Phyp211 - Week 3

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WEEK 3- COMMUNICATION AND SYNAPSES • Sherrington also noticed that several small
THE CONCEPT OF THE SYNAPSE stimuli on a similar location produced a
• Neurons communicate by transmitting reflex when a single stimuli did not
chemicals at junctions, called “synapses” • This led to the idea of spatial summation
• In 1906, Charles Scott Sherrington or that synaptic input from several
physiologically demonstrated that locations can have a cumulative effect and
communication between one neuron and trigger a nerve Impulse
the next differs from communication along • Spatial summation is critical to brain
a single axon. functioning
• He inferred a specialized gap between • Each neuron receives many incoming
neurons and introduced the term synapse. axons that frequently produce
• Sherrington’s discovery was an amazing synchronized responses
feat of scientific reasoning, as he used • Temporal summation and spatial
behavioral observations to infer the major summation ordinarily occur together
properties of synapses half a century • The order of a series of axons influences
before researchers had the technology to the results
measure those properties directly INHIBITORY SYNAPSES
PROPERTIES OF SYNAPSES Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) Occurs
Sherrington observed several properties of when synaptic input selectively opens the gates
reflexes that suggest special processes at the for potassium ions to leave the cell (carrying a
junctions between neurons: positive charge with them) or for chloride ions to
(1) Reflexes are slower than conduction along an enter the cell (carrying a negative charge).
axon. • Serves as an active “brake” that
(2) Several weak stimuli presented at nearby suppresses excitation
places or times produce a stronger reflex than
one stimulus alone does.
(3) When one set of muscles becomes excited, a
different set becomes relaxed.

- The circuit from sensory neuron to muscle

response is called a reflex arc.

Sherrington found that repeated stimuli within a
brief time have a cumulative effect. He referred
to this phenomenon as temporal summation,
meaning summation over time.
- Repeated stimuli can have a cumulative
effect and can produce a nerve impulse
when a single stimuli is too weak
• Presynaptic neuron: neuron that
delivers the synaptic transmission
• Postsynaptic neuron: neuron that
receives the message
• Excitatory postsynaptic potential
(EPSP): graded potential that decays over
time and space
• The cumulative effect of EPSPs are the
basis for temporal and spatial summation

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