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lul sheep

- Do vou like your tea sweet?

- l-es.Threesugars,please.
\5 Open your mouth very little to make
the target sound ir. /irl is a long sound.
Listen and repeat: /irl.

2 Sound/irl
sheep leak 6l
,6 Lookoutforthatsheep. Stopit leaking! Irf,
rr.-\d &,
cheeks Peel &
Thispeel'sgot vitaminC in it.
,"'' t':'
bean leave fl
Throwoutthatbean. He'sgoingto leave.
Sound/i:/ words
eo a Listen and repeat the words.

Sound/irl sentences
ez b Listen to the sentences.
c Sentence stress
Notice that the most important words for the meaning of a sentence are
pronounced more LOUDIy and s I o w Iy .
The less important words are said more quietly and quidd5l
Listen to the sentencesagain and this time look at the underlined
syllables below. Notice that they are louder and slower.
Look out for that sheep. Stop it leakingl
\Mhat lovely cheeks! This pcel's got vitamin C in it.
Throw out that bean. He's going to leave.
nz d Listen again and repeat the sentences.
/D UNIT| /irl sheep

5 Dialogue
fl\,/ a First practisethe sound/ill in someof the words from this unit. Readthe
wordsaloud or visit the websiteto nractise.
One-syllable words: cheese beef tea eat meal
three cheap please me
Two-syllable words: Peter people Edam evening
Eastfield biscuit cheesecake
(The stressis always on the first syllable.)
Two-syllable words: Janine repeat
(The stressis always on the second syllable.)
Note on word stress:bold is used here to show you which part of the
word is strongly stressed,i.e. which syllable is pronounced more
LOUDIy and s I o w ly than the other(s). Word stress doesnt usually
change, except in some longer words with stress near the end. (See4c
and 4d.)
es b Listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read
the dialogue and fill the gaps (1-10) with the correct words from the box.

cheese Peter eat please tea beef

three me teas beef

In a caf6:'lt's cheaperto eat at Marguerite's'

Whatwouldyou lrketo eat,t_
CHRISTINA: ? The cheesesandwiches
the cheapest.
P ET E RE: r. . mmm... o h , a 2 _ s andw i ch, pl ease,
C hri sti na.
A:h e e s e... mmm J a n i ne?
W oul dvou l i kea I or a
sandw i ch
JANINE:A cheesesandwich,
PETER: Wouldyou likecheeseor s_ ?
Are you all readyto order?Whatwould you liketo e_ ?
Er,we'll haveone beefsandwich,
two cheesesandwiches
7 for me.
JANINE:Teafor 8_ too, please.
PETER: , please.
(wr(ing down the order) One beef sandwich,two cheesesandwiches
and l0 teas.

ee c Listento the dialogueagainto checkyour answers.Practisereadingthe

dialoguealoud,and recordyour voiceto compareyour productionof
the targetsoundwith the recording.
UNIT1 /irl sheep 5,

4 Intonation with 'or'

of questions
Intonation is the voice going up or dor,vn.
This movement up or dor,rmbegins on the most important word in a
phrase or sentence.
In questions with'or' the intonation usually goes dor,rrnat the end.
rs a Listen and repeat.
Would you like veal or bcgfi
Would you like coffee or tea?
Would you like coffee, tea or milk?
t b Roleplay
Use the menu to practise a conversation in a group of four or five. You
are in a restaurant. Take turns to be the waiter. Ask each other questions,
e.g. Would you like ... or ...?Then one person gives the order to the
waiter, who repeats the order to check it. If possible, also practise using
other menus. If it is an expensive restaurant, the waiter or waitress can
be more formal, sa],'lng Good euening before asking for the order.


leek Soup onP€zl souP

veal on beef

beans oRpeas

cheesecake on ice cream 0Rpeaches

coffee r-rntea

Biscuits and Cheese

Edam cheese onBrie
[unr | /i:/ sheep

ero c Word stress- nationalitiesendingin 'ese'

As you listen to the sentencesabout thesenationalities,draw a line
connecting the country and nationality in the two lists below
Countries Nationalities (Note the stresson the last syllable.)

Iapan Nepalese
Nepal Lebanese
Vietnam Portuguese
rrr d Movingstress
The stressof these'ese'nationalities changesif the next word is strongly
stressed.Sowe say,This bcefislapanesebut, It'slqanese bqf.
Listen and respond,like the example.
EXAMPLE Is this bread from Beirut?
Response:Yes, it's Lebanese.It's Lebanesebread.

5 Spelling
Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what
you noticed about how to spell the sound /i:/.

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