Normal Families New Perspectives
Normal Families New Perspectives
Normal Families New Perspectives
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1 author:
Lawrence Zalcman
Bar Ilan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Lawrence Zalcman on 19 May 2015.
Over twenty years ago, on the way to a partial explication of the phenomenon
known as Bloch’s Principle, I proved a little lemma characterizing normal families
of holomorphic and meromorphic functions on plane domains [68]. Over the years,
the lemma has grown and, in dextrous hands, proved amazingly versatile, with
applications to a wide variety of topics in function theory and related areas. With
the renewed interest in normal families1 (arising largely from the important role
they play in complex dynamics), it seems sensible to survey some of the most
striking of these applications to the one-variable theory, with the aim of making
this technique available to as broad an audience as possible. That is the purpose
of this report.
One pleasant aspect of the theory is that judicious application of the lemma
often leads to proofs which seem almost magical in their brevity. In such cases, we
have made no effort to resist the temptation to write out complete proofs. Hardly
anything beyond a basic knowledge of function theory is required to understand
what follows, so the reader is urged to take courage and plough on through. And
now we turn to our tale.
Received by the editors October 15, 1997, and, in revised form, May 26, 1998.
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30D45; Secondary 30D35, 34A20, 58F23.
Key words and phrases. Normal families, Picard’s Theorem, algebraic differential equations,
Julia set, Bloch’s Principle.
1 Witnessed by the appearance in recent years of not one, but two treatises on the subject [15],
1998 American Mathematical Society
from D (endowed with the Euclidean metric) to the extended complex plane Ĉ,
endowed with the chordal metric χ, given by
|z − z 0 |
χ(z, z 0 ) = p p z, z 0 ∈ C
1 + |z|2 1 + |z 0 |2
χ(z, ∞) = p .
1 + |z|2
A family F of meromorphic functions on D is said to be normal on D if each
sequence {fn } ⊂ F has a subsequence which converges χ-uniformly on compact
subsets of D. It is easy to see that in case all functions in F are holomorphic,
this condition is equivalent to the requirement that each sequence {fn } ⊂ F have
a subsequence which either converges uniformly (with respect to the Euclidean
metric) on compacta in D or diverges uniformly to ∞ on compacta in D.
Normality is, quite clearly, a compactness notion: a family F of meromorphic
functions on D is normal if and only if it is precompact in the topology of χ-uniform
convergence on compact subsets of D. Accordingly, by the Arzela-Ascoli Theorem,
normality is equivalent to equicontinuity on compacta of the functions in F . Since
these are smooth functions, this equicontinuity should be equivalent to the local
boundedness of an appropriate derivative. Such is the content of
2. In its most general form, the result we shall be concerned with may be stated
as follows.
Lemma. Let F be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disc ∆ such that
all zeros of functions in F have multiplicity greater than or equal to ` and all poles
of functions in f have multiplicity greater than or equal to j. Let α be a real number
satisfying −` < α < j. Then F is not normal in any neighborhood of z0 ∈ ∆ if and
only if there exist
(i) points zk ∈ ∆, zk → z0 ;
(ii) positive numbers ρk , ρk → 0; and
(iii) functions fk ∈ F
for all f ∈ F . Fix ζ ∈ C. For large k, |zk +ρk ζ| ≤ (1+r)/2, so that ρk fk# (zk +ρk ζ) ≤
ρk M. Thus, for all ζ ∈ C, g # (ζ) = lim ρk fk# (zk + ρk ζ) = 0. It follows that g is a
constant (possibly infinity).
Montel’s Theorem itself admits various generalizations ([59] pp. 104-105), some of
which are mentioned in §7 below.
Proof. Marty’s Theorem shows that (3) is necessary with E = Ĉ. To prove suffi-
ciency, suppose that (3) holds but F is not normal. Then we can find fk ∈ F ,
zk → z0 ∈ D, and ρk → 0+ such that fk (zk + ρk ζ) = gk (ζ) → g(ζ) spherically
uniformly on compacta, where g is a nonconstant meromorphic function on C. Let
K ⊂ D be a closed disc about z0 and suppose g(ζ0 ) ∈ E. By Hurwitz’s Theorem,
there exist ζk → ζ0 such that fk (zk + ρk ζk ) = gk (ζk ) = g(ζ0 ) for large k. Now by
(3), fk# (zk + ρk ζk ) ≤ M for k sufficiently large, so that
This last result yields the normality of the family of solutions (on some common
domain) of a differential equation of the form f 0 = F (f ), where |F (w)| ≤ h(|w|) for
some function h as above. For example, the solutions to w0 = e−w /(w + 1) defined
on a common domain form a normal family there since
e−w2 e|w|
≤ .
w + 1 | |w| − 1|
In the next section, we shall encounter another application to solutions of first-order
differential equations.
where the coefficients ar are rational in both variables and the index set is finite.
Define the weight of P [f ] by
w(P ) = max w(r),
Multiply both sides by ρnk and let k → ∞; the left hand side clearly tends to
g 0 (ζ)n , while the right hand side vanishes in the limit since n − w(r) ≥ 1 for each
Taking somewhat greater care in the organization of the argument, Frank and
Wang [23] have sharpened this result and obtained an explicit bound for the order
of f in terms of the differential equation satisfied by f. An example of an equation
of the form (f 0 )n = P [f ] with solutions of infinite order is
(f 0 )2 = f f 000 − f f 00 − f 0 f 00 ,
which is satisfied by f (z) = ee . In this case, n = 2 < 3 = w(P ).
(ii0 ) There exists α, −1 < α < 1, such that if hf, Di ∈ P and ϕ(z) = ρz + b is
nonconstant, then hρα (f ◦ ϕ), ϕ−1 (D)i ∈ P.
This condition is particularly well adapted for dealing with properties formulated
in terms of values omitted by derivatives of a function. In the discussion below, we
shall restrict ourselves to applications of the Theorem as stated in its pristine form
Examples. (continued)
4. Fix ε (small) and let hf, Di ∈ P if f (z) 6= a, b, c on D, where now a, b, c ∈ Ĉ
are allowed to vary with f but χ(a, b)χ(b, c)χ(c, a) ≥ ε. By Picard’s Little Theorem,
(a) holds; hence we obtain a sharpening of the classical version of Montel’s Theorem
due to Carathéodory (cf. [59] pp. 104-105).
5. Fix a, b, c ∈ Ĉ (distinct) and natural numbers `, m, n such that 1/` + 1/m +
1/n < 1. Let hf, Di ∈ P if all a-points of f in D have multiplicity at least `, all
b-points multiplicity at least m, and all c-points multiplicity at least n. It is an easy
consequence of Nevanlinna’s Second Main Theorem that if hf, Ci ∈ P, then f must
be constant. Thus (a) holds, and we obtain a generalization of a result of Montel
([42] pp. 125-126) due to Drasin ([18] pp. 238-239).
6. Say hf, Di ∈ P if f = g 0 , where g is (analytic and) univalent on D or f ≡ 0
on D. (This last possibility is required if (iii) is to hold, as the limit of univalent
functions could be constant.) Since the only univalent entire functions are linear, it
is clear that hf, Ci ∈ P implies f is constant. Thus the (non-normalized) family of
derivatives of all univalent functions on D ⊂ C is normal on D. By way of contrast,
the family of all univalent functions on a domain is not a normal family (consider
{nz} on ∆), nor is the collection of second derivatives of univalent functions (cf.
Example 9 below).
One attractive aspect of the Theorem is that it explains the failure of the heuristic
principle in those cases where it does not give correct results.
Examples. (continued)
7. Say hf, Di ∈ P if f is bounded on D. Clearly (i), (ii), and (a) hold in this
case; however, as we have seen, (b) does not follow. This is because (iii) does not
obtain. Indeed, fix any nonconstant entire function f and let Dn = {|z| < n}.
Then hf, Dn i ∈ P for each n, but clearly hf, Ci ∈ / P. A similar discussion applies
to the properties “f omits 3 (distinct) values on D” and “f is not entire” (i.e.,
hf, Di ∈ P ⇔ D 6= C).
8. Say hf, Di ∈ P if f is analytic on D and satisfies |f (z)| ≤ |f 0 (z)| and
0 ∈ f (D). Suppose hf, Ci ∈ P. Then |f (z)| ≤ |f 0 (z)| on C, so f /f 0 is constant, and
(log f )0 = f 0 /f is also. Hence f (z) = Keaz and, since 0 ∈ f (D), K = 0. Thus
the only entire function having P is f (z) ≡ 0. That P does not force normality is
evident from the family {nz} on ∆. In this example, P fails to satisfy any of the
conditions (i), (ii), and (iii).
9. Define hf, Di ∈ P if f = g 00 , where g is analytic and univalent on D. The only
entire function with this property is f (z) ≡ 0. Setting gn (z) = n(z + z 2 /10 + z 3 /10),
we have Re gn0 (z) > 0 on ∆, so gn is univalent there. Since fn (z) = gn00 (z) =
n(1/5 + 3z/5) vanishes at z = −1/3 for each n, {fn } does not form a normal family
on ∆. Clearly (i) and (ii) hold, so it must be (iii) that fails. Verifying this is an
amusing exercise, which we leave to the interested reader.
10. Say hf, Di ∈ P if f is analytic on D and f 0 (z) 6= −1, f 0 (z) 6= −2, f 0 (z) 6= f (z)
for z ∈ D or f ≡ 0 on D. Suppose hf, Ci ∈ P ; then f 0 is entire, hence constant (since
f 0 6= −1, −2 on C). Thus f (z) = az + b. But then f (z) − f 0(z) = az + (b − a) 6= 0, so
that a = 0 and f is constant. However, {nz} has P on ∆. Here it is condition (ii)
that fails. It is obvious that (i) holds. To verify (iii), suppose fn → f uniformly
on compacta, where fn0 6= −1, −2 and fn0 − fn 6= 0 on Dn . Then, by Hurwitz’s
8. In his little problem book [28], Hayman posed a number of open problems on
normal families. Hayman’s questions on normal families are all of similar shape:
in each case, a property involving the values of a function and its derivatives is
known to imply that an entire or globally defined meromorphic function must be
constant. Does the same property imply normality for a family of holomorphic
or meromorphic functions? (Of course, this is just a special case of the “Bloch
Principle” discussed above.2) Over the years, most of these questions have been
answered (affirmatively); let us indicate how the Lemma can be used to provide
simple and uniform solutions to these problems.
We begin with the first, and easiest, of these problems, 5.11 of [28]. Fix n ≥ 1. It
is classical that an entire function which satisfies f 6= 0, f (n) 6= 1 must be constant;
Hayman [27] proved that this remains true for meromorphic functions on C. That a
family of analytic functions on a domain D with this property is normal on D goes
back to Miranda [41]. It was considered a great advance when Gu showed that the
family of meromorphic functions on D such that f 6= 0, f (n) 6= 1 on D is normal
there [33].
The gap of almost half a century that separates Gu’s theorem from Miranda’s
testifies to the formidable technical difficulties involved in extending a result for
holomorphic functions to meromorphic functions. Remarkably, the Lemma does
not distinguish between these cases. Accordingly, when it can be applied (and
when appropriate results for globally defined individual functions are available), it
yields normality results for families of meromorphic functions. Let us illustrate this
point in the current situation.
Denote the family in question by F and suppose that F is not normal. As usual,
one may assume D = ∆. Choose α = −n (as we may since f 6= 0 for f ∈ F ). By the
Lemma, there exist fk ∈ F and zk , ρk such that ρ−n k fk (zk + ρk ζ) = gk (ζ) → g(ζ)
locally χ-uniformly, where g is a nonconstant meromorphic function on C. Since
gk 6= 0 and g is nonconstant, g 6= 0 by Hurwitz’s Theorem. Also, fk (zk + ρk ζ) =
(n) (n)
gk (ζ) → g (n) (ζ); hence, since fk 6= 1, either g (n) 6= 1 or g (n) ≡ 1. The latter
is impossible, for then g would be a nonconstant polynomial and g 6= 0 would
contradict the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Thus g 6= 0, g (n) 6= 1. But then
g is constant by Hayman’s theorem, a contradiction.
2 And, in point of fact, many (though not all) of Hayman’s problems can be settled by invoking
the Theorem of the previous section (in its generalized form) with an appropriate choice of α; cf.
[70]. Here we prefer the slightly more direct (and more general) approach to these problems via
the Lemma.
The above method is easily adapted to handle the extension of Gu’s theorem in
which the condition f (n) 6= 1 is replaced by
h(z) ≡ f (n) (z) + an−j (z)f (n−j) (z) 6= 1,
where a0 (z), a1 (z), . . . , an−1 (z) are fixed holomorphic functions. For holomorphic
functions, this is due to Chuang and is one of the main results in [18]. The reader
is invited to try his hand at proving this result for meromorphic functions (which
do not vanish) using the Lemma.
Problems 5.12 and 5.13 of [28] deal with the condition f 0 f n 6= 1 where n ≥ 1 is
fixed. This condition is known to force an entire function (Hayman [27] for n ≥ 2,
Clunie [16] for n = 1) or a meromorphic function on C (Hayman [27] for n ≥ 3,
Mues [43] for n = 2) to be constant. The corresponding normality results are due
to Yang and Zhang [66] (for analytic functions, n ≥ 2) and [67] (for meromorphic
functions, n ≥ 5), Gu [32] (for meromorphic functions, n = 3, 4), Oshkin [45] (for
analytic functions, n = 1; cf. Li and Xie [37]), and Pang [48] (for meromorphic
functions, n = 2).
Here is a simple proof, based on the Lemma, that the family F of functions
meromorphic on ∆ which satisfy f 0 f n 6= 1 (n ≥ 2 fixed) is a normal family on ∆.
Suppose that F is not normal. Taking α = − , we may choose fk ∈ F , zk ∈ ∆
and ρk → 0+ such that
− n+1
ρk fk (zk + ρk ζ) = gk (ζ) → g(ζ)
locally χ-uniformly, where g is a nonconstant meromorphic function on C. Now
fk0 (zk + ρk ζ)fkn (zk + ρk ζ) = gk0 (ζ)gkn (ζ) → g 0 (ζ)g n (ζ);
since fk0 fkn 6= 1, either g 0 g n 6= 1 or g 0 g n ≡ 1. But if g 0 g n ≡ 1, then g n+1 (ζ) =
(n + 1)ζ + C, an impossibility (since g is single-valued). Thus g 0 g n 6= 1. But then
g must be constant, a contradiction.
All that prevents the above proof from settling the case n = 1 is the absence
of the corresponding theorem for global meromorphic functions. However, we can
actually get by with much less. In fact, Bergweiler and Eremenko [6] have proved
that a function of finite order which satisfies f 0 f 6= 1 must be constant. Since the
limit function g may be taken to have finite order, we see that the above proof
establishes that the condition f 0 f 6= 1 also implies normality.
Once the normality criterion is established, it is easy to conclude that the only
meromorphic functions on C for which f 0 f 6= 1 are constant; this settles problem
1.19 in [28]. Indeed, let f be such a function, and suppose that f is not constant.
Then we can find z0 ∈ C such that f # (z0 ) 6= 0. Let fk (z) = k −1/2 f (z0 + kz)
for z ∈ ∆. Clearly, fk0 (z)fk (z) 6= 1 on ∆, so that F = {fk } is a normal family.
By Marty’s Theorem, there exists C > 0 such that fk# (0) ≤ C for all k. But
fk# (0) ≥ kf # (z0 ), which tends to infinity, a contradiction.
The results discussed above concerning the condition f 0 f 6= 1 are due, indepen-
dently and simultaneously, to Bergweiler and Eremenko [6], Chen and Fang [12],
and Zalcman [71].
It seems worth commenting on the “philosophy” of the proof of this result, which
flies in the face of the conventional wisdom concerning proving theorems on entire
and meromorphic functions. It has generally been felt that proofs involving special
10. For a systematic account of the theory of normal families, the reader is directed
to [42], [59], and [15]. The monograph [59], in particular, provides an admirable
introit to the modern theory.
1. Gerardo Aladro and Steven G. Krantz, A criterion for normality in Cn , J. Math. Anal. Appl.
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5. Walter Bergweiler, On a theorem of Gol’dberg concerning meromorphic solutions of algebraic
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6. Walter Bergweiler and Alexandre Eremenko, On the singularities of the inverse to a meromor-
phic function of finite order, Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 11 (1995), 355-373. MR 96h:30055
7. Andreas Bolsch, Repulsive periodic points of meromorphic functions, Complex Variables The-
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8. Mario Bonk and Alexandre Eremenko, Schlicht regions for entire and meromorphic functions,
9. Robert Brody, Compact manifolds and hyperbolicity, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 235 (1978),
213-219. MR 57:10010
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11. Chen Huaihui, Yosida functions and Picard values of integral functions and their derivatives,
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12. Chen Huaihui and Fang Mingliang, On the value distribution of f n f 0 , Sci. China Ser. A 38
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13. Chen Huaihui and Gu Yongxing, An improvement of Marty’s criterion and its applications,
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15. Chi-Tai Chuang, Normal Families of Meromorphic Functions, World Scientific, 1993. MR
16. J. Clunie, On a result of Hayman, J. London Math. Soc. 42 (1967), 389-392. MR 35:5618
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