NAA ItemNumber391968

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NAA: MP729/6, 4/401/200

Series number: MP729/6

Control symbol: 4/401/200
Barcode: 391968
Number of pages: 11

17pr Tank and Anti-tank Gun. 25pr Tank Gun

DEPARTMENT or nus ARMY —————°°"F'PE“T‘A“~ 1CENTRAL REGISTRY FILE A A wTho movamantl of thls lo are to be recorded on‘ thla cover and not on the correspondence Itself.Reloronoo to PravlouaPaporc 8:
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Itnlltor for’ the Am bu now officiallydlratod but the 1'!-1:9. hat cal Mtl-tmk Gun: an G0boialvchcollnh noluttnlinalrny mdthntiaumnunu min or 25-pr. om win» ulod mAnltru11_' . this mnrna our provlaua roquoat topruned wit tap
manufacture of 1'!-pr. hm: and Matt-hatOn: an tuition. é- Ba 001'-17 delivery or this oquipnont 1| at|:r1nn-_lIpor\annomdu-rugonontanrobo1n;nmintoLno1ub-than ital in u P.1. ll-cup or Am roquircnonto,Qnatitlu roqulrod are
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ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE- 0 nSecretary,Department of Munition83 William Street,NE.MELBOURCOMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIAIr nor nzuvznzn wnmn 7 luvs. RETURN TODEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE CO-
1 "Q-§1‘F7-Tl’ L D. or A./In ,. . -..;_Q: 4/401/200 »*~. . . .3“TELEPHONES:,,,,(Y,wp COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.CEN1'RAl.7l85 'DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY.No _____________________ H MELBOURNE.
s.c.1. < uosm SECRET ' ' V’ vff (‘Tr c\"a->"’.,__“ i MMemora ~ ”‘ F-J *ndum forSecretary,Department of Munitions,83 William Street,Melbourne. 0,1.1"~2£~.!1"~,n,1<_ en<1,@@s1.-w1<s owThe Minister for the Army has
now officiallydirected that the l7—pr. Tank and Anti-Tank Guns are tobe introduced into the Australian Army, and that inaddition a proportion of 25-pr. Guns will be used inAustralian Tanks. This confirms our previous
request toproceed with the manufacture of l7-pr. Tank and Anti-TankGuns and Ammunition.The early delivery of this equipment is ofprime importance and arrangements are being made to includethese items in the P.l,
Group of Army requirements,Quantities required are generally similar tothose previously advised and submissions for funds andorders are now being prepared.(F. R, Sinclair) l iS e c r e t s r Z, ~ Y\'_~<.
L,§""-‘Fa . ., -- - Z_4__@_\~n. eta./IB 4/401/200COM MONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.T:LEPHouas 1MXY £40.CENTRAL 7185DEPARTMENT or THE ARMY.No ___________________ _ V MELBOURNE. s.c.1.HOST
SECRETf0!‘ -MemorandumSecretary, 1Department of Munitions,B3 Iilliam Street,Melbourne, 021;1'!-E; Tl-nk and Anti-Tank GunsThe linieter for the Army has new officiallydirected that the 1'7-pr, Tank and Anti-‘rank Guns
are tobe introduced into the Australian Army, and that inaddition a proportion of 25-pr. Guns will be used inAustralian 'i'e.nks. This ccntirms our previous request toproceed with the manufacture oi’ 17-pr, Tank and Anti-
TankGuns and Ammunition.The early delivery or this equipment is orprime importance and arrangements are being made to includethese items in the P.1. Group ct Arly requirements.Quantities required are generally
similar tothoae previously advised and subnisaicna for funds andorders are new being prepared,(F. R, Sinclair)Se c r e t a rl,Cog; for -Chief Military Adviser(4
} ‘_v. 1:1,/B.-4’ = 4/401/200 s%..!.!'éE'l&...1;u-" horotnry,Doplrhcut at Ianitionn,83 Ilium 8%:-cot, £L§.|,l""_En..?"\'I "$4 *1"-'1‘!1\|l_ SH.‘Bu liinintur tor the Any bu IOU officiallydlratod lint the 1'!-pr. ak ml um-an inn are toto
untrained into In Ann:-alum Any, an that inukltunaynperuotls-pr.<huI111bouu¢£nAustralia fab. ail anti:-no our pronoun 1-squat tapa-and nth tho In-nxuvun at 1'!-pr. hm: and Anti.-hatGun: la linen.Ibo on-11 Aollvuy of thin
output in ofwho importance and arrmpnnnu are but undo to inclwloan taalatlabl. boupotllqrqzgrnnnio.Qnatltlu roquirod an 30:02:11; llnuu itthan prcvlnunly advhol mi mlnznuu tor tuna anem-don u-0 an boll;
pcopcrod.ll(v.a.amnu)lgggogggllGnu for -Ohio!‘ Inna-y Adviur
!2§!__!!E!!l' £Bantu-1,Dnpn:-hunt at lunluonn,68 William Strait,t&rQn§0élIU\Qa1'l-91%botntroduoullnto thawslddltlal t1nnnl’I8- -Australian 325'.’ his catsh ourpronoun! Ilth the numtaotun at 17-pr. 4h,via.xvngta./In ‘ .
\4/401/zoo I Ba Itnintornun: and lnamicion.primtunaE§.2I¥..£9£§!iigig gigOhio! lttllhry Lavina:E?gig?..§g~ e,,a sg-=z§§52?";€= ‘aaltvu-7 at u: nqulpnnut la Qt 'no bollgnmo to won» at Ally roqulnunnn, V _;L~¢$18100 riqulrod
arc guaunlly 11:11.02 to17 ulviaod and auhnbnluna for fund: andbum; prepared.(P-RQS/lltllll) ‘ggergtggh@\ T}:\ ¢,4 ,,- =1" 1J, ,5‘Hx I"I9?\.. - 1.,'r:»|‘iL-|>1'1'\. 5""1A»$4.,5Q-,3?iiiA.‘,Y». '.w..--..‘
‘~01DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ‘sn2/bP. mosm srcnsw * ~~MINUTE PAPER AL ;[+0/’, J00 T1;.a\y1/av ~- --V -HA.---.--_-.3;¥_ ,_ __jSupjncw__‘\ .$1, 4 ~ 12 , ' ’ p“$-' ‘..‘?"‘¥;' C ‘M.G.Q-Copies for : -F‘QF???P?NG-
R.A»Of A0F.V.The Minister has given approval to the introduction of the17 pr. Tank and Anti—tank gun and 25 pr. Tank gun in replacementof existing weapons.Production of the weapons and ammwnition should
thereforeproceed with the utmost expediency. Arrangements are beingmade to include these items on the Priority List of Army Requirementsin P.1 group.The Minister has directed that a War Cabinet Agendum besubmitted
for confirmation by War Cabinet, and this will beprepared by Director of Staff Duties./ V '4i Lieutenant-General,ZcAug. 42. Ch ef of the General Staff.0 //11 — .J /:1 6/44. ' 4/‘w |\/

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