TH 688 Midnight Resistance of Ceramic Tile To Chemical Substances ASTM C650

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1262 Bouquet Circle, Thousand Oaks, California 91362 Telephone: (805) 371-TILE (8453) Facsimile: (805) 371-8455

TIA' s Client: 20140815
AquaBella/Main Street Art, Inc.
Mr. Brian L. Streadbeck
450 South Alpine Highway
Alpine, Utah 84004
Telephone: (714) 264-8269 Facsimile: (714) 685-0465
[email protected]

Tile: Tahitian Series, color blue/dark grey "TH-688" Midnight porcelain body glazed.
Nominal size: 6" x 6" x W'. Tile made in China.
Conditions: New tiles sent to TILE INSTITUTE of AMERICA in sealed manufacturer' s boxes from
client above and selected at random .

Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Chemical Substances (ASTM C650)

Procedure: This test method covers a procedure for determining whether, and to what degree,
ceramic tiles are affected by prolonged exposure to chemical substances. The temperature was
controlled at 75±5 ° F (24±3 ° C) with an exposure time of24 hours.

Specimens Substance Temperature. °F (°C) Time. hours Results

I. l 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot affe cted
I. I O'Vo Potassium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affe cted
2. I 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
2. I 0% Potassium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot affected
3. I 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
3. I 0% Potassium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
4. 10% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
4. 10% Potass ium Hydrox ide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affect ed
5. l 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot affected
5. I 0% Potass ium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
6. I 0% Hydroch loric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
6. I 0% Potassium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
7. I 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not af fected
7. I 0% Potassium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
8. l 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot a ffected
8. I 0% Potass ium Hydrox ide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affe cted
9. I 0% H ydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot a ffected
9. I 0% Potass ium l lydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
10. I 0% Hydrochloric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot anected
10. 10% Potass ium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 N ot affected
I J. I 0% Hydroch loric J\cid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not aflectccl
I I. l 0% Potassium Hydroxide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not at1ected
12. l 0% Hydroch loric Acid 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
12. I 0% Potassium Hydrox ide 75±5 (24 ± 3) 24 Not affected
Test Results: Pass

fo4 Gerald M. Halweg, CTC, TA.

Date: //--/ - ,:)-o / fC
President/CEO of TILE

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