevant part of the works to
copy, use and communicate the Contractor’s documents for the purposes of
completing, operating, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing and
demolishing the works, and
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Estimated cost or Put to Tender Cost at the time of publishing the tender
Means the Executive Engineer in overall charge of the works i.e. Engineer In-
1.2.31. FACILITY:
Means the entire system to be designed and constructed in accordance with the
provisions hereof, including the equipment’s, buildings, structures, ramps, pits,
pipes, pipeline appurtenances, fencing, lighting, testing and analysis equipment,
tools, computers, software programs, safety equipment, plant machinery, supplies,
instruments and inventory incorporated therein, as well as all open areas within
the site, and including any additions, modifications, alterations, adjustments,
replacements and repairs as may be made thereto from time to time.
1.2.32. GOODS:
Means Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, all or any of
them as appropriate.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
These persons shall notify the Employer of their leader who shall have authority
to bind the Contractor and each of these persons; and
The contractor shall not alter its composition or legal status without the Prior
consent of the Employer.
1.2.35. LAWS:
Means and includes all the provisions of all National (or state) legislation,
Indian statutes, regulations, ordinances, codes, official or other standards,
administrative or other rules, zoning and other plans and restrictions, building
and other permits, judgements awards and decrees of, or agreements with any
Governmental, semi-Governmental or quasi- Governmental Authority as currently in
effect or as may be in effect from time to time and /or as may be amended or
supplemented from time to time.
Means the requirements for maintaining, repairing, and renewing the Facility:
As set forth in the O&M Manual; bidder shall provide this at the time of
commissioning of the project.
Required pursuant to applicable Law;
Means things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the
Permanent Works, including the supply (only materials if any) to be supplied by the
Contractor under the Contract.
Means the person who supplies goods or services. A supplier may be distinguished
from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds specialized input to
deliverables also called vendor.
1.2.39. MONTH:
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Means from the beginning of a given date of calendar month to the end of
preceding date of the next calendar month.
Means the final Manual for the Operation and Maintenance of the Facility to be
prepared in accordance with the requirements of Bid Documents.
Mean the obligation of the Contractor pursuant to the agreement to operate and
maintain the facility on and from the start date of O&M until the date of
completion of this Agreement.
Means the time period after the issue of Successful Commissioning Certificate and
continuing for the term of the Agreement.
Means the amount payable by the Employer to the Contractor, towards fulfilment
of the Contractor’s Operation and Maintenance Obligations.
All of the requirements, policies and procedures set forth in the O & M Manual
Means the List of Guarantees offered / provided by the Contractor in his Bid
Submission pursuant of the Bid Documents.
Means the works to be designed and executed by the Contractor under the Contract.
1.2.48. RUPEE:
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
1.2.49. SITE:
Means the specific areas / lands and other places on, under, in or through which,
the works are to be executed or carried out and any other lands or places
provided by the owner for the purposes of the contract together with such other
places as maybe specifically designated in the Contract or subsequently approved
as forming part of the site.
Means, the Owner shall take over the project after contractual completion of the
O&M period and meeting all contractual obligations, Terms & Conditions as agreed
by the contractor.
Means all temporary works of every kind required for successful execution of the
Means the tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties
or instructed as a Variation, and which are carried out (Test on Completion)
before the works or a section (as the case may be) are taken over by the
1.2.53. WEEK:
1.2.54. WORKS:
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Means the call/invite by The Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board (hereinafter
referred to as "The Employer" or GWSSB) from all interested and eligible bidders for
Water Supply/drainage Schemes as per Tender Notice.
The tender documents are available in electronic form, from the website
www.gwssb.nprocure.com. Interested bidders can view these tender documents
online, and can down load tender documents.
The particulars of the proposed works given herein as well in the accompanying
brief note are provisional and must be considered only as advance information to
assist applicants.
This is a proposed water supply scheme needs to be designed and executed as per
the specifications and BOQ etc.
The "Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board" shall be the project implementing
agency. This contract shall be administered and managed by "Executive Engineer,
H. Works Division, GWSSB, MEHSANA" for and on behalf of Gujarat Water Supply &
Sewerage Board and shall act as the "Engineer In-charge."
4.1 Contractor:
a) The preliminary designs and details contained in the bid documents are based on
limited and indicative field data as available with the Employer at the time of
preparation of the bidding documents. Bidder shall be responsible to verify/
examine/ check and make his own assessment of the site, site data, soil data and
the schematic details shown in the bid documents based on his own investigations
and/ or additional surveys, if required, at bidder's own cost.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
The contractor shall be responsible to make good and bring to original position road
and land surface, etc. damaged during laying of pipelines and construction of
structures or while carrying out any activities related to this contract, at his cost.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all the damages that may occur during the
execution of the work, to the underground cables, power lines, telephone lines,
other water/sewer lines and other infrastructure facilities etc. while executing the
works under this contract and shall bear all costs relating to repairs /
b) The contractor shall be responsible for failure of any components of the works
executed by him during the full period of contract and the defect liability
period.The contractor shall have to replace defective/ damaged/non-standard
components of the executed works as may be identified by the engineer in charge
at the cost of the contractor.
The Contractor will prepare and present interim/running and final bills.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and performance of all civil and
other structure up to the end of period of defect liability period. The
damages/defects identified by the "Engineer in charge" shall be made good, as per
Standards, by the contractor at his cost and risk. In case of collapse of structures in
part or full replacement/ reconstruction shall be done by the contractor at his cost
and risk.
The defects liability period shall commence from the date of successful
commissioning of work and will be 36 months from the certified date of
completion of work.
5 The Employer:
a) The Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board assures all participants for the
contract that, adequate financial resources are available to cover the financial
requirements and funds are available to meet the disbursement needs of the
construction contracts in accordance with the provisions of tender documents.
All the material shall be inspected by GWSSB internal system and/or through Third
Party Agency appointed by the board.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
GWSSB will provide indicative drawings and design parameters as may be required
for works to be designed by the contractor.
GWSSB will approve and pay all interim/ running/final bills presented by the
Contractor after due verification against the provisions of contract.
GWSSB will be responsible to get all statutory permissions and clearances from the
concerned central/ state or local statutory authorities. However, the contractor
shall have to manage the day-to-day co-ordination and follow up activities based on
these clearances on site. Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board shall provide
required help and assistance for such day-today activities.
The GWSSB will make available land for laying the pipeline & will be responsible for
payment of crop compensation etc. in case of laying the pipeline in private/
government land. However, once clearance/ possession is obtained and established
through mutual consent of the owner, its day-to-day management on site shall be
the responsibility of the contractor for which GWSSB shall provide only necessary
help and assistance.
b) All bids are to be completed and returned to the Employer in accordance with
these Instructions to Bidders.
c) A copy of the available reports and data has been kept for reference in the office
of: (Name, Address, Contact Person & nos. of Executing Authority as per appendix
to bid details)
Each bidder shall submit only one bid either by himself, or as a partner in a joint
venture. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid under this
proceed will cause all those bids to be rejected.
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its
bid, up to acceptance of the offer. The Employer will in no case be responsible or
liable for those costs.
8.1 The bidder is advised to depute a suitable team to visit and examine the Site of
Works and its surroundings for fully understanding of the job and ascertain the
difficulties that may be encountered during execution of the works and for
obtaining for himself, on his own responsibility, all information that may be
necessary for
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
preparing the bid and entering into the Contract. The cost of visiting the Site shall
be entirely at bidder’s own expense.
8.2.1. AIRPORTS:
Mumbai, Delhi & Ahmedabad are three International Airports and Ahmedabad,
Rajkot, Surat and Vadodara are the domestic Airports in Gujarat.
8.2.2. Railway:
8.2.3. Roads:
Approach to the site of works: The bidder has to make own arrangements for
approaching the site
At Ahmadabad, hotels up to five star standard and Government Circuit house are
available. The Govt. Circuit houses are available at all district places.
10.2. Housing:
The GWSSB has not envisaged any provision of house colony for contractors. The
contractor, therefore, has to make his own arrangement for housing his staff and
Marketing facilities for day-to-day needs are generally available. Special & major
marketing centres are in nearby cities Ahmadabad, Rajkot, Vadodara, Surat etc.
The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for water supply for work
as well as for colonies of camps which may be established by him.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Government and private Hospital facilities are available at all districts. However,
the contractor will have to make own arrangement for Medical services for his
labour and staff.
The contractor will have to arrange with Gujarat Electricity Board, Gujarat for his
power requirements during construction phase. All charges for the use of power
including maintenance shall be borne by the contractor and paid directly to the
concerned authorities. He shall comply with all the requirements for purchase and
use of electric power.
Post and Telephone services are available for public use at all district places.
Gujarat State has tropical climate. The daily minimum temperature ranges from 5 o
Celsius in December- January to 270 Celsius in April-May. The daily maximum
temperature varies from 30 Degree Celsius in December- January to 47 Degree
Celsius in April –May.
11.2. Rainfall
Average annual Rainfall ranges from less than 500 mm the North West region to
over 2000 mm in the South, with most part of the State receiving 200mm to
1000mm of rainfall. About 95% of rainfall occurs during the months June to
September leaving remaining period of the year almost dry.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Since rainfall is spread over the period starting from middle of June to the end of
September, It is generally not contentions and intense except for few days.
The above information of Climate of the project area is given only as helping
information in good faith and GWSSB does not carry any liability for providing this
information. The interested parties may refer the reports and forecast issued by the
Indian Meteorological Department or other weather agencies for their use.
12.1 The bidding documents are those stated below, and should be read in
conjunction with any Addenda issued there to in accordance with Clause 14.
Extent of works
Price bid
Bid Form
Price Schedule
12.2 The bidder is expected to examine carefully the contents of the Bidding documents.
Failure to comply with the requirements of bid submission will be at the bidder's
own risk. Pursuant to Clause 28under “E. Opening of Tender”bids which are not
substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents will be
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
14.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may, for any
reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective bidder modify the bidding documents by issuing amendment.
14.2 Any addendum/amendment thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents
pursuant to Sub-Clause 12.1, and shall be communicated on
14.3 To afford prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their bids, the Employer may extend the deadline for
submission of bids, in accordance with Clause 26, Submission of Tender.
14.4 All amendments and modifications issued by the Employer shall be deemed to be
integral part of the contract to be signed with the successful bidder.
The bid, and all correspondence and documents, related to the bid, exchanged
between the bidder and the Employer shall be written in the English language.
Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder may be in
another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the
relevant passages in the English language, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the bid the English translation shall prevail.
16.1 The bid submitted by the bidder shall comprise two envelopes submitted
simultaneously, one containing only the “Technical Proposal” and the other the
“Price Proposal”.
(i) Bid Form for Technical Proposal and Appendix to Technical Proposal;
(ii) Power of Attorney
(iii) Information on Qualification
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
The Bidder shall complete the Bid Forms and schedules furnished in the bidding
documents in the manner and detail indicated therein, following the requirements
of Clause 15 and Clause 16.
18.1 Unless specified otherwise in Employer's requirements, Bidders shall quote for the
entire facilities on a "single responsibility" basis such that the total bid price covers
all the Contractor's obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the
bidding documents in respect of the design, manufacture, including procurement
and subcontracting (if any), delivery, construction, installation and completion of
the facilities. This includes all requirements under the Contractor's responsibilities
for testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning of the facilities and, where so
required by the bidding documents, the acquisition of all permits, approvals and
licenses, etc. services as may be specified in the bidding documents, all in
accordance with the requirements of the Conditions of Contract.
18.2 The bidders shall have to give detailed rate analysis in justification of the prices as
may be required by the employer as a part of the evaluation process, if so desired
by the employer.
The prices shall be quoted on fixed and firm price basis in Indian currency i.e.
Indian currency (INR) Only.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
20.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period of 180daysfrom the last date of submission of
20.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, the
Employer may request that the bidders extend the period of validity for a specified
additional period. The request and the responses thereto, shall be made in writing.
A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A bidder
agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify its bid, but will
be required to extend the validity of its bid security for the period of the
extension, and in compliance with Clause 18 in all respects.
21.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid with the technical proposal, a bid
security amount as specified in the Tender Notice.
21.2 The bid security shall, at the bidder's option, be in one of the following form:
(a) A Demand Draft payable to the officer inviting bid as per tender noticeand
issued by short listed bank as per tender notice.
(b) Fixed deposit receipt pledged in the name of the officer inviting bid as per
tender notice and issued by short listed bank as per tender notice and valid up
to 28 days from the date of closure of the bid validity period of 180 days. i.e.
(Total of 180+28=208 days).
(c) Unequivocal and unconditional Bank Guarantee in the prescribed format given
in this document issued by short listed bank as per tender notice and valid up
to 28 days from the date of closure of the bid validity period of 180 days. The
format of the bank guarantee shall be in accordance with the sample form
included in Section–IV as Form-19. Other formats may be permitted subject to
the prior approval of the Employer. The bid security shall remain valid for 28
days beyond the original validity period for the bid and beyond any period of
extension subsequently requested under Sub-Clause 20.2. i.e. (Total of
180+28=208 days)
21.3 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable bid security shall be rejected by the
Employer as non-responsive.
21.4 The bid securities of unsuccessful bidders will be returned as promptly as possible.
21.5 The bid security of the successful bidder will be returned when the bidder has
signed the Contract Agreement and furnished the required performance security.
21.6 Within 10days from the date of issue of the letter accepting his tender, the
successful Bidder shall furnish the required Security Deposit for performance and
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
plus additional security if any for unbalanced bids in accordance with the condition
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
of the Contract and attend the office of the Engineer In–charge for execution of the
Contract documents. If he fails to furnish the Security Deposit for performance or
to execute the Contract for the work offered to him, his EMD shall be forfeited and
the Bidder may be disqualified from tendering for further works for three years.
(a) If the bidder withdraws its bid, during bid validity period specified
(b) If any document submitted by the bidder are false and fraudulent
(c) If the successful bidder fails
i. To furnish security deposit in accordance with the relevant clause in the bid.
ii. To sign the contract with in time limit specified in the bid.
21.7 In case of forfeiture of EMD, Bidder shall be disqualified and shall not be allowed to
bid for further works under GWSSB/GWILfor three years.
Bidders are not permitted to give any alternative offer containing technical or
other alternatives. Their bid proposals shall be in total conformity of the
employer’s requirement as described in the bidding documents.
23.1 The bidder or its official representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting,
which will take place at:
23.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on
any matter that may be raised at that stage.
23.3 The bidder is requested to submit any questions in writing or by cable, to reach
the Employer not later than four day before the pre-bid meeting.
23.4 Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions raised and the
responses given, will be transmitted without delay to all of the bidding
documents. Any modification/ corrections/ amendments to the bidding
documents shall be declared after the pre-bid meeting and shall be the listed as
part of the minutes of the pre-bid meeting or separately thereafter as may be
necessary. The pre bid minutes and the modifications/corrections/ amendments
issued by the employer subsequent to the issue of bidding documents shall be
signed with the successful bidder.
23.5 Non-attendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
24.2. If the tender is uploaded by a proprietary firm, it shall be digitally signed by the
24.3. If the tender is uploaded by a firm, in partnership, it shall be digitally signed by all
the partners of the firms or alternatively by a partner holding power of attorney for
the firm in which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany
the tender, a certified copy of the partnership deed, full name, current address of
the firm, current addresses of all the partners of the firm shall also accompany the
24.5. Each bidder shall submit only one bid for the particular work. A bidder who submits
more than one bid in the particular work will be disqualified.
24.6. The joint Venture: (If applicable) is allowed as per Clause no. 34 of Section-II
24.7. The tender documents uploaded in the name of an individual applicant shall not be
used by a Joint Venture. Joint venture shall have to upload the tender document in
the name of JV only, if he wants to apply.
24.8. Each bidder shall submit only one bid for the particular work. A bidder who submits
more than one bid in the particular work will be disqualified.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
24.9. All witnesses and sureties shall be person of status and probity their full name,
occupation and addresses when they fill the vendor registration form provided in
the website. www.gwssb.nprocure.com
24.10. In case at time of tender uploading, if any of the above information has changed
then the Bidder shall correct the same by making the modification in his personal
The Bidder shall have to upload following documents which are digitally signed by
Bidder’s Digital Certificate with his tender.
25.1. Scanned Copy of the latest Income Tax Return with permanent account number
(PAN) and Income Tax ward where assessed.
25.2. Scanned copies of client certificate showing, performance of the Bidder working
with GWIL / GWSSB or any employer for ongoing works as per prescribed proforma
mentioned in Section-III.
25.3. A scanned copy of declaration showing the details of all works completed and works
on hand with the contractor and the value of works that remain to be executed.
25.4. Scanned copy of Registration or renewal receipt as approved contractor of
concerned state Govt. / Railway/ CPWD/Government bodies. The contractor(s) who
are registered with other state Govt. / Railway/ CPWD, Government (State /
Central), Board, Corporation, and Government Undertaking /Organizations of state
& central Government including all Public Sector Units. Proof of application made
for registration for “A” and Above Class in Government of Gujarat
(R&B/WRD/GWSSB) shall be submitted.
25.5. Scanned copies of the Power of Attorney duly authorized by a notary public, if
power is delegated for signing the Bid to other person by the Bidder.
25.6. Scanned copy of E.M.D. in accordance with relevant clause in “Tender Notice” of
tender notice and the original shall also be submitted in physical form by
RPAD/Speed Post.
25.7. Scanned Copy of the Solvency Certificate from Bank of required amount as per
Tender Notice.
25.8. Scanned copy of Account payee Demand Draft for Tender Fee in accordance with
relevant clause of Tender Notice, and also in physical form shall also be submitted
by RPAD/Speed Post/ Hand Delivery.
25.9. Scanned copy of all the prescribed Forms & Annexure mentioned in Section-III, also
in physical form in separate sealed cover by RPAD/Speed Post/Hand Deliveryin the
office of The Executive Engineer as mentioned in Tender Notice.
25.10. Scanned copy of the detailed statement of the turnover (Civil Engineering Works
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Only) of last seven completed financial years audited and certified by the
Chartered Accountant.
25.11. The bidder should submit undertaking on non-judicial-stamp paper of Rs. 300/-
duly notarized regarding document submitted, are true. Board would have the
right to forfeit the EMD and black list to the bidder if any of the information given
by the bidder is found faulty or incorrect or misleading.
25.12. If the Bidder Firm is a member of a Group of Companies (with a common name),
scanned copies of all relevant documents clearly indicating the stake of the bidding
Firm in the equity of each firm of the Group, Turnover, Net Tangible Worth and
Cash Flow of each company wherein the stake of the Bidding Firm is 51% or more in
terms of equity.
25.13. All MOU’s shall be on a Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value duly
notarised and signed by respective authorised representatives.
26.1. The Bidder must submit online duly filled in the entire tender document i.e.
technical bid and price-bid available on website the rate and the along with other
details in Schedule B of tender document.
26.2. The bidder shall fill the required details/ data/ information in the prescribed form
of tender document.
26.4. The tender i.e. Technical bid and Price bid, dully filled in shall be uploaded on
www.gwssb.nprocure.com up to the date and time mentioned in the Tender Notice.
26.5. The employer at his discretion can extend the last date for submission of tender by
amending the bidding document in which case all rights and obligations of the
employer and bidder will thereafter be subject to the last date as extended. The
bidder shall be responsible for extending the validity of tender accordingly, failing
which his bid shall be rejected as non-responsive.
26.6. Bidders will have to submit F.D.R. or Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit and
Demand Draft of tender fee in a separate sealed envelope and other technical
documents in another sealed envelope. The documents shall be submitted by
RPAD/Speed Post only to the designated officer, as mentioned in the Tender Notice
& submission made by courier shall not be considered. Each cover must clearly be
marked with the contents i.e. “TENDER FEE & EMD” and “TECHNICAL BID
As a rule the system will not accept any Tender after the due date and time and
hence in case of E-Tenders there will be no late tender.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
The Rates for items in Schedule – B must be submitted in figures only on the
website. Amount in words will be automatically generated by system. Total amount
of each item and the grand total in figures and the respective words will be
automatically calculated by the Computer and displayed.
The Designated Officer of GWSSB will open the e-Tender on the date as mentioned
in the tender notice, if possible in his office at the address specified in the Tender
Notice. The intending Bidders, if they wish may participate in online Tender
opening process and view the result on www.gwssb.nprocure.com To participate in
online tender opening, bidder will have to log in with his user ID and password and
click on “Mark my attendance button” to view Tender result. For more details
please refer “Vendor Training Manual.”
The designated officer of GWSSB will open technical bid first at the address
specified in the Tender Notice. The evaluation of Technical Bid will be done as per
“Clause F: Evaluation of Tender”.
The price Bid of ONLY qualified bidders shall be opened as decided here after.
The designated Officers of GWSSB will open each price bid on or after the date and
time mentioned in the Tender or time and date pre-intimated to qualified bidders
on and the print out of total amount quoted in the tender along with rate quoted
for each item in the Bid Schedule and the condition if any put forth by the Bidder.
The Bidder can see his price bid as well as other Bidders’ entire price Bid who have
participated in the E-Tender.
All Tenders will be opened online irrespective of the presence of the Bidder.
The Employer will carry out a detailed evaluation of the bids in order to determine
whether the bidders are qualified and whether the technical aspects are
substantially responsive to the requirements set forth in the bidding documents. In
order to reach such a determination, the Employer will examine the information
supplied by the Bidders and other requirements in the bidding documents, taking
into account the following factors:
The determination will take into account the Bidder's financial, technical,
production capabilities and past performance; it will be based upon examination of
the documentary evidence of the Bidder's qualifications submitted by the Bidder,
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
pursuant to Clause 24, as well as such other information as the Employer deems
necessary and appropriate; and
29.1. The bidder shall be qualified on the basis of information furnished by the bidder in
accordance with Clause-25 above, in support of his capability with reference to
qualification criteria laid down.
29.2 Even though the bidder meets the above qualification criteria, he shall be
disqualified if:
a. The bidder had made misleading or false representation in the forms, statements
and attachment submitted in proof of qualification requirements and/or
The bidder should submit undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 300/-
dully attested by notary public regarding document submitted, are true. Board
would have the right to forfeit the EMD and black list to the bidder if any of the
information given by the bidder is found faulty or incorrect or misleading.
29.3 During the process of evaluation the GWSSB may visit and inspect the works carried
out by the bidder in order to assess the performance of the work. The bidder shall
have to make arrangement for inspection of work at the respective worksite only.
This shall also be considered for evaluation with reference to performance of the
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
29.4 Depending upon the actual bid capacity assessed and other qualifying requirements,
the applicant will be qualified for the work. However at the price bid evaluation
stage, a careful check of the appropriate references with reference to the
information submitted by the bidder will be done and in no case, a contract will be
awarded to a bidder lacking in the financial criteria.
30.1. Quoted Tender rates shall have to be reasonable and competitive to meet with the
timely and satisfactory performance of the contract.
30.3.(a) If the Bid of the successful bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the
estimated cost of the work/ item (s) to be performed under the Contract,
GWSSB, may require the bidder to produce detailed rate price analysis for any
of all Items of the Bid of the quantities to demonstrate the internal consistency
of this rate Price with the construction methods proposed. After evaluation of
the rate analysis, the GWSSB may require, that, the amount of the Performance
Security set forth in “Clause No.21 under Bid Security” above of the contract
be increased at the expense of the successful Bidder to a level sufficient to
protect the GWSSB, against financial loss in the event of default of the
successful Bidder under the contract.
(b) In respect of those items for which the quoted rates are more than 10% above
the overall percentage of accepted tender, the payment of such items in the
running bills shall be made at rate of that item which was used for the estimate
plus or minus overall variation percentage of the accepted tender plus 5% of
the estimated rate of that item. The balance amount as per accepted tender
rate shall be withheld from the running bills and will be released as per R&B
Department Circular No.PARCH/102008/ (61) dated 03-05-2013. No interest will
be payable for such withheld amount. This shall be taken care by way of
payment schedule and quoted rates need not be changed.
(c) The contract performance for actual execution and the payments to be made
for the work shall be based on such bid rates as per (a) and (b) above wherever
applicable for the purpose of running account bills. However the final payments
shall be made based on the item wise quoted rates.
(d) Any decision of GWSSB regarding the interim rates at which payment shall be
made in accordance with the above Clauses shall be final and binding to the
(e) The application of the above clause (a) & (b) above shall be at the discretion of
the employer.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
30.4 As the work shall be executed on EPC contract basis on lump sum amount in the
abstract of price schedule, however the contractor should have quoted the item
wise rate in the breakup of price schedule for the purpose of running account bill.
In case of variation of the quantities in any item which needs revision of rates in
accordance with "Clause No. 14, Volume-II", the revision of rate of the particular
item shall not be considered more than the quoted rate of such item.
30.5. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Tenders, the GWSSB may
ask the Bidders individually for clarification of their tenders including break up of
work done. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing but no
changes in the price or substance of the tender shall be sought, offered or
31 GWSSB reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender without assigning any
The Employer will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete,
whether the documents have been properly signed, whether-the required security
is included, and whether the bids are generally in order. Any bids found to be non-
responsive for any reason or not meeting the minimum levels of the performance or
other criteria specified in the bidding documents will be rejected by the Employer
and not included for further consideration.
All the Members of the JV shall be jointly and severally responsible for this
Contract. The Member of the JV holding highest stake shall be the Lead Partner.
The JV shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) A Joint venture agreement must be submitted along with the documents in
which minimum share of lead member shall have to be 60% and share of other
members, individually shall not be less than 15%.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(b) All the members of the Joint Venture firms shall have to collectively
satisfy all the criteria mentioned.
The lead member shall have “A” and Above Class registration with
Government of Gujarat /CPWD/ Railway, Government (State/Central), Board,
Corporation, and Government Undertaking /Organisations of State & Central
Government and Public Sector Units equivalent to class “A” of Gujarat State.
Having the above stated criteria, such bidder shall have to apply on or before
the last date of Submission of registration documents to get himself
registered in “A”class in Government of Gujarat (R&B/WRD/GWSSB) and
obtain registration in “A” and Above Class before the date of finalization of
regular tender procedure of particular work. The proof of application for
Registration in "A" class shall have to be attached with the registration
(c) The individual members who join in JV shall have to give an undertaking that
they will maintain status-quo till the completion of the work, if the work is
awarded to the JV Consortium, the same JV Consortium shall be maintained
till the satisfactory completion of the work. This undertaking shall be
submitted on e-Stamp paper Rs.300. duly signed by authorized signatory,
which shall be notarized.
(d) In case of Bidder participating as a Joint Venture, on his selection for award
of contract, all the partners/members of the Joint Venture will have to sign
the Contract with the employer and will be jointly and severally liable for
performance of the contract. Award of Contract will be in the name of Joint
Venture consortium which will be considered as “Legal Entity” as far as this
Bid/ Contract is concerned.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(e) The Bid, and in case of a successful bid, the Form of Contract Agreement,
shall be signed with the name of Joint Venture which will be legally binding
on all the partners;
(h) All members of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a
relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the Authorization
mentioned under (b) above as well as in the Bid Form and the Form of
Contract Agreement (in case of a successful Bid); and,
(i) A copy of the stamped and notarized agreement entered into by the Joint
Venture partners shall be submitted with the Bid. Roles, responsibilities and
financial stakes of all members of the Joint Venture consortium shall be
clearly and unambiguously prescribed in the Joint Venture agreement. In case
of non- prescription, the JV agreement will be declared as invalid and the bid
will be treated as non-responsive.
(k) The contractors participating in the name and form of a Joint Venture
consortium shall have to clearly and unambiguously define the role,
responsibilities and financial stake of each of the partners, the lead partner
shall also have to be defined. On award of contract to such a Joint Venture
consortium, each of the members of the Joint Venture consortium shall have
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
sign the Contract. Each member of the JV shall be jointly and severally
responsible for the performance of the contract.
(m) In case of conflict between the terms in contract agreement and the
Joint Venture documents, the terms in the contract agreement shall prevail.
The Employer will award the Contract to the bidder whose bid has been determined
to be substantially responsive in terms of minimum qualification requirement and
technical requirements to the bidding documents and who has offered the Lowest
Evaluated Bid Price, provided that such bidder has been determined to be eligible
& qualified in accordance with the provisions mentioned under “Clause F.
Evaluation of Tender” in Section-II. A substantially evaluated responsive Tender is
one, which conforms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of tender
documents without material deviation or reservation. The material deviation or
reservation is one,
36.1. Which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality or performance of the works.
36.2. Which limits in any substantial way inconsistent with tender documents, the
Employer’s ‘right’ or the Bidder’s obligations to the contractor.
36.3. Whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders
presenting substantially responsive tender.
37.1. Those Tenders which do not have Digital Signature attached shall be rejected.
37.2. Tender without Earnest Money Deposit, will be treated as non-responsive and will
be out rightly rejected.
37.3. Notwithstanding the above, the GWSSB reserves the rights to accept or reject any
bid or to cancel the Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award
of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders
or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders on the grounds of the
GWSSB's action.
37.4. In addition to the above, the Tender will also be liable to be rejected out rightly if,
the Bidder or in the case of a firm, each partner or the person holding the Power of
Attorney thereof does not digitally sign.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
38.1 Prior to the period of bid validity prescribed by the Employer, the Employer will
notify the successful bidder by fax, confirmed by registered letter, that its bid has
been accepted. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called the
“Letter of Intent") shall name the sum which the Employer will pay the Contractor
in consideration of the execution, completion and maintenance of the Works by the
Contractor as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions of
Contract called “the Contract Price”).
38.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.
38.3 Upon the furnishing by the successful bidder of a performance security (and
domestic preference security where required).
39.1 At the same time that he notifies the successful bidder that its bid has been
accepted, the Employer will send the bidder the Form of Contract Agreement,
incorporating all agreements between the parties.
39.2 Within 15 days of receipt of the Form of Agreement, the successful bidder shall sign
the Form and return it to the Employer.
40.1. The successful bidder shall have to pay Performance Security in the form of
Unequivocal bank guarantee issued by any shortlisted bank as per Notice Inviting
Tender having branch at Ahmadabad or Gandhinagar and the same shall become
refundable as per Clause No. 01 under General Conditions of Contract.
41.1 The GWSSB requires that bidders/suppliers/contractors have followed the highest
standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In
pursuance of this policy:
(a) Defines for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
(i) “Corrupt practices” means behaviour on the part of officials in the public
or private sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich
themselves and/or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by
misusing the position in which they are placed, and it includes the offering,
giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of
any such official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended
for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
contract in question;
(c) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time,
to be awarded an contract if it at any time determines that the firm has
engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing,
an contract.
If at any stage it is found that bidder had hidden material information or had
submitted information which is false and fraudulent shall be debarred from
bidding in GWSSB/GWIL tender for three years and EMD shall be forfeited. The
matter shall also be brought to notice to the registration authority of the
42.1. No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a Contractor in regard to
any matter relating to this tender or the contract shall be valid and binding on
GWSSB unless it is signed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
42.2. The measurements of work will be taken according to the usual method in use in
GWSSB and no proposal to adopt alternative methods will be accepted. The decision
of the ‘Engineer-in-Charge as to what is the usual method in use in the GWSSB, will
be final.
42.3. Under no circumstances shall any contactor be entitled to claim enhanced rate for
any item covered in this Contract except price variation for specified items as per
42.4. The Contractor shall not be permitted to tender for the work in which his near
relative is working in that Division or its sub-division as an Engineer of any category,
Divisional Accountant, Store Keeper, and in the Circle Office as a Superintending
Engineer Controlling that division as on date when Tender is submitted.
(Note: By the term “near relative” it is meant wife, husband, parent, and
42.5. The contractor shall compulsorily furnish his latest address(es) including the latest
address of his partners and place(s) of filling his/their income tax returns along
with the tender (in the annexure form appended hereinafter). Any changes, if
occur, in such address, during the tenure of contract, the latest address(es) shall
invariably and forthwith be intimated by the Contractor to the concerned Engineer-
42.6. Receipt for payment made on account of the work, when executed by a firm shall
be signed by all the partners except where the contractors are described in their
tender as firm in which case the receipt shall be signed in the name of the firm by
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
one of
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
the partners or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for
the firm.
42.7. Every Blank (fields) in the Tender document (Forms, Schedule, etc.) must be filled
up by the Bidder and shall be submitted online.
Persons tendering are informed that no erasures or alternations by them in the text
of document downloaded from website will be allowed and such erasure and
alterations will be disregarded. If there is any error in writing, Bidder can edit the
same and correct it. Please refer to the Vendor Training Manual.
42.9. The contract will normally be made within 180 days from last date of receipt of
43.1. In conjunction to Sub Clause 'C' under “29. Evaluation to Technical bids" the bidder
should submit undertaking as per Form-H on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 300/-
dully attested by notary public regarding document submitted, are true. GWSSB
would have the right to forfeit the EMD and blacklist the bidder if any of the
information given by the bidder is found faulty or incorrect or misleading.
44.1 The applicant in the same name and style shall be a well-established
Civil/Mechanical/Electrical (as per type of the tender) Engineering Contractor and
shall have Registration in the required class for the work. The agencies whose
contracts have been terminated on account of non-performance / poor
performance in GWSSB work and debarred contractors will not be eligible for this
44.3 The Bidders/ Bidders are required to deploy the necessary machineries/
equipment’s (by owning/ hiring/ leasing) for the execution of work as specified in
Clause 3.0, Section-III of this Volume
44.4 The Bidder shall employ Project Manager, Engineers, technicians and other key
personnel and other Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Technical Staff as specified.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
All information requested for in the down loaded forms should be furnished against
the respective columns in the forms in electronic formats. If information is nil it
should also be mentioned as nil or no such case. If any particular query is not
applicable in case of the applicant, it should be stated as not applicable However,
the tender/ Bidders are cautioned that not giving complete information called for
in the tender Documents in the form required or not giving it in clear terms or
making any charge in the prescribed forms may result in the Bidder being summarily
1.1 The tender’s/ Bidder’s name shall appear on each page of the prescribed Performa.
1.2 Reference, Information and certificates from the respective clients certifying
suitability, technical know-how or capability of the Bidder shall be signed by that
client, in full with his name underneath in block letter and designation in that
1.3 No further information will be entertained after submission of Tender Document
unless it is called for by the GWSSB.
1.4 Any effort by a Bidder/Bidder to influence the GWSSB in the process of
examination. Clarification, evaluation of Tender and in decision concerning
qualification, may result in disqualifying the Bidder.
1.5 The successful per-qualification made in the case of any Bidder for any other work
of GWSSB will not be considered valid for the present work.
1.6 The time for completion of the work is12Month (Including Monsoons)from the date
of ‘Letter of Intent’.
1.7 The intending Bidder shall get himself registered with nproucre.com for obtaining
his unique identification number and digital signature required for participating in
the bid.
1.8 The bids received under this single stage, two envelope procedure, shall be
assessed and evaluated based on the qualification criteria and evaluation procedure
prescribed hereunder.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Every blank (Fields) in the tender documents (Forms, Schedules, etc.) must be
filled by the Bidder and submitted online. Tender forms which are not completed
will not be accepted online use of dash (-) is not permitted. Please write “Not
applicable” or “Nil” as and where required by Bidder.
1 Form-0
List of Submittals
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
16 Form-14 Curriculum Vitae of Project Manager and all key Technical Staff
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
3.1 The Bidder in the same name and style shall be a well-established Civil Engineering
contractor with at least 5 (Five) years’ experience and capability for construction
of all types of Civil / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering works.
3.2 The Bidder in the same name and style must give evidence of having adequate
experience in mobilizing equipment and personnel for large value contracts and in
the deployment of heavy construction equipment for the type of work described
3.3 The Bidder must have adequate staff and equipment’s for carrying out work in
accordance with time schedule.
3.4 The Bidders/Bidder must have a Project Manager with not less than 5 (Five) years’
experience in managing construction in the field of Civil Engineering works, similar
works, as mentioned in Clause 3.1 along with minimum number of engineering,
technical and other key personnel with adequate experience in civil engineering
work as under:
Note: If sufficient staff does not exist at the time of bidding, an undertaking for
employing the necessary staff shall be given by the Bidder.
3.5. The Bidder must provide evidence of having adequate experience. The Bidder should
up load the digitally signed scanned copies to supporting certificate, reports
relating to physical, financial, technical, machinery and other capability of the
applicants in their original language along with certified translation of all relevant
portions of the certificate/reports in English duly attached with their Digital
Signature. The applicant should upload the financial capabilities in Rupees only.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
3.6 The Bidders are required to upload digitally signed scanned copies along with their
applications certificates obtained from the concerned authorities/ employers
towards proof.
(a) Submit a written power of attorney authorizing the signatory of the bid to
submit the bidder;
(b) Submit Qualification requirements specifying financial capacity, technical
capacity, minimum acceptable levels with regards to Bidder's experience
in relevant projects and other relevant factors such as work in hand, future
commitments, and litigation history as given and described in the Appendix 1 to
Instruction to Bidders.
(c) Submit proposals regarding work methods, scheduling and resourcing
which shall be, provided in sufficient detail to confirm the bidders’ capability to
complete the works in accordance with the specifications and the time for
(d) Submit Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with pipe manufacturer clearly
stating the terms & conditions of the MoU. Such MOU shall not be amended or
modified without prior consent from GWSSB during the period of performance of
contract; GWSSB shall not allow such change except for special reasons In the
interest of expeditious implementation of the project.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
3.10 All guarantees shall be in the name of the joint venture if the bid is submitted in
the form of a joint venture.
4.1. To qualify, each bidder in the same name and style should have achieved the following
Bidder must have achieved minimum annual financial turnover (at current price
level) from contract receipt of works (in all classes of civil engineering construction
works only) of Rs. Lac.in any three financial years out of last Seven (7) financial
years i.e.from2014-15 to 2020-21
Note :
The details pertaining to turnover for the year 2015-16 to 2021-22 shall be certified
by Chartered Accountant on his own letter head and duly attested. Turnover of
financial year 2021-22 shall be considered subject to submission of
provisional/audited certificate from chartered accountant by the Bidder.
Minimum net worth amounting to Rs. .....Crores in any one year during last three
financial year i.e. from ......... to ........
Minimum net cash accruals amounting to Rs ......Crores in any one year during last
three financial year i.e. from ..........to ..........
Minimum net working capital amounting to Rs. .......Crores in any one year during
last three financial year i.e. from ............to ...................
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Net Cash Accrual is the summation of Net Profit after Tax (PAT) and
Depreciation (depreciation for that year).
Net worth is the summation of Equity and reserve & Surplus (excluding
Revaluation reserves).
Net Working Capital is defined as Current Assets minus Current Liabilities.
The bidder must have completed similar nature of work i.e. Water Supply Projects
or Drainage/ Sewerage Projects within last seven financial years i.e. from2015-16 to
2021-22 and up to one month prior to last date of submission of the bid of value not
less than:
The Bidder who fulfils the qualifying criteria mentioned above shall be qualified
only if he fulfils the requirement of bidder’s capacity. The bidding capacity of any
tender/ Bidder is required to be more than or equal to the estimated cost of the
work i.e. Rs. Lac.The bidder’s capacity shall be computed as shown
Where :
B = Value of the existing commitments as on date of bid submission for works (complete or partial) t
whose behalf the firm is carrying out the works.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
determined based on details pertaining to such partners who propose to undertake physical exe
Years prescribed for completion of the work for which bids are invited. (1.0)
If the Tender has been invited as a Package/Slice Minimum aggregate required Bid Capacity shall be cons
GWSSB shall be final and binding to all the Bidders.
(a) The statement showing the value and details of completed works, existing
commitments and ongoing works as well as the stipulated period of
completion remaining for each of the work listed should be countersigned by
the officer not below the rank of an Engineer-In-Charge.
(b) The certificate for past performance should be as per prescribed Proforma in
(c) The Bidders are required to upload latest client’s certificates in Form-11 (or
in any format with yearly breakup) obtained from the concerned authorities/
employers towards proof of their having executed contracts satisfactorily
along with their bids. The quantities involved should be certified by the top
executive of the firm in the prescribed Proforma in Form 11 (or in any format
with yearly breakup) of Volume-I.
(d) Physical and Financial Performance of Any Work Not Supported By Client
Certificate in Form-11 or In Any Form Will Not Be Considered For
(e) The applicant Bidder must provide by uploading evidence of having adequate
experience. The bid should include supporting certificate or report relating to
physical, financial, technical and other capability of Bidder in their original
language along with certified translation of relevant portion of the
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
report in English. The Bidder should furnish the information about financial
capability in Rupees only.
(f) Depending upon the actual bid capacity assessed and other qualifying
requirements, the applicant will be qualified for the work.
(g) The bidder is required to submit the declaration of his financial liabilities,
work on hand/completed projects on Rs.300/- Non Judicial-stamp paper. In
case of false statement/ declaration the bidder shall be liable for penal
action. Further, the details furnished in the relevant form as per tender
should be in line to the declaration by the bidder.
(h) The criteria mentioned above at shall be evaluated based on the details
submitted with the documents. Such bidder shall have to submit the details in
the prescribed proforma which are applicable to them. Bidders should read
the note under each Form/Annexure carefully and submit the details
(i) Turnover of previous year and cost of completed / executed similar nature of
work/ O&M shall be given additional weightage of ten percent per year to
bring them to current price level to account for price escalation as illustrated
(i) Financial year means period beginning from the 1st April to 31st March
of the next year.
(ii) The details pertaining to Turnover for the year 2014-2015 to 2020-2021
and the details pertaining to Net Cash Accrual, Net Worth and Net
Working Capital for the year 2018-2019 to 2020-2021 shall be certified
by Chartered Accountant on his own letter head and duly attested.
Turnover, Net Cash Accrual, Net Worth and Net Working Capital for
financial 2020-2021 shall be considered subject to submission of
provisional/audited certificate from chartered accountant by the Bidder.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(iii) The cost of material supplied by the Government/ Client shall not be
taken into account for experience against Turnover & Similar nature of
The bidder must have successfully carried out minimum quantities of the following
work in any one project during last Seven (7) i.e.2015-2016to 2021-22 and up to one
month prior to last date of submission of the bid.
The material supplied by the client will not be considered for procurement purpose.
The material supplied by the client will not be considered for procurement purpose.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
The bidder must have experience of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
electro mechanical works not less than KW in single contract during last seven (7) financial
i.e. from 2015-2016 to 2021-2022 and up to one month prior to last date of submission of the
The bidder not having above experience may associate through a MOU
(Memorandum of Understanding) with an Electrical-Mechanical Contractor(s) who
have had successfully executed such similar nature works in the required magnitude
i. e. SITC of HSCF pumping machinery with associated electrical-mechanical works
of not less than kW in single contract during last seven (7) financial years i.e.
from 2015- 2016 to 2021-2022 and up to one month prior to last date of submission
of the bid. The memorandum of understanding for the said collaboration shall be
executed on Rs. 300/- Non-Judicial e-stamp paper duly signed by respective
authorized representatives and duly notarized. The experience certificate(s)with
full details of type of pumping machinery and motor ratings (individual &
cumulative) along with MOU shall be submitted with the bidding documents.(As per
Form No-25 & Form No- 26)
The bidder who does not meet this requirement shall associate with another
technology provider/ manufacturer having stipulated experience as mentioned
above. The memorandum of understanding for the said collaboration shall be
executed on Rs. 300/- Non Judicial e-stamp paper duly signed by respective
authorized representatives and notarised. The experience certificate along with
MOU shall be submitted with the bidding document.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
duringlast seven (7) financial years i.e. from 2015-16 to 2021-22 and up to one
month prior to last date of submission of the bid.
Construction of intake well with approach bridge in wet conditions in any single
contract during last seven financial year’s i.e. from 2015-16 to 2021-22 & up to one
month prior to last date of submission of the bid.
The bidder shall have successfully completed operation & maintenance (for minimum
1 year after commissioning, inclusive of defect liability period), in single contract of
similar nature (as narrated above) amounting to Rs Lac.in last ten (10) years from
one month prior to last date of submission of bid. Additional weightage of 10% will be
given as per method prescribed in note of Sub Clause No. 4.1.6 mentioned above.
Note: The amount of works shown above means project costs.
The bidder shall have successfully completed operation and maintenance for minimum
1 years in single contract of similar nature (as narrated above) amounting to Rs Lac.
in last ten (10) yearsfrom one month prior to last date of submission of bid.(Additional
weightage of 10% will be given as per method prescribed in note of Sub Clause No.
4.1.2 mentioned above).
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
16 Form-14 Curriculum Vitae of Project Manager and all key Technical Staff
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
29 Form-27 AFFIDAVIT
1. If necessary, additional sheets may be added to the forms. Each page of each form
should be clearly marked in the right top corner as follows: Form-0, page 1; Form
I, page 2, etc.
2. Some of the forms will require attachments. Such attachments should be clearly
marked as follows: Attachment 1 to Form I, Attachment 2 to Form I, etc.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Account Number Copy of the latest Income Tax Return with
4 (PAN) And permanent account number (PAN) and
Income Tax Income Tax ward where assessed. (Scanned
Details copy).
5 Establishment Letter of Incorporation of the company
Details (Individual or any member in case of JV/
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
The bidder should submit undertaking on
non-judicial e-stamp paper of Rs. 300/- duly
10 Document
notarized regarding document submitted, are
Submitted, Are
Submitted On
Non Judicial
1 1- Pipe Supply assurance (If Applicable) APPLICABLE
Stamp Paper
Of Rs. 300/-
Duly Notarized
(If Applicable)
Work plan
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Note: All submittals shall be numbered chronically and reference of page nos shall be
mentioned in “FORM-0”. The same is to be uploaded online and submitted in physical
form as well
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Executive Engineer, P. H. Works Division,
GWSSB, Jalbhavan, Opp. RTO Office,
Palavasana, MEHSANA
Sub: SUBMISSION OF TENDER APPLICATION FOR (Construction of R.C.C. U/G Sump, Providing, lowering,
laying and jointing 90 to 160mm dia PVC pipeline and Supply and Installation of GCI sheet Cabin And
Supply installation, testing & commissioning horizontal mono submersible pump with required accessories
with Electrification in sump at various Villages of Vijapur Taluka District: Mehsana Under General-Regional
WSS-6 Programme of Vijapur kantha vistar RWSS)
1 Having examined the details given in the invitation to Bidder for qualification and
brief note, the condition of contract, Specification, Drawings and bill of quantities
and Nos for the execution of above named work, we the undersigned, offer to
execute and complete such works and remedy any defects therein in conformity
with the conditions of contract, Specifications, Drawings, Bill of Quantities and
quoted amount in accordance with the said conditions.
2 We hereby certify that all the statements made and information supplied in the
enclosed forms and accompanying statements are true and correct.
3 We have furnished all information and details necessary for qualification and have
no further pertinent information to supply.
4 We submit the certified solvency certificate of Rs.6 (Six Crores ) and authorize the
Board to approach the Bank issuing the solvency certificate to verify the
correctness thereof. We also authorize, Board to approach individuals, employers,
firms and Corporation to verify our competency and general reputation.
5 We hereby apply for qualification for (Construction of R.C.C. U/G Sump, Providing,
lowering, laying and jointing 90 to 160mm dia PVC pipeline and Supply and Installation of
GCI sheet Cabin And Supply installation, testing & commissioning horizontal mono
submersible pump with required accessories with Electrification in sump at various
Villages of Vijapur Taluka District: Mehsana Under General-Regional WSS-6 Programme of
Vijapur kantha vistar RWSS).
6 We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to commence the works immediately
after the receipt of the Engineer’s notice to commence, and to complete the whole
of the works comprised in the contract within the time stated in the Appendix to
7 We agree to abide by this Tender for the period of 180 days from the last date fixed
for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at
any time before the expiration of that period.
8 We enclose here with fixed Deposit receipt / Deposit at call receipt / cross demand
draft / Bank Guarantee amounting to Rs. 5,85,160=00 Towards Earnest Money
Deposit which is to be absolutely forfeited by Board should we not Deposit the
amount of Security Deposit specified in the Clause 1, General Conditions of
Contract, Volume-IB
9 We enclose Executive Engineer P H Works Division GWSSB Mehsana DD in favor of
Field officer’s designation & office name (as applicable) amounting to Rs.12000
towards tender fees.
10 Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender,
together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
between us.
11 We also submit a general description on the approach to the construction methods,
technologies proposed etc. and the detailed Work Plan proposed for execution.
12 We submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical know-
how and capability for having successfully completed the following works.
Sr. No. Works Client / owner
13 We hereby confirm that there are no deviations to the terms & conditions of the
contract and we are liable for execution of this contract in accordance with the
stipulated conditions of the contract.
14 We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may
Receive. Dated this day of (Year) Signature
in the capacity of Duly authorized to
sign tender for and on behalf of
15 We are enclosing herewith ‘‘Form H’
16 Irrespective of whatsoever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our
offer no technical deviations have been taken and the entire work shall be
performed as per your specifications and Tender documents.
Signature of Applicant.
Seal of Applicant
Date of
Enclosures :
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM - 1
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 2
Give details of key Technical and Administrative Personnel who could be assigned the work
in the following Proforma.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 3
The Applicant will provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the
Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture: N.A
capability to meet the requirements for each and all items of equipment listed in the
Employers requirements. A separate Form-3 will be prepared for each item of equipment
proposed by the Applicant. For each item of equipment, the applicant should attach a
Omit the following information for equipment owned by the J/V partner.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM - 4
Applicants should not enclose testimonials, certificates, and publicity material with their
applications; they will not be taken into account in the evaluation of qualifications.
Annual turnover data for the last sevenfinancialyearsi.e.......to (Rs. In lacs)
Annual Annual
Net cash Net
Year Turnover income from income from
accrual worth
contracting other sources
[A] Lead partner:
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM - 5
1) Name of Firm
3) Capital
(a) Authorized
(b) Issued and paid up
4) Furnish Balance sheet and profit and loss
statement with Auditor’s Reports and Income
Tax assessment orders for last Seven (7)
financial years. It should, interlaid include
the following information
i) Working Capital
ii) Foreign Investment
iii) Turnover for the last seven (7) financial
year, the contract receipts for Civil
Engineering works (Furnish reference page
number to balance sheet attached)
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
(VI) 2020-2021
(VII) 2021-2022
Minimum Net Net Cash
Year Capital
Worth (Rs in Accruals (Rs in
(Rs in Crores)
Crores) Crores)
5. 2019-2020 Applicable for Applicable for Applicable for
2020-2021 projects above projects above projects above
2021-2022 Rs. Rs. Rs.
100/- Cr 100/- Cr 100/- Cr
6. Maximum gross income from contract
works during last seven (7) financial year
What is the maximum cost of the project
7. that has been handled? (Please give
Have you ever been denied tendering
facilities by any Government /
8. Government Undertaking Organisations /
Public sector under taking etc.? (If Yes,
Please give details)
Note: Firms owned by individuals, and partnerships, may submit their balance sheets
certified by a registered accountant, and supported by copies of tax returns. Attach
Certificate(s) issued by any Bank or Financial Institution for available credit to the
Lead partner and joint venture partner.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
List of works already completed by the bidder during last 7 financial years i.e.
From.................to................& up to one month prior to last date of submission
of the bid
Origi Exten taken
Pla Cost
Na Tende nal d ed in Reason
ce/ on Date Actual
Sr. me red time time mont for
Dist compl of date Remar
No of amoun limit limit h to delay in
./ etion start of ks
. wor t Rs. in in compl complet
Stat Rs. In ing comple
k In Lac mont month ete ion
e lac tion
hs s the
1. 2. 2a. 3. 4 5a 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e 6 7
Note: Necessary completion certificate showing the year wise breakup of amount of work
done from concerned officers shall be attached with the tender.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Work performance and Value of the existing commitments (Work on Hand) as on the date
of bid submission for works (complete or partial) to be completed in the next.........years
(Project Duration In Years) (In separate form for each work)
Name of Work
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Note: Necessary certificates showing the year wise breakup of amount of work done from
the officer concerned shall be attached with the tender.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 8
Give details of the similar type of work completed during last seven (7) financial year
from i.e.......... to ............& up to one month prior to last date of submission of the
bid in the following Proforma. (Separate form for each work)
1) Name of Work
Annual achievement
( duly supported by certificate from
Engineer In -Charge)
9) Period of completion
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 9 (Applicable)
Name of Applicant :
2. Please add any further information that you consider to be relevant to the
evaluation of your application. If you wish to attach other documents, please list
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 10
a) Please add any further information which the applicant considers relevant in
regard to his capabilities.
b) Please give a brief note indicating by applicant considers himself eligible for
qualification for the work.
c) List of works for which tender have already submitted to the client but not
Note: Giving additional information as per (a) and (b) shall not
automatically lead to prequalification.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 11
Name of
Office:- Date:
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
13 Execution of intake
arrangement, head regulators
and other similar structures,
capacity in mld.
Note :
1 The agency has carried out the work timely/ late and satisfactorily/ unsatisfactorily.
2 Details of quantities of main items of similar nature of work shall be given in
the respective column.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
A copy of the joint venture agreement must be attached to Form-4. In case the joint
venture agreement is not acceptable to Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, the joint
modified Joint venture agreement within twenty-one days upon receipt by the applicant of
the request for modification will disqualify the applicant for further consideration.
1. Lead partner
2. Partner
3. Partner
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM - 13
names of at least two candidates qualified to meet the specified requirements stated for
each position. The data on their experience should be supplied in separate sheets using
Note: Attach Manning (Personnel) Schedule stating each personnel’s roles and
responsibility for work to be carried out for the project.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM - 14
order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to this Project.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM - 15
Note: Indicate clearly which responsibility and what authority will be delegated to site
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 16
Cost of Work
Name of Particulars of Qty in Executed
Sr.No work in completed/ Unit
work item tender Quantity
Rs. Lakhs in progress
Metallic Pipe
Non Metallic
(In Kw)
Plant (In
Storage Sump
Intake Well
Operation and
Note: For each experience criteria Form-11 shall be submitted by the contractor duly
singed by the employer
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
FORM – 17
Approach and Methodology with Conceptual Design and Supporting Calculations of the
Bidder may submit their work plan, details methodology with Conceptual Design and
Supporting Calculations of the System to be adopted for this work.
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage
Board, JalBhawan, Sector-10A,
Infront of Air Force
Office, Gandhinagar,
Dear Sir,
i. I/We hereby declare that I/We have visited the site and fully acquainted myself /
ourselves with local situations regarding materials, labour and other factors pertaining
to the work before submitting this tender.
ii. I/We hereby declare that I/We have read the Tender Documents published on website
www.gwssb.nprocure.com and accordingly submitted online price Bid for the work of
iii. I/We hereby declare that I/We have carefully studied the conditions of contract and
specifications and other documents of this work and agree to execute the same
iv. I/We hereby declare that my/our near relatives are not working in this division or in
its sub-divisions as an Engineer of any category, Divisional Accountant, Store Keeper,
and in the Circle Office as a Superintending Engineer as on today.
v. I/we hereby declare that I/we are not declared ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent
practices issued by the central/state govt. In accordance with Sub Clause No. 41
Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices or not in the list of black listed contractors
announced by GWSSB/ GWIL / Govt of Gujarat or its Public Sector Undertakings,
Government of India, Other states Government or Public Sector Units.
vi. I/ We hereby submit our tender and undertake to keep our tender valid for a period of
180 days from the date of opening of tenders i.e. up-to ----------------. I/We shall not
vary/ alter or revoke my/ our tender during the validity period of tender. This
undertaking is in consideration of Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board,
Gandhinagar agreeing to open my/ our tender, consider and evaluate the same for the
purpose of award in terms of provisions of tender documents. Should this tender be
accepted, I/ We also agree to abide by fulfill and comply with all the terms and
Volume-I, Technical Bid VKV RWSS
conditions and provisions of the above mentioned tender documents.
vii. I/We also declare that the bid duly filled in online and digitally singed and the
required Earnest Money Deposit, Tender Fee and other required documents (scanned
copy submitted online) will be handed over in physical form to the
....................................by RPAD/Speed Post/ Hand Delivery only.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that
may be taken I/weshall be debarred from bidding in GWSSB/GWIL tender for three
yearsandmy/our security deposit may be forfeited by GWSSB in full & the tender, if any, to
the extent accepted, may be cancelled.
(Duly authorised to sign the tender on
behalf of the Bidder)
Signature : Date :
(Earnest Money Deposit)
1. Name of Contractor :
2. Name of Work :
4. Tendered Amount :
(The date of this bond must not be prior to the date of the instrument in connection with
which it is given)
Principal (Contractor)
are held and firmly bound up to the hereinafter called the Employer
in the amount stated for payment of which’ sum, well and truly to be made, we bind
ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly
by these presents subject to the provisions of which the aforesaid Contractor on demand
and without demand on a claim being made by the Employer.
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the principals have entered in
to a contract with the Employer numbered and ‘dates as shown above and hereto attached
for the execution of
NOWTHEREFORE, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and fulfil all the
undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said contact during the
original terms of the said Contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the
Employer with or without notice to the surety and during the life or any guarantee
required under the contract and shall also well and truly perform and fulfil all the
Undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any all duty and unduly
authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which
modifications to the surety being hereby waived or shall pay over, make good and
reimburse to the Employer all loss and damages which the employer may sustain by reason
of failure or default on the part of said Principal so to do.
discharges the guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in
writing on or before the we shall be
discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the above bounded parties have executed this instrument under
their several seals on the date indicated above the name and corporate seal, of each
corporate partly being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by is undersigned
representatives, pursuant to authority of its governing body.
1. as to (seal)
2. as to (seal)
3. as to (seal)
4. as to (seal)
Business address
(1) The Joint Venture agreement made and entered into at (place)
(2) Definitions: In this deed the following words and expressions shall have the
meaning set out below.
a. "The Employer" shall mean Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board.
b. "The Works" shall mean
(Name of work) which is more particularly described in the
pre-qualification and tender documents issued thereof by the Employer.
c. "The Tender" shall mean the Tender to be submitted by Joint Venture to the
Employer for the work /works.
d. "The Contract" shall mean the contract entered /to be entered into between the
Joint Venture and the Employer for the works.
(3) Joint Venture (J.V):
The Parties hereto declare that they have agreed to form a Joint Venture for the
purpose of submitting the pre-qualification Application/ tender document initially
and then tender and if successful for the execution of the works as an integrated
Joint Venture. The parties are not under this agreement entering into any
permanent partnership of Joint Venture to tender or undertake any contract other
than the subject works. Nothing herein contained shall be considered to constitute
the parties of partners to constitute either Party the agent of the other.
(4) Witnesses :Whereas Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board as Board .Employer
has invited tenders from intending bidders and the Board has permitted a group of
firms (not exceeding three) forming a Joint Venture to eligible to be a bidder. And
whereas party of the first part and
party of the Second part/third part(if applicable) are
desirous to enter into a Joint Venture in the nature of partnership engaged in the
joint undertaking for the specific purpose of execution of the work of constructing
and whereas Parties of the first and
Second part /third part(if applicable) reached understanding to submit pre-
(a) The parties do not enter into an agreement of any permanent partnership of Joint
Venture to tender or undertake any Contract other than the specified above;
(b) That the operation of this Joint Venture firm concerns and is confined to the work of
of Board
(c) The name of the Joint Venture firm for convenience and continuity shall be
(d) The Address of Joint Venture for communication shall be as under.
(e) The Joint Venture shall jointly submit pre-qualification application on the above
name according to all terms and conditions stated in the relevant instructions
contained in the bid documents.
(f) That this Joint Venture shall regulate the relations between the parties thereto and
shall include without being limited to them the following conditions.
(1) firm shall be the lead company in charge of the Joint
Venture for all intents and purpose.
(2) In case the said work is awarded to the Joint Venture, the partners of the Joint
Venture will nominate a person with duly notarized power of Attorney on stamp
paper, who will represent the Joint Venture with the authority to incur liabilities,
receive instructions and payments, sign and execute the contract for an on behalf
of the Joint Venture,
(i) All the (Maximum Three) parties agree to make financial participation and to place
at disposal of Joint Venture the benefits of its individual experience, technical
knowledge, skill and shall in all respect bear its share as regards planning and
execution of the work and responsibilities including the provision of information,
advice and other assistance required in the Joint Venture and participation shall be
in proportion of, Firm –A...................% Firm - B.....................% Firm –
(ii) All rights, interests, liabilities, obligations work experience and risks (and all net
profits or net losses) arising out of the contract shall be borne by the parties in
proportion to their shares. Each of the parties shall furnish its proportionate share
in any bonds, guarantees, sureties required for the works as well as its
proportionate share in connection with the works. The share and participation of
the two/three partners in working capital and other financial requirements shall be
in ratio as mentioned above.
(5) Internal responsibilities and liabilities:
(a) The division of individual scope of work may be worked out mutually by the parties
but the party shall be jointly and severally liable to the employer for the whole
(b) The parties specifically undertake to carry out their separate works in full
compliance with the contract with the employer. Each party shall be responsible
jointly and severally for consequences if any arising out of defective or delayed
execution of works which falls within the individual’s party's area of responsibility
and/ or it has been caused due to acts and /or omission of the concerned party.
(c) The parties jointly and severally agree to replace modify or repair any defect in
their respective portions of works in accordance with the terms and condition of
the contract with the employer.
(d) The parties jointly and severally shall indemnify and hold harmless to each other
against any claim made by the employer or any other third party for injury,
damage, loss or expenses is attributed to the breach /non-performance of his
responsibilities by the indemnifying party in accordance with the agreements
and /or contract with the employer.
(e) None of parties have joined in any other Joint Venture for the said works.
(6) Responsibilities and liabilities of Joint Venture towards the employer:
(1) Parties hereto shall be jointly and severally liable and responsible for the acts,
deeds and things done or omitted to be done in respect of the execution of the
contract and for any financial liability arising there from.
(2) Parties hereto shall be jointly and severally responsible to the Employer for the
execution of the works in accordance with the contract conditions;
(3) Parties hereto shall be jointly and severally indemnify to the Employer against any
claim made against the employer or any other third party for any injury, damage or
loss which may be attributed to the breach of the obligations under the contract
pursuant to the contract.
(7) Site management:
(a) The execution of the work on the site will be managed by a Project Manager
appointed by the Joint Venture and who will report to the (J.V.) the
project manager shall be authorized to represent the Joint Venture on site in
respect of matters arising under the contract.
(b) The (Name of the J.V.) shall be jointly and severally liable to the
employer for the execution of the contract commitment in respect of the works in
accordance with contract conditions.
(8) Termination of the Agreement:
This agreement shall be terminated in the following circumstances.
(a) The employer awards the contract for the work to the other Bidder.
(b) The employer cancels the work to award the contract.
(c) On completion of the defect liability period as stipulated in the contract agreement
of the works and all the liabilities thereof are liquidated.
(9) No partner has right to assign any benefits, obligation of liability under the
agreement to any third party without prior written consent of the other partner as
well as Board
(10) Financial matter:
(a) Bank Account in the name of the Joint Venture will be opened with any scheduled
or nationalized Bank to be operated by an individual signatory as decided mutually
by the Joint Venture partners.
(b) All the partners shall be responsible to maintain or cause to maintain proper
Books of accounts balance sheet and profit and loss account as to the state of
affairs of the firm as at the end of the financial year and as to the profit and
loss made or incurred by the firm for the year ended on that date,
shall be prepared and the same shall subject to audit by a Chartered Accountant.
(c) None of the party shall be entitled to make any borrowing on behalf of the Joint
Venture without express prior written consent of the other party.
(d) Bank guarantee for the application /execution of the work shall be provided jointly
from a bank acceptable to the employer.
(11) Negotiation :Any negotiation of agreement between the parties hereto and the
employer subsequent to the submission of the tender and prior to award, shall take
place only with consent of each of the parties who shall be represented at the such
negotiation by one or more representative(s) duly empowered to make such
negotiation or agreement.
(12) Legal jurisdiction: All questions relating to validity interpretation of this
agreement shall be governed by the law of India and shall be subject to jurisdiction
of High court at AHMEDABAD.
(13) Settlement of disputes: Any dispute in interpretation of any condition mentioned
herein shall be referred to an arbitrator/tribunal by mutual consent of the partners
and such proceedings shall be governed by Gujarat Public Works contract disputes
tribunal act of 1992 and as amended from time to time. The award of arbitrator
shall be final and binding on the party hereto. Neither the obligation of each party
here to the performance of contract nor the execution of work shall stop during the
course of arbitration proceeding or as a result thereof.
(14) Insurance:
(a) The Joint Venture through the parties individually shall take such insurance in
connection with the work in accordance with the tender condition as acceptable to
the employer.
(b) The cost of the insurance premium paid by the Joint Venture shall be
borne and paid by the parties in proportion to the respective shares of
work. Other insurance taken individually by the parties shall be fully borne
by the respective parties.
(15) No change shall be made in this agreement without prior written consent of the
employer and other party. However if the employer directs the parties to make
changes in the agreement so as to fulfill tender conditions the parties discuss with
employer and mutually agreed such changes required to be made in the agreement.
(16) Default and withdrawals from the Joint Venture. : In case that either party fails
to observe the provision stipulated in this agreement withdrawal from the Joint
Venture, Loss and/or expenses incurred by other party due to such default and /or
withdrawals shall be fully compensated by the party who has defaulted.
(17) All matter relating to or arising due to this agreement shall be treated as
confidential and shall not be disclosed to any other party. In witness whereof the
parties have caused their duly authorized representatives to sign below.
Form-23 (Applicable)
In the interest of timely completion of the Project, after discussions and getting assurance
from the manufacturer of pipe for pipe supply is proposed in order to meet the milestones
and desire target of the Projects.
Assured date
Size of Pipe
of delivery at
Name of Location of
Quantity site (zero
the Pipe Manufacturing Diameter
Length (In MT) date starts
Supply Firm Unit (In mm)
(In Km) from date of
Total number of days for supply of pipe shall be 60 days from the date of work order. We
hereby declare that the supply of pipes for the Project will be ensured by us (within 60
days) as per the above mentioned schedule. We are aware, that, in case the above
schedule is not met with by us, we shall be liable for paying the Liquidated damages as
prescribed in the tender documents for non-fulfillment of assured supply of pipes.
FORM – 24
Hereinafter referred to as “Parties” in the collective sense and each of which is referred
to as “ (Name of Pipe Manufacturer)” & " (Name of Bidder)” in the individual
WHEREAS Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board (hereinafter referred to as Employer)
has invited tender (hereinafter referred to as the (“project”) for the following work:
Name of Project:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF all the parties mentioned herein above have signed this MOU on the
day, month and year first above mentioned.
No change shall be made in this agreement without prior consent of Employer and other
party. However, if the Employer direct the parties to make changes in MOU agreement so
as to fulfil the tender condition / requirement, the parties shall discuss with the employer
and shall mutually agree for such changes as may be required to be made in the
In the interest of timely completion of the project, after discussion and getting assurance
from manufacture of pipe, the following schedule for pipe supply is
proposed in order to meet the milestones and desired target of the projects.
Total number of days for supply of pipe shall be days from the date of work
order. We hereby declare that the supply of pipes for the Project will be ensured by us
schedule is not met with by us, we shall be liable for paying the Liquidated damages as
prescribed in the tender documents for non-fulfilment of assured supply of pipes.
Form-25(Not Applicable)
In the interest of timely completion of the Project, after discussions and getting
assurance from the SITC work executed contractorwho has experience of Supply,
Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Electro-Mechanical works not less than 40
KW in single contract of similar nature is proposed in order to meet the milestones
and desire target of the Project.
mention As per Tender 12 Month From
KW in date of LOI.
Total number of days for supply of pump-motor set and other equipment /
accessories shall be maximum 9 Months from the date of issuance of LOI. We hereby
declare that the supply of pump-motor set and other equipment / accessories for
the Project will be ensured by us (within 12 Months) as per the abovementioned
schedule. We are aware, that, in case the above schedule is not met with by us, we
shall be liable for paying the Liquidated damages as prescribed in the tender
documents for non-fulfillment of assured supply of Pumping Machinery.
(Name and SITC work executed contractor’ firm with address) ,represented by
Authorized Signatory, which expression shall unless repugnant to the
subject or context include its administrators, successors and assignees.
Hereinafter referred to as “Parties” in the collective sense and each of which is referred
to as “ (Name of SITC work executed contractor)” & " (Name of Bidder)” in the
individual sense.
WHEREAS Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board (hereinafter referred to as Employer)
has invited tender (hereinafter referred to as the (“Project”) for the following work:
Name of Project:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF all the parties mentioned herein above have signed this MOU on the
day, month and year first above mentioned.
No change shall be made in this agreement without prior consent of Employer and other
party. However, If the Employer direct the parties to make changes in MOU agreement so
as to fulfil the tender condition / requirement, the parties shall discuss with the employer
and shall mutually agree for such changes as may be required to be made in the
In the interest of timely completion of the project, after discussion and getting assurance
from SITC work ofVT/HSCF pump contractor, the following schedule for supply of pumping
machinery including associated equipment & accessories including their subsequent
installation, testing & commissioning is proposed in order to meet the milestones and
Total number of days for complete SITC of p ump-motor sets and other equipment
&accessoriesshall be12months from the date of issue of letter of intent (LOI). We hereby
declare that the supply of pumping machinery etc. for the project will be ensured by us
within 09Monthsand subsequent installation, testing & commissioning in balance 03 months
(total 12 months) as per the abovementioned schedule. We are aware that, in case the
above schedule is not met with by us, we shall be liable for paying the Liquidated Damages
as prescribed in the tender documents for non-fulfilment of assured supply of pumping
machinery & other equipment / accessories& subsequent ITC.
F O R M : 27
(On a non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.300/-)
pation Service/Business…………………………………… residing at
o hereby state on solemn affirmation and declare on oath as