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Compatible Resolution Enhancement in Digital Audio Systems

Keith O. Johnson, AES Fellow and Michael W. Pflaumer, AES Member

Pacific Microsonics, Incorporated

Berkeley, California, USA

A conjugate record and playback system is described which enhances the resolution and
sonic performance of digital audio recording based on linear pulse code modulation, while
remaining compatible with standard linear playback. Using additional information encoded
entirely in the program material, it addresses both the amplitude resolution and sampling
rate limitations of the current commercial recording standards.


As the compact disc (CD) has become a widely used medium for distribution of high
fidelity audio, it has become apparent that its sound quality is not as high as original
expectations, which were based primarily on conventional distortion and frequency
response measurements. This view has been expressed both by those involved in the
production of CD's [1] and by fidelity conscious consumers. Dissatisfaction with the
fidelity of CD digital recordings when compared to analog master tapes of the same
recording sessions prompted the authors to investigate the factors responsible for the loss
of fidelity and to devise approaches for improving the situation.

A conjugate digital encode/decode system is described which allows recording an audio

signal of greater than standard resolution and sonic accuracy on standard linear pulse code
modulation (PCM) recording formats, such as the compact disc (CD). The conjugate
decoding process is used to recover the full improvement in fidelity, but compatibility and
some sonic benefits are maintained for standard linear playback on non-decoding
equipment. A brief examination of the general requirements for a high fidelity recording
system will form a basis for understanding the rationale behind this system.

Requirements of a transparent system

In the majority of cases, the ultimate use of an audio recording system is to reproduce
sounds at some later time. In any case where the reproduced sound will be listened to, the
measure of fidelity of the system should be predicted from system performance but can
only be judged by listening. The goal of a high fidelity recording system should be to be as
transparent as possible, to change the sound as little as possible. In other words, if one
were listening to an analog audio signal on a monitor system, the ideal recording system
would be one which did not produce any change in the sound, other than a delay in time,
when inserted into the signal path for any given source on any monitor system for any
listener. Of course, such an ideal system does not exist, as most recording engineers will
attest. A high quality live microphone feed has a quality and fidelity which can only be
approximated by the best recording systems, regardless of technology.

Over the years, a great deal of work has been done to try to specify in objective terms the
parameters of a recording system which closely approaches the subjective ideal. Without
such objective measurements, it is not possible to design a real system. Target values have
been proposed and updated for dynamic range, signal to noise ratio, allowable levels of
distortion, and frequency range. As the understanding of human hearing advances and as
actual systems have been constructed, the target values for the parameters and measurement
systems used to evaluate them keep changing.

The peak dynamic range requirement for professional recording has been shown to
approach 130 dB [2]. Even conservative estimates produce numbers greater than 120 dB
[3]. While the capabilities of an average home playback system cannot cover this range
because the average home speaker system cannot reach the necessary peak sound pressure
level (SPL), there will always be some systems which can. In addition, edit situations and
listeners who change gain during a program pose added dynamic requirements. Therefore,
these numbers remain a valid target.

Simple signal to noise ratio has been shown to be a poor description of system
performance, given the understanding of critical band theories of human hearing. This is
even more true for allowable levels of distortion. The simple total harmonic distortion and
intermodulation distortion measurements devised in the days of vacuum tube electronics do
not do a very good job of predicting the sonic performance of transistor amplifiers, and
they produce essentially meaningless numbers when applied to current digital recording
systems. Even so, they are still offered as a standard part of every data sheet.

Research [2] has shown that distortion products other than low order harmonics must be
kept at least 120 dB below peak levels in the presence of complex signals in order to
achieve a satisfactory level of accuracy in a critical listening environment. Since interactions
with different listening systems may bring out different problems, this level of performance
is required to be safe for all cases. This is especially true for intermodulation difference
products and fold-over distortions in digital systems, in which high frequency complex
signals can produce non-musical lower frequency distortion products which appear
unmasked in the frequency range where hearing is most sensitive. The requirements can be
relaxed somewhat for the more naturally musical second and third harmonic distortions at
high signal levels.

Most current methods of measuring distortion involve the use of simple steady state tones,
which do not stimulate the system in the manner in which music does, combined with
averaging measurements, which do not respond well to small distortion products having a
high peak to average ratio. Our current research indicates that infrequent distortion products
with peak levels in the -120 dB full scale (dBFS) range are potentially audible [4].
Measuring these distortions at the edge of audibility can be a truly challenging problem.

The frequency range requirement for a recording system is a very controversial issue.
Problems at the low frequency end seem to arise primarily from phase distortions, and for
digital systems there is normally no difficulty extending the frequency response as low as
one wishes.

The requirement for high frequency extension involves a whole different set of concerns.
Since the data storage requirements for non-compressed digital audio are directly
proportional to the sampling rate, bandwidth is expensive. The conventional argument is
that since human hearing cannot detect steady state tones with a frequency greater than
about 20 kHz, a recording system need not store frequencies above this limit. There is
some evidence to suggest that this convenient assumption may not be strictly true [5].
Many real world acoustic instruments generate plentiful energy above 20 kHz, and it might
be argued that to reproduce their sound transparently involves reproducing all of it or at
least preventing the consequences of bandwidth restrictions. Whether or not there is a real
need for frequencies above audibility is still an open question. However, it is now clear that
the very sharp cutoff "brick wall" filter required to represent an audio signal in digital form
with a sampling rate only slightly higher than twice the audible frequency range does cause
problems. This issue will be discussed in more depth below.

Having examined some basic requirements for a high fidelity recording system, it is
instructive to see how the current compact disc measures up. It is interesting to start with
some subjective evaluations of the sound, and to relate those to objective measurements.

Limitations of current standard

CD's have been described as having a "digital" sound, which includes varying degrees of
such attributes as a dull lifeless sound, an edgy harsh sound, especially on cymbals, a
sound with artificially silent pauses and a loss or collapse of hall ambiance, a sound stage
which is two dimensional, like a curtain stretched between the speakers, and a sound
characterized by a loss of individuality for the massed voices of a chorus or a violin
section. In addition, the timbre of individual instruments is altered by digital recording
using the current standards. Bass violins sometimes sound as if the body of the instrument
were made of cardboard. The attack of the notes of a piano frequently takes on a pingy
quality and the body of the instrument disappears leaving a thin sound. Flutes may have a
rough edge with exaggerated breath artifacts. Reed instruments sometimes take on an
almost synthesized buzzing sound. Of course, these artifacts are most blatant on CD's
made on early equipment, but the effects can still be found to some extent on recent

A question which arises is how much of the loss of fidelity is caused by implementation
errors, such as distortion in the analog to digital (A-D) and digital to analog (D-A)
conversion processes, and how much is due to the limitations of the CD format. One of the
tools which the authors have used to explore these questions is an A/B switch box (Figure
1) which allows a listening comparison between a high quality analog source connected
directly to a monitoring system versus the source going through an entire digital
encode/decode chain and then to the monitor. This setup allows exploring the effects on the
sound of different digital systems inserted into the signal path and of different digital
algorithms within a given system.

Great care was taken to minimize extraneous factors which could influence the result. The
switch box itself is composed of sealed rhodium relays in both the active signal leads and
the grounds, with careful isolation of the control signals. The relay operation sequencing is
timed to minimize switching transients. The line amplifiers on the original analog source
and the output of the digital system were of similar design, and the load impedance of the
input of the digital system was matched by that of the passive attenuator in the monitor
system. The power amplifiers used for most of the tests were very fast with very low levels
of transient intermodulation (TIM) distortion for frequencies well outside the audio range.
Of course, levels were matched carefully. This basic setup was repeated with different
power amplifiers and loudspeakers, and with different analog sources. The musical
selections used were usually out-takes of first generation analog master tapes and were
repeated many times for each group of listeners so that they were "over learned" by all
listeners. It is important when using music for listening tests that the listeners be very
familiar with it so that they are not still learning it as the A/B comparisons are going on.

The results of the listening tests were used in combination with objective measurements in
an iterative fashion to determine which factors in the measurable performance of the system
were responsible for each of the sonic aberrations of the system as a whole. In many cases,
there were several different objective situations which could produce similar sounding
problems, and it was only by addressing all of them that the problem could be substantially
reduced. (Of course, as each layer of distortion was dealt with, the next level became more
obvious.) The starting point of the research was to build a high resolution, oversampled
multi-bit A-D converter and a matching D-A converter. These could be chained together
without attempting to store the intervening digital data to explore the sonic effects of
converter problems, including various non-linearities, clock jitter, digital to analog
crosstalk, etc. The converters formed the framework into which various digital signal
processing (DSP) algorithms could be introduced to reduce the voluminous digital data
down to the sampling rate and word length of the CD standard and interpolate it back again.
Sonic Effects on Program Material

Many sonic shortcomings of digital audio are attributable to inadequate conversion

accuracy. Often these limitations are difficult to predict using only standardized tests.
Systems need to be tested using hearing related evaluation procedures specific to the
behavior of a design and its components. Our tests employed program material that was
easily and immediately perceived as distorted by specific design changes affecting the
conversion process. However, some design changes, particularly those which affected the
settling time of sampled analog signals, sounded transparent with short term A/B listening
tests yet displayed shortcomings after prolonged listening. Frequently, changing a design
parameter produced a clear perceptual correlate that eluded quantification by measurement.
We found that additive distortions were much easier to examine and quantify than those
resulting from subtractive information loss, while distortions producing time related
perceptual changes presented a greater challenge. During development, program material
chosen because it was most audibly altered by identified sonic artifacts was used.
Conversion parameters thought to be relevant were then altered and the results were
evaluated in repeated listening sessions. In time, our perception of the problems became
keener and we were better able to predict appropriate corrections and quantify system
behavior related to perception. The program material which we ended up using for A/B
listening tests was in many ways similar to that employed by others, and contained
examples of problems widely criticized in digital recordings.

The following discussions will first consider conversion performance and its sonic effects,
as well as the specifics of listening tests. Development of the compatible resolution
enhancement system will then be described.

High peak value, low probability, pulse or "glitch" type conversion distortions were found
to create sonic artifacts such as "hash" on cymbals and "grainy" exaggerated breath sounds
on flute. Often the cause of these distortions was digital to analog crosstalk or the ranging
and ladder mismatches that can occur with parallel converter topologies. Even when the
average distortion level was very low, the damage to the sound of the flute was still
substantial, particularly when large amplitude bass notes in the program material swept
higher frequency instrument harmonics through troublesome conversion levels. Various
amounts of dither added prior to and subtracted after conversions were found to reduce
such "grainy" artifacts by randomizing them to noise. Subtractive dither with levels high
enough to randomize parallel converter ladder errors around the A-D conversion process
became a standard part of the converter setup.

We also experimented with adding large amounts of high frequency in band dither at the
output of the A-D converter to help linearize the D-A converters. Unfortunately, the
reproduction of intense high frequency sounds such as cymbals and jangling keys through
a slower, less sophisticated power amplifier was degraded as a result. Both crossover and
TIM components were higher in our test example. Since uncompromised playback was
required using any equipment, we chose a conservative dither level at the output of the
record processor. It is appropriate to apply high amplitude dither designed to linearize D-A
conversion at the converters, not in the program material. For satisfactorily transparent
converter operation, both harmonically rich and high peak value, low duty cycle distortions
had to be at least ll0 dB below peak level for dynamically changing signals traversing most
of the conversion range.

The familiar digital distortion of roughness or "broken" edges added to the sound of
massed groups of similar instruments was also examined. We chose violins, mixture ranks
in pipe organs, and vocal choruses from both live mike feeds and master analog tapes as
source material. Listening tests verified the necessity of keeping the amounts of foldover,
transient intermodulation and other envelope or activity related distortion products very
small. Attempting to precisely quantify the cutoff level for audibility of these distortions
was not worthwhile, since listening off axis to loudspeakers would increase frequency
response irregularities and alter the high frequency content of signals, thereby
unpredictably changing the distortion perception threshold. Since high frequency program
material content can occur without midrange maskers, we felt that to be safe, these
sonically discordant distortions should be well below the noise level. Tests designed to
substantiate this requirement used clusters of high frequencies with characteristics chosen
so that possible envelope, difference, and sample rate related foldover distortions generated
would all appear in the perceptible middle audio range. When distortion components were
l20 dB below maximum peak level, further reductions became inconsequential as the levels
then approached hearing thresholds and fell well below other limitations in the reproduction
chain. However, reduction of these otherwise transparent oversampled signals to a 44.l
kHz data rate using standard decimation filters still produced some subtle "broken" artifacts
and a slightly dull or smeared sound.

The very good steady state performance of a particular single bit converter prompted us to
examine using that approach. Unfortunately, -90 dB foldover distortions in the upper
midband frequencies were found, probably due to slew error integration and dynamic
phase limitations produced by analog circuits within the conversion loop. Listening tests
confirmed the measurements. In one demonstration, the fine, experienced artistic control
of a highly distorted electric guitar became shockingly broken, unpleasant and confused as
a result of the converter artifacts.

Subtractive distortions manifesting as a loss of ambient information and sound staging

were observed when data was reduced to l6 bits. Without dither, quantization noise drew
the listeners attention to the loudspeakers, and small amplitude incremental information
became lost. Both effects seriously damaged spatial illusions even when signal levels were
substantially above quantization step resolution. Triangular probability density function
(PDF) dither with an amplitude of two least significant bits (LSB's) peak-to-peak removed
many distracting signal related artifacts, but not all sense of ambient information was
restored. Many different signal sources were used to explore these effects and to optimize
parameters for low level bit extension processes. However, a few types of program
material had much greater sensitivity to subtractive loss. These were large scale productions
with very large dynamic range and spatial contrasts between close and distant instruments.
Several had useful first reflection timings in the 40 ms range, typical of performance
stages. Such reflection timings could define distant instruments by reasonably certain
perception. Yet frequency response or level changes of these small reflected energies could
alter whole instrument sounds [6]. Other recordings had delay panned spotlighting using
auditory inhibition to achieve instrument placement [7]. These examples were sensitive to
phase and timing changes. Both localization methods rely on delicate spatial cues easily
inhibited by frequency response and standing wave problems in the audition environment.
As these factors became better resolved through room treatment and component placement,
the limitations of dither became more apparent. An effect became evident in which the
sound shifted more to the center with less sense of sound stage as the conversion level
dropped. Raising the program level through the converter chain while maintaining a
constant listening level restored the proper perspective. Examination of small amplitude
signals containing ambient information and instrument harmonic decays posed questions
that might explain these observations.

Small amplitude signals that produce instrument timbre and ambient decay perception can
have midband levels below the thermal noise of many microphones and electronic devices.
A dynamic gain structure which is adjusted to suit signal dynamics can achieve low
distortion at high levels while still preserving the sense of ambience. Spectral alterations to
ambient signals and signal related peak noise modulations such as those produced by
amplifier crossover distortion also appeared to be perceptible below random noise levels.
As the signal frequencies increase, and the hearing thresholds increase, the same
characteristic relationship appears to hold at higher levels. However, we did not study
these perceptual effects at the highest audible frequencies. We also found that small signal
perception does not change when noise having large peaks and a low average level is
added. Our concern was how small "broken" pieces of signal observed in the higher peak
quantization noise might sound. A spectrum analyzer will average these over time and
present a clear unchanging display. For this type of signal to remain timbrally neutral, the
auditory nerve is required to average burst differentials made up from quantization levels.
Averaging takes time to present the full stimulus. [8], [9], [l0] Consequently, small
changing events may be gone before auditory thresholds have been reached. We know that
the potassium gate responses of hair cells are very fast molecular events that occur even
with small stimuli in tens of microseconds. [9] These quick initialization responses can
alter thresholds which change nerve firing patterns in response to later stimuli. Whether
these events, which change time and amplitude thresholds for input to hair cells, will alter
perception is an important question. One could argue that low level transient information is
unlikely to occur from instrument and hall decay sounds. However, background sounds
providing ambient cues are complex and the auditory brain responds to their changes. A
second consideration involves higher peak energy noise in the presence of the "broken"
signal. The auditory filter provides high Q response sharpening possibly by
electromechanical nerve feedback from outer to inner hair cells [11], [12] and by
inhibitory transmitters which stiffen hair cells through actin molecules at their tips. [10]
Statistical nerve firing of cells near each other shows phase coherence to the stimulus at the
beginning of bursts. These responses which try to sensitize low level perception may be
disrupted by the combination of a broken stimulus and noise. If this does happen, some of
the ambient or decay signal would be perceived with a spectral balance altered by which
parts of the signal start losing low level phase coupling. We have observed a subtle dulling
of the sound of a plucked bass when its identifiable harmonics approached quantization

Converter and process limitations and their resulting distortions are responsible for many
timbral errors. "Buzzing" reed sound caused by conversion discontinuities and "broken"
piano attack resulting from signal correlated jitter are examples. Even with better
conversion performance, lesser degrees of these problems still exist. For example,
recording engineers mixing down from multi-track digital recordings often make spot
equalization adjustments to each channel. Thus digital colorations are usually somewhat
compensated for along with changes made for production effect, creating a fairly neutral
composite. However, what concerned us was the unavoidable trade-off between timbral
accuracy and resolution inherent in conventional systems.

Early development work started with comparisons of analog tapes to 18 bit A-D conversion
with 24 bit processing. The system employed had performance levels approaching those
previously described. Live microphone feeds, higher precision conversion, and a recently
completed 88.2 kHz recording system have been added to the roster of comparison
programs. Analog signals could be converted and decimated to 88.2 kHz for listening to
directly as compared to decimating down to 44.1 kHz and interpolating back up. Both
systems used 8 times oversampling D-A converters with 20 bit precision. For listening
tests at this level of accuracy to have been meaningful, the elaborate ground and switch
control isolation, as well as the source versus output line amplifier matching described
earlier was necessary. Comparison of decimation and interpolation filter cascades
operating with 44.l kHz 24 bit data was made to unprocessed 88.2 kHz data or analog
signals. From these experiments, it became apparent that the introduction of an anti-alias
decimation filter followed by an interpolation filter in the signal path had a considerable
effect on the sound. It also became apparent that it was important to consider these
cascaded filters as a system, even though they are normally separated in both time and

In the process of optimizing the system, like the mixdown engineer we found conflicting
sonic effects with different instruments. Some were altered nuances which seemed to
change the sense of an instrument's material construction and operation. Others were
resolution losses characterized by the dulling or smearing of subtle detail. We observed a
"paper" quality with snare drums, and the beater sound was smeared. Cymbals sounded
heavier, as if made of zinc, and had a less airy ring. A perceived "hardening" of piano
hammers was combined with reduced fast note delineation. We discarded the
oversimplifications of traditional approaches to filter design and improved the arithmetic
precision and high frequency rejection of the interpolation filter. This improvement
reduced hardness, particularly the "paper" drum quality. However, the dulling tendency of
the cascaded filter system then became more exposed. Experiments with sharp attack and
steady ensemble sounds verified the conflicting situation improperly handled by specific
equalization to the auditioned track. Resolution of inner detail transients was compromised
while at the same time other sounds sounded broken and brighter.

Changing the transition band response of the anti-alias filters to achieve faster settling
around transient edges substantially improved the resolution problem but created timbral
alteration. Reducing the transition rate and slightly peaking the frequency response of the
cascaded filters improved timbral errors but degraded resolution. Filters whose frequency
response was allowed to ripple in the region of the transition band produced excellent
timbre, but did not do well with transient edges. Further detailed listening tests verified
these perceptions but also revealed that specific losses create a persistence of hearing or
mental impression like an improper anchor effect [13] which lingers and colors perception
of reference signals which do not have the sonic problems. When the filters were switched
silently, it took some time for the change in sonic character to be appreciated.

The persistence of a sonic impression created when certain cues in the program material are
effectively reproduced led to the development of an automatic switching system. This
system would select different anti-alias filters depending on the content of the program
material in order to attempt to provide the optimum one for each condition. Fortunately, the
program conditions dictating the filter requirements were usually non-conflicting. The
result was like having the best of both worlds. It appeared that as long as the cognitive
listening process was given enough cues to relate to the full experience, the sense of it was
there without actually having the full experience. Further study into the physiology of the
auditory nerve and psychophysiology of hearing revealed some collaborative support for
these filter choices and sonic observations.

Electro-mechanical motility of outer hair cells or nerve feedback through efferent paths has
been thought responsible for heightened selectivity of the auditory nerve or cochlea. [11]
Other actions external to the auditory nerve, in time, create alterations in hair cell stiffness
and physical tuning. [10] Motions of the basilar membrane suggest sounds emanating
from the ear are related to these activities. Other observations show threshold inhibition of
hair cells near tuned sites of the basilar membrane and enhancement at other sites from
below perception stimuli. All of these appear instrumental in creating a high "Q" critical
band filter. These actions are predictable when stimulus levels are low, frequencies don't
conflict or beat, [14] and the stimulus frequencies and levels influencing the tuning remain
long enough for each process to stabilize. Phase locking or coupling and positive feedback
sometimes describe these perception enhancing responses. For small to moderate signals,
none of these tuning actions are instantaneous molecular level events. Yet threshold
changing gate responses at hair cell tips are very fast. Consequently, one can reasonably
predict that a transient envelope or energy burst can produce different amounts of short
term peak energy at basilar membrane sites dependent on envelope shape. If waveforms
are non-repetitive or infrequent, thresholds affecting more delicate tuning will have relaxed
and become subject to rapid change thereby altering future nerve response. As a result,
transient sounds having the same spectral energy but different envelope shapes can produce
different threshold patterns. This will change timings of subsequent tunings which are
likely to alter perception. [15] Other factors like beats between close frequencies create
higher peak energies at tuning sites on the basilar membrane. These create greater masking
loss than average levels can predict. Indeed, signals below perceptual limits can create
beats with other signals that can be perceived. One can predict that fast cut off low pass
filters could be problematic. The sharp removal of higher frequency sidebands creates
response ripples from rapidly swept sine waves. These will alter peak energy at basilar
membrane sites. In addition, ringing responses near transient events can mix with low
level harmonics in the signal to create short beats. [17] One can perform simple
experiments to demonstrate that both of these are audible.

The conclusions which have come from our research indicate that because hearing is non-
linear, it is sensitive to the shape of the envelops of sounds even at high frequencies. The
necessity of having a sharp cut-off brick wall anti-alias filter in a digital system in order
accommodate a sampling frequency near the minimum necessary for the audio band is
bound to create some distortions to sound envelopes. This can be easily demonstrated: If
one measures the frequency response of such a low pass filter with a very slow frequency
sweep, one gets the classical rectangular envelope. If, on the other hand, one increases the
sweep speed, the envelope becomes full of ripples because the faster sweep produces
sidebands which fall above the cutoff frequency of the filter. Removing the filter restores
the rectangular envelope even for the fast sweep. Listening tests have shown that sweeps
with different envelopes but the same spectral content do sound different, although it is
very difficult to eliminate all system related sources of confusion in these tests.

Music can contain very complex high frequencies which produce complicated envelopes. It
is a logical extension of the above results that if removing high frequencies, which in
themselves may not be audible, produces changes in the envelope of audible sounds, then a
change in those sounds can be heard. Changes in the characteristics of the filters in the
neighborhood of their transition regions can have an effect on the behavior of signal

Further evidence of hearing sensitivity to high frequency envelopes resulted from

experiments with interpolation filters cascaded with anti-alias filters when treated as a
system. If one takes a conventional good brick wall filter whose passband extends out over
20 kHz, cutting off by Nyquist, and cascades it with a conventional interpolation filter
which is exactly 6 dB down at the Nyquist frequency, one gets a peculiar result. For
frequencies near the transition region of the input, the interpolation produces alias
components of fairly high amplitude which beat with the input signal. One can see the
potential for this in the frequency domain by taking the response of the anti-alias filter and
creating a mirror image around Nyquist, which is what happens in interpolation. The
resulting response is cascaded with the interpolation filter response to produce Figure 2.
Notice the alias peak above Nyquist. In the time domain, even steady state sine waves near
the cutoff will produce modulated envelope beats. Listening tests on music have shown that
these beats are associated with a papery sound on snare drums and a hard sound on
cymbals and reeds. When the frequency response of the interpolation filter is altered
slightly to eliminate the alias peak, the papery sound goes away.
The results of our research, which relied heavily on listening tests combined with objective
system measurements, led us to a conjugate system of encoding and decoding which is
now commercially available, patented# , and is known as the HDCD* process.

Summary of HDCD

The encoding process (Fig. 3) starts with a high resolution analog-to-digital (A-D)
conversion of the analog input signal, typically yielding a digital signal at twice the final
sampling frequency and a 24 bit word length. This over-sampled high resolution signal is
analyzed in real time to determine which aspects of its sonic character will be most
compromised by reduction to the standard PCM signal at any given time, and pairs of
conjugate processes are chosen dynamically to minimize the sonic damage on playback
reproduction. Areas of sonic compromise which the system addresses include dynamic
range, amplitude resolution, timbre, and anomalies normally caused by a brick wall anti-
alias filter with a cutoff frequency near the top of the audio band.

The over-sampled signal, delayed long enough to allow the analysis and process choice, is
decimated to the final sampling rate using one of several filters chosen based on program
content. The resulting signal has its dynamic range reduced using a combination of
reversible soft peak limiting for infrequent peaks, and average level based compression for
low level signals. The signal then has high frequency dither added and is quantized to the
final wordlength.

All parameters and processing choices made during the encoding phase are inserted into the
data stream as pseudo-random noise encrypted control signals inserted into the least
significant bit of the audio data as part of the dither, on an as-needed basis. The encrypted
control signal allows the decoder to apply accurately timed conjugate processes during
playback without using media format dependent sub-codes. The decoder (Fig. 4) restores
the limited peaks, accurately expands the compressed low levels, and applies a conjugate
interpolation filter to match the anti-alias filter of the encoder.

The system remains compatible because the corrections are only applied for signal
extremes, increasing the average modulation with minimal sonic alteration of undecoded
playback. Since the encoding parameters and exact timing are conveyed in the control
channel, the recording engineer can select a combination of process parameters suited to the
program material, and the decoder accurately follows, providing the correct conjugate

A-D performance

The A-D converter used in the encoder is a multi-bit type running at a multiple of the final
sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. Subtractive dither with a fairly high level is used around
the conversion process in the classic textbook fashion to help linearize the conversion.
Special attention is paid to minimizing conversion jitter and crosstalk between digital and
analog signals. The converter output is decimated down to 88.2 kHz in the classic fashion.
The result has approximately 19 bit precision.

The most important aspect of the converter's performance is the extremely low level of
distortion products in the presence of complex signals. These products are typically on the
order of -120 dBFS, in other words, at about 1 part per million. An example of the
response to an 8 tone cluster test described above is shown in Figure 5.

This high precision, wide band digital signal forms the starting point for the HDCD

Decimation filter switching

The first step in the process is decimation to the final CD sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz.
One of the important results of the research discussed above is the fact that "brick wall"
decimation filters have a considerable effect on the sonics of the resulting signal. Since
virtually all modern playback equipment uses a digital interpolation filter to produce an
oversampled signal to drive the D-A converters, it is important to consider the cascade of
these filters as a system. It became apparent that no one anti-alias filter cascade was
sonically neutral under all program conditions. The solution was to use a set of filters
which could be switched dynamically in response to the content of the program material on
a moment by moment basis. The persistence of cognitive hearing allows the result to sound
very much as if there were no filter cascade there and the system had a higher sampling

Implementation of this system involves analyzing the high resolution signal in real time in
order to decide which filter to use at any given time. The analysis looks at average mid-
band energy, both peak and average high frequency energy and overall signal level. Ratios
of peak to average high frequencies and high frequency to mid-band levels, as well as total
level, are used to identify situations which call for one filter or another. The choice also
involves a hysteresis mechanism so that a given choice remains in effect long enough for
hearing mechanisms to respond to it. The chosen set of filter coefficients is then used to
decimate the 88.2 kHz signal to 44.1 kHz.

All of the filters used are symmetrical finite impulse response (FIR) types of the same
length, so that they have the same constant group delay. They all have very flat frequency
response below 16 kHz and excellent stopband attenuation above Nyquist. The differences
between them are small changes in frequency response between 16 and 22 kHz, which are
enough to influence their subtle sonic behavior. Also, in order to ensure compatibility when
not decoded, all anti-alias filter choices have been evaluated when cascaded with
conventional interpolation filters used in standard equipment, in addition to the
complementary decode filters. Because the filters are so much alike, it is possible to change
from one to the other with a simple switch: no fade or merge is required.

Amplitude resolution

The result of decimation to the output sampling frequency is a signal with considerably
higher amplitude resolution than the CD standard 16 bits. In the current implementation of
the encoder, it is a 44.1 kHz, 24 bit signal. It is generally agreed that the best overall results
occur when a signal is kept at high precision throughout the editing process, with a final
quantization to 16 bits done at the end. To accommodate this, the encoder makes this signal
available either as a 24 bit signal, or dithers and quantizes it to 20 bits for editing. The
edited signal is then run through the encoder again for the final reduction to 16 bits.
The approach to preserving as much as possible of the sonic benefits of the high amplitude
resolution is to handle the cases of the two signal extremes in special ways. Since different
program material varies tremendously in dynamic range requirements, these cases involve
options which can be chosen at the time that the signal is reduced to 16 bits. The first of
these options involves the handling of peak levels in the program material. Many kinds of
acoustic music have infrequent peaks in level which, if they are to be preserved, end up
setting the overall record level for the rest of the program low enough to accommodate
them. Analog tape has a built in soft limiter in the form of tape saturation, which limits the
peak extremes in a fairly benign way, or at least one which people are used to. Digital
systems, on the other hand, saturate suddenly or run out of bits, which causes a hard clip
that is more audible and usually undesirable. For this reason, some form of limiting is
frequently used ahead of the final digital quantization.

The peak option, called ìPeak Extensionî, is an instantaneous soft limit which has a one-to-
one mapping so that it can be restored in the decoder. The operation is done digitally, so
that it has a precise and stable curve. (Figure 6) For levels below the onset of the limit,
there is no effect on the signal other than a constant gain factor, which for the current
system is a factor of two, allowing the average signal level to be increased as much as 6 dB
or 1 bit for material with very high but infrequent peaks. The curve, with its maximum limit
of 6 dB, starts its effect very gradually at 9 dB below maximum level. In effect, it squeezes
the top 9 dB of the signalís dynamic range into 3 dB on the final 16 bit medium. The shape
of the curve was chosen to mimic the effects of tape saturation, and to have minimal audible
distortion for music signals when not restored. Of course, as with any limiter, the degree of
penetration into the curve before the resulting distortion becomes unacceptable varies with
the program material, and must be determined for each case. For material which is limited
upstream, or which naturally has little dynamic range, this feature can be turned off.

In the decoder, the peak limit curve is known, and can be expanded using a complimentary
operation. There is a larger quantization error for the segments of the waveform which are
limited, but in practice, this is not a problem because the system is normally only used for
brief peaks. In the interest of compatibility when not decoded, the amount of limiting is
restricted to that which does not cause severe audible distortion in single ended mode
(encoding only). Research has shown that for many types of music which are complex,
this limiting is essentially inaudible [16]. The peak extend feature provides the advantages
of a limiter with good characteristics for undecoded playback combined with full restoration
of dynamic range when the decoder is used.

Because recordings made with the peak extend feature can have peaks which are as much
as 6 dB higher when they are decoded, there is a difference in average level at the output of
the D-A converters of 4 to 6 dB between these signals and those encoded without the
feature. The converters must be able to reproduce those peaks. Consequently, the decoder
requires a 6 dB level adjustment which can be switched in when the peak extend feature is
in use, which provides an average playback level when decoded which matches that when
not decoded, as well as matching the level to recordings made without the process. This
level adjustment can be done in the digital domain or in the analog domain after the D-A

Low level

The other extreme of signal amplitude which is handled as a special case is that of low
average levels. The system uses a form of average signal based low level compression
which very gradually raises the gain when the average level drops below a threshold. The
gain is determined using a control signal derived from an average of the broad middle
frequencies in the signal, with low and high frequencies attenuated. The main signal itself
has only its gain modified, with no alteration of its frequency response, to minimize
artifacts for undecoded playback. A control signal is derived for each channel, but the
lower gain value of the two is applied to both channels so that there is no left-right image
shift for undecoded playback. There is also a hysteresis in the control so that the average
level has to change by more than a given factor in order to trigger a change in the
compressor gain. The main signal is also delayed long enough so that the gain control can
ìlook aheadî to see any coming change in level, so that the system can restore unity gain
before the onset of a large signal transient. In this way, normal musical transients do not
have grossly distorted leading edges caused by compressor overload, which is typical of
many analog compression systems.

The nominal gain is changed in half dB increments and the actual gain ramps
logarithmically between designated values to prevent clicking. The parameters for
threshold, total available gain increase, and range over which the gain is applied, can be
chosen to suit the program material. The normal low level threshold is for an average signal
level of 45 dB below full scale and increases the gain only 4 dB over a drop in input level
of approximately 20 dB. The maximum gain increase which the current system supports is
7.5 dB, although using this level may produce audible shifts in noise floor for some
material when not decoded. The encoder provides several choices of parameters for this
option, which may be chosen to suit the program material. Of course, one choice of
parameters is to turn the option off, which is appropriate for material such as old analog
recordings which have high levels of tape noise.

The nominal gain is sent to the decoder using the hidden code described below. For each
gain change, the decoder can perform an exactly complementary adjustment. The decoder
has the same ramping algorithm and is instructed when to apply it for each step. This
allows the encoder to have any set of threshold parameters for gain changes which are
appropriate for the given program material and degree of compatibility desired, and the
decoder simply follows orders to produce an exactly timed complementary operation. The
hidden code side channel eliminates any issues of compressor mis-tracking.

High frequency dither

The final step in the reduction to 16 bits is to add high frequency weighted dither and round
the signal to 16 bit precision. There has been considerable research on dither types, some
of which have already been discussed. The benchmark 2 LSB peak-to-peak triangular
probability density function (PDF) white dither has approximately a 5 dB noise penalty.
The use of very narrow band dither close to the Nyquist frequency has been suggested, but
suffers from the problem that the narrower the bandwidth, the less random it becomes, and
the higher the level required to eliminate quantization errors. Adding high amplitude high
frequency dither may stress the behavior of some analog circuits, causing audible TIM
distortion, which is also a problem associated with in-band noise shaping. It may also
cause beats with the program material.

The approach which was arrived at after numerous listening tests was to use dither filtered
to confine it to the last critical band of hearing, above 16 kHz, at a level sufficient to
eliminate quantization errors. Since its bandwidth is fairly large, it has a good random
character and does not require very high levels. Stuart [17] and others have suggested that
this type of dither should have low audibility, which was confirmed by our research.
Rectangular PDF dither is generated using a random number generator and then filtered
with a high pass filter to limit it to the frequency range from 16 kHz to Nyquist at 22.05
kHz. The result has approximately a Gaussian PDF and leaves the noise floor flat below 16
kHz, where the critical bands of hearing are associated with tonality. The noise floor below
16 kHz has an almost 5 dB lower level than with the benchmark white triangular PDF
dither. The only down side to this form of dither is that it is computationally expensive to
produce it. With the cost of processing power decreasing, this is becoming less of a

Hidden Code

As part of the final quantization, a hidden code side channel is inserted into the LSB when
it is necessary for the encoder to inform the decoder of any change in the encoding
algorithm. It takes the form of a pseudo-random noise encoded bit stream which occupies
the least significant bit temporarily, leaving the full 16 bits for the program material most of
the time. Normally, the LSB is used for the command function less than five percent of the
time, typically only one to two percent for most music. Because the hidden code is present
for a small fraction of the time and because it is used as dither for the remaining 15 bits
when it is inserted, it is inaudible. This was confirmed experimentally with insertion at
several times the normal fraction of time.

The design of the whole system was done with a view to minimizing the bandwidth
required in the command stream. The algorithms described above for enhancing the
amplitude resolution and dealing with filter artifacts were done in such a way that most of
algorithm is known by pre-arrangement between the encoder and decoder, so that little
information need be passed between the two for the system to work. The information
carried in the hidden code consists of the filter choice used for decimation to the final
sampling frequency for each channel, whether the peak extend algorithm is on or not, and
the nominal value of the gain for the low level compression algorithm. The command
protocol is expandable, so that more information could be added at a later time.

Using the LSB of the program to carry the side channel commands has several advantages.
First, it is available without regard to which medium the audio is stored on or transmitted
over, as long as the data is preserved. Also, the command data automatically follows the
audio data from one storage medium to another over a digital audio transmission medium,
without requiring special equipment which "knows about" the commands. Another very
important reason for inserting the commands in the audio is that command timing relative to
the audio is guaranteed to remain accurate to the sample. This is essential for the
complementary decoding operations, such as gain changes, to work properly.

The disadvantage of using the LSB in this way is that the audio data must remain intact.
Any operation, such as gain scaling, which changes the digital data values will destroy the
code. Of course, changing the gain will also cause the peak extension restoration to
mistrack, so destroying the code will protect the audio from being mis-decoded. The
normal procedure for manipulating the audio data requires that it be decoded and the full
dynamic range restored before gain scaling or filtering are performed. While this may seem
to be a disadvantage, it may not be in many cases. It allows one to detect undesired or
unintentional manipulation of the data by a CD manufacturing plant or other tampering with
the data.

The mechanism which allows insertion of commands only when needed consists of
encapsulating the command word and parameter data in a "packet". A synchronizing pattern
is prepended to the data and a checksum is appended. The resulting packet is then
scrambled using a feedback shift register with a maximal length sequence and inserted
serially, one bit per sample, into the LSB of the audio data. The decoder sends the LSB's
of the audio data to a complementary shift register to unscramble the command data. A
pattern matching circuit looks for the synchronizing pattern in the output of the de-
scrambler, and when it finds it, it attempts to recover a command. If the command has a
legal format and the checksum matches, it is registered as a valid packet for that channel.

The arrival of a valid packet for a channel resets a code detect timer for that channel. If both
channels have active timers, then code is deemed to be present and the filter select data is
considered valid immediately. However, any command data which would effect the level of
the signal must match between the two channels in order to take effect. The primary reason
for this is to handle the case where an error on one channel destroys the code. In such a
case, the decoder will mistrack for a short time until the next command comes along, which
is much less audible than a change in gain on only one channel, causing a shift in balance
and lateral image movement. If either of the code detect timers times out, then code is
deemed not to be present, and all commands are canceled, returning the decode system to
its default state. If the conditions on the encoder side are not changing, then command
packets are inserted on a regular basis to keep the code detect timers in the decoder active
and to update the decoder if one starts playing a selection in the middle of a continuous

Since the decoder is constantly scanning the output of the de-scrambler shift register for
valid command packets even when none are present, the possibility exists that there may be
a false trigger. For audio generated by the encoder, this possibility is eliminated in the
absence of storage and transmission errors by having the encoder scan the LSB of the
audio data looking for a match. If a match to the synchronizing pattern is found, the
encoder inverts one LSB to destroy it.

Modern digital storage and transmission media incorporate fairly sophisticated error
detection and correction systems. Therefore, we felt that only moderate precautions were
necessary in this system. The most likely result of an error in the signal is a missed
command, which can result in a temporary mis-tracking of the decoding, as mentioned
above. Given the low density of command data, and the small changes to the signal which
the process uses, these errors are seldom more audible than the error would be in the
absence of the process. The chances of a storage error being falsely interpreted as a
command are extremely small.

For material not recorded using the encoder, a small probability for a false trigger does
exist. Given a moderate length for the scrambling shift register so that its mapping behaves
in a noise-like fashion and a choice of synchronizing pattern which avoids patterns likely to
appear in audio data with a higher than average probability, susceptibility to false triggers
can be made arbitrarily small by increasing the length of the part of the packet requiring a
match. In the case of the current system, the combination of the synchronizing pattern with
the bit equivalence for all valid commands plus check sum results in a required match
equivalent to 39 sequential bits. For a stereo signal, in which a match must occur in both
channels within a one second interval and the commands in both channels must specify the
same gains, this amounts to an expectation of one event in approximately 150 million years
of audio.

The scrambling operation uses a feedback shift register designed for a maximal length
sequence in which data taken from taps in the register are added using modulo two
arithmetic, equivalent to an 'exclusive or' operation, and fed back to the input of the
register. For a given register length there are certain configurations of taps which will
produce a sequence of one and zero values at the output that does not repeat until 2N-1
values have emerged, where N is the length of the shift register. This corresponds to the
number of possible states of the shift register minus one illegal state, and is called a
maximal length sequence. Such an output sequence has very noise-like properties and, in
fact, is the basis of some noise generators. We use the noise-like behavior of the generator
to scramble the command signals by adding them modulo two to the input of the shift
register, as for example in Figure 7a. This has the advantage that a second similar shift
register with taps in the same places but with only feed forward addition modulo two
(Figure 7b) will reproduce the original input sequence when fed with the output of the first
one. The fact that the decode side has no feedback means that the initialization requirements
are limited to having N input samples prior to the beginning of decoding, which means that
the decoder will "lock up" very quickly. In this scheme, the presence of a bit error
anywhere in the length of a packet plus initialization sequence will completely scramble the
data, preventing recovery. However, in practice, this has not been a problem for reasons
described above.

Decode operations

The decode operations for the current version of this system have been realized in a
monolithic integrated circuit (IC) designed to replace the digital filter used in most playback
equipment. The individual aspects of the decode operation have been discussed in
conjunction with the descriptions of the encode operations above. What remains is to detail
their sequence, which is the reverse of the encode sequence. (See Figure 4.)

The first operation is the extraction of the hidden code from the LSB's of the audio data of
both channels, followed by decoding the commands. This operation provides the parameter
state information for the rest of the processes. One of the results of code extraction is a
code detect signal which indicates the presence of the hidden code in the recording, thus
identifying it as having been made using the process.

Following code extraction are the processes complementary to the amplitude modifications
of the encoder, which restore the dynamic range reductions made there. These involve the
expansion of the instantaneous soft limiting of the signal peaks done in the encoder if that
option was on, and the expansion of the low level gain compression based on average
signal levels. The hidden code provides commands for exactly complementary gain
changes in the later operation, timed to the sample, so that there is no problem with tracking
and the operation is transparent.

Finally, the signal is interpolated to twice the sampling frequency using a filter which is
complementary to the anti-alias filter used in the encoder. This signal is available as the
output of the process, or, in the IC, it can be further interpolated to a four or eight times
oversampled signal to drive common D-A converters. The IC also incorporates features
designed to improve the performance of multi-bit converters, such as selectable levels of
supersonic dither and output timing designed to reduce conversion timing jitter.

Compatibility issues

In any resolution enhancement system involving complementary encode and decode

operations, the question of compatibility when not decoded arises. This includes the
fundamental question of what compatibility means. It certainly does not mean identity. Our
goal in designing this system was to produce one in which any artifacts of the encoding
process which might be objectionable when not decoded would be outweighed by
improvements in the overall fidelity for most listening situations. Without success in this
area, the system would never be adopted by a significant number of users.

The fundamental strategy for remaining compatible is to alter the signal only at its extremes.
For the majority of time for any given program material, the process is not doing anything
in the amplitude domain which differs from normal PCM encoding with good high
frequency dither. In terms of signal amplitude, high levels can be peak limited in a benign
way, which allows the average level to be increased for the whole program, resulting in
better resolution. For very low levels, the gain is normally increased slightly, which
actually makes up for the lack of low level accuracy in many inexpensive playback
systems, in addition to improving the wideband resolution of the format at low levels. It is
also an improvement for playback in noisy environments. Because both of these features
are controlled by a hidden control channel, the parameters of their use are under the control
of the recording/mastering engineer. Unlike older analog systems in which all parameters
are fixed, the tradeoff between performance when decoded and artifacts when not decoded
is in the hands of the engineer making the recording.

In the time/frequency domain, all changes made only effect the frequency response above
approximately 16 kHz while improving envelope distortion effects and settling time for
very short events. All encoder filter choices were analyzed with regard to their performance
when combined with conventional Nyquist type interpolation filters used by most playback
equipment and carefully auditioned with those filters. They were thought to result in a clear
improvement in timbre and sense of bandwidth over standard anti-alias filters when played
back on conventional equipment.

Finally, the hidden code, which allows the flexibility of system configuration and makes
possible exact conjugate decoding operations, is not audible. It has a very noise-like
random character, it is used as dither for the remaining 15 bits when it is inserted, and it
occupies the LSB for a small percentage of the time. Code packets are only slightly more
than one millisecond long and are typically inserted at intervals of several tens of
milliseconds. The persistence effect of hearing results in no audible loss of resolution, and
the packets themselves are not detectable in the dither even in an otherwise silent signal


A flexible conjugate encode and decode system has been described which addresses
limitations of the current digital audio recording standards, such as CD, while remaining
compatible for undecoded playback. The system deals with limitations both in the area of
amplitude resolution and effective frequency response.

The system is available commercially as the HDCD process, with both encoders and
decoders in use. There are hundreds of recordings available which have been made using
this process, many of which have received favorable reviews.

Our goal with this paper has been to set forth some of the research which led to the
development of the process, as well as details of the process itself, in order to satisfy the
technical concerns of users and potential users.


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# United States Patent No. 5,479,168 and patent pending in the rest of the world.
* HDCD and High Definition Compatible Digital are registered trademarks of Pacific
Microsonics, Inc.

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