Week 1 - LS1 - Engl - Parts of Speech
Week 1 - LS1 - Engl - Parts of Speech
Week 1 - LS1 - Engl - Parts of Speech
There are eight parts of speech in the English Language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb,
preposition, conjunction, interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions. Understanding
parts of speech is essential for determining the correct definition of a word when using the dictionary.
1. Noun
A noun is a name of a person, place, thing or idea.
Types of Noun
Common noun – name any person, place, animal, place, thing or idea. They are not specific and
not written in capital letter (unless written at the beginning of the sentence)
Example: boy, river, car, doctor
Proper noun – are the names of specific people, place, thing, animals, or ideas. Proper nouns
SHOULD ALWAYS be capitalized.
Concrete Nouns – name of people, places, or things that you can TOUCH, SEE, HEAR, SMELL, or
Abstract Nouns – name of ideas, concepts or emotions. Nouns that you CANNOT touch, see, hear,
smell or taste using your five senses
Idea Emotion
love happiness
intelligence anger
justice excitement
religion fear
Collective Nouns – comes from its root word collection. It names a group, which is a collection of
people or things.
team – a number of persons working together
gang – a group of people doing antisocial acts
herd – a large group of animals
Salilaguia, FA 1
2. Pronouns
They take the place of nouns.
Example: I, you, we, they, he, she, it, me, us, them, her, him, this, those, etc.
To describe Touch:
Smooth Slippery silky
sharp fluffy sticky
solid hard soft
To describe sound:
Silent Screeching Deafening
husky loud whispering
faint noisy melodic
To describe color
green crimson pinkish
purple dull gold
multicolored red bright
Example Sentences:
He is an adorable baby. (describing the pronoun He)
She wore a beautiful dress. (describing the dress)
The road was slippery. (describing the noun road)
He gave me a fluffy toy. (describing the toy)
The soup was so sour. (describing the taste of the soup)
Linking verb – not all verbs are action. Linking verbs serve as a connection between the subject
and further information about the subject. They “link “ the subject to the rest of the sentence
Most common linking verbs are: am, is are, was, were, has been, are being, might be, etc.
She is a nurse.
The moon is in the outer space.
I was at the hotel lobby.
William is excited about his promotion.
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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Activity 1:
In a bond paper/yellow paper, follow the template and write as many examples that you can give
for each part of speech.
Noun Pronoun
Adjective Verb
Activity 3. Identify whether the underlined word is a NOUN, PRONOUN, VERB, OR ADJECTIVE.
Salilaguia, FA 3