Evaluation rubrics
Forum participation
1 2 3
The student posts ideas that are not related to The student posts relevant ideas related to the The student posts relevant ideas related to the
the discussion topic. S/he does not achieve the discussion topic. S/he partially achieves the discussion topic. S/he achieves the task as it is
Participation task. task. requested.
The student participates only once. The student usually participates, s/he usually The student participates actively, s/he
analyzes opinions and shares his/her own, and analyzes opinions and shares his/her own and
Interaction sometimes responds to postings. responds to postings.
The student does not participate according to Some of the elements in the task description The student participates according to what is
what is requested. The task was not were not completed. requested. The task was completed.
Task completion completed.
The student makes a significant number of Language is used correctly most of the times Language is used correctly including grammar,
errors in language usage, which makes it hard including grammar, spelling, word order and spelling, word order and punctuation. Ideas are
Accuracy to comprehend the message. Ideas are not punctuation. Ideas are organized into organized into paragraphs.
organized. paragraphs.
The student participates at the end of the The student participates on the third or fourth The student participates consistently. S/he
forum. day. posts on the first or second day.
The student does not make an effort to follow Although the student follows the discussion The student follows the discussion and
the discussion and achieve the forum’s goal. and contributes to achieving the forum’s goal, contributes to achieving the forum’s goal; s/he
Attitude s/he doesn’t do it constantly. S/he participates participates on time and is respectful and
on time and is respectful and tolerant. tolerant.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Dirección de Educación Continua y a Distancia
Dirección de Aprendizaje de Lenguas
Modalidad Mixta y No Escolarizada
Evaluation 1 2 3
Pronunciation Frequent errors in pronunciation Although student’s pronunciation is Student’s pronunciation is frequently so
would make what students are marked by minor interference from native accurate and authentic. There are just a
trying to say incomprehensible. language sounds, mistakes are relatively few and irrelevant pronunciation
insignificant and do not interfere with the mistakes.
communication of the message.
Fluency Student pauses so frequently while Although some minor hesitations are Student’s speech is fluid and natural,
speaking that communication is present in the student’s speech, they do allowing him to maintain the flow of
almost halted. Consequently, it is not really hamper the flow of communication and the attention of the
difficult for the listener to remain communication or interfere with the listener without difficulty.
interested. attention of the listener.
Vocabulary & Student’s limited vocabulary makes Student’s speech reflects a broad Student’s speech reflects an extensive
Circumlocution both simple expression and vocabulary that allows him to vocabulary that allows him to be
circumlocution difficult to communicate most of his ideas pretty expressive, precise, and to circumlocute
understand. Student shows a clearly and without resorting to the use of with facility and style when necessary.
tendency to lapse into native native language. However, there are still
language words which makes parts few repeated words that make the
of the message incomprehensible. message a bit ambiguous.
Accuracy & There are a lot of serious mistakes The mistakes in student’s speech are There are minor mistakes in the student’s
Comprehensibility present in student’s speech that sometimes glaring, but do not generally speech. The message is easily
make his message difficult (if not interfere with the transmission of the comprehended.
nearly impossible) to understand. message. Most of the structures are
accurately used.
Content Student repeats the same two or Student’s speech is quite varied and Student’s speech is filled with descriptive
three ideas using short, incomplete, contains some elaboration, but still needs details that make it interesting and highly
and often unrelated sentences. more detail. Student makes some personalized. Student connects ideas
There are so many basic elements attempts to link his ideas together, but the very skillfully using transitional words.
missing that it is difficult to follow lack of transitional words makes some of
student’s message. his ideas seem a little disconnected.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Dirección de Educación Continua y a Distancia
Dirección de Aprendizaje de Lenguas
Modalidad Mixta y No Escolarizada
Criteria 1 2 3
Content The content does not correspond to the task The text contains some of the information The text contains the information
that was requested and/or none of the requested. The topic is developed with some of requested in the task description. The
appropriate functions and vocabulary for the the appropriate functions and vocabulary for its topic is developed with the appropriate
topic were used. kind. functions and vocabulary.
Accuracy The text contains a significant number of Language is mostly used correctly including Language is used correctly including
errors in language usage, which makes it hard grammar, spelling, word order and punctuation. grammar, spelling, word order and
to comprehend the message. punctuation.
Organization The text lacks logical order and organization. Although the text follows a logical sequence The text follows a logical sequence and
and an adequate structure, discourse markers an adequate structure depending on its
are not used. type. Discourse markers are used
appropriately to connect ideas.
Promptness The assignment was not delivered on time The assignment shows the students’ effort in The assignment shows the students’
and it does not fulfill the requirements. fulfilling the task requested. effort in fulfilling the task requested. The
assignment was delivered on time.