HKUBusinessSchool UG Brochure 2023 PDF
HKUBusinessSchool UG Brochure 2023 PDF
HKUBusinessSchool UG Brochure 2023 PDF
P1 About HKU Business School HKU Business School strives to nurture first-class business leaders and foster
P4 Explore Your Options academic and relevant research to serve the needs of Hong Kong, China and the
P16 Enrich Your Life rest of the world in the new Asia-led economy. As Asia’s premier international
P30 2023 JUPAS Admission business school, we engage leading scholars from all corners of the globe and they
P32 2023 Non-JUPAS Admission instil in the students global knowledge with an Asian perspective.
P33 2023 Dual Degree Admission
P34 Develop Your Career With the highest proportion of non-local undergraduate students across all Faculties
P35 Freshmen Sharing at HKU, four of our undergraduate programmes ranked amongst the University’s
P38 Exciting Developments Top 10 programmes in 2022#, HKU Business School attracts the best and brightest
P40 Useful Websites students from Hong Kong and beyond.
Based on average JUPAS admission scores in 4 core subjects and 2 elective subjects in HKDSE
To be a leading, globally-impactful academic institution of business and economics
• Deeply rooted in Hong Kong
• Fully engaged with China
• Truly international
• To provide world-leading business and economics education that nurtures
dynamic and responsible leaders
• To advance the frontiers of knowledge through innovative and globally-significant
• To create positive change to the world by partnering with communities
Dean’s Message Greetings from
Associate Dean (Undergraduate)
Since I joined HKU Business School, the enormous talent, capabilities, Business education today is an evolving core that builds upon learning from all
achievements, potentials and vibrancy of our faculty members, staff, students and academic disciplines and draws inspiration from both successful and unsuccessful
alumni have never stopped to amaze me. business practices. Our undergraduate curricula equip students with knowledge in
diverse aspects of business and economics, and prepare them to be creative leaders
Our School strives to nurture inspirational business talent and to foster both of tomorrow with global perspectives.
academic and applied research to serve the needs of Hong Kong and beyond in
the fast-changing global economy. We engage leading scholars from the world to A hallmark of our School that separates us from the others is our truly multi-
instil students with global knowledge, bringing a wide range of top-quality degree disciplinary approach. Our School’s tremendous resources offer students with a
programmes that are tailor-made to suit business education needs. wide array of choices to combine studies in economics and finance, accounting
and finance, business and law, business and computer studies, and international
Consistently ranked amongst the world’s top universities, HKU has always been business and global management, as well as dual degrees in collaboration with
highly regarded as the city’s flagship university since its foundation 111 years world-renowned universities.
ago. As the youngest member of the HKU family, HKU Business School prides
ourselves with a highly diversified student body. We are committed to rendering our Our faculty members engage you with their teaching and bring their research into
students with diverse experiential and enrichment activities, equipping them with the classroom. They open your mind, sharpen your curiosity, and instil in you an
the cutting-edge knowledge and skillset for their career development with dedicated appetite for acquiring new knowledge and extraordinary experiences throughout your
resources. The School’s undergraduate curricula are amongst the top in terms of academic journey and career development. Our students are among the brightest
ranking across all programmes within HKU, and succeed in attracting the brightest and most creative of their peers. Our alumni have gone on to forge brilliant careers
students both locally and internationally. in all sectors of the local, regional and international business community, and
formed a global network that you will join for the rest of your life.
Leveraging our remarkable growth in faculty strength and research capabilities over
the past two decades, HKU Business School further enhances our global presence I hope that you will share my enthusiasm for the programmes and my admiration for
and has established a unique international network that extends to Beijing, the people who have contributed to their development. I look forward to having you
Shenzhen, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and Tel Aviv in Israel. HKU Business as a member of the School and a future leader in the world of business.
School is well-positioned to be a leading, globally-impactful academic institution of
business and economics.
2 3
Explore Your Options HKU — Sciences Po Dual Degree Programme
A Wide Selection of Programmes Students will spend the first two years at Sciences Po in France and the third and fourth
years at HKU. Programmes at Sciences Po are taught in English (no French requirements for
being admitted) with intensive French language classes for all non-francophone students.
Upon successful completion of the dual degree programme, students will be awarded the
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from HKU and a Bachelor’s degree from
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
6755 Sciences Po.
Systems and
4 5
Bachelor of Business Administration in Bachelor of Business Administration in
6781 Accounting and Finance [BBA(Acc&Fin)] 6781 Accounting Data Analytics [BBA(ADA)]
The BBA(Acc&Fin) programme prepares students for a professional Similar to the BBA(Acc&Fin) programme, the BBA(ADA) programme
qualification in accounting and provides the broad-based education in prepares students for a professional qualification in accounting. It provides
accounting and finance which is necessary to progress toward a leadership
HKICPA students with an option to focus on data analytics aspect in accounting
role in the financial sector. Students are required to take professional core
ACCA instead of having a minor in finance. It is an excellent choice for students
in accounting and a minor in finance, with an option to second major in
CPA who are interested in STEM with accounting and business applications and
finance. Tailor-made professional preparation programmes and internship wish to pursue their career in the relevant fields. The intensive accounting
opportunities with renowned accounting firms and financial institutions are training enables BBA(ADA) students to distinguish themselves from students
available for talented students. It is accredited as an approved accountancy of the other data analytics/STEM programmes. Students will be equipped
programme by: with comprehensive accounting and business knowledge that prepares
them to obtain professional qualifications in accounting. They will
• The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) also acquire computer programming and data analytics skills to meet the
• The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) needs of the accounting and business professions in today’s digital
• CPA Australia transformation economy.
BBA(Acc&Fin) Curriculum Structure
The School is preparing the BBA(ADA) programme for accreditation by:
Components Credits
A. University Graduation Requirements 54 • The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
Language Enhancement Courses 18 • The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Common Core Curriculum 36 • CPA Australia
Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
B. Professional Core in Accounting 108 BBA(ADA) Curriculum Structure
Faculty Core Courses 24 Components Credits
Disciplinary Core Courses 78 A. University Graduation Requirements 54
Capstone Course 6 Language Enhancement Courses 18
C. Minor in Finance* 36 Common Core Curriculum 36
Disciplinary Core Courses 12 Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
Disciplinary Electives 24 B. Professional Core in Accounting Data Analytics 156
D. Free Electives / Optional Minor 42 Faculty Core Courses 24
Total 240 Disciplinary Core Courses 114
Disciplinary Electives 12
*Students may opt to pursue a Major in Finance: Capstone Course 6
Components Credits C. Free Electives 30
A. University Graduation Requirements 54 Total 240
B. Professional Core in Accounting 108
C. Major in Finance 78
Disciplinary Core Courses 30
Disciplinary Electives 18 Find out more:
Free Electives 24
Capstone Course 6
Total 240
6 7
Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)
6793 (Business Analytics) [BBA(BA)] 6808 and Bachelor of Laws [BBA(Law)&LLB]
The BBA(BA) programme is crafted to meet the growing industry demand Jointly offered by the HKU Business School and the Faculty of Law, the BBA(Law)&LLB
for talents in the business analytics field. Its curriculum offers students integrated double-degree programme blends two strategic disciplines into a single programme
a comprehensive coverage of both technical and managerial skill sets. for the bright and highly motivated. It is an excellent choice for students seeking a broader
Students will learn a wide spectrum of knowledge from the disciplines of education with parallel concentration on legal and business studies. Graduates of the programme
information technology, data science, business statistics and management. will be awarded two degrees – BBA(Law) by the HKU Business School, and LLB by the Faculty
Core courses include programming language, database management, of Law. After successful completion of the LLB programme, students may apply for admission
introduction to business analytics, management information systems, to the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme provided that they meet the relevant
decision and risk analysis, etc. They help students build the foundations admission requirements. The programme offers business stream and accounting stream to
for advanced topics in senior years. Students also have the option to choose students in their business studies. The accounting stream is accredited by:
from analytics technique courses and business application courses. The
aim is to provide students with state-of-the-art experiences in artificial • The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
intelligence, big data, social media, and other latest development. Such • The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
design helps train well-rounded students who will be more adaptable in their • CPA Australia
career development. The programme is suitable for students who have a
BBA(Law)&LLB Curriculum Structure (Business Stream)
passion for problem-solving through analytics, and who aim to develop their
Components Credits
career path in analytics.
A. University Graduation Requirements 36
Language Enhancement Courses 12
BBA(BA) Curriculum Structure
Common Core Curriculum 24
Components Credits
Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
A. University Graduation Requirements 54
B. BBA Major 78
Language Enhancement Courses 18
Faculty Core Courses 24
Common Core Curriculum 36
Disciplinary Core Courses / Disciplinary Electives 48
Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
Capstone Course 6
B. Major in Business Analytics 96
C. Professional Core in Law 156
Faculty Core Courses 24
Disciplinary Core Courses 120
Disciplinary Core Courses 42
Disciplinary Electives 30
Disciplinary Electives (Analytics Techniques) 12
Capstone Course 6
Disciplinary Electives (Business Applications) 12
D. Free Electives / Optional Minor 30
Capstone Course 6
Total 300
C. Free Electives / Optional Major / Optional Minor(s) 90
Total 240 BBA(Law)&LLB Curriculum Structure (Accounting Stream)
Components Credits
A. University Graduation Requirements 36
B. Professional Core in Accounting 108
Find out more:
Faculty Core Courses 24
Disciplinary Core Courses 78
Capstone Course 6
C. Professional Core in Law 156
Total 300
8 9
Bachelor of Business Administration
in International Business and Global Bachelor of Economics [BEcon]
6896 Management [BBA(IBGM)] 6767
BBA(IBGM) is an intensive, premier programme in international business The BEcon programme trains students in economic theories, statistical
and global management featuring a unique curriculum designed to evolve tools, the application of theories to solve practical economic problems
with and reflect the ever-changing demands of a globalised world. Exclusive in trade, banking and the labour market, and evaluation of the regional
elements such as overseas exchange studies, a leadership boot camp, an economic performance of China, Hong Kong and other economies. Students
Asia-Pacific study tour, an international field trip and global enrichment will be furnished with solid theoretical and empirical economic knowledge
opportunities are strategically integrated into the curriculum, whilst students to analyse and understand human behaviour and social interactions. The
are given the flexibility to pursue an in-depth inquiry into another specialised programme allows students a high degree of flexibility in planning their
area of study as a second major. This cross-functional and personalised future career specialisation.
approach aims to foster a selected group of outstanding students to become
the world’s future leaders equipped with global perspectives, cultural
BEcon Curriculum Structure
sensitivity, social responsibility and key competencies to succeed in the
international business environment. Components Credits
A. University Graduation Requirements 54
Language Enhancement Courses 18
BBA(IBGM) Curriculum Structure
Common Core Curriculum 36
Components Credits Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
A. University Graduation Requirements 54 B. Major in Economics 78
Language Enhancement Courses 18 Faculty Core Courses 24
Common Core Curriculum 36 Disciplinary Core Courses 30
Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University - Disciplinary Electives 18
B. Major in International Business and Global Management 96 Capstone Course 6
Faculty Core Courses 24 C. Free Electives / Optional Major / Optional Minor(s) 108
Disciplinary Core Courses 54 Total 240
Disciplinary Electives 12
Capstone Course 6
C. Second Major 72-90
D. Free Electives 0-18* Find out more:
E. Compulsory Overseas Exchange -
Total 240
* Students may use free electives to fulfil the second major where the requirements
exceed 72 credits.
10 11
Bachelor of Economics and Finance Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management
6767 [BEcon&Fin] 6860 and Private Banking [BFin(AMPB)]
BEcon&Fin is designed to meet the interests of students who are seeking a The BFin(AMPB) programme aims to prepare students to enter the rapidly
balanced study of both economics and finance. The programme recognises growing fields of asset management and private wealth management in Hong
the significance of economics both in its own right and as a foundation for Kong and Asia Pacific, or in banking and finance generally. During the first
the study of finance, and the significance of finance as a career path for two years, students complete introductory courses in accounting, economics,
students who are keen on joining this profession. Students will receive solid mathematics, statistics, corporate finance, and investments and portfolio
training in theories and applications of economics and finance. They will be analysis. In subsequent years, students take more specified and industry
equipped with the skills to analyse human behaviour and social interaction, related courses including equity valuation and investment in specific asset
as well as to solve problems in the financial sphere. classes e.g. private equity, venture capital and hedge funds, understanding
of financial statements and doing financial analysis, lending and credit in
BEcon&Fin Curriculum Structure private wealth and corporate bank, financial regulations and compliance,
Components Credits current issues in finance, institutional consulting and family office. The
A. University Graduation Requirements 54 programme contains practical-oriented courses taught by teachers with
Language Enhancement Courses 18 extensive experience in the finance industry and offers an array of career-
Common Core Curriculum 36 oriented enrichment activities and networking opportunities with industry
Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University - practitioners.
B. Major in Economics and Finance 96
Faculty Core Courses 24 BFin(AMPB) Curriculum Structure
Disciplinary Core Courses 42 Components Credits
Economics Disciplinary Electives 12 A. University Graduation Requirements 54
Finance Disciplinary Electives 12 Language Enhancement Courses 18
Capstone Course 6 Common Core Curriculum 36
C. Free Electives / Optional Major / Optional Minor(s) 90 Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
Total 240 B. Major in Asset Management and Private Banking 96
Faculty Core Courses 24
Disciplinary Core Courses 54
Find out more: Disciplinary Electives 12
Capstone Course 6
C. Free Electives / Optional Major / Optional Minor(s) 90
Total 240
HKU - Peking University “Future Leaders” Dual Bachelor’s
Degree in Economics, Finance and Management
Students will spend the first two years at HKU and the third and fourth years at Peking Find out more:
University (PKU). The programme combines the strengths of two leading business schools
in Hong Kong and Mainland China and is designed to nurture first-class business leaders
and cultivate their global perspective with intimate understanding of China.
Upon successful completion of the dual degree programme, students will be awarded a
Bachelor of Economics and Finance (BEcon&Fin) degree from HKU and a Bachelor of
Management [BMgmt] degree from PKU.
12 13
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
6846 and Technology [BSc(MAT)] 6884 [BSc(QFin)]
Marketing is critical to all businesses. It dictates whether a company will BSc(QFin) is a premium finance programme. Built on a solid foundation in
be successful. Technology, Big Data, and digitization are fundamentally economics and finance, the programme equips students with the essential
changing how marketers operate. The BSc(MAT) programme equips students quant skills, including mathematics, statistics, and programming, that are
with quantitative skills, technology know-how, and business marketing required in more advanced and sophisticated analyses, such as valuation
acumen to pursue a career in the digital economy and modern businesses. models of structured products, risk management, simulation and data
It targets both STEM students with an interest in business as well as analysis, financial engineering, and quantitative trading.
business students interested in the technology space. Students will gain
a solid foundation in cutting-edge technical areas including computer The programme goes beyond merely equipping students with quant skills.
programming, data science, and technology by excelling in courses from the More importantly, it stresses on combining these skills with an understanding
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science. In addition, students will of the financial markets, the macro environment, and the practical situations
master digital business, marketing and leadership through courses at the where financial managers work, with a balanced mix of quant and business
HKU Business School. This interdisciplinary approach will enable students courses. To nurture students’ soft skills and market acumen, the programme
to engage in a variety of jobs and functions such as the design and launch provides a wide range of value-enhancing activities, such as Round Tables
of new technology products, targeting consumers, digital marketing, forecast with Practitioners, Alumni Drinks, Executive Mentorship Scheme, Bloomberg
and predicting markets, and building a technology-focused strategy. The training workshops, simulation trading workshops, and an international field
programme aims to nurture future leaders in the field of technology and trip to other international financial centres such as New York, London
marketing who are able to use the latest technology, science, and data and Zurich.
analytics to support business and marketing decisions in the digital world.
BSc(QFin) Curriculum Structure
BSc(MAT) Curriculum Structure
Components Credits
Components Credits A. University Graduation Requirements 54
A. University Graduation Requirements 54 Language Enhancement Courses 18
Language Enhancement Courses 18 Common Core Curriculum 36
Common Core Curriculum 36 Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University -
Non-Credit Bearing Courses as required by the University - B. Major in Quantitative Finance 96
B. Major in Marketing Analytics and Technology 96 Faculty Core Courses 24
Faculty Core Courses 24 Disciplinary Core Courses 54
Disciplinary Core Courses 42 Disciplinary Electives 12
Disciplinary Electives (Marketing Technology and Strategy) 12 Capstone Course 6
Disciplinary Electives (Marketing Analytics) 12 C. Free Electives / Optional Major / Optional Minor(s) 90
Capstone Course 6 Total 240
C. Free Electives / Optional Major / Optional Minor(s) 90
Total 240
14 15
Enrich Your Life International Field Trips
To enhance students’ exposure to global businesses, the School organises overseas field trips
for students to spend a week visiting corporate firms and mingling with practitioners in some
HKU Business School encourages students to initiate and act upon ideas, both within of the world’s most prominent financial centres, e.g. Singapore, Zurich, New York City
the campus and beyond, as it is this real world interaction that makes us unique. Outside and London.
classroom learning experiences beyond the realm of academia help students gain
appreciation for social interaction, cultural diversity and intellectual collaboration, which Visiting Programmes
contributes to their personal, interpersonal and social development as global citizens, Through the Yale Visiting International Student Programme, students are sent to spend a
lifelong learners as well as business leaders. year at Yale University where they actively engage themselves in a multicultural society. With
the generosity of the donors, some of our students are selected for the Junior Year Abroad
Programme to study as visiting students at Pembroke College of University of Oxford and
University of Cambridge with substantial scholarships. The intellectual ambience of these top
Overseas Enrichment Experiences universities is truly inspirational and conducive to learning.
National University of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
University of Sydney
Monash University
16 17
Student Sharing Kejriwal, Anoushka | BEcon&Fin Year 5
Exchange in King’s College London, (United Kingdom), 2021-22
KCL is a school that is highly ranked in both Economics and Finance, and
Liu, Jingru | BBA(Law)&LLB Year 5 it offered me all the courses which are essential to completing my double
International Committee of the Red Cross Traineeship, 2021-22 major. The uniqueness of the programmes offered is KCL’s emphasis on
My traineeship at the ICRC is an adventure that opened the doors to a collaboration, innovation, and creativity, where I received the opportunity
world that was not accessible to me before. The ICRC with its unique to learn from courses taught by some of the top professors. My interactions
mandate and authoritative status in the humanitarian field opens doors to with a diverse set of people exposed me to different cultures, which helped
many positions in the international relations, diplomacy, and politics field. me embrace both our similarities and differences. Participating in the Business
Further, the strong culture at the ICRC to learn on the job and an emphasis exchange programme did provide me with the greatest stories, most cherished memories,
on operational reality set itself apart from other similar organizations in and countless irreplaceable learnings.
Geneva. The real sufferings and issues often emerge quickly from the field
and get directly translated into concrete plans and actions.
Shum, Tsz Ching Cynthia | BFin(AMPB) Year 5
Exchange in University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2021-22
I am so glad to have joined the Business Exchange Programme this
Sun, Ruohan | BSc(QFin) Year 3
semester despite uncertain pandemic situations. This exchange opportunity
The Virtual Business Professional (VBP)
is one of the most meaningful and eye-opening experiences throughout my
I really enjoyed the VBP project and learnt a lot in this experience. Not university education. Not only do I experience learning at UvA and living in
only did I make lots of new friends from different countries, but I also the Netherlands, but also broaden my horizons and bring inspiration for my
developed the skills required for better teamwork, communication and personal growth. Such international exposure has enhanced my competitive
problem-solving, as well as strengthening my leadership skills. edge when I have to interact with people from all sorts of backgrounds in the future.
18 19
Corporate Exposure
HKU Business School has a strong tie with corporate partners. To nurture students’ business Wong, Wai Laam | BBA(Law)&LLB Year 2
and market acumen, enrichment programmes are organised through the joint efforts of Venture into Future Career (VFC) Programme 2021-22
corporate partnerships. Venture into Future Career (VFC) has invited seasoned leaders from
different industries. They have given a lot of inspiring comments to us
Enrichment Programmes in collaboration with Corporate Partners in order to be more equipped and competitive for job applications in
HKU Business School has been collaborating with corporate partners on initiatives to the future.
spice up students’ career exploring journey. The partnership with Accenture enables
students to gain insights into business consulting through the HKU-Accenture Business
Consulting Programme.
Chong, Tsz Yen Hayley | BBA Year 3
“Venture into Future Career” has also been rolled out since 2020-21 in collaboration HKU-Accenture Business Consulting Programme 2021-22 –
with Cyberport and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Students are given One Day Programme
a platform to mingle with professionals from different industries via a series of activities I really enjoyed the one-day workshop given by Accenture professionals
like coffee chats and guest talks. This definitely helps students explore their career as they went into detail about having a career in consulting. They also
choices and sort out their career direction. dived into topics such as Web3.0 and sustainability for businesses. This
made me more certain about beginning my career in consulting.
HKU Business School Mentorship Programme
Leveraging the School’s extensive network in the business and finance industry, we
have developed our own mentorship programme to furnish students with opportunities
to enhance their skills and knowledge essential for their future career development.
Through direct and active interaction with seasoned professionals, executives and
entrepreneurs, our students are empowered to connect to the real business world. Chu, Tsoi Yan | BBA(IBGM) Year 4
HKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2021-22
My mentor is an all-rounded entrepreneur who devotes effort to
care about the community and the environment. During our first
lunch meeting and several online communications, she has shared
her career stories with me and has been able to give me invaluable
advice on career planning, school-life balance and extracurricular
enrichment. I am grateful for my mentor’s wise words.
20 21
Experiential Learning Programmes Ling, Haoning | BEcon&Fin Year 4
Business Consulting Practicum 2022
In BCP, we are provided with precious chances to attend training provided
Experiential learning is also embedded in our course curriculum. Business Consulting
by professionals, work as consultants of corporates and gain valuable advice
Practicum offers business and economics students hands-on experience of working with from mentors. This programme allows us to practice the skills learnt and
business clients in solving “real-life” problems relating to their studies. Impact Lab gives achieve personal growth.
students an excellent opportunity to work directly for social ventures under the guidance of
a teacher and professional mentors.
An intensive academic and cultural exchange experience, Doing Business in China, is offered
to students where they can interact with peers from Peking University. China Business Sesthapiyanon, Petaum Phoebe | BBA Year 3
and Economics Programme is a credit-bearing learning activity in partnership with Fudan Business Consulting Practicum 2022
University for students to learn about the rapid economic development of China firsthand. An extremely intensive programme with hands-on experience and a
Students can experience the spirit of entrepreneurship and taste a different culture through supportive mentor and client. Highly recommend this course to those who
our collaborative programme, Entrepreneurship in China, with Zhejiang University. Students want to explore more about business and consulting.
can also acquire an in-depth understanding of the development and latest trend of the
economics, finance, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the fast-growing Greater
Bay Area by joining the Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in China Programme.
22 23
Case Competitions Students’ achievements in case competitions (2020-2022 awards)
The School provides ample opportunities to refine students’ presentation and analytical skills Overseas/Mainland
through a myriad of local as well as overseas competitions. From training to delicate analysis Amplify Trading Global Markets Competition 2021 Top 10
of business cases, students are equipped with different skillsets to compete with candidates Top 25
Best Pitch Deck Award
from the world’s leading universities.
Amplify Trading Global Markets Competition 2022 Finalists
CGMA Global Business Challenge 2021 – Final (North Asia) Awards of Commendations,
Yeung, Yui Pong | BBA(Law)&LLB Year 4
Future Business Leader Award
Scotiabank International Case Competition 2022 (Winner)
Deloitte Tax Championship 2021 Finalist Team
The experience was eye-opening. It was fascinating to observe the
EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2022 – National round The Champion
variety of perspectives and approaches to resolving complicated business
problems. I was especially inspired by the detailedness of strategies Häagen Dazs Challenge 1st Prize
developed by other good-performing participating students. Hult Prize 2021 Challenge – Regional Final in Manila Winner
International Business Agility Labs: Accounting Winner
International Business Agility Labs: Supply Chain Winner
Lui, On Ni | BBA(Law)&LLB Year 5 Management Finalist
EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2022 Joint University Algo FX Trading Challenge 2021 3rd Place in Best Return
(The Champion, National Competition) 2nd Place in Best Strategy Design
This Challenge involves the navigation of international tax to formulate Lazaridis International Case Conference 2020 Team Spirit Award
creative approaches to boost our clients’ tax efficiency, which entails our Scotiabank International Case Competition 2022 Winner
role as future qualified tax advisors to understand tax regulations and Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge 2020 Winner of Division
treaties from the inside out so as to take full advantage of all available tax
UW x HKU Business School Virtual Global Case Competition Champion team
structures and breaks. I’m particularly thankful for the advice given by my 2nd Runner-up
faculty advisor Dr. Christina Ng and my EY mentor Ms. Ada Ma! 3rd Runner-up
People’s Choice Award
World Asian Case Competition 2021 Top 10 winners
Sulaiman, Aurell | BSc(QFin) Year 3 Honorable Mentions Award
J.P. Morgan Private Bank Challenge 2022 (Hong Kong Champion, APAC Finalist)
This Challenge was so far the most rewarding experience I ever had.
Through the hypothetical case study, my team and I gained exposure to
the Global Private Bank business by devising a tactical asset allocation 6th Joint University Investment Game Champion in the category of
and managing client relationships. We also had the opportunity to receive “Stocks”
a very insightful mentorship from J.P Morgan’s professionals that inspired ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2020-21 2nd Runner-up
me to pursue a career in private banking. I am ultimately grateful for the Merit Award
academic support given by HKU that helped me and my team win the title Digital Excellence Award
of Hong Kong Champion in the competition. Research Excellence Award
BOCHK Challenge 2021-22 Gold Award for Innovative Design
Business Administration Paper 2021 Sponsored by UBS 1st Runner-up
Lai, Hiu Chi Emily | BBA(IBGM) Year 2 CGMA Global Business Challenge 2021 – Semi-Final Champion
BOCHK Challenge 2021-22 (Gold Award for Innovative Design) (Hong Kong) Finalist
Bank of China (Hong Kong) has organized the competition to fully explore EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2021 2nd Prize Winner
and unlock the potential and talents of youngsters and create groundbreaking EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2022 – Hong Kong The Champion
business models with innovative technological solutions. The theme of the Region First Runner-up
competition this year covered five of the most trending technologies in the Finalists
market. By applying these technologies to the financial industry, we strive to
improve customer experience and operational efficiency.
24 25
HKCGI Corporate Governance Paper Competition and Paper Writing Competition: Internship Experience
Presentation Awards 2021 1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
Paper Presentation Competition: Mong, Wai Yin | BBA Graduate, Class of 2022
Best Presentation Award & Standard Chartered – Wealth Management Internship
Audience’s Favourite Team Award
I worked in the Wealth Management division at Standard Chartered,
HKGCC Business Case Competition 2020 Champion – Great Eagle Group gaining exposure to daily operations, driving end-to-end trade execution
Champion – NEC and expanding my professional network. It was a fruitful experience, taking
2nd Runner-up – NWS ownership of the business initiatives and receiving valuable feedback.
HKGCC Business Case Competition 2021 Citibank – Champion Grateful to the School for the training and job-hunting materials!
Citibank – 1st Runner-up
Citibank – 2nd Runner-up
DHL – 2nd Runner-up
Great Eagle Group – Champion Mak, Ho Kei | BBA(Acc&Fin) Graduate, Class of 2022
Great Eagle Group – 1st Runner-up HSBC – Summer Analyst, Markets & Securities Services
NWS – Champion
NWS – 2nd Runner-up My time at HSBC Securities Services has been absolutely fascinating and
PwC – Champion eye-opening by working side by side with the teams on regional strategy
PwC – 1st Runner-up and product development projects. Also, the networking opportunities
Sino Group – 1st Runner-up with seniors there have offered me first-hand insights into the securities
HKICPA Business Case Competition 2020 Merit Team services industry landscape and trends.
1st Runner-up
HKICPA Business Case Competition 2021 First Runner-up
Finalist team
Go, Kayuki | BBA(Acc&Fin) Graduate, Class of 2022
HKSI Institute Case Competition 2022 Finalist
Top Performer Award J.P. Morgan – Summer Analyst, Corporate Analyst Development Programme
Best ESG Initiative Award The internship was definitely one of the highlights of my university life. The
HKU Business Case Challenge 2020 Champion skills and knowledge I’ve gained not only helped me develop professionally
1st Runner-up but also personally, as it taught me how to be a better communicator and
2nd Runner-up gave me confidence in managing my interpersonal relationships.
Hong Kong Joint University Case Competition 2022 Champion
2nd Runner-up
Hong Kong Shared Good Values Case Competition 2021 Champion Tsao, Wing Sze | BBA(IBGM) Year 4
HKU-Neuberger Berman Private Equity Internship Programme 2021-22
Hult Prize@HKU 2021 Winner
1st Runner-upv I was one of the Private Equity Interns last fall semester, during which I
International Macro Business Simulation Competition Champion mainly conduct market and industry research, assisted in due diligence
2022 analysis and client requests. I am genuinely grateful to have worked in
2022 J.P. Morgan Private Bank Challenge Hong Kong Champion, a lean and highly approachable team since I was given more hands-on
APAC Finalist project exposure and gained professional investment perspectives, and
more importantly, developed a good rapport with the team.
KPMG Ideation Challenge Semi-Final (Hong Kong Winner
Regional Final)
L’Oréal Brandstorm – Brandstorm 2022 (Hong Kong Final) L’Oréal Brandstorm – Hong Kong
Tech Track Winner Cheung, Lok Wan | BBA Year 3
MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Champion Deutsche Bank – PWMA Pilot Apprenticeship Programme 2022
Competition 2021 1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up Working in Deutsche Bank as a private banking summer intern is a fruitful
2nd Runner-up of Adventure Game and rewarding experience to leverage my skills and unlock the power of
3rd Runner-up of Grand Final Game investing. The future of banking is yours to explore, enrich and embrace.
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Internship Experience Our Student Scholars
Yeung, Easy | BFin(AMPB) Year 3
Bhatnagar, Pradyu | BEcon Year 5
Bank of Singapore – PWMA Pilot Apprenticeship Programme 2022
Recipient of FBE Student Leadership Award 2021-22
I rotated within the Product Management Group, mainly focusing
The past few years in HKU have been remarkable in terms of being able
on alternative investment, lending credit, and discretionary portfolio
to meet diverse people and gaining access to several opportunities. The
management. I am involved in switching weekly ideas regarding fund
support from the HKU Business School means a lot and has played a
selection for FO and various client events. This internship gave me great
strong role in my journey.
exposure to the whole private banking industry.
Li, Danyi | BBA(Acc&Fin) Graduate, Class of 2022 Chen, Ying Hei Helena | BBA(IBGM) Year 4
UBS – PWMA Pilot Apprenticeship Programme 2022 Recipient of Louisa Cheang Inspiration Scholarship 2021-22
My two-year apprenticeship at UBS greatly deepened my understanding Being awarded the Louisa Cheang Inspiration Scholarship greatly motivates
of the global wealth management industry. We attended on-the-job me in diversified aspects – not only has it recognised my continuous
shadowing within the private client’s team, participated in the client commitment to leadership and community service, but propelled me further
acquisition meetings in the Greater Bay area, and presented the circle one to pursue excellence in future endeavours and continue inspiring others.
group project with other summer interns to the Co-head of APAC. At UBS,
we always get the opportunity to meet people from different fields who are
willing to share their insights and suggestions.
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2023 JUPAS Admission
Admissions criteria (HKDSE)
For BEcon/BEcon&Fin, BBA, BBA(Acc&Fin)/BBA(ADA) and BFin(AMPB)
Local candidates applying on the strength of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
(HKDSE) are required to fulfil the minimum entrance requirements as shown below:
(A) Level 4 or above in English Language; (D) Level 2 or above in Liberal Studies; and
(B) Level 3 or above in Chinese Language1; (E) Level 3 or above in two Elective Subjects.
(C) Level 3 or above in Mathematics;
BBA(BA)/BSc(MAT) – Level 3 or above in one of the following subjects: Click here for an update
Level 5 or
Level 4 or above
BBA(IBGM) above in English
& in Mathematics
Level 3 or above in
BSc(QFin) M1 / M2 Extended Module 1 or 2 of
For details of the 2023 JUPAS exercise, please visit
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2023 Non-JUPAS Admission University and Programme Entrance Requirements
Due to the complex combination of education background of applicants, each application will
be assessed individually on its own merits. Non-JUPAS applicants are advised to refer to the
Selection process and entrance requirements standards and requirements on the website of the Admissions Office of the University before
making an application:
(1) Local students applying for admission on qualifications other than the HKDSE (1) Admissions standards (International Qualifications or National Qualifications);
examination; (2) Programme specific requirements;
(2) Non-Local students with qualifications other than the mainland China’s National (3) English language requirement; and
Joint College Entrance Examination (NJCEE/Gao Kao) (4) Second language requirement (i.e. any language other than English).
Application Procedures From past experience, candidates with the following predicted grades or scores are more
All non-JUPAS applications should be submitted via the online application system by likely to make a competitive application*:
noon of November 16, 2022 (Hong Kong Time) for the first round evaluation. Scanned
copies of the following documents should also be uploaded by the application deadline. Programme GCE/International A-Level International Baccalaureate
(1) Official prediction of grades or scores from your current high school (if available); BBA
(2) All internal and public examination results during your senior secondary education;
BBA(BA) AAB or better 33 or better
and BEcon/BEcon&Fin
(3) At least one academic reference letter BSc(MAT)
Late submission of supporting documents will delay the consideration of application. BBA(Law)&LLB
A*A*A or better 38 or better
Shortlisted applicants for BSc(QFin) will be interviewed; optional interviews for other BSc(QFin)
programmes will be arranged if necessary.
* The predicted grades/scores are provided for reference only. Admission is competitive in nature which will
be dependent on the overall quality of applications received in the 2023 admissions exercise.
Announcement of Result
Offer results will be released from around January 2023 onwards. All application status will be
updated in the online application system. Applicants should check their application status
online regularly.
More Details
For further information about the application procedures and admissions
standards, please visit the Admissions Office’s website at
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Develop Your Career Freshmen Sharing
Upon graduation, over 90% of our students begin their careers in the commerce and industry
HKU is a leading university with global recognition that provides
sector. Others either move on to further studies or explore opportunities with the civil service,
countless opportunities, be it internship programmes, student
education institutions and community/social services.
exchange programmes, real corporate projects, or networking
activities. Studying at HKU Business School is a solid investment
Career Prospects for my future, and studying accounting and finance will allow me to
pursue my solid plan to seek a leadership job in the financial sector
Companies/organisations that have offered full-time positions to our graduates include but not while thriving in today’s interconnected world with constant changes.
limited to the following: So far, HKU Business School has been a supportive and positive
environment that allows me to explore different opportunities. I am
eager to take on new challenges and experiences awaiting me in my Kim, Su Jin
• Accenture Company Limited • Hang Seng Bank Limited
undergraduate journey. BBA(Acc&Fin)
• Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited • HKSAR Government
• BDO International Limited • Hong Kong Monetary Authority
• Bloomberg L.P. • JPMorgan Chase & Co.
• Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited • KPMG
• Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank • Morgan Stanley
• Credit Suisse Group AG • PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited As an immensely diversified community with elites from different
• Deloitte Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited • Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited cultures and backgrounds, I believe HKU is the best place for
• Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited • The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking me to go global. Going global enables me to integrate into a more
• Deutsche Bank Corporation Limited (HSBC) distinguished and competitive individual through gaining insight
• Ernst & Young • UBS Group AG from my fellow talented opponents. In consonance with the objective
• Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC of my curriculum, ‘international’ is a distinctive feature for both
IBGM and HKU Business School. I look forward to a myriad of
internship and overseas exchange opportunities soon, which may
broaden my exposure and allow me to view the world in a more
holistic view.
Full employment (98.7%) for the
$30,197 71% Yeung, Cheuk Huen
16 th
was the average salary of
our 2021 graduates
of our 2021 graduates
have received at least 2
consecutive year
job offers upon graduation
34 35
The notion of working with researchers at the cutting edge of the
I chose HKU and HKU Business School because of its high teaching
field in HKU along with students from various national and cultural
quality, excellent reputation and abundant resources. In the context
backgrounds is an exciting experience that I am looking forward to
of the rich business market in Hong Kong, HKU Business School
which led to my ultimate decision in studying at HKU. Moreover,
provides a good platform for me to learn more about the industry and
HKU offers this unique dual degree programme with PKU that covers
accumulate experience in the future. I am also looking forward to
Economics, Finance and Management, offering us the opportunity to
participating in many industry-related networking activities provided
study at the most prestigious universities in Asia. In the foreseeable
by AMPB. Last but not least, a variety of societies in HKU let me
future, there is a lot of room for rapid growth in China and
can’t wait to join them!
throughout Asia, therefore HKU offers the perfect stepping stone to a
future career in Economics in Asia.
Hong, Isabel
Dong, Christina W Y
BEcon&Fin (HKU-PKU
“Future Leaders”
Dual Bachelor’s Degree)
36 37
Exciting Developments
The Pokfield Campus:
Our future home
38 39
Useful Websites
The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
• Undergraduate Admissions
Please kindly note the following revision to the Undergraduate Brochure 2023 (changes are marked in bold italics). Thank
you for your attention.
Page 30
The entrance requirements of the 6846 Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology [BSc(MAT)] programme
have been revised as follows:
Other Requirements
Level 3 or above in Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 or 2) is preferred (but not required).
October 2022