29627-Article Text-87205-1-10-20191216
29627-Article Text-87205-1-10-20191216
29627-Article Text-87205-1-10-20191216
Correspondence : p-ISSN 2085-4943
Sanata Dharma University
Jl. Affandi, Santren, Caturtunggal, Kecamatan. Depok, e-ISSN 2502-4469
Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55281
E-mail: [email protected]
Danin Christianto & Ivena Karin / The Journal of Educational Development 7 (3) 2019 : 173 - 177
Danin Christianto & Ivena Karin / The Journal of Educational Development 7 (3) 2019 : 173 - 177
Danin Christianto & Ivena Karin / The Journal of Educational Development 7 (3) 2019 : 173 - 177
themselves, not because of external influences. 1. The Role of Motivation in Determining the
Attitudes which are motivated instrinsically create Learning Empowerment
the satisfaction internally such as feeling Motivation can take a role in the learning
competent and determining their own destinies. empowerment, as in a case of a child who is
5. Extrinsic Motivation studying and he or she will be faced against a
This motivation is the opposite of the problem so that he or she needs a solution. The
intrincic one. It appears because of the existance concrete example is there is a child who is trying
of the stimulation from the outside such as to solve a math problem by using the logarithm
money, reward, and examination grades. table. The effort of finding the logarithm table is
the example of the role of motivation in
Learning Motivation empowering the learning process.
Motivation and learning are influencing 2. The Role of Motivation in Clarifying the
each other. Learning is a permanent attitude Learning Purpose
change relatively and it is resulted from the Here, the role of motivation is strongly
reinforced practice which is helped by a purpose related to the meaning of learning. A child will get
in order to achieve a certain purpose potentially. interested to learn something if the thing learned is
Intrinsically, learning motivation can emerge in beneficial to him or her. As an example, a child
the forms of a desire and encouragement of the studies about electronics because he or she knows
needs of learning. Extrinsically, it appears because that he or she can fix his or her broken radio by
of the existance of rewards, conducive learning learning about it.
environment, and interesting teaching and 3. The Role of Motivation in Determining the
learning activities. Learning Perseverance
The essence of learning is the internal and A child will get motivated to learn
external encouragement of the learnera who are something by hoping that he or she can get good
studying to have attitude changes, generally by grades. This motivation prevents the child
using several supportive indicators or elements. attracted to do other things beside learning. It
Such things have important roles in terms of the means that motivation is very influential on the
success of a person in learning. Learning learning endurance and perseverance.
motivation indicator are classified as (1) the
existance of the desire of being successful, (2) the Motivation and Its Influence in Learning
existance of the encouragement and need of English
learning, (3) the existance of the future hope and According to some research about
wish, (4) the existance of the appreciation in motivation and its influence against the second
learning, (5) the existance of the interesting language learning (English) which were conducted
activity in learning, and (6) the existance of the by researchers in some countries, the results are as
conducive learning environment which possibly below.
makes learners can study well. 1. The first semester students in the Metropolitan
Academy of Manila (MAM) got motivated
The Roles of Motivation in the Teaching and intrinsically to learn the second language in the
Learning Process area of speaking and reading due to a lot of
Motivation plays an important role in the supportive foreign media. This intrinsic
process of teaching and learning, namely (1) to motivation is also encouraged by the desire of
determine things which can be used to empower getting good results as well as considering
the learning process, (2) to clarify the learning English is important in the future, especially in
purpose which is to be achieved, (3) to determine finding jobs (Lucas, 2010, p. 19).
various problems against the learning stimulation, 2. Another research shows that students of
and (4) to determine the learning perseverance refinery affairs in Yemen were motivated
(Uno, 2010). instrumentally to learn English because of the
academic and working demands. So, the
students had a big desire to learn English since
Danin Christianto & Ivena Karin / The Journal of Educational Development 7 (3) 2019 : 173 - 177
they wanted to pass the English language external factors such as media, environment, and
subject. Also, their abilities in using English technology. They are get motivated internally due
are able to help them in working. (Al-Tamimi to the existance of continuous exposé from the
& Shuib, 2009, p. 29). environment.
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