Biblio Aram Et SyriaK

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ARAMAIC (and Syriac)

8.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY (cf. 1.0.1 Common Semitic)

A bibliography of secondary literature on New Aramaic, by Y. Sabar, JewLR 1, 1981, 123-125; 2, 1982, 98.
An Aramaic Bibliography. Part I. Old, Official, and Biblical Aramaic, by J.A. Fitzmyer-St.A. Kaufman, Baltimore/London 1992 [rev.: OLZ 87, 1992, 547-552 (J. Oelsner); BiOr 51/3-4, 1994, 412-414 (B. Grossfeld (I)); CBQ 56/3, 1994, 544-545 (E.G. Clarke); ZAW 105/1, 1993, 140-141 (M. Kckert)]. Aramaic, in LBY 1939-. Aramaic studies today, by H.L. Ginsberg, JAOS 62, 1942, 229-238. Aramaica [sketch of some important studies lately published]., by P.A.H. De Boer, JEOL 9, 1943-44, llO-116. Aramaic studies during the past thirty years, by F. Rosenthal, J ES 37, 1978, 81-91. Bibliographie biblique/Biblical bibliography/Biblische Bibliographie/Bibliografla biblica/Bibliografa bblica. I-III : 1930-1983, by P.-E. Langevin, Qubec 1972/1978/1985 [Philologie, pp. 368-377]. Bibliographie samaritaine II, by J. Margain, JA 270, 1983, 179-186 [X. Linguistique, 184-185]. Der heutige Stand der Manderfrage, by W. Baumgartner, ThZ 6, 1950, 401-410. Die Anfnge der syrischen Studien in Europa, by W. Strothmann [Im Anhang: Syriacae linguae prima elementa von J. A. Widmanstetter] (Gttinger Orientforschungen, 1. Reihe, 1), Wiesbaden 1971. Die aramistische Forschungen seit Th. ldekes Veroffentlichungen, by Fr. Rosenthal, Leiden 1939 (repr. 1964) [rev.: Aramaic Studies Today, JAOS 62, 1942, 229-38 (H. L. Ginsberg); Le Muson 53, 1940, 138 (Rijckmans); MUSJ 1939, 221-223 (Mouterde)]. Die literatuur over het Aramees na 1940, JEOL 15, 1957-58, 125-132 [Aram. studies since 1940]. Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, 25-29, 1944-1948, by E. Brgi, Biblica 25-29, 1944-1948 (Philologia Biblica: Linguae semiticae, Lingua aramaica et syrriaca). Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, by P. Nober, 31/58-59, 1950/1977-1978 (Philologia biblica: Grammatica hebraica et linguarum affinium; Studia lexicalia, Voces hebraicae et relatae discussae / Philologia biblica: semitica) Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, by P. Nober, R. North, 60, 1979 (Philologia biblica: Voces hebraicae et aramaicae, Aramaica, Syriaca). Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, by R. North, 61, 1980 / 64, 1984 (Philologia biblica: Voces hebraicae et aramaicae Aramaica, Syriaca). Elenchus of Biblica 1985-1995 (Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography, 1-11), by R. North, Roma 1988-1999, (Philologia biblica: Voces ordine alph..., Aramaica). Elenchus of Biblica 1996-2005 (Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography, 12-21), by R. Althann, Roma 2000-2008 (Philologia biblica:Voces ordine alph., Aramiac. .. Aramaica). Historia de la Gramtica Aramea. Panorama bibliogrfico, by L. Dez Merino, AuOr 13, 1995, 241-253. Itogi i perspektivy oteestvennoj siriologii, by N.V. Pigulevskaja, in SemJaz, pp. 75-81 [Results and perspectives of Syriac studies in the Soviet Union]. Lenguas en contacto: el arameo y otras lenguas, by L. Dez Merino, AuOr 13, 1995, 127-135. Les tudes syriaques dAndreas Masius [1514-73], by A.van Roey, OLP 9, 1978, 141-158. Pour une bibliographie sur lpigraphie syriaque, by A.J.P. Desreumaux, AIO 40, 1980, 704-708 [Complements to S.P. Brock, Syriac inscriptions: a preliminary check list of European publications, AIO 38, 1978, 255-271] Studies in the Aramaic of the First Century A.D., by Ch.C. Torrey, ZAW 65, 1953, 228-247. Syriac and Aramaic, by H.J.W. Drijvers, in BBSSL/1, pp. 283-335. The current state of research on Galilean Aramaic, by M. Sokoloff, J ES 37, 1978, 161- 167. Une bibliographie commente pour le no-aramen, by B. Poizat, GLECS 18-23/2, 1973-79 (1981), 347414. Un venticinquennio di studi siriaci (1960-1985), by E. Cappellinni, Sme 28/1, 1987, 457-479.

Yizn i grammatieskie trudy Ili Tirchanskogo, by R.G. Rylova, PSb 7, 1962, 162-177 [The life and grammatical works of Elias from Trhn (IIth century)]. 8.2 METHODOLOGY A D SOCIO-LI GUISTICS P.G. Borbone, Fr. Mandracci, An other [sic] way to analyze Syriac texts: a simple powerful tool to draw up Syriac computer aided concordances, in A2CIAI, pp. 135-145. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein. The language of Targum Onqelos and the model of literary diglossia in Aramaic, J ES 37, 1978, 169-179. R.G. Harder, The rendering of Greek particles in the Peshitta gospel of John: a study in microcomputer flexibility, in A2CIBI, pp. 299-307.

T. Harviainen, Diglossia in Jewish Eastern Aramaic, SO 55, 1983, 95-119.

A. Lemaire, Hebrew and Aramaic in the First Millennium B.C.E. in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence (Socio-Historical Aspects), in BH WSS, pp. 177-196. A. Lemaire, H. Lozachmer, Remarques sur le multilinguisme en Asie Mineure le lpoque perse, en MLMC, pp. 91-124. J.L. Malone, The isolation of Schematisierung: a service of linguistics to philology, JAOS 94, 1974, 395-400 [Aramaic examples]. S. Morag, Oral traditions and dialects. Towards a methodology of evaluating the evidence of an oral tradition, in PICSSJ, pp. 180-189. (Hebrew and Aramaic). J. Neusner: Language as taxonomy: the rules for using Hebrew and Aramaic in the Babylonian Talmud QM 7, 1992, 327-342. M. Nordio, Strumenti della didattica del neo-aramaio presso gli Assiri di Persia, AIO 37, 1977, 441453. E. Puech, Du bilinguisme Qumrn?, in MLMC, pp. 171-190. H. Rouillard-Bonraisin, Problmes du billinguisme en Daniel, in MLMC, pp. 145-170. A. Srandour, Remarques sur le bilinguisme dans le livre dEsdras, in MLMC, pp. 131-144. J.A. Soggin, Bilinguismo o trilinguismo nell'ebraisrno post-esilico: il caso del aramaico e del greco , in Al. Ceresa-Gastaldo, ed., Il bilinguismo degli antichi: XVIII giornate filologiche genovesi, Genova 1991, pp. 83-94. B. Spolsky, Jewish multilingualism in the first century: an essay on historical sociolinguistics, in RSJL, pp. 35-50. H.M. Szpek: Translation technique in the Peshitta to Job, Atlanta GA 1992 [rev.: CBQ 56, 1994, 343-344 (Ed.G. Mathews); JBL 113/2, 1994, 328-330 (J.A. Lund); BSL, 91, 1996, 381-383 (J. Margain)]. Ch.C. Torrey, The Aramaic Period ot the Nascent Christian Church, Z W 44, 1952-53, 205-223 [On the use of Aramaic as the official language of the early Christian Church]. A.S. van der Woude, Erwagungen zur Doppelsprachigkeit des Buches Daniel, in Fs. Hospers, pp. 305316. I.J. Zaja, Jazykovoe i religioznoe samosoznanie assirijcev Krasnodarskogo kraja, in EJS, pp. 54-58 [The linguistic and religious self-consciousness of the Krasnodar Assyrians]. 8.3 MISCELLA EA (cf. 0.2, 0.3)
[A reminder: P. de Lagarde, Analecta Syriaca, London 1858].



M. Sokoloff, ed., Arameans, Aramaic and the Aramaic Literary Tradition (Bar-Ilan Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures), Ramat-Gan 1983 [rev.: BiOr 43/5-6, 1986, 767-769W (W.R. Garr); OLZ 81/3, 1986, 265-266 (W. Herrmann); WZKM 77, 1987, 240-242 (S. Segert); JQR 75/1, 1984, 95-96 (B.B. Levy)]. Ed. Lipiski, The Aramaeans. Their ancient history, culture, religion (OLA 100), Leuven /Paris/Sterling 2000 [rev.: CCO 3, 2006 484-486 (J.P. Monferrer-Sala)].

S. Segert, Aramische Studien. II. Zur Verbreitung des Aramischen in Palstina zur Zeit Jesu, AO 25, 1957, 21-37; III. Zum Problem der altaramischen Dialekte; IV. Die Rolle der Aramer bei der Vermittlung des westsemitischen Alphabets an dieGriechen; V. Der Artikel in den ltesten aramischen Texten, AO 26, 1958, 561584. ChCASt The Chicago Colloquium on Aramaic studies, J ES 37, 1982, 81-193 [ref.: WO 12, 1981, 196-200 (R. Zadok)]. Fs. Guilbert R. Adda, J. Bastuji, eds, ologie et lexicologie. Hommage Louis Guilbert (Langue et Langage), Paris1979. Fs. Hoftijzer K. Jongeling, H.L. Murre-van den Berg, L. Van Rompay, eds, Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic syntax presented to Professor J. Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Leiden 1991 [rev.: VT 43, 1993, 429-430 (J.A. Emerton); Muson 106, 1993, 382-384 (P.M. Bogaert)]. Fs. Johanson B. rpd, ed., Symbolae turcologicae: studies in honour of Lars Johanson on his sixtieth birthday 8 March 1996 (Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul. Transactios 6), Stockolm 1996. Fs. Kononov Issledovanija po filoloii stran Azii I Afriki. Sbornik statej. Posvjaaetsja Andreju ikolaeviu Kononovu, Leningrad 1966. Fs. McNamara K. Cathcart-M. Maher, eds., Targumic and Cognate Studies: Essays in Honor of Martin Mc amara, Sheffield 1996. Fs. Ochs K.F. Mller, ed, Beitrge zur Sprachwissenschaft und Volkskunde. Festschrift fr Ernst Ochs zum 60. Geburtstag, Lahr (Baden), Schauenburg, 1951. Fs. Wehr W. Fischer, ed., Festgabe fr Hans Wehr. Zum 60. Geburtstag am 3. Juli 1969, Wiesbaden 1969 [rev.: JSS 16, 1971, 279-281 (J.D. Latham)]. HAS E. Kutscher, Hebrew and Aramaic studies. Ed. by Zeev Ben-Hayyim, Aharon Dotan, Gad Sarfatti, Jerusalem 1977. LNT St.E. Porter, ed., The Languge of the ew Testament, Sheffield 1991. LOTHA Z. Ben-Hayyim, The literary and oral tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic amongts the Samaritans. Vol. III, part I. Recitation of the Law / Part 2. The recitation of prayers and hymns (Heb.) (The Acad. of the Hebr. Language, Texts and Studies 6), Jerusalem 1961/1967 [rev.: JSS 13, 1968, 275-276 (J. Macdonald); RB 75, 1968, 286-293 (M. Baillet); BSL 63, 1968/2, 218 (D. Cohen); Biblica 50, 1969, 98-102 (J.C. Greenfield)]. Ml. Garbini G. Garbini, Aramaica. Con un contributo di L. I. Manfredi (Studi Semitici, 10), Roma 1993 [rev.: ZAW 107/2, 1995, 157 (J.A. Soggin)]. Ml. Lipiski I E. Lipiski, Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomastics, I (OLA 1), Leuven 1975, [rev.: Onoma 18, 1974, 421-425 (Author's summ..); B F 11, 1976, 188-189 (R. Schmitt)]. Ml. Lipiski II E. Lipiski, Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomastics. II (OLA, 57) Leuven 1994 [rev.: B F 29-30, 1994-95, 454-456 (R. Schmitt)]. MMIA Macallat al-macma al-cilmi al-carabi [Bulletin of thc Arabic Academy], Damascus. PSS M. Bar-Asher, Palestinian Syriac studies. Sources - texts. Traditions and grammatical problems (Heb.), Jerusalem 1977 [rev.: ZDMG 129, 1979, 169 (R. Degen); JSS 24, 1979, 287-290 (T. Muraoka); RB 7, 1980, 285-286 (J. Naveh)]. SAIO E. Lipiski, Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomastics, I, Leuven 1975 [rev.: AIO 36, 1976, 276 (G. Garbini); JSS 21, 1976, 174-178 (A.R. Millard); IEJ 26, 1976, 148-149 (J. Naveh); BiOr 33, 1976, 227-231 (R. Zadok); WO 9/1, 1977, 167-I72 (R. Degen); CBQ 39, 1977, 262-263 (J.A. Fitzmyer); WZKM 72, 1980, 176-179 (S. Segert)]. SGA E.Y. Kutscher, Studies in Galilean Aramaic, transl. from the Hebrew (Bal-Ilan Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Culture), Ramat- Gan 1976 [Heb. originals in Tarbiz 21, 195, 192-205; 22, 1951, 53-63, 185-192; 23, 1952, 36-60][rev.: IEJ 27, 1977, 58-59 (J. Blau); J ES 37, 1978, 195 (D. Pardee); JAOS 95. 1978, 512-513 (Z. Zevit); AcOr 39, 1978, 221-228 (F. Rundgren); JRAS 1978, 74 (J.B. Segall); BiOr 34, 1977 (1978),






221-222 (E. Lipinski); OA 17, 1978, 162-164 (G. Garbini); Syria 55, 1978, 397 (A. Caquot); AO 46. 1978, 377 (0.K); WZKM 70, 1978, 114-115 (S. Segert); JSS 24, 1979, 123-I26 (T. Muraoka)]. R. Macuch, Zur Sprache und Literatur der Mander. Mit Beitrgen von K. Rudolph und E. Segelberg (Studia Mandaica I), Berlin 1976 [from the contents: Zur Grammatik und zum Wrterbuch des Mandaischen, 1-146; K. Rudolph, Die mandische Literatur. Bemerkungen zum Stand ihrer Textausgaben und zur Vorbereitung einer Ginza-Edition, 147-170; Mandische Bibliographie seit 1965, 245-250]. J. Blau, Studies in Middle Arabic, Jerusalem 1988. W. Heinrichs (ed.), Studies in eo-Aramic, Atlanta GA 1990 [rfev.: OLZ 88, 1993, 165173 (J. Oelsner). R. Ebied, H. Teule, eds., Symposium Syriacum VIII (The University of Sydney, Department of Semitic Studies, 26 June 1 July, 2000) (= Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 56, 2004) 2004 [rev.: CCO 3, 2006, 432-438 (J.P Monferrer-Sala)]. J.A. Fitzmyer, A wandering Aramean; collected Aramaic essays (SBL Monograph Series 25) Missoula. MT 1979 [rev.: J ES 39, 1980, 217-219 (P.T. Daniels); ThS 32, 1981, 486-488 (K.H. Kuhn); ThZ 37/1, 1981, 62-63 (M. Wagner); Or 50, 1981, 222-225 (R. Le Daut); OLZ 80/2, 1985, 167-169 (S. Wagner)]. P.T. Daniels, W. Bright, eds, The worlds writing systems, New York 1996.


F. Altheim, R. Stiehl, Die Araber in der alten Welt. I. Band. Bis zum Beginn der Kaiserzeit, Berlin 1964 [ch. 10: Aramisch als Weltsprache, pp. 181-212; R. Stiehl, Kanaanisch und Aramisch, pp. 213236 - Griechische Fremdwrter im Syrischen, pp. 608-622; with chapters on Aramaic by the authors and by R. Macuch]. F. Altheim, R. Stiehl, Die Araber in der alten Welt. II. Band. Bis zur Reichstrenung, Berlin 1965 [ch. 6: R.Macuch, Anfnge der Mander, pp. 76-190; Hatra und Nis, pp. 191-229] W. Arnold, P. Behnstedt, Arabisch-Aramische Sprachbeziehungen im Qalamn (Syrien). Eine dialektgeographische Untersuchung mit einer wirtschafts- und sozialgeographischee Einfrung von Anton Escher (Semitica Viva, Bd. 4/V), Wiesbaden 1993. W. Arnold, The Arabian Dialects in the Turkish Province of Hatay and the Aramaic Dialects in the Syrian Moutains of Qalamn: two Minority Languages Compared, in J. Owens, ed., Arabic as a Minority Language, Berlin/New York 2000, pp. 347-370. M. Bar-Asher, Palestinian Syriac and Samaritan Aramic: a comparative study, in Fs. Goshen-Gottstein III, pp. 53-68. J. Barr, Aramaic-Greek notes on the Book of Enoch (I), JSS 23, 1978, 184-198. E. Benveniste, Elments perses en aramen dgypte, JA 242, 1954, 297-310. K. Beyer, Der reichsaramische Einschlag in der ltesten syrischen Literatur, ZDMG 116, 1966, 242254. R. A. Bowman, Arameans, Aramaic, and the Bible, J ES 7, 1948, 65-90. S.P. Brock, Limitations of Syriac in representing Greek, in B. M. Metzger, The Early Versions of the ew Testament. Their origin, trasmission, and limitations, Oxford 1977, pp. 243-250. M.L. Chyet, Neo-Aramaic and Kurdish: an interdisciplinary consideration of their influence on each other, IOS 15, 1995, 219-252. E.Cohen, Zakho Neo-Aramaic and Old Babylonian Akkadian, in Fs. Goldenberg, pp. 159-177. M. Delcor, Le texte de Deir cAlla et les oracles bibliques de Balacam, in VTS 32 (Congress volume : Vienna 1980), Leiden 1981, pp. 52-73.

B. Estelle, The use of deferential language in the Arsames correspondence and Biblical Aramaic compared, Maarav 13, 2006, 43-74.
F.M. Fales, Accadico e aramaico: livelli dellinterferenza linguistica, ViOr 3, 1980, 243-267. F.M. Fales, Assiro e aramaico: filologia e interferenza linguistica, ASGM 25, 1984, 21-30.

J.A. Fitzmyer, The Aramaic language and the study of the New Testament, JBL 99, 1980, 5-21. A.Gai, Predicative state and inflection of the nominal predicate in Akkadian and Syriac, AAL 9, 1984, 72. I. Garbell, The impact of Kurdish and Turkish on the Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Persian Azerbaijan and the adjoining regions, JAOS 85, 1965, 159-177. J.C. Greenfield, Aramaic studies and the Bible, in VTS 32 (Congress volume: Vienna 1980), Leiden 1981, pp. 110-130. J.F. Healey, Phoenician and the spread of Aramaic, in A1CISF, pp. 663-666. H. Humbach, Late Imperial Aramaic and Early Pahlavi, MSS 30, 1972, 47-50. G. Ito, Iranological contributions of Asokan Aramaic inscriptions, AcIr 1, 1981, 308-315. J. Joosten, The Syrian language of the Peshitta and old Syrian versions of Matthew: syntactic structure, inner-Syriac developments and translation technique (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics: 22), Leiden 1996. J. Joosten, On Aramaising renderings in the Septuagint, in Fs Muraoka, pp. 587-600. Ll. Kapeliuk, Some cornmon traits in the evolution of Neo-Syriac and of Neo-Ethiopian, JSAI 12, 1989, 294-320. O. Kapeliuk, Is Modern Hebrew the only Indo-Europeanized Semitic language? and what about NeoAramaic?, IOS 16, 1996, 59-70. S.A. Kaufman, The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic and the Development of the Aramaic Dialects, Diss. 1970, Yale Univ. [DAb 31/12, June 1971, 6557-A] S.A. Kaufman, The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic (OIUC, Assyriological Studies 19), Chicago 1974 [rev.: J ES 36, 1977, 318-319 (D. Pardee); JSS 22, 1977, 81-86 (W. von Soden); BSOAS 40, 1977, 144 (D.J. Wiseman); OLZ 75, 1980, 535-537 (J. Oelsner)]. Chr. Le Roy, Aramen, lycien et greec : pluralit des langues et pluralit des cultures, Hethitica 8, 1987, 263-266. F.A. Pennachietti, A. Orengo, Neoaramaico, curdo e armeno: lingue a contatto, EVO 18, 1995, 221-233. Y. Sabar, The impact of Israeli Hebrew on the Neo-Aramaic dialect of the Kurdish Jews of Zakho: a Case of Language Shift, HUCA 46, 1975, 489-508. Y. Sabar, The Arabic elements in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic texts of Nerwa and cAmdya, Iraqi Kurdistan, JAOS 104/1, 1984, 201-211. J. Sabar, Substratal and adstratal elements in Jewish Neo-Aramaic, in Fs. Blanc, pp.-104-276. Y. Sabar, A Comparative Study Between the Hebrew Elements in the Judeo-Arabic Dialects of Iraq and Its Neo-Aramaic Dialects (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 261-294. A. Schall, Griechischer Einfluss im Syrischen, in Fs. Ochs, pp. 23-27. A. Schall, Zur griechischen Nebenberlieferung im Syrischen, in Fs. Krotkoff, pp. 237-246. S. Segert, gypten und Biblisch-Aramaisch, in Fs. Donner, pp. 252-258. N.I. Serikoff, Einige Aspekte der griechischen Grammatik des Bar Hebrus: griechische Lehnwrter in der kurzgefassten Geschichte der Dynastien, JbByz 37, 1987, 101-135. J.A. Soggin, Bilinguismo o trilinguismo nellebraismo post-esilico: il caso dellaramaico e del greco, VicOr 3, 1980, 199-207. P. Wexler, Jewish languages in Kaifeng, Henan Province, China (1163-1933), ZDMG 135, 1985, 330347. F. Zimmermann, The Aramaic origin of the.four Gospels, New York 1979 [rev.: JBL 100, 1981, 124-125 (P.J. Kobelski); JThS 32, 1981, 223-226 (K.H. Kuhn); RB 88, 1981, 149-150 (M.-E. Boismard); CBQ 42, 1980, 285-287 (D.J. Harrington)].

8.5 CLASSIFICATIO K. Beyer, The Aramaic language: its distribution and subdivisions, Gttingen 1986 [translation of an updated version of the first ch. of Die aramische Texte vom Toten Meer, 1984] [rev.: JSJ 18, 1987, 83-84 (F. Garcia Martnez); T 30/2, 1988, 189 (G. D. Kilpatrick)].

D. Boyarin, An Inquiry into the Formation of the Middle Aramaic Dialects, in, Fs. Kerns II, pp. 613649. K.G. Cereteli, The Aramaic dialects of Iraq, AIO 32, 1972, 245-250. K.G. Cereteli, K voprosu o klassifikacii novoaramejskich dialektov, APIL 4, 1976, 224-232 [Essay on the classification of the new-Aramaic dialects]. K.G. Cereteli, Zur frage der Klassiflkation der neuaramischen Dialekte, ZDMG 127, 1977, 244-253. D. Cohen, Le yaudi, in LChS, p. 83. P.E. Dion, La langue de Yaudi, Waterloo, Canada 1974. J.C. Greenfield, The Dialects of Early Aramaic, J ES 37, 1978, 93-99. J.C. Greenfield, Aramaic and its Dialects, in JLThV, pp. 29-43. J. Huehnergard, What is Aramaic?, ARAM 7 261-282 [Diachronic study. Classification of Aramaic and Semitic. Sambalian (Jabudic), Proto- Aramaic and the language of the Deir cAlla inscription constitute separate groups within Northwest Semmitic]. K. Koch, Das Buch Daniel (Ertrge der Forschung 144), Darmstadt 1980.[Ch. 3: Vom Chaldischen zum Reichsaramischen, pp. 34-54] B.B. Levy, Sokoloffs Arameans, JQR 75, 1984, 95-96. Ed. Lipiski, La langue des tablettes aramennes de Bruxelles, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 323-342. A. Tal, The dialects of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic and the Palestinian Targum of the Pentateuch, Sefarad 46, 1986, 441-448, A. Tal, The Aramaic dialects of Palestine and the Yerushalmi targum to the Pentateuch (Heb.), in P9WCJS, pp. 13-21. A. Vivian, Letture semitistiche. II. Dialetti giudaici dellaramaico medio e tardo, OA 15, 1976, 56-60.


T. Arayathinal, Aramaic Grammar (Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer) [2 vol.; Preface by J. van der Ploeg], Mannanam (Kerala State, India) 1957/1959 [rev.: Biblica 40, 1959, 114; 41, 1960, 99 (R. Kobert); Muson 73, 1960, 222-225 (R. Draguet)]. M. Bi, Palestina od pravku ke krestanstv. III. e a psemnosti, Praha 1948-1950 (Palestina from Prehistory to Christianity. III. Language and Litterature). D. Cohen, Laramen, en LChS, pp. 84-104. S. Creason, Aramaic, in CEWAL, pp. 391-426. L. Depountes, O Aramaioi, Volo 1950 [also the language]. A. Dupont-Sommer, Les Aramens (LOrient Ancien Illustr II), Paris 1949 [La langue aramenne et son expansion, pp. 79-104] [rv.: REA 51, 1949, 349 (W. Seston): Muson 62, 1949, 164-166 (G. Ryckmans)]. St.A. Faufman, Aramiac, in SemLang 114-130. J. Ferrer, Esbozo de historia de la lengua aramea (Studia Semitica, 3), Crdoba/Barcewlona 2004 [rev.: CCO 3, 2006, 449-454 (J. Martnez Delgado)]. J.C. Greenfield, Aramaic, Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible Supplementary Volume, Nashville XX 1976, pp. 39-44. J.C. Greenfield, Standard Literary Aramaic, in A1CILSCS, pp. 280-289. F. Greenspahn, Aramaic, in BBHBH, pp. 93-108. R.B. Ishaq, The Aramaeans: their Language and script (Ar.), Sumer 3, 1947, 318-327. S.A. Kaufman, Aramaic, in ADB, pp. 173-178 O. Klima, S. Segert, Mluvnice hebrejtiny a armejtiny, Praha 1956 [Hebrew and Aramaic grammar] [rev.: AO 26, 1958, 300-301 (rev.: L.J. Kruina-Cerny); BiOr 14, 1957, 134-136 (J. Sedlkov)] E.Y. Kutscher, Aramaic, EnJud 2:259-88. P. Nowicki, Jezyk aramejski. Zagadnienia podstawowe, Warszawa 1964 (mimeographed) [Fundamentals of the Aramaic Language]. Fr. Rosenthal, Aramaic in General, in E. Yarshater, ed., Encyclopaedia Iranica, I/II, London 1985/1987, II, pp. 250-256.

Fr. Vattioni, Laramaico e attestato a Ebla?, in BaE, pp. 257-266. 8.7 PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS 8.7.0 .General A. Z. Aecoly, Incompatibilits de phonemes en Hbreu et en Aramen, GLECS 3, 1937-1940, pp. 5456. K. Beyer, Wann wirkte das philippische Gesetz?, ZDMG Suppl. 4, 1980, 267. W. Fischer, Zur Chronologie morphophonematischer Gesetzmssigkeiten im Aramischen, in Fs. Wehr, pp. 175-191. R. Macuch, Hermeneutische Akrobatik aufgrund phonetischen Lautwandels in aramischen Dialekten, OS 33-35, 1984-86, 269-283. R. Macuch, Some orthographico-phonetic problems of Ancient Aramaic and the living Aramaic pronunciations, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 221-237. 8.7.1. Vocalism J. Blau, Hebrew stress shifts, pretonic lengthening, and segolization: possible cases of Aramaic in Hebrew syllable structure, IOS 8, 19878, 91-106. C. Brockelmann, Neuere Theorien zur Geschichte des Akzents und des Vokalismus im Hebrischen und Aramischen, ZDMG 94, 1940, 332-371. E.M. Cook, The orthography of final unstressed long vowels in Old and Imperial Aramaic, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 53-67. J. Friedrich, Zur Bezeichnung des langen in den Schreibweisen des Aramischen, Or 26, 1957, 37-42. S.A. Kaufman, On vowel reduction in Aramaic, JAOS 104, 1984, 87-95. S.A. Kaufman, The history of Aramaic vowel reduction, in AAALT, pp. 47-55. S. Morag, The Vocalization Systems of Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic. Their phonetic and phonemic principles, Den Haag 19722. G.L. Piggott: Epenthesis and syllable weight, LLTh 13, 1995, 283-326. R.C. Steiner, lulav versus *lu/law: a note on the conditioning of *law > lu in Hebr. and Aramaic, JAOS 107/1, 1987, 121-122 [on J. Huehnergard, JAOS 103, 1983, 569-593]. 8.7.2. Consonantism A.B. Dolgopolsky, The Aramaic reflexes of the Semitic glottalized lateral consonant, RO 49, 1994, 5-14. G. Garbini, Note aramaiche. 1. p > b in jaudico, Antonianum 31, 1956, 310-311. G. Garbini: The phonetic shift of sibilants in Aramaic, in Ml. Garbini, pp. 43-49. W.R. Garr, Prenasalization in Aramaic, in Fs. Gragg, pp. 81-109. C.H. Gordon, Holy waw. A case of contrasting methodologies, Orientalia 22, 1953, 415-416. R.D. Haberman, Initial consonant clusters in Hebrew and Aramaic, J ES 48,1 1989, 25-30. R.D. Hoberman, Parameters of emphasis: autosegmental analyses pharyngealization in four languages, JAAL 2, 1989, 73-97 (evidence from Palestinian and Cairene Arabic, Azerbaijani Jewish Aramaic and Kurdish). E. Lipiski, La correspondance des sibilantes dans les textes aramens et dans les textes cuniformes no-assyriens, in A2CISCSI, pp. 201-210.

J. Margain, propos dun phnomene de nounation en hbreu et en aramen: de Maryam Maria, GLECS 24-28, 1979-84, 81-84.
R.C. Steiner, Variation, Simplifying Assumptions, and the History of Spirantization in Aramaic and Hebrew, in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp. *52-*65.

W. von Soden Aramisches erscheint im Sptbabylonischen vor m auch als g, AFO 19, 1959-1960, 149. 8.7.3. Graphemics A.A. Brux, A simplified system of Hebrew-English and Aramaic-English transliteration, AJSL 58, 1941, 57-69. A. Dupont-Sommer, La doctrine gnostique de la lettre ww daprs une lamelle aramenne indite, Paris 1946 [rev.: JA 225, 1946-1947, 154-157 (Fvrier); BSL 44, 1947-1948, 185 (Cohen); RB 55, 1948, 474-475 (R. de V.); BASOR 1lo, 1948, 26-27 (Gordon), authors answer: BASOR 111, 1948, 27; JTHS 49, 1948, 254 (Driver); RHR 135, 1949, 240-245 (H.Ch. Puech); Syria 27, 1950, 358-359 (R. Dussaud); ReJuiv 8, 1948, 98-100 (G. Vajda)]. S.E. Fassberg, Supralinear and in Palestinian pointed manuscripts of Hebrew and Ararnaic from the Cairo Geniza, in Fs. Lambdin, pp. 75-103. D.N. Freedman, A.D. Forbes, F.I. Andersen: Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic orthograph (Biblical and Judaic studies from the Univ. of Califomia, San Diego, 2), Winona Lake IN 1992 [rev.: JBL 113, 1994, 313-315 (G.A. Rendsburg); ZAW 107/2, 1995, 171-172 (I. Kottsieper)}. E.H./H. Guggenheimer, Talmudic evidence for Greek spelling, SicGym 31, 1978, 313-314.

A.C. Klugkist, The importance of the Palmyrene script for our knowledge of the development of the Late Aramaic scripts, in AAALT, pp. 57-74.
P.T. Daniels, Aramaic scripts for Aramaic languages , in P.T. Daniels, W. Bright, eds, The worlds writing systems, New York 1996, pp. 449-504. K. Tsereteli, Armazian script, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 557-565. P. Swiggers, The notation system of the Old Aramaic inscriptions, AO 51/4,1983, 378-381. 8.8 MORPHOLOGY 8.8.1. Pronoun/Article K. Aartun, Zur frage des bestimmten Artikels im Aramischen, Acta Orientalia 24, 1959, 5-14. S. F. Bennett, Objective pronominal suffixes in Aramaic. Diss. 1984, Yale Univ. [DAb 46/3, 1985, 693A]. Fr. Rundgren, Zum Lexikon des Alten Testamentes, AcOr 21, 1953, 301-345 [1. Zum dativischen Suffix Daniel 5, 6] 8.8.2. oun M.M. Bravmann, The Aramaic nomen agentis ql and some similar phenomena of Arabic, BSOAS 34, 1971, 1-4. V. Brugnatelli, Osservazioni sul causativo in aramaico e in semitico nord- occidentale, in Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese, Milano 1985, pp. 41-50. K.G. Cereteli, About the state of nouns in Aramaic, in Fs. Leslau 1991, II, pp. 1571-1576. M. Hartman, Die pluriliteralbildung in den semitische Sprache, mit besonderer Bercksichtigung des Hebrischen, Chaldischen und eusyrischen, Halle 1875. W. von Soden, Die Nominalform taqtl im Hebrisch und Aramisch, ZAH 2, 1989, 77-85. 8.8.3. Verb A.M.R. Aristar, The Semitic jussive and the implications for Aramaic, Maarav 4, 1987, 157-189. J. Blau, Marginalia Semitica I, IOS 1, 1971, 1-35 [4. Aramaic calque in Hebrew and Modern Arabic in the field of verbal patterns].

V. Brugnatelli, Osservazioni sul causativo in aramaico e in semitico nord- occidentale, ASGM 1985, 4150. D. Cohen, gyptien, aramen et thiopien: paralllismes et symtries morphogntiques dans lvolution des systemes verbaux, [262], 81-98 [1953] P.W. Coxon, The nunation variant in the perfect of the Aramaic verb, J ES 36, 1977, 297-298. R. Degen, Die Prfixkonjugationen des Altaramischen, ZDMG, Suppl. 1/2, pp. 701-706. J. Friedrich, Zur passivischen Ausdrucksweise im Aramischen, AfO 18, 1, 1957, 124-125. H. Gzella, Tempus, Aspekt und Modalitt im Reichsaramischen (Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz. Verffentlichungen der Oerientalischen Kommission, 48), Wiesbaden 2004 [rev.: WO 36, 2006, 258-262 (J. Oelsner); FO 42-43, 2006-2007, 442-446 (An. Zaborski)]. H. Gzella, Zu den Verlaufsformen fr die Gegenwart im Aramischen, Or 75, 2006, 184-188. In. Kottsieper, und mein Vater zog hinauf. Aspekte des teren aramsichen Verbalsystem und seiner Entwicklung, in TemAsp, pp. 55-76. E.Y. Kutscher, Two passive constructions in Aramaic in the light of Persian, in PICSS, pp. 132-151. [1. Languages in contact during the Persian domination of the Near East. 2. The syntagm qyl l-. 3. Passivum majestatis in Reichsaramaisch]. M. Rogland, Remarks on the Aramaic Verbal System, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 421- 432. J.G. Williams, A critical note on the Aramaic indefinite plural of the verb, JBL 83, 1964, 180-182. 8.8.4. Adverbs and Particles K. Aartun, Zur erklrung des aramischen Adverbs kadd, Oriens 18-19, 1967, 347-351. D. K. Andrews, The aramaic relative particle di and the problem of translation Greek, Diss.1943, Univ. of Chicago 1943. L. Dez Merino, Diacronia de la particula aramea yt, RQ 13, 1966, 497-512. J.C. Greenfield,The prepositions ad/al in Aramaic and Hebrew, BSOAS 40, 1977, 371-372. J. Margain, Note sur la particule aramenne ld/h, GLECS 24-28, 1979-1984, 289-293. . Puech, Un emploi mconnu de wl en aramen et en hbreu, RB 91, 1984, 88-101. J. Ribera i Florit, Evolucin morfolgica y semntica de las partculas kcn y ry en los diversos estadios del arameo, AuOr 1, 1983, 227-233. J. Ribera i Florit, La funcin modificadora de catid en arameo, AuOr 5, 1987, 146-149. J. Ribera i Florit, La partcula bdyl: su origen y evolucin en arameo, AuOr 5, 1987, 306-309. J. Ribera i Florit, Evolucin semntica y funcional de la particula aramea qbl, AuOr 7, 1989, 263-267. R. Wonneberger, Zur Syntax und Pragmatik der Partikel im Bereich der Bibel, in H. Weydt, ed., Die Partikeln der deutschen Sprache, Berlin/New York. 1979, pp. 488-499. 8.9. SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

D. Boyarin, Rev. art. on Y. Sabar, Peat. wayeh Beallah 1976, Maarav 3, 1982, 99-114.
F. Bron, Sur une locution conjonctive en aramen et en saben, in Ml. Rodinson, pp. 133-136. R.J. Buth, Word order in Aramaic from the perspectives of Functiona/ Gram marand Discourse Analyis, Diss. Univ. of Califomia, LosAngeles, 1987 [DAb 48/3, 1987, 639-A]. A. Caquot, La phrase dite nominale en aramen [*AA.VV., Entretien sur la phrase dite nominale], GLECS 5, 1960-1963, 24-27. P.-E. Dion, La lettre aramenne passe-partout et ses sous-especes, RB 89, 1982, 528-575. F.M. Fales, Aramaic letters and Neo-Assyrian letters: philological and methodological notes, JAOS 107, 1987, 451-469 [App.: klby (AP 30,16) < Late Akk. kalllb/pu light troops, auxiliaries] J.A. Fitzmyer, Some notes on Aramaic epistolography, JBL 93, 1974, 201-225. J.J. Rabinowitz, A Legal Formula in the Susa Tablets, in an Egyptian Document of the Twelfth Dynasty, in the Aramaic Papyri, and in the Book of Daniel, Biblica 36, 1955, 74-77. St. Segert, Parallelism in the Qolasta, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 283-301.

E. Ullendorff, A mistranslation from aramaic?, TSTUD 2, 1955, 50-52 [on the translational correlation of Aramaic de and Greek cna]. A. Vivian, Studi di sintassi contrastiva: dialetti aramaici (QuSem 12/1), Firenze 1981 [rev.: JSS 28, 1983,176-177 (T. Muraoka)]. 8.10. LEXICOGRAPHY 8.10.1. General A.J. Ajchenvald, K charakteristike iranizmov v biblejskom drevenevrejskom I biblejskom arameijskom jazykach, in Irano-afrasijskie jazykovye kontakty, M oskva 1987, pp. 4-8 [On iranisms in Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic]. R. Altheim-Stiehl, M. Cremer, Eine grko-persische Trstele mit aramischer Inschrift aus Daskyleion, EpAnat 6, 1985, 1-13 [with extensive linguistic comm.]. Z. Ben-ayyim, Observations on the Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon from the Samaritan Tradition, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 2-24. H. Donner, Aramische Lexicographie, in StSemLex, pp. 127-143. J.E. Gates, An analysiss of the lexicographic resources used by American Biblical scholars today (Disserttion Series 8), Cambridge MSS 1972. G. Garbini, Appunti di epigrafia aramaica, AIO -O 17, 1967, 89-96. J.C. Greenfield, Studies in Aramaic lexicography, 1, JAOS 82, 1962, 290-299. J.C. Greenfield, Notes on the early Aramaic lexicon, OS 33-35, 1984-86, 149-155. J.C. Greenfield, Some reflections on the vocabulary of Aramaic in relationship to other Semitic languages, A2CILCSI, pp. 151-156. S.J.P.K. Riekert, Die identifisering van idiome vir die semantiese woordeboekprojek op die Ou Testament (Afrikaans), SATI 6, 1988, 77-91. S. Segert, Concerning the methods of Aramaic lexicography, AO 30, 1962, 505-506 [on I.N.. Vinnikovs dictionaries published in PSb 3-5]. N.M. Waldman, Notes on the Aramaic Lexicon, JA ES 6, 1974, 125-132. 8.10.2. Roots, Lexemes, and Syntagms
[A reminder: I. Lw, Aramische Pflanzennamen, leipzig 1881].

J. Barr, Abba isnt Daddy, JThS 39, 1988, 28-47. Is. Ben-David, The Aramaic pattern pcl with tt roots p (Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1992-1993, 23-25. Z. Ben-Hayyim, Miscellanea, in Fs. Rabin, pp. 11-23 [On the root *sbb]. Kl. Beyer, Akkadisches lmu und aramaisches lm, Or 57, 1988, 82-83. R,A, Brauner, Old Aramaic and Comparative Semitic Lexicography, Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 6, 1977, 25-33. N. M. Bronznick, Qabbalah as a metonym for the prophets and hagiographa, HUCA 38, 1967, 285-295. R. Buth, CDAYI /TOTE anatomy of a semitism in Jewish Greek, Maarav 5-6 1990, 33-48. M.L. Chyet, A Preliminary List of Aramaic Loanwords in Kurdish, in Fs. Krotkoff, pp. 283-300. B. Couroyer, lhn: chantre?, VT 5, 1955, 83-88.

L. Dez Merino, El sintagma ns cynym en la tradicin aramea, AuOr 2, 1984, 23-41. E. S. Drower, zidqa and kana zidqa: RSO 32, 1957 (Scritti Furlani), 397-402. M. Eskhult, Hebrew and Aramaic loqim, OS 30, 1981, 137-139.
F.M. Fales, Assyro-Aramaic: three notes, Or 53, 1984, 66-71 [1. rsh. 2. umakij (umku). 3. magdi u bari). G. Garbini, Aramaico gemir (Esdra 7, 12), in Fs. Bresciani, pp. 227-229. J.C. Greenfield, The verb for washing in aramaic, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 588-594.

J.C. Greenfield, The root sql in Akkadian, Ugaritic and Aramaic, UF 11, 1979, 325-327. J. C. Greenfield, Le bain des brebis. another example and a query, Or 29, 1960, 98-102 [to E. Cassins art. on a passage in a Nuzi text (Or 28, 225-229). An Aramaic example]. J.C. Greenfield, *hamarakara > amarkal, in Fs. Henning, pp. 180-186 [iran. *hamarakara in Aramaic and Hebrew]. J.C. Greenfield, Iranian or Semitic?, AcIr 4, 1975 (Fs.. yberg, 1), 311-3161 [on the Aram. phrase lnph bd]. R. P. Gordon, The gladius hispaniensis and Aramaic ispanq, VT 35, 1985, 496-500. J.C. Greenfield, Iranian vocabulary in early Aramaic, ACIR 2, 1974, 245-246. J. Hoftijzer, Notae aramaicae, VT 9, 1959, 312-318 [bjt, bj zj lbnn, etc.]. J. Jeremias, Abba, ThLZ 79, 1955, 213-214. S.A. Kaufman, An Assyro-Aramaic egirtu a ulmu, in Fs. Finkelstein, pp. 119-127. F. Leemhuis, Quranic iil and Aramaic sgyl, JSS 27, 1982, 47-86. R. Macuch, Zur Vorgeschichte der Bekenntnisformel l ilha il llhu, ZDMG 128, 1978, 20-38. Y. Mufs, Two comparative lexical studies, JA ES 20, 1973, 287-298 [1. Aram. clcl = hebr. b el to receive. 2. Hebr. coz = akk. ezzu anger]. R. Murray, The origin of Aramaic cr angel, Or 53/2, 1984, 303-317. A. Pelletier, Sabbata, transcription gr. de laramen, VT 22, 1972, 436-447. T. Petit, Lvolution smantique des termes hbreux et aramens phh et sgn et accadiens [sic] pahatu et saknu, JBL 107, 1988, 53-67. J.H. Polotsky, Aramaic, Syriac, and Geez, JSS 9, 1964, 1-10 [on Aramaic loan-words in Gecez] . Puech, Sur la racine l en hbreu et en aramen, Semitica 21, 1971, 6-19. Ch. Rabin, Strength or cheerfulness?, in Fs. Guilbert, pp. 11-23 [on meaning of the root hebr. blg, aram. blq, akk. plq, etc.]. J. Ribera i Florit, La expresin aramaica mn qdm y su traduccin, AuOr 1, 1983, 114-115. J. Ribera, La expresin adverbial swr swr y su campo semntico, AuOr 2, 1984, 147-149. W. Rllig, Akkadisch tuum, dium, phnizisch tw, aramich twn, in Fs. Moscati, pp. 1203-1207. F. Rundgren, Aramaica. I, OS 14-15, 1965-1966, 75-88 [1. wn station. quartier. 2. mwl. 3. maggn umsonst. 4. kbr als adverb. 5. blac geschlagen werden]. F. Rundgren, Aramaica II, OS 22, 1973, 66-81 [1. Jud.-aram. akli. 2. Altsyr. argdy. 3. Altsyr. arz()bed. 4. aw(w)n. 5. Altsyr. awzn y wzn. 6. Jud.-aram. b. 7. Targum dt. 8. Jud.-aram. lin. 9. Jud.-aram. pargd. 10. Jud.-aram. qubb. 11. Jud.-aram. r. 12. Altsyr. tapp d-cayn]. F. Rundgren, Ein iranischer Beamtenname im Aramaischen, OS 12, 1963, 89-98. F. Rundgren, Zum Lexikon des Alten Testamentes, AcOr 21, 1953, 301-345 [2. yeha, k und meha, k im Biblisch-Aramischen]. F. Rundgren, Turkish baka and dier, Aramaic tb, and Old Persian pasva, in Fs. Johanson, pp. 189-198. G. Ryckmans, De lor(?), de lencens et de la myrrhe, RB 68, 1951, 372-376 [on some aroma names in Aramaic and Hebrew]. M. Silverman, Servant (*ebed) names in Aramaic and in the other Semitic languages, JAOS 101, 1981, 361-366. H. Simon, Weiterleben und Neubelebung griechischer Bezeichnungen sozialer Gruppen und Typen im Hebrisch und Aramich, in Soziale Typenbegriffe, Bd. 7: Das Fortleben altgriegischer sozialer Typenbegriffe in den Sprachen der Welt, 2. Teil, Berlin 1982, pp. 169-208. E. Sjberg, bn dm und br n im Hebrischen und Aramischen, AcOr 21, 1950-51, 57-65, 91-107. W. von soden, Aramische Wrter in neuassyrischen und neu- und sptbabylonischen Texten. Ein Vorberrcht I., Or 35, 1966, 1-20 (ag m). W. von Soden, Aramische Wrter in neuassyrischen und neu- und sptbabylonischen Texten. Ein Vorbericht II, Or 37, 1968, 261-271 (n-z und Nachtrge). W. von Soden, Aramische Wrter in neuassyrischen und neu- und sptbabylonischen Texten. Ein Vorbericht. III, Or 46, 1977, 183-197.

S. Wikander, Aramisch sprb, Sanskrit vabhra, in Studies in honour of E. Sluszkiewicz in the occasion of his 70th birthday, Warszawa 19974, pp. 271-272. R. Yaron, Minutiae aramaicae, JSS 13, 1968, 202-211 [Notes on the Aram. Elephantine papyri. 1.Silver zuz to the ten. 2. An allegation of the theft. 3. Once more pap. Kraeling 2. 4. Observationes minimae]. 8.10.3. Dictionaries R.A. Brauner, A Comparative Lexicon of Old Aramaic, Diss. 1974, Dropsie Univ. [DAB 35/4, oct. 1974, 2249-A]. F.M. Fales, Materiali per il lessico aramaico del 1 millennio a.C., in A4GSCSI, pp. 77-84. Fr. Rosenthal, ed., An Aramaic Handbook. Part I/1, 2; II/1, 2 (PLO 10), Wiesbaden 1967 [6. Z. Ben-ayyim, Samaritan; 7. M. Black, Palestinian Syriac; 8. R. Kbert, Syriac; 9. E.Y. Kutscher, Babylonian Talmudic; 10. R. Macuch, Mandaic; 11. A. Spitaler, The Aramaic dialect of Maclla; 12. H.J. Polotsky, Eastern Neo-Aramaic: Urmi and Zakho; 13. H. Ritter, $ryo ($rn), The language of the Syrian Jacobites of the Trcabdn (Glossaries) [rev.: JBL 86, 1967, 478-479 (J.A..Fitzmyer); RB 74, 1967, 585-589 (P. Grelot)]. S. Segert, Contribution of Professor I.N. Vinnikov to Old Aramaic lexicography, AO 35, 1967, 463-466 [rev. of I.N. Vinnikovs dictionary of the Aramaic inscriptions published in PSb, 1958-1965]. 8.11. O OMASTICS 8.11.1. Theonymy A. Caquot, La desse Segal, Semitica 4, 1951-52, 55-58 [The DN sgl and Heb. segal]. R. Degen, Der Name Harpokrates in phnizischer und aramischer Umschreibung, WO 5, 1970, 218221. A. Dupont-Sommer, Lnigme du dieu Satrapeet le dieu Mithra, CRAI 1976, 648-660. G. Garbini, cAtar dio aramaico?, RSO 35, 1960, 25-28. J.C. Greemfield, The Aramean God Rammn/rimmn, IEJ 26, 1976, 195-198. I. Rabinowitz, Another Aramaic record of the North-Arabian Goddess han-ilat, J ES 18, 1959, 154155. 8.11.2 Anthroponymy S. Brock, Barnabs: us paraklses, JThS, 25, 1974, 93-98. F.M. Fales, On Aramaic onomastics in the Neo-Assyrian period, OA 16, 1977, 41-68 [rev. art. on E. Lipinski, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions..., I, 1975]. F.M. Fales, Lonomastica aramaica in et neo-assira: raffronti tra il corpus: alfabetico e il materiale cuneiforme, in Atti del primo Convegno Italiano sul icino Oriente (Roma, 22-24 aprile 1976) (Orientis Antiqui Collectio, 13), Roma 1978, pp. 199-229. F. Israel, Note di onomastica semitica 6: Lapporto della glittica allonomastica aramaica, VicOr 8, 1992, 223-268 W. Kornfeld, Beitrge zur aramischen Namenforschung, AAW 111, 1974, 374-383. E. Lipiski, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics, I (OLA 1), Leuven 1975 [rev.: Onoma 18, 1974/3 (1975), 421-425 (E. Lipiski); B F 11, 1976, 188-189 (R. Schmitt)]. M.H. Silverman, Onomastic notes to Aramaica dubiosa, J ES 28, 1969, 192-196 [on the personal names in the texts studied by J. Naveh, J ES 27, 317-325]. J. Zsengellr, Personal names in the Wadi ed-Daliyeh papyri, ZAH 9, 1996, 182-189.


8.11.3 Toponymy K. Cereteli, Kartvelisa da sakartvelos agmnisveli t'erminebi arameul- sa da ebraulsi , in G. Paiadze, ed., Sakartvelosa da kartvelebis amnivneli ucxouri da kartuli i terminologia, Tbilisi 1903, pp. 146-152 (terms designating Georgia & a Georgian in Aramaic. & Hebrew). J.J. Finkelstein, Mesopotamia, JNES 21, 1962, 73-92 (investigation on the antecedents of the Greek name : 3. Mt brtim. 4. brtim and ebertim. 5. The West Semitic names for Mesopotamia). J. T. Milik, Notes dpigraphie et de topographie palestiniennes, RB 66, 1959, 550-575. 8.12. DIALECTAL DESCRIPTIVE PRESE TATIO


R. Degen, Altaramaische Grammatik der Inschri/ten des 1.-8. Jh. v. Chr. (AKM 38, 3), Wiesbaden 1969 [Diss. Marburg/Lahn 1967 , revised and enlarged] [Erasmus 22, 1970, 595-598 (D.W. Thomas); BiOr 27, 1970, 246-249 (H. Donner); AIO -O 30, 1970, 275-277 (G. Garbini); Muson 83, 1970, 274 (A.M. Denis); ZDMG 120/1, 1970, 198-204 (K. Beyer); Or 39, 1970, 580-584 (J.A. Fitzmyer); BSOAS 34, 1971, 392-394 (J. Barr); OLZ 69, 1974, 471-475 (R. Meyer); WO 6, 1971, 128-130 (W. Rollig); RB 82, 1975, 614-615 (E. Puech)]. Fr. del Ro Snchez, Diglosia en Arameo Antiguo, in Fs. Sanmartn, pp. 173-181. P.E. Dion, La langue de Yaudi, Waterloo, Canada 1974. G. Garbini, Qualche considerazioni sullaramaico della tavoletta cuneiforme di Warka, in Fs. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 27-36. G. Garbini, Laramaico antico (ANLM, 6er. 8, vol. 7, fasc. 5), Roma 1956 [rev.: Sefarad 16, 1956, 174175 (F. Cantera); RSO 31, 1956, 318-319 (S. Moscati)]. G. Garbini, Nuovo materiale per la grammatica dellaramaico antico, RSO 34, 1959, 41-54. G. Garbini, Studi aramaici. 1-2, AIO -O 19, 1969, 1-15 [1. I dialetti dell.aram. antico e lo yaudico]. G. Garbini: Unit et varit dcs dialectes aramens ancicns, in Ml. Garbini, pp. 33-34. J.C. Greenfield, Aramaic in the Achaemenian empire, in I. Gershevitch, ed., The Cambridge History of Iran. Vol. 2: The Median and Achaemenian periods, Cambridge 1985, pp. 689-713. J.C. Greenfield, Idiomatic Ancient Aramaic, in Fs. Fitzmeyer, pp. 47-51. D. M. Gropp-T. J. Lewis, Notes on some problems in the Aramaic text of the Hadd-Yithci bilingual, BASOR 259, 1985, 45-61. J.A. Hackett, The dialect of the plaster text from Tell Deir cAlla, Or 53, 1984, 57-65. J.A. Hackett, The Balaam text from Deir `Alla (HSM 31), Chico CA 1984 [rev.: ZDPV 101, 1985, 187191 (E.A. Knauf)]. S.A. Kaufman, Reflections on the Assyrian-Aramaic bilingual from Tell Fakhaliyeh, Maarav 3/2, 1982, 137-175. L. Kogan, Lexicon of the Old Aramaic Inscriptions and the Historical Unity of Aramaic, in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 513-566. E.Y. Kutscher, Aramaic, in Th. Sebeok, ed. Current Trends in Linguistics. Vol. 6. Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa, The Hague 1970, pp. pp. 347-412 (Old and Official Aramaic]. A. Lemaire, La langue de linscription sur platre de Deir cAlla, GLECS 24-28/2, 1979-1984, 317-340. E. Lipiski, La langue des tablettes aramennes de Bruxelles, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 323-342. E. Lipiski, Aramen dEmpire, in LA, pp. 94-133. T. Muraoka, The Tell-Fekherye bilingual inscription and early Aramaic, Abr- ahrain 22, 1983-84, 79117. F. Rundgren, Aramaica IV: the renaissance of Imperial Aramaic, OS 30, 1981, 173-184. S. Segert, Altaramische Grammatik, mit Bibliographie, Chrestomamie und Glossar, Leipzig 1975/19863 [rev.: AIO 36, 1976, 274-276 (G. Garbini); BASOR 226, 1977, 79 (C.D. Isbell); BSOAS 40, 1977, 139-144 (S.A. Hopkins); RB 84, 1977, 448-453 (P. Grelot); J ES 37, 1978, 197-199 (D. Pardee);

BiOr 34 1977, 92-97, 376 (S.A. Kaufman); IEJ 28, 1978, 205-206 (J. Naveh); GGA 231, 1979, 8-51 (R. Degen); JBL 96, 1977, 573-575 (E.G. Clarke); WZKM 77, 1987, 225-228 (A. Semper)]. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General St. Segert, Old Aramaic Phonology, in PhAA 115-125 (Bibliog.). Vocalism
C. Brockelmann, Neuere Theorien zur Geschichte des Akzents und des Vokalismus im Hebrischen und aramischen, ZDMG 94, 1940, 332-371. G. Garbini, Studi aramaici. 1-2, AIO -O 19, 1969, 1-15 [2. Le matres lectionis e il vocalismo nellaram. antico]. S. Morag, The vocalization systems of Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic. Their phonetic and phonemic principles, Den Haag 1962 (repr. 1972). A. Spitaler, Wiederherstellung von scheinbaren alten vortonigen Lngen unter dem Akzent im Neuaramischen und Arabischen, in Fs. Eeilers, pp. 400-412. A. Spitaler, Zum problem der Segolisierung im Aramischen, WZUH 17, 1968, 193-199 . R.C. Steiner, Lulav versus *lu/law: a note on the Conditioning of *aw > u in Hebrew and Aramaic, JAOS 107, 1987, 121-122 (on J. Huehnergard, JAOS 103, 1983, 569-593]. Consonantism
G.M. Demidova, Gubnye b, p, m v zapadnoaramejskom jazyke, VLU 1974/20, 160-161. F. Leemhuis, An early witness for a fronted /g/ in Aramaic? The case of the Tell Fekherye inscription, in Fs. Hospers, pp. 133-142. A. Spitaler, Zur frage der Geminatendissimilation im Semitischen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthographie des Reicharamischen, IF 61, 1952, 257-266. D. Testen, The significance of Aramaic r < *n, J ES 44/2, 1985, 143-146. Graphemics
Fr.I. Andersen, D. Freedman, The orthography of the Aramaic portion of the Tell Fekherye Bilingual., in Fs. Fensham, pp. 9-49. Fr.I. Andersen, D.N. Freedman, Aleph as a vowel letter in Old Aramaic, in Fs. Fitzmeyer, pp. 3-14. R.A. Bowman, The Old Aramaic alphabet at Tell Halaf. The date of the altar inscription, AJSL 58, 1941, 359-367. A.A. Brux, A simplified system of Hebrew-English and Aramaic-English transliteration, AJSL 58, 1941, 57-69.

P.T. Daniels, A calligraphic approach to Ararnaic paleography, J ES 43, 1984, 55-68. R. Degen, Ein aramisches Alphabet vom Tell Halaf, ESE 3, 1978, 1-9.
J.A. Delaunay, Laramen dempire et les dbuts de lcriture en Asie centrale, AcIr 2, 1974, 219-236. S.J. Lieberman, The Aramaic argillary script in the seventh century, BASOR 192, dec. 1968, 25-31. R. Macuch, Inverse Schreibungen des Reichsaramischen im Lichte spterer aramischen Orthographien und Aussprachen, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 359-369. J. Naveh, The development ot the Aramaic script (Proceedings of the Israel Acad. of Sciences and Humanities 5, I), Jerusalem 1970 [rev.: ZDMG 122, 1972, 287-288 (R. Degen); Syria 48, 1971, 528-529 (A. Caquot); BSOAS 35, 1972, 136-137 (S. Brock); JSS 17, 1972, 43-146 (St. Strelcyn); JAOS 92, 1972, 529-530 (J. Teixidor); JRAS 1971, 184-185 (J.B. Segal); Or 40, 1971,491-492 (B. Peckham);

BiOr 31, 1974, 127-128 (E. Lipiski); OLZ 69, 1974, 366-368 (J. Oelsner)]. S. Segert, Altaramische Schrift und Anfnge des griechischen Alphabets, Klio 41, 1963, 38-57. S. Segert, Zur Schrift und Orthographie der altaramaischen Stelen von Sfire (auf Grund der Edition von a. Dupont-Sommer und J. Starcky), AO 32, 1964, 110-126. S. Segert, Vowel Letters in Early Aramaic, J ES 37, 1978, 111-114. A. Spitaler, Zur frage der Geminatendissimilation im Semitischen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthographie des Reicharamischen, IF 61, 1952, 257-266. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article

A. Lemaire, La stle aramenne de Barhadad, Or 53, 1984, 337-349 [1. zy pronom relatif ou conjonction causale?]

P. Swiggers, Possessives with predicative function in official Aramaic, in Fs. Ehrman, 449461. oun
R. Degen, Die Zahlwrter in CIS II2 und 3, ESE 3, 1978, 11-14. W. Eilers, Euphonisches i und der aramische Emphaticus auf ya, in Fs. Asmussen, pp. 109-123. J.W. Wesselius, Reste einer Kasusflektion in einigen frharamischen Dialekten, AIO 40, 1980, 265268. Verb
A.M.R. Aristar, The Semitic jussive and the implications for Aramaic, Maarav 4 1987, 157-189. J.L. Boyd, The development of the West Sem. qal perfect of the double ayin verb with particular reference to its transmission into Syriac, J SL 10, 1992, 11-23. H. Gzella, Tempus, Aspekt und Modalitt im Reicharamischen (AWLVOK 48), Wiesbaden 2004 [rev.: BuB 3, 2006, 627-634 (S. Loesov)]. H. Gzella, Erscheinungsformen des historischen Prsens im Aramischen, Orientalia 74, 2005, 399-408. J.. Huehnergard, The feminine plural jussive in Old Aramaic, ZDMG 137, 1987, 266-277.

M. Z. Kaddari, The existential verb hwh in Imperial Aramaic, in AAALT, pp. 43-46. Adverbs and Particles
F. Aspesi: Alcune osservazioni sul l- di accusativo in aramaico, A. Loprieno, ed., Atti della quinta giornata comparatistica, Peruggia 1991, pp. 1-18. J.A. Emerton: New evidence for the use of waw consecutive in Aramaic - VT 44/2, 1994, 255-258. M.L. Folmer, Instances of so-called (k)zy-recitativum in Aramaic texts from the Achaeminid period, DS- ELL 2, 1996, 145-155. SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

F. Daz Esteban, Una frmula de cortesa epistolar de Ugarit, repetida en una carta judeoaramea del siglo v a. C., Sefarad 22, 1962, 101-102. J. C. Greenfield-A. Shaffer, Notes on the curse formulae of the Tell Fekherye inscription, RB 92, 1985, 47-59. B. Otzen, Petitionary formulae in the Aramaic inscriptions from Hama, ZAW Suppl. 100, 1988, 233-243.

B. Porten, Structure and chiasm in Aramaic contracts and letters, in J.W. Welch, ed., ChiA, pp. 169-182. H. Tawil, A curse concerning crop-consuming insects in the Sefre treaty and in Akkadian: a new interpretation, BASOR 225, 1977, 59-62. H. Tawil, Some literary elements in the opening sections of the Hadad, Zakir, and the Nerab IIi inscriptions in light of East and West Semitic royal inscriptions, Or 43, 1974, 40-65. A. Sima, Zu Formular und Syntax der alt-aramischen Inschrift aus Bukan (um 700 V. Chr.), MLR 14, 2002, 113-124. B.A. Strawn, Whos Listening to Whom? A Syntactical Note on the Melqart Inscription?, UF 37, 2005, 621-641. LEXICOGRAPHY General

J. C. Greenfield-A. Shaffer, Notes on the Akkadian.-Aramaic bilingual statue from Tell Fekherye, Iraq 45, 1983, 109-116. J.C. Greenfield, Aramaic. II. Iranian loanwords in Early Aramaic, in Eh. Yarshater, ed., Encyclopaedia Iranica. Vol. II, London 1987-, pp. 256-259. P. Grelot, On the root cbq/cbz,. in ancient Aramaic and in Ugaritic, JSS 1, 1956, 202-205; 2, 1957, 195. F. Israel, Osservazioni linguistiche alliscrizione di Tell Fekheriye, ASGM 24, 1083, 78-83. L. Kogan, Lexicon of the Old Aramaic Inscriptions and the Historical Unity of Aramaic, in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 513-566. T. Muraoka, Linguistic notes on the Aramaic inscription from Tel Dan, IEJ 45, 1995, 19-21. E. Puech, Les inscriptions aramennes I et II de Sfir: nouvelles lectures, RB 89, 1982, 576-587. H. Tawil, Idioms in Old Aramaic Royal Inscriptions in the Light of Akkadian, Diss., 19i72, Columbia Univ. [DAB 33/6, Dec. 1972, 2907-A]. J.W. Wesselius, Notes on Aramaic magical texts, BiOr 39, 1982, 249-251 [1. The incantation in cuneiform script from Uruk. 2. The creeping demons]. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

A. Faber, On the etymology and use of Yaudi mt, ZDMG 137, 1987, 278-284. G. Garbini, Note aramaiche, 2-4, Antonianum 32, 1957, 427-430 [3. Rbc e *rbch quarto]. An. Lmaire, H. Lozachmeur, La birta en Mditerrane orientale, Semitica 43-44, 1995, 75-78. A. Lemaire, Remarques sur la smantique du nom en phnicien et aramen de Cilicie, in Ml. Lebrun II, pp. 47-51 [m]. Y. Lerner, lmbn/lmbnyh/lbn (Heb.), Leshonenu 47, 1983, 62-65. A. Mullard, Words for writing in Aramaic, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 349-355. L. Moraldi, Vita - medichessa istruttrice donna serpente - spirito , RIL 118, 1984, 85-88. W.L. Moran, A note on the treaty terminology of the Sefire stelas, J ES 22, 1963, 173-176. T. Notarius, br/t: A New Agricultural Term in Imperial Aramaic, BiBa 1, 2004, 369-374. G.A. Rendsburg, On the writing bytdwd in thc Aramaic inscription from Tel Dan, IEJ 45, 1995, 22-25. V. Sasson, Two unrecognized terms in the plaster texts from Deir `Alla, PEQ 117/2, 1985, 102-103 [cm gloom, smr darkness]. D. Talshir, aaf cna and degr decayn (Heb.), Leshonenu 48-49, 1983-84, 9-21. H. Tawil, Two notes on the treaty terminology of the Sefire inscriptions, CBQ 42, 1980, 30-37. J.W. Wesselius, Official Aramaic lbrt = Aarea, OLP 15, 1984, 77-80. J. W. Wesselius, Official Aramaic rhh wmrshh = mill and mortar (Kraeling 9,14), AIO 45, 1985, 503-505. Br. Zuckerman, For your sake . . .: a case study in Aramaic semantics, JA ES 15,1983, 119-129.
16 Dictionaries
I. N. Vinnikov, Slovar aramejskich nadpisej, [1 & 2], PSb 3, 1958, 171-216; 4, 1959, 196-240; 7, 1962, 192-237; 9, 1962, 141-158; 11, 1964, 189-232; 13, 1965, 217-262 (A dictionary of the Aram. Inscriptions). O OMASTICS Theonymy

A. Dupont-Sommer, Une inscription nouvelle du roi Kilamou et le dieu Rekoub-el, RHR 133, 1948, 19-33 [text and commentary]. J. M. Lindberger, The gods of Ahiqar, UF 14, 1982, 105-117 [with an examination of some divine appellatives: [ 1] l/lhn/lhy, [2] El, [3] Shamash, [4] bl qdsn = bl smyn]. E. Lipiski, The god `Arq-Rashap in the Samallian Hadad inscription, in AAALT, pp. 15-21. Anthroponymy
W. F. Albright, An ostracon from Calah and the North-Israelite diaspora, BASOR 149, 1958, 33-36 [on the Aramaic ostracon published by J. B. Segal, Iraq 19, 139-145; observations on the personal names]. P. Bordreuil, Les noms propres transjordaniens de lostracon de Nimroud, in Fs. Jacob, 313-317. G. R. Driver, Aramaic names in Accadian texts, RSO 32, 1987, 41-57. F.M. Fales, Nuovi dati sullonomastica aramaica in cuneiforme neo-assiro, A SGA 128, 1987, 75-84. M. Liverani, Antecedenti dellonomastica aramaica antica, RSO 37, 1962, 65-76. M. Maraqten, Die semitischen Personennamen in den alt und reichsaramischen Inschriften aus Vorderasien (Texte u. Studien zur Orientalistik. 5), Hildesheim 1988 [rev.: AFO 36-37, 1989-1990 , 183-184 (A. Zaborski); RSO 63/4, 1989, 357-358 (G. Garbini); ZDMG 141, 1991, 431 (K. B[eyer]); BL 1991; IEJ 41, 1991, 300-301 (J. Naveh)]. R. Zadok, On the onomasticon of the Old Aramaic sources, BiOr 48/1-2, 1991, 25-40. Toponymy
M.C. Astour, Ancient North Syrian toponyms derived from plant names, in Fs.Gordon 1980, pp. 1-8. St. Grosby, 'rm klh and the Worship of Hadad: a Nation of Aram?, ARAM 7, 1995, 337-352. H. Lozachmeur, Un exemple de ville-garnison judo-aramenne au ve sicle: Yeb, la forteresse, Semitica 43-44, 1995, 67-74. M. Makinson, Mansute (Emesa?), porte dAram-Damas, StOrontica 6, 2009, 24-32. S. Moscati, The Aramaean alam, JSS 4, 1959, 303-307. N. Naaman, Looking for ktk, WO 9, 1978, 220-239 [a. The borders of all Aram in the Sefre inscriptions. B. The opening lines of the serie inscriptions. C. The territory of the kingdom of ktk] N. Schneider, Aram und Aramaer in der Ur III-zeit, Biblica 30, 1949, 109-111

O. Tal, On the Identification of the Ships of kzd/ry in the Erased Customs Account from Elephantine, J ES 68, 2009, 1-8.
R. Zadok, The toponymy of the Nippur region during the 1st millennium B.C. within the general framework of the Mesopotamian toponymy, WO 12, 1981, 39-69. S. Wild, Zu aramischen Ortsnamen in Palstina, in TA, pp. 65-73.



[A reminder: H. Bauer, P. Leander, Grammatik des biblisch-Aramischen, Halle 1927 (repr. 1962, 1995, Hildesheim). H. Bauer, P. Leander, Kurzgefasste biblisch-aramische Grammatik, mit Texten und Glossar, Halle 1929 (repr. 1962/1995, Hildesheim). E. Kautzsch, Grammatik des Biblisch-Aramaischen, Leipzig 1884. K. Marti, Kurzgefasste Grammatik der biblisch-aramischen Sprache (PLO 18), Berlin 1911 [repr. 19253, Wiesbaden).
J.H. Petermann, Brevis linguae chaldaicae grammatica (PLO 2), Wiesbaden 18722.

H.H. Rowley, The Aramaic of the Old Testament, London 1929. H.L. Strack, Grammatik des Biblisch-Aramaischen (CLS 4), Leipzig 1884, 19216].

A. Dammron, Grammaire de laramen biblique, Strasbourg 1961 [RB 69, 1962, 281-284 (P. Grelot); RHR 163, 1963, 91 (. Dhorme)]. G. Garbini: Laramaico biblico, in Ml. Garbini, pp. 51-63. J.H. Hospers, Twee problemen betreffende het Aramees van het Boek Daniel, Groningen 1948 [rev.: BiOr 7, 1950, 162-164 (J.J. Koopmans)]. A.F. Johns, A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic (Andrews Univ. Monographs I), Bemen Springs, MI 1966 [rev.: BiOr 25, 1968, 378-379 (L.G. Running); JBL 87, 1968, 234-235 (W.M. Clark)]. K. A. Kitchen, The Aramaic of Daniel, in SPBD, pp. 31-79. O. Klma, St. Segert, Mluvnice hebrejtiny a aramejtiny, Praha 1956 [rev.: AO 26, 1958, 300-301 (L.J. Kruina eern)] [Hebrew and Aramaic Grammar]. J.J. Koopmans, Aramese Grammatica (voor het oud-testamentisch aramees), Leiden 1949/19572 [rev.: BiOr 14, 1957, 208 (W. Baumgartner)]. P. Magnanini, P.P.Nava, Grammatica di Aramaico Biblico, Bologna 2005 [rev. : CCO 3, 2006, 487-489 (. Urbn)]. Sh. Morag, Biblical Aramaic in Geonic Babylonia. The Various Schools, in Fs. Polotsky, pp. 117-131. L. Palacios, Grammatica aramaico-biblica, ad usum scholarum exercitiis, textibus et vocabulario ornata, Romae-Tornaci-Parisiis 19532 [rev.: ZAW 66, 1954, 146 (O. Eissfeldt); Biblica 36, 1955, 397-398 (P. Boccaccio); RB 61, 1954, 637 (F.M. Lemoine); Sefarad 16, 1956, 175 (J. Cantera)]. E. Qimron, Biblical Aramaic, Jerusalem 1993 [rev.: CBQ 57, 1995, 158-159 (E.M. Cook)]. Fr. Rosenthal, A Grammar of Biblical Aramaic (PLO, 5), Wiesbaden 19616/1963/1967 [rev.: Abr- ahrain 2, 1960-61, 72-75 (A. Murtonen); BiOr 19, 1962, 266 (W. Baumgartner); RB 69, 1962, 280 (P. Grelot); Syria 38, 1961 327- 330 (H. Michaud); RSO 36, 1961, 307-310 (G. Garbini); JBL 80, 1961, 386- 387 (H.L. Ginsberg); Biblica 42, 1961, 245-246 (P. Nober); Kratylos 7, 1962, 94-96 (W. Rllig); BSOAS 26, 1963, 178-179 (J.B. Segal); ACOR 27, 1963, 54-55 (J..P. Asmussen); ZDMG 113, 1963, 217 (G. Garbini); Or 32, 1963, 497-498 (P. Boccaccio); OLZ 58, 1963, 358-362 (H. Donner); AO 32, 1964, 326-327 (S. Segert); AA 1966/4, 258-260 (K.G. Ceretelli); BOAS 31,1968, 604-605 (A.K. Irvine); BiOr 25, 1968, 377-378 (H. Donner); ZDMG 119, 1969, 169-176 (R. Degen); OLZ 64, 1969, 356-3570 (O. Eissfeldt); JAOS 89, 1969, 774-777 (K. Tsereteli); Sefarad 28, 1968, 342-345 (A. Peral)]. Z. Stefanovi: The Aramaic of Daniel in the light of Old Aramaic (JSOT Suppl. Series, 129), Sheffield 1992 [rev.: CBQ 55, 1993, 776-777 (D.J. Harrington); JBL 112, 1993, 710-712 (J.J. Collins); BZ 39/2, 1995, 307 (J. Maier); JQR 86, 1996, 467-468 (St.A. Kaufman)]. A.Steyl, n Beknopte grammatika van Bybelse Aramees, Bloemfontein 1982 [rev.: J SL 11,1983,176177 (F.C. Fensham)]. J. Tropper. Grammatische Probleme des biblisch-aramischen, OLP 29, 1998, 5-19. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS

J. Cantineau, De la place de laccent de mot en hbreu et en aramen biblique, Bulletin dtudes orientales 1, 1931, 81-98.
18 General Vocalism Consonantism Graphemics

St. Fassberg, The origin of the ketib/qere in the Aramaic portions of Ezra and Daniel, VT 39! 1, 1989. 112. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article oun

P.W. Coxon, The problem of consonantal mutations in Biblical Aramaic, ZDMG 129, 1979, 8-22. E. Lipiski, Broken plural in Aramaic tribal names, in Fs. Fronzaroli, pp. 336-349. T. Muraoka, Segolate nouns in Biblical and other Aramaic dialects, JAOS 96, 1976, 226-235. F. Rundgren, Zum Lexikon des Alten Testaments, AcOr 21, 1953, 301-345 [1. Zum dativischen Suffix Daniel 5, 6]. Verb
St. Bombeck, Die Verwendung der Prformativkonjugation im Aramischen des Buches Daniel, B 83, 1996, 5-8. P.W. Coxon, The problem of nasalization in Biblical Aramaic in the light of 1QGenApoc & 11QTgJob, RevQum 9/34, 1977, 253-258. P.W. Coxon, A morphological study of the h-prefix in Biblical Aramaic, JAOS 98, 1978, 416-419 H. L. Ginsberg, Notes on some Old Aramaic texts, J ES 18, 1959, 143-1491 [1. Biblical texts. A. The fem. 3rd pers. plural of the finite. Verb]. H.B. Rosn, On the use of the tenses in the Aramaic of Daniel, JSS 6, 1961, 183-203. W.F. Stinespring, The active infinitive with passive meaning in Biblical Aramaic, JBL 81, 1962, 391394. Adverbs and Particles SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

J. Carmignac, Un aramasme biblique et qumrnien : linfinitif plac aprs son complment dobjet, RevQum 5, 1966, 503-520. D.R. Cohen, Subject and Object in Biblical Aramaic: a functional approach based on form-content analysis, AAL 2/1, 1975, 23 p. Ed.M. Cook, Word order in the Aramaic of Daniel, AAL 9/3, 1986, 111-126. P.W. Coxon, The syntax of the Aramaic of Daniel: a dialectal study, HUCA 48, 1977, 107-122. J. A. Fitzmyer, The syntax of kl, kl in the Aramaic texts from Egypt and in Biblical Aramaic, Biblica 38, 1957, 170-184.

T. Muraoka, Notes on the syntax of Biblical Aramaic, JSS 11, 1966, 151-167. J.A. Naud, Aspects of thc verbless clause in Biblical Aramaic, in H.J. Lubbe, ed., Taalkundige bydraes van die Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat, Pretoria 1993, pp. 49-63.. J.W. Wesselius, Language and style in Biblical Aramaic: observations on the unity of Daniel II-VI, VT 38, 1988, 194-209. LEXICOGRAPHY General

M. Ellenbogen, A study of foreign words occurring in the Hebrew and Aramaic of the Old Testament, Diss. Colorado Univ. 1957 (cf. DAb 17, 1957, 1758). H.L. Ginsberg, Studies in Daniel (Texts and Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America 14). New York 1948 [rev.: BiOr 9, 1952, 144-146 (H. Cazelles)]. J. Tropper, Lexicographische Untersuchungen zum Biblisch-Aramischen, J SL 23/2, 1997, 105-128. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

B.-Z. Bergman, hancel in Daniel 2:25 and 6:19, J ES 27, 1968, 69-70. J. Carmignac, Un quivalent franais de laramen gazir (Daniel et prire de Nabonide), RevQum 4, 1963, 277-278 [rev.: RIOno 14, 1964, 76 (R. Sindou)]. H. L. Ginsberg, Notes on some Old Aramaic texts, J ES 18, 1959, 143-1491 [1. Biblical texts. B. Eagles hair and birds claws]. G.A. Klingbeil, rk and Esther 8, 10.14: a semantic note, ZAW 107, 1995, 301-303 [technical term describing a specific type of postal system]. A.R. Millard, The etymology of nebrata, Daniel 5:5, Maarav 4, 1987, 87-92. P. Nober, El significado de la palabra aramea sparn, EstBb 16, 1957, 393-401 [rev.: ZAW 70, 1958, 274 (J. Hempel)]. P. Nober, drazd (Esdras 7, 23), BZ 2, 1958, 134-138 [on the origienn of the word (< av. zrazd)]. S. Paul, Dan 6,8: an Aramaic reflex of Assyrian legal terminology, Biblica 65, 1984, 106-110 [Aram. tqp, Neo-Assyrian dunnunu, to make a document legally binding and valid].. F. Rundgren, ber einen juristischen Terminus bei Esra 6. 6, ZAW 70, 1958, 209-215. F. Rundgren, Aramaica III. An Iranian Loanword in Daniel, OS 25-26, 1976-1977, 45-55 F. Rundgren, Aramaica V: Biblical Aramaic adrazd- and m bl, OS 31-32, 1982-1983, 143-146. F. Rundgren, Zum Lexikon des Alten Testaments, AcOr 21, 1953, 301-345 [2. yehk und mehk in Biblisch-Aramischen. 3. tpt. 4. snwrym]. M. Sokoloff, cmar nq, lambs wool (Dan 7:9), JBL 95, 1976, 277-279. Ch. Toll, Zur Bedeutung des aramaischen Ausdruckes bar nas, OS 33-35, 1984-1986, 421-428. G. Toloni, La traduzione di yeddeyh (2Sam 12, 25) in alcune versioni antiche, Aevum 70, 1996, 21-35. A. van Selms, dawqa! - Its Biblical precedents, Semitics 7, 1980, 40-49. C. Zaccagnini, The Assyrian Lion Weights from Nimrud and the mina of the Land', in Fs. Heltzer, pp. 259-265. Dictionaries
W. Baumgartner, Vom neuen biblisch-aramaischen Wrterbuch, in Fs. Eissfeldt, pp. 47-56. W. Baumgartner, Berichtigung, VT 4, 1954, 196 [corrections to Koehler-Baumgartner, Lexicon in V. T. Iibros, aramaic part]. R. Degen, Ein neues Wrterbuch fr das Biblisch-Aramische, OT 44, 1975, 116

G. Forrer et al., Hebrisches und aramaisches Wrterbuch zum Alten Testament, Berlin 1971/18892.. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, Aramaic Bible Versions. Comparative selections and glossary including unpublished chapters from the Palestinian Targum, Jerusalem 1963 [rev.: JBL 82, 1963, 360 (M. Pope); JSS 10, 1965, 121 (P. Wernberg-Mller)]. W.L. Holladay, A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Leiden 1971. L. Koehler, W. Baumgartner, Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros, Leiden 1948-1953. L. Koehler, W. Baumgartner, Supplementum ad Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros, Leiden 1958. L. Koehler, W. Baumgartner: Hebrisches und aramisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. Neu bearb. von J.J. Stamm, B. Hartmann, Leiden 1990-19953 [rev.: ZA 70, 1980, 309-311 (W. von Soden)]. L. Koehler, W. Baumgartner, Hebrisches und aramisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. Neu bearb. von J.J. Stamm, B. Hartmann (Supplementband), Leiden 1996. In. Kottsiepper, Das Aramisches Wrterbuch im Rahmen des Theologischen Wrterbuch zum Alten Testament (ThWAT), ZAH 8, 1995, 80-81. T. Muraoka, A Greek-Hebrew/Aramaic index to I Esdras (Septuaginta et Cognates Studies, 16), Chico CA 1984. S.M. Rodrguez, Diccionario manual hebreo-espaol y arameo-biblico-espaol, Madrid 1949 [rev.: EphThL 28, 1952, 90-91 (R. de Langhe). E. Vogt, Lexicon Veteris Testamenti documentis antiquis ilustratum, Rome 1971 [rev.: JBL 91, 1972, 552 (F. Rosenthal); RB 79, 1972, 64-617 (P. Grelot); Biblica 54, 1973, 131-135 (J.A. Fitzmyer); Syria 49, 1972, 468-469 (A. Caquot); ZDMG 129, 1979, 375-377 (kK Beyer)]. F. Zorell, Lexicon Hebraicum et Aramaicum Veteris Testamenti, Roma 1940-1984 [rev.: BiOr 4, 1947,36 (J.J. Koopmans); Le Muson 55, 1942, 180; 56, 1943, 155; 60, 1947, 198-199; 61, 1948, ll0 (G. Ryckmans); BiOr 11, 1954, 214 (J.J. Koopmans); Muson 68, 1955, 397-398 (G. Ryckmans)].. O OMASTICS Theonymy Anthroponymy

S.A. Kaufman, The enigmatic Adad-Milki, J ES 37, 1978, 101-109 [1. The biblical evidence. 2. Adad-Milki in pers. names? 3. Adad-Miliki in legal texts?] Toponymy
J. Cantineau, Le nabaten, I-II, Paris 1930-1932. J. Cantineau, Grammaire du palmyrnien pigraphique, Le Caire 1935. Fr. Rosentahl, Die Sprache der palmyrenischen Inschriften und ihre Stellung innerhalb des Aramischen (MVAG 46/1), Leipzig 1936].

M. Gawlikowski, Le tadmoren, Syria 51, 1974/1-2, 91-103 [on the language of Palmyra]. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General Vocalism

21 Consonantism Graphemics A.C. Klugkist, The importance of the Palmyrene script for our knowledge of the development of the Late Aramaic scripts, in AAALT, pp. 57-74.
N.N. Lewis, M.C.A. Macdonald, W.J. Bankes and the Identification of the Nabataean Script, Syria 80, 2003, 41-110. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article oun

R. Degen, Die Genitivverbindung im Aramischen der Hatra-Inschriften, Or 36, 1967, 76-80. Verb Adverbs and Particles SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

M. OConnor, The grammar of finding your way in Palmyrene Aramaic and the problem of diction in ancient West Semitic inscriptions, in Fs. Ehrman, pp. 353-369. LEXICOGRAPHY General

V. Colombo, Interferenza lessicale del arabo sul nabateo, in A7GSCSI, pp. 63-76. M.T. Davis, L.T. Stuckenbruck: Notes on translation phenomena in the Palmyrene bilinguals, QM 7, 1992, 265-283. A. Gianto, Whats new in North-West Semitic lexicography and Palmyrene studies?, Or 65, 1996, 440449. M. Ingholt, H. Seirig, J. Starcky, Recueil de tessres de Palmyre (remarques linguiastiques de A. Caquot), Paris 1955 [rev.: Gnomon 28, 1956, 467-468 (O. Eissfeldt); JHS 46, 1956, 226 (A H. M. Jones); BiOr 13, 1956, 236-238 (Comte du Mesnil du Buisson); RB 63, 1956, 310-312 (V.)]. M. OConnor, The Arabic loanwords in Nabatean Aramaic, J ES 45, 1986, 213-229. J.F. Healey, Lexical loans in early Syriac: a comparison with Nabataean Aramaic, SEL 12, 1995, 75-84. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatrennes, III , Syria 52, 1975, 181-206 [on the inscriptions published by F. Safar, Sumer 27, 1971, 3-14]. B. Aggoula, Linstitution royale Hatra. Notes lexicographiques, Semitica 43-44, 1995, 163-

R. Degen, Zur Bedeutung von bgn in den Hatra Inschriften, ESE 2, 1974, 99-104.

M. Gawlikowski, La notion de tombeau en Syrie romaine, Berytus 21, 1972, 5-15. M. Gawlikowski, Liturges et custodes sur quelques inscriptions palmyrniennes, Semitica 23, 1973, 113-124. M. Gawlikowski, Kh. Ascad, Le page Palmyre en 11 aprs J.C., Semitica 41-42. 1991-1992, 163-172. Il. Gershevitch, A Parthian title in the hymn of the soul, JRAS 1954, 124-126. J.C. Greenfield, Nergol dp, in Fs. Asmussen, pp. 135-143 [Iranian loan word in the Hatran dialect of Aramaic]. H. Hayajneh, The Nabataean Camel Burial Inscription fro, Wd Ram / Jordan, WO 36, 2006, 104-115 (gm, blw). D.R. Hillers, mkn temple in inscriptions from Hatra, BASOR 207, 1972, 54-56. D.R. Hillers, Palmyrene Aramaic inscriptions and the Old Testament, especially Amos 2:8, ZAH 8, 1995, 55-62 [yn canm, wine of the treasury]. G. Lacerenza, I selac di areta. A proposito del lessico monetario nabateo, AIO 55, 1995, 353357. E. Lipiski, Maqlta, qinita et plug qdu Palmyre, QM 7, 1992, 305-311. J. Pirenne, beth caqba, temple, nappe deau ou vie future?, GLECS 7 (juin 1957), 1954-57, 112-114 [inscription 3 de Hatra]. I.. ifman, Socialnaja terminologija v jazyke palmirskich nadpisej, SemJaz pp. 177-186 [The social terminology in the lanmguage of the Pamyrene inscriptions]. J. Starcky, Autour dune ddicace palmyrnienne adrafa et Ducanat, Syria 26, 1949, 43-85 [1. Linscription et sa date. 3. Le sens du mot mn. 4. andron ct hammana. 5. Le mot sumposion Palmyre]. J. Teixidor, Le campement: ville des nabtens, Semitica 43-44, 1995, 111-121. F. Vattioni, A proposito di brzqjq di Hatra, OR 34, 1965. 338-339. Dictionaries O OMASTICS Theonymy

St. Dalley, Bel at Palmyra and Elsewhere in the Parthian Period, ARAM 7, 1995, 137-151. Du Mesnil du Buisson, Comte, Le vrai nom de Bl prdcesseur de Bl Palmyre, RHR 158, 1960, 145-160. J. T. Milik, Notes dpigraphie orientale, Syria 37, 1960, 94-98 [2. propos du dieu domite qs]. J.T. Milik, J. Teixidor, New evidence on the North-Arabic deity aktab-kutb, BASOR 163, 1961, 22-25 [on an inscription found in Petra]. J. Strugnell, The Nabataean Goddess Al-Kutba and her Sanctuaries, BASOR 156, 29-36. J. Teixidor, Le thiase de Belastor et de Beelshamn daprs une inscription rcemment dcouverte Palmyre, CRAI 1981, 306-314, fig. Anthroponymy
S. Abbadi, Die Personennamen der Inschriften aus Hatra (Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik 1), Hildesheim 1983 [rev.: WO 15, 1984, 212-213 (F. Israel); ZDMG 135, 1985, 187 (R. D[egen]); ArOr 54,1986, 192-193 (0. Klma); BSOAS 49,1986, 625 (J.C. Greenfield); JAOS 107/1, 1987, 137-138 (J. Teixidor)]. A. Caquot, Sur lonomastique religieuse de Palmyre, Syria 39, 1962, 231-256. H. Ingholt, H. Seyrig, J. Starcky, Recueil des tessres de Palmyre (IFA Beyrouth, Bibliothque Archologique et Historique 58). Paris 1955 `rev.: RHR 148 1955, 217-220 (J.G. Fvrier); Muson 68,

1955, 196-198 (G. Ryckmans) ; JAOS 75 1955, 199-201 (F. Rosenthal); ZDPV 72 1956, 100-102 (M. Noth) ; JRAS 1955, 172 (G.R. Driver); Syria 32 1955, 331-333 (R. D[ussaud]). J. T. Milik, Notes dpigraphie orientale, Syria 37, 1960, 94-98 [1. La tessre des archers palmyrniens de birtha (publie par mlle. Chr. Dunant dans Syria 36]. A. Negev, Personal names in the abatean realm (Qedem 32), Jerusalem 1991 [rev.: BiOr 51, 1994, 155157 (P.E. Dion); VT 44, 1994, 576-577 (J.F. Healey); PEQ 127, 1995, 79-80 (E.A. Knauf)]. P. Piersimoni, Compiling a Palmyrene Prosopography: Methodological Problems, ARAM 7, 1995, 251260 J.K. Stark, Personal names in tke Palmyrene inscriptions, Oxford 1971 [rev.: BiOr 29, 1972, 210-216 (R. Degen); RHR 182, 1972, 200-202 (A. Caquot); BSOAS 35, 1972, 355 (A.K. Irvine); RB 83, 1976, 444-446 (J. Starcky); JSS 18, 1973, 165-168 (S. Strelcyn)]. Toponymy
Fr. Briquet-Chatonnet, Palmyre, une cit pour les nomades, Semitica 43-44, 1995, 123-134. 8.12.4. EGYPTIA ARAMAIC
[A reminder: P. Leander, Laut- und Formenlehre des gyptisch-Aramaischen, Gteborg 1928 (repr. 1966)].

F. Altheim, R. Stiehl, Die aramische Sprache unter den Achaimeniden, Frankfurt a. M. 1962 [rev.: VDI 1963, 183-193 (M.A. Dandamaev); AO 31, 1963, 702-704 (O. Klma); DLZ 86, 1965, 502-503 (R. Meyer)].

B. Estelle, The use of deferential language in the Arsames correspondence and Biblical Aramaic compared, Maarav 13, 2006, 43-74.
I. Kottsieper: Die Sprache der Aiqarsprche (Beihefte zur ZAW, 194), Berlin 1990 [rev.: ATG 54, 1991, 463-466 (A. Torres) ; CBQ 55/2, 1993, 340-342 (S. D. Sperling) ; ZAW 104, 1992, 153 (H.-C. Schmitt). E. Y. Kutscher, The Hermopolis papyri, IOS 1, 1971, 103-119 [On the language of the papyri]. T. Muraoka, A Grammar of Egyptian Aramaic (HOS 1/32), Leiden 1998 [JAOS 122, 2002, 604-607 (J. Huehnergard)]. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General Vocalism Consonantism Y. Lerner, The zayin/daleth interchange in the Elephantine documents: an alternative explanation (Heb), Leshonenu 461, 1981, 57-64. Graphemics

24 MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article St.F. Bennett, Note on the Saqqra Aramaic texts, Or 56, 1987, 87-88 [on some unusual objective pronominal suffixes]. oun 8.12 5.2.3. Verb 8.12 5.2.4. Adverbs and Particles
H. L. Ginsberg, Notes on some Old Aramaic texts, J ES 18, 1959, 143-1491 [3. The Elephantine papyri: the alleged preposition bcd]. P. Grelot, Le waw dapodose en Aramen degypte, Semitica 20, 1970 (1971) 33-39. SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

Al. Botta, Scribal Traditions and the Transmission of Legal Formulae in the Aramaic papyri from Elephantine, RIHAO 12-13, 2005-2006, 155-170. J. A. Fitzmyer, The syntax of kl, kl in the Aramaic texts from Egypt and in Biblical Aramaic, Biblica 38, 1957, 170-184. St. Segert, Preliminary notes on the structure of the Aramaic poems in the Papyrus Amherst 63, UF 18, 1986, 271-299. LEXICOGRAPHY General

E. Benveniste, Elments perses en aramen dgypte, JA 242, 1954, 297-310. P. Swiggers, The Hermopolis papyri I and II, AIO 42, 1981, 144-146 [phil. and linguistic notes]. P. Swiggers, The Hermopolis papyri III and IV, AIO 42, 1982, 135-140 [phil. and linguistic notes]. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

A.Becking, Temple, marzea and Power at Elephantine, Transeuphratne 29, 2005, 37-47. A.L. Botta, Reevaluation of the use of /zbn/ and /yhb/ in Elephantine, AntOr 6, 2008, 99-108. M.N. Bogoljubov, Titre honorifique dun chef militaire achmnide en haute-gypte, AcIr 2, 1974, 109114 [hptpt]. B. Couroyer, Termes gyptiens dans les papyri aramens du muse de Brooklyn, RB 51, 1954, 554-559. J. de Menasce, Mots demprunt et noms propres iraniens dans les nouveaux documents aramens, BiOr 11, 1954, 161-162. A. Dupont-Sommer, Maison de Yahv et vtements sacrs lphantine daprs un ostracon aramen du muse du Caire, JA 235, 1946-1947, 79-87. A. Dupo/nt-Sommer, Sabbat et Parascve dans les ostraca aramens dlphantine, JA 235, 1946-1947, 190. A. Dupont-Sommer, Note sur le mot tqm dans les ostraca aramens dlphantine, Semitica 14, 1964, 71-72.


B ZY B alabaster vessels (Kraeling 7:18) JAOS 100, 1980, 512- 513.

P. Grelot, Lhuile de ricin llphantine, Semitica 14, 1964, 63-70. P. Grelot, Sur un nom de mesure employ en aramen dgypte, Semitica 23, 1973, 103-111 [qlby] J.C. Greenfield, On some Iranian terms in the Elephantine papyri. Aspects of continuity, AAntH 25, 1977, 113-118. A.M. Habermann, Aramaic Epistles and the Word hela (Heb.), ErIsr 4, 1956, 133-137 [cf. Biblica

39, 1958, 387 (J. S. Croatto)].

M. Heltzer, Y. Avishur, The Term sfr mhr as designating a Courtier in the Old Testament and the Aiqar Story, UF 34, 2002, 217-221. H. Humbach, Die aramischen Nymphen von Xanthos, Sprache 27, 1981, 30-32 [Aram. wrny in the trilingual Xanthos inscription = Av. Ahurn]. H. Nutkowicz, Note sur une institution juridique lphantine, cdh, la cour, Transeuphratne 27, 2004, 181-185. B.M.L. Porten, H.Z. Szubin, Litigants in the Elephantine contracts: the development of legal terminology, Maarav 4, 1987,45.67. J.J. Rabinowitz, The meaning of the phrase mr w ywm rn in the Aramaic papyri, J ES 14, 1955, 59-60. J. J. Rabinowitz, The meaning of ttb cl mwzn in the aramaic papyri, VT, 6, 1956, 104. J. J. Rabinowitz, Grecisms and Greek terms in tke Aramaic papyri, Biblica 39, 1958, 77-82. J. J. Rabinowitz, More on grecisms in Aramaic documents, Biblica 41, 1960, 72-74. J.J. Rabinowitz, The Susa tablets. The Bible and the Aramaic papyri, VT 11, 1961, 55-76 [ nazzu = qwm; maru = qbl]. F. Rundgren, Elephantine-aramisches mallh d mayy und altgyptisches mw byn katarakt, SL 11, 1957, 57-60. R. Yaron, Two Greek words in the Brooklyn Museum Aramaic papyri, HUCA 28, 1957, 49-51. Dictionaries
B. Porten, Glossary of the new readings from TADAE C, in D WSI, pp. 1237-1248. O OMASTICS Theonymy

A. Dupont-Sommer, Yaho et Yaho-sebaot sur des ostraca arameens indits dlphantine, CRAI 1947, 175-191 [rev.: Syria 26, 1949, 390-391 (R. Dussaud)]. Anthroponymy
P. Grelot, tudes sur les textes aramens dliphantine, RB 78, 1971, 515-544 [2. Un nom propre difficile dans le papyrus a.p. 16: trw]. P. Grelot, Notes donomastique sur les textes aramens dgypte, Semitica 21, 1971, 95-117 [1. Les noms propres du contrat aram. Bauer-Meissner. 2. Les caspiens lphantine]. W. Kornfeld, Onomastica Aramaica aus gypten (SBAW 333), Wien 1978 [rev. : B F 15, 1980, 158 (W. von Soden); Onoma 24, 1980, 265-270 (P. Swiggers); JRAS 1979, 167 (J.B. Segal); OA 20, 1981, 238-241 (F. Israel)]. E. Lipiski, tudes donomastique ouest-smitique, BIOR 37, 1980, 3-12 [2. Lonomastique des documents aram. dgypte]. E. Lipiski, p3-(n)-r, fils de rauka, OLP 6-7, 1975-76, 381-388.

M.H. Silverman, Jewish personal names in the Elephantine documents: a study in onomastic development, Diss. Brandeis Univ. 1967 [DAb 28/6, dec. 1967, 2233]. M.H. Silverman, Aramean name-types in the Elephantine documents, JAOS 89, 1969, 691-709. M.H. Silverman,Hebrew name-types in the Elephantine documents, Or 39, 1970, 465-491. M.H. Silverman, Biblical name-lists and the Elephantine onomasticon: a comparison, Or 50, 1981, 265331. P. Swiggers, A syncretistic anthroponym in the Aramaic documents from Egypt, B F 16, 1981, 348350. Toponymy
C.J. Lenzen, E.A. Knauf, Notes on Syrian toponyms in Egyptian sources I-II, GM 96,1987, 59-64; 98, 1989, 49-53 [Gintt and Qart cAnab. 2. Burna - Bur -m. 3. Hm/Hm and Iktama .4. Gadra es-Salt].

8.12.6. QUMRA , CHRISTIA language of Jesus)

[A reminder:


ARAMAIC (apocriphs, gospels, the

F. Schulthess, Grammatik des christlich-palstinischen Aramisch, Tbingen 1924 (repr. 1965, Hildesheim)].

A. Adam, Die ursprngliche Sprache der Salomo-Oden, Z W 52, 1961, 141-156. M. Black: Aramaic studies and the language of Jesus, in L T, pp. 112-125 | BL 1968, 10679 | Cf. 9835.[1995]-[9493] M. Black, An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts, 2nd ed., London 1954 [first ed. 1946] [Gnomon 27, 1955, 8?-91 (P. Katz); JBL 74, 1955, 54 (F. V. F(ilson). M. Black, The Aramaic spoken by Christ and Luke I4, 5, JThS N.S. 1, 1950, 60-62. M. Black, Aramaic Studies and the New Testament: the Unpublished Work of the Late A. J. Wensinck of Leyden, JThS 49, 1948, 157-165 [Sur quelques lexiques et une grammaire aramens]. S.P. Brock: Christian Syriac, in ELL 2, pp. 541-542. S. Brown, From Burney to Black: The Fourth Gospel and the Aramaic question, CBQ 26, 1964, 323339. J. Cantineau, Quelle langue parlait le peuple en Palestine au Ier sicle de notre re?, Semitica 5, 1955, 99-101 [on H. Birkelands, The language of Jesus, 1954]. J. Carmignac, Les affinits qumrniennes de la onzime Ode de Salomon, RQ 3, 1961, 71-102. J. Carmignac, Recherches sur la langue originelle des Odes de Salomon, RQ 4, 1963, 429-432. F.M. Cross, The Oldest Manuscripts from Qumran, JBL 74, 1955, 147-172 [1. The Aramaic script of the 4th century B.C. and its 3rd century derivatives. 3. The sister scripts: Palmyrene and Nabatean]. A. Dupont-Sommer, Remarques linguistiques sur un fragment aramen de Qoumrn (prire de nabonide), GLECS 8, 1957-60, 48-50 (mars 1959). J.A. Emerton, Some problems of text and language in the Odes of Solomon, JThS 18, 1967, 372-406. S.E. Fassberg, Qumran Aramaic, Maarav 9, 2002, 19-31. J.A. Fitzmycr: Thc language or Palestine in the life century AD, in L T, pp. 126-162. D.M. Goldenberg, Retroversion to Jesus ipsissima verba and the vocabulary of Palestinian Aramaic: the case of mata and qarta, Biblica 77, 1996, 64-83. J.C. Greenfield, The Languages of Palestine, 200 B.C.E., in JLThV, pp. 143-154 [response by H.C. Youtie, pp. 155-157, and Fr.E. Peters, pp. 159-164]. P. Kahle, Das zur Zeit Jesu in Palstina gesprochene Aramisch, ThR 17, 1948-49, 201-216. P. Kahle, Das zur Zeit Jesu in Palstina gesprochene Aramisch, ThRundschau 17, 1948-49, 201-216. P. Kahle, Das palstinische Pentateuchtargum und das zur Zeit Jesu gesprochene Aramisch, Z W 49,

1958,100-116. E.Y. Kutscher, The Language ot the Genesis Apocryphon. A preliminary report, in Aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Scripta Hierosolymitana 4), Jerusalem 1957, pp. 1-34. E.Y. Kutscher, The Language of the Genesis Apocryphon. A preliminary study, Scripta Hierosolymitana 4, 1958 (Aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls; cf. Hebrew), 1-34 [RQ 1, 1958-59, 284 (G. Molin)]. E. Y. Kutscher, Dating the Language ot the Genesis Apocryphon, JBL 76, 1957, 288-292. E. Y. Kutscher, Das zur Zeit Jesu gesprochene Aramisch, Z TW 51, 1960, 46-54 [On P. Kahles article, Z TW 49, 100-116, and Kahles answer, ibid. 55]. E.Y. Kutscher, The language of the Hebrew and Aramaic Letters of Bar-Koseva and HisCcontemporaries. The Aramaic Letters (Heb.), Leshonenu 25, 1960-61, 117-133. A. Lemaire, Hebrew and Aramaic in the First Millennium B.C.E. in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence (Socio-Historical Aspects), in BH WSS, pp. 177-196. Ch. Mller-Kessler, Grammatik des Christlich-Palstinisch-Aramischen, Part 1: Schriftlehre, Lautlehre, Formenlehre, Hildesheim 199l. T. Muraoka, ed., Studies in Qumran Aramaic (Abr-Nahrain Supplement 3), Leuven 1992. T. Muraoka, Further notes on the Aramaic of the Genesis Apocryphon, RQ 16, 1993, 39-481. S. Segert, Bedeutung der Handschriftenfunde am Toten Meer fr die Aramaistik, in Fs. Bardtke, pp. 183-187. S. Segert, Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu einigen aramischen Texten von Qumrn, AO 33, 1965, 190206. L.H. Silberman, Unriddling the riddle. A study in the structure and language of the Habakkuk Pesher (I Q p Hab.), RevQum 3, 1961, 323-364. Ch.C. Torrey, The Aramaic Period ot the Nascent Christian Church, Z W 44, 1952-53, 205-223 [On the use of Aramaic as the official language of the early Christian Church]. Ch.C. Torrey, Studies in the Aramaic of the First Century a.d., ZAW 65, 1953, 228-247. N.Tumer: The language of Jesus and his disciples, in L T, pp. 174-190. A. Vbus, Neues Licht zur Frage der Originalsprache der Oden Salomos, Muson 75, 1962, 275-290. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General 8.12.6 .1.1. Vocalism Consonantism Graphemics
S. Segert, Zur Orthographie und Sprache der aramischen Texte von Wadi Murabbacat (Auf Grund von Discoveries in the Judaean desert II), AO 31, 1963, 122-137. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article oun 8.12 6.2.3. Verb

H. L. Ginsberg, Notes on some Old Aramaic texts, J ES 18, 1959, 143-1491 [2. The Genesis Apocryphon. a. The 3rd pers. fem. plural of the perfect]. J.C. Greenfield, The infinitive in the Aramaic documents frorn the Judean Desert, in Fs. Rabin, pp. 7778.

8.12 6.2.4. Adverbs and Particles

S.E. Fassberg: The compound preposition ll in Qumran Aramaic - RQ 16/3 (63), 1994, 473-474. J. Margain, 11QtgJob et la lingue targumique: a propos de la particule bdyl RQ 13/1-4 (49-52). 1988. 525-528. SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

R. A. Martin, Syntactical evidence of Aramaic sources in Acts 1-15, TStud. 11, 1964-1965, 38-50. S. Segert, Parallelistic structures in the Aramaic Enoch fragments, QM 7, 1992, 187-203. LEXICOGRAPHY General

J.C. Greenfield, The Genesis Apocryphon - Observations on some words and phrases, in Fs. Kutscher, pp. xxxii-xxxix. B. Jongeling, Contributions of the Qumran Job Targum to the Aramaic Vocabulary, JSS 17, 1972, 191-197. M. Sokoloff, Notes on the Aramaic fragments of Enoch from Qumran Cave 4, Maarav 1, 1979, 197224. J. D. Yoder, Semitisms in Codex Bezae, JBL 78, 1959, 317-321. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

H. Clavier, Ptros ka ptra, Z TW Beiheft 21, Berlin 1954 (Fs. Bultmann), pp. 94-109. P. Grelot, Une mention inaperue de abba dans le Testament aramen de Levi, Semitica 33, 1983, 101108. W. W. Mller, Die bedeutung des Wortes sprd im Genesis-Apocryphon XXII, 31, RQ 2, 1960, 445447. J. Naveh, Varia epigraphica judaica, IOS 9, 1979, 17-31 [1. Two unpublished [Aram.] ossuary inscriptions, 2. The title witness [hd] as a professional designation, 3. The spinning jar of Shimeon, 4. The spelling hlrby in Beth-Shecarim]. A. Pelletier, La nomenclature du calendrier juif lpoque hellnistique, RB 82, 1975, 218-233. J.J. Rabinowitz, Some notes on an Aramaic contract from the Dead Sea region, BASOR 136, 1954, 15-16. G. Rinaldi, Postille semitistiche. I. kai egneto - wahw - wajeh, Aegyptus 29, 1949, 91-101 [versions of Luc 11, 14]. Chr. Toll, The Meaning of the Aramaic Expression: 'Son of Man'. An Addition to J-C Loba Mkole's 'Syntse d'opinions philologiques', J SL 23, 1997, 225-235. Dictionaries
I. N. Vinnikov, Opyt slovarja i konkordancii palestinskoj tradicionnoj literatury (bukva g), PSb 5,1960, 151-228 [Specimen of a dictionary and concordance of the Palestinian traditional literature].

29 O OMASTICS Theonymy Anthroponymy Toponymy 8.12.7. SAMARITA ARAMAIC
[A reminder :
P. Kahle, Textkritische und lexikalische Bemerkungen zum samaritanischen Pentateuch-Targum, Halle 1898. J.H. Petermann, Brevis linguae samaritanae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario, Berlin 1873].

J. C. Greenfield, Samaritan Hebrew and Aramaic in the work of Prof. Z. Ben-ayyim, Biblica 45, 1964, 261-268 (rev. of Z. Ben-ayyims The literary and oral tradition of hebrew and Aramaic amongst the Samaritains, 1957). D.M. Gropp, The language of the Samaria papyri: a preliminary study, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 169-187. R. Macuch, Einige Probleme der Grammatik des samaritanischen Aramisch, ZDMG, Suppl. IV, 1980, 293-296. R. Macuch, Grammatik des Samaritanischen Aramisch (Studia Samaritana 4), Berlin (West) 1982. [rev.: WZKM 75, 1983, 209-213 (S. Segert); BSOAS 46/3, 1983, 536-537 (E. UlIendorff); Biblica 66/2, 1985, 284-290 (M. Baillet); OLZ 81/6, 1986, 568-569 H. Pohl); JAOS 107/2, 1987, 332-333 (J.C. Greenfield); REJ 143/1-2, 1984, 162-164 (J. Margain)]. R. Macuch, Der gegenwartige Stand der Samaritanerforschung und ihre Ausgaben, ZDMG 138, 1988, *17*-*25*. R. Macuch, Samaritan languages : Samaritan Hebrew, Samaritan Aramaic, in A.D. Crown, ed., The Samaritans, Tbingen 1898, pp. 531-584. J. Margain, Lararnen du Targum samaritain en Exode 20 (triglotte Barberini), Semitica 35, 1985, 6788. G. Sixdenier, La langue du Targum samaritain: observations sur son volution, JA 271, 1984, 223-234. A. Tal, The Samaritan Targum to the Pentateuch, its distinctive characteristics and its metamorphosis, JSS 21, 1976, 26-38. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General 8.12.7 .1.1. Vocalism

Z. Ben-ayyim, The Samaritan Vowel-system and its Graphic Representation, AO 22, 1954, 515-530. J. Margain, Remarques sur le vocalisme samaritain, GLECS 18-23, 1973-1979, 275-278. J. Margain, Note sur lconomie des voyelles o et u en samaritain, GLECS 24-28, 1979-1984, 39-42. J. Margain, propos des voyelles de transition en sarnaritain, GLECS 24-28, 1979-1984, 85-89. Consonantism
J. Margain, Remarques sur le consonantisme samaritain, GLECS 18-23, 1973-1979, 235-240. Graphemics
Z. Ben-ayyim, The Samaritan Vowel-system and its Graphic Representation, AO 22, 1954, 515-530.
30 MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article oun Verb Adverbs and Particles
J. Margain, Les particules sens final dans le Targum Samaritain, Semitica 27, 1977, 145152. J. Margain, Le traitement de la particule hbraque pen dans le Targum Samaritain, Semitica 28, 1978, 85-96. J. Margain, Les particules causales dans le Targum Samaritain, Semitica 30, 1980, 69-87. J. Margain, Les particules dans le Targum Samaritain de Gense-Exode, Genve-Paris 1993. J. Margain, Les particules sens final dans le Targum Ssmaritain,Semitica 27, 1977, 145- 152. J. Margain, Note sur la particule yt dans le Targum Samaritain, Semitica 36, 1986, 101-104. J. Margain, Les particules causales dans le Targum samaritain, Semitica 30, 1980, 69-87. J. Margain, Les particules dans le targum samaritain de Gense-Exode: jalons pour une histoire de laramen samaritain, REF 148, 1989, 193-195 [summ. of the authors 1988 Paris III Univ. Diss.]. S Y TAX A D STYLISTICS LEXICOGRAPHY General

R. Macuch, Pseudo-ethiopisms in Samaritan Hebrew and Aramaic, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 966-976. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

J. Margain, Notes de lexicographie aramenne: Targum samaritain en Gn. 1, Sefarad 44, 1984, 211-216. [ryqny vide; yr herbe; qm. sauterelle(s), oiseau(x); b1pw reptile(s); tby(t) ressemblance; ryr trs, beaucoup]. J. Margain, Les termes relatifs la ville dans le Targoun samaritain (ms. J) , Semitica 43-44, 1995, 169175. J. Margain, Note sur LWT et LYD dans le Targum samaritain, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 161-165. J. Margain, La racine wy en aramen samaritain, Semitica 29, 1979, 119-130. Dictionaries
A. Tal, A Dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic, I/II (HdO 1/50), Leiden 2000 [rev.: ZDMG 152, 2002, 399400 (W. Arnold); BiOr 60, 2003, 428-444 (Chr. Mller-Kessler)]. L.Ch. Vilsker, Samaritjanskij jazyk (Jazyki Narndov Azii i Afriki), Moskva 1974 [The Samaritan Language] [rev.: JA 264, 1976, 175-178 (J. Margain); PSB 26, 1978, 178-181 (V.V..Lebedev)]. L.Ch. Vilsker, Manuel daramen samaritain (Documents, tudes et Rpertoires publ. par Recherche et dHistoire des Textes), Paris 1981 [rev.: Helmantica 33, 1982, 195-196 (C. Sapir); Muson 95, 1982, 394-395 (P.-M. Bogaert); PEQ 114, 1982, 156 (P. Coxon); ZDMG 133, 1983, 441442 (R. Macuch); J ES 42, 1983,295-297 (M. Baillet); JSS 28, 1983, 177-178 (A.D. Crown)]; WZKM 75, 1983, 208-209 (S. Segert); EB 42/1-2, 1984, 251-253 (G.D. Sixdenier); OLZ 81/5, 1986,476-478 J. Oelsner].

A.S. amkojan, O podgotovke slovarja samaritjanskich pismennych istonikov: predvaritel noe soobenie, IF 1986, 176-182. O OMASTICS Theonymy Anthroponymy

R. Zadok, Samarian notes, BiOr 42, 1985, 567-572 [1. On foreigners in Samaria and the origin of Sanballat. 2. The case for Biblical Reshep = Mod. Arsu-f. 3. The origin of the name (Wa-di) Smanr]. Toponymy 8.12.8. JEWISH PALESTI IA /BABYLO IA ARAMAIC (targum and talmud)
[A reminder:
G. Dalman, Grammatik des jdisch-palstinischen Aramisch. ach den Idiomen des palstinischen Talmud, des Onkelostargum und Prophetentargum und der jerusalemischen Targume. Aramische Dialektproben, Leipzig 19052 (repr. 1960).. G. Dalman, Aramisch-neuhebrisches Handworterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch, Frankfurt 19222 (repr. 1938, 1967. Hildesheim).

Fr. Delitzsch, Prolegomena eines neuen hebrisch-aramischen Wrterbuch zum Alten Testament, Leipzig 1886.
M. Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, 2v., New York, NY 1903 (repr. 1971, 1982). J. Levy, euhebrisches und Chaldisches Wterbuch ber die Targumim und und einen grossen Theil de rabbinischen Schrifttums, Leipzig 1867-68 (repr. 1959, Kln) [zdmg 112, 1962, 385-387 (c. Colpe)]. I. Lw, Die Flora der Juden, i-iv, Wien-Leipzig 1924-1934. M.L. Margolis, Lehrbuch der aramischen Sprache des babylonischen Talmuds (CLS 3), Mnchen 1910. H. Odeberg, Short Grammar of Galilean Aramaic (Lunds Universitets rsskrift ns avd. 1: 36/4), Lund 1936. H. Odeberg, The Aramaic Portions of Bereshit Rabba. With Grammar of Galilean Aramaic (Lunds Universitets rsskrift. N.F. avd. I: 36/3-4), Lund 1939.[rev.: Svensk Teol. Kvartalskr. 26, 1940, 387-390 (Johansson)]. M. Schlesinger, Satzlehre der aramischen Sprache des babylonischen Talmuds, Leipzig 1928. W.B. Stevenson, Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic, Oxford 1924. F. Schwally, Idioticon des christlich-palstinischen Aramisch, Giessen 1893].

Ed.M. Cook, Rewriting the Bible: the text and language of the Pseudo-Jonathan Targum, Diss. 1986, Univ. of California, Los Angeles [DAb 47/I, 1986, 164-A]. J N. Epstein, Aramen de la Michna et aramen babylonien (Heb.), Leshonnu 15, 1947, 103-107 J.N. Epstein, A Grammar of Babylonian Aramaic, Jerusalem 1960. J.N. Epstein, Aramen de la Michna et aramen babylonien (Heb.), Leshonenu 15, 1947, 103-107. S.E. Fassberg, A grammar of the Palestinian Targum fragments from the Cairo Genizah, Diss 1984, Harvard Univ. [DAb 45/2, 1984, 507-A] [rev.: LibAnn 41, 1991, 571-572 (M. Pazzini)]. S.E. Fassberg. A grammar of the Palestinian Targum fragments from the Cairo Genizah (HSSt), Atlanta, GA 1990 (revised and expanded version of the authors 1983 Harvard Univ. Diss.) [Biblica 74/3, 1993, 434-438 (T. Muraoka) | ZAW 104/2, 1992, 294 (I. Kottsieper) | VT 43/2, 1993, 283 (J.A. Emerton) | BZ 38/2, 1994, 311-312 (J. Maier)]. J.A. Fitzmyer, D.J. Harrington, A manual of Palestinian Ara maic texts ..., Rome: 1978 [rev.: BIOR 37, 1980, 81-82 (M.J. Mulder); JBL 100, 1981, 142-143 (J.C. Van der Kam); RB 88, 1981, 273-274 (. Puech); CBQ 43, 1981, 290-292 (J.H. Charlesworth); OLZ 81/5, 1986,475-476 (J. Oelsner)]. Y. Frank, Grammar for Gemara, Feldheim 1997.

D.M. Golomb, A Grammar of Targum eofiti (HSM 34), Chico CA 1985 [ref.: JJewS 37, 1986, 114-118 S. Brock); Maarav 4, 1987, 93-100 (E.M. Cook); JAOS 107, 1987, 142-143 (S.A. Kaufman); ETL 62, 1986, 407-408 (J. Lust); ZAW 98, 1986, 311-312 (I. Kottsieper); JThS 38, 1987, 469-470 (R.P. Gordon); BSOAS 50/3, 1987,437-448 (R. Macuch); JBL 106/4, 1987, 748-749 (J.A. Fitzmyer);

JSJ 18/2, 1987, 233-235 (E. Martnez Borobio); BiOr 45/1-2, 1988, 184-186 (B. Grossfeld); RZ 32/1, 1988. 122- 123 (J. Maier); J ES 47/4, 1988, 285-286 (W.R. Garr); ThL 113/11, 1988, 813-814 (J. Krner)].
P.S. Knobel, Targum Qoheleth: a Lnguistic and Exegetical Inquiry, Diss. Yale univ. 1976 [DAB 37, 1977, 7723-a]. E.E. Knudsen, A Targumic Aramaic reader . . . - Leiden 1981 [rev.: OLZ 78, 1983, 374-376 (J. Korner)]. E.E. Knudsen, A Targumic Aramaic reader: Texts from Onkelos and Jonathan with introduction and glossary (Semic Studies Series 5), Leiden 1981. J. Kutscher, Studies in Galilean Aramaic (Heb.), Tarbiz 21, 1949-50, 192-205; 22, 1950-51, 53-63, 185-192; 23, 1951-52, 36-60. E.Y. Kutscher, The Study of the Aramaic Grammar of the Babylonian Talmud (Heb.), Leshonenu 26, 1962, 149-183. E.Y. Kutscher, Studies in Galilean Aramaic, Ramat-Gan 1976 (rev.: Helmantica 29, 1978, 270-271 (F. Urcelay); OLZ 75, 1980, 457-458 (R. Degen); RB 88, 1981, 272-273 (. Puech); CBQ 39, 1977, 261262 (P.W. Skehan)]. C. Levias, A Grammar of the Aramaic Idiom Contained in the Babylonian Talmud, Cincinnati 1971. C. Levias, A grammar of Galilean Aramaic. The language of the Jerusalem Talmud and Midrash (Heb.), New York: 1986. B.B. Levy, The Language of eophyti I. A Descriptive and Comparative Grammar of the Palestinian Targum, Diss. New York Univ. 1974 [DAB 35, 1975, 4468-a]. R. Macuch, Recent studies in Palestinian Aramaic, BSOAS 50, 1987, 437-448 [on Golombs grammar]. D. Marcus: A manual of Babylonian Jewish Aramaic, Washington, DC 1981[rev.: JAOS 101, 1981, 450 (P. Coxon); CBQ 44, 1982, 295-296 (D.J. Harrington); JSS 27, 1982, 287-288 (A.P. Hayman); J ES 42, 1983, 297-298 (D. Boyarin)]. M.L. Margolis, Lehrbuch der aramischen sprache des babylonischen talmuds (cls 3), mnchen 1910. J.R. Miller, A grammar of the type II marginalia within Codex eofiti with attention to other Aramaic sources, Diss. 1979, Boston Univ. [DAb 40/5, 1979, 2632-A]. C. Mller-Kessler, Die berlieferungsstufen des christlich-palstinischen Aramisch, in DOT 24, pp. 55-60. C. Mller-Kessler, Grammatik des Christlich-Palstinisch-Aramischen. Teil I, Hildesheim 1991 [rev.: OrChr 77, 1993, 262-263 (M. van Esbroeck); REJ 103/1-2, 1994, 165-166 (J. Margain)]. T. Muraoka, A study in Palestinian Jewish Aramaic, Sefarad 45, 1985, 3-21. D. Rappel, The expository aspect of the grammatical deviation from the original in Targum Onqe:los (Hebr.), Leshonenu 46, 1982, 85-96. J. Ribera, Breve estudio sobre la gramtica del arameo del Targum Palestinense, AuOr 6, 1988, 77-82. M. Sokoloff: Jewish Aramaic, in ELL 4, pp. 1815-1816. A. Tal (Rosenthal), The Language of the Targum of the Former Prophets and Its Position within the Aramaic Dialects (Texts and Studies in the Hebrew Language and Related Subjects 1), Tel Aviv 1975 [rev.: Biblica 58, 1977, 114-117 (R. Le Daut); JBL 97, 1978, 453-454 (B.B. Levy); BiOr 36, 1979 (1980), 207-212 (A. Diez-Macho)]. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General

G. Khan, Jewish Palestinian Aramaic Phonology, in PhAA 103-113 (Bibliog.). U. Rapallo, Tra fonema e variante: la subcommutazione in medio-ebraico e in aramaico giudaico, in Fs.

Bonfante, pp. 867-881.

8.12.8 .1.1. Vocalism

D. Boyarin, The low vowel system of Geonic Aramaic: a synchronic analysis of the distribution of miqpa pumma and mifta pumma in Halakhot Pesuqot, Codex Sassoon, IOS 8, 1978, 129-141.

M. elidze, Distribucija fonem v glasnych i soglasnych klasterach v srecne-aramejskom dialekte Palestiny po materialu Targuma Onkelos, SemDz 3. 1987, 111-135 (The distribution of phonernes in vocalic and consonantal clusters in Palestinian Aramaic of the Onkelos Targum). M. elidze, Palestinis sagualo arameufi dialektis xmovanta sistema, SemDz 4, 1988, 9195 (The vocalic system in Palestinian Aramaic).
Sh. Morag, Notes on the Vowel System of Babylonian Aramaic as Preserved in the Yemenite Tradition, Phonetica 7, 1961, 217-239 [rs. all. et fr.]. Consonantism
D. Boyarin, The loss of final consonants in Babylonian Jewish Aramaic (BJA), AAL 315, 1976, 19-23 (103-107).

M. elidze, Distribucija fonem v glasnych i soglasnych klasterach v srecne-aramejskom dialekte Palestiny po materialu Targuma Onkelos, SemDz 3. 1987, 111-135 (The distribution of phonernes in vocalic and consonantal clusters in Palestinian Aramaic of the Onkelos Targum).
M.L. Folmer, Metathesis in Jewish Aramaic: a so-called Pan-Semitic feature reconsidered, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 233-243. Graphemics
M.C. Doubles, Indications of antiquity in the orthography and morphology of the Fragment Targum, in Fs. Kahle, pp. 79-89. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article oun

K. Aartun, Einige besondere Wortstrukturen im Jdisch-Aramischen, ZDMG 130, 1980, 1-14. St.E. Fassberg, Determined forms of the cardinal number one in three Pentateuchal targumim, Sefarad 45, 1985, 207-215. J.A. Lund, The problem of expressing three hundred and the like in the language of Codex Neofiti 1, Sefarad 47/1, 1987, 149-157. S. Moscati, Lo stato assoluto dellaramaico orientale, AIO -L 4, 1962, 79-83. Verb
Z. Ben-Hayyim, Verdrngung der ersten Person durch die dritte im Ararnaischen der Targumim, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 9-19.

A. Dez-Macho, Lusage de la troisime personne au lieu de la premire dans le targum, in Ml. Bathlemy, pp. 61-89. A. Dodi, A morphological study of the weak verbs in Targum Onqelos (Heb.), Leshonenu 47, 1983, 187-207 [1. Verba tertiae yod according to the Geniza fragments]. J.A. Lund, The first person singular past tense of the verb HYH in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, Maarav 4/2, 1987, 191-199. J.L. Malone, Juncture in the aramaic verb of the Onkelos and Jonathan Targums, J ES 31, 1972, 156-166. T. Muraoka, On the morphosyntax of the infinitive in Targumic Aramaic, in AAALT, pp. 75-79. J.W. Wesselius, A subjunctive in the Aramaic of the Pa1estinian Targum, JJewS 35, 1984, 196-199. Adverbs and Particles

R.P. Gordon, Targumic dy, (Zechariah XIV 6) and the not so common cold, VT 39, 1989, 77-81. M.L. Klein, The preposition qdm (before). A pseudo-antianthropomorphism in the Targums, JThS 30, 1979, 502-507. J.A. Lund, The interchange of cad/cal in Targum Neofiti I, BSOAS 42, 1979, 541 [additions to J.C. Greenfield, BSOAS 40, 371-372]. J. Margain, Le traitement de la particule hbraque pen dans le targum samaritain, Semitica 28, 1978, 85-96. E. Martnez-Borobio, yt and l- before the direct object in the Aramaic of the Palestinian Targum, Sefarad 47/1, 1987, 159-162. W.S. Vorster, The use of the prepositional phrase bmymr in the Neofiti 1 version of Genesis, in De fructu oris sui [296], 201-213 [1971]. S Y TAX A D STYLISTICS

J. Fraenkel, Chiasmus in Talmudic-Aggadic narratives, in ChA, pp. 183-197. D. Golomb, Nominal syntax in the language of Codex Vatican Neofiti 1: the genitive relationship, JAOS 102, 1982, 297-308. D. M. Golomb, Nominal syntax in the language of Codex Vatican Neofiti 1: sentences containing a predicate adjective, J ES 42, 1983, 181-194. J.A. Lund, The syntax of the numeral one as a noun modifier in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Aramaic period, JAOS 106, 1986, 413-423. J.A. Lund, The syntax of the numeral one as a noun modifier in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Amoraic period. Part II, JAOS 108, 1988, 211-217. R. Murray, Some rhetorical patterns in early Syriac literature, in Fs. Vbus, pp. 109-131. LEXICOGRAPHY General

Y. Komlosh, The etymological basis of certain transl. in the Targum Jonathan to the twelve Prophets (Heb.), in Fs. Kutscher, pp. 159-165. Sh. Morag, Graded Issoglosses in East Aramaic, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 1085-1099. M. Sokoloff, Notes on the vocabulary of Galilean Aramaic (Heb.), in Fs. Kutscher, pp. 166-173. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

Y. Brand, Ceramics in Talmudic literature, (Hebr.), Jerusalem 1953 [rev.: PEQ 1955, 97-99 ((E.

Wiesenberg)]. D.M. Golomb, The targumic renderings of the verb lehitahawt: a targumic translation convention, in Fs. Lambdin, pp. 105-118. J. C. Greenfield, S. Shaked, Three Iranian words in the Targum of Job from Qumran, ZDMG 122, 1972, 37-45 [the words d, nzk, rtk]. B. Grossfeld, The relationship between biblical Hebrew br and nws and their corresponding Aramaic equivalents in the Targum: crq, pl, zl a preliminary study in Aramaic-Hebrew lexicography, ZAW 91, 1979, 107-123. P. Heger: qmr: nsq/slq?: a study of two different verbs used by Onkelos to translate the term q*r of the Masoretic text, ZAW 107, 1995, 466-481. S.S. Kottek, A renewed study of several medical terms in the Talmud, WCJS 10/DI, 1989, 45-52. R. Le Daut, Goter le calice de la mort, Biblica 43, 1962, 82-86 [attestation of this formula in the Codex eofiti I from the Vatican]. G.M. Liako-Demidova, Glagoly primae yd/ww v jazyke Targm Onkelos, KSI A 86, 1965, 97-108. [primae y/w verbs in Targum Onkelos]. G.M. Liako-Demidova, Glagoly primae alef v aramejskom literatrnom pamjatnike Targm Onkelos, PSB 2, 1964, 155-169 [Primae alef verbs in Targum Onkelos]. G.M. Liako-Demidova, Glagol hawa byt kak vspomogatelnyj glagol v aramejskom literaturnom pamjatnike Targm Onqelos, VFSAA 1, 1971, 35-39. J.A. Lund, The noun maar prison: a possible ghost word in the lexicon of Middle Western Aramaic, Or 66, 1997, 71-77. C. Mller-Kessler, SSTM, SSTM, SSTM, SSTM or SSTM: A Technical Term for Schackling Demons. Contributions to the Babylonian Aramaic Dictionary, A ES 37, 2000, 224-228. C. Rabin, Christian Palestinian Aramaic angarta, , JThS 7, 1956, 79. Sh. Raiskin, Talmudic Aramaic Fauna Names: Murzema and Shaqitna, JSS 54, 2009, 161-167. J. Ribera-Florit, Tcnicas de traduccin del Trgum. La versin interpretativa de ntn en el Trgum de Ezequiel, in Fs. Cunchillos, pp. 641-648. D. Rosenthal, Addenda to the Talmudic dictionary (I): Qorgesa (Keritot 3b) (Heb.), Tarbiz 61, 1992, 61-661. D. Rosenthal, Addenda to the Talmudic dictionary (III): dzyng (Heb.), Tarbiz, 61, 1992, 219-226. A. Skaist, The background of the Talmudic formula whkl ryr wqym, in Fs. Kutscher, pp. xl-liv. M. Sokoloff, mar nq, lambs wool (Dan. 7:9), JBL 95, 1976, 277-279. M. Sokoloff, New Akkadian Loanwords in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, in Fs. Klein, pp. 575-586. J. A. Soloducho, O nekotorych persidskich zaimstvovanijach vavilonskoj gemary, Ksina 86, 1965, 116120 [On some Persian loan-words in the Babylonian Gemara]. M. Somekh, Il significato del termine apiqoman (pyqmn) nel trattato minico Pesaim, in A7GSCSI, pp. 187-196. D. Sperber, A dictionary of Greek and Latin legal terms in Rabbinic literature (Dictionaries of Talmud, Midrash and Targum I), Ramat-Gan 1984 [rev.: BiOr 43, 1986, 470-471 (M.J. Mulder); JSJ 17, 1986, 119-120 (G.A. Wewers)]. D. Sperber, Pwynwn (Heb.), in Fs. Kutscher, pp. 155-158 [explained as a Greek form: phoitenn or phoitnos]. E. Spicehandler, by dwr and dyn dmgyst. Notes on gentile courts in talmudic babylonia, HUCA 26, 1955, 333-354. Al. Wolters, Targumic krwbt (Zechariah 14:20) = Greek koruphaa?, JBL 115/4,1996, 710-713. Dictionaries
E.G. Clarke, W.E. Aufrecht, et al., Targum Pseudo-Jonathan of the Pentateuch: text and concordance, Hoboken NJ 1984 [rev.: JJewS 37,1986,116-117 (R. White)]. J.C. de Moor, ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets, Leiden 1995-,

Y. Frank, The Practical Talmud Dictionary, Jerusalem 19942.

B. Grossfeld, Concordance of the First Targum to the Book of Esther (Aramaic Studies, SBL 5), Chico CA 1983. S.A. Kaufman, M. Sokoloff, A key-word-in-context concordance to Targum eofiti: a guide to the complete Palestinian Aramaic text of the Torah (Publications of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, 2), Baltimore MD 1993 [rev.: CBQ 57, 1995, 348-349 (D.M. Golomb); RB 102, 1995, 469470 (. Nodet). St. Kaufman, A scholar`s dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, JAOS 114, 1994, 239-248 [on M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period 1990]. L. Prijs, Ergnzungen zum talmudisch-aramischen Wrterbuch, ZDMG 117, 1967, 266-286. M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period (Dictionaries of the Talmud, Midrash and Targum II), Bar-Ilan 1990. M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic Periods (Dictionaries of the Talmud, Midrash and Targum III. Publications of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project), Ramat Gan/ Baltimore MD 2002 [rev.: CCO 3, 2006, 521- (J.P. Monsferrer-Sala)]. M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Judean Aramaic, Ramt-Gan 2003 (rev.: CCO 3, 2006, 524-525 (J. FerrerCosta)]. M. Sokoloff, A dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period, Ramat-Gan 1990 [rev.: ZAW 103, 1991, 309 (I. Kottsieper)]. J.B. Van Zijl, A Concordance to the Targum of Isaiah (Aramaic Studies 3); Missoula MT 1979. J.W. Wesselius, The first dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, BiOr 51, 1994, 525-533 [rev.: rev. art. on M. Sokoloff, A dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period 1990]. O OMASTICS Theonymy

T. Kaizer, De Dea Syria et aliis diis deabusque. A Study of the variety of Appearances of GAD ..., OLP 29, 1998, 33-62. M.I. Klein, The translation of anthropomorphisms and anthropopathisms in the Targumim, in VTS 32 (Congress volume: Vienna 1980), pp. 162-177. Anthroponymy
E. Puech, Notes donomastique christo-palestinienne de Kh. es-Samra, AIO 43, 1983, 505-526. Toponymy
R. Meyer, Uruk-ki und erek-mat (Genesis-Midrasch II 23), RevQum 3, 1962, 553-558. G. Vermes, The Symbolical Interpretation of Lebanon in the Targums. The origin and development of an exegetical tradition, JThS 9, 1958, 1-12.

8.12.9. SYRIAC
[A reminder:

Bar Bahll, Lexicon syriacum, ed. by R. Duval, Paris 1890-1901.

C. Brockelmann, Lexikon Syriacum, Halle 19282.

R. Duval, Trait de grammaire syriaque, Paris 1881. G.P. Margoliouth, Supplement to the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, Oxford 1927.
Th. Nldeke, Kurzgefasste Syrische Grammatik, Leipzig 18982 (repr. 1966, Darmstadt) (Engl. Version: Compendious Syriac Grammar, London 1904). Th. Nldeke, Syrische grammatik, Leipzig 1898.


R. Payne Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus, 2 v., Oxford 1879-1901 (repr. 1981, Hildesheim/New York). R./J.A. Payne Smith, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary, Oxford 1903 (repr. 1976). F. Schulthess, homonymen wurzeln im syrischen, berlin 1900. Fr. Schulthess, Lexicon syro-palaestinum, Berlin 1903. A. Ungnad, Syrische Grammatik (CLS 7), Mnchen 1913 (repr. 1992/2004)].

M. Bar-Asher, Le syro-palestinien - tudes grammaticales , JA 276, 1988, 27-59. Ed. Beck, Grammatisch-syntaktische Studien zur Sprache Ephrms des Syrers, OrChr 68, 1984, 1-26; 69, 1985, 1-32. S.P. Brock, Some diachronic features of classical Syriac, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 95-111. C. Brockelmann, Syrische Grammatik, mit Paradigmen, Literatur, Chrestomathie and Glossar, 7. Aufl. (Porta linguarum Orientalium 5), Leipzig / Berlin / Wiesbaden 19254, 19285, 19516, 19557, 19608, 19629, 196610, 196811. C. Brockelmann, Das Aramische, einschlisslich des Syrischen, in Handbuch der Orientalistik (cf. Smitique, Gnralits), III, 135-162. K.G. Cereteli, Sirijskij jazyk (Jazyki narodov Azii i Afriki), Moskva 1979 (Syriac Language) [rev.: SO 51/15, 1981, 5-6 (T. Harviainen)]. L. Costaz, Grammaire syriaque, Beyrouth 1955 [Muson 68, 1955, 420-422 (R. Draguet); RSO 30, 1955, 319-320 (G. Furlani); RHR 149, 1956, 110 (A. Guillaumont); RB 63, 1956, 622-624 (F.M. Lemoine); Biblica 37, 1956, 242-246 (R. Kbert); OrChr 40, 1956, 147-149 (H. Engberding)]. A. Fachuri, Grammatika sirijskogo jazyka (Tekst podgot. k pecati, snabdila perevodom i komm. D.D. Svani), Tbilisi 1983 (Grammar of Syriac language). A. Frey, Petite grammaire syriaque (Orbis biblicus et orientalis, subsidia didactica 3), Fribourg/Gttingen 1984 [rev.: CBQ 49/4, 1987, 641-644 (E.G. Matthews); OLZ 82/2, 1987,160-161 (J. Oelsner); J ES 47/3, 1988, 235-236 (J.F. Healey)]. J. H. Hospers, Some remarks with regard to text and language of the Old Testament Peshitta, in Fs. Van der Ploeg, pp. 443-455. W. Leslau, Syriac language, in Enclycopaedia Britannica, Chcago 1964, vol. 21, pp. 719-720. M. Moriggi, La lingua delle coppe magiche siriache (QuSem 21), Firenze 2004 [rev. : WO 36, 2006, 265272 (Ch. Mller-Kessler)]. P. Mouterde, Manuel dtudes syriaques. Anthologie. Textes choisis et groups, Beyrouth /Ghazir 1948 [rev. : MUSJ 27, 1947-48, 397-398 (F. de Lanversin)]. T. Muraoka, Classical Syriac for Hebraists, Wisbaden 1987 [rev.: ZDMG 139, 1989, 426-427 (R.M. Voigt); BiOr 46/1-2, 1989, 150-152 (M.J. M ulder)]. T. Muraoka, Classical Syriac. A Basic Grammar with a Chrestomathy (Porta Linguarum Orientalium. Neue Series, 19), Wiesabden 20052 [rev.: WZKML 94, 2006, 546-549 (A.A. Ambros); BiOr 63, 2006, 365-368 (H. Gzella)]. L. Palacios, Grammatica syriaca ad usum scholarum iuxta hodiernam rationem linguas tradendi concinnata, Rome / Paris 19542 [rev.: Muson 68, 1955, 420 (R. Draguet): RB 62, 1955, 637-638 (F. M. L[emoine]); Sefarad 16, 1956, 176 (J. Cantera); JSS 1, 1956, 292-293 (F. Fish); ZAW 67, 1955, 128 (O. Eissfeldt); OR 26, 1957, 380-382 (H. Gatje)]. T.H. Robinson, Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar, London 19493 [rv.: BSOS 13, 1951, 1064 (J.E.. Segal); JSS 12, 1967, 149-150 (J.A. Emerton)]. D. Svani, Siriuli gramatikis zogierti sakitxisatvis, SemDz 1, 1983, 155-173 (Some problems in the grammar of Syriac). D. Svani, Siriuli gramatikuli memkvitreobis escavlisatvis, SemDz 2, 1985, 77-82 (Investigating the Syriac grammatical heritage). L. van Rompay, Some Preliminary Remarks on the Origins of Classical Syriac as a Standard Language: The Syriac Version of Eusebius of Caesareas Ecclesiastical History, in SCS, pp. 70-89. P. Wernberg-Mller, Some scribal and linguistic features of the Genesis part of the oldest Peshitta manuscript (B.M. add. 4425), JSS 13, 1968, 136-161.
38 PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General G. Bohas, Quelques processus phonologiques en syriaque, in LOAPL 1, 1988, 17-31.
J.H. Charlesworth, Paronomasia and assonance in the Syriac text of the Odes of Solomon, Semitics 1, 1970, 12-26. P.T. Daniels, Classical Syriac Phonology, in PhAA, pp. 127-140 (Bibliog.). R.D. Hoberman, The Modern Chaldean Pronunciation of Classical Syriac, in Fs. Krotkoff, pp. 253265. Vocalism
H. Birkeland, The Syriac phonematic vowel system, in Festskrift til prof. Olaf Broch (Avhandlinger utgitt av det norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. II. Historisk-filosofisk Klasse), Oslo 1947, pp. 13-39 [rev.: BSL 45, 1949, 224-228 (J. Cantineau)]. J. Blau, The origins of open and closed e in Proto-Syriac, BSOAS 32, 1969, 1-9. W. Diem, Syrische Kleinigkeiten, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 65-78 [4: Die Elision der Kurzvokale]. H.L. Jansen, Was bedeutet die a:i-opposition der arabischen, hebrischen und syrischen qal-Formen, TS 16, 1952, 365-370. J.B. Segal, The diacritical points and the accents in Syriac (London Oriental, Series 2), London 1953 [rev.: Muson 67, 1954, 209-212 (R. M. Tonneau); Syria 31, 1954, 320-322 (H. Michaud); BSOAS 17, 1955, 182 (G. R. Driver); Or 26, 1955, 329-330 (C.H. Gordon); RB 62, 1955, 472-474 (F.M. Lemoine); MUSJ 31, 1954, 426-427 (L. Mouterde)]. Consonantism A.Gabrielovi, Ukanaenismier tanxmovanta distribucia siriulsi (The distribution of velar consonants in Synac), SemDz 1, 1983, 148-154.
S. Sara, Pharyngeal split in Syriac, PICPhS I 1/2, 1987, 284-287. Graphemics
F.R. Blake, Studies in Semitic Grammar II, JAOS 62, 1942, 109-118 [7. The orthography of the syriac ittafal]. Fr. Briquel-Chatonnet, A. Desreumaux, Un cas trs ancien de garshouni ? Quelques rflexions sur le manuscrit BL Add. 14644, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 141-147. G.L. Moller, Towards a new typology of the Syriac manuscript alphabet, J SL 14, 1988, 153-197. J. Pirenne, Aux origines de la graphie syriaque, Syria 40, 1963, 101-137. J.B. Segal, The diacritical points and the accents in Syriac (London Oriental, Series 2), London 1953 [rev.: Muson 67, 1954, 209-212 (R. M. Tonneau); Syria 31, 1954, 320-322 (H. Michaud); BSOAS 17, 1955, 182 (G. R. Driver); Or 26, 1955, 329-330 (C.H. Gordon); RB 62, 1955, 472-474 (F.M. Lemoine); MUSJ 31, 1954, 426-427 (L. Mouterde)]. J.B. Segal, Some Syriac Inscriptions of the 2nd-3rd Century a.d., BSOAS 16, 1954, 13-36 [inscriptions from Sumatar, Vilayet of Urfa, Turkey, published in facsimile, with transcription, translation, and notes, and an appendix on the evolution of Syriac script]. J. Wood, Syriac Masora, TGUOS 14, 1950-52, 35-42 [on the system of pointing in ms. British Museum, add. 12138].

39 MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article

I. Avinery, The position of the demonstrative pronoun in Syriac, J ES 34, 1975, 123-127. A. Denz, Strukturanalyse der pronominalen Objektesuffixe im Altsyrischen und klassischen Arabisch, Diss. 1962, Mnchen. F.A. Pennachietti, Sono gi due anni che nel paese c la carestia (Gen. XLV,6): i sintagmi temporali ebraici introdotti dal pronome ze e la loro trad. in siriaco, ViOr 3, 1980, 225-242.

J.W. Wesselius, The spelling of the third person masculine singular suffixed pronoun in Syriac, BiOr 39, 1982, 251-254. oun
I. Avinery, The position of the declined kl in Syriac, AAL 3/5, 1976, 24-25. I. Avinery, La conception de plus determin en syriaque, Muson 90, 1977, 421-426. I. Avinery, Notes on ordinals versus cardinals in Syriac, IOS 5, 1975, 45-46 I. Avinery, On the expression of the Hebrew neuter in Old Syriac (Heb.), Leshonenu 51, 1986-1987, 7880. c A. Darr Amad, Al-Mafl baina arabya wa-ibrya wa-s-surynya, in Fs. Fischer, pp. 515600 [The complement object in Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac]. A. Guillaumont, Dtermination et indtermination du nom en syriaque, GLECS 5, 1951, 91-94. J. Josten, The predicative adjective in the status emphaficus in Syriac, BiOr 46/1-2, 1989, 18-24. J. Joosten, The function of the so-called dativus ethicus in classical Syriac, Or 58, 1989, 473-492, A. Spitaler, Das Femininum des Zahlworts fr Zwei im Hebrischen und fr Sechs im Syrischen, in Fs. Leslau 1991 II, pp. 1493-1498. G. Widengren, Aramaica et syriaca, in Ml. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 221-231 [2. Quelques subst. de type qal, mots demprunt sum.-akk.]. Verb St. Bombeck, Das syrische Verbalsystem : hypothetische Stze und hw vor Adjektiv oder Partizip, in TemAsp, pp. 23-36.
J.L. Boyd, The development of the West Semitic qal perfect of the double-cayin verb with particular reference to its transmission into Syriac, J SL 10, 1982, 11-23. M.M. Bravmann, The infinitive in the function of psychological predicate in Syriac, Muson 84, 1971, 219-223. J.-C. Moreau, Le verbe syriaque avec les suffixes objectifs. Explication des formes partir dune lecture de la grammaire de Costaz et la lumire de Brockelmann, in LLMA 4, 2003, 9-54. C. Morrison, The Function of qtal hwa in Classical Syriac Narrative, in Fs. Moran 2005, pp.103-131. F. Rundgren, Das altsyrische Verbalsystem: vom Aspekt zum Tempus, in Sprkvetenskapliga sllskapets i uppsala forhandliger 1958-1960, 49-76. . G. Widengren, Aramaica et syriaca, in Ml. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 221-231 [1. verbes 1re. radicale en syriaque: assimilation de llaf tau. Adverbs and Particles I. Avinery, The position of the declined ki in Syriac, JAOS 104, 1984, 333.
E. Beck, Der Vergleichspartikel ak in der Sprache Ephrms, in Fs. Spitaler, pp. 15-41.

K.D. Jenner, The use of the particle yt in the Syro-hexaplaric psalter and the Peshitta, in Fs. Moraoka, pp. 287-308. T. Muraoka, On the Syriac particle i, BiOr 34, 1977, 21-22. R.C. Owens, Prepositional usage in the Old Syriac gospels, Diss. Brandeis Univ. 1984 [DAb 45/7, 1985, 2082-A]. L. C. Vilsker, Ob utverditelnom znaenii asticy l v sirijskom jazyke, KSI A 86, 1965, 25-30 [The affirmative meaning of particle l in Syriac]. M. Waltisberg, Zur Semantik von Prpositionen : cal im Biblisch-Aramischen, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 364378. S Y TAX A D STYLISTICS

I. Avinery, On the nominal clause in the Peshitta, JSS 22, 1977, 48-49. P.T. Daniels, S----x and the single manuscript, the joy of philology, and linguistic morality (evidence for syntactic change in Syriac), in St.B. Steever C.A. Walker, S.S. Mufwene, eds, Papers from the Parasession on diachronic syntax, Chicago 1976, pp. 69-78. T.C. Falla, Poetic features of the Peshitta Gospels, Muson 90, 1970, 63-80. G. M. Gluskina, O vyraenii logieskogo subekta pri pomoi predloga l v stradatelnoj konstrukcii v sirijskom jazyke, KSI A 86, 1965, 20-24 [On the expression of the logical subject by means of the preposition l in the passive construction in syriac]. G. Goldenberg, On Syriac sentence structure, AAALT, pp. 97-140. A. Guillamont, La phrase dite nominale en Syriaque [*aa.vv., Entretien sur la phrase dite nominale], GLECS 5, 1948-49, 31 -33]. J. Joosten, On ante-position of the attributive adjective in Classical Syriac and Biblical Hebrew, ZAH 6, 1993, 188-192. T. Muraoka, Remarks on the syntax of some types of noun modifier in Syriac, J ES 31, 1972, 192-194. T. Muraoka, On the nominal clause in the old Syriac Gospels, JSS 20, 1975, 28-37. F.A. Pennacchietti, La struttura della frase nominale tripartita di identiticazione in ebraico e in siriaco, in A2GSCSI, pp. 157-174. L. van Rompay, Oh that I had Wings like a Dove! Some Remarks on Exclamatory Clauses in Syriac, in Fs. Goldenberg , pp. 91-105. LEXICOGRAPHY General

Ed. Beck, Ein Beitrag zur Terminologie des ltesten syrischen Mnchtum: in Antonius Magnus Eremita (Studia Anselmiana 38), Roma 1956. S.P. Brock, Some aspects of Greek words in Syriac, in Al. Diedtrich, ed., Synkretismus im syrischpersischen Kulturgebiet. Bericht ber ein Symposium in Reinhausenbei Gttingen (AAWG, 96), Gttingen 1975, pp. 80-108. Chr. Elsas, Studien zu griechischen wrtern im Syrischen. Eine philologisch-kulturhistorische untersuchung im Anschluss an die bersetzung der pseudo-aristotelischen Schrift per ksmou durch sergius von Rishcaina, in Paul de Lagarde und die syrische Kirchengeschichte, herausgegeben vom gttinger Arbeitskreis fr syrische Kirchengeschichte, Gttingen 1968, pp. 58-89. G. Furlani, Tre trattati astrologici siriaci sulle eclissi solare e lunare, RALI CEI 2, 1947, 569-606. J.A.C. Greppin, Syriac Loanwords in Classical Aramenian, in Fs. Krotkoff, pp. 247-251. H. Grotzfeld: Beiordnen oder unterordnen?: einige Beobachtungen ber die bersetzungspraktiken beim bertragen vom Griechischen ins Syrische -, in Fs. Wagner 1, pp. 44-55. J.F. Healey, Lexical loans in early Syriac: a comparison with Nabataean Aramaic, SEL 12, 1995, 75-84.

Ignatius Afrm, Mar, Syriac words in Arabic dictionaries (Ar.), MMIA 23, 1948, 161-182, 481-506; 24, 1949, 3-21, 471-499 [introduction and initial alphabetic listing]. G.A. Kiraz, Lexical tools to the Syriac ew Testament (JSOT Manuals, 7), Sheffield 1994 [rev.: JBL 114, 1995, 547-548 (W.L. Petersen). M. Marth, Der politische Wortschatz altgriechischer Herkunft im Syrischen, in Soziale Typenbegriffe, Bd. 7: Das Fortleben altgriegischer sozialer Typenbegriffe in den Sprachen der Welt, 2. Teil, Berlin 1982, pp. 485-507. J.H. Polotsky, Aramaic, Syriac, and Geez, JSS 9, 1964, 1-10 [on Aramaic loan-words in Gecez] B. Reynders, Lexique compar du texte grec et des versions latine, armenienne et syriaque de ladversus haereses de saint Irene. I. Introduction. Index des mots grccs, armniens et syriaques. II. Index des mots latins (CSCO, 141-142, Subsidia 5-6),, Louvain-Hverle 1984. . A. Schall, Studies ber griechische Frendwrter im Syrischen, Diss. Tbingen 1948, Damstadt 1966 [rev.: Gnomon 34, 1962, 93-96 (A. Spitaler)] [=Philologica, pp. 585-588]. A. Schall, Studien ber griechische Fremdwrter im Syrischen, Darmstadt: 1960 [rev.: BSOAS 26, 1963, 426-427 (J.B. Segal); Or 32, 1963, 110-112 (R. Kbert); ZDMG 113, 1963, 221-222 (H. Gtje); RSO 38, 1963, 78-79 (G. Garbini); BYZZ 57, 1964, 160-161 (J. Assfalg)]. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

E. Beck, Symbolum-mysterium bei phraat und Ephrm, OrChr 42, 1958, 19-40.

E. Beck, Besr (sarx) und pagr (soma) bei Ephrm dem Syrer, OrChr 70, 1986, 1-22.
J. Bowman, The term gospel and its cognates in the Palestinian Syriac, in ew Testament Essays. Studies in Memory of T.W. Manson, Manchester 1959, pp. 54-67. J. Blau, Marginalia Semitica i, IOS 1, 1971, 1-35 [2. Ar. dal, Heb. seelm, Syriac `l zizyphus lotus]. M. M. Braumann, Syriac dalma lest, perhaps and some related Arabic phenomena, JSS 15, 1970, 189-204. S.P. Brock, Greek words in the Syriac gospels (vet and pe), Muson 80, 1967, 389-426. G.R. Cardona, Siriaco psynq, AIO -O 17, 1967, 167-168. Cl.A. Ciancaglini, Lorigine delle locuzioni verbali con cbd in siriaco, in Fs Pennacchietti, pp. 173-184. W. Diem, Syrische Kleinigkeiten, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 65-78 [1: nebboz; 2. amme. 3: d~d]. J.A.C. Greppin, Some probable new Syriac vocabulary, Muson 107, 1994, 23-27 [on Aram. knik, kir, ar, kmaxi]. R.A. Gusejnov, Tjurkskoe go v sirijskom istonike, KSI A 86, 1965, 31-34 (=R.A. Husseynov, Le terme turc go dans un texte syriaque, SAO 5-6, 1967, 389-393. J.F. Healey, Syriac nsr, Ugaritic nsr, Hebrew nsr II, Akkadian nsr II, VT 26, 1976 429-437. J.F. Healey, Syriac aqbl a further note, Biblica 68, 1987, 258. H. F. Janssens, Les couleurs dans la Pechitt, A IPhO 15, 1958-60, 89-107. H.F. Janssens, Haymnth chez les logiciens syriens, AnnIPHO 11, 1951 (Ml. Grgoire, III), 169177. A.F.J. Klijn, The word kejn in Aphraates, VCHR 12, 1958, 57-66. A.F.J. Klijn, Die Wrter Stein und Felsen in der syrischen bersetzung des Neuen Testaments, Z W 50, 1959, 99-105. R. Kbert, Sabr tb im syrischen Tatian Luc 2, 14, Biblica 42, 1961, 90-91. R. Kbert, Heisst syr. aqbl duplex?, Biblica 67, 1986, 555-556. E. Lipiski, In search of the etymology of some Semitic loan-words, in Fs. Ehrman, pp. 325-333 [2. Syriac mekar, to buy]. F. Luciani, Camminare davanti a Dio. I-IV, Aevum 47, 1973, 287-297; 468-476; 48, 1974, 477499; 49, 1975, 330-348 (on the expression hlak lifn). J.L. Malone, The development of the anomalous Syriac verb ekh to find: a case of convergent factors in linguistic change (Afroasiatic Linguistics 1/2), Los angeles 1974. M. Mancini, Sulletimologia iranica di siriaco arz()bed, SSL 26, 1986, 161-185.

A. Maricq, Classica et orientalia. Notes posthumes d-, mises en oeuvre par Jacqueline Pirenne et Paul Devos. [8-10] , Syria 39, 1962, 88-1054 [9. bdr d ny dans linscription de Serrin.]. Br. Poizat, La terminologie verbale en Soureth, chez les grammariens et les linguistes, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 591-604. E. Riad, Old Syriac xannina- fosterling, OS 31-32, 1982-83, 123-129. A. Schall, Syroaram. qlybn und seine griechische Vorlage. Zu einer verkannten Stelle im Geschichtswerk des Johannes von Ephesus, ZDMG, Suppl. IV, 1980, 300-303.

Ul. Seidel, Studien zum Vokabular der Landwirtschaft im Syrischen, 1, AoF 15, 1988, 133173.
J. Teixidor, Loeil de lintelligence chez les syriaques, Semitica 50, 2000, 211-216. G. Widengren, Aramaica et syriaca, in Ml. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 221-231 [3. Le mot mr seigneur]. Dictionaries
Th. Audo, Treasure of the Syriac Language: A Dictionary of Classical Syriac (Gorgias Historical Dictionaries 9) [rev.: JSS 54, 2009, 625-626 (J. Healey)]. L. Costaz, dictionnaire syriaque-franais / syriac-english dictionary, Beyrouth 1963 (repr. 1994) [rev.: CBQ 26, 1964. 364-365 (R.M. Frank); Muson 77, 1964, 269-271 (R. Draguet); Biblica 45, 1964, 302-303 (R. Kbert); RB 72, 1965, 153 (F.L.L.); MUSJ 39, 1963, 247-249 (P. Mouterde)]. H. J. W. Drijvers, Old-Syriac (Edessean) Inscriptions. Ed. with an introd., indices and a glossary (Semitic Study Series, N. S. 3), Leiden 1972 [rev.: JSS 18, 1973, 168 (E. Jenni)]. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, A Syriac-English glossary with etymological notes, based on Brockelmanns Syriac chrestomathy, Wiesbaden 1970. S. Grill, Lexicon Syriaco-Latinum in ovum Testamentum. Fasc. 1-2 (Heiligenkreuzer Studien 9), Vindobonae, 1952-53, 541 [rev.: AfO 16, 1952-53, 346-367 (F. Sauer) ; RB 62 1955, 311 (F. M. Lemoine)]. K.D. Jenner, P.G. Borbone, A Concordance to the Old Testament in Syriac. Volume I. The Pentateuch, Leiden 1997. G.A. Kiraz, A Computer-Generated Concordance to the Syriac ew Testament, Leiden 1993, vols. 6. R. Kbert, Vocabularium Syriacum (Scripta Pont. Instituti Biblici 110), Roma 1956 [rev.: BiOr 15, 1958, 245 (J. Jansma); ArOr 26, 1958, 298 (J. Sedlkov); MUSJ 34, 1957,308-309 (L. Costaz); JSS 3, 1958, 390-391 (J.B. Segal); OLZ 53, 1958, 520 (O. Eissfeldt); RB 66, 1959, 159-160 (F.M. Lemoine)]. R. Kbert, Addenda ad Vocabularium Syriacum, Romae 1956, Or 39, 1970, 315-319. A.J. Oraham, Orahams dictionary of the stabilized and enriched Assyrian language and English, Chicago 1943 [dictionary of Nestorian Syriac] [rev.: J ES 4, 1945, 134-135 bowman)]. N. Sprenger, Konkordanz zum syrischen Psalter, Wiesbaden 1976 [rev.: Bior 35, 1978, 323-324 (M.J. Mulder); WO 10, 1979, 140-142 (R.Degen)]. W. Strothmann, Jakob von Sarug, der Prophet Hosea, bersetzt und mit einem vollstndigen Wortverzeichnis versehen (Gttinger Orientforschungen. Reihe I, 5), Wiesbaden 1973. W. Strothmann, Das Sakrament der Myron-Weihe in der Schrift de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia des Pseudo-Dionysos Areopagita, in syrischer bersetzung und Kommentaren. Teil 1: syrischer text mit Wortverzeichnissen. Teil 2: Einfhrung, bersetzung (Gttinger Orientforschungen, Reihe I, 15), Wiesbaden 1977. W. Strothmann, Syrische Hymnen zur Myron-Weihe, bersetzt und mit einem vollstndigen Wortverzeichnis versehen (Gottinger Orientforschungen, Reihe I, 16), Wiesbaden 1978. W. Strothmann, Bar Sira. Johannes von Mossul, bersetzt und mit einem vollstndigen Wortverzeichnis versehen (Gttinger Orientforschungen, Reihe I,19), Wiesbaden 1979. W. Strothmann, Bar Sira/Johannes von Mossul, Wiesbaden 1979 [rev.: BSOAS 43, 1980, 361 (S.P. Brock)].

43 O OMASTICS Theonymy Anthroponymy

A. Penna, I nomi propri dei primi due Libri dei Maccabei nella Peshia, RSO 40, 1965, 13-41. F. Vattioni, propos du nom propre syriaque gusai, smitica 16, 1966, 39-41. G. Wiessner, Untersuchungen zu einer Gruppe syrischer Martyrerahten aus der Christenverfolgung Schapurs IIi, Diss. UNiv. Wrzburg, 1962 [p. 196-285, Hebrew, Aramaic et Middle-Persan toponyms and clerk personal names and Greck loanwords]. Toponymy
G. Wiessner, Untersuchungen zu einer Gruppe syrischer Martyrerahten aus der Christenverfolgung Schapurs IIi, Diss. UNiv. Wrzburg, 1962 [p. 196-285, Hebrew, Aramaic et Middle-Persan toponyms and clerk personal names and Greck loanwords].

8.12.10. MA DAEA
[A reminder: Th. Nldeke, Mandische Grammatik, Halle 1875 (repr. 1964, Darmstadt) [rev. : JSS 10, 1965, 298 (E.Ullendorf)].

P.T. Daniels, Mandaic, in WWS, pp. 511-514. R. Macuch, Handbook of Classical and Modern Mandaic, Berlin 1965 [rev.: BiOr 23, 1966, 325-327 (F. Altheim, Ruth Stiehl); JAOS 86, 1966, 54-57 (F. Rosenthal); J ES 26, 1967, 133-135 (C.H. Gordon); AAS 3, 1967, 223-224 (L. Drozdk) Language 45, 1969, 191-203; 951 (J.J. Malone); GLECS 12-13, 1967-69, 17-19 (D. Cohen); BSOAS 32, 1969, 383-385 (J. B. Segal); OLZ 64, 1969, 39-44 (K. Rudolph); WZKM 62, 1969, 348-350 (G. Krotkoff); Oriens 21-22, 1968-69 (1971) 391-394 (J.C. Greenfield)]. R. Macuch, Zur Sprache und Literatur der Mander ... Berlin: 1976. [rev.: WO 9/2, 1978, 312-314 (R. Degen); BiOr 35, 1978, 326-327 (J. Naveh); JAOS 100, 1980, 79-81 (E.M. Yamauchi); WZKM 72, 1980, 189-191 (S. Segert); OLZ 77, 1982, 466-474 (G. Widengren)]. R. Macuch, eumandische Chrestomatie mit grammatischer Skizze, kommentirrte bersetzung und Glossar (Porta Linguarum Orientalium, Neue Series, 18), Wiesbaden 1989. J.L. Malone, A morphologic grammar of the classical Mandaic verb, Diss. Univ. of California, Berkeley 1967 [DAb 29/I, July 1968, 250-A]. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General

J.L. Malone, The Mandaic syllable-adjustment circuit and its historical origins, PCLS 8, 473-481.[1972] J.L. Malone, Modern and Classical Mandaic Phonology, in PhAA 141-159 (Bibliog.). J.L. Malone, Diachronic-synchronic dystony: a case from classical Mandaic, GL 32, 1992, 36-57. R. Voigt, Zu einigen Lautentwicklungen im Mandischen und in der Sprache der mittelpersische Ideogramme, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 373-387.

44 Vocalism
W. Sundberg, Ginza Jamina 273, 15 and the Vocalization of Proclitics in Mandaean, AVsLund 1951, 2733. Consonantism
J.L. Malone, Systematic metathesis in Mandaic, Language 47, 1971, 394-415. J.L. Malone, Classical Mandaic radical metathesis, radical assimilation and the devils advocate, GL 25, 1985, 92-122. Graphemics
P. W. Coxon, Script analysis and Mandaean origins, JSS 15, 1970, 16-30. A. Klugkist, The origin of the Mandaic script, in Fs. Hospers, pp. 101-120. R. Macuch, The origins of the Mandaeans and their script, JSS 16, 1971, 174-192 [reply to p. W. Coxon, JSS 15, 16-30 (cf. Bl 1970, 10622), and J. Naveh, BASOR 198, 32-37. J. Naveh, The origin of the Mandaic script, BASOR 198, 1970, 32-37. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article

F.R. Blake, Studies in Semitic Grammar II, JAOS 62, 1942, 109-118 [9. On a Mandaic demonstrative]. oun Verb Adverbs and Particles S Y TAX A D STYLISTICS
J.C. Greenfield, On Mandaic poetic technique, in Fs. Macuch, pp. 101-108. R. Macuch: Der keilschriftliche Beschwrungstext aus Uruk und die mandische Phraseologie, in Fs. Wagner, 1, pp. 186-198. LEXICOGRAPHY General

J.N. Epstein, Mandaische Glossen, AO 18, 1/2 1950, 165-169. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

E.S. Drower, The sacramental bread (pihta) of the Mandaeans, ZDMG 105, 1955, 115-150 [text and notes]. G. Furlani, I nomi delle classi dei demoni presso i mandei, RALI C 9, 954, 389-435. G. Furlani, I pianeti e lo zodiaco nella religione dei mandei, MALI CEI 2, 3 1948, 119-187.

G. Furlani, nimusa, nimrus e namrus negli scritti dei mandei, RALI CEI 6, 1951, 519-531. G. Furlani, Ancora su ibiahia = i settimani mando, RSO 26, 1951, 27-33. G. Furlani, Peccati e peccatori presso i mandei, MALincei 3, 1950-51, 303-393 [lexical study]. G. Furlani, I termini mandei per tempio, santuario e chiesa, in Fs. della Vida 1, pp. 341-360. G. Furlani, Mand. bilura = pandora, liuto, RSO 31, 1956, 1-15. G. Furlani, Il pavone nella religione dei mandei, RIL 89-90, 1956, 79-99 [Study on the next to last part of the Livre de Jean]. G. Furlani, I significati di mand. raza = mistero, segreto, MALinc VIII/7/9 1957, p. 447-510. J.C. Greenfield, A Mandaic miscellany, JAOS 104/1, 1984, 81-85 [comm. on some Mandaic words and phrases]. W. Sundberg, Kushta. A monograph on a principal word in Mandaean texts. I. The descending knowledge (Diss. Lund), Lund 1953 [rev.: Paideia 8, 1953, 424 (G. Rinaldi); Or 23, 1954, 205-206 (C. H. Gordon); ThLZ 82, 1957, 673-674 (R. Macuch); WZKM 55, 1959, 160 (W. von soden); Oriens 13-14, 1960-61. 379-380 (F. Rundgren)]. Dictionaries
W. Baumgartner, Ein neues mandaisches Lexikon, OLZ 63, 1968, 229-234 [on E.S. Drower, R. Macuch, A Mandaic Dictionary, 1963]. M. Dietrich, Zum mandischen Wortschatz, BiOr 24, 1967, 290-305 [rev. art. Of E. S. Drower, R. Macuch, A Mandaic dictionary. 1963]. M. Dietrich, Untersuchungen zum mandischen Wortschatz, Diss. 1958, UNiv. Tbingen. E.S. Drower, R. Macuch, A Mandaic Dictionary, Oxford 1963 [rev.: E. Ullendorff); JBL 83, 1964, 330331 (B.M. Metzger); JRAS 1964, 135 (S. Smith); AO 33, 1965, 285 (K. Petrek); J ES 24, 1965, 129132 J.D. Purvis); BSL 40, 1965, 175-176 (. Benveniste); ZDMG 116, 1966, 191-193 (K. Rudolph)]. O OMASTICS Theonymy Anthroponymy Toponymy

G. Furlani, Babele presso i mandei, Aegyptus 36, 1954, 250-265.

8.12.11. MEDIEVAL ARAMAIC (Arsames, Azoka, Parthian, Jewish Legal, Qabbalistic, Magical )
F. Altheim, R. Stiehl, Supplementum Aramaicum. Aramisches aus Iran. Anhang: Das Jahr Zarathustras, Vol. I, Baden-Baden 1957-1962 [rev.: Kratylos 7, 1962, 142-145 (H.S. Nyberg); AO 30, 1962, 672677 (O. Klima)]. M.Z. Kaddari, The Grammar of the Aramaic of the Zohar (Heb.), Jerusalem 1971 [rev.: ZDMG 122, 1972, 290-292 (R. Degen)]. W.H. Rossell, A Handbook of Aramaic Magical Texts, Ringwood Borough 1963. S. Shaked, Aramaic III. Iranian loanwords in Middle Aramaic, in Eh. Yarshater, ed., Encyclopaedia Iranica. Vol. II, London 1987, pp. 259-261. M. Sokoloff, J. Yahalom, Aramaic piyyuim from the Byzantine period, JQR 75/3, 1985, 309-321 [the language of the texts, pp. 315-319]. M. Sznycer, La langue des ostraca parthes de Nisa, du pehlevi ou de laramen?, GLECS 8, 1957-60, 1046

12. I.N. Vinnikov, O jazyke pismennych pamjatnikov iz Nisa (Junyj Turkmenistan), VDI 1954/2 115-128 (On the language of the documents from Nisa - Southern Turkmenistan). A. Vivian, Letture semitistiche. II. Dialetti giudaici dellaramaico medio e tardo, OA 15, 1976, 56-60. J. Whithead, Some Distinctive Features of the Language of the Aramaic Arsames Correspondence, J ES 37, 1978, 119-140. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General Vocalism Consonantism
F. Altheim, R. Stiehl, eds, Die Araber in der Alten Welt. 3. Band. Anfnge der dichtung. Der Sonnengott. Buchreligionen, Berlin 1966 [part 1, ch. 4: Spirantisierung der emphaticae. Aramische Inschriften aus mbr]. Graphemics
P.W. Coxon, The Nisa ostraca: ur-ideographic texts, AA TH 21, 1973, 1975, 185-204. A. Desreumaux, La naissance dune nouvelle criture aramenne lpoque byzantine, Semitica 37, 1987, 95-107. A. Dupont-Sommer, Deux lamelles dargent inscription hbro-aramenne trouves Aabeyli (Turquie), JbKAF 1, 1950, 201-217 [I-II. Texte, transcription, traduction, commentaire. III. criture et langue. IV. Milieu dorigine]. R. Lemosn-Lamothe Martal, Componentes determinantes de los caldeogramas en Iran Medio, Diss. Univ. Barcelona 1988. J. Naveh, The North-Mesopotamian Aramaic Script-Type in the Late Parthian Period, IOS 2, 1972, 293-304.

M. Nordio, Lessico dei logogrami Aramaici in Medio-Persiano, Venezia 1980.

J. Oelsner, Bemerkungen zur schriftgeschichtlichen Einordnung der Inschriften aus Armazi, WZUJ 22, 1973, 429-438 [local type alphabet]. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article oun Verb Adverbs and Particles S Y TAX A D STYLISTICS

47 LEXICOGRAPHY General Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

M.N. Bogoljubov, O neskolkich terminach v raspoljaenii Arama o remonte korablja, VFSAA 1, 1971, 15-19. [on some nautical terms from Arsames realm] M.N. Bogoljubov, Aramejskie nadpisi na ritualnych predmetach iz Persepolja, IzvA 32, 1973, 172-177 [Aramean inscriptions on cultic objects from Persepolis]. M. N. Bogoljubov, Po povodu bry i brty v aramejskoj versii armazskoj bilingvy, in Fs. Kononov, pp. 21-25 [on bry and brty in the aram. version of the armazi bilingual]. M.N. Bogoljubov, K teniju strasburgskogo aramejskogo papirusa, PSB 19 (82), 1969, 6g-75 [1. trwdn or tdwrn? 2. ywdn. 3. hmwnyt. 4. tyrty] [On readings of the Aramean papyrus from Strasbourg] M. Franzmann: The use of thc tcrms king and kingdom in a selection of gnostic writings in comparison with the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, Muson 106, 1993, 5-20. G. Ito, On the iranism underlying the Aramaic inscription of Aoka, in Fs. Rypka, pp. 21-27. S. Niditch, Incantation texts and formulaic language: a new etymology for wmry, Or 48, 1979, 461-471 Dictionaries E. Ebeling, Das aramisch-mittelpersische Glossar Frahang-i-pahlav im Lichte der assyrologischen Forschung, Leipzig 1941.
I.N. Vinnikov, Slovar arameiskix nadpisei, Palestinsky Sbornik 66, 1958, 171-216; 67, 1959, 196-240; 70, 1962, 192-237; 72, 1964, 192-237; 72, 1962, 140-158; 74, 1963, 189-232; 76, 1965, 21762.[Dictionary of the Aramaic Papyri]. O OMASTICS Theonymy

G. Scholem, Jaldabaoth reconsidered, in Fs. Puech, pp. 405-421. Anthroponymy
K. A. Kitchen, A late Luvian personal name in Aramaic, RHA 23, 1965, 25-28. Toponymy
R. Altheim-Stiehl-D. Meltzer-E. Schwertheim, Eine neue grko-persische Grabstele aus Sultaniye Ky und ihre Bedeutung fr die Geschichte und Topographie von Daskyleion, EpAnat 1,1983, 123.


[A reminder: G. Bergstrsser, Glossar des neuaramsichen Dilalekts von Maclla (AKM 14/4), xxxx 1921. R. Duval, Les dialectes no-arameens de Salamas, Paris 1883. A.J. Maclean, Grammar of the Dialect of Vernacular Syriac as Spoken by the Eastern Syrians of Kurdistan, orth-West Persia and the Plain of Mosul, Cambridge 1895. 48

Th. Nldeke, eusyrische Grammatik, Leipzig 1868. Th. Nldeke, Grammatik der eusyrischen Sprache am Urmia-See und in Kurdistan, Leipzig 1868 (repr. 1974, Hildesheim). J. Rhetor, Grammaire de la langue soureth ou chladen vulgaire, Mossoul 1912. A. Siegel, Laut- und Formenlehre des neu-aramischen Dialekts desTur-cabdn, Hannover 1923 (repr. Hildesheim 1968). A. Spitaler, Grammatik des neuaramischen Dialekts von Malula (Antilibanon) (AKM 23/1), Leipzig 1938 [rev.: BSL 1939 (120), 148-151 (Cohen); MUSJ 1939, 219-221 (Fleisch). D.T. Stoddard, Grammar of the Modern SyriacLlanguage, as Spoken in Oroomiah, Persia and Koordistan (JAOS 5), xxxx 1855].

W. Arnold, Lehrbuch des euwestaramischen (Semitica viva, Series didactica, 1), Wiesbaden 1989, [rev.: ZDMG 140/2, 1990, 380-381 (C. Correll)]. W. Arnold, Das euwestaramische. V: Grammatik (Semitica viva, Series didactica, 4/V), Wiesbaden 1990 [slightly revised version of the authors 1988 Erlangen Univ. Diss.]. W. Arnold, P. Behnstedt, Arabisch-Aramische Sprachbeziehungen im Qalamn (Syrien). Eine dialektgeographische Untersuchung mit einer wirtschafts- und sozialgeographischee Einfrung von Anton Escher (Semitica Viva, Bd. 4/V), Wiesbaden 1993. W. Arnold, Sprache und Literatur der Christen des Vorderen Orients, in. S. Gralla, ed., Oriens Christianus. Geschichte und Gegenwart des nahstlichen Christentum (Villigst Profile. Schriftenreihe des Evangelischen Studienwerks e.V. Villigst, Band 1), Mnster 2003. W. Arnold, Al-lugha al-ramiyya al-hadia. Lughat Maclla, Baxca wa-Jubbcadin, Majallat buh jmicat Halab. Silsilat al db wal-culm al-insniyya (Research Journal of Allepo University. Arts and Humanities Series), Bd. 16, 1989 [The Modern Aramaic language: Malula ] W. Arnold, Die Aramer in Europa auf der Suche nach einer Standardsprache, in U. Maas, ed., Sprache und Migration (IMIS = Beitrge 26), Osnabrck Juni 2005, pp. 77-88. G.V. Arsanis, Sovremennyj assirijskij jazyk, in P.A. Skorik et al., eds, Jazyki narodov SSSR, V, Leningrad 1968, pp. 489-507 [modern Assyrian Language] G. V. Arsanis, Rolassirijskich prosvetitelej i pisatelej v stanovlenii sovremennogo assirijskogo jazyka, SemJa, pp. 699-706 [The role of Assyrian enlighteners and writers in the formation of modern Assyrian R. Borghero, Some features of the Northern Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialect of Ashitha, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 109-120. V. Cantarino, Der neuaramische Dialekt von ubb cAdin (Texte und bersetzung), Chapel Hill. N.C. 1967 [Diss. Mnchen Univ. 1962] [rev. : J ES 26, 1967, 229-230 (J.D. Purvis)]. K.G. Cereteli, Sovremennyj assirijskij jazyk (Jazyki narodov Az i Afriki), Moskva 1964 [Modern Assyrian Language] [rev.: Linguistics 17, 1965. 117 (list of contents); AAS 2, 1966, 185-192 (S. Segert)] [Versions: Grammatica di assiro moderno (PSSM 1), Napoli 1970; Grammatik der modernen assyrischen Sprache (neuostaramisch), Leipzig 1978; The Modern Assyrian Language, Moscow 1978]. K.G. Cereteli, Grammatica di assiro moderno (Istituto Orientale di Napoli, Pubbl. del Seminario di Semitistica, Manuali 1), Napoli 1970 [version. of Sovremennyj assirijskij jazyk, 1964) [rev.: OLZ 70, 1975, 54-57 (J. Oelsner); WO 7/1, 1973, 182-185 (R. Degen)].

K. Cereteli, Grammatik der modernen assyrischen Sprache, Leipzig: 1978 [rev.: JAOS 102, 1982, 209 (J.C. Greenfield); OLZ 77, 1982, 50-53 (C. Correll); BiOr 39, 1982, 398-401 (J.C.J. Sanders); AO 50, 1982, 248-250 (K. Petrek); Linguistics 21/4, 1983, 645-647 (P. Swiggers)].
K.G. Cereteli, Materialy po aramejskoj dialektologii. T. I. Urmijskij dialekt. Vyp. I, Tbilisi 1965 [Materials for Aramaic dialectology. 1. The dialect of Urmia (Reziyeh)] [rev.: AO 35, 1967, 492-493 S. Segert); OLZ 67, 1972, 56-58 (J.Oelsner)]. K.G. Cereteli, The Aramaic dialects of Iraq, AIO 32, 1972, 245-250. K. Cereteli, Aramejskij jazyk, Tbilisi 1982 [Ge. and Rus.][The Aramaic Language] [rev. : JAOS 105/4, 1985, 731 (S. Segert); BSL 81, 1986,330-332 (J. Margain)].

G. M. Demidova, Priastija v zapadnoaramejskom literaturnom jazyke, VFSAA 2, 1973, 15-18 I.M. Djakonov, V.A. Livic, O jazyke dokumentov drevnej Nisy, VDI 58, 1956/4, 100-113 [On the language of the documents of Ancient Nisa (Southern Turmenistan)].

J. Fellman, David Tappan Stoddard (18181857) and Neo-Aramaic linguistics, CLO 12, 1984, 115-118.
J. Friedrich, Das Neusyrische als Typus einer entarteten semitischen Sprache, AIO -L 4, 1962, 95-106. S.E. Fox, The eo-Aramaic Dialect of Jilu (Semitica Viva, 16), Wiesbaden 1997). S.E. Fox, The relationships of the Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects, JAOS 114, 1994, 154-162. I. Garbell, The Jewish eo-Aramaic dialect of Persian Azerbaijan. Linguistic analysis and folkloristic texts (Janua linguarum, Series practica 3), The Hague 1965 [rev.: BSOAS 32, 1969, 383-384 (J.B. Segal); WZKM 62, 1969, 346-348 (G. Krotkoff); JAOS 90, 1970, 293-295 (J. C. Greenfield)]. W. Heinrichs, ed., Studies in eo-Aramaic (HSS 36), Atlanta GE 1990. W. Heinrichs, ed., Studies in eo-Aramaic (HSSt), Atlanta GA 1990. W. Heinrichs, Written Turoyo, in S A, p. 181-188. R.D. Hoberman, Modern Aramaic, in WWS, pp. 504-510. Y. Ishaq, Turoyo: from spoken to written language, in S A, pp. 189-199. H. Jacobi, Grammatik des Thumischen euaramisch ( ordostsyrien) (AKM 40, 3), Wiesbaden 1973 [rev. : AcOr 38, 1977, 350-361 (F. Rundgren); WZKM 69, 114-115 (R. Degen); JSS 24, 1979, 156-157 (W. Fischer); OLZ 75, 1980, 248-25 (J.J. Oelsner)]. O. Jastrow, Laut- und Formenlehre des neuaramischen Dialekt von Midin im Tur cAbdin (Diss. Univ. des Saarlandes), Bamberg 1967, 19853 [rev. BSOAS 31, 1968, 605-610 (J. Blau)]. O. Jastrow, Der neuaramische Dialek1 von Hertevin (Provinz Srt) (Semitica viva, 3), Wiesbaden 1988. O. Jastrow, Ein neuaramischer Dialekt aus dem Vilayet Siirt (Ostanatolien), ZDMG 121, 1971, 215-222. O. Jastrow, Mlahso: an unknown Neo-Aramaic language of Turkey, JSS 30/2, 1985, 265-270. O. Jastrow, Der neuaramische Dialekt von Mlas (Semitica Viva, 14), Wiesbaden 1994. O. Jastrow, Der neuaramische Dialekt von Hertevin, Wiesbaden 1988/1992 [Cf. R. Macuch, BSOAS 53, 1990, 214-223]. O. Jastrow, Lehrbuch der $uroyo-Sprache. Wiesbaden 1992 [rev.: OLZ 88, 1993, 403-405 (Chr. Correll); Orient (Opladen) 37, 1996, 527-530 (H. Anschtz)]. O. Jastrow, Zur neuaramischen Dialekt von Hassane (Provinz irnak), in Fs. Krotkoff, pp. 275-281. O. Jastrow, The Neo-Aramaic languages, in SemLang 334-377. G. Khan, A Grammar of eo-Aramaic. The Dialect of the Jews of Arbel (HdO 1/47), Leiden 1999 [rev.: ZDMG 154, 2004, 496 (W. Arnold)]. G. Khan, The Jewish eo-Aramaic dialecto of Sulemaniyya and alabja (StSLL 44), Leiden/Boston 2004 [rev.: WZKML 94, 2006, 478-480 (H. Younansardaroud)]. G. Khan, The eo-Aramaic Dialect of Qaraqosh (StSLL 36), 2002 [rev.: Oriens Christianus 87, 2002, 241-243 (W. Arnold)] G.A. Kiraz, The Syriac Primer - Reading,Writing,Vocabulary, and Grammar ..., Sheffield 1985. G. Krotkoff, Beobachtungen zum Neu-Ostaramischen, ZDMG 111, 1961, 393-395. G. Krotkoff, A eo-Aramaic dialect of Kurdistan: texts, grammar and vocabulary (AOS Series 64), New Haven CT 1982 [rev.: Muson 97/1-2, 1984, 167 (A.-M. Denis); BSOAS 48/1, 1985, 149-150 (S. Brock); JAOS 106, 1986, 842-843 (J.C. Greenfield); AcOr 47, 1986, 171-173 (F. Rundgren); AIO 47, 1986, 520-524 (M. Tosco); JSS 33/2, 1988, 340-346 (R.D. Hoberman)]. R. Macuch, Recent studies in Neo-Aramaic dialects, BSOAS 53/2, 1990, 214-223. H. Mutzafi, The Jewish eo-Aramaic Dialect of Koy Sanjaq (Iraqi Kurdistan) (Semitica Viva, 32), Wiesbaden 2004. A. Nouro, Le syriaque, langue moderne, in Symposium Syriacum 1976, clbr du 13 au 17 septembre 1976 au Centre culturel Les Fontaines de Chantilly (France), Communications (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 205), Rome:1978, pp. 367-375. E. Panoussi, On the Senaya dialect, in S A, pp. 107-129.

M. Parisot, Le dialecte de Maclula, Paris 1898.

K. Petrek, Zur neuaramischen Sprachforschung, AO 50, 1982, 248-250.

J.H. Polotsky, Studies in Modern Syriac, JSS 6, 1961, 1-32. H.J. Polotsky, Notes on a Neo-Syriac grammar, I0S 16, 1996, 11-48. K. Rudolph, Kritik einer ungerechtfertigten Kritik. Aus Anlass einer Rezension (G. Krothoff on R. Macuch, Handbook of classical and modern Mandaic, 1965), WZKM 63-64, 1972, 306-311. S. F. Rybak, The Aramaic dialect of edarim, Diss. Yeshiva Univ., 1980 [DAb 41/4, 1980, 1566-A]. R. G. Rylova, Grammatika sirijskogo jazyka Ili Tirchanskogo XI v. (PSb 14), Moskva-Leningrad 1965 [The Syriac grammar of Elias of $rhn (11th century)]. R. G. Rylova, Obaja charakteristika grammatiki sirijskogo jazyka Ili Tirchanskogo (XI v.), in SemJaz, pp. 167-177 [General features of the Syriac grammar of Elias of $rhn]. Y. Sabar, Homilies in the eo-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews on the Parashot Wayhi, Beshallah and Yitro (Heb.) Jerusalem 1984 [grammar and glossary]. S.I. Sara, A description of Modern Chaldean, The Hague 1974 (rev.: GLECS 18-23/1, 1973-79 (1981), 193-194 (B. Poizat)]. S. I. Sara, A description ot modern Chaldean: A functional-structural approach, Ph. D. Diss., Georgetown Univ. 1969 [DAb 30/10, April 1970, 4439-A]. S. Sara, A description of Modern Chaldean (Janua Linguarum, series. practica 213), The Hague 1974. M.B. Schub, A note on the dialect of Ab Tamm and Barths law, J SL 4, 1975, 71-72. G. Shelkhot, Le syriaque, langue dAlep (Ar.), Alep 1958 [rev.: Paideia 14, 1959, 416 (G. Rinaldi)]. J. Sihna, Der neuostaramische Dialekt von Bpn (Provinz MARDIB,M Sdosttrkei) Eine graamatische Darstellung (Semitica Viva, 24), Wiesbaden 2000. P.O. Skjrv, Aramaic in Iran, ARAM 7, 1995, 283-318. A. Spitaler, Grammatik des neuaramaischen Dialekts von Malula (Antilibanon) (Abh. fr die Kunde des Morgenlandes XXIII,I), Leipzig 1938 [rev.: BSL 120, 1939, 148-151 (Cohen); MUSJ 1939, 219-221 (Fleisch)]. A. Spitaler, Neue Materialien zum aramischen Dialekt von Maclla, ZDMG 107, 1957, 299-339 [Textes, trad. et glossaire].[= PhBAS, pp. 14-56]. A.Spitaler, The Aramaic Dialect of Maclla, in AHb II/2 (Glossary), pp. 82-96 (= Philologica, pp. 7192]. Y. Takashina, Some remarks on Modern Aramaic of Hertevin, JAAS 40, 1990, 85-132. A. Werner, Lehrbuch des euwestaramischen, Wiesbaden 1989, ZAW 103, 1991, 291 (H. Bobzin)]. H. Younansardaroud, Der neuostaramische Dialekt von Srd:rid (Semitica Viva, 26), Wiesbaden 2001 [rev.: BaBi 1, 2004, 493-496 (A. Lyavdansky)]. L. Yaure, A Poem in the Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Urmia, J ES 16, 1957, 73-87 [(1) Neo-Aram. dialects and literature. (2) The dispersion of this Aram.-speaking people. (3) Linguistic studies in the NeoAram. dialects. (4) Our poem a Sugit,a. (5) The linguistic derivation of the Urmia dialect. (6) Introductory remarks on the poem. (7) Text and transliteration. (8) Transl. (9) Notes]. PHO OLOGY A D GRAPHEMICS General

K.G. Cereteli, arkvevi tanamedrove asurulu dialektebis edarebits ponetikisa / Essay of Comparation Phonetics of the Modern Assyrian Dialects (Georg.), Tbilisi 1958 [rev.: OLZ 56, 1961, 63-64 (J. Friedrich); AO 29, 1961, 96-105 (S. Segert); AO 29, 1961, 96-105 (E.A. Cereteli)] [Comparative phonetics of the modern Assyrian dialects]. K.G. Cereteli, Abriss der vergleichenden Phonetik der modernen assyrischen Dialekte, in F. Altheim, Geschichte der Hunnen, III, pp. 218-266 [transl. of the Russ. summ. contained in the book cited in the previous entry]. K.G. Cereteli, K sravnitelno-istorieskomu izueniju fonetieskich osobennostej sovremennych

vostonoaramejskich dialektov (Rus.), in T25CIO I, pp. 337-343 [On the historical-comparative study of the pohonetic peculiarities of modern Oriental Aramaic dialects]. R.D. Hoberman, Modern Aramaic Phonology, in PhAA 313-335 (Bibliog.). E.Y. Odisho, The sound system of Modern Assyrian ( eo-Aramaic) (Semitica viva, 2), Wiesbaden 1988 [rev.: ZDMG 140/1, 1990, 157 (G. Krotkoff); OLZ 88, 1993, 165-173 (J. Oelsner)]. S. Segert, Semitistische Marginalien. II. Neue Darstellung der vergleichenden Phonetik der modernen aramischen Dialekte von K. Cereteli, ArOr 29, 1961, 96-105 [rev. of Ceretelis arkvevi tanamedrove asuruli dialektebis edarebiti ponetiksa, 1958]. Z. Solomon-R. K. Headley Jr., The phonology of modern spoken Syriac, AnL 15, 1973, 136-147. E.A. Speiser, Semitische Marginalien [II. Neue Darstellung der vergleichenden Phonetik der modernen aramischen Dialekte von K. Cereteli]. Vocalism Consonantism

W. Arnold, Velarisiertes r und retroflexes r im neuostaramischen Dialekt von Baretle, in Mediterranean Language Review, Band 14, Wiesbaden 2002, pp. 1-6

K. Cereteli, Veljarnyj spirant v sovremennych vostonoaramejskich dialektach (The velar spirant in modern Eastern Aramaic dialects, SemDz 2, 1985, 132-142.
K. Cereteli, The velar spirant g in modern East Aramaic dialects, in S A, pp. 35-42. R. D. Haberman, The phonology of pharyngeals and pharyngealiz- ation in pre-Modern Ararnaic, JAOS 105/2, 1985, 221-231. R.D. Haberman, Emphasis (pharyngealization) as an autosegmental harmony fea ture, PCLS 23, 1987, 167-181[on emphasis harmony in Azerbaijani Jewish Aramaic]. E.Y. Odisho, The opposition /t/ vs. /th/ in Neo-Aramaic, JIPA 7, 1977, 79-83. E. Odisho, Phonetic and phonological description of the labio-palatal and labio-velar approximants in Neo-Aramaic, in SNA, pp. 29-33. C. Xmiadavili, Mzger xur-mskdomta akomodaciis procebi intervokalur poziciai (tanamedrove asuruli enis masalaze) (Georg.), in Vl. Axvlediani, ed., Tipologiuri dziebani, Tbilisi 1990, pp. 101107. [The process of the accommodation of occlusive-plosives in intervocalic position (based on mod. Assyrian]. Graphemics
R. Macuch, Some orthographico-phonetic problems of Ancient Aramaic and the living Aramaic pronunciations, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 221-237. A. Palmer, The Syriac letter-forms of Tur Abdin and environs, OrChr 73, 1989, 68-89. K. Tsereteli (Cereteli), Armazian Script, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 557-565. MORPHOLOGY Pronoun/Article

R.D. Hoberman, The history of the Modern Aramaic pronouns and pronominal suffixes, JAOS 108, 1988, 557-575. R. Hoberman, Reconstructing pre-Modern Aramaic morphology: the independent pronouns, in SNA, pp. 79-88. F. Pennacchietti, Il pronome determiantivo D e la complementazione dellaggettivo nel enoaramaico di Urmia, in IOS XVI, pp. 71-84.

O. Jastrow, Personal and demonstrative pronouns in central Neo-Aramaic: a comparative and diachronic discussion based on Turoyo and the Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialect of Hertevin, in S A, pp. 89-103. O. Kapeliuk, Some special functions of the adnominal pronouns in Neo-Semitic, FO 40, 2004, 7-22. F.A. Pennachietti, Il pronome determinativ d e la complementimione dallaggettivo nel neoaramaico di Urmia, IOS 16, 1996, 71-84. oun
K.G. Ceretelli, A type of nominal syntagm in Modern Aramaic dialects, BSOAS 28, 1965, 227-232. K. Cereteli, Zur Determination und Indetermination der Nomina in den modernen aramischen Dialekten, WZUH 17, 1968, 201-206. K.G. Cereteli, Analytical forms in Modern Aramaic dialects, AIO 32, 1972, 17-23. Ch. Correll, Zur Geschichte des l-Infixes im Neuwestaramischen (NWA), ZDMG 143/2, 1993, 255264. S.E. Fox, Cliticization in Neo-Aramaic, in S A, pp. 69-78. M. Hartman, Die pluriliteralbildung in den semitische Sprache, mit besonderer Bercksichtigung des Hebrischen, Chaldischen und eusyrischen, Halle 1875. O. Kapeliuk, Regularity and Deviation in Peripheral Neo-Semitic, in TI D, pp. 11-21. B. Kienast, Das Possessivsuffix der am pluralischen Nomen des Maskulinum im Sdostaramischen, MSS 10, 1957, 72-76. K. P. Matveev, Kategorija grammatieskogo roda zaimstvovannych imen suestvitelnych v sovremennom assirijskom jazyke (Rus.), in SemJaz, pp. 162-167 [The category of grammatical gender of the borrowed subst. in modern Assyrian]. E. Y. Odisho, Aspiratio, Spinrantization and Approximation in Neo-Aramaic: A more Refinded Identification, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 555-564. H.J. Polotsky, Incorporation in Modern Syriac, in SCSt, pp. 90-102. S.J. Sara, Feminine gender in Modern Chaldean: form and function, in S A, pp. 45-52. Verb
W. Arnold, Das Verbum in den neuwestaramischen Dialekten, in TemAsp, pp. 1-8. K.G. Cereteli, The static verb in modem Aramaic dialects, in Fs. Rinaldi, pp. 83-89. K. Cereteli, ber die Reflexivstmme in den modernen aramaischen Dialekten, RSQ 39, 1964, 125-132. K. Cereteli (Tsereteli), Compound tense forms in Modern Aramaic dialects, AION-O 18, 1968, 247-252. D. Cohen, Sur le systme verbal du no-aramen de Malula JSS 24, 1979, 219-239. G.M. Demidova, Infinitiv v zapadno-aramejskom jazyke, UZLU 403, 1980 ( Vostokovedenie 7), 18-23 [El infinitivo en la lengua aramea occidental]. A. Gai, A note on the negation of the aorist and the future in Modern Syriac, in Fs. Polotsky, p. 50. R. Hetzron, The Morphology of the Verb in Modern Syriac (Christian Colloquial of Urmi), JAOS 89, 1969,112-127. R.D. Hoberman, Agglutination and composition in Neo-Aramaic verb inflection, in Fs. Blanc, pp., 145155. R.D. Hoberman, The syntax and semanitics of verb morphology in Modern Aramaic: a Jewish dialect of 1raqi Kurdistan (AOS, 69), New Haven CT 1989. R.D. Hoberman, Formal Properties of the Conjugations in Modern Aramaic, in G. Booij, J. van Marle, eds., Yearbook of Morphology 1991, Dordrecht 1992, Kluwer, pp. 49-64. O. Jastrow, Passive Formation in Turoyo and Melas, IOS 16, 1990, 49-57. O. Kapeliuk, The Neo-Aramaic tense system in the light of translations from Russian, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 381-390. G. Kkan, Some aspects of the morphology and syntax of compound verbal forms in the Christian Barwar dialect of Neo-Aramaic, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 397-409.

G. Khan, Ergativity in theNorth Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects, in Fs. Goldenberg, pp. 147-157. A. Mengozzi, Neo-Aramaic and the so-called deacay ergativity in Kurdisch, in A10GSCSI, pp. 239256. F.A. Pennacchietti, Gli allomorfi della flessione preteritale del dialetto neoaramaico orientale di Hertevin (Turchia) in prospettiva storica, I Fs. Leslau 1991 II, pp. 1197-1202. F.A. Pennachietti, Verbo neo-aramaico e verbo neo-iranico, in TCL. pp, 93-110. F.A. Pennacchietti, Il preterito neoaramaico con pronome oggetto, ZDMG, 144, 1994, 259-283. B. Poizat, Un trait sur le verbe no-aramen: prsentation et traduction (partielle) dun ouvrage en Soureth (Suret) de Nimrod Simono, GLECS 18-23, 1973-1979, 169-192. H.J. Polotsky, Verbs with two objects in Modern Syriac (Urmi), IOS 9, 1979, 204-227. H.J. Polotsky, Neusyrische Konjugation, OS 33-35, 1984-1986, 323-332. Y. Sabar, The quadriradical verb in Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects, JSS 27, 1982, 149-176. Adverbs and Particles

F.R. Blake, Studies in Semitic Grammar II, JAOS 62, 1942, 109-118 [8. New Syriac ke.]. A. Catastini, Observations on Aramaic epigraphy, JSS 32, 1987, 73 2 -277 [on the alleged 1preformative in inscription A from Arebsun and on kim in Nabataean Aramaic]. K.G. Cereteli, Sintaksieskie funkcii asticy de v sovremennych aramejskich dialektach (Rus.), SemJaz, pp. 152-162 [The syntactic functions of the particle de in the present-day Aramaic dialects]. Ch. Correll, Ein Vorschlag zur Erklrung der Negation () in den neuwestaramischen Dialekten es Antilibanon, ZDMG 124, 1974, 271-285. J. Rubba, Grammaticization as semantic change: a case study of preposition development, in PG, pp. 81101 [Evidence from the Modern Aramaic of Telesqof, Iraq] SY TAX A D STYLISTICS

K.G. Cereteli, Sintaksieskie funkcii asticy de v sovremennych aramejskich dialektach (Rus.), SemJaz, pp. 152-162 [The syntactic functions of the particle de in the present-day Aramaic dialects]. Ch. Correll, Untersuchungen zur Syntax der neuwestaramischen Dialekte des Antilibanon ( Mallu, Balju, Gubb cAdin), mit besonderer Bercksichtigung der Auswirkungen arabischen Adstrateinflusses... (Abhandlungen fr die Kundedes Morgenlandes 44, 4), Wiesbaden 1978 [rev.: SO 51/15, 1981, 7-10 (J. Aro); OLZ 82, 1987, 45-46 (J. Oelsner)]. R.D. Hoberman, The syntax and semanitics of verb morphology in Modern Aramaic: a Jewish dialect of 1raqi Kurdistan (AOS, 69), New Haven CT 1989. R.D. Hoberman, Emphasis harmony in a modern Aramaic dialect, Lg 64, 1988, 1-26 [Azerbaijani Jewish Aram.]. J.L. Malone, Two hypotheses on the origin of an Aramaic apocope-paragoge process, Glossa 4, 1970, 206-211 [Modern Aramaic of Malla]. LEXICOGRAPHY General

[A reminder: `
G. Bergstrsser, Glossar des neuaramischen Dialektes von Maclla,, Leipzig 1921 (repr. 1966). A.J. MacLean, A Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac, Oxford 1901].

W. Arnold, Zur Geschichte der arabischen Lehnwrter in Neuwestaramischen, in N. Nebes, ed., eue Beitrge zur Semitistik. Erstes Arbeitstreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 13. September 2000 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt

Jena (Jenaer Beitrge zum Vorderen Orient Bd. 5), Wiesbaden 2002. Y. Sabar, General European loanwords in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Zakho, Iraqi Kurdistan, in SNA, pp. 53-66. H. F. Weiss, Zum Problem der griechischen Fremd- und Lehnwrter in den Sprachen des christlichen Orients, Helikon 6, 1966, 183-209. Roots, Lexemes and Syntagms

B. Couroyer, nmty: osiris ou justifis (Stle de Carpentras, ligne 4), RB 87, 1980, 594-596. J. Friedrich, Neun und zehn im Neusyrischen, KZ 78, 1963, 55. I. Garbell, Flatwords and syllables in Jewish East New Aramaic of Persian Azerbaijan and the contiguous districts (A problem of multilingualism), in Fs. Polotsky, pp. 86-103. H. Lozachmeur, La vie quotidienne lphantine au Ve sicle avant notre re: de lusage de la racien TM, in Fs. Bordreuil, pp. 167-176. E.Y. Odisho, A Comparative Study of Pet Names in English and Assyrian, in Fs. Krotkoff, pp. 319-333. A.V. Pajkova, Povesto Evfimii i gote (K Voprosu ob opredelenii jazyka originala), PSb 26, 1978, 86-101 (Acerca de la cuestin sobre la determinacin de la lengua del original)]. F.A. Pennacchietti, Zmirya-d rwe: stornelli degli aramei kurdistani, in Fs. Bonfante, pp. 639-663. Y. Sabar, Nursery rhymes and baby words in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Zakho (Iraq), JAOS 94, 1974, 329-336. Dictionaries
K.G. Cereteli (Tseretelli), Chrestomatija sovremennogo assirijskogo jazyka so slovare. (Trudy kafedry semitologii Tbilisskogo gosud. univ. imeni I. V. Stalina 4), Tbilisi 1958 [A reader of the modern Assyrian language (East Syriac, Transcaucasia), with dictionary] [rev.: AO 27, 1959, 702-703 (S. Segert); Semitskie iazyki (8885), pp. 234-235 (V.P. Starinin)]. F.G. Kuipers, A comparative lexicon of three Modern Aramaic dialects, Georgetown Univ. Diss., 1983 [DAb 44/10, 1984, 3050-A]. H. Ritter, $ury. Die Volkssprache der syrischen Christen des Tr cAbdn. A. Texte, 1-3; B. Wrterbuch. Das Autorenmanusript zum Druck in Faksimile gebracht von Rudolf Sellheim, Beirut/Wiesbaden 19671971, 1979 [rev.: MIO 4, 1968, 516-519 (H. Goeseke); BSOAS 31, 1968, 605-610 (J. Blau); Linguistics 52, 1969, 91 (D. Coutinho); JRAS, 1969, 80-82 (Ph. Gignoux, on vol. A/1); Oriens 21-22, 1968-69, 503-508 (K. Cereteli, on vol. l); BSOAS 34, 1971, 396-397 (J. Blau: vol. A/2); WO 6, 1971, 131-133 (R. Degen: on vol. A/1-2); BSOAS 36, 1973, 131-133 (J. Blau: on vol. A/3); GGA 226, 1974, 246-251 (R. Degen); ZDMG 129, 1979, 379-383 (H.J. Sasse); BSOAS 44, 1981, 568-569 (J. Blau); JAOS 102, 1982, 406-407 (J.C. Greenfield); WZKM 74, 1982, 305-308 (O. Jastrow); SemJaz 4, 1988, 110-112 (K. Cereteli)]. Y. Sabar, Pa wayh Balla: a eo-Aramaic midrash on Beshalla (Exodus). Introd., phonetic transcription, transl., notes and glossary, Wiesbaden 1976. Y. Sabar, The book of Genesis in eo-Aramaic in the dialect of the Jewish community of Zakho (Heb.) (Publications of the Hebr. Univ. language traditions project, 9), Jerusalem 1983 [rev.: JQR 79, 1989, 388-389 (G. Krotkoff)]. Y. Sabar, The book of Exodus in eo-Aramaic in the dialect of the Jewish community of Zakho: including selected texts in other eo-Aramaic dialects and a glossary (Heb.) (Publications of the Hebr. Univ. language traditions project, 12), Jerusalem1988 . Y. Sabar, Homilies in the eo-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews on the Parashot Wayhi, Beshallah and Yitro (Heb.) Jerusalem 1984 [grammar and glossary]. Y. Sabar, A eo-Aramaic homily on baallah: introduction, phonetic transcription, translation, notes and glossary, Diss. 1970, Yale Univ. [DAb 31/9, march 1971, 4793-A].

Y. Sabar, A Jewish eo-Aramaic Dictionary of Amidya, Dihok, erwa and Zakho, northwestern Iraq, Wiesbaden 2002 [rev.: ZDMG 154, 2004, 494-495 (W. Arnold)]. O OMASTICS
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(Date 30-IX-2009)


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