Introduction To Naval Architecture - Lecture 1 - DR - Eng. Hussien M. Hassan
Introduction To Naval Architecture - Lecture 1 - DR - Eng. Hussien M. Hassan
Introduction To Naval Architecture - Lecture 1 - DR - Eng. Hussien M. Hassan
Lecture 1.0
1ST Stage-2nd Semester
Introduction to Naval Architecture
Naval Architecture
Naval Architecture
Naval architecture is the name given to the science and engineering of designing and manufacturing of sea-
going vessels such as ships, yachts, powerboats, steamers, tugs, fishing boats, barges, warships, cruise ships,
In addition to these, the study of naval architecture also deals with the design and manufacturing of
Design Waterline
Center of Buoyancy
• It is a force pushing upwards
• It is equal to the displacement
Center of Buoyancy (B)
• The point to which the force of
buoyancy is considered to act vertically
• It is located at the volumetric center of
the underwater hull
Definition and Terminology
Center of Buoyancy
The Center of Buoyancy (B)
• Changes for the various combinations of displacement (or draft), trim and heel
• Oscillates when a vessel rolls
• Moves away from the centerline when a vessel’s inclination progresses to a side
Definition and Terminology
Metacenter Point
Metacenter (M)
Vertical lines drawn from the center of buoyancy at consecutive angles
of heel will intersect at a point called the metacenter
Definition and Terminology
Metacenter Height
Metacentric Height or GM: The distance between G and M
Definition and Terminology
Center of Gravity
• Response to the earth’s gravitational pull
• “What goes up must go down”
Center of Gravity (G)
• The point at which the whole weight of a body can be said
to act vertically downward
• It can be approximately estimated at the design stage
• It can be accurately determined by the inclining test, once
the vessel is launched
• The position of G is measured from the keel (K).
This distance is called KG.
Definition and Terminology
• The inclination of the vessel in longitudinal direction
• Measured as the draught difference between forward (TFP) and aft perpendiculars (TAP)
Definition and Terminology
Load Diplacement :Is the weight of the ship including cargo, passengers, fuel, water,
stores, dunnage and such other items necessary for use on a voyage. These bring the ship
down to its "load draft", colloquially known as the "waterline".
Light Displacement : (LDT) is defined as the weight of the ship excluding cargo, fuel, water,
ballast, stores, passengers, crew, but with water in boilers to steaming level
Dead weight : is the difference between Load displacement and light displacement .
• Density is mass per unit volume and =Mass/ Volume
• Mass = Volume X density
• Weight = Mass X acceleration (9.81 )
• Relative density or Specific gravity is : the ratio of the weight of
substance to the weight of an equal weight of Fresh Water and is
• = Density of substance /density of Fresh water ( 1000 tons/
• FW RD = 1.000
• SW Rd = 1.025
• Displacement = Volume of displacement X Water density
• W= V X D
• Volume of displacement = length X Breadth X Draft
• V = L XB X d
• Displacement = L X B Xd X D
1 2 3
Draught : is the distance Freeboard : Is the
from Keel to the Water distance between the Hull depth = Draught
line as measured at the Water line and the Top of + Freeboard .
forward and after ends of uppermost continuous
the Vessel and is Deck and is expressed in
expressed in Meters. MMS and is measured
amidships .
Is the Volume of all enclosed
spaces above water Line
Floatation Law
• Archimedes Principle :
• When a body is wholly or partially
immersed in fluid it appears to suffer
a loss in Mass equal to the Mass of
water it displaces
Ship Form Coefficients
Ship Form Coefficients
Coefficients of Form
-Coefficients of form are dimensionless numbers that describe hull finenessandoverallshapecharacteristics.
-The coefficients are ratios of areas or volumes for the actual hull form compared to prisms or rectangles defined by the ship’s length, breadth, and
-Sincelengthandbreadthonthewaterlineaswellasdraftvarywith displacement,coefficientsofformalsovarywithdisplacement.
-Tabulated coefficients are usually based on the molded breadth and draft at designed displacement. Length between perpendiculars (Lbp) is most
often used, although some designers prefer length on the waterline.
- Coefficientsofformcanbe usedtosimplifyareaandvolume calculationsforstabilityorstrengthanalyses.
-Ashullformapproachesthatofa rectangularbarge,thecoefficients approachtheir maximum value of 1.0.
Ship Form Coefficients
CB= ∇/LBd
∇ = immersed volume, [length3]
B = beam, [length]
d = draft, [length]
L = length between perpendiculars,
Block Coefficient (cB)
Midship Section Coefficient (cm)
The midship section coefficient (Cm) is the ratio of the area of the immersed midship section
(Am) at a particular draft to that of a rectangle of the same draft and breadth as the ship:
Cm= Am / B x d
The waterplane area coefficient (Cw) is the waterplane area divided by the length x the breadth.
Cw= Aw/L x B
Cw= Waterplane Area (m2)
L= Length (m)
B= Breadth (m)
Prismatic Coefficient (cp)
The prismatic coefficient (Cp) is the underwater area, dividedby the areaof a midshipsection,times the length of
theship.Itisanindicationofhullfineness,andmay be brokendownintofore&aftcomponents.
We Know,
= Cb x L x B x d and
Am= Cm x B x d
Cp = ∇/Am.L
Cp= Cb. L.B.d/Cm.B.d.L
Cp= Cb/Cm
Typical values of Form Coefficients
Ship Classification and Types
• Transport
– Cargo, container ship, passenger ships, etc
• Non Transport
– Fishing vessels, service craft (tugs, supply vessels,
Ship Classification and Types
Ship Classification and Types
Merchant Ships
These ships are intended to earn a profit in the distribution of goods. General Cargo,
Tanker, LPG/LNG Carrier, Bulk Carrier, Container Vessel, etc.
Merchant Ships
• Liquid carrier (mostly oil) oil
• Cargo tank, equipped with longitudinal
& transversal bulkhead
• Piping system (network pipe) for cargo
• Pump room
• Fore peak & After peak Tank mostly used
for water ballast
• 12 : 16 knots Vs
• Varies tons of displacement
Ship Classification and Types
Merchant Ships
Tanker General
LNG tank
Ship Classification and Types
Merchant Ships
Merchant Ships
Merchant Ships
• Human transportation
• Big accommodation room
• Leisure facilities
• Equipped with stabilizer; to reduce the rolling
• Bow thruster; for maneuvering
• Up to 12000 tones of displacement, and 20
knots of Vs
Ship Classification and Types
By Usage
• Recreational Vessel
Personal pleasure craft and cruise liners are a specialized class of ships that are run to
earn a profit by providing recreation services to the general public. Comfort and
safety are of utmost importance.
• Utility Tugs
Designed for long operation and easy maintenance with a no frills approach.
• Ferries
People and Vehicles must be able to be loaded and unloaded with efficiency and 41
safety in accordance with a strict time schedule in all weather conditions.
Ship Classification and Types
By Support
Ship Classification and Types
By Support
Aerostatic Support
• ACV (Air Cushion Vehicles)
• SES (Captured Air Bubble)
Hydrodynamic Support
• Hydrofoil
• HYSWAS (Hydrodynamic Small Water plane Area Ship)
• Planning Hull
Hydrostatic Support
• Conventional Ship
• Catamaran
• SWATH (Small Water plane Area Twin Hull)
• Deep Displacement
• Submarine
• AUV/ROV 44
Ship Classification and Types
Ship Classification and Types
Ship Classification and Types
Naval Architecture
Transverse stability
Dynamic Stability
Damage Stability
Steering Devices
Anti-rolling Devices
Ship Launching
Introduction to Naval
Dr. Eng. /Hussien M. Hassan
Lecture One