Accteach Prelims Chapter 1&2
Accteach Prelims Chapter 1&2
Accteach Prelims Chapter 1&2
Continuing assessment – is accomplished in the Economic status – learners from better economic
context of performances of understanding that, in status get more opportunities and better training.
turn are anchored on understanding goals. Play – opportunity to interact with the environment,
Differences between Performance of receive stimuli and respond to them.
Understanding and Ongoing Assessment Various types of stimuli – as a child grows, he gets
Understanding performances are the activities various stimuli from the environment through his
students do to cultivate their understanding while senses and perceives their meaning.
Family and society – it is important from the point the students are aiming to reproduce material in
of view of providing the child hereditary traits. test or exam rather than understand it.
(7) Characteristics of Independent Learners It is the explicit recognition of information &
memorization. It leads to superficial retention of
1. Curiosity –Seeking out ways to explore. On
materials for examination.
their own, they look for additional
supplements. Deep learning as claimed, is positive while
2. Self-Motivation – intrinsic motivation far surface learning is negative.
surpasses any prize or reward system, that is
Learning Styles and Preferences
setting internal goals to achieve provide
motivation to independent learners. From students - it can by close observation,
3. Self-examination- Independent learners seeing & hearing, working alone & in groups,
keep track of their achievements & failures. logical reasoning & intuitively, memorizing or
They have proper evaluation of their visualizing & modelling.
strengths & weaknesses.
4. Accountability- Knowing what you must do Part of teacher - there are those who lecture,
& doing it without anyone telling you to, that others demonstrate or discuss, some focus on
is being responsible. principles & others on applications.
5. Critical Thinking – An attitude of The Seven Learning Styles (Memletic Styles)
examining all possibilities & often come up
with multiple solutions. They do not • Visual (spatial)–prefers using pictures,
memorize, and they probe & analyze the images, graphs, charts, logic puzzles &
nature of things or situation. spatial understanding.
6. Comprehension (with little instruction) – • Aural (auditory-musical)–prefers using
this is the ability to read, visualize, or sound & music.
kinesthetically instruct themselves. They
will find ways to understand material thru • Verbal (linguistic)–prefer using words, both
application (normally trial and error). speech & writing.
7. Persistence – An attitude of not giving up • Physical (kinesthetic)-prefers using body,
being serious learning. They try to hands & touch.
comprehend a concept as much as possible on
their own before asking for help. They apply • Logical (mathematical)-prefers using logic,
self-discipline when faced with difficulty in reasoning & systems.
finding answer to a problem. • Social (interpersonal)-prefers to learn in
Approaches to Learning groups or with other people.